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Benthic foraminiferal composition assemblages and their temporal changes, ecological indices and foraminiferal densities are used to compare three coastal environments with different physicogeographical features in the Aegean Sea (coastal environment of Avdira–Vistonikos Gulf and Kitros–Thermaikos Gulf and open lagoonal environment of Vravron–South Evoikos Gulf). Three main foraminiferal assemblages have been recognized: a) “Assemblage A”; high degree of similarity between living and dead foraminiferal species, dominated by Ammonia beccarii, Elphidium spp. and relatively abundant and diverse miliolids, b) “Assemblage B1”; intermediate degree of similarity between live and dead assemblages, characterized by highly-abundant and well-diversified foraminiferal assemblages including the algal symbiont bearing Peneroplis pertusus together with Ammonia tepida and several small epiphytic rotaliids and miliolids, and c) “Assemblage B2”; absence of living individuals, strongly dominated by the opportunistic species A. tepida. Our results suggest a good comparison between living and dead assemblages from different coastal environments in the Aegean Sea, however the prevailing environmental conditions (vegetation cover, hydrodynamics, fresh water influx) have a strong impact on the taphonomic processes.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal faunas (> 63 μm) and stable isotopes from the last 15 kyr were studied in BENGAL programme (high-resolution temporal and spatial study of the BENthic biology and Geochemistry of a north-eastern Atlantic abyssal Locality) kasten core 13078#16 from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, NE Atlantic (48°49.91 N, 16°29.94 W, water depth 4844 m). Changes occurred in the accumulation rates, species composition, diversity, and stable isotopes during the last 15 kyr. Today, the area is strongly influenced by seasonal inputs of phytodetritus following the spring blooms in surface water primary productivity. Variations in the relative abundance of the two most abundant species, Epistominella exigua and Alabaminella weddellensis, which today show significant increases in abundance with the presence of phytodetritus on the sea-floor, are interpreted as resulting from changes in the seasonality of productivity. Seasonal productivity was higher during the Holocene than during the last deglaciation and Younger Dryas, probably coinciding with the retreat of the polar front to higher latitudes. This hypothesis is consistent with simultaneous decreases in the percentage of the polar planktic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s), and increases in the percentage of Globigerina bulloides, a warmer water planktic foraminifera indicative of phytoplankton blooms and enhanced productivity. The relative abundance of the ‘phytodetritus species’ (E. exigua and A. weddellensis) covary between 14.7 and 8.1 kyr, but not between 7.8 and 1.2 kyr. Major decreases in the numbers per gram and accumulation rates of planktic and benthic foraminifera occurred at ∼ 12–8.5 kyr and at ∼ 4 kyr which correspond to decreases in the % sediment coarse fraction and published data on inorganic carbon contents suggesting that dissolution may have increased at these times. Relationships between benthic foraminiferal faunas and benthic stable isotope records suggest no simple relationship between faunal abundances and test isotope chemistry. For example, the abundances of phytodetritus species do not show strong correlations with either the δ13C values of E. exigua or the Δδ13C E. exigua − P. wuellerstorfi record, which have previously been suggested as indicative of seasonality of productivity.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in 127 samples, collected at water depth, ranging between 15 and 184 m on the Southern Tuscany continental shelf off the Ombrone River were analysed. Statistical analyses (Cluster and Principal Component Analysis) performed on the 48 most abundant species (>5%) and sedimentological data led to the identification of three clusters related to the size of grain sediment (sand, silt or clay). Q-mode cluster analysis singled out six groups, corresponding to six distinct foraminiferal assemblages: a typical infralittoral assemblage (15-39 m) on sandy silt, clayey silt or silty clay, dominated by Ammonia and Elphidium species, with Eggerelloides scabrus, Rectuvigerina phlegeri and Valvulineria bradyana; a second assemblage (24-78.5 m) associated with vegetated environments or sandy bottoms (Elphidium crispum, Rosalina bradyi, Asterigerinata mamilla, Neoconorbina terquemi, and Tretomphalus concinnus); a third assemblage recognised between 30 and 90 m water depth and characterised by the dominance of the opportunistic species V. bradyana (related to silty bottoms), with Bulimina marginata, R. phlegeri, Ammonia inflata and Ammonia beccarii as other common taxa; an upper circalittoral assemblage (70-100 m) on silty clays, containing B. marginata, Cassidulina carinata and V. bradyana; a lower circalittoral assemblage (95-177 m) on clayey bottoms, with B. marginata, Textularia bocki and Uvigerina mediterranea; and finally, a second lower circalittoral assemblage (104-184 m) on clayey sediments, dominated by two Uvigerina species (U. mediterranea and Uvigerina peregrina), with Sphaeroidina bulloides and B. marginata. The typical V. bradyana assemblage, characterised by relatively low diversity and high dominance, marks the most eutrophicated area running parallel to the coast. The spatial distribution of assemblages is closely associated with sea-bottom sedimentary environments and bathymetry but it is also probably influenced by the outflow of the Ombrone River. The composition, structure and distribution of V. bradyana assemblage suggest an environmental model, useful for paleogeographic reconstruction in areas characterised by a river mouth and a closed morphological setting typical of a nutrient-trap.  相似文献   

