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【背景】橘小实蝇是重要的检疫性害虫,发生危害严重。有关低温对橘小实蝇成虫羽化的影响尚未见报道。【方法】通过设置不同温度(8、4、0和-4℃)及处理时间(12、18和24 h),研究了橘小实蝇羽化率和羽化时间的变化。【结果】随着温度的降低,橘小实蝇羽化率和羽化时间显著降低和延长。羽化率可从正常温度(28℃)下的100.0%降低至6.7%(0℃);羽化时间可从正常温度(28℃)下的9.0 d延长至12.5 d(0℃)。当温度为-4℃时,橘小实蝇不能正常羽化。【结论与意义】橘小实蝇的耐寒性较差。本研究可为该虫适生区划定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在实验室内对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)的交配行为进行了观察。描述了橘小实蝇交配中雄虫的“求偶场”,雄雄相遇、雌雌相遇、雌雄相遇时的相互反应,雌雄虫的交配行为与交配后行为。  相似文献   

橘小实蝇的风险分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从地理评估和管理标准、传人的可能性、传播途径、定殖、定殖后扩散的可能性及橘小实蝇危害性评估等方面对橘小实蝇传人中国风险进行定性分析,筛选了橘小实蝇传人中国的风险因子。根据我国各气候大区的30a(1961—1990)的平均气温、月最高平均气温、月最低平均气温及年降雨量等气候因子和橘小实蝇的发生规律,将我国地域划分为适生区、次适生区、非适生区,明确了南亚热带湿润大区、边缘热带湿润大区、边缘热带亚湿润大区为橘小实蝇的适生区;暖温带湿润大区、北亚热带湿润大区、南亚热带亚湿润大区、高原亚温带湿润大区为橘小实蝇的次适生区。提出了降低橘小实蝇风险的管理措施,为制定检疫政策提供依据。  相似文献   

橘小实蝇复合体分类学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈鹏  叶辉 《昆虫知识》2007,44(1):41-47
橘小实蝇复合体Bactroceradorsaliscomplex是以橘小实蝇命名的实蝇类群,已知75种,广泛分布于亚洲、澳洲及环太平洋周边地区。文章概述基于形态学和遗传学特征基础上的橘小实蝇复合体的分类鉴定及系统发育研究进展,介绍近年来分子生物学技术在橘小实蝇复合体分类及系统发育研究中的应用情况,展望系统发育和行为学研究是橘小实蝇复合体未来研究的重点领域。  相似文献   

气候因子对橘小实蝇生长发育及地理分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章概述橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)生活史、地理分布和生态要求的基础上,分析温度、湿度、降雨以及气候因子与橘小实蝇生长发育的关系,以及对橘小实蝇地理分布的影响。综述结果表明:喜湿热,厌干冷是橘小实蝇主要的生态学特征,低温与干旱不利于其生长发育;温度是橘小实蝇纬度分布中最主要的影响因子,冬季低温是中高纬度分布的主要限制因子,夏季高温是低纬度地区的限制因素之一,降雨影响橘小实蝇在经度上的分布范围。  相似文献   

不同生境中橘小实蝇种群动态及密度的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑思宁 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7699-7706
为揭示不同生境条件对橘小实蝇种群动态及密度的影响,通过设置橘小实蝇诱捕器,对2008-2009年福州地区不同生境条件下的橘小实蝇种群动态进行了监测。结果表明:(1)各寄主的转色成熟期是该果园橘小实蝇发生的高峰期。(2)在瓜果的成熟期,果园内橘小实蝇的种群数量要高于果园周边丛林的种群数量;成熟期过后,果园内部的种群数量小于果园周边丛林。(3)山谷生境橘小实蝇种群数量明显高于山脊生境,沿河生境则要明显高于非沿河生境。(4)城区的橘小实蝇的发生期早于乡村,且发生量要大于乡村。  相似文献   

