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Activation of the α3β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subtype has recently been implicated in the pathophysiology of various conditions, including development and progression of lung cancer and in nicotine addiction. As selective α3β4 nAChR antagonists, α-conotoxins are valuable tools to evaluate the functional roles of this receptor subtype. We previously reported the discovery of a new α4/7-conotoxin, RegIIA. RegIIA was isolated from Conus regius and inhibits acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked currents mediated by α3β4, α3β2, and α7 nAChR subtypes. The current study used alanine scanning mutagenesis to understand the selectivity profile of RegIIA at the α3β4 nAChR subtype. [N11A] and [N12A] RegIIA analogs exhibited 3-fold more selectivity for the α3β4 than the α3β2 nAChR subtype. We also report synthesis of [N11A,N12A]RegIIA, a selective α3β4 nAChR antagonist (IC50 of 370 nm) that could potentially be used in the treatment of lung cancer and nicotine addiction. Molecular dynamics simulations of RegIIA and [N11A,N12A]RegIIA bound to α3β4 and α3β2 suggest that destabilization of toxin contacts with residues at the principal and complementary faces of α3β2 (α3-Tyr92, Ser149, Tyr189, Cys192, and Tyr196; β2-Trp57, Arg81, and Phe119) may form the molecular basis for the selectivity shift.  相似文献   

