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The theory of embodied language states that language comprehension relies on an internal reenactment of the sensorimotor experience associated with the processed word or sentence. Most evidence in support of this hypothesis had been collected using linguistic material without any emotional connotation. For instance, it had been shown that processing of arm-related verbs, but not of those leg-related verbs, affects the planning and execution of reaching movements; however, at present it is unknown whether this effect is further modulated by verbs evoking an emotional experience. Showing such a modulation might shed light on a very debated issue, i.e. the way in which the emotional meaning of a word is processed. To this end, we assessed whether processing arm/hand-related verbs describing actions with negative connotations (e.g. to stab) affects reaching movements differently from arm/hand-related verbs describing actions with neutral connotation (e.g. to comb). We exploited a go/no-go paradigm in which healthy participants were required to perform arm-reaching movements toward a target when verbs expressing emotional hand actions, neutral hand actions or foot actions were shown, and to refrain from moving when no-effector-related verbs were presented. Reaction times and percentages of errors increased when the verb involved the same effector as used to give the response. However, we also found that the size of this interference decreased when the arm/hand-related verbs had a negative emotional connotation. Crucially, we show that such modulation only occurred when the verb semantics had to be retrieved. These results suggest that the comprehension of negatively valenced verbs might require the simultaneous reenactment of the neural circuitry associated with the processing of the emotion evoked by their meaning and of the neural circuitry associated with their motor features.  相似文献   

The interaction between language and motor action has been approached by studying the effect of action verbs, kinaesthetic imagery and mental subtraction upon the performance of a complex movement, the squat vertical jump (SVJ). The time of flight gave the value of the height of the SVJ and was measured with an Optojump® and a Myotest® apparatuses. The results obtained by the effects of the cognitive stimuli showed a statistically significant improvement of the SVJ performance after either loudly or silently pronouncing, hearing or reading the verb saute (jump in French language). Action verbs specific for other motor actions (pince = pinch, lèche = lick) or non-specific (bouge = move) showed no or little effect. A meaningless verb for the French subjects (tiáo = jump in Chinese) showed no effect as did rêve (dream), tombe (fall) and stop. The verb gagne (win) improved significantly the SVJ height, as did its antonym perds (lose) suggesting a possible influence of affects in the subjects’ performance. The effect of the specific action verb jump upon the heights of SVJ was similar to that obtained after kinaesthetic imagery and after mental subtraction of two digits numbers from three digits ones; possibly, in the latter, because of the intervention of language in calculus. It appears that the effects of the specific action verb jump did seem effective but not totally exclusive for the enhancement of the SVJ performance. The results imply an interaction among language and motor brain areas in the performance of a complex movement resulting in a clear specificity of the corresponding action verb. The effect upon performance may probably be influenced by the subjects’ intention, increased attention and emotion produced by cognitive stimuli among which action verbs.  相似文献   

Motor actions and action verbs activate similar cortical brain regions. A functional interference can be taken as evidence that there is a parallel treatment of these two types of information and would argue for the biological grounding of language in action. A novel approach examining the relationship between language and grip force is presented. With eyes closed and arm extended, subjects listened to words relating (verbs) or not relating (nouns) to a manual action while holding a cylinder with an integrated force sensor. There was a change in grip force when subjects heard verbs that related to manual action. Grip force increased from about 100 ms following the verb presentation, peaked at 380 ms and fell abruptly after 400 ms, signalling a possible inhibition of the motor simulation evoked by these words. These observations reveal the intimate relationship that exists between language and grasp and show that it is possible to elucidate online new aspects of sensorimotor interaction.  相似文献   

Many proteins exhibit sequence periodicity, often correlated with a visible structural periodicity. The statistical significance of such periodicity can be assessed by means of a chi-squared-based test, with significance thresholds being calculated from shuffled sequences. Comparison of the complete proteomes of 45 species reveals striking differences in the proportion of periodic proteins and the intensity of the most significant periodicities. Eukaryotes tend to have a higher proportion of periodic proteins than eubacteria, which in turn tend to have more than archaea. The intensity of periodicity in the most periodic proteins is also greatest in eukaryotes. By contrast, the relatively small group of periodic proteins in archaea also tend to be weakly periodic compared to those of eukaryotes and eubacteria. Exceptions to this general rule are found in those prokaryotes with multicellular life-cycle phases, e.g., Methanosarcina sp., or Anabaena sp., which have more periodicities than prokaryotes in general, and in unicellular eukaryotes, which have fewer than multicellular eukaryotes. The distribution of significantly periodic proteins in eukaryotes is over a wide range of period lengths, whereas prokaryotic proteins typically have a more limited set of period lengths. This is further investigated by repeating the analysis on the NRL-3D database of proteins of solved structure. Some short-range periodicities are explicable in terms of basic secondary structure, e.g., alpha helices, while middle-range periodicities are frequently found to consist of known short Pfam domains, e.g., leucine-rich repeats, tetratricopeptides or armadillo domains. However, not all can be explained in this way.Reviewing Editor: Dr. John Oakeshott  相似文献   

