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Biochemical and structural studies of fragments of the ectodomain of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp41 transmembrane envelope glycoprotein have demonstrated that the molecular contacts between alpha helices allow the formation of a trimeric coiled coil. By introducing cysteine residues into specific locations along these alpha helices, the normally labile HIV-1 gp160 envelope glycoprotein was converted into a stable disulfide-linked oligomer. Although proteolytic cleavage into gp120 and gp41 glycoproteins was largely blocked, the disulfide-linked oligomer was efficiently transported to the cell surface and was recognized by a series of conformationally dependent antibodies. The pattern of hetero-oligomer formation between this construct and an analogous construct lacking portions of the gp120 variable loops and of the gp41 cytoplasmic tail demonstrates that these oligomers are trimers. These results support the relevance of the proposed gp41 structure and intersubunit contacts to the native, complete HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein. Disulfide-mediated stabilization of the labile HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein oligomer, which has been suggested to possess advantages as an immunogen, may assist attempts to develop vaccines.  相似文献   

Shibo Jiang  Kang Lin    Min Lu 《Journal of virology》1998,72(12):10213-10217
The gp41 subunit of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein plays a major role in the membrane fusion step of viral infection. The ectodomain of gp41 contains a six-helix structural domain that likely represents the core of the fusion-active conformation of the molecule. A monoclonal antibody (MAb), designated NC-1, was generated and cloned from a mouse immunized with the model polypeptide N36(L6)C34, which folds into a stable six-helix bundle. NC-1 binds specifically to both the α-helical core domain and the oligomeric forms of gp41. This conformation-dependent reactivity is dramatically reduced by point mutations within the N-terminal coiled-coil region of gp41 which impede formation of the gp41 core. NC-1 binds to the surfaces of HIV-1-infected cells only in the presence of soluble CD4. These results indicate that NC-1 is capable of reacting with fusion-active gp41 in a conformation-specific manner and can be used as a valuable biological reagent for studying the receptor-induced conformational changes in gp41 required for membrane fusion and HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) entry into cells is mediated by a trimeric complex consisting of noncovalently associated gp120 (exterior) and gp41 (transmembrane) envelope glycoproteins. The binding of gp120 to receptors on the target cell alters the gp120-gp41 relationship and activates the membrane-fusing capacity of gp41. Interaction of gp120 with the primary receptor, CD4, results in the exposure of the gp120 third variable (V3) loop, which contributes to binding the CCR5 or CXCR4 chemokine receptors. We show here that insertions in the V3 stem or polar substitutions in a conserved hydrophobic patch near the V3 tip result in decreased gp120-gp41 association (in the unliganded state) and decreased chemokine receptor binding (in the CD4-bound state). Subunit association and syncytium-forming ability of the envelope glycoproteins from primary HIV-1 isolates were disrupted more by V3 changes than those of laboratory-adapted HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins. Changes in the gp120 β2, β19, β20, and β21 strands, which evidence suggests are proximal to the V3 loop in unliganded gp120, also resulted in decreased gp120-gp41 association. Thus, a gp120 element composed of the V3 loop and adjacent beta strands contributes to quaternary interactions that stabilize the unliganded trimer. CD4 binding dismantles this element, altering the gp120-gp41 relationship and rendering the hydrophobic patch in the V3 tip available for chemokine receptor binding.The entry of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is mediated by the viral envelope glycoproteins (9, 79). The HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins are synthesized as an ∼850-amino acid precursor, which trimerizes and is posttranslationally modified by carbohydrates to create a 160-kDa glycoprotein (gp160). The gp160 envelope glycoprotein precursor is proteolytically processed in the Golgi apparatus, resulting in a gp120 exterior envelope glycoprotein and a gp41 transmembrane envelope glycoprotein (16, 17, 66, 76). In the mature HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimer, the three gp120 subunits are noncovalently bound to three membrane-anchored gp41 subunits (32).HIV-1 entry involves the