橘小实蝇快速检疫鉴定方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔俊霞  徐瑛  闻伟刚  陈先锋  张同心 《昆虫知识》2006,43(5):731-733,F0004
采用形态学观察与PCR技术相结合的方法,针对台湾水果中截获的可疑橘小实蝇Bactroceradorsalis(Hendel)幼虫和蛹进行快速鉴定。采用异硫氰酸胍方法快速提取昆虫基因组DNA,并根据特异性引物,采用PCR技术从截获的可疑橘小实蝇幼虫和蛹样本中均扩增得到224 bp的特异性条带,经测序比较发现,扩增产物序列与橘小实蝇目的基因序列完全相同,由此证明可疑样本为橘小实蝇的幼虫和蛹。该方法解决了橘小实蝇幼虫和蛹等未成熟虫态的快速检疫难题,大大缩短了检测周期,值得口岸检验检疫借鉴应用。  相似文献   

[目的]探究橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis和番石榴实蝇Bactrocera correcta卵提取物对2种实蝇雌虫行为的影响,以及2种实蝇卵表面化合物的差异,为2种实蝇的化学生态防治提供理论依据.[方法]利用Y型嗅觉仪测定了橘小实蝇交配雌虫和番石榴实蝇交配雌虫对卵表提取物的行为反应,并利用EthoVision XT软件分析雌虫在Y管内的运动轨迹;利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)鉴定分析橘小实蝇卵和番石榴实蝇卵的化合物成分,并利用标准曲线法测定了各组分的含量.[结果]橘小实蝇卵提取物对橘小实蝇交配雌虫具有显著引诱作用(x2=9.383,P=-0.002),对番石榴实蝇交配雌虫具有显著驱避作用(x2=6.737,P=0.009),番石榴实蝇卵提取物对番石榴实蝇交配雌虫(x2=4.235,P=0.040)和橘小实蝇交配雌虫都具有引诱作用(x2=5.818,P=0.016).从橘小实蝇卵表提取物中共鉴定出11种化合物,分别是茴香脑、十五烷、十二烷酸、十二酸乙酯、(Z)-11-十四碳烯酸、十四烷酸、十四酸乙酯、(E)-9-十六碳烯酸乙酯、十六烷酸、十八碳烯酸、(Z)-9-十八碳烯酸乙酯.从番石榴实蝇卵表提取物中仅鉴定出7种化合物,而且这7种化合物在橘小实蝇的卵提取物中都存在.仅存在于橘小实蝇卵表的4种化合物是茴香脑、十二烷酸、十二酸乙酯、(Z)-11-十四碳烯酸.在2种实蝇卵提取物的相同成分中,十四烷酸、(E)-9-十六碳烯酸乙酯、十六烷酸在橘小实蝇卵表的含量显著高于番石榴实蝇.[结论]番石榴实蝇具有通过卵表化合物识别同种卵和异种卵的能力,2种实蝇的卵表化合物具有明显的差异.  相似文献   

几种物质对橘小实蝇的引诱力测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别以3种果泥、4种人工合成水果味香精、发酵面粉、蜂蜜、甲基丁香酚、月罗香植物粗提取液为引诱物,测定11种引诱物对橘小实蝇的田间引诱能力。结果表明,水果香精、蜂蜜对橘小实蝇的引诱效果很差;香蕉果泥具有极强的引诱能力,诱虫数达到354只,雌雄比达1∶1;发酵面粉具有较好的诱雌性,诱虫总量达287只,雌雄比为8∶1;甲基丁香酚具有最强的诱雄能力,共引诱了763只橘小实蝇;月罗香粗提取液引诱了429只雄橘小实蝇,具有较强的引诱力。  相似文献   

【背景】实蝇的竞争可能发生在生活史的各个阶段,但未见卵和蛹的种间竞争的相关报道。【方法】将橘小实蝇与番石榴实蝇的卵及蛹按照相应的比例或龄期分别进行混合培养,分析2种实蝇的卵或蛹混合后的发育历期和存活率是否受到彼此影响。【结果】橘小实蝇与番石榴实蝇的卵同龄等量混合,对彼此卵的历期和孵化率无影响。当橘小实蝇和番石榴实蝇的蛹为新鲜蛹时,分别与比它们蛹龄大1 d的对方蛹混合,蛹的羽化率分别为(87.67±3.61)%和(84.33±2.56)%,显著小于对照,说明在此混合蛹处理中,后化蛹者的发育可能受到先化蛹者的抑制。【结论与意义】总体上,在卵和蛹期,橘小实蝇与番石榴实蝇未产生竞争作用;但不排除蛹期竞争的可能性,这种竞争可能存在于特定的蛹期。  相似文献   