Sleep benefits veridical memories, resulting in superior recall relative to off-line intervals spent awake. Sleep also increases false memory recall in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. Given the suggestion that emotional veridical memories are prioritized for consolidation over sleep, here we examined whether emotion modulates sleep’s effect on false memory formation. Participants listened to semantically related word lists lacking a critical lure representing each list’s “gist.” Free recall was tested after 12 hours containing sleep or wake. The Sleep group recalled more studied words than the Wake group but only for emotionally neutral lists. False memories of both negative and neutral critical lures were greater following sleep relative to wake. Morning and Evening control groups (20-minute delay) did not differ ruling out circadian accounts for these differences. These results support the adaptive function of sleep in both promoting the consolidation of veridical declarative memories and in extracting unifying aspects from memory details.  相似文献   

人类的时间知觉会受到情绪的调节发生主观扭曲,这种调节可以通过情绪的体验与预期来实现.本文区分了体验性情绪和预期性情绪调节时间知觉的作用方式和认知机制,基于标量计时理论,提出了在不同加工阶段情绪调节时间知觉的认知理论模型,并梳理了情绪调节时间知觉的神经生理学基础和脑机制方面的证据.未来研究需更关注预期性情绪对时间知觉的调节作用,考察注意、唤醒和效价等因素的交互影响,并进一步探究情绪调节时间知觉的神经机制.  相似文献   

为了探讨EB病毒潜伏性膜蛋白1(LMP1)促原代小鼠胚胎成纤维(MEF)细胞增殖规律及作用机制,构建包含野生型LMP1和其TNFR相关死亡区(TRADD)结合区即羧基末端384~386氨基酸置换(YYD→ID)的突变型LMP1逆转录病毒,感染原代培养的MEF细胞,动态观察各细胞在传代培养过程中细胞动力学和形态学变化。发现对照细胞(MEF-LNSX)传至P8~P10时出现明显的生长阻滞;携突变型LMP1的细胞(MEF-LMP1TRADD)自P10起倍增时间逐渐延长,P19时出现明显生长阻滞;而携野生型LMP的细胞(MEF-LMP1)倍增时间逐渐降低并发生了永生化。Westernblot检测发现MEF-LNSX细胞CyclinA表达自P4起明显降低,MEF-LMP1TRADD细胞自P10显著增高后快速降低,MEF-LMP1自P10显著增高后一直维持在较高水平。结果表明:LMP1能促进MEF细胞增殖并诱导体外永生;LMPTRADD则仅能诱导MEF细胞的早期增殖。提示羧基末端区(TRADD)是LMP1促MEF细胞永生的重要活性部位,上调CyclinA表达可能是其作用机制之一。  相似文献   

EB病毒潜伏性膜蛋白1促原代MEF细胞永生化的作用及机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了探讨EB病毒潜伏性膜蛋白1(LMP1)促原代小鼠胚胎成纤维(MEF)细胞增殖规律及作用机制,构建包含野生型LMP1和其TNFR相关死亡区(TRADD)结合区即羧基末端384~386氨基酸置换(YYD→ID)的突变型LMP1逆转录病毒,感染原代培养的MEF细胞,动态观察各细胞在传代培养过程中细胞动力学和形态学变化.发现对照细胞(MEF-LNSX)传至P8~P10时出现明显的生长阻滞;携突变型LMP1的细胞(MEF-LMP1TRADD)自P10起倍增时间逐渐延长,P19时出现明显生长阻滞;而携野生型LMP的细胞(MEF-LMP1)倍增时间逐渐降低并发生了永生化.Western blot检测发现MEF-LNSX细胞CyclinA表达自P4起明显降低,MEF-LMP1TRADD细胞自P10显著增高后快速降低,MEF-LMP1自P10显著增高后一直维持在较高水平.结果表明LMP1能促进MEF细胞增殖并诱导体外永生;LMpTRADD则仅能诱导MEF细胞的早期增殖.提示羧基末端区(TRADD)是LMP1促MEF细胞永生的重要活性部位,上调CyclinA表达可能是其作用机制之一.  相似文献   

