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Interaction of Notch receptors with Delta- and Serrate-type ligands is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism that mediates direct communication between adjacent cells and thereby regulates multiple developmental processes. Posttranslational modifications of both receptors and ligands are pivotal for normal Notch pathway function. We have identified by mass spectrometric analysis two serine and one threonine phosphorylation sites in the intracellular domain of the mouse Notch ligand DLL1. Phosphorylation requires cell membrane association of DLL1 and occurs sequentially at the two serine residues. Phosphorylation of one serine residue most likely by protein kinase B primes phosphorylation of the other serine. A DLL1 variant, in which all three identified phosphorylated serine/threonine residues are mutated to alanine and valine, was more stable than wild-type DLL1 but had reduced relative levels on the cell surface and was more effectively cleaved in the extracellular domain. In addition, the mutant variant activated Notch1 significantly less efficient than wild-type DLL1 in a coculture assay in vitro. Mice, however, whose endogenous DLL1 was replaced with the phosphorylation-deficient triple mutant developed normally, suggesting compensatory mechanisms under physiological conditions in vivo.  相似文献   

Plant growth and development are coordinately orchestrated by environmental cues and phytohormones. Light acts as a key environmental factor for fundamental plant growth and physiology through photosensory phytochromes and underlying molecular mechanisms. Although phytochromes are known to possess serine/threonine protein kinase activities, whether they trigger a signal transduction pathway via an intracellular protein kinase network remains unknown. In analyses of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK, also called MKK) mutants, the mkk3 mutant has shown both a hypersensitive response in plant hormone gibberellin (GA) and a less sensitive response in red light signaling. Surprisingly, light-induced MAPK activation in wild-type (WT) seedlings and constitutive MAPK phosphorylation in dark-grown mkk3 mutant seedlings have also been found, respectively. Therefore, this study suggests that MKK3 acts in negative regulation in darkness and in light-induced MAPK activation during dark-light transition.  相似文献   

The conserved CaaX box peroxin Pex19p is known to be modified by farnesylation. The possible involvement of this lipid modification in peroxisome biogenesis, the degree to which Pex19p is farnesylated, and its molecular function are unknown or controversial. We resolve these issues by first showing that the complete pool of Pex19p is processed by farnesyltransferase in vivo and that this modification is independent of peroxisome induction or the Pex19p membrane anchor Pex3p. Furthermore, genomic mutations of PEX19 prove that farnesylation is essential for proper matrix protein import into peroxisomes, which is supposed to be caused indirectly by a defect in peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP) targeting or stability. This assumption is corroborated by the observation that mutants defective in Pex19p farnesylation are characterized by a significantly reduced steady-state concentration of prominent PMPs (Pex11p, Ant1p) but also of essential components of the peroxisomal import machinery, especially the RING peroxins, which were almost depleted from the importomer. In vivo and in vitro, PMP recognition is only efficient when Pex19p is farnesylated with affinities differing by a factor of 10 between the non-modified and wild-type forms of Pex19p. Farnesylation is likely to induce a conformational change in Pex19p. Thus, isoprenylation of Pex19p contributes to substrate membrane protein recognition for the topogenesis of PMPs, and our results highlight the importance of lipid modifications in protein-protein interactions.A large number of eukaryotic intracellular proteins are post-translationally modified by the covalent attachment of either 15 or 20 carbon isoprenoids known as farnesyl or geranylgeranyl, respectively. This process (referred to as protein prenylation) affects lipases, kinases, inositol and protein-tyrosine phosphatases, lamins, and most of the small GTPases (13). Protein prenylation was shown to enable reversible association of modified proteins with lipid bilayers and to modulate protein-protein interactions (46).The farnesyl group is attached to the cysteine of the C-terminal motif known as the CaaX box, where “a” indicates aliphatic amino acids and X is usually serine, methionine, glutamine, alanine, or threonine (3). Farnesyltransferase (FTase)3 consists of two subunits, the α-subunit and the β-subunit (Ram2p and Ram1p in yeast). The