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Journal of Applied Phycology - The green seaweed Ulva is important from ecological and economic perspectives, but the identification of species is often problematic. Here we assessed and discussed...  相似文献   

As one of the most abundant and ubiquitous representatives of marine and brackish coastal macrophytobenthos communities, the genus Ulva is not only an important primary producer but also of ecological and morphogenetic interest to many scientists. Ulva mutabilis became an important model organism to study morphogenesis and mutualistic interactions of macroalgae and microorganisms. Here, we report that our collections of Ulva compressa Linnaeus (1753) from Germany are conspecific with the type strains of the model organism U. mutabilis Føyn (1958), which were originally collected at Olhão on the south coast of Portugal and have from that time on been maintained in culture as gametophytic and parthenogenetic lab strains. Different approaches were used to test conspecificity: (i) comparisons of vegetative and reproductive features of cultured material of U. mutabilis and German U. compressa demonstrated a shared morphological pattern; (ii) gametes of U. compressa and U. mutabilis successfully mated and developed into fertile sporophytic first‐generation offspring; (iii) molecular phylogenetics and species delimitation analyses based on the Generalized Mixed Yule‐Coalescent method showed that U. mutabilis isolates (sl‐G[mt+]) and (wt‐G[mt‐]) and U. compressa belong to a unique Molecular Operational Taxonomic Unit. According to these findings, there is sufficient evidence that U. mutabilis and U. compressa should be regarded as conspecific.  相似文献   

To further understand the trends in the evolution of mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes or mtDNAs) in the Ulvophyceae, the mitogenomes of two separate thalli of Ulva pertusa were sequenced. Two U. pertusa mitogenomes (Up1 and Up2) were 69,333 bp and 64,602 bp in length. These mitogenomes shared two ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), 28 transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 29 protein‐coding genes, and 12 open reading frames. The 4.7 kb difference in size was attributed to variation in intron content and tandem repeat regions. A total of six introns were present in the smaller U. pertusa mtDNA (Up2), while the larger mtDNA (Up1) had eight. The larger mtDNA had two additional group II introns in two genes (cox1 and cox2) and tandem duplication mutations in noncoding regions. Our results showed the first case of intraspecific variation in chlorophytan mitogenomes and provided further genomic data for the undersampled Ulvophyceae.  相似文献   

Behavior of the eyespots during the fertilization of Ulva arasakii Chihara was studied using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE‐SEM). FE‐SEM enabled the visualization of the eyespot of biflagellate male and female gametes. The smaller male gamete has one protruded smaller (1.3 ± 0.15 μm× 1.0 ± 0.29 μm) eyespot and the larger female gamete has a larger (1.6 ± 0.2 μm× 1.1 ± 0.13 μm) one on a posterior position of the cell. The cell membrane over the eyespot region is relatively smooth compared to other parts of the cell body and exhibits hexagonal arranged lipid globules. Because the size of the cell and the morphology of the eyespot are different between male and female gametes, we could follow the fate of the eyespots during the fertilization. The initial cytoplasmic contact and fusion of the gametes takes place at their anterior end, slightly posterior to the flagellar base. The morphology of the fusing gametes followed two clearly distinguishable patterns. About half the gamete pairs lie side‐by‐side with their longitudinal axes nearly parallel, while the rest are oriented anti‐parallel to each other. In all cases, the larger female gamete fused along the same side as the eyespot, while the smaller male gamete fused along the side away from its eyespot. As fusion proceeds, the gamete pair is transformed into the quadriflagellate planozygote, in which the eyespots are positioned side‐by‐side on the region of cell fusion. These observations indicated that the opposite positioning of the eyespot relative to the cell fusion site in male and female gametes is important for the proper arrangement of the eyespots in the planozygote. The significance of this feature in advanced green algae is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic and morphological study of green algae resembling Ulva conglobata from Japan was undertaken, along with morphological observations of the original material of U. conglobata Kjellman. The samples resembling U. conglobata included five genetically distinct species: U. fasciata, U. pertusa, U. tanneri, Ulva sp. 1 and Ulva sp. 2. The discovery of marginal denticulations in some of the original material of U. conglobata, made it possible to distinguish those species without denticulations: U. pertusa, U. tanneri and Ulva sp. 2. The morphological characteristics of Ulva sp. 1 matched those of U. conglobata, but Ulva sp. 1 was not clearly identified as U. conglobata owing to the lack of DNA sequence data of the original material. Ulva sp. 2 had lobes adhering to each other by rhizoids. This morphological feature is stable in Ulva sp. 2 and unique among Ulva species. In conjunction with the molecular data, Ulva sp. 2 was described as a new species, U. adhaerens sp. nov. This species features rhizoidal extensions in regions other than the base and an elaborate arrangement of the extensions used for adhesion. It thereby expands our knowledge of the morphogenesis of the morphologically simple genus Ulva.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic clades based on DNA sequences such as the chloroplast rbcL gene and the nuclear ITS region are frequently used to delimit algal species. However, these molecular markers cannot accurately delimit boundaries among some Ulva species. Although Ulva reticulata and Ulva ohnoi occasionally bloom in tropical to warm‐temperate regions and are clearly distinguishable by their reticulate or plain blade morphology, they have few or no sequence divergences in these molecular markers and form a monophyletic clade. In this study, to clarify the speciation and species delimitation in the U. reticulata‐ohnoi complex clade, reproductive relationships among several sexual strains from the Philippines and Japan including offspring that originated from the type specimen of U. ohnoi were examined by culturing and hybridization in addition to the ITS‐based analysis. As a result, both prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolation were revealed to occur between genetically perforated U. reticulata and imperforate U. ohnoi. They were also separated on the basis of sequence analysis of the ITS region. That strongly supports that the two taxa are independent biological species. Although no prezygotic barrier among the Philippine and Japanese strains of U. reticulata was observed, unexpectedly zoospores produced by hybrid sporophytes in some of their combinations mostly failed to develop, indicating partial formation of a postzygotic barrier despite a 0.2% divergence in the ITS sequence. These findings suggest speciation is still ongoing in U. reticulata.  相似文献   