binding of gp120 in a sequential fashion to CD4 and one of the chemokine receptors, CCR5 or CXCR4 (1, 8, 15, 18, 25, 36). CD4 binding triggers the formation of an activated intermediate that is competent for binding to CCR5 or CXCR4 (29, 69, 73, 78). These chemokine receptors are G protein-coupled, 7-transmembrane segment receptors with relatively short N termini. The choice of chemokine receptors is dictated primarily by the sequence of a gp120 region, the third variable (V3) loop, that exhibits variability among HIV-1 strains and becomes exposed upon CD4 binding (4, 8, 10, 33, 37, 38, 49, 59, 75). X-ray crystal structures of CD4-bound HIV-1 gp120 have revealed that the gp120 “core” consists of a gp41-interactive inner domain, a surface-exposed and heavily glycosylated outer domain, and a conformationally flexible bridging sheet (38, 43, 79). In the CD4-bound state, the V3 loop projects 30 Å from the gp120 core, toward the chemokine receptor (38). The V3 loop in these structures consists of three elements: (i) conserved antiparallel β strands that contain a disulfide bond at the base of the loop; (ii) a conformationally flexible stem; and (iii) a conserved tip (37, 38). During the virus entry process, the base of the gp120 V3 loop and elements of the bridging sheet interact with the CCR5 N terminus, which is acidic and contains sulfotyrosine residues (12-14, 23, 24). Sulfotyrosine 14 of CCR5 is thought to insert into a highly conserved pocket near the V3 base, driving further conformational rearrangements that result in the rigidification of the V3 stem (37). The conserved β-turn at the tip of the V3 loop, along with some residues in the V3 stem, is believed to bind the “body” of CCR5, i.e., the extracellular loops and membrane-spanning helices. CCR5 binding is thought to induce further conformational changes in the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins, leading to the fusion of the viral and target cell membranes by the gp41 transmembrane envelope glycoproteins.CCR5 binding involves two points of contact with the gp120 V3 loop: (i) the CCR5 N terminus with the V3 base and (ii) the CCR5 body with the V3 tip and distal stem (12-14, 23, 24, 37, 38). The intervening V3 stem can tolerate greater conformational and sequence variation, features that might decrease HIV-1 susceptibility to host antibodies (30). Despite amino acid variation, the length of the V3 loop is well conserved among naturally occurring group M (major group) HIV-1 strains (30, 42). This conserved length may be important for aligning the two CCR5-binding elements of the V3 loop. In addition to allowing optimal CCR5 binding, the conserved V3 length and orientation may be important for CCR5 binding to exert effects on the conformation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins. We examine here the consequences of introducing extra amino acid residues into the V3 stem. The residues were introduced either into both strands of the V3 loop, attempting to preserve the symmetry of the structure, or into one of the strands, thereby kinking the loop. The effects of these changes on assembly, stability, receptor binding, and the membrane-fusing capacity of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins were assessed. In addition to effects on chemokine receptor binding, unexpected disruption of gp120-gp41 association was observed. Further investigation revealed a conserved patch in the tip of the V3 loop that is important for the association of gp120 with the trimeric envelope glycoprotein complex, as well as for chemokine receptor binding. Apparently, the V3 loop and adjacent gp120 structures contribute to the stability of the trimer in the unliganded HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins. These structures are known to undergo rearrangement upon CD4 binding, suggesting their involvement in receptor-induced changes in the virus entry process.  相似文献   

In efforts to develop AIDS vaccine components, we generated combinatorial libraries of recombinant human rhinoviruses that display the well-conserved ELDKWA epitope of the membrane-proximal external region of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp41. The broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibody 2F5 was used to select for viruses whose ELDKWA conformations resemble those of HIV. Immunization of guinea pigs with different chimeras, some boosted with ELDKWA-based peptides, elicited antibodies capable of neutralizing HIV-1 pseudoviruses of diverse subtypes and coreceptor usages. These recombinant immunogens are the first reported that elicit broad, albeit modest, neutralization of HIV-1 using an ELDKWA-based epitope and are among the few reported that elicit broad neutralization directed against any recombinant HIV