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A functional mucus layer is a key requirement for gastrointestinal health as it serves as a barrier against bacterial invasion and subsequent inflammation. Recent findings suggest that mucus composition may pose an important selection pressure on the gut microbiota and that altered mucus thickness or properties such as glycosylation lead to intestinal inflammation dependent on bacteria. Here we used TM-IEC C1galt -/- mice, which carry an inducible deficiency of core 1-derived O-glycans in intestinal epithelial cells, to investigate the effects of mucus glycosylation on susceptibility to intestinal inflammation, gut microbial ecology and host physiology. We found that TM-IEC C1galt -/- mice did not develop spontaneous colitis, but they were more susceptible to dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis. Furthermore, loss of core 1-derived O-glycans induced inverse shifts in the abundance of the phyla Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. We also found that mucus glycosylation impacts intestinal architecture as TM-IEC C1galt-/- mice had an elongated gastrointestinal tract with deeper ileal crypts, a small increase in the number of proliferative epithelial cells and thicker circular muscle layers in both the ileum and colon. Alterations in the length of the gastrointestinal tract were partly dependent on the microbiota. Thus, the mucus layer plays a role in the regulation of gut microbiota composition, balancing intestinal inflammation, and affects gut architecture.  相似文献   

A method previously developed for classification of broiler foot health status was used in order to estimate the prevalence of foot-pad dermatitis in Swedish turkey poults. Data on foot health were collected from 53 commercial turkey flocks at slaughter. The producers were asked to fill in a questionnaire on rearing conditions and equipment for every flock. Lesions were very commonly observed, only 2% of the feet were classified as being without lesions, 78% had mild lesions (discoloration, erosions), and 20% had severe lesions (ulcers). There was a significant (p<0.01) effect of litter material on the presence of severe foot-pad dermatitis, flocks reared on straw showing higher prevalence than flocks reared on wood shavings. There was also a significant (p<0.001) effect of the type of water system, severe foot-pad dermatitis being more common in flocks reared in houses equipped with bell drinkers compared with flocks reared with small cups. The addition of extra litter during the rearing period resulted in significantly (p<0.01) lower prevalence of lesions compared with flocks where no extra litter had been added.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was carried out with turkey poults, which were fed a diet containing 1010 viable probiotic E. faecium NCIB 10415 cells/kg feed. Samples of the intestinal tract were analyzed for lactate, colony forming units of total anaerobic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, enterobacteria and enterococci. Furthermore, metabolic activity of total eubacterial, lactobacilli and enterococci was recorded in selected RNA-extracts with specific ribosomal RNA oligonucleotide probes. Animals fed the probiotic diet showed continously increasing lactate concentrations throughout the sampling period up to day 42 of life. No correlation was found for colony forming units (cfu) of lactic acid bacteria, but metabolic activity of lactobacilli showed very close relation to continously increasing lactate concentrations. Throughout the feeding trial, enterococci in the control group continously increased to a maximum of 104 cfu/g wet weight, but 10-fold higher enterococci cfu were generally found in the treated group. However, rRNA content as measure for metabolic activity showed a drastic decline in both groups after high metabolic activities on day 7. This study shows that E. faecium NCIB 10415 (E. faecium SF68) stimulates other lactic acid bacteria in the small intestine, especially lactobacilli.  相似文献   



Whole rye (WR) consumption seems to be associated with beneficial health effects. Although rye fiber and polyphenols are thought to be bioactive, the mechanisms behind the health effects of WR have yet to be fully identified. This study in rats was designed to investigate whether WR can influence the metabolism of n-3 and n-6 long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) and gut microbiota composition.


For 12 weeks, rats were fed a diet containing either 50% WR or 50% refined rye (RR). The WR diet provided more fiber (+21%) and polyphenols (+29%) than the RR diet. Fat intake was the same in both diets and particularly involved similar amounts of essential (18-carbon) n-3 and n-6 LCFAs.