Ulva spp. are used in a wide range of commercial applications, including bioremediation, food, bioenergy, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture. The sulfated polysaccharide ulvan obtained from Ulva spp. is of interest for triggering plant defenses against disease. However, the cultivation of Ulva spp. is still in its infancy. This study verified the feasibility of cultivating Ulva lactuca and Ulva flexuosa at two sites on the tropical Brazilian coast. We investigated the following: (a) methods to induce sporulation, (b) comparison of seeding ropes inoculated in vitro versus seeding at sea over 40 days, (c) production and harvest cycles at 15 and 30 days, (d) growth productivity of U. flexuosa at sea and in outdoor tanks, and (e) comparison of ulvan yields from biomass cultivated in tanks and the sea. High nutrient treatment was the most efficient method to induce sporulation (7,540?±?3,133 spores m?1). Sea-based cultivation of U. flexuosa was only successful at one site. Seeding of ropes in vitro was more efficient than seeding at sea (0.31?±?0.20 g m?2 day?1), and 15-day harvest cycles were most efficient (20.1?±?1.8 % day?1; 0.46?±?0.11 g m?2 day?1). Despite differences in plant growth in tanks (27.9?±?4.4 % day?1) and at sea (20.1?±?1.8 % day?1), the dry biomass and ulvan yields (17.7?±?5.0 %) did not differ between these systems. Cultivation of U. flexuosa was feasible at sea using in vitro seeding with a production cycle of 15 days in Brazilian tropical waters and tanks with high irradiance and enriched seawater.  相似文献   

Intertidal Ulva mats occur annually in winter and spring in the Xiangshan Bay (29°26′–29°34′ N, 121°27′–121°50′ E) of China. Thousands of tons of Ulva biomass have been harvested as edible seaweeds for human consumption for several decades in this region. This investigation was designed to quantify Ulva microscopic propagules associated with the mat, identify species composition, and to analyze intra-species relationships using three molecular markers. Phylogenetic analysis based on the nuclear encoded rDNA internal transcribed spacer region, the plastid encoded large subunit of the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase gene, and the 5S rDNA spacer region showed that the mat was principally composed of Ulva prolifera and Ulva flexuosa. Their propagules were detected in both the water column and sediment. Based on phylogenetic analyses of the 5S rDNA spacer region, mat samples of U. prolifera and U. flexuosa were genetically distinct from the green tide samples in the Yellow Sea and U. flexuosa samples from Jiangsu coasts, respectively, revealing that isolated geographical position of the Xiangshan Bay might result in the maintenance of a distinct Ulva population. The results demonstrate that high-resolution DNA markers have great potential in identification and discrimination at and below the species level.  相似文献   