The ecosystem dynamics of a modern benthic community in Osaka Bay was studied by analyzing sediment cores and fossil foraminifera deposited during the past 200 years. The results suggest that the high-density/low-diversity assemblage has appeared in the early 1900s, coinciding with the eutrophication of the bay resulting from the Japanese industrial revolution. This assemblage proliferated during the period 1960 to 1970 when the eutrophication and bottom-water hypoxia were most pronounced. The development of the assemblage has been characterized by an increase in the relative and absolute abundance of eutrophication-tolerant species (Ammonia beccarii, Eggerella advena, and Trochammina hadai) and a decrease in many other foraminiferal species, such as Ammonia tepida, Elphidium, Miliolinella subrotunda, and Valvulineria hamanakoensis, that are unable to tolerate low-oxygen conditions. Approximately thirty years after the imposition of discharge restrictions in the 1970s, this assemblage continues to predominate in the inner part of the bay, and E. advena is currently found across the entire bay. These records make a significant contribution to understanding the long-term relationship between anthropogenic impact and ecosystem change.  相似文献   

Saronikos Gulf, including the industrial zone of Elefsis Bay and the Port of Piraeus, is one of the most anthropogenically impacted coastal regions of Greece. Distinct assemblages of benthic foraminifers in sediment samples, collected from this gulf in February 2012, defined three zones that reflect abiotic parameters of the sediments (e.g., organic carbon, metal content). A low-diversity assemblage, dominated by stress-tolerant Ammonia tepida and Bulimina spp., was characteristic of samples from Elefsis Bay. Samples from the western and central part of Saronikos Gulf were the most variable with respect to both abiotic parameters and the foraminiferal assemblage, characterized by a mix of stress-tolerant and more sensitive taxa, especially Bolivina spp. and Nonion fabum. Samples from the coast of Salamis and at the eastern sector of the gulf were characterized by a diverse assemblage that included Peneroplis pertusus, miliolids, and a variety of small, epiphytic rotaliid taxa. A new biotic index, the Foram Stress Index (FSI), is based on the relative percentages of two ecological groups of benthic foraminiferal species, grouped according to their tolerance/sensitivity to organic matter enrichment and weighted proportionately to obtain a formula to define five ecological-status classes. The FSI produced three rankings for these samples (Poor, Moderate and Good), that strongly correlate with the macroinvertebrate-classification tool known as the BENTIX Index. The FSI provides a new tool to assess sediment or substrata quality based upon the benthic foraminiferal assemblages, which are a significant component of living meiobenthic communities that are generally not considered in most biotic benthic indices.  相似文献   

In the western Arabian Sea (WAS), the highest seasonal sea surface temperature (SST) difference presently occurs between May and August. In order to gain an understanding on how monsoonal upwelling modulates the SST difference between these two months, we have computed SST for the months of May and August based on census counts of planktonic foraminifers by using the artificial neural network (ANN) technique. The SST difference between May and August exhibits three distinct phases: i) a moderate SST difference in the late Holocene (0–3.5 ka) is attributable to intense upwelling during August, ii) a minimum SST difference from 4 to 12 ka is due to weak upwelling during the month of August, and iii) the highest SST difference during the last glacial interval (19 to 22 ka) with high Globigerina bulloides % could have been caused by the occurrence of a prolonged upwelling season (from May through July) and maximum difference in the incoming solar radiation between May and August. Overall, variations in the SST difference between May and August show that the timing of intense upwelling in the Western Arabian Sea over the last 22 kyr has been variable over the months of June, July and August.  相似文献   

