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Depression of the hyoid apparatus plays a crucial role in generating suction, especially in fishes with a dorso-ventrally flattened head shape. It is generally assumed that shortening of the sternohyoideus muscle, which connects the hyoid to the pectoral girdle, contributes to hyoid depression. However, a recent study on the clariid catfish Clarias gariepinus has shown that this muscle does not shorten but elongates during this phase through retraction of the pectoral girdle. Here, we test whether this pattern is general among clariid catfish, or if variation in the morphology of the sternohyoideus may result in a different sternohyoideus behavior during hyoid depression. First, sternohyoideus mass, effective cross-sectional area, fiber length and fiber diameter were measured and compared for four clariid species. Next, velocity and magnitude of hyoid depression during prey capture (from high-speed videos), as well as patterns of sternohyoideus strain were analyzed (from high-speed X-ray videos) in these species. While morphology and hyoid depression performance varied considerably among these species, only the species with the most massive sternohyoideus, Gymnallabes typus, showed shortening of the sternohyoideus muscle during the initial part of the expansive phase. The data for Channallabes apus demonstrate that increasing the magnitude of hyoid depression does not necessarily require a shortening of the m. sternohyoideus, as it shows elongation of this muscle during hyoid depression.  相似文献   

The structure of the tongue in the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) is observed macroscopically and under light and scanning electron microscopy. Our observations of the tongue reveal a rare terminal reduction of the size of the tongue and microstructures of the lingual mucosa among the investigations of birds published so far. The short, triangular tongue with a pointed tip is approximately 2.5 cm long in the adult and is situated in the caudal part of the oral cavity close to the laryngeal prominence. On the dorsal surface of the tongue, no typical mucosa microstructures like lingual papillae, median groove or lingual prominence are observed. The main structure of the tongue is composed of rostral part of hyoid apparatus, that is, entoglossal cartilage connects with basihyoid. Very thin mucosa is composed of fibrous connective tissue covered with orthokeratinized epithelium. No lingual glands and muscles are observed in the lamina propria of mucosa. Even though the triangular shape of the tongue in the white stork is typical for birds, the inner structure of the reduced organ is composed only of flat cartilagineous entoglossum of hyoid apparatus. During feeding behaviour of the white stork, the food transportation in oral cavity called cranio‐inertial transport is undoubtedly affected by structural reduction of the tongue.  相似文献   

Melanotic hyperpigmentation of the mucosa secondary to radiotherapy is a rare occurrence. It is a diagnosis of exclusion. Literature review has identified only two case reports published to date. We present a case of a patient treated at our institution. An 18-year-old male patient of Nigerian descent underwent radical radiotherapy (36 Gy in 18 daily fractions) to his right neck for paediatric type follicular lymphoma over a period of four weeks. He developed hyperpigmented tongue lesions during the third week of radiotherapy. There was no associated tongue discomfort, inflammation, infection, or pigmentation change elsewhere in the oral mucosa. Review of medications and past medical history did not demonstrate any potential contributing factors. Full blood count and biochemistry, morning cortisol levels and coagulation screen were all normal apart from mild neutropenia and lymphopenia. His oral cavity received a mean dose of 16.4 Gy, with the right side of his tongue receiving up to 37.5 Gy as this was within the planning target volume (PTV). He had an excellent response to radiotherapy and remains in remission. The tongue lesions resolved spontaneously 3 months post treatment.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that evasive prey generally elicit a different kinematical pattern of prey capture from suction feeding fish compared to non-evasive types of prey. However, no evidence exists that predatory fish can modulate their prey capture kinematics in response to whether or not an elusive prey performs an escape response. Here, we analyse prey capture kinematics of a specialist piscivore (asp, Aspius aspius) during feeding on untethered, live goldfish, which regularly displayed escape attempts when attacked by the asp. Significant modulation occurred in function of the escape attempts of prey: mouth opening was prolonged and increased in magnitude, and one individual also showed an increased hyoid depression when feeding on prey trying to escape. As the orientation of the prey with respect to the predator prior to the start of mouth opening was related to the probability of observing an escape attempt, asp could theoretically perform this type of modulation by a priori choosing a pre-programmed motor pattern. However, since contact between the prey and the asp's mouth appeared to be a factor improving the timing of mouth closing, this fine-tuning of prey capture kinematics is more likely to be caused by reflexive neural feedback control.  相似文献   