epitope, providing a critical advance in developing effective AIDS vaccine components.The development of an AIDS vaccine is an ongoing and urgent challenge. One of the major hurdles is that the specific correlates of protection against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are still largely unknown. Nonetheless, most agree that the full complement of cellular and humoral components of the immune system will be needed to combat this virus. This is especially true given that the virus resides permanently in its host, infects the very cells needed to direct effective immune responses, and evades the immune system, either by changing in appearance or hiding in subcellular compartments.A broadly reactive neutralizing antibody response is likely to be critical as a first line of defense upon initial HIV exposure by aiding in the clearance of cell-free virions, targeting infected cells for destruction, and preventing viral spread through cell-to-cell transmission. The presence of inhibitory antibodies in highly exposed persistently seronegative individuals testifies to the importance of the humoral response (9, 37). Additionally, broadly neutralizing serum has been associated with healthier prognoses for infected individuals (27, 65) and may be vital for protecting offspring from their infected mothers (7, 79) and preventing superinfection by heterologous HIV strains (23, 84). Even if complete protection cannot be achieved by vaccine-derived antibodies, an early, well-poised and effective neutralizing antibody repertoire may be able to lower the set point of the viral load following the initial burst of viremia, an outcome that has been reported to translate into improved disease outcomes and reduced transmission of HIV (66, 74). Further benefits of neutralizing antibodies have been seen with passive immunization studies in macaques, in which administration of broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) has demonstrated that it is possible to provide protection from—and even sterilizing immunity against—HIV infection (5, 51, 66). There is also evidence that such antibodies may provide therapeutic benefits for chronically infected individuals, analogous to benefits realized with anti-HIV drug treatment regimens (87).Despite the promising potential of broadly neutralizing MAbs, designing immunogens that can elicit such cross-reactive neutralizing responses against HIV has been a surprisingly difficult task. Since the majority of the host''s B-cell response is directed against the envelope (Env) glycoproteins, gp120 and gp41, vaccine efforts have concentrated on these proteins and derivatives thereof in approaches ranging from the use of Env-based peptide cocktails to recombinant proteins and DNAs made with varied or consensus sequences and diverse, heterologous prime/protein boost regimens (reviewed in references 36, 58, and 70). These iterative studies have shown notable improvements in the potency and breadth of neutralizing responses induced. However, concerns exist regarding immunogens containing extraneous epitopes, as is the case with intact subunits of Env, and the nature of the immune responses they may elicit. A polyclonal burst of antibodies against a multitude of nonfunctional epitopes may include a predominance of antibodies that are (i) low affinity and/or nonfunctional (reviewed in reference 72); (ii) isolate specific (25); (iii) able to interfere with the neutralizing capabilities of otherwise-effective antibodies (via steric hindrance or by inducing various forms of B-cell pathology) (67); or (iv) directed against irrelevant epitopes instead of more conserved (and sometimes concealed) epitopes that might be able to elicit more potent and cross-reactive neutralizing responses (28, 71, 91).We have developed a system that can be used to present essentially any chosen epitope in a stable, well-exposed manner on the surface of the cold-causing human rhinovirus (HRV). HRV is itself a powerful immunogen and is able to elicit T-cell as well as serum and mucosal B-cell responses (reviewed by Couch [22]) and has minimal immunologic similarity to HIV (data not shown). Chimeric viruses displaying optimal epitopes should be able to serve as valuable components in an effective vaccine cocktail or as part of a heterologous prime/boost protocol. We have shown previously that HRV chimeric viruses displaying HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop sequences are able to elicit neutralizing responses against HIV-1 (75, 82, 83).In this study, we focused our attention on presenting part of the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of the transmembrane glycoprotein gp41, a region of approximately 30 amino acids adjacent to the transmembrane domain (reviewed in references 59 and 