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We previously reported that CD4C/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)Nef transgenic (Tg) mice, expressing Nef in CD4+ T cells and cells of the macrophage/dendritic cell (DC) lineage, develop a severe AIDS-like disease, characterized by depletion of CD4+ T cells, as well as lung, heart, and kidney diseases. In order to determine the contribution of distinct populations of hematopoietic cells to the development of this AIDS-like disease, five additional Tg strains expressing Nef through restricted cell-specific regulatory elements were generated. These Tg strains express Nef in CD4+ T cells, DCs, and macrophages (CD4E/HIVNef); in CD4+ T cells and DCs (mCD4/HIVNef and CD4F/HIVNef); in macrophages and DCs (CD68/HIVNef); or mainly in DCs (CD11c/HIVNef). None of these Tg strains developed significant lung and kidney diseases, suggesting the existence of as-yet-unidentified Nef-expressing cell subset(s) that are responsible for inducing organ disease in CD4C/HIVNef Tg mice. Mice from all five strains developed persistent oral carriage of Candida albicans, suggesting an impaired immune function. Only strains expressing Nef in CD4+ T cells showed CD4+ T-cell depletion, activation, and apoptosis. These results demonstrate that expression of Nef in CD4+ T cells is the primary determinant of their depletion. Therefore, the pattern of Nef expression in specific cell population(s) largely determines the nature of the resulting pathological changes.The major cell targets and reservoirs for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection in vivo are CD4+ T lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells (macrophages and dendritic cells [DC]) (21, 24, 51). The cell specificity of these viruses is largely dependent on the expression of CD4 and of its coreceptors, CCR5 and CXCR-4, at the cell surface (29, 66). Infection of these immune cells leads to the severe disease, AIDS, showing widespread manifestations, including progressive immunodeficiency, immune activation, CD4+ T-cell depletion, wasting, dementia, nephropathy, heart and lung diseases, and susceptibility to opportunistic pathogens, such as Candida albicans (1, 27, 31, 37, 41, 82, 93, 109). It is reasonable to assume that the various pathological changes in AIDS result from the expression of one or many HIV-1/SIV proteins in these immune target cells. However, assigning the contribution of each infected cell subset to each phenotype has been remarkably difficult, despite evidence that AIDS T-cell phenotypes can present very differently depending on the strains of infecting HIV-1 or SIV or on the cells targeted by the virus (4, 39, 49, 52, 72). For example, the T-cell-tropic X4 HIV strains have long been associated with late events and severe CD4+ T-cell depletion (22, 85, 96). However, there are a number of target cell subsets expressing CD4 and CXCR-4, and identifying which one is responsible for this enhanced virulence has not been achieved in vivo. Similarly, the replication of SIV in specific regions of the thymus (cortical versus medullary areas), has been associated with very different outcomes but, unfortunately, the critical target cells of the viruses were not identified either in these studies (60, 80). The task is even more complex, because HIV-1 or SIV can infect several cell subsets within a single cell population. In the thymus, double (CD4 CD8)-negative (DN) or triple (CD3 CD4 CD8)-negative (TN) T cells, as well as double-positive (CD4+ CD8+) (DP) T cells, are infectible by HIV-1 in vitro (9, 28, 74, 84, 98, 99, 110) and in SCID-hu mice (2, 5, 91, 94). In peripheral organs, gut memory CCR5+ CD4+ T cells are primarily infected with R5 SIV, SHIV, or HIV, while circulating CD4+ T cells can be infected by X4 viruses (13, 42, 49, 69, 70, 100, 101, 104). Moreover, some detrimental effects on CD4+ T cells have been postulated to originate from HIV-1/SIV gene expression in bystander cells, such as macrophages or DC, suggesting that other infected target cells may contribute to the loss of CD4+ T cells (6, 7, 32, 36, 64, 90).Similarly, the infected cell population(s) required and sufficient to induce the organ diseases associated with HIV-1/SIV expression (brain, heart, and kidney) have not yet all been identified. For lung or kidney disease, HIV-specific cytotoxic CD8+ T cells (1, 75) or infected podocytes (50, 95), respectively, have been implicated. Activated macrophages have been postulated to play an important role in heart disease (108) and in AIDS dementia (35), although other target cells could be infected by macrophage-tropic viruses and may contribute significantly to the decrease of central nervous system functions (11, 86, 97), as previously pointed out (25).Therefore, because of the widespread nature of HIV-1 infection and the difficulty in extrapolating tropism of HIV-1/SIV in vitro to their cell targeting in vivo (8, 10, 71), alternative approaches are needed to establish the contribution of individual infected cell populations to the multiorgan phenotypes observed in AIDS. To this end, we developed a transgenic (Tg) mouse model of AIDS using a nonreplicating HIV-1 genome expressed through the regulatory sequences of the human CD4 gene (CD4C), in the same murine cells as those targeted by HIV-1 in humans, namely, in immature and mature CD4+ T cells, as well as in cells of the macrophage/DC lineages (47, 48, 77; unpublished data). These CD4C/HIV Tg mice develop a multitude of pathologies closely mimicking those of AIDS patients. These include a gradual destruction of the immune system, characterized among other things by thymic and lymphoid organ atrophy, depletion of mature and immature CD4+ T lymphocytes, activation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, susceptibility to mucosal candidiasis, HIV-associated nephropathy, and pulmonary and cardiac complications (26, 43, 44, 57, 76, 77, 79, 106). We demonstrated that Nef is the major determinant of the HIV-1 pathogenicity in CD4C/HIV Tg mice (44). The similarities of the AIDS-like phenotypes of these Tg mice to those in human AIDS strongly suggest that such a Tg mouse approach can be used to investigate the contribution of distinct HIV-1-expressing cell populations to their development.In the present study, we constructed and characterized five additional mouse Tg strains expressing Nef, through distinct regulatory elements, in cell populations more restricted than in CD4C/HIV Tg mice. The aim of this effort was to assess whether, and to what extent, the targeting of Nef in distinct immune cell populations affects disease development and progression.  相似文献   