Gait speed is an essential parameter of gait analysis. Our study proposed a simple and accurate method to extract a mean gait speed during walking on a treadmill using only kinematic data from markers placed on the heels of the participants’ feet. This method provided an attractive, simple method that remains resistant to errors in treadmill calibration. In addition, this method required only two markers, since heel markers are essential to gait analysis, and the proposed method is robust enough to differentiate among various gait speeds (mean error <1%).  相似文献   

Several traits related to foraging behaviour were assessed in young-of-the-year produced from largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides that had been exposed to four generations of artificial selection for vulnerability to angling. As recreational angling may target foraging ability, this study tested the hypothesis that selection for vulnerability to angling would affect behaviours associated with foraging ecology and prey capture success. Fish selected for low vulnerability to angling captured more prey and attempted more captures than high vulnerability fish. The higher capture attempts, however, ultimately resulted in a lower capture success for low vulnerability fish. Low vulnerability fish also had higher prey rejection rates, marginally shorter reactive distance and were more efficient at converting prey consumed into growth than their high vulnerability counterparts. Selection due to recreational fishing has the potential to affect many aspects of the foraging ecology of the targeted population and highlights the importance of understanding evolutionary effects and how these need to be considered when managing populations.  相似文献   

研究中药吴茱萸碱联合西药吉西他滨对舌鳞癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤的抑制作用并探讨其作用机制。建立舌鳞癌荷瘤裸鼠模型,药物干预后观察裸鼠瘤体积、进食量、进水量及对外界刺激的应激反应变化,HE染色观察移植瘤及各脏器组织病理结构,透射电镜观察肿瘤组织超微结构,Western blot及免疫组化检测NF-κB及Bcl-2家族基因蛋白表达。结果显示,较模型对照组及单药组,联合组移植瘤体积显著减小,荷瘤裸鼠的生活质量提高,肿瘤细胞病理性核分裂像数目减少,凋亡率增加,Bax、Ik-βα蛋白表达明显增加,Bcl-2、Bcl-xl、P65表达水平明显减少。吴茱萸碱联合吉西他滨抗肿瘤作用机制可能与调控NF-κB及Bcl-2家族蛋白有关。  相似文献   

The spatial variation of soil pH and soil organic matter (SOM) in the urban area of Xuzhou, China, was investigated in this study. Conventional statistics, geostatistics, and a geographical information system (GIS) were used to produce spatial distribution maps and to provide information about land use types. A total of 172 soil samples were collected based on grid method in the study area. Soil pH ranged from 6.47 to 8.48, with an average of 7.62. SOM content was very variable, ranging from 3.51 g/kg to 17.12 g/kg, with an average of 8.26 g/kg. Soil pH followed a normal distribution, while SOM followed a log-normal distribution. The results of semi-variograms indicated that soil pH and SOM had strong (21%) and moderate (44%) spatial dependence, respectively. The variogram model was spherical for soil pH and exponential for SOM. The spatial distribution maps were achieved using kriging interpolation. The high pH and high SOM tended to occur in the mixed forest land cover areas such as those in the southwestern part of the urban area, while the low values were found in the eastern and the northern parts, probably due to the effect of industrial and human activities. In the central urban area, the soil pH was low, but the SOM content was high, which is mainly attributed to the disturbance of regional resident activities and urban transportation. Furthermore, anthropogenic organic particles are possible sources of organic matter after entering the soil ecosystem in urban areas. These maps provide useful information for urban planning and environmental management.  相似文献   

The reaction distance of Gobiusculus flavescens to mobile and immobile copepod prey of different transparency was studied in water conditions with different turbidity levels or spectral composition. Both prey contrast (red or transparent Calanus spp.) and prey mobility caused reaction distance of G. flavescens to increase. The effect of prey mobility or prey transparency on reaction distance was independent of turbidity level. Longest reaction distances were measured for mobile and red prey at intermediate turbidity levels (10–20 JTU). Contrast threshold decreased with increasing turbidity. Although contrast of red and transparent copepod prey increased with increasing wavelength, longest reaction distances were observed at shorter wavelengths (blue–green). Lowest contrast threshold was found at shorter wavelengths. Visual pigments of G. flavescens are adapted to its natural environment. Both turbidity and spectral composition influenced G. flavescens contrast threshold.  相似文献   