The coccolithophore assemblages in two ODP Sites (1237 and 1238) are studied in order to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental conditions in the tropical and equatorial Pacific during the last 800 kyr. Both ODP Sites are located in the two most significant upwelling zones of the tropical and equatorial Pacific: Peru and Equatorial upwelling, respectively. The two sites are considered to have had similar evolutions. The coccolith relative abundance, the nannofossil accumulation rate (NAR) and the N ratio (namely, the proportion of < 3 μm placoliths in relation to Florisphaera profunda) allow us to identify three different intervals. Interval I (0.86-0.45 Ma) and interval III (0.22-0 Ma) are related to weak upwelling and weak Trade Winds, as suggested by coccolithophore assemblages with low N ratios. Interval II (0.45-0.22 Ma), characterized by dominant Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica and very abundant “small” Gephyrocapsa and Gephyrocapsa oceanica, is conversely related to intense upwelling and enhanced Trade Winds.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2007,62(4):155-170
We analyzed planktic foraminiferal assemblages, oxygen and carbon isotope records, and the presence or absence of laminations to reconstruct the paleoenvironments of the southern Japan Sea since the last glacial period. Data were collected from two well-dated cores. One core (water depth 999 m) included thinly laminated mud layers, the other (water depth 283 m) contained nonlaminated sediments. Tephrochronology and accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating of 14 horizons revealed that the two cores contained continuous records of the last 27 cal kyr. A total of 13 planktic foraminiferal species belonging to six genera were identified in down-core samples. The typical indicators of the Tsushima Current water, Globigerinoides ruber, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Globigerinoides tenellus, and Globigerinita glutinata occurred since 9.3 cal kyr BP. Neogloboquadrina incompta, which was the dominant species in the Tsushima Current region of the modern Japan Sea, first occurred at 8.2 cal kyr BP and dominated the assemblage since 7.3 cal kyr BP. These results clearly indicate that the warm Tsushima Current started to inflow into the Japan Sea at 9.3 cal kyr BP, and the modern surface conditions in the southern Japan Sea were essentially established at 7.3 cal kyr BP. Our data and comparison of the presence or absence of laminated sediments in three locations from the southern Japan Sea suggest that deep circulation during the deglacial period was weaker than that at present. In addition, deep circulation in the modern Japan Sea, which supplies oxygen-rich water to the entire basin, started probably in association with the first inflow of the Tsushima Current beginning at 9.3 cal kyr BP.  相似文献   

The sediment cores 225514 and 225510 were recovered from 420 and 285 m water depth, respectively. They were investigated for their benthic foraminiferal δ13C during the last 500 years. Both cores were recovered from the southern flank of the Skagerrak. The δ13C values of Uvigerina mediterranea and other shallow infaunal species in both cores indicate that organic matter rain rates to the seafloor varied around a mean value until approximately AD 1950 after which they increased. This increase might result from changes in the North Atlantic Current System and a co-occurring persistently high North Atlantic Oscillation index state in the 1980s to 1990s, rather than from anthropogenic eutrophication. Using δ13C mean values of multiple species, we reconstruct δ13C gradients of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) within pore waters for the time periods AD 1500 to 1950 and AD 1950 to 2000. The calculated δ13CDIC ranges, interpreted as indicating total organic matter remineralization due to respiration, are generally bigger in Core 225514 than in Core 225510. Since mean δ13C values of U. mediterranea suggest that organic matter rain rates were similar at both locations, differences in total organic matter remineralization are attributed to differing oxygen availability. However, oxygen concentrations in the overlying bottom water masses are not likely to have differed significantly. Thus, we suggest that organic matter remineralization was controlled by oxygen availability within the sediments, reflecting strong differences in sedimentation rates at the two investigated core sites. Based on the assumptions that tests of benthic foraminiferal species inhabiting the same microhabitat depth should show equal δ13C values unless they are affected by vital effects and that Globobulimina turgida records pore water δ13CDIC, we estimate microhabitat-corrected vital effects for several species with respect to G. turgida: > 0.7‰ for Cassidulina laevigata, > 1.3‰ for Hyalinea balthica, and > 0.7‰ for Melonis barleeanus. Melonis zaandami seems to closely record pore water δ13CDIC.  相似文献   

