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The relationship between shoot hydraulic conductance (L) and stomatal sensitivity to changes in leaf water status was studied in the saplings of six deciduous tree species. L increased significantly in sequence: Acer platanoides < Tilia Cordata < Padus avium = Quercus robur < Salix caprea = Populus tremula. L was higher in the trees grown in soil with a higher nitrogen content and lower in the trees grown under mild water stress or kept in darkness for several days. L was higher in July than in September in all the species. L correlated positively with maximum photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and stomatal sensitivity to an increase in leaf water potential, but negatively with stomatal sensitivity to a decrease in leaf water potential. The correlations between L and any other parameter were approximated by three different curves: data for water-stressed plants fit to the first, data for plants kept in darkness fit to the second and all the other data fit to the third curve. The reasons of the differences of shoot hydraulic conductance in the different experimental sets and the mechanisms which may cause the correlation between L and the other characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated a new, two-dimensional (2-D) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging technique as a method for measuring the distribution of chloroplasts in leaves. NMR images that showed the distribution of chloroplast water and of total water as a function of depth into Acer platanoides sun and shade leaves were compared with the distribution of chlorophyll in the same leaf types (as measured by fluorescence microscopy), with the cellular structure (by scanning electron microscopy), and with published information. Results showed that the volume fraction of chloroplast water was much larger in shade than in sun leaves, and that it averaged about one-third larger in the palisade than in the spongy parenchyma region of both leaf types. Chlorophyll fluorescence was more intense in shade than in sun leaves. In sun leaves, fluorescence was maximal in the palisade region near the junction with the spongy parenchyma, while in shade leaves, fluorescence was maximal in the upper part of the spongy layer. We concluded that 2-D NMR imaging reliably indicates the location of chloroplast water.  相似文献   

Seedlings of temperate deciduous tree species were grown outdoors at ambient and at an elevated concentration of carbon dioxide to examine how aspects of their gas exchange would be altered by growth at elevated carbon dioxide concentration. Leaf conductances to water vapour and net carbon dioxide exchange rates were determined periodically near midday. Whole-plant carbon dioxide efflux rates in darkness were also determined. The stomatal conductance of leaves of plants grown and measured at 700 cm3 m?3 carbon dioxide did not differ from that of plants grown and measured at 350 cm3 m?3 in Malus domestica, Quercus prinus and Quercus robur at any measurement time. In Acer saccharinum, lower conductances occurred for plants grown and measured at elevated carbon dioxide concentration only at measurement temperatures above 33°C. Photo-synthetic adjustment to elevated carbon dioxide concentration was evident only in Q. robur. All species examined had lower rates of dark respiration per unit of mass when grown and measured at elevated carbon dioxide concentration.  相似文献   

Responses of foliar light-saturated net assimilation rate (Amax), capacity for photosynthetic electron transport (Jmax) and mitochondrial respiration rate (Rd) to long-term canopy light and temperature environment were investigated in a temperate deciduous canopy composed of Populus tremula L. in the upper (17–28 m) and of Tilia cordata Mill. in the lower canopy layer (4–17 m). Climatic measurements indicated that seasonal average daily maximum air temperature (Tmax) was 5·5 °C (range 0·7–10·5 °C) higher in the top than in the bottom of the canopy, and strong positive correlations were observed between Tmax and seasonal average integrated quantum flux density (Qint), as well as between seasonal average daily mean temperature and Qint. Because of changes in leaf dry mass and nitrogen per unit area, Amax, Jmax, and Rd scaled positively with Qint in both species at a common leaf temperature (T). According to Jmax versus T response curves and dark chlorophyll fluorescence transients, photosynthetic electron transport was less heat resistant in P. tremula with optimum temperature of Jmax, Topt, of 33·5 ± 0·6 °C than in T. cordata with Topt of 40·7 ± 0·6 °C. This difference was suggested to manifest evolutionary adaptation of photosynthetic electron transport to cooler environments in P. tremula, the range of which extends farther north than that in T. cordata. Possibly because of acclimation to long-term canopy temperature environment, Topt was positively related to Qint in P. tremula, foliage of which was also exposed to higher irradiances and temperatures, but not in T. cordata, in the canopy of which quantum flux densities and temperatures were lower, and gradients in the environmental factors less pronounced. Parallel to changes in Topt, the activation energy for photosynthetic electron transport decreased with increasing Qint in P. tremula, indicating that Jmax of leaves acclimated to colder environment was more responsive to T in lower temperatures than that of high T acclimated leaves. Similar alterations in the activation energy for mitochondrial respiration rate were also observed, indicating that acclimation to temperature of mitochondrial and chloroplastic electron transport proceeds in a co-ordinated manner, and possibly involves long-term changes in membrane fluidity properties. We conclude that, because of correlations between temperature and light, the shapes of Jmax versus T, and Rd versus T response curves vary within tree canopies, and this needs to be taken account in modelling whole canopy photosynthesis.  相似文献   