Vc1.1 is a disulfide-rich peptide inhibitor of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors that has stimulated considerable interest in these receptors as potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of neuropathic pain. Here we present an extensive series of mutational studies in which all residues except the conserved cysteines were mutated separately to Ala, Asp, or Lys. The effect on acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked membrane currents at the α9α10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), which has been implicated as a target in the alleviation of neuropathic pain, was then observed. The analogs were characterized by NMR spectroscopy to determine the effects of mutations on structure. The structural fold was found to be preserved in all peptides except where Pro was substituted. Electrophysiological studies showed that the key residues for functional activity are Asp5–Arg7 and Asp11–Ile15, because changes at these positions resulted in the loss of activity at the α9α10 nAChR. Interestingly, the S4K and N9A analogs were more potent than Vc1.1 itself. A second generation of mutants was synthesized, namely N9G, N9I, N9L, S4R, and S4K+N9A, all of which were more potent than Vc1.1 at both the rat α9α10 and the human α9/rat α10 hybrid receptor, providing a mechanistic insight into the key residues involved in eliciting the biological function of Vc1.1. The most potent analogs were also tested at the α3β2, α3β4, and α7 nAChR subtypes to determine their selectivity. All mutants tested were most selective for the α9α10 nAChR. These findings provide valuable insight into the interaction of Vc1.1 with the α9α10 nAChR subtype and will help in the further development of analogs of Vc1.1 as analgesic drugs.Marine snails belonging to the Conus genus produce a variety of neurotoxic peptides in their venom glands that they use for the capture of prey (13). Within this repertoire of conopeptides, those that are disulfide-rich are referred to as conotoxins. Conotoxins typically range in size from 12 to 30 amino acids, contain 4 or more Cys residues, and exhibit high potency and selectivity toward a variety of membrane receptors and ion channels (4, 5). The α-conotoxin subfamily members typically range in size from 12 to 19 amino acids, contain 2 disulfide bonds in a CysI–CysIII and CysII–CysIV connectivity, and have an amidated C terminus, as depicted in Fig. 1. They interact with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs),4 of both the muscle and the neuronal type, which have been implicated in a range of neurological disorders varying from Alzheimer disease to addiction (68).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.α-Conotoxin sequences and structure of Vc1.1. a, the sequences of selected α-conotoxins relevant to this study are shown by one-letter amino acid codes. The asterisk indicates an amidated C terminus, which is a common post-translational modification found in α-conotoxins. The conserved cysteine residues are highlighted in yellow, and the CysI–CysIII and CysII–CysIV disulfide connectivity is indicated by the connecting lines under the sequence. The number of residues between the cysteines define two backbone “loops,” which are used to classify α-conotoxins into subclasses. For example, RgIA has four residues in loop 1 and three residues in loop 2, making this a 4/3 loop subclass α-conotoxin. b, structural representation of Vc1.1 (PDB 2H8S), with disulfide bonds depicted in yellow. The cysteines, the loops, and the termini are labeled.The nAChRs are ligand-gated ion channels that respond to ACh, nicotine, and other competitive agonists/antagonists. They are composed of five subunits, with differing nAChR subunit composition according to the site of expression. The muscle-type nAChRs are composed of two α subunits, a β and δ subunit, and either an ϵ or a γ subunit (912). The neuronal forms exist either as homomeric channels composed of α subunits alone or αβ heteromeric channels. The wide variety of possible subunit combinations has led to unique subtypes with distinct pharmacological properties. This makes α-conotoxins valuable neuropharmacological tools and drug leads, because they have the ability to distinguish between different nAChR subtypes. Effectively, they are small rigid scaffolds that display amino acids on their surface to selectively target their receptors (13).Of particular interest in this study is the α-conotoxin Vc1.1, a synthetic derivative of a naturally occurring peptide from the venom of the marine cone snail, Conus victoriae. It was discovered using PCR screening of cDNA extracted from the snail venom duct (14). Fig. 1 depicts the sequences of selected α-conotoxins, including Vc1.1, which is 16 amino acids in length and displays the classic disulfide bond connectivity observed for α-conotoxins, together with a short helical segment as depicted in Fig. 1b. The conserved Cys framework of α-conotoxins defines two backbone loops, which vary in size and residue composition, and are classified by an n/m nomenclature to define subclasses of α-conotoxins. For example, Vc1.1 is a 4/7 subclass α-conotoxin, because it contains four residues in loop 1 and seven in loop 2. RgIA (1517) is another conotoxin of interest in this study, because it is also selective for the α9α10 nAChR subtype, and has a 4/3 framework. Vc1.1 contains an amidated C terminus, a post-translational modification common to most α-conotoxins, but it is not present in RgIA. Vc1.1 lacks the post-translationally modified hydroxyproline and γ-carboxyglutamate residues present in the native peptide, vc1a, isolated from the venom duct of C. victoriae (18).Vc1.1 has been under development as a drug lead for neuropathic pain (19). When tested in rat models of neuropathic pain, Vc1.1 induced analgesia when injected intramuscularly near the site of injury (20). Initially, it was thought that α3-containing subtypes of nAChRs may be the target for Vc1.1 (21); however, it was then reported that Vc1.1 has a 100-fold higher affinity at the α9α10 nAChR subtype (22, 23). The α9α10 nAChR mediates synaptic transmission between efferent olivocochlear fibers and cochlear hair cells (2426). The mRNA of these receptor subtypes is expressed in many different tissue types from the inner ear, dorsal root ganglion (27), skin keratinocytes (28), and lymphocytes (29) to the pituitary (26). The α10 subunit has to be expressed with the α9 subunit to form a functional receptor. In the auditory system, the α9α10 nAChR plays an important role in hair cell development, but its role in other tissues is yet to be characterized (22, 26, 30, 31).Owing to the promising antinociceptive effects of Vc1.1 in animals, its analogs are of interest as leads for the treatment of neuropathic pain (14, 20). To date, studies have predominantly focused on the α9α10 nAChR, but the very recent finding that Vc1.1 also targets the γ-aminobutyric acid, type B receptor (32) has raised interest in the molecular mode of action of Vc1.1 in analgesia. Hence there is a need to define structure-activity relationships of this peptide at several targets, including human and rat forms of the α9α10 nAChR. In particular, we were interested in analogs that maintain potency at the rat α9α10 nAChR but also show significant improvement in potency at human forms of the receptor, while maintaining selectivity over other nAChR subtypes.In this study we determined such structure-activity relationships for Vc1.1 at the α9α10 nAChR by successively mutating each non-Cys residue of Vc1.1 to either an “inert” residue (Ala), a negatively charged residue (Asp), or a positively charged residue (Lys) and observing the impact on the structure and functional activity of Vc1.1. Once the key residues had been identified, a second generation of analogs with new substitutions was synthesized and tested at the rat α9α10 nAChR. The analogs were also analyzed at the human α9/rat α10 (hα9rα10) hybrid clone, because a recent report5 suggested differences in the activity of Vc1.1 at the human and rat clones of the α9α10 nAChR. We also examined the effect of pH change on the structure of Vc1.1 using NMR αH chemical shift analysis. The results from this study provide valuable insight into the key residues involved in the interaction of Vc1.1 with the α9α10 nAChR subtype and have the potential to assist in the development of conotoxin analogs as drug leads for the treatment of neuropathic pain (4, 33).  相似文献   



The cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway is an endogenous mechanism by which the autonomic nervous system attenuates macrophage activation via nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR). This concept has however not been demonstrated at a cellular level in intact tissue. To this end, we have studied the effect of nicotine on the activation of resident macrophages in a mouse stomach preparation by means of calcium imaging.


