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朱华 《云南植物研究》2000,22(4):395-398
1 LasianthuslarseniiH .Zhu ,sp .nov .Fig .1ProximaL .chevalieriPitard ,sedfoliisminoribus ;floribusminoribus ;calycibus 3~ 4mmlog nis ,lobis 2mmlongisdiffert.AL .kerriiCraibfoliislanceolatisapiceacuminatisbasicuneatis ,nervislateralibusutrinsecus 9~ 1 0 ;bracteisinconspi…  相似文献   

2010年用稻茎浸渍法监测了我国和越南共14个褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(St(a)l)田间种群对5种杀虫剂的抗性,结果表明:14个褐飞虱田间种群对吡虫啉、噻嗪酮、氟虫腈、吡蚜酮和叶蝉散的LC50值分别在9.5287~46 6716、1.6621~17.8785、0.9818~ 8.4084、0.331...  相似文献   

A new species of glyptosternine catfish, Oreoglanis infulatus , is described from the Lam River drainage in central Vietnam. The new species is distinguished from all its congeners by possessing the following combination of characters: a dark band running across the anal fin, a lunate and uniformly dark caudal fin, the lower lip lacking a medial notch and with a lobulate posterior margin, maxillary barbel with a rounded tip, length of caudal peduncle 19·0–22·6 % L S, depth of caudal peduncle 2·6–3·2 % L S, post-adipose distance 6·8–8·0 % L S, eye diameter 10·5–12·1 % L H, 12 principal caudal-fin rays.  相似文献   

Several species of carnivores, as jaguar, live in low densities and require extent habitat areas for survive. One of their main threats is fragmentation and demographic isolation. Identifying the habitat corridors, we can help the conservation of these species. We identified the viable and potential corridors between jaguar management and conservation areas for Panthera onca in Mexico. We considerate an ensemble model of the potential distribution of P. onca in Mexico, from which were identified jaguar management and conservation areas (JCMA). According to these attributes, we identified the possible habitat corridors between the JCMA with Corridor Designer. Thirteen habitat corridors were between all JCMA. However only seven were viable corridors and six were potential corridors. Also, in two areas of potential corridors were identified Stepping Stones that can help the jaguar movement between large fragments. In the thirteen habitat corridors, the main threats for jaguars are habitat fragmentation, roads, highway and possible conflict human-wildlife (livestock predation). The results from this work can provide the bases to take actions on the protection of connecting zones and alleviate the mortality of wildlife in these areas.  相似文献   

The lesser kudu (Tragelaphus imberbis) has been kept in North American zoological parks since 1930 but has never been a common species in collections. In 1987 this population totaled 28 animals: 15 males and 13 females. A pedigree evaluation in 1987 of the existing population indicated that eight effective founders and one potential founder were represented in the North American herd. Three new potential founders from European captive populations were added to the population in 1987 to increase the number of existing founder lines to 12 animals. As this species is not endangered or threatened in its native habitat, it is not a high priority to qualify for designation as an SSP species. Because of this, the institutions holding lesser kudu in North America decided to join informally and draft a breeding program to better manage this small captive population. This program was designed to minimize inbreeding and equalize genetic representation of founder animals to maximize genetic diversity. It requires a shift in management philosophy to establish stable groups of breeding females at participating institutions while rotating appropriate breeder males through these herds in a controlled manner to ensure minimization of inbreeding and maximization of genetic diversity. It is hoped that this program can serve as a model for the management of other small captive populations of non-SSP species.  相似文献   

The vegetation in Southern Peninsula (including Ardley Island) was classified according to the composition of species (especially dominant species), physiognomy and structure, and ecology factor, into tundra, meadow, marsh and aquatic vegetation; among which the formation and association were described. The formation and distribution of these communities were dependent on the water supply and the stability of the substrata. The paper discusses also the distributional pattern of vegetation from coast to hill top, characteristics of communities, comparative study on the species number, evenness and diversity among each formation and among different habitat, and some suggestions on vegetation conservation was also attempted.  相似文献   

A new species of perlid stonefly, Agnetina den, is described from Vietnam. Male adults of this species can be easily distinguished by their black body color pattern, submedian patches of sensilla basiconica on hemitergites 7–8, and clusters of long dense fine setae on the inner sides the abdominal tergites. Illustrations of habitat and diagnostic characters are presented.  相似文献   