目的:表达可溶性fms样酪氨酸激酶-1(soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1,sFlt-1)重组蛋白,建立针对sFlt-1的化学发光检测方法。方法:构建pcDNA3.4-sFlt-1-His*6表达载体,转染至HEK293细胞进行重组表达。利用链霉亲和素-生物素亲和体系及双抗体夹心法,实现对sFlt-1的定量检测。结果:该方法的最低检测限为2 pg/mL,线性范围为20~40 000 pg/mL,平均回收率为92%,批内及批间精密度变异系数(variable coefficient, CV)均小于10%,与珀金埃尔默sFlt-1检测试剂盒进行比对的相关系数R2为0.925 2。结论:获得了具有天然生物活性的sFlt-1蛋白,建立了具有良好性能的sFlt-1检测方法,后续进一步开发可应用于子痫前期的诊断筛查。  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenase isoform 1 (ALDH1) has been proved useful for the identification of cancer stem cells. However, our knowledge of the expression and activity of ALDH1 in common epithelial cancers and their corresponding normal tissues is still largely absent. Therefore, we characterized ALDH1 expression in 24 types of normal tissues and a large collection of epithelial tumor specimens (six cancer types, n = 792) by immunohistochemical staining. Using the ALDEFUOR assay, ALDH1 activity was also examined in 16 primary tumor specimens and 43 established epithelial cancer cell lines. In addition, an ovarian cancer transgenic mouse model and 7 murine ovarian cancer cell lines were analyzed. We found that the expression levels and patterns of ALDH1 in epithelial cancers are remarkably distinct, and they correlate with their corresponding normal tissues. ALDH1 protein expression levels are positively correlated with ALDH1 enzymatic activity measured by ALDEFLUOR assay. Long-term in vitro culture doesn''t significantly affect ALDH1 activity in epithelial tumor cells. Consistent with research on other cancers, we found that high ALDH1 expression is significantly associated with poor clinical outcomes in serous ovarian cancer patients (n = 439, p = 0.0036). Finally, ALDHbr tumor cells exhibit cancer stem cell properties and are resistant to chemotherapy. As a novel cancer stem cell marker, ALDH1 can be used for tumors whose corresponding normal tissues express ALDH1 in relatively restricted or limited levels such as breast, lung, ovarian or colon cancer.  相似文献   

Preeclampsia, a hypertensive disorder in pregnancy develops in 2–8% of pregnancies worldwide. Winter season and vitamin D deficiency have been associated with its onset.


To investigate the influence of season on maternal vitamin D status and placental vitamin D metabolism.


25-OH vitamin D and 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D were measured in maternal serum obtained during the winter or summer months from 63 pregnant women at delivery (43 healthy, 20 preeclampsia). In a subgroup, mRNA expression of CYP24A1 (24-hydroxylase), CYP27B1 (1α-hydroxylase) and VDR (vitamin D receptor) were quantified by real time PCR in placental samples of 14 women with normal pregnancies and 13 with preeclampsia.