Calcium transients ([Ca2+]i) in resident macrophages were recorded in a mouse stomach preparation containing myenteric plexus and muscle layers by Fluo-4. Activation of macrophages was achieved by focal puff administration of ATP. The effects of nicotine on activation of macrophages were evaluated and the nAChR involved was pharmacologically characterized. The proximity of cholinergic nerves to macrophages was quantified by confocal microscopy. Expression of β2 and α7 nAChR was evaluated by β2 immunohistochemistry and fluorophore-tagged α-bungarotoxin.


In 83% of macrophages cholinergic varicose nerve fibers were detected at distances <900nm. The ATP induced [Ca2+]i increase was significantly inhibited in 65% or 55% of macrophages by 100µM or 10µM nicotine, respectively. This inhibitory effect was reversed by the β2 nAChR preferring antagonist dihydro-β-eryhtroidine but not by hexamethonium (non-selective nAChR-antagonist), mecamylamine (α3β4 nAChR-preferring antagonist), α-bungarotoxin or methyllycaconitine (both α7 nAChR-preferring antagonist). Macrophages in the stomach express β2 but not α7 nAChR at protein level, while those in the intestine express both receptor subunits.


This study is the first in situ demonstration of an inhibition of macrophage activation by nicotine suggesting functional signaling between cholinergic neurons and macrophages in the stomach. The data suggest that the β2 subunit of the nAChR is critically involved in the nicotine-induced inhibition of these resident macrophages.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and the Na,K-ATPase functionally interact in skeletal muscle (Krivoi, I. I., Drabkina, T. M., Kravtsova, V. V., Vasiliev, A. N., Eaton, M. J., Skatchkov, S. N., and Mandel, F. (2006) Pflugers Arch. 452, 756–765; Krivoi, I., Vasiliev, A., Kravtsova, V., Dobretsov, M., and Mandel, F. (2003) Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 986, 639–641). In this interaction, the specific binding of nanomolar concentrations of nicotinic agonists to the nAChR stimulates electrogenic transport by the Na,K-ATPase α2 isozyme, causing membrane hyperpolarization. This study examines the molecular nature and membrane localization of this interaction. Stimulation of Na,K-ATPase activity by the nAChR does not require ion flow through open nAChRs. It can be induced by nAChR desensitization alone, in the absence of nicotinic agonist, and saturates when the nAChR is fully desensitized. It is enhanced by noncompetitive blockers of the nAChR (proadifen, QX-222), which promote non-conducting or desensitized states; and retarded by tetracaine, which stabilizes the resting nAChR conformation. The interaction operates at the neuromuscular junction as well as on extrajunctional sarcolemma. The Na,K-ATPase α2 isozyme is enriched at the postsynaptic neuromuscular junction and co-localizes with nAChRs. The nAChR and Na,K-ATPase α subunits specifically coimmunoprecipitate with each other, phospholemman, and caveolin-3. In a purified membrane preparation from Torpedo californica enriched in nAChRs and the Na,K-ATPase, a ouabain-induced conformational change of the Na,K-ATPase enhances a conformational transition of the nAChR to a desensitized state. These results suggest a mechanism by which the nAChR in a desensitized state with high apparent affinity for agonist interacts with the Na,K-ATPase to stimulate active transport. The interaction utilizes a membrane-delimited complex involving protein-protein interactions, either directly or through additional protein partners. This interaction is expected to enhance neuromuscular transmission and muscle excitation.  相似文献   