Ulva ohnoi Hiraoka et Shimada sp. nov. (Ulvales, Ulvophyceae) is described from southern and western Japan and is characterized by the following combination of features: (i) the large, fragile, easily torn thalli, which are 30–55 μm thick in the upper and middle regions and often have microscopic marginal teeth; (ii) the production of zoids in the upper marginal region; (iii) a regular alternation of dioecious gametophytes and a sporophyte; (iv) the production of free‐floating thalli from torn‐off attached thalli, which reproduce vegetatively by fragmentation and form green tides in summer to autumn; (v) disorderly arranged cells that are polygonal or quadrangular in the upper and middle regions; and (vi) the chloroplast covering the outer face of cell, with 1–3 pyrenoids. Ulva ohnoi differs from U. armohcana Dion et al., U. fasciata Delile, U. reticulata Forsskal, U. scandinavica Eliding and U. spiulosaOkamura et Segawa, which all possess microscopic marginal serrations, in thallus shape, cell shape or life history pattern. It is also distinguished from morphologically similar species by sequences of the nuclear encoded internal transcribed spacers and the 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene and the plastid encoded large subunit of ribulose‐l,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxgenase gene. Furthermore, crossing tests demonstrate that there is a reproductive boundary between U. ohnoi and the most closely related species, U. fasciata and U. reticulata.  相似文献   

Ethene (ethylene; H2C = CH2) is one of a range of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) that affect atmospheric chemistry and global climate. Ethene acts as a hormone in higher plants and its role in plant biochemistry, physiology and ecology has been the subject of extensive research. Ethene is also found in seawater, but despite evidence that marine microalgae and seaweeds can produce ethene directly, its production is generally attributed to photochemical breakdown of dissolved organic matter. Here we confirmed ethene production in cultured samples of the macroalga Ulva (Enteromorpha) intestinalis. Ethene levels increased substantially when samples acclimatized to low light conditions were transferred to high light, and ethene addition reduced chlorophyll levels by 30%. A range of potential inhibitors and inducers of ethene biosynthesis were tested. Evidence was found for ethene synthesis via the 1-aminocylopropane-1-acrylic acid (ACC) pathway and ACC oxidase activity was confirmed for cell-free extracts. Addition of acrylate, a potential ethene precursor in algae that contain the compatible solute dimethylsulphoniopropionate, doubled the ethene produced but no acrylate decarboxylase activity was found. Nonetheless the data support active production of ethene and we suggest ethene may play a multifaceted role in algae as it does in higher plants.  相似文献   

We report the complete organelle genome sequences of Trebouxiophyceae sp. strain MX-AZ01, an acidophilic green microalga isolated from a geothermal field in Mexico. This eukaryote has the remarkable ability to thrive in a particular shallow lake with emerging hot springs at the bottom, extremely low pH, and toxic heavy metal concentrations. Trebouxiophyceae sp. MX-AZ01 represents one of few described photosynthetic eukaryotes living in such a hostile environment. The organelle genomes of Trebouxiophyceae sp. MX-AZ01 are remarkable. The plastid genome sequence currently presents the highest G+C content for a trebouxiophyte. The mitochondrial genome sequence is the largest reported to date for the Trebouxiophyceae class of green algae. The analysis of the genome sequences presented here provides insight into the evolution of organelle genomes of trebouxiophytes and green algae.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the biflagellate gametes of Collinsiella cava (Yendo) Printz was investigated in detail to clarify the species's taxonomic and phylo‐genetic position. Gametes are covered by small square scales with no distinct substructure. The chloroplast of the gamete includes an eyespot comprised of two layers of globules, and a pyrenoid that is traversed by one or a few thylakoids. Basal bodies overlap at their proximal ends and are offset in a counterclockwise orientation. Each basal body has a small bipartite terminal cap, a prominent proximal sheath comprised of two unequal subunits and a circular element situated at the cartwheel portion. A distal fibre, a connecting fibre and linkage between proximal sheaths connect the two basal bodies. Microtubular roots are comprised of two dexter (d) roots, subtended by the system I fibre, and two sinister (s) roots. Gametes have a single rhizoplast which extends parallel to one of the two d roots and extends to the mating structure. The ultrastructure of Collinsiella gametes is very similar to that of Mono‐stroma and other members of the Ulotrichales, Ulvophyceae, and we concluded that the genus Collinsiella should be treated as a member of the Monostromat‐aceae. The planozygote has four basal bodies, eight microtubular roots and two eyespots always situated at the same face of the cell. From observations of the planozygotes, the position of the mating structure relative to the flagellar apparatus is not consistent, but converse, between two mating types. A comparison of the location of the mating structure in Chlamydomonas and other green algae is presented.  相似文献   

rbcL gene have been reported to date. Four new cases from Caulerpales, Ulvophyceae are described here. In the genus Caulerpa, the presence of an intron was unstable even in the infraspecific taxa. Based on comprehensive comparisons of the inserted positions, lengths of introns and so on, the presence of at least three kinds of introns, which probably have independent origins, was suggested in Caulerpales. Received 12 May 2000/ Accepted in revised form 12 October 2000  相似文献   

