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The ultimate value of theories describing the fundamental mechanisms behind asset prices in financial systems is reflected in the capacity of such theories to understand these systems. Although the models that explain the various states of financial markets offer substantial evidence from the fields of finance, mathematics, and even physics, previous theories that attempt to address the complexities of financial markets in full have been inadequate. We propose an artificial double auction market as an agent-based model to study the origin of complex states in financial markets by characterizing important parameters with an investment strategy that can cover the dynamics of the financial market. The investment strategies of chartist traders in response to new market information should reduce market stability based on the price fluctuations of risky assets. However, fundamentalist traders strategically submit orders based on fundamental value and, thereby stabilize the market. We construct a continuous double auction market and find that the market is controlled by the proportion of chartists, Pc. We show that mimicking the real state of financial markets, which emerges in real financial systems, is given within the range Pc = 0.40 to Pc = 0.85; however, we show that mimicking the efficient market hypothesis state can be generated with values less than Pc = 0.40. In particular, we observe that mimicking a market collapse state is created with values greater than Pc = 0.85, at which point a liquidity shortage occurs, and the phase transition behavior is described at Pc = 0.85. 相似文献
Herd behaviour in financial markets is a recurring phenomenon that exacerbates asset price volatility, and is considered a possible contributor to market fragility. While numerous studies investigate herd behaviour in financial markets, it is often considered without reference to the pricing of financial instruments or other market dynamics. Here, a trader interaction model based upon informational cascades in the presence of information thresholds is used to construct a new model of asset price returns that allows for both quiescent and herd-like regimes. Agent interaction is modelled using a stochastic pulse-coupled network, parametrised by information thresholds and a network coupling probability. Agents may possess either one or two information thresholds that, in each case, determine the number of distinct states an agent may occupy before trading takes place. In the case where agents possess two thresholds (labelled as the finite state-space model, corresponding to agents’ accumulating information over a bounded state-space), and where coupling strength is maximal, an asymptotic expression for the cascade-size probability is derived and shown to follow a power law when a critical value of network coupling probability is attained. For a range of model parameters, a mixture of negative binomial distributions is used to approximate the cascade-size distribution. This approximation is subsequently used to express the volatility of model price returns in terms of the model parameter which controls the network coupling probability. In the case where agents possess a single pulse-coupling threshold (labelled as the semi-infinite state-space model corresponding to agents’ accumulating information over an unbounded state-space), numerical evidence is presented that demonstrates volatility clustering and long-memory patterns in the volatility of asset returns. Finally, output from the model is compared to both the distribution of historical stock returns and the market price of an equity index option. 相似文献
Ovidiu Manole 《Biological cybernetics》1976,23(4):181-186
The concepts of right-hand entropy and left-hand entropy as a measure of the symmetry in a probability field are defined. Likewise the concept of the asymmetry as a very important property of the same probability field is emphasized. Thus, it is shown that some schemes, which are indistinguishable by means of Shannon's entropy, may be recognized by using these new concepts. 相似文献
V. V. Malakhov 《Russian Journal of Marine Biology》2016,42(4):287-298
Comparative analysis provides evidence that bilateral symmetry is a primary character of Cnidaria. All anthozoan taxa are characterized by bilateral symmetry. The anthozoan pharyngeal plane is a plane of bilateral symmetry of mesenteries and, at the same time, it is a plane of bilateral symmetry of regulatory gene expression in anthozoan morphogenesis. In Medusozoa, the bilateral symmetry is replaced by radial symmetry, but some hydrozoans (for example, Corymorphidae) demonstrate bilateral symmetry. The bilateral symmetry of Cnidaria is thought to be inherited from the common ancestors of both cnidarians and triploblastic bilaterians. The secondary radial symmetry of Cnidaria evidently is a result of the adaptation to the sessile mode of life. The presence of both the marginal and labial rings of tentacles is supposed to be a plesiomorphic character of Cnidaria. In some groups of cnidarians, one of the tentacle rings may be reduced. 相似文献