The monoclonal antibody WF6 competes with acetylcholine and α-bungarotoxin (α-BGT) for binding to the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) α1 subunit. Using synthetic peptides corresponding to the complete Torpedo nAChR α1 subunit, we previously mapped a continuous epitope recognized by WF6, and the prototope for α-BGT, to the sequence segment α1(181–200). Single amino acid substitution analogs have been used as an initial approach to determine the critical amino acids for WF6 and α-BGT binding. In the present study, we continue our analysis of the structural features of the WF6 epitope by comparing its cross-reactivity with synthetic peptides corresponding to the α1 subunits from the muscle nAChRs of different species, the rat brain α2, α3, α4 and α5 nAChR subtypes, and the chick brain α-BGT binding protein subunits, αBGTBP α1 and αBGTBP α2. Our results indicate that WF6 is able to cross-react with the muscle α1 subunits of different species by virtue of conservation of several critical amino acid residues between positions 190–198 of the α1 subunit. These studies further define the essential structural features of the sequence segment α1(181–200) required to form the epitope for WF6.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored neurotoxin-like receptor binding proteins, such as lynx modulators, are topologically positioned to exert pharmacological effects by binding to the extracellular portion of nAChRs. These actions are generally thought to proceed when both lynx and the nAChRs are on the plasma membrane. Here, we demonstrate that lynx1 also exerts effects on α4β2 nAChRs within the endoplasmic reticulum. Lynx1 affects assembly of nascent α4 and β2 subunits and alters the stoichiometry of the receptor population that reaches the plasma membrane. Additionally, these data suggest that lynx1 shifts nAChR stoichiometry to low sensitivity (α4)3(β2)2 pentamers primarily through this interaction in the endoplasmic reticulum, rather than solely via direct modulation of activity on the plasma membrane. To our knowledge, these data represent the first test of the hypothesis that a lynx family member, or indeed any glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein, could act within the cell to alter assembly of a multisubunit protein.  相似文献   

Recent evidence reveals a crucial role for acetylcholine and its receptors in the regulation of inflammation, particularly of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor α7 (Chrna7) and muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 3 (Chrm3). Immunohistochemistry is a key tool for their cellular localization in functional tissues. We evaluated nine different commercially available antibodies on back skin tissue from wild-type (Wt) and gene-deficient (KO) mice. In the immunohistochemical analysis, we focused on key AChR-ligand sensitive skin cells (mast cells, nerve fibers and keratinocytes). All five antibodies tested for Chrm3 and the first three Chrna7 antibodies stained positive in both Wt and respective KO skin. With the 4th antibody (ab23832) nerve fibers were unlabeled in the KO mice. By western blot analysis, this antibody detected bands in both Wt and Chrna7 KO skin and brain. qRT-PCR revealed mRNA amplification with a primer set for the undeleted region in both Wt and KO mice, but none with a primer set for the deleted region in KO mice. By 2D electrophoresis, we found β-actin and β-enolase cross reactivity, which was confirmed by double immunolabeling. In view of the present results, the tested antibodies are not suitable for immunolocalization in skin and suggest thorough control of antibody specificity is required if histomorphometry is intended.  相似文献   


The sequence region 55–74 of the α-subunit of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from Torpedo californica electroplax comprises the amino-terminal end of a sequence segment—residues α67–76—forming the main immunogenic region (MIR), which is most frequently recognized by anti-AChR autoantibodies in myasthenia gravis. The synthetic sequence α55–74 of Torpedo AChR binds α-bungarotoxin (αBTX), suggesting that amino acid residues within this sequence region may contribute to formation of an αBTX binding site.

Using single-residue substituted synthetic analogues of the sequence α55–74 of Torpedo AChR, in which each residue was sequentially substituted by either glycine or alanine, we sought identification of the amino acids involved in interaction with α-neurotoxins and with three different anti-MIR monoclonal antibodies (mAbs 6, 22, and 198). Substitution of Arg55, Arg57, Trp60, Arg64, Leu65, Arg66, Trp67, or Asn68 strongly inhibited α-toxin binding, whereas substitutions of Ile61, Val63, Pro69, Ala70, Asp71, or Tyr72 had marginal effects. Substitutions within the region α68–72 significantly diminished binding of anti-MIR mAbs, although residue preferences differed among mAbs. Further, substituting Trp60 substantially reduced binding of mAb 198, and moderately affected binding of mAb 6, and substitution of Asp62 slightly but consistently affected binding of mAbs 6 and 22.  相似文献   

