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The emergent behaviors of communities of genotypically identical cells cannot be easily predicted from the behaviors of individual cells. In many cases, it is thought that direct cell-cell communication plays a critical role in the transition from individual to community behaviors. In the unicellular photosynthetic cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, individual cells exhibit light-directed motility (“phototaxis”) over surfaces, resulting in the emergence of dynamic spatial organization of multicellular communities. To probe this striking community behavior, we carried out time-lapse video microscopy coupled with quantitative analysis of single-cell dynamics under varying light conditions. These analyses suggest that cells secrete an extracellular substance that modifies the physical properties of the substrate, leading to enhanced motility and the ability for groups of cells to passively guide one another. We developed a biophysical model that demonstrates that this form of indirect, surface-based communication is sufficient to create distinct motile groups whose shape, velocity, and dynamics qualitatively match our experimental observations, even in the absence of direct cellular interactions or changes in single-cell behavior. Our computational analysis of the predicted community behavior, across a matrix of cellular concentrations and light biases, demonstrates that spatial patterning follows robust scaling laws and provides a useful resource for the generation of testable hypotheses regarding phototactic behavior. In addition, we predict that degradation of the surface modification may account for the secondary patterns occasionally observed after the initial formation of a community structure. Taken together, our modeling and experiments provide a framework to show that the emergent spatial organization of phototactic communities requires modification of the substrate, and this form of surface-based communication could provide insight into the behavior of a wide array of biological communities.  相似文献   

The effect of monochromatic irradiation in and near the UV-Bregion (280–320 nm) on motility (speed of movement) andwhite light-induced phototactic orientation was studied in slugsof the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum (NC-4).Motility decreased to about 50% in UV-B fluences (about 100Jm–2 at 280 nm) well below those required to inhibit slugand sorocarp development or to impair viability. At wavelengthsof 270–300 nm, the phototactic orientation was almosttotally eliminated by an exposure to U V (about 0.1 Wm–2)for as short a time as half an hour when administered at thebeginning of the 24 h exposure to white light. (Received July 22, 1983; Accepted September 27, 1983)  相似文献   

During the slug stage, the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum moves towards light sources. We have modelled this phototactic behaviour using a hybrid cellular automata/partial differential equation model. In our model, individual amoebae are not able to measure the direction from which the light comes, and differences in light intensity do not lead to differentiation in motion velocity among the amoebae. Nevertheless, the whole slug orientates itself towards the light. This behaviour is mediated by a modification of the cyclic AMP (cAMP) waves. As an explanation for phototaxis, we propose the following mechanism, which is basically characterized by four processes: (i) light is focused on the distal side of the slug as a result of the so-called ''lens-effect''; (ii) differences in luminous intensity cause differences in NH3 concentration; (iii) NH3 alters the excitablity of the cell, and thereby the shape of the cAMP wave; and (iv) chemotaxis towards cAMP causes the slug to turn. We show that this mechanism can account for a number of other behaviours that have been observed in experiments, such as bidirectional phototaxis and the cancellation of bidirectionality by a decrease in the light intensity or the addition of charcoal to the medium.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria produce numerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as β-cyclocitral, geosmin, and 2-methylisoborneol, which show lytic activity against cyanobacteria. Among these compounds, only β-cyclocitral causes a characteristic color change from green to blue (blue color formation) in the culture broth during the lysis process. In August 2008 and September 2010, the lysis of cyanobacteria involving blue color formation was observed at Lake Tsukui in northern Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. We collected lake water containing the cyanobacteria and investigated the VOCs, such as β-cyclocitral, β-ionone, 1-propanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, and 2-phenylethanol, as well as the number of cyanobacterial cells and their damage and pH changes. As a result, the following results were confirmed: the detection of several VOCs, including β-cyclocitral and its oxidation product, 2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid; the identification of phycocyanin based on its visible spectrum; the lower pH (6.7 and 5.4) of the lysed samples; and characteristic morphological change in the damaged cyanobacterial cells. We also encountered the same phenomenon on 6 September 2013 in Lake Sagami in northern Kanagawa Prefecture and obtained almost the same results, such as blue color formation, decreasing pH, damaged cells, and detection of VOCs, including the oxidation products of β-cyclocitral. β-Cyclocitral derived from Microcystis has lytic activity against Microcystis itself but has stronger inhibitory activity against other cyanobacteria and algae, suggesting that the VOCs play an important role in the ecology of aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Motility of Bacillus subtilis during growth and sporulation.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The change of motility and the presence of flagella were followed throughout growth and sporulation in a standard sporulating strain and in 19 cacogenic sporulation mutants of Bacillus subtilis. For the standard strain, the fraction of motile cells decreased during the developmental period to less than 10% at T4. Motility was lost well before the cells lose their flagella. Conditions reducing the decrease of motility also reduced sporulation: motile cells never contained spores. The decrease of motility was not coupled with a decrease in the cellular concentration of adenosine 5'-triphosphate or a decline in oxygen consumption, but an uncoupling agent immediately destroyed motility at any time. Apparently, motility decreased during development because it became increasingly uncoupled from the energy generating systems of the cell. The motility of sporulation mutants decreased after the end of growth at the same time as or earlier than the motility of the standard strain; the early decrease of motility in an aconitase mutant, but not that in an alpha-ketoglurate dehydrogenase mutant, could be avoided by addition of L-glutamate. Sporulation or related events such as extracellular antibiotic or protease production were not needed for the motility decline.  相似文献   