The six limestone langur taxa of Southeast Asia inhabit the rugged limestone karst mountains, although the reason for their current restriction to this habitat is unclear. From August 2007 to July 2008, I collected data on the diet and feeding behavior of the critically endangered Delacour's langur (Trachypithecus delacouri) in Van Long Nature Reserve, Vietnam. I used these data to evaluate the hypothesis that limestone langurs are found on karst habitat because they depend on endemic limestone plants. Feeding accounted for 29% of the langurs' activity budget. Young leaves dominated the diet monthly, seasonally, and annually. The annual diet consists of nearly 79% foliage with almost 60% young leaves. Despite a distinct wet and dry season, over the study period, seasonal variation in plant part consumption was slight. Fruit and seeds were a small contribution to the diet. Delacour's langurs ate 42 of 145 available species, and they concentrated on a subset of this number. Five plant species comprised more than 60% of the diet and 16 species comprised more than 93%. More than half of the diet came from climbers. Delacour's langurs are among the most highly folivorous of studied colobines and, along with the closely related T. leucocephalus of southern China, the most folivorous of the Asian langurs. Whether high folivory is owing to a lack of available fruits and seeds in limestone habitats is unknown. What is certain, however, is that the plant species most important in the Delacour's langurs' diet at VLNR, throughout the study, were not plants endemic to limestone. Feeding dependence alone, therefore, cannot explain the current distribution of limestone langurs on karst habitat. Am. J. Primatol. 72:317–324, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Licuala taynguyensis is a new species of understory palm known only from the Dak Lak Province of the Central Highlands of Vietnam where it is locally common at elevations of 800–1000 m.  相似文献   

The features of the spatial distribution, size and age structure of populations, and growth of the bivalve mollusk Septifer bilocularis (Linnaeus, 1758) were investigated for the first time in the waters of Vietnam. It is shown that in the subtidal area, on reefs well protected from wave effects, S. bilocularis occupies a corallogenous substrate constructed of dead branchy colonies of Acropora and Porites and forms settlements there with a population density and biomass exceeding those in populations located along the open coast and developing on massive coral colonies of the genera Porites, Favia, and Favites. The extensive accumulation of sediments in the inner part of Vanphong Bay (Khanh Hoa Province) correlated with a decrease in the size and age ranges for populations of S. bilocularis. It is found that in places with regularly active hydrodynamics the mollusks grew somewhat more slowly and formed a more convex shell than on reefs protected from surf. The longevity of S. bilocularis estimated both from the greatest observed age and from the growth equation of Bertalanffy was somewhat greater in the former case compared with the latter one, but in general did not exceed 11 years for both cases. The results of the studies are discussed from the position of morphophysiological adaptations of sessile bivalve mollusks to life in contrasting environmental conditions of the upper subtidal zone.  相似文献   

Recent paleobotanical investigations in Vietnam provide a good opportunity to improve our understanding of the biodiversity and paleoclimatic conditions in the geological past of Southeast Asia. Palms (Arecaceae) are a diverse family of typical thermophilous plants with a relatively low tolerance for freezing. In this study, we describe well-preserved fossil palm leaves from the Oligocene Dong Ho Formation of Hoanh Bo Basin, northern Vietnam. Characters of the fossil leaves, such as a fan-shaped costapalmate lamina, an unarmed petiole, a costa slightly enlarged at the base that then tapers distally into the blade, and well-preserved amphistomatic leaves with cuticles, suggest that they represent a new fossil species, which we herein designate Sabalites colaniae A. Song, T. Su, T. V. Do et Z.K. Zhou sp. nov. Together with other paleontological and palaeoclimatic evidence, we conclude that a warm climate prevailed in northern Vietnam and nearby areas during the Oligocene.  相似文献   

报道了越南防己科(Menispermaceae)一新记录种:短梗千金藤(Stephania brevipes Craib)。据文献记载,该种仅分布于泰国,现首次在越南发现其分布。本种与粪箕笃(S.longa Lour.)形态相近,但叶宽三角状卵形至三角状扁圆形,雄花序小,腋生或生于无叶的茎上,总梗较短,花萼淡黄色,花瓣红紫色,内果皮外部沟数目较少而与后者不同。还提供了该种详细的形态学描述、图版、分布及生态学等信息。凭证标本保存在越南国立自然博物馆标本馆(VNMN)和中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)。  相似文献   

报道了2个苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)蛛毛苣苔属(Paraboea)(C.B.Clarke)Ridl.植物在越南的分布新记录,并列出了每个种的标本引证和地理分布情况.  相似文献   

Michelia tonkinensis A. Chev.这个名称在发表时未指定模式,曾被处理为M. balansae (Aug. DC.) Dandy的异名。在查阅了其原白和原始材料后,确认采自越南北部Tuyen Quang省的标本——Fleury 37.667 (P)是该种唯一的原始材料,应该作为模式看待,同时确认Michelia tonkinensis是一独立的种,不应该处理为M. balansae的异名。此外,还提供了M. tonkinensis的异名、俗名、描述、分布及查阅的标本等综合信息。  相似文献   

中越边境喀斯特地区有着异乎寻常的植物多样性,已经成为全球生物多样性研究和保护的热点区域,近年来在该区发现了多个苦苣苔科植物的新种或新属。凹柱苣苔属是2010年才被建立的新属,该属的花与叶相比,花较大,叶相对较小,叶片边缘稍外卷,花序仅单花,柱头盘状或凹坑状,蒴果长椭球形而有别于苦苣苔科的其他属。凹柱苣苔属为喀斯特专性植物,目前仅包括分布于黔西南的凹柱苣苔和分布于滇东南的水晶凹柱苣苔两个物种。作者在开展中越边境喀斯特地区植物多样性调查时,在越南北部的河江省发现了水晶凹柱苣苔,基于该新发现居群的植物标本,对其进行了补充描述,确认其花期为11月—12月,并对该物种濒危状况进行了重新评估,同时提供了野外生态照片以资辨认。目前,越南已记录苦苣苔科植物32属150余种,凹柱苣苔属在越南北部的发现,不仅丰富了该国苦苣苔科植物的多样性,再一次充分证明了中越边境喀斯特地区是一个完整的植物区系地理单元,而且为稀有的水晶凹柱苣苔提供了更加丰富的野外本底资料,对其将来的深入研究和保护具有重要的生物地理学和保护生物学意义。  相似文献   