The WR diet significantly increased the 24-hour urinary excretion of polyphenol metabolites–including enterolactone–compared with the RR diet. The WR rats had significantly more n-3 LCFA–in particular, eicosapentanoic (EPA) and docosahexanoic (DHA) acids–in their plasma and liver. Compared with the RR diet, the WR diet brought significant changes in gut microbiota composition, with increased diversity in the feces (Shannon and Simpson indices), decreased Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio and decreased proportions of uncultured Clostridiales cluster IA and Clostridium cluster IV in the feces. In contrast, no difference was found between groups with regards to cecum microbiota. The WR rats had lower concentrations of total short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) in cecum and feces (p<0.05). Finally, acetate was lower (p<0.001) in the cecum of WR rats while butyrate was lower (p<0.05) in the feces of WR rats.


This study shows for the first time that WR consumption results in major biological modifications–increased plasma and liver n-3 EPA and DHA levels and improved gut microbiota profile, notably with increased diversity–known to provide health benefits. Unexpectedly, WR decreased SCFA levels in both cecum and feces. More studies are needed to understand the interactions between whole rye (fiber and polyphenols) and gut microbiota and also the mechanisms of action responsible for stimulating n-3 fatty acid metabolism.  相似文献   



Abundance of commensals constituting the intestinal microbiota (IM) affects the immune system and predisposes to a variety of diseases, including intestinal infections, cancer, inflammatory and metabolic disorders. Housing conditions determine the IM and can hence influence the immune system. We analyzed how both variables affect the IM of four immune-compromized mouse lines kept under different housing conditions.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated the IM composition in mice by quantitative 16S rRNA RT-PCR analysis of the main fecal bacterial groups (Enterobacteriaceae, enterococci, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, Bacteroides/Prevotella (BP) spp., Clostridium leptum and coccoides groups). Mice were homozygous (HO) or heterozygous (HE) for a targeted inactivating mutation of either the IFN-γ Receptor (R), IFN-γ, Rag1 or IL-4 genes. Overall, differences in IM composition were subtle. However, in the SPF-barrier, total eubacterial loads were higher in Rag1 HE versus Rag1 HO mice as well as in IFN-γR HE versus IFN-γR HO and WT animals. Although absent in WT mice, bifidobacterial loads were higher in HO and HE IFN-γ and Rag1 as well as IL-4 HO mice. Furthermore, BP was slightly lower in HO and HE IFN-γR and IFN-γ mice as well as in IL-4 HO mice as compared to WT controls. Interestingly, IM compositions were comparable in WT mice when kept in individual ventilated cages (IVC) or open cages (OC). IFN-γ HO and HE mice, however, had higher enterobacteria and BP loads, but lacked bifidobacteria when kept in OC versus IVC, as was the case in HO and HE Rag1 mice. In addition, Rag1 HO mice harbored higher clostridial loads when housed in OC as compared to IVC. Unexpectedly, lactobacilli levels were higher in IFN-γR mice when kept in OC versus IVC.


Housing-dependent and immune-deficiency mediated changes in intestinal microbiota composition were rather subtle but may nevertheless impact immunopathology in experimental models.  相似文献   



The human intestinal microbiota is a crucial factor in the pathogenesis of various diseases, such as metabolic syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Yet, knowledge about the role of environmental factors such as smoking (which is known to influence theses aforementioned disease states) on the complex microbial composition is sparse. We aimed to investigate the role of smoking cessation on intestinal microbial composition in 10 healthy smoking subjects undergoing controlled smoking cessation.


During the observational period of 9 weeks repetitive stool samples were collected. Based on abundance of 16S rRNA genes bacterial composition was analysed and compared to 10 control subjects (5 continuing smokers and 5 non-smokers) by means of Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism analysis and high-throughput sequencing.


Profound shifts in the microbial composition after smoking cessation were observed with an increase of Firmicutes and Actinobacteria and a lower proportion of Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria on the phylum level. In addition, after smoking cessation there was an increase in microbial diversity.