颜色和物候表明46种温带落叶木本植物衰老叶片的养分变异 不同共生植物的叶片养分含量差异显著,反映了不同的叶片养分利用策略。然而,衰老叶片养分的种间变异及其驱动因素尚不清楚。本研究旨在探讨衰老叶片养分的种间变异及其驱动因素。我们在中国东北的帽儿山森林生态系统研究站测定了46种共存温带落叶木本植物新鲜落叶的碳、氮、磷浓度。 采用随机森林模型量化10个生物因素(菌根类型、固氮类型、生长形态、耐阴性、叶片质地、变色程度、变色类型、叶片变色峰期、落叶峰期和落叶末期)的相对重要性。研究结果表明,落叶氮浓度种间变化为4倍,磷浓度变化达9倍。较高的氮和磷平均浓度(15.38和1.24 mg g−1)表明该森林氮和磷限制较弱。功能群仅对特定养分及其比值有显著影响。磷浓度、氮磷比与外生菌根树种的落叶高峰日和落叶结束日呈负相关。颜色鲜艳的叶片(红色>棕色>黄色>黄绿色>绿色)倾向于比绿色叶片氮和磷浓度更低而碳氮比和碳磷比较高。随机森林模型表明,秋季叶变色和落叶物候贡献了80%的种间变异解释量。这些结果增加了我们对温带森林木本植物营养策略之衰老叶片养分变异性的理解。  相似文献   

Respiration along the cyanide-sensitive, cytochrome pathway and the cyanide-in-sensitive, alternative pathway was monitored over a 24-h period in the leaves of Acerrubrum, Betula papyrifera, Populus tremuloides and Quercus rubra excised in the field. Populus displayed the greatest rate of total respiration, followed by Betula, Quercus and Acer . All species displayed the capacity for the alternative pathway as well as some engagement of the pathway, although the level of engagement in Acer was very low. In all species investigated there were no marked diurnal trends in any respiration variable measured. Leaf soluble sugar levels remained at a relatively constant level throughout the sampling period. It is concluded that respiration did not show diurnal fluctuations because substrate supply in the leaf was maintained at a constant level.  相似文献   

Acclimation of foliage photosynthetic properties occurs with varying time kinetics, but structural, chemical and physiological factors controlling the kinetics of acclimation are poorly understood, especially in field environments. We measured chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, leaf total carotenoid (Car), chlorophyll (Chl) and nitrogen (N) content and leaf dry mass per area (LMA) along vertical light gradients in natural canopies of the herb species, Inula salicina and Centaurea jacea, and tree species, Populus tremula and Tilia cordata, in the middle of the growing season. Presence of stress was assessed on the basis of night measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence. Our aim was to compare the light acclimation of leaf traits, which respond to light availability at long (LMA and N), medium (Chl a/b ratio, Car/Chl ratio) and short time scales (fluorescence characteristics). We found that light acclimation of nitrogen content per unit leaf area (N(area)), chlorophyll content per unit dry mass (Chl(mass)) and Chl/N ratio were related to modifications in LMA. The maximum PSII quantum yield (F(v) /F(m)) increased with increasing growth irradiance in I. salicina and P. tremula but decreased in T. cordata. Leaf growth irradiance, N content and plant species explained the majority of variability in chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, up to 90% for steady-state fluorescence yield, while the contribution of leaf total carotenoid content was generally not significant. Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics did not differ strongly between growth forms, but differed among species within a given growth form. These data highlight that foliage acclimation to light is driven by interactions between traits with varying time kinetics.  相似文献   