Chromatic cues to trap the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Various colors have been used as visual cues to trap insect pests. For example, yellow traps for monitoring and control of the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) have been in use for a very long time. However, the chromatic cue of using color traps has never been meticulously investigated. In this study, the spectral sensitivities of the photoreceptors in the compound eyes of B. dorsalis were measured intracellularly, and the theory of receptor quantum catch was applied to study the chromatic cue of fly attracting. Responses to five wavelength categories with peak wavelengths of 370, 380, 490, and 510 nm, and one with dual peaks at 350 and 490 nm were recorded. Based on spectral sensitivities, six colored papers were chosen to test the color preference of the fly, and an additional UV preference test was done to confirm the effect of the UV stimuli. It was concluded that UV and green stimuli (spectra: 300-380 nm and 500-570 nm) would enhance the attractiveness of a colored paper to the oriental fruit fly, and blue stimuli (380-500 nm) would diminish the attractiveness.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae) were studied through pheromone trapping over 4 years (1997, 1999, 2000, 2003) in the Kunming region, a high plateau area in southwestern China. B. dorsalis immigrates from southern Yunnan to Kunming each year, and occurs during early May through November. Annual trap captures recorded an increase in the B. dorsalis populations from May to July, when they peaked in abundance, and a decline until November. No flies were detected from November to April. The fruit flies had two generations. There was considerable overlapping due to the continuous arrival of immigrating flies during the summer months. Annual capture rates were significantly related to numbers of flies caught in July when peak captures were recorded; whereas the peak captures, in turn, positively depended on numbers of flies recorded in May, the first month of fly appearance in the current year. It suggested that the annual population abundance was mainly dependent on the size of the initial emigrating population. A daily average temperature of 18℃ was probably the threshold temperature required for the flies to undertake long-range dispersal, which partially explained the start of the fly in May each year on this high plateau. Under field conditions, the fruit flies can withstand 13℃ as a daily average temperature. No flies were recorded in any of the study years at a daily temperature colder than 10 ℃.  相似文献   

Guava (Psidium guajava Linnaeus) is an important horticulture crop in tropical and subtropical regions. However, guava transportation to the fruit market is regulated due to the risk of fruit fly infestations. The oriental fruit fly [Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), Tephritidae, Diptera], which damages numerous horticulture fruits, is the primary pest in guava. For fruit export, phytosanitary treatment is necessary to prevent the potential oriental fruit fly infestations through pest-infested fruits. In this study, cold treatment was administered to eliminate oriental fruit fly infestations in guava fruits. The optimal egg inoculation density was 200 eggs per fruit, and third instar larvae displayed the highest cold treatment tolerance. On assessing the efficacy of cold treatment, none of the third instar larvae in the fruits survived at a constant fruit core temperature of 0.5–1 °C for 11 days. A confirmatory test revealed that on maintaining a fruit core temperature of 0.5–1 °C for 12 days, 100% mortality was achieved among the fruit flies. In fruit quality assessment, guava fruits exposed to cold treatment still maintained their market value. Thus, cold treatment effectively disinfested guava fruits with possible fruit fly infestations, making it a viable quarantine treatment for guava fruits prior to their export.  相似文献   

Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) is a major pest of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. This study aimed to evaluate the potency of combining edible vegetable oil application and artificial fruit provision to reduce the oviposition of B. dorsalis in chilli fruits. Experiments were conducted in laboratory using a 20‐L plastic container provided with chilli fruits and in semi field using a fruit‐bearing chilli plant caged with insect screen. The laboratory test revealed that the combination of coconut oil application and artificial fruit provision significantly reduced fruit fly visits, eggs laid and the number of infested chilli fruits no matter when the chilli fruits were without prepuncture or with prepuncture. Further study using a caged chilli plant also found that this combination had significant effects on fruit fly visits and infestation in chilli fruits. These results provide an indication that coconut oil and artificial fruit can work together to reduce fruit fly attacks on chilli fruits. Combining the use of coconut oil and artificial fruit is likely to create an integrated behavioural manipulation (push and pull) of female B. dorsalis that lead to a much lower fruit fly infestation in chilli fruits.  相似文献   