Aim Variation in the structure of shallow subtidal invertebrate assemblages was examined over three spatial scales; within reef, between reef and between continents. We sought to provide a context from which to examine and interpret ecological processes between continents. In addition, we predicted that variation in pattern would increase as the scale of examination increased. Location Reefs near Wollongong and within Jervis Bay in south‐eastern Australia and Mediterranean reefs on the Costa Brava (Catalonia), north‐eastern Spain. Methods We compared assemblages on vertical rock walls of two heights – short (< 2 m) and tall (> 3 m) in two temperate regions over the same depth range. Specifically we examined the diversity and cover of invertebrates, the cover and biomass of foliose and crustose algae, the size of invertebrate colonies and the biomass of urchins on short and tall walls (n = 3) at each of two locations in each country. Results Foliose algae dominated rock walls in Spain and although invertebrate cover was high, colonies were generally very small. Two urchin species were commonly encountered on rock walls in Spain, Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus; their biomass was relatively low and did not differ significantly between short and tall walls. These findings contrasted strongly with south‐eastern Australia, where foliose algae were almost completely absent. A single urchin species, Centrostephanus rodgersii occurred with extremely high biomass on short walls, which were dominated by grazer‐resistant crustose calcareous algae. In contrast, the biomass of this urchin was low on tall walls, which were dominated by invertebrates, usually exceeding 95% in cover. Invertebrate colonies were significantly larger on both short and tall walls in south‐eastern Australia relative to the Mediterranean. Findings within a country were consistent between the replicate rock walls and between locations. In contrast to our prediction, however, there was significant variation among walls within a location, but not among locations within a continent. Temporal variation in the structure of these assemblages was not examined, but appears limited. Main conclusions We conclude that submarine topography, i.e. the presence of short or tall rock walls, as a function of rock type and structure, has a marked impact on community structure in south‐eastern Australia, but made little difference to the structure of the assemblage in Mediterranean Spain. The differences in structure we observed between walls of different heights in Australia were correlated with differences in the biomass of urchins and they appear to be major determinants of assemblage structure. Interactions among species are often reported from disparate parts of the globe with little or no reference to the structure of the assemblage of which they are a part; we contend that this will hinder interpretation. Our data are consistent with the organisms in these two regions experiencing distinct selection pressures; for example high levels of urchin grazing activity in south‐eastern Australia, and shading and whiplash associated with an algal canopy in the Mediterranean. It may not be appropriate to contrast processes operating at very large (intercontinental) scales unless context can be established with a clear understanding of ecological pattern.  相似文献   

This research is focused on a poorly studied Jurassic sequence in the eastern part of Alborz and Western Koppeh Dagh basins. The foraminifera are reported from Callovian (Middle Jurassic) to Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) sediments of the Farsian and Chaman Bid formations. The benthic foraminiferal associations belong to the families Ammodiscidae, Epistominidae, Hauerinidae, Hormosinidae, Ichthyolariidae, Lagenidae, Nodosariidae, Nubeculariidae, Ophthalmidiidae, Polymorphinidae, Rhabdamminidae, Saccamminidae, Spirillinidae, Spirocyclinidae, Textulariidae, Trocholinidae, and Vaginulinidae. In the studied area, the foraminifera are dominated by the families Nodosariidae, Vaginulinidae and Epistominidae. Palaeoecological analysis of the foraminiferal assemblages from the Farsian Formation indicates that these sediments were deposited on the inner to mid shelf environment, with normal salinity (euhaline), and relatively well oxygenated waters, with eutrophic conditions in the Goznawwi area and oligotrophic conditions in the Chaman Bid area. The foraminiferal assemblages in this study are the first record from Jurassic sediments of the eastern part of the Alborz and Koppeh Dagh basins in northern Iran.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the maximum diameter of the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin. from six sediment cores (Ocean Drilling Program sites 643, 644, 907, 909, 985 and 987) from the Norwegian–Greenland Sea. Our data show a distinct net increase in mean shell size of N. pachyderma sin. at all sites during the last 1.3 Ma, with largest shell sizes reached after 0.4 Ma. External factors such as glacial–interglacial variability and carbonate dissolution alone cannot account for the observed variation in mean shell size of N. pachyderma sin. We consider the observed shell size increase to mirror an evolutionary trend towards better adaptation of N. pachyderma sin. to the cold water environment after 1.1–1.0 Ma. Probably, the Mid Pleistocene climate shift and the associated change of amplitude and frequency of glacial–interglacial fluctuations have triggered the evolution of this planktonic foraminifer. Oxygen and carbon stable isotope analyses of different shell size classes indicate that the observed shell size increase could not be explained by the functional concept that larger shells promote increasing sinking velocities during gametogenesis. For paleoceanographic reconstructions, the evolutionary adaptation of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin. to the cold water habitat has significant implications. Carbonate sedimentation in highest latitudes is highly dependent on the presence of this species. In the Norwegian–Greenland Sea, carbonate-poor intervals before 1.1 Ma are, therefore, not necessarily related to severe glacial conditions. They are probably attributed to the absence of this not yet polar-adapted species. Further, transfer function and modern analog techniques used for the reconstruction of surface water conditions in high latitudes could, therefore, contain a large range of errors if they were applied to samples older than 1.1–1.0 Myrs.  相似文献   

