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Pteropid bats or flying-foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) are the natural host of Hendra virus (HeV) which sporadically causes fatal disease in horses and humans in eastern Australia. While there is strong evidence that urine is an important infectious medium that likely drives bat to bat transmission and bat to horse transmission, there is uncertainty about the relative importance of alternative routes of excretion such as nasal and oral secretions, and faeces. Identifying the potential routes of HeV excretion in flying-foxes is important to effectively mitigate equine exposure risk at the bat-horse interface, and in determining transmission rates in host-pathogen models. The aim of this study was to identify the major routes of HeV excretion in naturally infected flying-foxes, and secondarily, to identify between-species variation in excretion prevalence. A total of 2840 flying-foxes from three of the four Australian mainland species (Pteropus alecto, P. poliocephalus and P. scapulatus) were captured and sampled at multiple roost locations in the eastern states of Queensland and New South Wales between 2012 and 2014. A range of biological samples (urine and serum, and urogenital, nasal, oral and rectal swabs) were collected from anaesthetized bats, and tested for HeV RNA using a qRT-PCR assay targeting the M gene. Forty-two P. alecto (n = 1410) had HeV RNA detected in at least one sample, and yielded a total of 78 positive samples, at an overall detection rate of 1.76% across all samples tested in this species (78/4436). The rate of detection, and the amount of viral RNA, was highest in urine samples (>serum, packed haemocytes >faecal >nasal >oral), identifying urine as the most plausible source of infection for flying-foxes and for horses. Detection in a urine sample was more efficient than detection in urogenital swabs, identifying the former as the preferred diagnostic sample. The detection of HeV RNA in serum is consistent with haematogenous spread, and with hypothesised latency and recrudesence in flying-foxes. There were no detections in P. poliocephalus (n = 1168 animals; n = 2958 samples) or P. scapulatus (n = 262 animals; n = 985 samples), suggesting (consistent with other recent studies) that these species are epidemiologically less important than P. alecto in HeV infection dynamics. The study is unprecedented in terms of the individual animal approach, the large sample size, and the use of a molecular assay to directly determine infection status. These features provide a high level of confidence in the veracity of our findings, and a sound basis from which to more precisely target equine risk mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

Rice bean (Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi & Ohashi) is a warm season annual legume mainly grown in East Asia. Only scarce genomic resources are currently available for this legume crop species and no simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have been specifically developed for rice bean yet. In this study, approximately 26 million high quality cDNA sequence reads were obtained from rice bean using Illumina paired-end sequencing technology and assembled into 71,929 unigenes with an average length of 986 bp. Of these unigenes, 38,840 (33.2%) showed significant similarity to proteins in the NCBI non-redundant protein and nucleotide sequence databases. Furthermore, 30,170 (76.3%) could be classified into gene ontology categories, 25,451 (64.4%) into Swiss-Prot categories and 21,982 (55.6%) into KOG database categories (E-value < 1.0E-5). A total of 9,301 (23.5%) were mapped onto 118 pathways using the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genome (KEGG) pathway database. A total of 3,011 genic SSRs were identified as potential molecular markers. AG/CT (30.3%), AAG/CTT (8.1%) and AGAA/TTCT (20.0%) are the three main repeat motifs. A total of 300 SSR loci were randomly selected for validation by using PCR amplification. Of these loci, 23 primer pairs were polymorphic among 32 rice bean accessions. A UPGMA dendrogram revealed three major clusters among 32 rice bean accessions. The large number of SSR-containing sequences and genic SSRs in this study will be valuable for the construction of high-resolution genetic linkage maps, association or comparative mapping and genetic analyses of various Vigna species.  相似文献   


Background & Aims

At least eight genotypes of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) have been identified. HBV genotype C is the most common genotype in Japan, although the incidence of HBV genotype A is increasing. The reason underlying the differences in viral multiplication of the HBV genotypes is unclear, especially in vivo. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the differences in HBV load and the persistence of viremia in vivo between genotypes A and C.


Immunodeficient NOG mice were transfected by hydrodynamic injection with the HBV expression plasmids pHBA1.2 or pHBC1.2, which contain overlength (1.2-mer) copies of the genomes of HBV genotype A or C, respectively.