In patients with preeclampsia,25-OH vitamin D levels were lower, but differed significantly from controls only in summer (18.21±17.1 vs 49.2±29.2 ng/mL, P<0.001), whereas 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D levels were significantly lower only in winter (291±217 vs 612.3±455 pmol/mL, P<0.05). A two-factorial analysis of variance produced a statistically significant model (P<0.0001) with an effect of season (P<0.01) and preeclampsia (P = 0.01) on maternal 25-OH vitamin D levels, as well as a significant interaction between the two variables (P = 0.02). Placental gene expression of CYP24A1, CYP27B1, and VDR did not differ between groups or seasons. A negative correlation between placental gene expression of CYP24A1 and CYP27B1 was observed only in healthy controls (r = −0.81, P<0.0001).


Patients with preeclampsia displayed lower vitamin D serum levels in response to seasonal changes.The regulation of placental CYP24A1, but not of the VDR or CYP27B1 might be altered in preeclampsia.  相似文献   

Lamina associated polypeptide 1 (LAP1) is an integral protein of the inner nuclear membrane that is ubiquitously expressed. LAP1 binds to lamins and chromatin, probably contributing to the maintenance of the nuclear envelope architecture. Moreover, LAP1 also interacts with torsinA and emerin, proteins involved in DYT1 dystonia and X-linked Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy disorder, respectively. Given its relevance to human pathological conditions, it is important to better understand the functional diversity of LAP1 proteins. In rat, the LAP1 gene (TOR1AIP1) undergoes alternative splicing to originate three LAP1 isoforms (LAP1A, B and C). However, it remains unclear if the same occurs with the human TOR1AIP1 gene, since only the LAP1B isoform had thus far been identified in human cells. In silico analysis suggested that, across different species, potential new LAP1 isoforms could be generated by alternative splicing. Using shRNA to induce LAP1 knockdown and HPLC-mass spectrometry analysis the presence of two isoforms in human cells was described and validated: LAP1B and LAP1C; the latter is putatively N-terminal truncated. LAP1B and LAP1C expression profiles appear to be dependent on the specific tissues analyzed and in cultured cells LAP1C was the major isoform detected. Moreover, LAP1B and LAP1C expression increased during neuronal maturation, suggesting that LAP1 is relevant in this process. Both isoforms were found to be post-translationally modified by phosphorylation and methionine oxidation and two LAP1B/LAP1C residues were shown to be dephosphorylated by PP1. This study permitted the identification of the novel human LAP1C isoform and partially unraveled the molecular basis of LAP1 regulation.  相似文献   

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a genetically heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorder characterized by obesity, retinal degeneration, polydactyly, hypogenitalism and renal defects. Recent findings have associated the etiology of the disease with cilia, and BBS proteins have been implicated in trafficking various ciliary cargo proteins. To date, 17 different genes have been reported for BBS among which BBS1 is the most common cause of the disease followed by BBS10, and BBS4. A murine model of Bbs4 is known to phenocopy most of the human BBS phenotypes, and it is being used as a BBS disease model. To better understand the in vivo localization, cellular function, and interaction of BBS4 with other proteins, we generated a transgenic BBS4 mouse expressing the human BBS4 gene under control of the beta actin promoter. The transgene is expressed in various tissues including brain, eye, testis, heart, kidney, and adipose tissue. These mice were further bred to express the transgene in Bbs4 null mice, and their phenotype was characterized. Here we report that despite tissue specific variable expression of the transgene, human BBS4 was able to complement the deficiency of Bbs4 and rescue all the BBS phenotypes in the Bbs4 null mice. These results provide an encouraging prospective for gene therapy for BBS related phenotypes and potentially for other ciliopathies.  相似文献   

Defects in cilium and centrosome function result in a spectrum of clinically-related disorders, known as ciliopathies. However, the complex molecular composition of these structures confounds functional dissection of what any individual gene product is doing under normal and disease conditions. As part of an siRNA screen for genes involved in mammalian ciliogenesis, we and others have identified the conserved centrosomal protein Azi1/Cep131 as required for cilia formation, supporting previous Danio rerio and Drosophila melanogaster mutant studies. Acute loss of Azi1 by knock-down in mouse fibroblasts leads to a robust reduction in ciliogenesis, which we rescue by expressing siRNA-resistant Azi1-GFP. Localisation studies show Azi1 localises to centriolar satellites, and traffics along microtubules becoming enriched around the basal body. Azi1 also localises to the transition zone, a structure important for regulating traffic into the ciliary compartment. To study the requirement of Azi1 during development and tissue homeostasis, Azi1 null mice were generated (Azi1Gt/Gt). Surprisingly, Azi1Gt/Gt MEFs have no discernible ciliary phenotype and moreover are resistant to Azi1 siRNA knock-down, demonstrating that a compensation mechanism exists to allow ciliogenesis to proceed despite the lack of Azi1. Cilia throughout Azi1 null mice are functionally normal, as embryonic patterning and adult homeostasis are grossly unaffected. However, in the highly specialised sperm flagella, the loss of Azi1 is not compensated, leading to striking microtubule-based trafficking defects in both the manchette and the flagella, resulting in male infertility. Our analysis of Azi1 knock-down (acute loss) versus gene deletion (chronic loss) suggests that Azi1 plays a conserved, but non-essential trafficking role in ciliogenesis. Importantly, our in vivo analysis reveals Azi1 mediates novel trafficking functions necessary for flagellogenesis. Our study highlights the importance of both acute removal of a protein, in addition to mouse knock-out studies, when functionally characterising candidates for human disease.  相似文献   