First results are presented on the composition, abundance and vertical distribution of the thaliacean fauna in the Levantine basin obtained from stratified tows at three deep-sea sites in 1993: SE off Crete, and SW and NE off Cyprus. Samples with a 10 m2-MOCNESS (mesh size 1.67 mm) were poor in species and specimens as compared to samples with a 1 m2-double-MOCNESS (0.333 mm). Of the 12 species identified, six species belonged to the most abundant Doliolida, predominated by the phorozooids of Doliolum nationalis, five species belonged to the Salpida and one to the Pyrosomatida. Thaliaceans, most abundant by species and numbers SE off Crete, comprised ≤0.2% of the local mesozooplankton standing stocks. Presumably, they did not contribute substantially to the vertical flux generating the locally increased biomass and activity of the microbial benthos at the 4,300 m deep Cretean site. Most doliolids and salps were collected from the epipelagic and upper mesopelagic layers, and appeared to be most abundant close to the deep maximum of chlorophyll-a. Samples below 150 m were rarely rich in specimens, although two species performed diel migrations from the mesopelagic zone into the surface layers where some vertical segregation was evidenced. The aspect of niche separation is discussed.  相似文献   

Bryant and Eastern Canyons are located in northwest Gulf of Mexico, and are characterized by a complex sedimentological history related to glacioeustatic cycles, river discharges, and interactions between depositional and halokinetic processes. This study is based on detailed sedimentological analysis from forty-eight long cores from these two canyons. This paper determines the evolutionary history of the canyons and assesses the response of sedimentary processes to morphological, climatic, hydrological, and sea-level changes.During the last glaciation, the upper and middle continental slope was supplied with sediments by low density turbidity currents derived from the depositional segregation (deposition of the coarsest material in the most proximal locations) of large turbidity currents initiated on the outer shelf. The lower continental slope was supplied with sediment by westward flowing bottom currents, originated from the entrainment of the most diluted wash-load and tails of turbidity currents from the Mississippi Fan.Bryant and Eastern Canyon systems were active during the penultimate glaciation, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6, and were supplied with sediments by an ancestral shelf-margin Mississippi River delta. Gravity flows transported enormous amounts of sediment to the continental slope and abyssal plain of the northwest Gulf of Mexico. The sea-level rise at MIS 5 led to confinement of river-sourced sediments to the widespread continental shelf of the northwest Gulf of Mexico, and consequently to the cessation of gravity flows. During the first 40 kyr of MIS 5, salt diapirs transformed the canyons into a network of intraslope basins.The sea level dropped to the mid-shelf during MIS 3 and 4, but never reached the shelf-break, and therefore, river-sourced sediments remained largely confined to the shelf. However, seaward sediment transportation was achieved occasionally through turbidity currents related to sediment failures, storms, and high-river discharges. Four high river discharge events have been identified during this period. The first three were centred at 37, 45, and 53 cal ka BP. The last high river discharge occurred at the end of MIS 3 (29.4-33.2 cal ka BP), and resulted in the deposition of closely-spaced, mud turbidites over the entire continental slope. The Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) was restricted north of the upper Mississippi River valley during 60 to ∼ 30 cal ka BP and therefore, the high river discharge events are interpreted as melt-water events, related to brief southward advancements of the LIS, which resulted in the flooding of Mississippi River. The extensive lowering of sea level during the last glacial maximum (MIS 2) resulted in the almost direct discharge of Mississippi River sediments to the upper continental slope leading to the development of abundant turbidity currents. Eleven wet-dry cycles during this period are defined; they probably originated from episodic subglacial melt-water floods, released from southern parts of the LIS.The last deglaciation event is characterized by the development of a major melt water event at 16.5-13 cal ka BP that resulted in the deposition of distinct, organic-rich sediments. At about 13 cal ka BP, the melt water discharges of the LIS in North America switched from the Mississippi River to either the St. Lawrence or Mackenzie River valleys, causing the domination of hemipelagic sedimentation on the continental slope of the northwest Gulf of Mexico. Isotopic data indicate that melt-water discharges returned to the Mississippi River Valley at ∼ 11.4 cal ka BP. The absence of any sedimentological indication on the continental slope of the northwest Gulf of Mexico of the return of the melt-water discharges to the Mississippi River is attributed to the confinement of river-sourced sediments on the continental shelf due to the rise of the sea level.  相似文献   