These results indicate that smoking is an environmental factor modulating the composition of human gut microbiota. The observed changes after smoking cessation revealed to be similar to the previously reported differences in obese compared to lean humans and mice respectively, suggesting a potential pathogenetic link between weight gain and smoking cessation. In addition they give rise to a potential association of smoking status and the course of IBD.  相似文献   



Within one week following peroral high dose infection with Toxoplasma (T.) gondii, susceptible mice develop non-selflimiting acute ileitis due to an underlying Th1-type immunopathology. The role of the innate immune receptor nucleotide-oligomerization-domain-2 (NOD2) in mediating potential extra-intestinal inflammatory sequelae including the brain, however, has not been investigated so far.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Following peroral infection with 100 cysts of T. gondii strain ME49, NOD2-/- mice displayed more severe ileitis and higher small intestinal parasitic loads as compared to wildtype (WT) mice. However, systemic (i.e. splenic) levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IFN-γ were lower in NOD2-/- mice versus WT controls at day 7 p.i. Given that the immunopathological outcome might be influenced by the intestinal microbiota composition, which is shaped by NOD2, we performed a quantitative survey of main intestinal bacterial groups by 16S rRNA analysis. Interestingly, Bifidobacteria were virtually absent in NOD2-/- but not WT mice, whereas differences in remaining bacterial species were rather subtle. Interestingly, more distinct intestinal inflammation was accompanied by higher bacterial translocation rates to extra-intestinal tissue sites such as liver, spleen, and kidneys in T. gondii infected NOD2-/- mice. Strikingly, intracerebral inflammatory foci could be observed as early as seven days following T. gondii infection irrespective of the genotype of animals, whereas NOD2-/- mice exhibited higher intracerebral parasitic loads, higher F4/80 positive macrophage and microglia numbers as well as higher IFN-γ mRNA expression levels as compared to WT control animals.


NOD2 signaling is involved in protection of mice from T. gondii induced acute ileitis. The parasite-induced Th1-type immunopathology at intestinal as well as extra-intestinal sites including the brain is modulated in a NOD2-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Opiates are among the most prescribed drugs for pain management. However, morphine use or abuse results in significant gut bacterial translocation and predisposes patients to serious infections with gut origin. The mechanism underlying this defect is still unknown. In this report, we investigated the mechanisms underlying compromised gut immune function and bacterial translocation following morphine treatment. We demonstrate significant bacterial translocation to mesenteric lymph node (MLN) and liver following morphine treatment in wild-type (WT) animals that was dramatically and significantly attenuated in Toll-like receptor (TLR2 and 4) knockout mice. We further observed significant disruption of tight junction protein organization only in the ileum but not in the colon of morphine treated WT animals. Inhibition of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) blocked the effects of both morphine and TLR ligands, suggesting the role of MLCK in tight junction modulation by TLR. This study conclusively demonstrates that morphine induced gut epithelial barrier dysfunction and subsequent bacteria translocation are mediated by TLR signaling and thus TLRs can be exploited as potential therapeutic targets for alleviating infections and even sepsis in morphine-using or abusing populations.  相似文献   

目的:观察不同的肠内营养物对结肠癌围手术期肠粘膜屏障和肠粘膜形态的影响.方法:160例结肠癌患者随机分成4组,所有患者行标准的结肠癌根治术,在术前3天开始肠道准备,分别在术前和术后给第Ⅰ组患者静脉营养;Ⅱ组给予标准的要素营养;Ⅲ组给予普通的肠内营养物混合物;Ⅳ组给予安素,所有患者行标准的结肠癌根治术,利用形态评分系统记录的各组结肠粘膜的变化(0-5),在术后通过内毒素和二胺氧化酶观察比较了各组肠粘膜屏障的变化.结果:给予安素的患者(Ⅳ组)与其他组相比,细菌移位显著降低,各组患者的内毒素水平经治疗后逐渐下降,其中Ⅱ-Ⅳ组在治疗后的1,4,7天均低于Ⅰ组(P<0.05),特别是第4组血浆内毒素水平明显低于其它各组(P<0.05).组织学变化的评分显示在第Ⅳ组(安素)和第Ⅰ-Ⅲ组(静脉或者其它肠内营养物)之间相比具有显著差异(P=0.001),(Ⅰ到Ⅳ组)得分分别为:2.35±0.72,1.92±1.07,1.75±1.03,0.92±0.95.结论:安素能够保护肠粘膜,降低细菌移位.  相似文献   