97). The MPER plays an important role in the process of HIV fusion to the host cell membrane (60, 78). This region is also involved in binding to galactosylceramide, an important component of cell membranes, thus permitting CD4-independent transcytosis of the virus across epithelial cells at mucosal surfaces (1, 2). These functions likely explain this region''s sequence conservation and the efficacy of antibodies directed against the MPER (97), particularly given that an estimated 80% of HIV-1 infections are sexually transmitted at mucosal membranes. In fact, potent responses against the MPER are associated with stronger and broader neutralizing capabilities in infected individuals (68). A conserved, contiguous sequence of the MPER, the ELDKWA epitope (HIV-1 HxB2 gp41 residues 662 to 668), is recognized by the particularly broadly neutralizing human MAb 2F5 (11, 62, 85) and is highly resistant to escape mutation in the presence of 2F5 (49). 2F5 was also used in the MAb cocktails reported to confer passive, protective immunity in macaques (5, 51). In addition, infected individuals producing neutralizing antibodies directed against the ELDKWA epitope have been seen to exhibit better health (16, 29), including persistent seronegativity (8), and reduced transmission of HIV to offspring (89). While none of the vaccine-induced immune responses generated against this region has been effective thus far (19, 24, 26, 33, 35, 38, 40, 42, 44-48, 50, 53, 54, 56, 57, 61, 63, 69, 93, 96) (see Table S1 in the supplemental material), more appropriate presentations of MPER epitopes should produce valuable immunogens that can contribute to a successful vaccine.In this study, we have grafted the ELDKWA epitope onto a surface loop of HRV connected via linkers of variable lengths and sequences and selected for viruses well recognized and neutralized by MAb 2F5. In so doing, we have been able to create immunogens capable of eliciting antibodies whose activities mimic some of those of 2F5. The combinatorial libraries produced were designed to encode a large set of possible sequences and, hence, structures from which we could search for valuable conformations. This work illustrates that HRV chimeras have the potential to present selected HIV epitopes in a focused and immunogenic manner.  相似文献   

The entry of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) into a target cell entails a series of conformational changes in the gp41 transmembrane glycoprotein that mediates the fusion of the viral and target cell membranes. A trimer-of-hairpins structure formed by the association of two heptad repeat (HR) regions of the gp41 ectodomain has been implicated in a late step of the fusion pathway. Earlier native and intermediate states of the protein are postulated to mediate the antiviral activity of the fusion inhibitor enfuvirtide and of broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (NAbs), but the details of these structures remain unknown. Here, we report the identification and crystal structure of a dimerization domain in the C-terminal ectodomain of gp41 (residues 630 to 683, or C54). Two C54 monomers associate to form an asymmetric, antiparallel coiled coil with two distinct C-terminal α-helical overhangs. This dimer structure is conferred largely by interactions within a central core that corresponds to the sequence of enfuvirtide. The mutagenic alteration of the dimer interface severely impairs the infectivity of Env-pseudotyped viruses. Moreover, the C54 structure binds tightly to both the 2F5 and 4E10 NAbs and likely represents a potential intermediate conformation of gp41. These results should enhance our understanding of the molecular basis of the gp41 fusogenic structural transitions and thereby guide rational, structure-based efforts to design new fusion inhibitors and vaccine candidates intended to induce broadly neutralizing antibodies.The entry of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) into its target cell to establish an infection requires the fusion of viral and cellular membranes, a process that is mediated by the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) through interactions with receptors on the target cell membrane (CD4 and a coreceptor, such as CCR-5 or CXCR-4) (14). HIV-1 Env is synthesized as the glycoprotein precursor gp160, which oligomerizes in the endoplasmic reticulum and subsequently is cleaved by the cellular furin endoprotease to create a metastable state that is primed for the induction of membrane fusion activity (19). The resulting Env complex is a trimeric structure comprising three gp120 surface glycoproteins, each associated noncovalently with one of three subunits of the gp41 transmembrane glycoprotein (24, 27, 47, 48). This native (prefusion) Env spike protrudes