α-subunit is shared by the geranylgeranyl transferase (GGTase I), whereas the β-subunit is unique for FTase (7).The peroxisome biogenesis protein (peroxin) Pex19p is one of a few farnesylated non-GTPases that are conserved between yeast and humans. Pex19p was initially identified as a prenylated protein (PxF) (8, 9) or housekeeping gene product (HK33) (10). A loss-of-function mutation in human PEX19 is associated with complementation group CG-J/CG-14 of Zellweger syndrome (11). In the absence of Pex19p, cells lack functional peroxisomes (1113). Pex19p is mostly cytosolic and interacts with all peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs) analyzed (1416).Different and not all exclusive models have been proposed for Pex19p function. First, Pex19p might be an import receptor for PMPs that recognizes its substrates in the cytosol and delivers them to the peroxisomal membrane (15, 17, 18). This function would be analogous to that of the peroxisomal import receptors Pex5p and Pex7p, which recognize and deliver matrix proteins with PTS1 (peroxisomal targeting signal type 1) and PTS2 to peroxisomes (19). Second, Pex19p might act as a PMP chaperone that prevents newly synthesized PMPs from aggregation and degradation in the cytosol (17, 20). Third, Pex19p might act as a PMP membrane insertion factor (14, 16). Fourth, Pex19p might be required as an association/dissociation factor of membrane protein complexes (21) and has been reported to be required for the targeting of Pex3p from the ER to the peroxisomal membrane (22). Finally, Pex19p function is dependent on Pex3p, which serves as a docking factor at the peroxisomal membrane (12, 2224). All models agree on the importance of PMP recognition for Pex19p function (25).Pex19p shows only a moderate degree of sequence conservation, with less than 20% amino acid identity between yeast and human Pex19p. Its CaaX box, however, has been retained throughout evolution (see Fig. 1). Information on the status and the requirement of Pex19p farnesylation has so far been available only through often conflicting side observations. Mammalian PEX19 was described to be partially farnesylated in CHO-K1 cells (11), but other studies with human fibroblasts challenged the relevance of Pex19p farnesylation (15, 26). It was speculated that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, farnesylation is required for an essential aspect of Pex19p function (12). This notion was recently contradicted (27). Work on other yeasts similarly suggested that farnesylation would be dispensable for Pex19p function (13, 28, 29).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Pex19p is completely farnesylated in vivo, independent of peroxisome induction and Pex3p. A and B, Pex19p is fully modified by yeast FTase in vivo. Whole cell lysates from non-induced cells of the indicated strains were analyzed by immunoblotting. Blots were probed with anti-Pex19p antibodies. The non-farnesylated form of Pex19p of a Δram1 mutant (arrowhead) cannot be detected in extracts from wild-type yeast (arrow) (A), whereas it reappears after reintroduction of Ram1p (B). C, the yeast farnesylation machinery can be saturated by overexpression of GST-Pex19p. A Coomassie-stained gel of purified farnesylated and non-farnesylated Pex19p is shown. GST-Pex19p was expressed under control of a copper-inducible promoter in Δpex19 and Δram1 strains and isolated by affinity chromatography. In Δram1 (right), only the non-farnesylated GST-Pex19p can be detected. In Δpex19 (left) two bands appear, corresponding to non-farnesylated GST-Pex19p (upper band) and farnesylated GST-Pex19p (lower band). D, Pex19p farnesylation levels are independent of peroxisome induction and are not affected by the absence of the Pex19p membrane anchor Pex3p. Cells were grown on YPD medium and, where indicated, washed and grown on 0.1% oleate medium for 17 h for peroxisome induction. Lysates were fractionated by centrifugation (20,000 × g, 1 h, 4 °C) and analyzed as in A. Blots were probed with antibodies against Pex19p. E, evolutionary conservation of the Pex19p farnesylation site in fungi, plant, and metazoa.In this study, we determined the in vivo farnesylation status of Pex19p and its dependence on peroxisome induction and on Pex3p. We discovered that Pex19p is fully modified by FTase and investigated whether Pex19p farnesylation is required for PMP recognition and stability. By peptide blots, two-hybrid analysis, and fluorescence polarization titration, we showed that farnesylation increases the affinity for PMPs by a factor of about 10. Last, we provide evidence that the interaction between farnesylated Pex19p and PMPs is achieved through a farnesylation-induced structural change in Pex19p rather than through direct farnesyl-PMP interaction. Our results exemplify the biological relevance of isoprenylation-dependent protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Male infertility affects at least 5% of reproductive age males. The most common pathology is a complex presentation of decreased sperm output and abnormal sperm shape and motility referred to as oligoasthenoteratospermia (OAT). For the majority of OAT men a precise diagnosis cannot be provided. Here we demonstrate that leucine-rich repeats and guanylate kinase-domain containing isoform 1 (LRGUK-1) is required for multiple aspects of sperm assembly, including acrosome attachment, sperm head shaping and the initiation of the axoneme growth to form the core of the sperm tail. Specifically, LRGUK-1 is required for basal body attachment to the plasma membrane, the appropriate formation of the sub-distal appendages, the extension of axoneme microtubules and for microtubule movement and organisation within the manchette. Manchette dysfunction leads to abnormal sperm head shaping. Several of these functions may be achieved in association with the LRGUK-1 binding partner HOOK2. Collectively, these data establish LRGUK-1 as a major determinant of microtubule structure within the male germ line.  相似文献   

Chaperonin GroEL and its partner GroES assist the folding of nascent and stress-damaged proteins in an ATP-dependent manner. Free GroES has a flexible "mobile loop" and binds to GroEL through the residues at the tip of the loop, capping the central cavity of GroEL to provide the substrate polypeptide a cage for secure in-cage folding. Here, we show that restriction of the flexibility of the loop by a disulfide cross-linking between cysteines within the loop results in the inefficient formation of a stable GroEL-polypeptide-GroES ternary complex and inefficient folding. Then, we generated substrate proteins with enhanced binding affinity to GroEL by fusion of one or two SBP (strongly binding peptide for GroEL) sequences and examined the effect of disulfide cross-linking on the assisted folding. The results indicate that the higher the binding affinity of the substrate polypeptide to GroEL, the greater the contribution of the mobile loop flexibility to efficient in-cage folding. It is likely that the flexibility helps GroES capture GroEL's binding sites that are already occupied by the substrate polypeptide with various binding modes.  相似文献   

Sec13 is a dual function protein, being a core component of both the COPII coat, which mediates protein trafficking from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus, and the nuclear pore complex (NPC), which facilitates nucleo-cytoplasmic traffic. Here, we present a genetic model to differentiate the roles of these two functions of Sec13 in vivo. We report that sec13sq198 mutant embryos develop small eyes that exhibit disrupted retinal lamination and that the mutant retina contains an excessive number of apoptotic cells. Surprisingly, we found that loss of COPII function by oligonucleotide-mediated gene knockdown of sec31a and sec31b or brefeldin A treatment did not disrupt retinal lamination, although it did result in digestive organ defects similar to those seen in sec13sq198, suggesting that the digestive organ defects observed in sec13sq198 are due to loss of COPII function, whereas the retinal lamination defects are due to loss of the NPC function. We showed that the retinal cells of sec13sq198 failed to form proper nuclear pores, leading to a nuclear accumulation of total mRNA and abnormal activation of the p53-dependent apoptosis pathway, causing the retinal defect in sec13sq198. Furthermore, we found that a mutant lacking Nup107, a key NPC-specific component, phenocopied the retinal lamination phenotype as observed in sec13sq198. Our results demonstrate a requirement for the nuclear pore function of Sec13 in development of the retina and provide the first genetic evidence to differentiate the contributions of the NPC and the COPII functions of Sec13 during organogenesis.  相似文献   

The vesicular acetylcholine (ACh) transporter (VAChT) mediates ACh storage by synaptic vesicles. However, the VAChT-independent release of ACh is believed to be important during development. Here we generated VAChT knockout mice and tested the physiological relevance of the VAChT-independent release of ACh. Homozygous VAChT knockout mice died shortly after birth, indicating that VAChT-mediated storage of ACh is essential for life. Indeed, synaptosomes obtained from brains of homozygous knockouts were incapable of releasing ACh in response to depolarization. Surprisingly, electrophysiological recordings at the skeletal-neuromuscular junction show that VAChT knockout mice present spontaneous miniature end-plate potentials with reduced amplitude and frequency, which are likely the result of a passive transport of ACh into synaptic vesicles. Interestingly, VAChT