Observations of the agonist activity of prostaglandins on the guinea-pig ileum are analysed. The structure-activity relationships are interpreted in relation to the approximate diad axis of symmetry in the molecules. It is suggested that some receptors for prostaglandins may have a perfect diad axis of symmetry between identical protein subunits. 相似文献
Gross M 《Current biology : CB》2012,22(6):R175-R177
Edwin Haslam 《Phytochemistry》1977,16(11):1625-1640
The occurrence and significance of procyanidins in the plant kingdom are reviewed. Stages in the elucidation of the structure and the stereochemistry of the procyanidins are outlined. Preferred helical conformations for the procyanidins, arising from the steric hindrance to rotation about the interflavan bond, are described. Biosynthetic studies are discussed and a theory of procyanidin metabolism is proposed. 相似文献
Symmetry breaking is essential for cell movement, polarity, and developmental patterning. Amplification of initial asymmetry is key to the conserved mechanisms involved.Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
– William Blake 相似文献
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
– William Blake 相似文献
Kinetic properties of mandelate racemase catalysis (Vmax, Km, deuterium isotope effects, and pH profiles) were all measured in both directions by the circular dichroic assay of Sharp et al. [Sharp, T. R., Hegeman, G. D., & Kenyon, G. L. (1979) Anal. Biochem. 94, 329]. These results, along with those of studying interactions of mandelate racemase with resolved, enantiomeric competitive inhibitors [(R)- and (S)-alpha-phenylglycerates], indicate a high degree of symmetry in both binding and catalysis. Racemization of either enantiomer of mandelate in D2O did not show an overshoot region of molecular ellipticity in circular dichroic measurements upon approach to equilibrium. Both the absence of such an overshoot region and the high degree of kinetic symmetry are consistent with a one-base acceptor mechanism for mandelate racemase. On the other hand, results of irreversible inhibition with partially resolved, enantiomeric affinity labels [(R)- and (S)-alpha-phenylglycidates] reveal a "functional asymmetry" at the active site. Mechanistic proposals, consistent with these results, are presented. 相似文献
The development and final morphology of the valve in raphe-bearingdiatoms exhibit a cryptic lateral polarity, and hence two typesof frustule can be distinguished. In the cis type both valveshave the same orientation; in the trans type they have oppositeorientations. Examination of a variety of taxa suggests thatin all dividing raphid diatoms, both new valves have the sameorientation and so only three types of division are possible:cis; cis + cis, cis trans + trans, trans; cis+trans. The possessionof different combinations of these explains the observed ratiosof cis: trans in different taxa, viz all cis; 1: 2 cis: trans;and roughly 1: 1 cis: trans. The implications of the resultsfor diatom systematics are examined, with special referenceto Navicula Bory. Diatom systematic, diatom valve morphogenesis, cell symmetry, raphe structure 相似文献
Rudolf Dostál 《Biologia Plantarum》1965,7(4):308-317
The rather equal development of the two cotyledons determines the bilateral symmetry in the pea seedling, just as their unilateral position results in the dorsiventrality of the epicotyl and root. The morphogenic manifestation of the symmetry relations conditioned, in the first place, by a different distribution of auxin out of the cotyledons may be enhanced by means of exogenous growth regulators, particularly IAA, GA3, and TIBA. 相似文献
Altshuler E Ramos O Núñez Y Fernández J Batista-Leyva AJ Noda C 《The American naturalist》2005,166(6):643-649
The phenomenon of herding is a very general feature of the collective behavior of many species in panic conditions, including humans. It has been predicted theoretically that panic-induced herding in individuals confined to a room can produce a nonsymmetrical use of two identical exit doors. Here we demonstrate the existence of that phenomenon in experiments, using ants as a model of pedestrians. We show that ants confined to a cell with two symmetrically located exits use both exits in approximately equal proportions to abandon it in normal conditions but prefer one of the exits if panic is created by adding a repellent fluid. In addition, we are able to reproduce the observed escape dynamics in detail using a modification of a previous theoretical model that includes herding associated with a panic parameter as a central ingredient. Our experimental results, combined with theoretical models, suggest that some features of the collective behavior of humans and ants can be quite similar when escaping under panic. 相似文献
The analysis of the general structure of orthonectids shows that free-living sexual specimens are bilaterial, while the parasitic plasmodium is anaxonic. All worm-like stages in the life cycle of dicyemids are characterized by monaxonic heteropolar symmetry, while their infusorioform is bilaterial. 相似文献