Antibiotics are frequently administered orally to treat bacterial infections not necessarily related to the gastrointestinal system. This has adverse effects on the commensal gut microbial community, as it disrupts the intricate balance between specific bacterial groups within this ecosystem, potentially leading to dysbiosis. We hypothesized that modulation of community composition and function induced by antibiotics affects intestinal integrity depending on the antibiotic administered. To address this a total of 60 Wistar rats (housed in pairs with 6 cages per group) were dosed by oral gavage with either amoxicillin (AMX), cefotaxime (CTX), vancomycin (VAN), metronidazole (MTZ), or water (CON) daily for 10–11 days. Bacterial composition, alpha diversity and caecum short chain fatty acid levels were significantly affected by AMX, CTX and VAN, and varied among antibiotic treatments. A general decrease in diversity and an increase in the relative abundance of Proteobacteria was observed for all three antibiotics. Additionally, the relative abundance of Bifidobacteriaceae was increased in the CTX group and both Lactobacillaceae and Verrucomicrobiaceae were increased in the VAN group compared to the CON group. No changes in microbiota composition or function were observed following MTZ treatment. Intestinal permeability to 4 kDa FITC-dextran decreased after CTX and VAN treatment and increased following MTZ treatment. Plasma haptoglobin levels were increased by both AMX and CTX but no changes in expression of host tight junction genes were found in any treatment group. A strong correlation between the level of caecal succinate, the relative abundance of Clostridiaceae 1 family in the caecum, and the level of acute phase protein haptoglobin in blood plasma was observed. In conclusion, antibiotic-induced changes in microbiota may be linked to alterations in intestinal permeability, although the specific interactions remain to be elucidated as changes in permeability did not always result from major changes in microbiota and vice versa.  相似文献   

In two-stage continuous cultures, at bacterial concentrations, biovolumes, and growth rates similar to values found in Lake Vechten, ingestion rates of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN) increased from 2.3 bacteria HNAN−1 · h−1 at a growth rate of 0.15 day−1 to 9.2 bacteria · HNAN−1 · h−1 at a growth rate of 0.65 day−1. On a yeast extract medium with a C/N/P ratio of 100:15:1.2 (Redfield ratio), a mixed bacterial population showed a yield of 18% (C/C) and a specific carbon content of 211 fg of C · μm−3. The HNAN carbon content and yield were estimated at 127 fg of C · μm−3 and 47% (C/C). Although P was not growth limiting, HNAN accelerated the mineralization of PO4-P from dissolved organic matter by 600%. The major mechanism of P remineralization appeared to be direct consumption of bacteria by HNAN. N mineralization was performed mainly (70%) by bacteria but was increased 30% by HNAN. HNAN did not enhance the decomposition of the relatively mineral-rich dissolved organic matter. An accelerated decomposition of organic carbon by protozoa may be restricted to mineral-poor substrates and may be explained mainly by protozoan nutrient regeneration. Growth and grazing in the cultures were compared with methods for in situ estimates. Thymidine incorporation by actively growing bacteria yielded an empirical conversion factor of 1.1 × 1018 bacteria per mol of thymidine incorporated into DNA. However, nongrowing bacteria also showed considerable incorporation. Protozoan grazing was found to be accurately measured by uptake of fluorescently labeled bacteria, whereas artificial fluorescent microspheres were not ingested, and selective prokaryotic inhibitors blocked not only bacterial growth but also protozoan grazing.  相似文献   