The optimal temperature for the nitrogenase activity in the terrestrial cyanobacterium N. flagelliforme was 21–28℃; the optimal water content in thallus was 1000--1500%; the light saturation was between 150–200 J·m-2·s-1. The thallus of N. flagelliforme is extremely sensitive to higher temperature in wet. Long-term exposure of wetted thallus to high temperature at 45℃ causes rapid declination of its nitr0genase activity to zero. Under dry condition, N. flagelliforme is extremely resistant to extensive desiccation and heat exposure. Dry thalli exposed to 55℃, 5 hours daily for 21 days, show no marked change in its nitrogenase activity. The thalli preincubated in wet condition for 4–5 days, are highly sensitive against desication. However, repeated drying/wetting cycles induce a slow and gradual increase of its nitrogenase activity and improve the resistance of its nitrogenase activity against desiccation. High concentrated NaC1 salt solution (0.17–0.43 mol/L) depletes nitrogenase activity of the thalli quickly. Above result shows that N. flagelliforme is not able to resist against salt. The physiological characteristics of nitrogen fixation of cyanobacterium N. flagelliforme may be eonsidered as a result of drought adaptation of the terrestrial ecological condition aad the drying westting cycle is perhaps a necessary factor to maintain its growth.  相似文献   

为了解光照对假紫万年青(Belosynapsis ciliata)生长的影响,研究了不同光照强度下假紫万年青形态特征和叶绿素荧光参数的变化。结果表明,随着遮阴强度的增加,假紫万年青的自然株高有所增加,节数、茎粗、分枝数和茎长度均减少;而不同光照强度对假紫万年青节间长的影响不明显;其叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素总含量和叶绿素a/b先增加后又减少,以15.2%NS时达到最大。叶绿素b含量与叶绿素荧光的Fv/Fm呈负相关,Fv/Fm为0.75~0.8。因此,在高光照条件下,假紫万年青匍匐近地生长,随着光照条件的逐渐减弱,趋向直立生长。在屋顶绿化种植的初期采用适度遮阴(35.2%NS)可使其更好的生长,加速成坪,降低管理成本。  相似文献   


Longitudinal studies with binary outcomes characterized by informative right censoring are commonly encountered in clinical, basic, behavioral, and health sciences. Approaches developed to analyze data with binary outcomes were mainly tailored to clustered or longitudinal data with missing completely at random or at random. Studies that focused on informative right censoring with binary outcomes are characterized by their imbedded computational complexity and difficulty of implementation. Here we present a new maximum likelihood-based approach with repeated binary measures modeled in a generalized linear mixed model as a function of time and other covariates. The longitudinal binary outcome and the censoring process determined by the number of times a subject is observed share latent random variables (random intercept and slope) where these subject-specific random effects are common to both models. A simulation study and sensitivity analysis were conducted to test the model under different assumptions and censoring settings. Our results showed accuracy of the estimates generated under this model when censoring was fully informative or partially informative with dependence on the slopes. A successful implementation was undertaken on a cohort of renal transplant patients with blood urea nitrogen as a binary outcome measured over time to indicate normal and abnormal kidney function until the emanation of graft rejection that eventuated in informative right censoring. In addition to its novelty and accuracy, an additional key feature and advantage of the proposed model is its viability of implementation on available analytical tools and widespread application on any other longitudinal dataset with informative censoring.


