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Effect of a high temperature on the development of nuclear polyhedrosis and nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) was studied employing pupae and isolated pupal abdomens of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. It was shown that pupae inoculated with an NPV and incubated at 35°C survived longer than those incubated at 25°C. At lower dosages of virus, pupae at 35°C escaped death from NPV. When inoculated pupae were incubated at 35°C for varying periods and then transferred to 25°C, the longer the pupae had been kept at 35°C the longer they survived. In contrast, when inoculated pupae were transferred from 25° to 35°C, the longer the pupae had been kept at 25°C the sooner after inoculation they died. Essentially the same results were obtained in isolated abdomens which were in an arrested state of development, excluding the possibility that observed thermal inhibition of viral diseases is dependent upon the altered developmental processes at high temperatures. Virus titration experiments showed that, under experimental conditions utilized, no detectable accumulation of infectious NPV was present in abdomens inoculated with an NPV and incubated at 35°C. When inoculated abdomens were shifted up from 25° to 35°C at 3 days postinoculation, NPV accumulation was inhibited almost immediately, and when inoculated abdomens were shifted down from 35° to 25°C, infectious NPV started to accumulate as early as 1 day after the shift. It was also shown that the pattern of infectious NPV accumulation and that of nucleic acid increase in infected abdomens gave a rough correlation. These results indicate that the thermal inhibition of viral diseases is attributed, at least in part, to the restricted accumulation of infectious progeny and suggest that the virus replication mechanism itself is more sensitive to high temperatures than that related to other events necessary for viral replication to be initiated.  相似文献   

Nonoccluded virions have been isolated from the extracellular fluid of cultured Spodoptera frugiperda cells that have been infected with Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. By sucrose density gradient centrifugation, infectious virus particles have been obtained that exhibit densities of about 1.19 g/cm3. Using staining and autoradiographic techniques, about 35 polypeptides, including some high molecular weight proteins, have been detected by analysis of the virion proteins on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gels (SDS-PAGE). Two major proteins of MW 65,000 and 42,000 have been found.  相似文献   

Summary After irradiation of the virus particles of CPV, the RNA replicase associated with the virion was isolated in the form of a genome-replicase complex with DEAE-Sephadex A-25 chromatography. This complex was then treated with Triton X-100 and purified by phosphocellulose column chromatography. The RNA replicase reconstituted with the doublestranded RNA of CPV showed both the enzyme activity of RNA polymerase and methyltransferase. The single-stranded RNA could not serve as the template for the RNA replicase. The role of the RNA replicase of CPV is discussed.  相似文献   

Qin L  Xia H  Shi H  Zhou Y  Chen L  Yao Q  Liu X  Feng F  Yuan Y  Chen K 《Journal of Proteomics》2012,75(12):3630-3638
The silkworm Bombyx mori is of great economic value. The B. mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV) is one of the most common and severe pathogens for silkworm. Although certain immune mechanisms exist in silkworms, most silkworms are still susceptible to BmNPV infection. Interestingly, BmNPV infection resistance in some silkworm strains is varied and naturally existing. We have previously established a silkworm strain NB by genetic cross, which is highly resistant to BmNPV invasion. To investigate the molecular mechanism of silkworm resistance to BmNPV infection, we employed proteomic approach and genetic cross to globally identify proteins differentially expressed in parental silkworms NB and 306, a BmNPV-susceptible strain, and their F(1) hybrids. In all, 53 different proteins were found in direct cross group (NB♀, 306♂, F(1) hybrid) and 21 in reciprocal cross group (306♀, NB♂, F(1) hybrid). Gene ontology and KEGG pathway analyses showed that most of these different proteins are located in cytoplasm and are involved in many important metabolisms. Caspase-1 and serine protease expressed only in BmNPV-resistant silkworms, but not in BmNPV-susceptible silkworms, which was further confirmed by Western blot. Taken together, our data suggests that both caspase-1 and serine protease play a critical role in silkworm resistance against BmNPV infection.  相似文献   