Brown algae exhibit three patterns of sexual reproduction: isogamy, anisogamy, and oogamy. Unicellular swarmers including gametes and zoospores bear two heterogenous flagella, an anterior flagellum with mastigonemes (fine tripartite hairs) and a posterior one. In seawater, these flagellates usually receive physico-chemical signals for finding partners and good habitats. It is well known that brown algal swarmers change their swimming direction depending on blue light (phototaxis), and male gametes do so, based on the sex pheromones from female gametes (chemotaxis). In recent years, the comparative analysis of chemotaxis in isogamy, anisogamy, and oogamy has been conducted. In this paper, we focused on the phototaxis and chemotaxis of brown algal gametes comparing the current knowledge with our recent studies.  相似文献   

P. K. Darcy  Z. Wilczynska    P. R. Fisher 《Genetics》1994,137(4):977-985
Mapping and complementation analysis with 17 phototaxis mutations has established 11 complementation groups phoA-phoK distributed over six linkage groups. Statistical calculations from the complementation data yielded 17 as the maximum likelihood estimate of the number of pho genes assuming all loci are equally mutable. Most of the phototaxis mutants were found to exhibit bimodal phototaxis and all were found to be impaired in positive thermotaxis supporting convergence of the photosensory and thermosensory pathways. The thermotaxis mutant HPF228 was unaltered in phototaxis suggesting that the mutation in this strain affects a gene product whose site of action is before the convergence of the two pathways. Other phenotypes such as multiple tip formation by aggregates, stumpy fruiting bodies with short or absent stalks and short migration were associated with some pho alleles suggesting multiple biological roles for some gene products important in phototransduction.  相似文献   

Aggregation of hepatocytes in culture is an important phenomenon to control in tissue engineering applications. Aggregation generally enhances maintenance of differentiated functions but inhibits cell growth. At present there exists insufficient information for rational design of substrata that control aggregation. Indeed, the cellular mechanism(s) underlying the aggregation process is poorly understood, although cell motility is generally considered to be an essential phenomenon. In this article we provide the first study investigating the relationship between hepatocyte aggregation and motility behavior on various extracellular matrix substrata, including Matrigel, laminin, and fibronectin. We find that the extent of aggregation depends on the concentration of the extracellular matrix proteins, as well as on the type. Furthermore, we find that the extent of aggregation appears to be independent of classical single-cell locomotion. In fact, under conditions giving rise to substantial aggregation, the fraction of cells exhibiting classical locomotion is essentially negligible. Instead, aggregation appears to involve intracellular contacts accomplished via a different form of cell motility: active cell membrane extensions followed by adhesive cell-cell interactions. An implication of these findings is that aggregation may be largely governed by relative strengths of cell-cell versus cell-substratum interactions. These observations could be helpful for improved design of cell transplantation devices and cell culture substrata. (c) 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Cyanobacterial KnowledgeBase (CKB) is a free access database that contains the genomic and proteomic information of 74 fully sequenced cyanobacterial genomes belonging to seven orders. The database also contains tools for sequence analysis. The Species report and the gene report provide details about each species and gene (including sequence features and gene ontology annotations) respectively. The database also includes cyanoBLAST, an advanced tool that facilitates comparative analysis, among cyanobacterial genomes and genomes of E. coli (prokaryote) and Arabidopsis (eukaryote). The database is developed and maintained by the Sub-Distributed Informatics Centre (sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India) of the National Facility for Marine Cyanobacteria, a facility dedicated to marine cyanobacterial research. CKB is freely available at http://nfmc.res.in/ckb/index.html.  相似文献   