from the virus surface and is the target for neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) (reviewed in reference 3). It is generally accepted that HIV-1 membrane fusion is promoted by a series of receptor binding-triggered conformational changes in the Env complex, culminating in the formation of an energetically stable trimer of α-helical hairpins in gp41 (10, 14).The core structure of the trimer-of-hairpins is an antiparallel six-helix bundle: a central, three-stranded coiled coil formed by the first heptad repeat (HRN) region of gp41 is sheathed by three α-helices derived from the second HR (HRC) (5, 27, 42, 44). HRN is immediately C terminal to the fusion peptide, while HRC is adjacent to the transmembrane helix anchored in the viral membrane. The interaction of gp120 with CD4 and a chemokine receptor is thought to alter intersubunit interactions in the native Env complex, leading to gp41 reorganization into a postulated prehairpin intermediate (reviewed in references 10 and 14). At this point, the N-terminal HRN coiled-coil trimer is formed, relocating the fusion peptides to allow them to insert into the cellular membrane. The HRC region then is thought to jackknife so as to pack against the inner coiled-coil core and form the postfusion trimer-of-hairpin structure that brings the attached target cell and viral membranes together. Evidence for the existence of these different gp41 conformational states in the fusion pathway is indirect, being inferred from the antiviral activity of peptides derived from the two HR regions of gp41 (20, 45). These peptide inhibitors likely act in a dominant-negative manner by binding to the prehairpin intermediate, preventing the formation of the trimer-of-hairpins (6, 13, 27, 31). This intermediate is relatively stable, with a half-life of many minutes, as detected by the capacity of such peptides to inhibit fusion once prefusion gp41 has undergone a conformational transition (21, 31). Although mounting evidence indicates that the prefusogenic and intermediate states are important targets for drug- and vaccine-elicited NAbs (reviewed in references 3 and 10), little is known about their structures and how they modulate gp41 fusogenicity or serve as targets for inhibition.The C-terminal part of the gp41 ectodomain consists of HRC (or C34) and the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) (Fig. (Fig.1).1). The C34 peptide is intrinsically disordered in isolation and forms an outer-layer α-helix only in the six-helix bundle (27, 29). Structural studies of the trimeric coiled-coil state of the MPER and of its bent helix conformation after binding to lipid membranes have begun to provide clues regarding the function of this unusual and important NAb-associated segment (25, 41). The MPER is the established target for two very rare but broadly reactive NAbs, 2F5 and 4E10/z13, which are elicited during natural human infection (50). These neutralizing epitopes seem to be poorly exposed on the surface of both HIV-1-infected cells and virions (reviewed in reference 3). Their exposure is enhanced or triggered by receptor binding but diminishes on the formation of the trimer-of-hairpins, suggesting that both of the NAbs target a more extended intermediate conformation rather than the native gp41 structure (8, 12). Despite extensive efforts, how structural aspects of the MPER explain its antigenicity and immunogenicity remains unclear. Here, we report the identification of the C-terminal dimerization domain of gp41 and present the 1.65-Å crystal structure of this domain. We characterize the role of this antiparallel two-stranded coiled-coil structure in NAb reactivity and viral function. Our study provides a potential structure for the fusion-intermediate state of gp41 and for the future design of new HIV-1 immunogens that may elicit broad and potent NAbs.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Structural and functional domains of HIV-1 gp41. (Upper) Schematic view of gp41 showing the location of the fusion peptide (FP), the two HR regions, the MPER, the transmembrane segment (TM), and the cytoplasmic region (CP). HRC and MPER are depicted in blue and green, respectively. (Lower) Sequences of the C56, C54, C54N656L, and C39 peptides employed in the study. The Asn-656→Leu mutation in C54N656L is shown in red. The sequences of T-20 and core epitopes recognized by the human 2F5 and 4E10 MAbs are indicated.  相似文献   