Cyclin D1 is over-expressed in various human tumors and therefore can be a potential oncogenic target antigen. However, only a limited number of T cell epitopes has been characterized. We aimed at identifying human cyclin D1-derived peptides that include both CD4 and CD8 T cell epitopes and to test if such multi-epitope peptides could yield improved cytotoxic CD8 T cell responses as well as cytotoxic CD4 T cells. Five HLA-DR.B1-binding peptides containing multiple overlapping CD4 epitopes and HLA-A0201-restricted CD8 T cell epitopes were predicted by computer algorithms. Immunogenicity of the synthetic peptides was assessed by stimulating T cells from healthy donors in vitro and the epitope recognition was measured by IFN-γ ELISPOT and 51Chromium release assays. A HLA-DR.B1 peptide, designed “DR-1”, in which a HLA-A0201-binding epitopes (D1-1) was imbedded, induced CD3 T cell responses against both DR-1 and D1-1 peptides in IFN-γ ELISPOT assay. This suggested processing of the shorter D1-1 epitope from the DR-1 sequence. However, only DR-1-stimulated CD4 or CD3 T cells possessed cytotoxicity against peptide-pulsed autologous DCs and a cancer cell line, that expresses a high level of cyclin D1. Monoclonal antibody to HLA-DR abrogated the epitope-specific responses of both CD3 and CD4 T cells, demonstrating class II-mediated killing. Our studies suggest a possible role of CD4 T cells in anti-tumor immunity as cytotoxic effectors against HLA-DR expressing cancers and provide a rationale for designing peptide vaccines that include CD4 epitopes.  相似文献   

New copies of the mammalian retrotransposon L1 arise in the germline at an undetermined rate. Each new L1 copy appears at a specific evolutionary time point that can be estimated by phylogenetic analysis. In humans, the active L1 sequence L1.2 resides at the genomic locus LRE1. Here we analyzed the region surrounding the LRE1 locus in humans and gorillas to determine the evolutionary history of the region and to estimate the age of L1.2. We found that the region was composed of an ancient L1, L1Hs-Lrg, which was significantly divergent from all other L1 sequences available in the databases. We also determined that L1.2 was absent from the gorilla genome and arose in humans after the divergence of gorilla and human lineages. In the gorilla LRE1 region, we discovered a different full-length L1 element, L1Gg-1, which was allelic and present at a high gene frequency in gorillas but absent from other primates. We determined the nucleotide sequence of L1Gg-1 and found that it was 98% identical to L1.2, suggesting a close relationship between active L1s in gorillas and humans. Received: 28 December 1997 / Accepted: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

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The uncarboxylated form (ucOC), but not the γ-carboxylated form (GlaOC), of the bone-derived protein osteocalcin stimulates insulin secretion and regulates energy metabolism in insulin target tissues. Glucagon-like peptide–1 (GLP-1) is an insulin secretagogue that is released from the gut in response to food intake. We have now found that Gprc6a, a putative ucOC receptor, is expressed in epithelial cells of the mouse small intestine as well as in STC-1 enteroendocrine cells. Secretion of GLP-1 by STC-1 cells was stimulated by ucOC but not by GlaOC. The serum GLP-1 concentration in mice was increased by intraperitoneal or oral administration of ucOC, whereas GlaOC was effective in this regard only after oral application. Serum insulin levels were also increased by ucOC, and this effect was potentiated by an inhibitor of dipeptidyl peptidase IV and blocked by a GLP-1 receptor antagonist. Intravenous injection of ucOC in mice increased the serum GLP-1 concentration, and also increased the serum level of insulin. Our results suggest that ucOC acts via Gprc6a to induce GLP-1 release from the gut, and that the stimulatory effect of ucOC on insulin secretion is largely mediated by GLP-1.  相似文献   

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