Microbially mediated calcification can be traced back for at least 2.6 billion years. Although morphological comparison of fossil and recent microbial carbonates suggests that mineralization processes associated with cyanobacteria and their interactions with heterotrophic bacteria have remained similar from the Archaean until today, the metabolic and chemical details remain poorly constrained. Microbial consortia often exhibit an ability to change solution chemistry and control pH at the microscale, passively or actively. This leads to oversaturation of Ca2+ and ions and to the removal of kinetic inhibitors to carbonate precipitation, like sulphate or phosphate. The kinetic barriers of low carbonate ion activity, ion hydration and ion complexing, especially in saline waters, inhibit spontaneous carbonate mineral precipitation from saturated solutions but oxygenic photosynthesis and sulphate reduction by sulphate‐reducing bacteria can overcome these natural barriers. Sulphate in seawater tends to form pairs with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. The removal of sulphate reduces complexing, raises carbonate alkalinity, and along with pyrite formation, enhances carbonate precipitation. Cyanobacteria can store Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in organic envelopes and precipitate carbonates within their sheaths and extracellular polymeric substances, thus, triggering sedimentary carbonate production. We propose that this interplay of cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria has been the major contributor to the carbonate factory for the last 3 billion years of Earth history.  相似文献   

Organic requirements for attachment to glass, elongation, and motility of Entamoeba histolytica, have been determined. the trophozoite, which has been grown axenically only in highly complex media with reduced oxygen tensions, remains rounded and detached when placed in a Tris-HCl buffered solution containing NaCI, KCI, MgCI2, and CaCI2. A maintenance medium in which the amebae could attach to glass, elongate, and remain motile and viable for 12 to 24 h was devised with the addition of cysteine, ascorbic acid, bovine serum albumin, and the vitamin solution of medium NCTC #107. Tris-HCI was the most effective buffer tested and the optimal pH was 6.9 to 7.0. Survival, but not attachment, of the amebae was decreased at osmolalities ranging between 110 and 180 milliosmoles/kg, whereas both functions were decreased above ~260 milliosmoles/kg. Bovine serum albumin, the most effective of the proteins tested, and the vitamin solution helped maintain attachment of some ameba strains, but were not required by other strains. the requirements for cysteine and ascorbic acid were absolute and highly specific. During incubation in the maintenance medium, cell volumes decreased. Sensitivity of the organisms to agglutination by concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin, soybean agglutinin and fucose binding protein remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Green flagellate algae are capable of the active adjustment of their swimming path according to the light direction (phototaxis). This direction is detected by a special photoreceptor apparatus consisting of the photoreceptor membrane and eyespot. Receptor photoexcitation in green flagellates triggers a cascade of rapid electrical events in the cell membrane which plays a crucial role in the signal transduction chain of phototaxis and the photophobic response. The photoreceptor current is the earliest so far detectable process in this cascade. Measurement of the photoreceptor current is at present the most suitable approach to investigation of the photoreceptor pigment in green flagellate algae, since a low receptor concentration in the cell makes application of optical and biochemical methods so far impossible. A set of physiological evidences shows that the phototaxis receptor in green flagellate algae is a unique rhodopsin-type protein. It shares common chromophore properties with retinal proteins from archaea. However, the involvement of photoelectric processes in the signal transduction chain relates it to animal visual rhodopsins. The presence of some enzymatic components of the animal visual cascade in isolated eyespot preparations might also point to this relation. A retinal-binding protein has been identified in such preparations, the amino acid sequence of which shows a certain homology to sequences of animal visual rhodopsins. However, potential function of this protein as the phototaxis receptor has been questioned in recent time.  相似文献   