One day after transfection, the number of HBcAg-positive hepatocytes and serum HBV DNA levels were similar between mice transfected with pHBA1.2 and pHBC1.2. Serum levels of HBV DNA, HBsAg and HBeAg in mice transfected with pHBA1.2 were maintained over 5 months. In contrast, those in mice with pHBC1.2 gradually decreased over time and reached undetectable levels within 3 months after transfection. HBcAg-stained hepatocytes were detected in mice transfected with pHBA1.2, but not pHBC1.2, 5 months post-transfection. Double-staining immunohistochemistry revealed that the number of cleaved caspase3-stained, HBcAg-positive hepatocytes in the pHBC1.2-transfected mice was higher than in the pHBA1.2-transfected mice 3 days post-transfection. Moreover, the plasmid DNA and covalently closed circular DNA levels were decreased in the livers of pHBC1.2-transfected mice. These results suggested that hepatocytes expressing HBV genotype C were eliminated by apoptosis in the absence of immune cells more often than in hepatocytes expressing HBV genotype A.


Immunodeficient mice transfected with HBV genotype A develop persistent viremia, whereas those transfected with HBV genotype C exhibit transient viremia accompanied by apoptosis of HBV-expressing hepatocytes. This differences may affect the clinical courses of patients infected with HBV genotypes A and C.  相似文献   

West Nile Virus (WNV) is now endemic throughout North America, with annual recurrence dependent upon successful overwintering when cold temperatures drive mosquito vectors into inactivity and halt transmission. To investigate whether avian hosts may serve as an overwintering mechanism, groups of eight to ten House Sparrows were experimentally infected with a WN02 genotype of WNV and then held until necropsy at 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, or 18 weeks post-infection (pi) when they were assessed for the presence of persistent infection. Blood was collected from all remaining birds every two weeks pi, and sera tested for WNV RNA and WNV neutralizing antibodies. West Nile virus RNA was present in the sera of some birds up to 7 weeks pi and all birds retained neutralizing antibodies throughout the experiment. The detection of persistently infected birds decreased with time, from 100% (n = 13) positive at 3 weeks post-infection (pi) to 12.5% (n = 8) at 18 weeks pi. Infectious virus was isolated from the spleens of birds necropsied at 3, 5, 7 and 12 weeks pi. The current study confirmed previous reports of infectious WNV persistence in avian hosts, and further characterized the temporal nature of these infections. Although these persistent infections supported the hypothesis that infected birds may serve as an overwintering mechanism, mosquito-infectious recrudescent viremias have yet to be demonstrated thereby providing proof of principle.  相似文献   

Two models of the human infant's caretaking requirements—the continuous care and contact model and the caretaker-child strategy model—are discussed in terms of the caretaking practices observed among the Efe (Pygmies) of northeastern Zaire. The Efe1 engage in a system of multiple care which begins at birth and continues through at least the first 18 weeks of life. An important aspect of this care includes being suckled by lactating and nonlactating women. The data suggest that the continuous care and contact model is too rigid a formulation of the infant's caretaking environment, and lend support to the strategic model. Efe caretaking practices are discussed in terms of the cultural, ecological, and physiological constraints acting on these people.  相似文献   

利用SSR标记定位水稻糊化温度的QTLs   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
糊化温度(GT)是决定稻米蒸煮食用品质的一个重要指标。研究了以碱消值表示的糊化温度(ASV-GT)的遗传和QTL位点,选择在ASV-GT上具有显著差别的灿稻品种南特号和粳稻品种Balilla杂交,并以Balilla回交得到含有142株的回交群体,ASV-GT的测定表明,在分离群体中ASV-GT表现为双峰连续分布,说明在该群体中ASV-GT是由一主效基因控制的,并伴有微效基因的修饰,进一步用119个在双亲间具有多态性的微卫星(SSR)标记构建了全基因组的分子标记连锁图,采用区间作图法对控制碱消值的基因进行了定位分析,结果表明,位于第6染色体的qASV6-1为一主效基因,其贡献率高达87.6%,来自于亲本南特号中的等位基因可降低碱消值3.26;其余5个QTLs(qASV2,qASV3,qASV6-2,qASV9,qASV11)为微效基因,分别位于第2,3,6,9和11染色体上,双亲中都带有增效和减效等位基因。  相似文献   

