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Captive reproduction of the Burmese brown tortoise (Geochelone emys) has occurred repeatedly over a five-year period in the Honolulu Zoo. Maximum clutch size (51 eggs) exceeds that reported for other members of the Testudinidae. Nesting behavior in G emys includes construction of a large leaf-litter mound. Collection of nest-building material is accomplished by “back-sweeping” of ground litter within a distance of up to 4 m from the nest site. The nesting female assumes a “nest-guarding” behavior for a period of 2–3 days following egg laying. Eggs incubated artificially hatched in 63–84 days, with egg fertility at 78–84%. One hundred and three G emys were successfully hatched and reared during the period 1978–82. A colony of endangered Madagascar angulated tortoises (Geochelone yniphora) have been maintained at the Honolulu Zoo since 1971. Courtship and mating behavior is similar to that described for the consubgeneric G radiata. Distinctive male “hooking” behavior during courtship in G yniphora is related to the exaggerated epiplastron development in this species. Egg laying has occurred repeatedly in the G yniphora colony since 1979 (mean clutch size = 4.2; N = 6) although no eggs have yet proved fertile.  相似文献   

The captive history of the ruffed lemur is presented with concentration on taxonomy, captive population and husbandry of the San Diego Zoo population. At the conclusion of 1985, the living population of black and white ruffed lemurs numbered 358; red ruffed lemurs totaled 125. The San Diego Zoo population, established between 1965 and 1970, began with two pairs of each subspecies. Intensive breeding at the Primate Propagation Center resulted in the birth of 135 black and white ruffed lemur infants and 95 red ruffed lemur infants as of January 7, 1986. Housing specifications are presented for the off-exhibit 96-unit breeding facility, describing enclosure size, material, nest box composition, and enclosure furniture. The diet is described, which emphasizes high-protein, high-fiber foods and leaves.  相似文献   

Between 2008 and 2010 the Zoological gardens in Rheine, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Cologne and Zurich took part in a research project initiated by scientists of the Institute of Animal Science, University of Bonn. Saliva was collected from various zoo animals to determine certain dietary adaptations on enzymatic and physiological levels that might explain or change our current understanding of animal nutrition and the feeding in zoo environments. The interest was primarily focused on species with specialized nutritional needs or fermentation strategies such as geladas, chimpanzees, camels and zebras. The work produced highly valuable data especially on geladas, which, despite from their adaptation to grass diet, revealed to have the enzymatic precondition (salivary amylase) to use starch-rich food items very effectively. Therefore, to prevent obesity in captive geladas, the reduction of starchy food in their daily rations is mandatory. Finally, saliva sampling is an easy, cost-effective and non-invasive procedure, the use of which is both practical and attractive in a zoo environment. In the future, the world-wide emerging field of salivary research might give birth to new applications of saliva as a tool to detect biomarkers of physiology and diseases in zoo animals.  相似文献   

The 2nd US–Japan DNA Repair Meeting convened at the JW Marriott Ihilani Hotel, outside Honolulu, Hawaii, from June 4–8, 2004. In keeping with the tradition of US–Japan conferences the meeting was modest in size comprising 25 participants from each country. The program featured platform presentations from each participant, with lots of time devoted to discussion of groups of related talks. A novel feature of the meeting was the absence of formally designated and previously announced titles for sessions and talks, providing a level of informality that promoted relaxed interactions. Discussion was gratifyingly brisk and informative throughout and was considered to be a highlight of the meeting. All sessions were chaired by the program planners Errol Friedberg and Sam Wilson, who did not present formal talks. The following pages comprise summations of the talks presented, organized into primary topic themes.  相似文献   

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