【目的】研究肚倍蚜Kaburagia rhusicola Takagi对不同光源的趋光行为及应用不同光源诱集效果,为研发肚倍蚜收集装置提供科学依据。【方法】通过室内行为学试验分析21种不同波长灯光对肚倍夏迁蚜的引诱效果,并测试生产应用上4种不同光源对肚倍夏迁蚜诱集效果。【结果】肚倍夏迁蚜对325-770 nm范围内的光(光强15 lx)具有趋性。肚倍夏迁蚜对670 nm单色光趋向性最强,极显著高于其他波段的单色光(除了460 nm以外)。其次是460、610和590 nm的单色光,显著高于除了670 nm以外其他波段的单色光。利用可移动式收集装置结合灯光收集肚倍夏迁蚜所需要的时间为3d。而且,4种光波的灯诱集规律存在较大的差异。橙色LED灯(600-610 nm)、红色LED灯(655-665 nm)和白色日光灯诱集规律相似,收集曲线都是"凸"形的。蓝色LED灯(450-460nm)诱集规律与前3种灯相反,收集曲线是"凹"形的。【结论】肚倍夏迁蚜的最敏感光谱是670、460、610和590 nm的单色光。LED灯可结合移动式收集装置用于肚倍夏迁蚜的迁飞收集,有助于提高收集效率。  相似文献   

Motility and the behavior and inheritance of centrosomes are investigated during mouse and sea urchin fertilization. Sperm incorporation in sea urchins requires microfilament activity in both sperm and eggs as tested with Latrunculin A, a novel inhibitor of microfilament assembly. In contrast the mouse spermhead is incorporated in the presence of microfilament inhibitors indicating an absence of microfilament activity at this stage. Pronuclear apposition is arrested by microfilament inhibitors in fertilized mouse oocytes. The migrations of the sperm and egg nuclei during sea urchin fertilization are dependent on microtubules organized into a radial monastral array, the sperm aster. Microtubule activity is also required during pronuclear apposition in the mouse egg, but they are organized by numerous egg cytoplasmic sites. By the use of an autoimmune antibody to centrosomal material, centrosomes are detected in sea urchin sperm but not in unfertilized eggs. The sea urchin centrosome expands and duplicates during first interphase and condenses to form the mitotic poles during division. Remarkably mouse sperm do not appear to have the centrosomal antigen and instead centrosomes are found in the unfertilized oocyte. These results indicate that both microfilaments and microtubules are required for the successful completion of fertilization in both sea urchins and mice, but at different stages. Furthermore they demonstrate that centrosomes are contributed by the sperm during sea urchin fertilization, but they might be maternally inherited in mammals.  相似文献   

The survival curves for a population of reactivated spermatozoa exposed to digestion by trypsin indicate that a large number of trypsin-sensitive targets must be digested before the flagellum disintegrates. Changes in flagellar movement during trypsin digestion can be very small, especially when the spermatozoa are reactivated at 0.25 M KCl. They are not the changes which would be expected if elastic resistance of the trypsin-sensitive structures responsible for maintaining the integrity of the axoneme is a significant determinant of flagellar bend amplitude. By carrying out trypsin digestion under a variety of conditions, at least six distinct effects of trypsin digestion on parameters of flagellar movement have been detected. These include a gradual increase in the rate of sliding between tubules, gradual and abrupt changes in beat frequency accompanied by reciprocal decreases in bend angle, changes in the symmetry and planarity of bending, and selective interference with mechanisms for bend initiation and bend propagation.  相似文献   

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