A complete process for the production of bioethanol and fungal biomass from spruce and birch was investigated. The process included milling, pretreatment with N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO), washing of the pretreated wood, enzymatic hydrolysis, and cultivation of the zygomycetes fungi Mucor indicus. Investigated factors included wood chip size (0.5-16 mm), pretreatment time (1-5 h), and scale of the process from bench-scale to 2 m high air-lift reactor. Best hydrolysis yields were achieved from wood chips below 2 mm after 5 h of pretreatment. Ethanol yields (mg/g wood) of 195 and 128 for spruce, and 175 and 136 for birch were achieved from bench-scale and airlift, respectively. Fungal biomass yields (mg/g wood) of 103 and 70 for spruce, and 86 and 66 for birch from bench scale and airlift respectively were simultaneously achieved. NMMO pretreatment and cultivation with M. indicus appear to be a good alternative for ethanol production from birch and spruce.  相似文献   

李愈哲  樊江文  胡中民  邵全琴 《生态学报》2018,38(22):8194-8204
为了解管理利用方式变化对原本以放牧利用为主的草地生态系统的碳交换及碳平衡将产生怎样的影响。在中国北方温性草原区域利用连接同化箱的便携式红外分析系统,在相互毗连的地块调查了3种典型草地管理利用方式植被生长旺季的生态系统碳交换及其精细组分。结果表明,相比放牧草地,开垦农用显著降低生态系统的日均碳交换(下降56%,P0.05),而长期围封也趋向降低生态系统的日均碳交换,但变化并不显著(P0.05)。与之近似,NPP在放牧与禁牧草地间差异不显著,开垦农用使NPP显著下降,但降幅小于NEP。GPP在3种管理利用方式间差异相对较小。生态系统总呼吸、自养、异养、地上和地下呼吸在放牧和禁牧草地间均无显著差异,均显著低于开垦后的麦田,根系呼吸在3种管理利用方式间无显著变化。相比草地放牧,草地开垦显著增加自养呼吸在总呼吸中的占比,而土壤呼吸和根系呼吸的占比均显著下降,禁牧对呼吸组成的影响不明显。不同管理利用方式草地的地下生物量能很好的解释土壤呼吸占比(95%)和根系呼吸占比(77%)的变化,而LAI则与自养呼吸占比显著正相关(P0.001)。草地开垦利用增强生态系统的碳释放、减少CO_2固定,相比开垦农用,禁牧对放牧草地碳交换及其组分的影响相对较小。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a continuous mathematically tractable model and its discrete analogue for the tumour growth. The model formulation is based on stoichiometric principles considering tumour-immune cell interactions in potassium (K +)-limited environment. Our both continuous and discrete models illustrate ‘cancer immunoediting’ as a dynamic process having all three phases namely elimination, equilibrium and escape. The stoichiometric principles introduced into the model allow us to study its dynamics with the variation in the total potassium in the surrounding of the tumour region. It is found that an increase in the total potassium may help the patient fight the disease for a longer period of time. This result seems to be in line with the protective role of the potassium against the risk of pancreatic cancer as has been reported by Bravi et al. [Dietary intake of selected micronutrients and risk of pancreatic cancer: An Italian case-control study, Ann. Oncol. 22 (2011), pp. 202–206].  相似文献   