1. To determine if structural domains are important for nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChr) channel function, six mouse–Torpedo chimeric -subunits were constructed (Fig. 2) and coexpressed with Torpedo californica -, -, and -subunits in Xenopus laevis oocytes.2. nAChRs containing a chimeric -subunit were examined by voltage- and patch-clamp methods to determine their functional characteristics. Dose–response curves from voltage-clamped oocytes were used to estimate EC50's and Hill coefficients. Whole-cell currents were normalized against the -bungarotoxin (-BTX) binding sites to obtain normalized responses to acetylcholine (ACh). Open time constants at 4 M ACh were used to examine single-channel behavior.3. The EC50 for ACh was modulated by the N-terminal half of the -subunit. When the Torpedo subunit sequence between position 1 and position 268 was replaced by mouse sequence, the EC50 shifted toward the value for the wild-type mouse subunit. Replacement of either the 1–159 or the 160–268 positions of the Torpedo sequence with the mouse sequence lowered the EC50. This suggests that at least two regions play a role in determining the EC50.4. When the primary sequence (160–268) of the Torpedo -subunit was introduced in the mouse -subunit (T160–268), the expressed chimeric receptor was nonfunctional. The inverse chimera (M160–268) was functional and the open time constant and EC50 were similar to those of mouse but the normalized response was characteristic of Torpedo.5. The normalized macroscopic response to ACh (300 M) of the chimera containing the mouse -subunit showed a ninefold increase relative to the Torpedo wild type. Receptors which contain the C terminal of the mouse -subunit also show an increase in the maximum normalized current. Receptors with the -subunit which contain the Torpedo C-terminal sequence have a lower normalized response.6. The combined results suggest that AChR channel function is modulated by structural determinants within the primary sequence. These structural domains might modulate channel function through specific allosteric interactions. The lack of response of the T160–268 chimera suggests that a critical interaction essential for the coupling of agonist binding and channel gating was disrupted. This result suggests that the interaction of structural domains within the nAChR primary structure are essential for channel function and that these intractions could be very specific within different nAChR species.  相似文献   



Cigarette smoking adversely affects endochondral ossification during the course of skeletal growth. Among a plethora of cigarette chemicals, nicotine is one of the primary candidate compounds responsible for the cause of smoking-induced delayed skeletal growth. However, the possible mechanism of delayed skeletal growth caused by nicotine remains unclarified. In the last decade, localization of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), a specific receptor of nicotine, has been widely detected in non-excitable cells. Therefore, we hypothesized that nicotine affect growth plate chondrocytes directly and specifically through nAChR to delay skeletal growth.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated the effect of nicotine on human growth plate chondrocytes, a major component of endochondral ossification. The chondrocytes were derived from extra human fingers. Nicotine inhibited matrix synthesis and hypertrophic differentiation in human growth plate chondrocytes in suspension culture in a concentration-dependent manner. Both human and murine growth plate chondrocytes expressed alpha7 nAChR, which constitutes functional homopentameric receptors. Methyllycaconitine (MLA), a specific antagonist of alpha7 nAChR, reversed the inhibition of matrix synthesis and functional calcium signal by nicotine in human growth plate chondrocytes in vitro. To study the effect of nicotine on growth plate in vivo, ovulation-controlled pregnant alpha7 nAChR +/− mice were given drinking water with or without nicotine during pregnancy, and skeletal growth of their fetuses was observed. Maternal nicotine exposure resulted in delayed skeletal growth of alpha7 nAChR +/+ fetuses but not in alpha7 nAChR −/− fetuses, implying that skeletal growth retardation by nicotine is specifically mediated via fetal alpha7 nAChR.


These results suggest that nicotine, from cigarette smoking, acts directly on growth plate chondrocytes to decrease matrix synthesis, suppress hypertrophic differentiation via alpha7 nAChR, leading to delayed skeletal growth.  相似文献   

In the mammalian brain high affinity nicotine-binding sites are composed of at least the α4 and β2 subunits. Additional nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits that are often co-expressed with α4+β2 include α5. The introduction of α5 into 293 cells expressing α4+β2 strongly favors assembly of α4+α5+β2 receptors, increases constitutive ligand binding density as measured using [3H]epibatidine, but reduces the magnitude of up-regulation in response to chronic nicotine. In contrast, when β4 is substituted for β2, α5 interferes with the assembly of these receptors, demonstrating an important role for the β subunit in this process. When cells co-express α4+α5+β2+β4, over 50% of the subunit associations include all four subunits, but they fail to be detected using [3H]epibatidine binding. However, complexes of α4+α5+β2 do preferentially emerge from these subunit mixtures, and these mixtures bind ligand. In previous studies of α4+β2+β4 co-expression by 293 cells, the inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNFα influenced the outcome of receptor assembly (Gahring, L. C., Days, E. L., Kaasch, T., González de Mendoza, M., Owen, L., Persiyanov, K., and Rogers, S. W. (2005) J. Neuroimmunol. 166, 88–101). When α5 is included in this subunit mixture, and cells are exposed to either inflammatory cytokine, subunit association is no longer altered. These findings suggest that α5 is an influential modulator of α4+β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor assembly and stabilizes their expression in response to fluctuations in external conditions.  相似文献   