Silkworm strains resistant to Bombyx mori L. nuclear polyhedrosis virus were obtained through transgenic experiments. piggyBac transposon with an A3 promoter were randomly inserted into the silkworm, driving the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter gene into the silkworm genome. Polymerase chain reaction results verified the insertion of the extraneous EGFP gene, and fluorescence microscopy showed that the EGFP was expressed in the midgut tissue. The morbidity ratio of the nuclear polyhedrosis decreased from 90% in the original silkworm strain to 66.7% in the transgenic silkworm strain. Compared with the resistance to the Bombyx mori L. nuclear polyhedrosis virus in the Qiufeng strain, which is commonly used in the production, there was an increase of 33 centesimal points in the transgenic silkworms. The antivirotic character in the Chunhua x Qiuyue strain, which was bred from a different transgenic family, was about 10 centesimal points higher than that in the Qiufeng x Baiyu, another crossbreed used in production. Our results indicated a good application value of the transposon-inserted mutation in the breeding of anti-BmNPV silkworm strain.  相似文献   

During a study of the ultrastructure of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus of the velvetbean caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis, various types of nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions were found in fat body tissue heavily infected with the virus. Virogenic stroma was present in the nuclei of most infected cells. Bundles of fibrous material were observed in the nuclei and cytoplasm of cells containing polyhedral bodies. Other nuclear inclusions included concentric multilayered material, vacuoles, and membrane structures.  相似文献   

Nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) is the most harmful virus responsible for the manifestation of grasserie disease in the larvae of silkworm, Bombyx mori. It causes a huge economic loss in the sericulture industry. An attempt was made in the present investigation for the screening of antiviral activity using medicinal plants such as Lantana camara, Phyllanthus amarus and marine seaweeds such as Sargassum wightii, Turbinaria ornata against BmNPV. Crude extracts were prepared using different solvents, such as hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and water. The silkworm feeding bioassay study was carried out with the crude extracts to investigate the presence of anti-BmNPV activity after inoculating fifth instar larvae of silkworm with occlusion bodies (OBs) of BmNPV. Each extract was tested for their anti-BmNPV activity using various concentrations of crude extracts ranging from 200 μg to 1000 μg. Among the crude extracts tested, methanol and aqueous extracts of P. amarus showed significant anti-BmNPV activity.  相似文献   

Third-instar Spodoptera exempta larvae were fed on young maize leaves treated with 20 μl of polyhedral inclusion body (PIB) suspension of concentrations that varied from 1.6 × 102 to 1.6 × 109 PIBs/ml. Daily observations were kept on mortality rates. A probit analysis on the results gave an LD50 value of 48.4 PIBs/larva (lower and upper fiducial limits 39.2 and 59.4 PIBs/larva, respectively), and an LT50 that varied from 146.2 to 221.3 hr, depending on the dosage. LD and LT values obtained show the high pathogenicity of S. exempta nuclear polyhedrosis virus to its host.  相似文献   

Bombyx mori cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (BmCPV) is a major pathogen of the economic insect silkworm, Bombyx mori. Virus‐encoded microRNAs (miRNAs) have been proven to play important roles in host–pathogen interactions. In this study we identified a BmCPV‐derived miRNA‐like 21 nt small RNA, BmCPV‐miR‐1, from the small RNA deep sequencing of BmCPV‐infected silkworm larvae by stem‐loop quantitative real‐time PCR (qPCR) and investigated its functions with qPCR and lentiviral expression systems. Bombyx mori inhibitor of apoptosis protein (BmIAP) gene was predicted by both target prediction software miRanda and Targetscan to be one of its target genes with a binding site for BmCPV‐miR‐1 at the 5′ untranslated region. It was found that the expression of BmCPV‐miR‐1 and its target gene BmIAP were both up‐regulated in BmCPV‐infected larvae. At the same time, it was confirmed that BmCPV‐miR‐1 could up‐regulate the expression of BmIAP gene in HEK293T cells with lentiviral expression systems and in BmN cells by transfecting mimics. Furthermore, BmCPV‐miR‐1 mimics could up‐regulate the expression level of BmIAP gene in midgut and fat body in the silkworm. In the midgut of BmCPV‐infected larvae, BmCPV‐miR‐1 mimics could be further up‐regulated and inhibitors could lower the virus‐mediated expression of BmIAP gene. With the viral genomic RNA segments S1 and S10 as indicators, BmCPV‐miR‐1 mimics could up‐regulate and inhibitors down‐regulate their replication in the infected silkworm. These results implied that BmCPV‐miR‐1 could inhibit cell apoptosis in the infected silkworm through up‐regulating BmIAP expression, providing the virus with a better cell circumstance for its replication.  相似文献   