厦门地区桔小实蝇疫情监测   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
1994年10月至1996年10月我们在厦门地区设置18个监测点,利用桔小实蝇性诱剂观测,结合室内外调查试验,基本查明本地区桔小实蝇的分布,为害情况及其消长规律。该虫在厦门普遍发生,为害15种果树植物,发生高峰期为8-10月份,影响发生的主要因子有温度和寄主等。  相似文献   

基于CLIMEX的桔小实蝇在中国适生区的预测   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:38  
侯柏华  张润杰 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1570-1574
桔小实蝇Bactroceradorsalis(Hendel),属双翅目Diptera,果实蝇科Tetriphitidae,主要分布在热带和亚热带地区。温度和湿度是影响桔小实蝇分布的重要气候因子。根据桔小实蝇对温湿度等气候因子的反应,采用CLIMEX软件对桔小实蝇在中国大陆的适生区进行了预测。设置了CLIMEX中的相应参数17个:发育起点温度DV0、生长最适宜温度范围DV1~DV2、致死高温DV3、有效发育积温PDD。生长发育所需最低土壤湿度临界SM0、最适宜湿度范围SM1~SM2、最高土壤湿度临界SM3。冷胁迫日度临界DTCS及其积累速率DHCS,热胁迫临界温度TTHS及其积累速率THHS,干旱胁迫临界SMDS及其积累速率HDS,湿胁迫SMWS及其积累速率HWS。以印度和夏威夷为已知适生分布区,反复调试修正上述这些参数值,使之与已知广泛分布的地区达到最大程度的吻合。然后用优化后的参数和中国大陆85个气象站点的气象资料模拟桔小实蝇在中国大陆的适生分布,结果显示:广东、海南、香港、广西、四川、云南、湖南、湖北、福建、江西、浙江等11个省(区)是桔小实蝇的适生分布区。主要分布在我国的华南和西南大部分地区,以及华中和华东的部分地区。根据CLIMEX模拟结果的EI值大小,将桔小实蝇在我国大陆的适生分布情况进一步划分为最适宜、次适宜、适宜和非适宜4个气候区,即华南地区全部以及广西省全境是桔小实蝇的最适宜分布区,除桂林(EI=17)外,其余气象点的EI值均大于40;西南地区的四川、云南两省及福建沿海地区是桔小实蝇的次适宜分布区,平均EI值为29.7;适宜分布区包括湖南、湖北、江西、浙江的少数地区,除赣州(EI=17)外,其余点的EI值均小于10;长江以北的广大地区是桔小实蝇的非适宜区,这些地区不适合桔小实蝇生存。  相似文献   

植物果实、颜色和形状对橘小实蝇产卵选择的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)是近几年入侵江苏南部地区,严重危害当地水果、蔬菜的重要害虫。为深入了解其在该地区果树、蔬菜上的产卵特性,进行植物果实、颜色和形状对其产卵选择影响的研究。实验室中"纸杯法"的产卵选择试验结果表明,橘小实蝇对不同水果的产卵偏好性由高到低依次为:柑橘、香蕉、芒果、枣、石榴、苹果、桃子、梨、李、葡萄、柿;对不同蔬菜的产卵偏好性由高到低依次为:丝瓜、豇豆、苦瓜、黄瓜、茄子、南瓜、青椒、番茄。对不同寄主颜色和形状的产卵选择特点为,雌虫常选择桔黄色、绿色,以及圆球形的寄主产卵,而较少选择黑色、方形的寄主产卵。从试验结果可以看出,寄主果实散发出的气味,及其颜色和形状对橘小实蝇的产卵选择有影响。  相似文献   

Host-specific development and survival rates were measured and population parameters computed for both a wild and a laboratory strain of the oriental fruit fly (Dacus dorsalis Hendel) in Hawaii. