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Future planning and behavioral modification is thought to require experience-dependent plasticity in neuronal circuits involving the prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens and amygdala. Dopamine has been implicated in such plasticity; however, the nature of the adaptive response of dopamine systems to emotionally salient experiences is poorly understood. We determined whether the dopaminergic response to a given stimulus changes after the first exposure to that stimulus and whether this alteration is stimulus specific. Dopamine release was measured in the prefrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens in response to two aversive but qualitatively distinct stimuli, physical restraint and electrical microstimulation of basolateral amygdala. In the prefrontal cortex, the first exposure to restraint or amygdala stimulation produced similar increases in dopamine release. The second exposure to restraint resulted in an attenuated response (- 36%) whereas the second exposure to amygdala stimulation produced a potentiated response (+ 110%). Cross-modal potentiation of response occurred with both stimuli. These adaptive changes were specific to the prefrontal cortex and were not observed in the nucleus accumbens. These findings demonstrate that prefrontal cortical dopamine output adapts after a single exposure to stimuli with emotional salience. The direction of this adaptation, however, is not uniform and depends on the nature of the stimulus.  相似文献   

Previous studies have revealed that activation of rat striatal D(1) dopamine receptors stimulates both adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C via G(s) and G(q), respectively. The differential distribution of these systems in brain supports the existence of distinct receptor systems. The present communication extends the study by examining other brain regions: hippocampus, amygdala, and frontal cortex. In membrane preparations of these brain regions, selective stimulation of D(1) dopamine receptors increases the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate. In these brain regions, D(1) dopamine receptors couple differentially to multiple Galpha protein subunits. Antisera against Galpha(q) blocks dopamine-stimulated PIP(2) hydrolysis in hippocampal and in striatal membranes. The binding of [(35)S]GTPgammaS or [alpha-(32)P]GTP to Galpha(i) was enhanced in all brain regions. Dopamine also increased the binding of [(35)S]GTPgammaS or [alpha-(32)P]GTP to Galpha(q) in these brain regions: hippocampus = amygdala > frontal cortex. However, dopamine-stimulated binding of [(35)S]GTPgammaS to Galphas only in the frontal cortex and striatum. This differential coupling profile in the brain regions was not related to a differential regional distribution of the Galpha proteins. Dopamine induced increases in GTPgammaS binding to Galpha(s) and Galpha(q) was blocked by the D(1) antagonist SCH23390 but not by D(2) receptor antagonist l-sulpiride, suggesting that D(1) dopamine receptors couple to both Galpha(s) and Galpha(q) proteins. Co-immunoprecipitation of Galpha proteins with receptor-binding sites indicate that in the frontal cortex, D(1) dopamine-binding sites are associated with both Galpha(s) and Galpha(q) and, in hippocampus or amygdala, D(1) dopamine receptors couple solely to Galpha(q). The results indicate that in addition to the D(1)/G(s)/adenylyl cyclase system, brain D(1)-like dopamine receptor sites activate phospholipase C through Galpha(q) protein.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is believed to contribute to the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease, in which nigrostriatal dopaminergic (DA) neurons undergo degeneration. Identification of endogenous molecules that contribute to generation of oxidative stress and vulnerability of these cells is critical in understanding the etiology of this disease. Exposure to tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), the obligatory cofactor for DA synthesis, was observed previously to cause oxidative damage in DA cells. To demonstrate the physiological relevance of this observation, we investigated whether an overproduction of BH4 and DA might actually occur in vivo, and, if it did, whether this might lead to oxidative damage to the nigrostriatal system. Immobilization stress (IMO) elevated BH4 and DA and their synthesizing enzymes, tyrosine hydroxylase and GTP cyclohydrolase I. This was accompanied by elevation of lipid peroxidation and protein-bound quinone, and activities of antioxidant enzymes. These increases in the indices of oxidative stress appeared to be due to increased BH4 synthesis because they were abolished following administration of the BH4 synthesis inhibitor, 2,4-diamino-6-hydroxy-pyrimidine. IMO also caused accumulation of neuromelanin and degeneration of the nigrostriatal system. These results demonstrate that a severe stress can increase BH4 and DA and cause oxidative damages to the DA neurons in vivo, suggesting relevance to Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Yuan TT  Qiao H  Dong SP  An SC 《生理学报》2011,63(4):333-341
本文旨在探讨在慢性应激性抑郁发生过程中多巴胺D1受体对谷氨酸及其离子型受体的影响。实验通过建立慢性不可预见性温和应激(chronic unpredictable mild stress,CUMS)抑郁模型,结合海马微量注射多巴胺D1受体激动剂SKF38393、非竞争性N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(N-methyl-D-aspartic acid,NMDA)受体拮抗剂MK-801和α-氨基羟甲基异恶唑丙酸(α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid,AMPA)受体的拮抗剂NBQX,运用糖水偏爱测试、旷场实验和悬尾实验等方法检测动物的行为表现,采用高效液相色谱法(high-performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)和Western blot实验来检测海马内谷氨酸含量及其离子型受体关键亚基的表达。结果显示,与对照组相比,CUMS组大鼠表现出明显的抑郁样行为变化,且海马谷氨酸含量升高,其NMDA受体的NR1亚基与AMPA受体的GluR2/3亚基也明显下调;注射SKF38393后可明显改善应激引起的抑郁样行为,且海马谷氨酸含量显...  相似文献   

Stressful events are accompanied by modifications in dopaminergic transmission in distinct brain regions. As the activity of the neuronal dopamine (DA) transporter (DAT) is considered to be a critical mechanism for determining the extent of DA receptor activation, we investigated whether a 3-week exposure to unavoidable stress, which produces a reduction in DA output in the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcS) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), would affect DAT density and DA D1 receptor complex activity in the NAcS, mPFC and caudate-putamen (CPu). Rats exposed to unavoidable stress showed a decreased DA output in the NAcS accompanied by a decrease in the number of DAT binding sites, and an increase in the number of DA D1 binding sites and Vmax of SKF 38393-stimulated adenylyl cyclase. In the mPFC, stress exposure produced a decrease in DA output with no modification in DAT binding or in DA D1 receptor complex activity. Moreover, in the CPu stress exposure induced no changes in DA output or in the other neurochemical variables examined. This study shows that exposure to a chronic unavoidable stress that produces a decrease in DA output in frontomesolimbic areas induced several adaptive neurochemical modifications selectively in the nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

In vivo microdialysis was used to determine biogenic amines in medial prefrontal cortex of rats exposed to eight minutes of swim stress on two consecutive days. On the first day of stress, norepinephrine (NE) efflux increased by 183% over baseline after stress, while dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) remained stable throughout. On the second day of stress, a robust increase was observed in all 3 neurotransmitters measured, with (NE), (DA), and (5-HT) increasing by 310%, 441% and 496% respectively, and remaining elevated for an hour or more after stress. This suggests that the first exposure to swim stress, while not causing dramatic changes in biogenic amine release, may sensitize biogenic amines in medial prefrontal cortex to subsequent swim stress. Our results also serve as preliminary data concerning the neurochemical changes which might underlie the forced swimming model of behavioral despair.  相似文献   

Transient adaptation to mild oxidative stress was induced in human osteosarcoma cells chronically grown in sub-toxic concentrations of diethylmaleate (DEM), a glutathione (GSH) depleting agent. The adapted cells, compared to untreated cells, contain increased concentrations of GSH (4-6 fold) which, upon DEM withdrawal from the culture medium, return to normal values and are more resistant to subsequent oxidizing stress induced either by toxic concentrations of the same agent or by (H2O2) treatment. To investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in the adaptive response to oxidative stress, we analyzed the gene expression profiles of DEM-adapted cells by differential display. The expression of adaptive response to oxidative stress (AROS)-29 gene, coding for a transmembrane protein of unknown function, as well as of some known genes involved in energy metabolism, protein folding and membrane traffic is up-regulated in adapted cells. The increased resistance to both DNA damage and apoptosis, in cells stably overexpressing AROS-29, demonstrated its functional role in the protection against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