Explorations into the α6-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (α6* nAChRs) as putative drug targets have been severely hampered by the inefficient functional expression of the receptors in heterologous expression systems. In this study, the molecular basis for the problem was investigated through the construction of chimeric α6/α3 and mutant α3 and α6 subunits and functional characterization of these co-expressed with β4 or β4β3 subunits in tsA201 cells in a fluorescence-based assay and in Xenopus oocytes using two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology. Substitution of a small C-terminal segment in the second intracellular loop or the Phe223 residue in transmembrane helix 1 of α6 with the corresponding α3 segment or residue was found to enhance α6β4 functionality in tsA201 cells significantly, in part due to increased cell surface expression of the receptors. The gain-of-function effects of these substitutions appeared to be additive since incorporation of both α3 elements into α6 resulted in assembly of α6β4* receptors exhibiting robust functional responses to acetylcholine. The pharmacological properties exhibited by α6β4β3 receptors comprising one of these novel α6/α3 chimeras in oocytes were found to be in good agreement with those from previous studies of α6* nAChRs formed from other surrogate α6 subunits or concatenated subunits and studies of other heteromeric nAChRs. In contrast, co-expression of this α6/α3 chimera with β2 or β2β3 subunits in oocytes did not result in efficient formation of functional receptors, indicating that the identified molecular elements in α6 could be specific impediments for the expression of functional α6β4* nAChRs.  相似文献   

Two α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α4β2-nAChR) isoforms exist with (α4)2(β2)3 and (α4)3(β2)2 subunit stoichiometries and high versus low agonist sensitivities (HS and LS), respectively. Both isoforms contain a pair of α4(+)/(−)β2 agonist-binding sites. The LS isoform also contains a unique α4(+)/(−)α4 site with lower agonist affinity than the α4(+)/(−)β2 sites. However, the relative roles of the conserved α4(+)/(−)β2 agonist-binding sites in and between the isoforms have not been studied. We used a fully linked subunit concatemeric nAChR approach to express pure populations of HS or LS isoform α4β2*-nAChR. This approach also allowed us to mutate individual subunit interfaces, or combinations thereof, on each isoform background. We used this approach to systematically mutate a triplet of β2 subunit (−)-face E-loop residues to their non-conserved α4 subunit counterparts or vice versa (β2HQT and α4VFL, respectively). Mutant-nAChR constructs (and unmodified controls) were expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Acetylcholine concentration-response curves and maximum function were measured using two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology. Surface expression was measured with 125I-mAb 295 binding and was used to define function/nAChR. If the α4(+)/(−)β2 sites contribute equally to function, making identical β2HQT substitutions at either site should produce similar functional outcomes. Instead, highly differential outcomes within the HS isoform, and between the two isoforms, were observed. In contrast, α4VFL mutation effects were very similar in all positions of both isoforms. Our results indicate that the identity of subunits neighboring the otherwise equivalent α4(+)/(−)β2 agonist sites modifies their contributions to nAChR activation and that E-loop residues are an important contributor to this neighbor effect.  相似文献   

Previous reports have indicated that artificial stimulation of the vagus nerve reduces systemic inflammation in experimental models of sepsis. This phenomenon is a part of a broader cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway which activates the vagus nerve to modulate inflammation through activation of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (α7nACHR). Heart rate variability represents the complex interplay between autonomic nervous system and cardiac pacemaker cells. Reduced heart rate variability and increased cardiac cycle regularity is a hallmark of clinical conditions that are associated with systemic inflammation (e.g. endotoxemia and sepsis). The present study was aimed to assess the role of α7nACHR in modulation of heart rate dynamics during systemic inflammation. Systemic inflammation was induced by injection of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) in rats. Electrocardiogram and body temperature were recorded in conscious animals using a telemetric system. Linear and non-linear indices of heart rate variability (e.g. sample entropy and fractal-like temporal structure) were assessed. RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry studies showed that α7nACHR is expressed in rat atrium and is mainly localized at the endothelial layer. Systemic administration of an α7nACHR antagonist (methyllycaconitine) did not show a significant effect on body temperature or heart rate dynamics in naïve rats. However, α7nACHR blockade could further reduce heart rate variability and elicit a febrile response in endotoxemic rats. Pre-treatment of endotoxemic animals with an α7nACHR agonist (PHA-543613) was unable to modulate heart rate dynamics in endotoxemic rats but could prevent the effect of endotoxin on body temperature within 24 h experiment. Neither methyllycaconitine nor PHA-543613 could affect cardiac beating variability of isolated perfused hearts taken from control or endotoxemic rats. Based on our observations we suggest a tonic role for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in modulation of heart rate dynamics during systemic inflammation.  相似文献   