Twelve singly embedded isolates (SEV) and two multiply embedded isolates (MEV) of nuclear polyhedrosis viruses from Heliothis larvae were compared by time-mortality assays in neonate H. zea larvae. The isolates could be separated into six groups based on differences in the 50% survival time (ST50) values. Isolates with identical restriction endonuclease (REN) profiles did not differ significantly in their ST50 values, whereas isolates with several different REN cleavage sites also had significantly different ST50 values. With the exception of one isolate from India, the singly embedded isolates acted faster than the multiply embedded isolates.  相似文献   

家蚕核多角体病毒解旋酶基因启动子功能区域缺失分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杆状病毒DNA解旋酶是病毒复制所必需的。瞬时表达分析显示 ,家蚕核多角体病毒解旋酶基因启动子属于延迟早期基因启动子。通过PCR技术在该启动子区产生的一系列缺失分析表明 ,解旋酶基因启动子的基础转录调控区主要位于ATG上游 - 5 1 0~ - 4 1 0bp之间。当只保留ATG上游 98bp区段时 ,仍可测到该启动子的基础活性。在病毒因子存在下 ,将启动子区域删除到ATG上游 - 4 1 0bp时 ,对启动子活性影响不大 ;若继续删除 ,则其活性显著下降。据此推测对病毒因子响应的启动子区段应主要位于ATG上游 - 4 1 0~ - 30 9bp之间  相似文献   

异源多角体蛋白对家蚕核型多角体病毒粒子的包装   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用PCR方法从AcMNPV基因组DNA中分离出多角体蛋白基因 ,将该扩增片段克隆到转移载体pBacPAK8中 ,得到重组转移载体pOAc。将该质粒DNA与线性化的Bm BacPAK6病毒基因组DNA共传染BmN细胞 ,得到了能形成多角体且不产生蓝色空斑的重组病毒hp BmNPV。纯化该重组病毒的多角体颗粒 ,并对多角体蛋白、病毒核酸及多角体病毒颗粒进行分析 ,发现AcMNPV的多角体蛋白能在家蚕细胞中大量表达且能在细胞内识别家蚕核型多角体病毒并组装成多角体颗粒 ;病毒基因组DNA因部分交换 ,其酶切行为发生了相应的变化 ;电镜观察发现经AcMNPV多角体蛋白包装的家蚕核型多角体病毒的多角体颗粒大小为1 2 μm~ 2 9μm ,明显小于野生型家蚕核型多角体病毒的多角体颗粒  相似文献   

从BmNPVZJ8株克隆了解旋酶(helicase)基因ATG上游的510bp启动子,序列分析发现,该启动子同时具有早期和晚期RNA转录起始位点,将起始密码突变为ATT后,引入萤火虫荧光素酶(Luc)基因作瞬时表达分析,用表达质粒pBmhel510luc转染Bm-5和Sf-21细胞,解旋酶基因启动子能被细胞的RNA聚合酶识别,具有早期启动子的特性,且病毒因子对hel510启动子具有反式激活作用。杆状病毒同源重复区(hr)序列是病毒DNA复制起始点,又具有增强子功能,将BmNPVhr3序列克隆到hel510启动子的下游进行瞬时表达,结果表明,hr3可增强hel510启动子在昆虫细胞和家蚕幼虫中的转录活性分别在7000倍和1000倍左右。  相似文献   

Diseased Spodoptera littoralis larvae were collected from 21 different regions of Israel. Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses were isolated from these larvae, and viral DNAs were compared by restriction endonuclease analysis. Two distinct virus types, represented with approximately equal frequency, were found. Several wild isolates of each virus type exhibited minor restriction pattern differences. Plaque purification of the wild isolates revealed the presence of additional genotypic variants.  相似文献   

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