In Parkinson's disease, oxidative stress is implicated in protein misfolding and aggregation, which may activate the unfolded protein response by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Dopamine (DA) can initiate oxidative stress via H2O2 formation by DA metabolism and by oxidation into DA quinone. We have previously shown that DA quinone induces oxidative protein modification, mitochondrial dysfunction in vitro, and dopaminergic cell toxicity in vivo and in vitro . In this study, we used cysteine- and lysine-reactive fluorescent dyes with 2D difference in-gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, and peptide mass fingerprint analysis to identify proteins in PC12 cell mitochondrial-enriched fractions that were altered in abundance following DA exposure (150 μM, 16 h). Quantitative changes in proteins labeled with fluorescent dyes indicated increases in a subset of proteins after DA exposure: calreticulin, ERp29, ERp99, Grp58, Grp78, Grp94 and Orp150 (149–260%), and decreased levels of aldolase A (39–42%). Changes in levels of several proteins detected by 2D difference in-gel electrophoresis were confirmed by western blot. Using this unbiased proteomics approach, our findings demonstrated that in PC12 cells, DA exposure leads to a cellular response indicative of ER stress prior to the onset of cell death, providing a potential link between DA and the unfolded protein response in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

A relationship between the antioxidant defense system and salt tolerance in two types of sunflower calli differing in salt sensitivity was studied. No reduction in growth occurred in the NaCl-salt-adapted cell line (T) when grown on 175 mM NaCl but growth of the salt-stressed cell line (S) was reduced by 83%. Lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation increased during acute stress of salt stressed cells at 14 and 28 d of the experiment, while salt-adapted calli (T) remained similar to non-shocked (C) values. The antioxidant defense system of callus adapted to growth under NaCl responded differently to 175 mM of salt compared with the corresponding controls under shock treatment. Salt-adapted and salt-stressed calli showed a similar pattern in GSH content at day 14 but at day 28 in S calli, GSH content was increased 100% over the non-shocked calli, while T calli returned to the initial values. In the salt-stressed calli, a general decrease in all the antioxidant enzymes studied (except for glutathione reductase and dehydroascorbate reductase activities) was observed at day 28. Except for catalase, the antioxidant enzymes were elevated constitutively in adapted calli as compared to stressed cells, when both were grown in the absence of NaCl (time 0), and remained unaltered until 28 d after the beginning of the experiment. These results suggest the involvement of an enzymatic antioxidant defense system in the adaptive response to salt stress in Helianthus annuus L. cells.  相似文献   

This is an investigation of the effect of nutritional stress at various ages on the levels of thep- andm-isomers of tyramine in the caudate nucleus of the rat. For comparison, the effects of nutritional stress on the concentration and turnover of dopamine were also studied. Nutritional stress induced in pre-weaning (3 weeks of age) or post-weaning (up to 9 weeks of age) rats resulted in a decrease in the concentration ofp-tyramine and an increase in the concentration ofm-tyramine in the caudate nucleus. Dopamine concentration or turnover in the caudate nucleus was not affected by pre-weaning undernutrition; in the olfactory tubercles, however, a significant decrease was observed in dopamine turnover, calculated from the decrease in homovanillic acid levels after monoamine oxidase inhibition. The results suggest the changes observed are dependent on the availability of the amino acid precursorsp- andm-tyrosine and their competition towards aromatic-l-amino acid decarboxylase.  相似文献   

Adolescent stress can impact health and well‐being not only during adulthood of the exposed individual but even in future generations. To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying these long‐term effects, we exposed adolescent males to stress and measured anxiety behaviors and gene expression in the amygdala—a critical region in the control of emotional states—in their progeny for two generations, offspring and grandoffspring. Male C57BL/6 mice underwent chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) for 2 weeks during adolescence and were used to produce two generations of offspring. Male and female offspring and grandoffspring were tested in behavioral assays to measure affective behavior and stress reactivity. Remarkably, transgenerational inheritance of paternal stress exposure produced a protective phenotype in the male, but not the female lineage. RNA‐seq analysis of the amygdala from male offspring and grandoffspring identified differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in mice derived from fathers exposed to CUS. The DEGSs clustered into numerous pathways, and the “notch signaling” pathway was the most significantly altered in male grandoffspring. Therefore, we show that paternal stress exposure impacts future generations which manifest in behavioral changes and molecular adaptations.  相似文献   