A fossil of the aerophytic green algal genus Phycopeltis (Trentepohliaes, Ulvophyceae) dated to 35 Ma, is reported from the Pikopiko Fossil Forest, Southland, New Zealand. Previous reports of fossilized Phycopeltis have been subsequently synonymized with fungi by other authors; however, our specimen is not vulnerable to their criticisms. Inflated cells present in two approximately concentric rings are interpreted as gametangia, with irregular structures resembling the gametangial pores of modern material; sporophytic material is absent. The fossil resembles the modern disc‐forming species P. novae‐zelandiae, P. expansa, and P. arundinacea. The limited material available prevents the assignation of a specific epithet, but the habit and dimensions of the fossil clearly fall within those of modern representatives of the genus. Its single cell thickness throughout, absence of distinct melanization, and larger size demonstrate that it is not a fungal shield. The specimen constitutes arguably the most convincing fossil belonging to Trentepohliales, and the first unambiguously for the genus Phycopeltis. It is consistent in age with other known fossils of the order that, when combined with molecular evidence, suggests a terrestrial radiation far more recent than that of land plants.  相似文献   

Ulva limnetica Ichihara et Shimada, sp. nov. (Ulvales, Ulvophyceae) is described from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and is characterized by thalli that are: (i) branched, tubular, fragile and wrinkled; (ii) up to 80 cm in height and up to 2 cm in diameter; (iii) light to yellowish green in color; and (iv) having an asexual reproduction by means of quadriflagellate swarmers. Rhizoidal cells bear tubular extensions on the outside of the cell layer in the stipe. Ulva limnetica is distinguished from species with similar thalli by chloroplast disposition, branching pattern, number of pyrenoids per cell and gross morphology. It is also distinguished by sequences of the nuclear-encoded 18S ribosomal RNA gene, internal transcribed spacer 2 region and the plastid-encoded large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxgenase gene ( rbc L). Ulva limnetica was clustered with other Ulva species in an early diverging lineage within the genus.  相似文献   

Synchronous zooid formation in Ulva pertusa Kjellman was induced in excised disks maintained in sterilized seawater at 20°C, 12:12 h L:D cycle and fluorescent light at 100 μmol photons m 2s 1. Zooids were reieased from mature disk tissue on the morning of the second or the third day after excision. The degree of zooid formation was found to be dependent on disk size and the region of the mother thalius from which the disk tissue was excised. Zooid formation was induced in more than 90% of small disks (0.9 mm in diameter) which were taken from the margins of the Ulva thalli. When disks were incubated together with a perforated mother thalius, the disks remained sterile. The presence of maturation inhibitors in vegetative thalli is suggested.  相似文献   

Besides heat stress, the 70 kDa heat shock proteins (HSP70s) have been shown to respond to cold stress. However, the involved cis‐acting elements remain unknown. The hsp70 gene from the green macroalga Ulva prolifera (Uphsp70) has been cloned, from which one heat shock element HSE and one low‐temperature‐responsive element LTR were found in the promoter. Using the established transient expression system and quantitative GUS assay, a series of element deletion experiments were performed to determine the functions of HSE and LTR in response to temperature stress. The results showed that under cold stress, both HSE and LTR were indispensable, since deletion leads to complete loss of promoter activity. Under heat stress, although the HSE could respond independently, coexistence with LTR was essential for high induced activity of the Uphsp70 promoter. Therefore, synergistic effects exist between HSE and LTR elements in response to temperature stress in Ulva, and extensive bioinformatics analysis showed that the mechanism is widespread in algae and plants, since LTR coexists widely with HSE in the promoter region of hsp70. Our findings provide important supplements to the knowledge of algal and plant HSP70s response to temperature stress. We speculated that for algal domestication and artificial breeding, HSE and LTR elements might serve as potential molecular targets to temperature acclimation.  相似文献   

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