We describe cryo-electron microscopic studies of the interaction between the ectodomain of the trimeric HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) and Z13e1, a broadly neutralizing antibody that targets the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of the gp41 subunit. We show that Z13e1-bound Env displays an open quaternary conformation similar to the CD4-bound conformation. Our results support the idea that MPER-directed antibodies, such as Z13e1, block viral entry by interacting with Env at a step after CD4 activation.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transmembrane protein gp41 oligomer anchors the attachment protein, gp120, to the viral envelope and mediates viral envelope-cell membrane fusion following gp120-CD4 receptor-chemokine coreceptor binding. We have used mutation-directed chemical cross-linking with bis(sulfosuccinimidyl)suberate (BS3) to investigate the architecture of the gp41 oligomer. Treatment of gp41 with BS3 generates a ladder of four bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, corresponding to monomers, dimers, trimers, and tetramers. By systematically replacing gp41 lysines with arginine and determining the mutant gp41 cross-linking pattern, we observed that gp41 N termini are cross-linked. Lysine 678, which is close to the transmembrane sequence, was readily cross-linked to Lys-678 on other monomers within the oligomeric structure. This arrangement appears to be facilitated by the close packing of membrane-anchoring sequences, since the efficiency of assembly of heterooligomers between wild-type and mutant Env proteins is improved more than twofold if the mutant contains the membrane-anchoring sequence. We also detected close contacts between Lys-596 and Lys-612 in the disulfide-bonded loop/glycan cluster of one monomer and lysines in the N-terminal amphipathic α-helical oligomerization domain (Lys-569 and Lys-583) and C-terminal α-helical sequence (Lys-650 and Lys-660) of adjacent monomers. Precursor-processing efficiency, gp120-gp41 association, soluble recombinant CD4-induced shedding of gp120 from cell surface gp41, and acquisition of gp41 ectodomain conformational antibody epitopes were unaffected by the substitutions. However, the syncytium-forming function was most dependent on the conserved Lys-569 in the N-terminal α-helix. These results indicate that gp160-derived gp41 expressed in mammalian cells is a tetramer and provide information about the juxtaposition of gp41 structural elements within the oligomer.  相似文献   

The membrane proximal external region (MPER) of the gp41 subunit of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) contains determinants for broadly neutralizing antibodies and has remained an important focus of vaccine design. However, creating an immunogen that elicits broadly neutralizing antibodies to this region has proven difficult in part due to the relative inaccessibility of the MPER in the native conformation of Env. Here, we describe the antigenicity and immunogenicity of a panel of oligomeric gp41 immunogens designed to model a fusion-intermediate conformation of Env in order to enhance MPER exposure in a relevant conformation. The immunogens contain segments of the gp41 N- and C-heptad repeats to mimic a trapped intermediate, followed by the MPER, with variations that include different N-heptad lengths, insertion of extra epitopes, and varying C-termini. These well-characterized immunogens were evaluated in two different immunization protocols involving gp41 and gp140 proteins, gp41 and gp160 DNA primes, and different immunization schedules and adjuvants. We found that the immunogens designed to reduce extension of helical structure into the MPER elicited the highest MPER antibody binding titers, but these antibodies lacked neutralizing activity. The gp41 protein immunogens also elicited higher MPER titers than the gp140 protein immunogen. In prime-boost studies, the best MPER responses were seen in the groups that received DNA priming with gp41 vectors followed by gp41 protein boosts. Finally, although titers to the entire protein immunogen were similar in the two immunization protocols, MPER-specific titers differed, suggesting that the immunization route, schedule, dose, or adjuvant may differentially influence MPER immunogenicity. These findings inform the design of future MPER immunogens and immunization protocols.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoprotein (Env) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has been shown to redirect the site of virus assembly in polarized epithelial cells. To test whether localization of the glycoprotein exclusively to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) could redirect virus assembly to that organelle in nonpolarized cells, an ER -retrieval signal was engineered into an epitope-tagged variant of Env. The epitope tag, attached to the C terminus of Env, did not affect the normal maturation and transport of the glycoprotein or the incorporation of Env into virions. The epitope-tagged Env was also capable of mediating syncytium formation and virus entry