Iron deficiency (ID) disrupts brain dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) metabolism including functioning of monoamine transporters and receptors. We employed caudate microdialysis and no net flux (NNF) in post-weaning rats to determine if ID decreased the extraction fraction ( E d). Five micromolar quinpirole, a dopamine D2 receptor agonist, resulted in 80% decrease in extracellular DA and 45% higher E d in control animals. The D2 agonist had no effect on E d in ID animals despite a reduction in basal DA. DAT mRNA levels were reduced by 58% with ID, while DAT protein in ventral midbrain and caudate and membrane associated DAT were also reduced by ID. Carbidopa/ l -DOPA was administered to determine if elevated extracellular DA in ID was due to increased release. The DA response to l -DOPA in ID rats was 50% smaller and delayed, whereas the NE response was threefold higher. The caudate concentration of NE was also elevated in ID. Elevated dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity in ID provides a tentative explanation for the increased NE response to l -DOPA. These experiments provide new evidence that ID results in altered synthesis and functioning of DAT and perhaps suggests some compensatory changes in NE metabolism.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an essential constituent in all types of living organisms. Bacteria, which use inorganic phosphate (Pi), as the preferred P source, have evolved complex systems to survive during Pi starvation conditions. Recently, we found thatPseudomonas aeruginosa, a monoflagellated, obligately aerobic bacterium, is attracted to Pi. The evidence that the chemotactic response to Pi (Pi taxis) was observed only with cells grown in Pi-limiting medium suggests that Pi taxis plays an important role in scavenging Pi residues under conditions of Pi starvation. Many bacteria also exhibit rapid and extensive accumulation of polyphosphate (polyP), when Pi is added to cells previously subjected to Pi starvation stress. Since polyP can serve as a P source during Pi starvation conditions, it is likely that polyP accumulation is a protective mechanism for survival during Pi starvation. In the present review, we summarize our current knowledge on regulation of bacterial Pi taxis and polyP accumulation in response to Pi starvation stress.  相似文献   

While bone adaptive response to its mechanical environment was considered to be controlled locally by cytokines and systemic hormones, some recent work suggests that it could also be neuronally regulated. Bone is indeed very densely innervated and many experimental and clinical studies have previously shown the involvement of the nervous system in the control of bone metabolism. The demonstration that the central nervous system regulates bone mass via the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) has prompted recent studies aimed to investigate the role of the SNS in the bone mechano-adaptive response. This review will focus on this work and summarize the evidence for a contribution of the beta-adrenergic signalling in the response of bone cells to mechanical loading. The apparent conflicting results obtained in diverse experimental models of loading and unloading, at different skeletal sites, and in relation to various hormonal levels, will be discussed. While those studies do not support a major influence of the SNS on the bone mechano-adaptive response, there is nevertheless strong evidence that the SNS is part of a complex system which contributes to the metabolic regulation of bone.  相似文献   

雌激素在大鼠杏仁核与纹状体多巴胺代谢中作用的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu B  Xie JX 《生理学报》2002,54(2):121-124
为探讨雌激素对大鼠杏仁核(amygdala,Amy)与纹状体(striatum,Str)多巴胺(dopamine,DA)代谢的作用,本实验采用离体电化学检测技术--高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)测定正常雌鼠及经雌激素处理的去卵巢(ovariectomy,OVX)雌鼠Amy和Sr的DA及其代谢产物的组织含量。实验结果显示,OVX雌鼠经雌激素处理后,可引起Amy的DA及其代谢产物含量减少,而Str的DA及其代谢产物含量不受其影响。OVX雌鼠Amy的DA更新率低于正常及雌激素处理的OVX鼠,Amy组织的DA含量约是Str组织的1/6,而更新率是Str的2倍左右。以上结果提示,雌性大鼠血清雄激素浓度可影响其Amy组织的DA代谢及组织含量,而Str的DA组织含量不因雌激素浓度的改变而变化。  相似文献   