To gain insight into variations in waterlogging responsiveness, net assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, emissions of isoprene and marker compounds of anoxic metabolism ethanol and acetaldehyde, and stress marker compounds nitric oxide (NO), volatile products of lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway and methanol were studied in seedlings of temperate deciduous tree species Alnus glutinosa, Populus tremula and Quercus rubra (from highest to lowest waterlogging tolerance) throughout sustained root zone waterlogging of up to three weeks. In all species, waterlogging initially resulted in reductions in net assimilation and stomatal conductance and enhanced emissions of ethanol, acetaldehyde, NO, LOX products and methanol, followed by full or partial recovery depending on process and species. Strong negative correlations between gs and internal NO concentration and NO flux, valid within and across species, were observed throughout the experiment. Isoprene emission capacity was not related to waterlogging tolerance. Less waterlogging tolerant species had greater reduction and smaller acclimation capacity in foliage physiological potentials, and larger emission bursts of volatile stress marker compounds. These data collectively provide encouraging evidence that emissions of volatile organics and NO can be used as quantitative measures of stress tolerance and acclimation kinetics in temperate trees.  相似文献   

Abstract: In densely populated areas autochthonous Quercus robur L. (pedunculate oak) and Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl. (sessile oak) (Fagaceae) populations have been maintained as ancient devastated woodlands. The continuous cutting, grazing and resprouting of such woodlands has enabled the development of clonal structures. For conservation purposes, an analysis of the actual number, size and spatial distribution of clones is necessary, especially when there is an interest in genetic variation of the population. This study describes for the first time - based on microsatellite and AFLP™ analysis - clones in an autochthonous mixed Q. robur and Q. petraea population that has been coppiced and grazed for several centuries. Based on six microsatellite loci and 69 polymorphic AFLP markers, only 14 unique genotypes were detected in a plot that consisted of 80 trees. Clones were observed for both Q. robur and Q. petraea. The largest clone diameters were observed for Q. robur, with distances up to 5.8 m. The observed clone sizes may indicate the age of the trees.  相似文献   

Efficient conduction of water inside leaves is essential for leaf function, yet the hydraulic-mediated impact of drought on gas exchange remains poorly understood. Here we examine the decline and subsequent recovery of leaf water potential ( Ψ leaf), leaf hydraulic conductance ( K leaf), and midday transpiration ( E ) in four temperate woody species exposed to controlled drought conditions ranging from mild to lethal. During drought the vulnerability of K leaf to declining Ψ leaf varied greatly among the species sampled. Following drought, plants were rewatered and the rate of E and K leaf recovery was found to be strongly dependent on the severity of the drought imposed. Gas exchange recovery was strongly correlated with the relatively slow recovery of K leaf for three of the four species, indicating conformity to a hydraulic-stomatal limitation model of plant recovery. However, there was also a shift in the sensitivity of stomata to Ψ leaf suggesting that the plant hormone abscisic acid may be involved in limiting the rate of stomatal reopening. The level of drought tolerance varied among the four species and was correlated with leaf hydraulic vulnerability. These results suggest that species-specific variation in hydraulic properties plays a fundamental role in steering the dynamic response of plants during recovery.  相似文献   