基于转录组测序信息的水生植物莕菜SSR标记开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用软件MISA对水生植物莕菜转录组测序所获得的79536条EST序列进行分析,共检测出12319个EST-SSR位点。在莕菜的EST-SSR中,二核苷酸和三核苷酸重复单元是主导类型,分别占总SSR的57.31%和30.87%,其中AG/CT、AAG/CTT分别是二、三重复单元类型的优势重复基元,分别占总SSR的29.76%和8.66%。随机挑选了130对EST-SSR引物对莕菜两个居群进行遗传多样性检测,结果发现:78对引物能扩增出清晰可分辨的条带,其中37对能成功检测出多态性,引物多态率为 47.44%。这些多态性引物共检测出114个等位基因,每个位点2~6个,平均3.08个。观测杂合度(Ho)及预期杂合度(He)分别在0.229~1.000和0.351~0.756之间,多态信息含量PIC值在0.286~0.698之间,平均达0.495。以上研究结果表明,通过莕菜转录组测序产生的EST数据来开发SSR标记是一种简单而高效的途径,这些新的SSR分子标记为研究莕菜的居群遗传多样性及其遗传结构提供了工具。  相似文献   

Twelve mares were vaccinated with attenuated equine abortion virus (EAV) strain RAC-H. Two nonvaccinated mares served as controls. In at least three mares the vaccination appeared to coincide with a natural infection. This was indicated by characterization of the EAV isolated from nasal secretions of six vaccinated mares, a nonvaccinated control, and also from the lung, spleen, and liver of a fetus aborted by a vaccinated mare. The relative sensitivity of the isolated EAV to dithiothreitol was used to distinguish the RAC-H strain and wild-type virus. Of the 10 EAV isolates, four were recognized as being the vaccine strain while six were recognized as being wild-type strains. Three of the latter originated from two vaccinated mares and a nonvaccinated control, and three were recovered from the fetus. The ability of the EAV strains to form plaques in a cloned line of L cells proved to be unsuitable for use as a marker in this study.  相似文献   

蒋可威  梅宇  马鸣  丁鹏 《动物学杂志》2022,57(3):478-480
近年,作为中国鸟类新记录,侏鸬鹚(Microcarbo pygmeus)在新疆连续出现,并不是一个偶然事件。因为在100多年前,就曾经有人在新疆西部记录过侏鸬鹚(Судиловская1936)。但是,这么多年一直没有被国内的学者们所正式认可或采纳(郑作新1976,马鸣2011,郑光美2017)。2018年11月20日,新疆摄影师刘忠德在玛纳斯湿地发现了40多只外形很像普通鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax carbo)的黑色鸟儿,其长相独特,头部颜色比普通鸬鹚柔和,是一种渐变的棕色。  相似文献   

Functional motifs within the cytoplasmic tails of the two glycoproteins G(N) and G(C) of Uukuniemi virus (UUK) (Bunyaviridae family) were identified with the help of our recently developed virus-like particle (VLP) system for UUK virus (A. K. Overby, V. Popov, E. P. Neve, and R. F. Pettersson, J. Virol. 80:10428-10435, 2006). We previously reported that information necessary for the packaging of ribonucleoproteins into VLPs is located within the G(N) cytoplasmic tail (A. K. Overby, R. F. Pettersson, and E. P. Neve, J. Virol. 81:3198-3205, 2007). The G(N) glycoprotein cytoplasmic tail specifically interacts with the ribonucleoproteins and is critical for genome packaging. In addition, two other regions in the G(N) cytoplasmic tail, encompassing residues 21 to 25 and 46 to 50, were shown to be important for particle generation and release. By the introduction of point mutations within these two regions, we demonstrate that leucines at positions 23 and 24 are crucial for the initiation of VLP budding, while leucine 46, glutamate 47, and leucine 50 are important for efficient exit from the endoplasmic reticulum and subsequent transport to the Golgi complex. We found that budding and particle generation are highly dependent on the intracellular localization of both glycoproteins. The short cytoplasmic tail of UUK G(C) contains a lysine at position -3 from the C terminus that is highly conserved among members of the Phlebovirus, Hantavirus, and Orthobunyavirus genera. Mutating this single amino acid residue in G(C) resulted in the mislocalization of not only G(C) but also G(N) to the plasma membrane, and VLP generation was compromised in cells expressing this mutant. Together, these results demonstrate that the cytoplasmic tails of both G(N) and G(C) contain specific information necessary for efficient virus particle generation.  相似文献   

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