Liposomes have gained immerse attention in the field of drug delivery as carriers of therapeutic molecules. Their modification with a polymer either to make them stealth (e.g. using PEG) and/or more stable (e.g. using poly(dopamine) (PDA)) is a crucial aspect to improve their performance e.g. the blood circulation time. Despite their potential, there are only a few commercialized liposome-based formulations for intravenous drug delivery. Hence, there is still considerable need to address the challenges involved in the design and characterization of liposomal therapeutics. In the latter case, it is of paramount importance to consider the dynamic in vivo environment, e.g. the interstitial fluidic pressure in tumors, blood flow, or bile flow in the liver.


The PEGylation of PDA films was characterized by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring, and the optimized protocol was used to assemble PEGylated PDA coated liposomes (LPDA_PEG). Dynamic light scattering, a plate reader, a flow cytometer and a cytotoxicity assay were used to characterize the liposomes and quantify cellular association/uptake and cell viability in the presence and absence of shear stress after 30 min and 4 h. The immortalized skeletal mouse myoblast (C2C12) cell line was chosen as model cancer cells, and a hepatic cell line (HepG2) was selected due to their importance in nanosized drug carrier clearance from the system in the liver.


The presence of hydrophilic cargo did not affect the PDA assembly process. In the absence of shear stress, there was no difference in cellular uptake/association of both PDA coated liposomes (LPDA) and LPDA_PEG for hepatocytes while myoblasts preferentially internalized/associated with LPDA. In the presence of shear stress, hepatocytes preferentially internalized/associated with LPDA after 30 min, while there was only a significant difference for myoblasts after 4 h. The cell viability remained unaffected in all cases.


LPDA_PEG are a promising platform towards drug delivery. The nature of cells and fluidic flow are important factors to be considered in their characterization using cell cultures.

General significance

These findings will contribute in the better understanding of polymer coated liposomes with cells. The importance of microfluidics in cell culture based characterization is demonstrated, and this will eventually affect the way advanced drug delivery vehicles are designed and characterized prior to animal experiments.  相似文献   

In addition to the dopaminergic neurons in the nigrostriatal system, the properties of dopaminergic neurons in the mesolimbic system, such as the amygdala, are also of interest and importance because of their specific neuromodulatory effects in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease (PD). Using the fast cyclic voltammetry (FCV) technique, we present evidence to indicate that electrically-evoked dopamine (DA) release from the amygdala, especially the central amygdaloid nucleus (CAN), of ovariectomized (OVX) female rats was significantly enhanced with increasing doses of estradiol benzoate (EB; 30, 50 and 100 microg/kg). Impaired DA release from the amygdala of an OVX rat PD model can also be increased by EB treatment (50 microg/kg) to a level similar to that of controls. The well established neuroprotective effects of estrogen may be beneficial for reducing the dysfunction of dopaminergic neurons in mesolimbic structures of rat PD models and PD patients.  相似文献   

精神疾病危害严重,其发病机制复杂难解,临床治疗效果不一,且存在明显的个体差异.近期精准医学研究发现精神药物作用于脑神经的生化过程受到遗传多态性的影响.本文从五羟色胺能、去甲肾上腺素能和多巴胺能三大系统入手,系统综述精神药理影像遗传学的相关研究进展,深入探讨精神药理的神经作用机制以及药物-基因-脑之间的交互作用.我们发现:SLC6A4、BDNF、FKBP5、COMT和多巴胺相关受体等基因多态性与多种精神疾病的发生发展及其治疗效果具有一定的相关性,可能成为相关精神疾病诊断的候选基因.杏仁核、海马、眶额叶、扣带回和前额叶等皮层与皮层下脑结构可能是不同神经递质相关的基因多态性影响精神药物生化作用过程的关键靶点脑区.在建立精神药物-基因-脑影像-行为的因果链中,仍然存在很多相互矛盾的结果和一定的局限性.因此,开展同质性强的临床试验、研究表观遗传作用等可以作为未来的研究发展趋势.  相似文献   

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