Ülo Niinemets 《Plant Ecology》1996,124(2):145-153
Variation in leaf size (area per leaf) and leaf dry weight per area (LWA) in relation to species shade- and drought-tolerance, characterised by Ellenberg's light (ELD) and water demand (EWD) values, respectively, were examined in 60 temperate woody taxa at constant relative irradiance. LWA was independent of plant size, but leaf size increased with total plant height at constant ELD. Canopy position also affected leaf morphology: leaves from the upper crown third had higher LWA and were larger than leaves from the lower third. Leaf size and LWA were negatively correlated, and leaf size decreased and LWA increased with decreasing species shade-tolerance. Mean LWA was similar for trees and shrubs, but trees had larger leaves than shrubs. Furthermore, all relationships were altered by plant growth-form: none of the qualitative tendencies was significant for trees. This implies the considerably lower plasticity of foliar parameters in trees than those in shrubs. Accordingly, shade-tolerance of trees, having relatively constant leaf structure, may be most affected by the variability in biomass partitioning and crown geometry which influence foliage distribution and spacing and finally determine canopy light absorptance. Alteration of leaf form and investment pattern for construction of unit foliar surface area which change the efficiency of light interception per unit biomass investment in leaves, is a competitive strategy inherent to shrubs. EWD as well as wood anatomy did not control LWA and leaf size, though there was a trend of ring-porous tree species to be more shade-tolerant than diffuse-porous trees. Since ring-porous species are more vulnerable to cavitation than diffuse-porous species, they may be constrained to environments where irradiances and consequently evaporative demand is lower.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that in temperate deciduous trees acclimation to potentially damaging high irradiances occurs via long-term adjustments in foliar photosynthetic capacity, and short-term changes in xanthophyll cycle pool size in response to weather fluctuations, nitrogen concentration and pigment composition were examined along a canopy light gradient in three species –Betula pendula, Populus tremula and Tilia cordata (from most shade intolerant to tolerant), and foliage photosynthetic potentials in P. tremula and T. cordata. Integrated quantum flux density (Qi) incident on leaves was estimated with a method combining hemispherical photography and light measurements with quantum sensors made over the growing season. Long- and short-term light indices – average total seasonal daily integrated quantum flux density (Ts, mol m–2 d–1) and that of the 3 d preceding foliage sampling (T3d) – were calculated for each sampled leaf. In addition to total integrated quantum flux density, the part of Qi attributable to direct flux was also computed. Strong linear relationships between the capacity for photosynthetic electron transport per area (Jamax), estimated from in situ measurements of effective quantum yield of photosystem II (PS II), and Qi averaged over the season and over the preceding 3 d were found for all studied species. However, the major determinant of Jamax, the product of electron transport capacity per leaf dry mass (Jmmax) and leaf dry mass per area (MA), was MA rather than Jmmax, which was relatively constant along the light gradient. There was evidence that Jamax is more tightly related to Ts, which characterizes the light climate during foliar development, than to short-term integrated light, possibly because there is little flexibility in adjustments in MA after the completion of foliar growth. Leaf chlorophyll concentrations and the investment of leaf nitrogen in chlorophyll (Chl/N) were negatively related to Qi– an investment pattern which improves light harvesting in low light. Xanthophyll cycle pool size (VAZ, violaxanthin + antheraxanthin + zeaxanthin) either expressed per unit chlorophyll (VAZ/Chl) or as a fraction of total carotenoids (VAZ/Car) increased with increasing Qi in all species. However, contrary to Jamax, it tended to correlate more strongly with short-term than with long-term average integrated light. There were few interspecific differences in Jamax, Chl/N, VAZ/Chl and VAZ/Car when the variability in light level incident to the leaves was accounted for, indicating that the foliage of both shade-intolerant and -tolerant temperate tree species possesses considerable phenotypic flexibility. Collectively these results support the view that rapid adjustment of the xanthophyll cycle pool size provides an important means for acclimation to light fluctuations in a time scale of days, during which the potential for photosynthetic quenching of excitation energy is not likely to change appreciably.  相似文献   

The hydraulic conductance of the leaf lamina (Klamina) substantially constrains whole‐plant water transport, but little is known of its association with leaf structure and function. Klamina was measured for sun and shade leaves of six woody temperate species growing in moist soil, and tested for correlation with the prevailing leaf irradiance, and with 22 other leaf traits. Klamina varied from 7.40 × 10?5 kg m?2 s?1 MPa?1 for Acer saccharum shade leaves to 2.89 × 10?4 kg m?2 s?1 MPa?1 for Vitis labrusca sun leaves. Tree sun leaves had 15–67% higher Klamina than shade leaves. Klamina was co‐ordinated with traits associated with high water flux, including leaf irradiance, petiole hydraulic conductance, guard cell length, and stomatal pore area per lamina area. Klamina was also co‐ordinated with lamina thickness, water storage capacitance, 1/mesophyll water transfer resistance, and, in five of the six species, with lamina perimeter/area. However, for the six species, Klamina was independent of inter‐related leaf traits including leaf dry mass per area, density, modulus of elasticity, osmotic potential, and cuticular conductance. Klamina was thus co‐ordinated with structural and functional traits relating to liquid‐phase water transport and to maximum rates of gas exchange, but independent of other traits relating to drought tolerance and to aspects of carbon economy.  相似文献   

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