knockouts exhibit substantial increases in amounts of choline acetyltransferase, high-affinity choline transporter, and ACh. However, the development of the neuromuscular junction in these mice is severely affected. Mutant VAChT mice show increases in motoneuron and nerve terminal numbers. End plates are large, nerves exhibit abnormal sprouting, and muscle is necrotic. The abnormalities are similar to those of mice that cannot synthesize ACh due to a lack of choline acetyltransferase. Our results indicate that VAChT is essential to the normal development of motor neurons and the release of ACh.Cholinergic neurotransmission has key functions in life, as it regulates several central and peripheral nervous system outputs. Acetylcholine (ACh) is synthesized in the cytoplasm by the enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) (16). Choline supplied by the high-affinity choline transporter (CHT1) is required to maintain ACh synthesis (52). A lack of ChAT (4, 35) or the high-affinity choline transporter (21) in genetically modified mice is incompatible with life. ACh plays an important role in wiring the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) during development (38, 43). Embryonic synthesis of ACh is fundamental for the development of proper nerve-muscle patterning at the mammalian NMJ, as ChAT-null mice present aberrant nicotinic ACh receptor (nAChR) localization and increased motoneuron (MN) survival, axonal sprouting, and branching (4, 35).The vesicular ACh transporter (VAChT) exchanges cytoplasmic ACh for two vesicular protons (37, 41). Previously reported electrophysiological studies showed that quantal size is decreased by vesamicol, an inhibitor of VAChT, but only in nerve terminals that have been electrically stimulated (19, 59, 60, 63). VAChT overexpression in developing Xenopus MNs increases both the size and frequency of miniature-end-plate currents (54). In Caenorhabditis elegans, mutations in VAChT affect behavior (65). Moreover, a decrease in VAChT expression has functional consequences for mammals, as mutant mice with a 70% reduction in the expression levels of this transporter (VAChT knockdown [KDHOM] mice) are myasthenic and have cognitive deficits (47). Hence, vesicular transport activity is rate limiting for neurotransmission “in vivo” (18, 47).Exocytosis of synaptic vesicle contents is the predominant mechanism for the regulated secretion of neurotransmitters (55). However, alternative mechanisms of secretion have been proposed (20, 56, 61). Quantal ACh release, comparable to that seen in developing nerve terminals, has been detected in myocytes and fibroblasts in culture, which presumably do not express VAChT (14, 24). More recently, it was found that the correct targeting of Drosophila photoreceptor axons is disrupted in flies with null mutations in ChAT (64). Remarkably, the inactivation of VAChT did not produce the same result (64). The result suggests that the release of ACh during development is not dependent on VAChT, perhaps because it is nonvesicular or because vesicular storage can occur without VAChT.To test if the VAChT-independent secretion of ACh has any physiological role in the mammalian nervous system, we generated a mouse line in which the VAChT gene is deleted. These mice lack the stimulated release of ACh from synaptosomes, die after birth, and show several alterations in neuromuscular wiring consistent with a severe decrease in the cholinergic input to muscles during development. These experiments indicate that VAChT has an important role in maintaining activity-dependent ACh release that supports life and the correct patterning of innervation at the NMJ.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2014,28(3):282-294
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TNF receptor–associated factors (TRAFs) are multifunctional adaptor proteins involved in temporal and spatial coordination of signals necessary for normal immune function. Here, we report that TRAF3, a TRAF family member with a key role in Toll-like and TNF family receptor signaling and suppressor of lymphomagenesis, is post-translationally modified by the small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO). Through yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation assays we have identified Ubc9, the SUMO conjugating enzyme, as a novel TRAF3-interacting protein. We show that Ubc9-dependent SUMOylation of TRAF3 modulates optimal association with the CD40 receptor, thereby influencing TRAF3 degradation and non-canonical NF-κB activation upon CD40 triggering. Collectively, our findings describe a novel post-translational modification of a TRAF family member and reveal a link between SUMOylation and TRAF-mediated signal transduction.  相似文献   

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