Computational models of primary visual cortex have demonstrated that principles of efficient coding and neuronal sparseness can explain the emergence of neurones with localised oriented receptive fields. Yet, existing models have failed to predict the diverse shapes of receptive fields that occur in nature. The existing models used a particular "soft" form of sparseness that limits average neuronal activity. Here we study models of efficient coding in a broader context by comparing soft and "bard" forms of neuronal sparseness. As a result of our analyses, we propose a novel network model for visual cortex. The model forms efficient visual representations in which the number of active neurones, rather than mean neuronal activity, is limited. This form of hard sparseness also economises cortical resources like synaptic memory and metabolic energy. Furthermore, our model accurately predicts the distribution of receptive field shapes found in the primary visual cortex of cat and monkey.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are currently experiencing a number of worsening anthropogenic stressors, with nearshore reefs suffering from increasing sedimentation because of growing human populations and development in coastal regions. In habitats where vision and olfaction serve as the primary sources of information, reduced visual input from suspended sediment may lead to significant alterations in prey fish behaviour. Here, we test whether prey compensate for reduced visual information by increasing their antipredator responses to chemically mediated risk cues in turbid conditions. Experiments with the spiny damselfish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, found that baseline activity levels were reduced by 23 per cent in high turbidity conditions relative to low turbidity conditions. Furthermore, risk cues elicited strong antipredator responses at all turbidity levels; the strongest antipredator responses were observed in high turbidity conditions, with fish reducing their foraging by almost 40 per cent, as compared with 17 per cent for fish in clear conditions. This provides unambiguous evidence of sensory compensation in a predation context for a tropical marine fish, and suggests that prey fish may be able to behaviourally offset some of the fitness reductions resulting from anthropogenic sedimentation of their habitats.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (Eci1p), encoded by ECI1, is an essential enzyme for the betaoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. It has been reported, as well as confirmed in this study, to be a peroxisomal protein. Unlike many other peroxisomal proteins, Ecilp possesses both a peroxisome targeting signal type 1 (PTS1)-like signal at its carboxy-terminus (-HRL) and a PTS2-like signal at its amino-terminus (RIEGPFFIIHL). We have found that peroxisomal targeting of a fusion protein consisting of Eci1p in front of green fluorescent protein (GFP) is not dependent on Pex7p (the PTS2 receptor), ruling out a PTS2 mechanism, but is dependent on Pex5p (the PTS1 receptor). This Pex5p-dependence was unexpected, since the putative PTS1 of Ecilp is not at the C-terminus of the fusion protein; indeed, deletion of this signal (-HRL-) from the fusion did not affect the Pex5p-dependent targeting. Consistent with this, Pex5p interacted in two-hybrid assays with both Eci1p and Eci1PdeltaHRL. Ecilp-GFP targeting and Eci1pdeltaHRL interaction were abolished by replacement of Pex5p with Pex5p(N495K), a point-mutated Pex5p that specifically abolishes the PTS1 protein import pathway. Thus, Eci1p peroxisomal targeting does require the Pex5p-dependent PTS1 pathway, but does not require a PTS1 of its own. By disruption of ECI1 and DCI1, we found that Dci1p, a peroxisomal PTS1 protein that shares 50% identity with Eci1p, is necessary for Eci1p-GFP targeting. This suggests that the Pex5p-dependent import of Eci1p-GFP is due to interaction and co-import with Dci1p. Despite the dispensability of the C-terminal HRL for import in wild-type cells, we have also shown that this tripeptide can function as a PTS1, albeit rather weakly, and is essential for targeting in the absence of Dci1p. Thus, Eci1p can be targeted to peroxisomes by its own PTS1 or as a hetero-oligomer with Dcilp. These data demonstrate a novel, redundant targeting pathway for Eci1p.  相似文献   

Germination of nondormant seeds of Manfreda brachystachya (Agavaceae) was analyzed at temperatures ranging from 11–35°C. Maximum germination (95%) occurred at 25°C. An exponential sigmoid relationship was found between time and cumulative germination. Germination rate for every subpopulation (10–90% germination) was estimated by means of a normal distribution analysis. The kurtosis indicated die amplitude of the range of temperatures where the highest germination rates were concentrated, and the skew indicated sharply inhibitory temperatures in the range of temperatures used. Based on analysis of the normal distribution models for each subpopulation, we calculated a theoretical function which described germination rate over the temperature range considered: F(T,x) = A × exp[-B(C−1)2], where A is the function that describes germination rate for each subpopulation (characterized by the percentage [x] at optimal temperature); B is a shape parameter, 1/(σ2); and C is the ratio between each germination temperature (T) and the optimal germination temperature. The Gaussian curves were used to calculate thermal time, and base and ceiling temperatures. Germination thermal time ranged from 1333 to 2373°C h, and base and ceiling temperatures were 10.44 ± 0.7°C and 39.54 ± 0.7°C, respectively. There was a linear relationship between thermal time and cumulative percentage of germination of the subpopulations. Based on fitted curves for each subpopulation, the use of a general model for all the subpopulations has been proven: F8 = A × exp[−5.9437(C−1)2], where changes in the curves for each subpopulation depended on temperature only.  相似文献   

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