with a similar efficiency to that of wild-type Env. When the epitope was modified to contain a consensus K(X)KXX ER retrieval signal, however, the glycoprotein was no longer proteolytically processed into its surface and transmembrane subunits and Env could not be detected at the cell surface by biotinylation. Endoglycosidase H analysis revealed that the modified Env was not transported to the Golgi apparatus. Immunofluorescent staining patterns were also consistent with the exclusion of Env from the Golgi. As expected, cells expressing the modified Env failed to form syncytia with CD4+ permissive cells. Despite this tight localization of Env to the ER, when the modified Env was expressed in the context of virus, virions continued to be produced efficiently from the plasma membrane of transfected cells. However, these virions contained no detectable glycoprotein and were noninfectious. Electron microscopy revealed virus budding from the plasma membrane of these cells, but no virus was seen assembling at the ER membrane and no assembled virions were found within the cell. These results suggest that the accumulation of Env in an intracellular compartment is not sufficient to redirect the assembly of HIV Gag in nonpolarized cells.  相似文献   

To clarify the relationship between the amino acid variations of the gp120 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and the chemokine receptors that are used as the second receptor for HIV, we evaluated amino acid site variation of gp120 between the X4 strains (use CXCR4) and the R5 strains (use CCR5) from 21 sequences of subtype B. Our analysis showed that residues 306 and 322 in the V3 loop and residue 440 in the C4 region were associated with usage of the second receptor. The polymorphism at residue 440 is clearly associated with the usage of the second receptor: The amino acid at position 440 was a basic amino acid in the R5 strains, and a nonbasic and smaller amino acid in the X4 strains, while the V3 loop of the X4 strains was more basic than that of the R5 strains. This suggests that residue 440 in the C4 region, which is close to the V3 loop in the three-dimensional structure, is critical in determining which second receptor is used. Analysis of codon frequency suggests that, in almost all cases, the difference at residue 440 between basic amino acids in the R5 strains and nonbasic amino acids in the X4 strains could be due to a single nucleotide change. These findings predict that the evolutionary changes in amino acid residue 440 may be correlated with evolutionary changes in the V3 loop. One possibility is that a change in electric charge at residue 440 compensates for a change in electric charge in the V3 loop. The amino acid polymorphism at position 440 can be useful to predict the cell tropism of a strain of HIV-1 subtype B.  相似文献   

The mature envelope glycoprotein (Env) spike on the surface of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) virions is derived by proteolytic cleavage of a trimeric gp160 glycoprotein precursor. Remarkably, proteolytic processing of the HIV-1 Env precursor results in changes in Env antigenicity that resemble those associated with glutaraldehyde fixation. Apparently, proteolytic processing of the HIV-1 Env precursor decreases conformational flexibility of the Env trimeric complex, differentially affecting the integrity/accessibility of epitopes for neutralizing and nonneutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Incorporation of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoproteins into assembling particles is crucial for virion infectivity. Genetic and biochemical data indicate that the matrix (MA) domain of Gag and the cytoplasmic tail of the transmembrane glycoprotein gp41 play an important role in coordinating Env incorporation; however, the molecular mechanism and possible role of host factors in this process remain to be defined. Recent studies suggested that Env incorporation is mediated by interactions between matrix and tail-interacting protein of 47 kDa (TIP47; also known as perilipin-3 and mannose-6-phosphate receptor-binding protein 1), a member of the perilipin, adipophilin, TIP47 (PAT) family of proteins implicated in protein sorting and lipid droplet biogenesis. We have confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy titration experiments and surface plasmon resonance that MA binds TIP47. We also reevaluated the role of TIP47 in HIV-1 Env incorporation in HeLa cells and in the Jurkat T-cell line. In HeLa cells, TIP47 overexpression or RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated depletion had no significant effect on HIV-1 Env incorporation, virus release, or particle infectivity. Similarly, depletion of TIP47 in Jurkat cells did not impair HIV-1 Env incorporation, virus release, infectivity, or replication. Our results thus do not support a role for TIP47 in HIV-1 Env incorporation or virion infectivity.  相似文献   