Significant differences in susceptibility of 23 bean cultivars were found after natural infection by a single-pustule isolate of bean rust in field trials over three seasons. These differences were not related to differences in the number of adaxial or abaxial acicular leaf hairs, latent period in primary leaves or a difference in pustule size. Forty-five large-seeded bean lines with partial resistance to a single-pustule isolate were developed by recurrent selection for commercial evaluation.  相似文献   

The ant fauna of Nam Cat Tien in the southern part of the Cat Tien Biosphere Reserve (Dong Nai Prov., Southern Vietnam) was studied in 2007–2008. The zonal type of vegetation under study is closed deciduous tropical forests dominated by Lagerstroemia spp. in association with Dipterocarpaceae and Fabaceae. The local ant fauna comprises 272 species from 68 genera and 12 subfamilies. The maximum number of species was found in the genera Polyrhachis (31), Camponotus (21), Pheidole (21), Leptogenys (17), and Crematogaster (13). Seven ant genera (Echinopla F. Sm., Indomyrma Brown, Liomyrmex Mayr, Paratopula Wheeler, Proatta For., Protanilla Taylor, and Rotastruma Bolton) are reported from Vietnam for the first time. The ecological pattern of the ant fauna in the main forest biotopes of the study area is considered. In the dipterocarp forests in the central part of the reserve, the complex of stratobiont species was the most diverse. In the bamboo forests, the stratobiont complex is less diverse but the fraction of dendrobionts is greater. The forests with similar layer structure occurring on sand and loamy soils were shown to differ in the species composition of ant assemblages. Repeated population inventories of ants were carried out in 8 model plots of 100 m2 each during the dry and rainy season. The specificity of revealing species of different biomorphs is discussed in the seasonal aspect. The structure of the ant fauna of Nam Cat Tien is compared to that in other territories of the Oriental Region. The zoogeographic unity of the study area and some localities of the Indo-Malayan Subregion (Borneo, Java) is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Ostrich breeding behaviour in the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania was investigated for differences in laying dates between low altitude western area (WA) and high altitude eastern area (EA) populations. Ostriches in WA laid eggs significantly earlier than in EA. The differences could be attributed to topography and rainfall pattern. Reliable rains in lower altitudes ensure availability of food that in turn influences the whole process of the reproductive cycle. Clutches were contributed by several females with a nest having up to 38 eggs. We also compared the frequency of observation of predators, ostriches, nests, 'singletons' (single eggs laid randomly) and broods between the two areas. There was no significant difference between WA and EA in 1) ostrich/nest ratio, indicating similar breeding densities; 2) ostrich/predator and predator/nest ratios, indicating that predation pressure was equally high; 3) nest/singleton and predator/singleton ratios, indicating that loss of nests did not vary between areas. However, there were significantly more predators, nests and ostriches compared to broods in EA than in WA, indicating a significantly lower reproductive success in EA. Using metapopulation terminology, ostriches in EA could be regarded as a 'sink' population and those in WA as a 'source' population, but investigations over longer time-periods are needed to further resolve if this is the case.  相似文献   

The Raggiana Bird-of-paradise (Paradisaea raggiana) has been held by the San Diego Zoo for more than 50 years, but the population remained in low numbers until the mid-1990s. A previous article published in 1997 documented the beginning of the rise in the population; however, no new information has been published since that time. Over the past 25 years, behavioral observations by animal staff have led to improvements in husbandry techniques, which includes artificial incubation of eggs and hand-rearing of chicks. The ability to simulate a lek with various housing arrangements, in which the males can display with each other, be given access to a female for copulation, and then be separated again has proven paramount for breeding success. Additionally, females are allowed mate choice, further mimicking natural behaviors observed by this species. The refinement of these methods has led to a greater number of fertile eggs as well as higher hatchability and survivability, which in turn has resulted in a significant increase in the captive population.  相似文献   

This study provides the first molecular phylogeny of the social wasp subgenus Polistella (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistes) from Vietnam. Fragments of the mitochondrial COI and 16S rRNA genes were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic trees among 38 Polistes species plus two out-group species (Vespa soror du Buysson and Ropalidia fasciata (Fabricius)). Our results support the existence of several species-groups, including two that are congruent with the previous stigma and Stenopolistes groups defined on the basis of morphology. Moreover, we recovered a clade including the stigma group and the two species P. humilis and P. variabilis that was sister to all other species of Polistella. However, the results also challenged the definition of other groups of Polistella based on morphological data, as well as the definition of two species: P. brunus and P. affinis. This first study calls for further analyses including morphological characters to clarify the taxonomy and the classification of the group.  相似文献   

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