Memory performance is usually impaired when participants have to encode information while performing a concurrent task. Recent studies using recall tasks have found that emotional items are more resistant to such cognitive depletion effects than non-emotional items. However, when recognition tasks are used, the same effect is more elusive as recent recognition studies have obtained contradictory results. In two experiments, we provide evidence that negative emotional content can reliably reduce the effects of cognitive depletion on recognition memory only if stimuli with high levels of emotional intensity are used. In particular, we found that recognition performance for realistic pictures was impaired by a secondary 3-back working memory task during encoding if stimuli were emotionally neutral or had moderate levels of negative emotionality. In contrast, when negative pictures with high levels of emotional intensity were used, the detrimental effects of the secondary task were significantly attenuated.  相似文献   

以马蹄金叶为研究对象,利用遮荫网设置光照梯度(透光率分别为:对照100%、76.19%、59.27%、38.09%),对其形态特征及总黄酮含量进行测定和分析.结果表明:(1)随着光照强度的降低,马蹄金叶片的长度、宽度及厚度均表现出先增大后减小的趋势,在76.19%透光率下达到最大值;叶柄长度随着光强的减弱而增长,叶片的形态并未发生显著变化.(2)光照强度对马蹄金叶片总黄酮含量有影响,透光率为76.19%时,马蹄金叶中总黄酮含量最高.分析表明76.19%的透光率有利于马蹄金的生长并能提高马蹄金叶中总黄酮的含量.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of fatiguing exercise intensity on the nature and extent of fatigue-induced changes in neuromuscular function and postural stability in quiet standing. We also explored the contribution of selected neuromuscular mechanisms involved in force production to postural stability impairment observed following fatigue using an approach based on multivariate regressions. Eighteen young subjects performed 30-s postural trials on one leg with their eyes closed. Postural trials were performed before and after fatiguing exercises of different intensities: 25, 50 and 75% of maximal isometric plantarflexor torque. Fatiguing exercises consisted of sustaining a plantarflexor isometric contraction at the target intensity until task failure. Maximal isometric plantarflexor torque, electromyographic activity of plantarflexor and dorsiflexor muscles, activation level (twitch interpolation technique) and twitch contractile properties of plantarflexors were used to characterize neuromuscular function. The 25% exercise was associated with greater central fatigue whereas the 50 and 75% exercises involved mostly peripheral fatigue. However, all fatiguing exercises induced similar alterations in postural stability, which was unexpected considering previous literature. Stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that fatigue-related changes in selected parameters related to neuromuscular function could explain more than half (0.51≤R2≤0.82) of the changes in postural variables for the 25% exercise. On the other hand, regression models were less predictive (0.17≤R2≤0.73) for the 50 and 75% exercises. This study suggests that fatiguing exercise intensity does not influence the extent of postural stability impairment, but does influence the type of fatigue induced and the neuromuscular function predictors explaining changes in postural variables.  相似文献   

Pre-submergence reserve saccharides was found adequate to substantiate the survival of tolerant cultivar under flooding. Survival percentage declined in both tolerant and susceptible cultivars with less saccharide content. However, it was more apparent in susceptible cultivar. Plant height, fresh and dry mass of shoots, leaf mass/area ratio and starch content per plant before flooding showed significant positive association with submergence tolerance. Hence, the improved seedling vigour could be used to increase submergence tolerance.  相似文献   

CHONG  C.; TAPER  C. D. 《Annals of botany》1974,38(2):359-362
Apple stem callus cultures of Malus pumila Mill., cultivars,McIntosh and Cortland, and of Malus robusta Rehd. No. 5 weregrown under light intensities of o, 850, 3350, and 7800 lx ona medium with sorbitol as the carbon source. Cortland callusgrew better in dark whereas growth of Robusta was not influencedby light. Light did not influence growth of McIntosh callusbetween o and 3350 lx, although slight stimulation in growthoccurred at 7800 lx. The chlorophyll content of the culturesincreased with light intensity, although that of Cortland wasvery low at all intensities. Tissue analysis of cultures grownin light at 7800 lx and in dark indicated that the growth ofthese callus tissues as influenced by light was directly relatedto their sorbitol and carbohydrate content. McIntosh and Cortlandshowed opposite trends in the levels of starch, sorbitol, sucrose,glucose, and total carbohydrate in light and dark. Similar tothe growth response of Robusta, the levels of these carbohydratesin this callus were apparently not influenced by light. Sucrose,accumulating in concentrations of between 45 and 62 per centof total carbohydrate, tended to be the predominant carbohydrateconstituent in both light- and dark-grown cultures.  相似文献   

The influence of the drug dilantin on the mental state of humans in the presence of objective neuroticizing factors (restriction of freedom and the concomitants) was studied. A positive effect of the drug on the emotional state of prisoners, namely, decreases in the levels of reactive and personal anxiety and depression, as well as in the probability of the development of neurotic disorders, was shown.  相似文献   

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