Thuriferous juniper is only found in isolated parts of the western Mediterranean: France (Alps, Pyrenees and Corsican highlands), Spain, Algeria and Morocco. These semi-arid mountain stands, where thuriferous juniper trees grow in low-density open woodland, are seriously endangered: (i) In the Atlas mountains, the thuriferous juniper stands are heavily degraded as a result of the intensive wood removal and livestock activity in these densely populated areas. This situation, which will soon become irreversible unless remedial measures are urgently taken, has produced impoverished soils and hillside instability while contributing to desertification. (ii) In Spain, although livestock activity and cultivation have strongly reduced areas occupied by Juniperus thurifera, stands are still numerous and, in some regions, show a good regeneration due to conservation measures. (iii) In France, the decline in human and livestock activities over recent decades has led to a recolonization of some of the Juniper stands by pines or oak. A forest management system that enables these original stands to survive and regenerate must be undertaken without delay. The dynamics of evolution of these stands is quite different north and south of the Mediterranean. In both cases, conservation measures are urgently required to protect or rehabilitate these original stands with floristic, ecological and socio-economic interest.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the history of two estuaries on the Algarve coast, southern Portugal, through a multi-proxy approach that links sedimentology, geochemistry, palynology, microfaunal analyses and radiocarbon dating. These analyses provide an overview of the development of these estuaries over the last ~7500 years. Palynological data reveal climate-driven vegetational shifts over the whole period. Microfauna, which is composed predominantly of foraminifers and ostracods, provides evidence for periods of marine and brackish water conditions, observed in both estuaries. Whereas the sediment record from the Alvor estuary shows a clear, nearly continuous silting-up sequence, the development of the Alcantarilha estuary is characterised by fluvial sedimentation, replaced by a marine environment at about 7300 yr cal BP. Marine transgression is indicated by marine-brackish foraminifera and ostracod assemblages, while upper-marsh pollen decreased and wetland communities increased at the same time. A continuous shallowing of the estuaries followed between ~6700 yr cal BP and ~5700 yr cal BP in Alvor and 4500 yr cal BP in Alcantarilha. This was interrupted by a distinct high-energy event, possibly a storm or tsunami, between 6400 and 5800 yr cal BP in Alvor; the event was not recorded in the Alcantarilha estuary. Afterwards, the silting-up restarted with clear similarities to the pre-event situation and continued until ~3500/2000 yr cal BP. This process was influenced by the build-up of sand barriers in front of the estuaries. This is also documented by a higher percentage of upper-marsh vegetation. The core from Alcantarilha estuary shows another layer of high-energy deposits, with mainly marine foraminifers and ostracods after 4500 yr cal BP. The youngest parts of the two records are characterised by decreasing tidal influence and increasing anthropogenic impact, indicated by increasing values of cultivated plants and other human-induced changes of vegetation cover.  相似文献   