α-Conotoxins are peptide neurotoxins isolated from venomous cone snails that display exquisite selectivity for different subtypes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR). They are valuable research tools that have profound implications in the discovery of new drugs for a myriad of neuropharmacological conditions. They are characterized by a conserved two-disulfide bond framework, which gives rise to two intervening loops of extensively mutated amino acids that determine their selectivity for different nAChR subtypes. We have used a multistep synthetic combinatorial approach using α-conotoxin ImI to develop potent and selective α7 nAChR antagonists. A positional scan synthetic combinatorial library was constructed based on the three residues of the n-loop of α-conotoxin ImI to give a total of 10,648 possible combinations that were screened for functional activity in an α7 nAChR Fluo-4/Ca2+ assay, allowing amino acids that confer antagonistic activity for this receptor to be identified. A second series of individual α-conotoxin analogs based on the combinations of defined active amino acid residues from positional scan synthetic combinatorial library screening data were synthesized. Several analogs exhibited significantly improved antagonist activity for the α7 nAChR compared with WT-ImI. Binding interactions between the analogs and the α7 nAChR were explored using a homology model of the amino-terminal domain based on a crystal structure of an acetylcholine-binding protein. Finally, a third series of refined analogs was synthesized based on modeling studies, which led to several analogs with refined pharmacological properties. Of the 96 individual α-conotoxin analogs synthesized, three displayed ≥10-fold increases in antagonist potency compared with WT-ImI.  相似文献   

One hypothesis accounting for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction by T cell receptors (TCRs) holds that there are several evolutionary conserved residues in TCR variable regions that contact MHC. While this “germline codon” hypothesis is supported by various lines of evidence, it has been difficult to test. The difficulty stems in part from the fact that TCRs exhibit low affinities for pep/MHC, thus limiting the range of binding energies that can be assigned to these key interactions using mutational analyses. To measure the magnitude of binding energies involved, here we used high-affinity TCRs engineered by mutagenesis of CDR3. The TCRs included a high-affinity, MART-1/HLA-A2-specific single-chain TCR and two other high-affinity TCRs that all contain the same Vα region and recognize the same MHC allele (HLA-A2), with different peptides and Vβ regions. Mutational analysis of residues in CDR1 and CDR2 of the three Vα2 regions showed the importance of the key germline codon residue Y51. However, two other proposed key residues showed significant differences among the TCRs in their relative contributions to binding. With the use of single-position, yeast-display libraries in two of the key residues, MART-1/HLA-A2 selections also revealed strong preferences for wild-type germline codon residues, but several alternative residues could also accommodate binding and, hence, MHC restriction. Thus, although a single residue (Y51) could account for a proportion of the energy associated with positive selection (i.e., MHC restriction), there is significant plasticity in requirements for particular side chains in CDR1 and CDR2 and in their relative binding contributions among different TCRs.  相似文献   

The existence of α7β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) has recently been demonstrated in both the rodent and human brain. Since α7-containing nAChRs are promising drug targets for schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease, it is critical to determine whether α7β2 nAChRs are present in the human brain, in which brain areas, and whether they differ functionally from α7 nAChR homomers. We used α-bungarotoxin to affinity purify α7-containing nAChRs from surgically excised human temporal cortex, and found that α7 subunits co-purify with β2 subunits, indicating the presence of α7β2 nAChRs in the human brain. We validated these results by demonstrating co-purification of β2 from wild-type, but not α7 or β2 knock-out mice. The pharmacology and kinetics of human α7β2 nAChRs differed significantly from that of α7 homomers in response to nAChR agonists when expressed in Xenopus oocytes and HEK293 cells. Notably, α7β2 heteromers expressed in HEK293 cells display markedly slower rise and decay phases. These results demonstrate that α7 subunits in the human brain form heteromeric complexes with β2 subunits, and that human α7β2 nAChR heteromers respond to nAChR agonists with a unique pharmacology and kinetic profile. α7β2 nAChRs thus represent an alternative mechanism for the reported clinical efficacy of α7 nAChR ligands.  相似文献   

Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors containing α4, β2, and sometimes other subunits (α4β2* nAChRs) regulate addictive and other behavioral effects of nicotine. These nAChRs exist in several stoichiometries, typically with two high affinity acetylcholine (ACh) binding sites at the interface of α4 and β2 subunits and a fifth accessory subunit. A third low affinity ACh binding site is formed when this accessory subunit is α4 but not if it is β2. Agonists selective for the accessory ACh site, such as 3-[3-(3-pyridyl)-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-yl]benzonitrile (NS9283), cannot alone activate a nAChR but can facilitate more efficient activation in combination with agonists at the canonical α4β2 sites. We therefore suggest categorizing agonists according to their site selectivity. NS9283 binds to the accessory ACh binding site; thus it is termed an accessory site-selective agonist. We expressed (α4β2)2 concatamers in Xenopus oocytes with free accessory subunits to obtain defined nAChR stoichiometries and α4/accessory subunit interfaces. We show that α2, α3, α4, and α6 accessory subunits can form binding sites for ACh and NS9283 at interfaces with α4 subunits, but β2 and β4 accessory subunits cannot. To permit selective blockage of the accessory site, α4 threonine 126 located on the minus side of α4 that contributes to the accessory site, but not the α4β2 sites, was mutated to cysteine. Alkylation of this cysteine with a thioreactive reagent blocked activity of ACh and NS9283 at the accessory site. Accessory agonist binding sites are promising drug targets.  相似文献   

The large-conductance Ca2+-activated potassium (BKCa) channel of smooth muscle is unusually sensitive to Ca2+ as compared with the BKCa channels of brain and skeletal muscle. This is due to the tissue-specific expression of the BKCa auxiliary subunit β1, whose presence dramatically increases both the potency and efficacy of Ca2+ in promoting channel opening. β1 contains no Ca2+ binding sites of its own, and thus the mechanism by which it increases the BKCa channel''s Ca2+ sensitivity has been of some interest. Previously, we demonstrated that β1 stabilizes voltage sensor activation, such that activation occurs at more negative voltages with β1 present. This decreases the work that Ca2+ must do to open the channel and thereby increases the channel''s apparent Ca2+ affinity without altering the real affinities of the channel''s Ca2+ binding sites. To explain the full effect of β1 on the channel''s Ca2+ sensitivity, however, we also proposed that there must be effects of β1 on Ca2+ binding. Here, to test this hypothesis, we have used high-resolution Ca2+ dose–response curves together with binding site–specific mutations to measure the effects of β1 on Ca2+ binding. We find that coexpression of β1 alters Ca2+ binding at both of the BKCa channel''s two types of high-affinity Ca2+ binding sites, primarily increasing the affinity of the RCK1 sites when the channel is open and decreasing the affinity of the Ca2+ bowl sites when the channel is closed. Both of these modifications increase the difference in affinity between open and closed, such that Ca2+ binding at either site has a larger effect on channel opening when β1 is present.  相似文献   

Nicotine leads to both activation and desensitization (inactivation) of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). This study tested the hypothesis that nicotine and a selective antagonist of β2*nAChRs would have similar effects on affective behavior. Adult C57BL/6J male mice were tested in a conditioned emotional response (CER) assay which evaluates the ability of an aversive stimulus to inhibit goal-directed behavior. Mice lever-pressed for a saccharin reinforcer according to a variable schedule of reinforcement during sessions in which two presentations of a compound light/tone conditioned stimulus (CS) co-terminated with a 0.1 or 0.3 mA, 0.5 s footshock unconditioned stimulus (US). During testing in the absence of the US, mice received doses of i.p. nicotine (0, 0.0032, 0.01, 0.032, 0.1 mg/kg) or a selective β2 subunit containing nAChR (β2*nAChR) antagonist dihydro-beta-erythroidine (0, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0 mg/kg DHβE). There was a dose-dependent effect of nicotine revealing that only low doses (0.01, 0.032 mg/kg) increased CER suppression ratios (SR) in these mice. DHβE also dose-dependently increased SR at the 3 mg/kg dose. In ethological measures of fear−/anxiety-like behavior, these doses of nicotine and DHβE significantly reduced digging behavior in a marble burying task and 0.3 mg/kg DHβE promoted open-arm activity in the elevated plus maze. Doses of nicotine and DHβE that altered affective behavior had no effect on locomotor activity. Similar to previous reports with anxiolytic drugs, low dose nicotine and DHβE reversed SR in a CER assay, decreased digging in a marble burying assay and increased open arm activity in the elevated plus maze. This study provides evidence that inactivation of β2*nAChRs reduces fear-like and anxiety-like behavior in rodents and suggests that smokers may be motivated to smoke in part to desensitize their β2*nAChRs. These data further identify β2*nAChR antagonism as a potential therapeutic strategy for relief of negative affect and anxiety.  相似文献   

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