Data were collected on the down color of 1,386 parthenogenetic embryos and poults from eggs of 306 young virgin and older nonmated bronze turkey hens. Each hen involved was heterozygous (Cc) for alleles which affect feather pigmentation. Six hundred and sixty nine white and 717 colored parthenogenetic embryos and poults were observed, a 1:1 ratio. Subsequently, 89 of these 306 heterozygous bronze hens were inseminated with semen from BSW (cc) males and down color of embryos and poults from fertilized eggs recorded. the 89 females produced a total of 233 white and 239 colored normal embryos and poults. The 1:1 ratio for down color among both parthenogenetic and normal embryos and poults shows that, in both instances, the two alleles at a locus on an autosome segregated equally. Four possible cytological routes which would lead to diploidy were discussed.  相似文献   

Respiratory bacterial microbiota plays a key role in human health. Lung cancer microbiome is a significant yet an understudied area while bronchiectasis microbiome is often studied. We assessed the bacterial microbiota in the upper and lower respiratory tract of the patients with lung cancer and bronchiectasis against a healthy group and their variations in individuality. 16S rRNA gene based metagenomic sequencing was used to detect entire bacterial community along with conventional aerobic bacterial culturing. In comparison to healthy, increased bacterial diversity was observed in diseased population. Abundance of more than 1% was considered and bacteria were identified in 97% similarity. Only lung cancer patients exhibited bacteria specific to the disease: Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum and Keratinibaculum paraultunense. However, Enterococcus faecalis and Delftia tsuruhatensis were also observed limited to lung cancer and bronchiectasis respectively, in less than 1% but supported with bacterial culturing. In conclusion the disease condition and intra-group variability should be considered in future with larger cohorts to understand individual patient variability highlighting the social habits and gender of the individual.  相似文献   

Growth and Composition of Rye Seedlings Cultured in Sea Water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two-week-old Balbo rye seedlings cultured in aerated sea water are similar in fresh weight and linear dimensions to plants grown in aerated fresh and brackish waters. No significant differences were found in dry matter, nitrogen, sulfur or phosphorus content but tissue chloride increased markedly. Most of the Cl uptake was retained as chloride, but a small quantity was water insoluble and possibly in organic combination. We suggest that rye is a good prospect for development of lines suitable for sea water agriculture.  相似文献   

Song D  Shi B  Xue H  Li Y  Yu B  Xu Z  Liu F  Li J 《Current microbiology》2006,52(1):69-73
It has been reported that treatment with methotrexate (MTX) induces intestinal bacterial translocation; however, the definitive evidence of intestinal bacterial translocation induced by MTX has been lacking. The aim of this study was to confirm the intestinal bacterial translocation caused by MTX and to evaluate the preventive effect of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) on intestinal bacterial translocation caused by MTX. Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with MTX (3.5 mg/kg) for 3 days to induce intestinal bacterial translocation; with gavaged Escherichia coli TG1 labeled with green fluorescent protein (GFP) for 2 days to track intestinal bacterial translocation; and with G-CSF (10 μg/kg) for 4 days to prevent intestinal bacterial translocation. Representative tissue specimens from the mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and kidney were aseptically harvested for bacteria culture in ampicillin-supplemented medium. The bacteria labeled with GFP were detected in tissue specimens harvested from the rats treated with MTX but not detected in the rats that were not treated with MTX. G-CSF significantly ameliorated the situation of intestinal bacterial translocation.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization and real-time PCR analysis targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Akkermansia muciniphila were performed to determine its presence in the human intestinal tract. These techniques revealed that an A. muciniphila-like bacterium is a common member of the human intestinal tract and that its colonization starts in early life and develops within a year to a level close to that observed in adults (108 cells/g) but decreases (P < 0.05) in the elderly.  相似文献   

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