Recent molecular and morphological studies suggest the existence of at least three species of Mola (Mola spp. A, B and C). Currently, only Mola mola and Mola ramsayi are formally accepted and species A, B or C have not been assigned to these thus far. In this study, a large ocean sunfish in the western Mediterranean Sea was analysed molecularly and morphologically, identified as Mola sp. A and a detailed account of the specimen's parasite load is reported.  相似文献   

How have North Sea skate and shark assemblages changed since the early 20th century when bottom trawling became widespread, whilst their environment became increasingly impacted by fishing, climate change, habitat degradation and other anthropogenic pressures? This article examines long‐term changes in the distribution and occurrence of the elasmobranch assemblage of the southern North Sea, based on extensive historical time series (1902–2013) of fishery‐independent survey data. In general, larger species (thornback ray, tope, spurdog) exhibited long‐term declines, and the largest (common skate complex) became locally extirpated (as did angelshark). Smaller species increased (spotted and starry ray, lesser‐spotted dogfish) as did smooth‐hound, likely benefiting from greater resilience to fishing and/or climate change. This indicates a fundamental shift from historical dominance of larger, commercially valuable species to current prevalence of smaller, more productive species often of low commercial value. In recent years, however, some trends have reversed, with the (cold‐water associated) starry ray now declining and thornback ray increasing. This shift may be attributed to (i) fishing, including mechanised beam trawling introduced in the 1960s–1970s, and historical target fisheries for elasmobranchs; (ii) climate change, currently favouring warm‐water above cold‐water species; and (iii) habitat loss, including potential degradation of coastal and outer estuarine nursery habitats. The same anthropogenic pressures, here documented to have impacted North Sea elasmobranchs over the past century, are likewise impacting shelf seas worldwide and may increase in the future; therefore, parallel changes in elasmobranch communities in other regions are to be expected.  相似文献   

Monthly sediment sampling was carried out from February 1999 to December 2001 at a 21-m deep station. Benthic diatom biomass and meiobenthic abundance were estimated together with abiotic parameters (PAR irradiance, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen). During the three-year study average microphytobenthic abundance (ABU) and biomass (BIOM) were 4.7 ± 2.6 × 104 cell cm− 3 and 14.3 ± 8.1 µg C cm− 3, respectively, while the mean meiofaunal abundance was 923 ± 210 ind 10 cm− 2. The microphytobenthic community was mainly composed of Bacillariophyceae (99.3%) with a smaller percentage of phytoflagellates (0.7%). Among diatoms 39 genera were observed with a total of 110 taxa and 100 species. The main benthic diatom genera were Navicula, Paralia, Nitzschia and Diploneis. A total of 18 meiobenthic taxa were detected: 7 taxa belonged to permanent meiofauna (Nematoda, Copepoda Harpacticoida and their nauplius stages, Kinorhyncha, Turbellaria, Gastrotricha, Ostracoda and Acarina). The remaining 11 taxa belonged to temporary meiofauna (juvenile macrofauna: Polychaeta, Cumacea, Amphipoda, Isopoda, Nemertea, Decapoda, Sipunculida, Ophiurida, Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Cnidaria). Positive correlations between PAR and the biomass of the major diatom genera were revealed. Temperature did not seem to influence the microphytobenthic community as a whole, although we found statistically significant correlation between temperature and the genera Nitzschia and Amphora. Salinity showed significant positive correlation only with the genus Pleurosigma, in contrast, dissolved oxygen did not seem to affect the microalgal community. The major meiofaunal taxa were not correlated with abiotic variables, but were positively correlated with most diatom genera. Paralia was negatively correlated with the three main meiofaunal taxa. The three-point moving average applied to our biotic data allowed us to better the signal without the background noise which hid the actual variations of the studied communities. Applying the three-point moving average to the main taxa, it resulted that microphyto- and meiobenthos were in phase. The principal component analysis (PCA), constructed considering both biotic and abiotic variables, accounted for 58% of the total variance. PC1 axis explained 39.74% of the total variance and was correlated with Navicula, Diploneis and Nitzschia. PC2 axis explained 18.40% of the remaining variance and was correlated with Copepoda, Paralia and PAR. In contrast to 1999 and 2001, a mucilage event occurred in 2000, which resulted in the formation of a false bottom and a decrease in the abundance of microphyto- and meiobenthos.  相似文献   

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