A synthetic peptide, DP178, containing amino acids 127 to 162 of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp41 Env glycoprotein, is a potent inhibitor of virus infection and virus mediated cell-to-cell fusion (C. Wild, T. Greenwell, and T. Matthews, AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 9:1051–1053, 1993). In an effort to understand the mechanism of action of this peptide, we derived resistant variants of HIV-1IIIB and NL4-3 by serial virus passage in the presence of increasing doses of the peptide. Sequence analysis of the resistant isolates suggested that a contiguous 3-amino-acid sequence within the amino-terminal heptad repeat motif of gp41 was associated with resistance. Site-directed mutagenesis studies confirmed this observation and indicated that changes in two of these three residues were necessary for development of the resistant phenotype. Direct binding of DP178 to recombinant protein and synthetic peptide analogs containing the wild-type and mutant heptad repeat sequences revealed a strong correlation between DP178 binding and the biological sensitivity of the corresponding virus isolates to DP178. The results are discussed from the standpoints of the mechanism of action of DP178 and recent crystallographic information for a core structure of the gp41 ectodomain.  相似文献   

We have monitored fusion between cell pairs consisting of a single human immunodeficiency virus–1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein–expressing cell and a CD4+ target cell, which had been labeled with both a fluorescent lipid in the membrane and a fluorescent solute in the cytosol. We developed a new three-color assay to keep track of the cell into which fluorescent lipids and/or solutes are redistributed. Lipid and solute redistribution occur as a result of opening a lipid-permissive fusion pore and a solute-permissive fusion pore (FPS), respectively. A synthetic peptide (DP178) corresponding to residues 643–678 of the HIV-1LAI gp120-gp41 sequence (Wild, C.T., D.C. Shugars, T.K. Greenwell, C.B. McDanal, and T.J. Matthews. 1994. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 91:12676–12680) completely inhibited FPS at 50 ng/ml, whereas at that concentration there was 20–30% fusion activity measured by the lipid redistribution. The differences detected in lipid mixing versus contents mixing are maintained up to 6 h of coculture of gp120-41–expressing cells with target cells, indicating that DP178 can “clamp” the fusion complex in the lipid mixing intermediate for very long time periods. A peptide from the NH2-terminal of gp41, DP107, inhibited HIV-1LAI gp120-gp41–mediated cell fusion at higher concentrations, but with no differences between lipid and aqueous dye redistribution at the different inhibitor concentrations. The inhibition of solute redistribution by DP178 was complete when the peptide was added to the fusion reaction mixture during the first 15 min of coculture. We have analyzed the inhibition data in terms of a fusion pore dilation model that incorporates the recently determined high resolution structure of the gp41 core.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to extend our previous research and to further characterize the humoral immune responses against HIV-1 p24, gp41 and the specific peptides carrying the immunodominant epitopes (IDEs) that react with human serum samples from HIV-1-infected individuals in China. We found that the majority (90.45%, 180/199) of the samples did not react with any of the three HIV-1 p24 peptides carrying IDEs, but did react with the recombinant full-length p24, suggesting that these samples tested in China were primarily directed against the conformational epitopes of HIV-1 p24. In contrast, 84.54% (164/194) of the samples reacted with at least one HIV-1 linear gp41 peptide, in particular the gp41-p1 peptide (amino acids 560–616). Both recently and long-term HIV-1-infected individuals displayed similar humoral immune responses against the recombinant gp41. However, samples from long-term HIV-1-infected subjects but not from recently infected subjects, showed a very strong reaction against the gp41-p1 peptide. The different response patterns observed for the two groups against the gp41 and the peptide gp41-p1 were statistically significant (P<0.01, Chi-square test). These results have direct relevance and importance for design of improved HIV-1 p24 detection assays and the gp41- based immunoassay that can be used to reliably distinguish recent and long-term HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

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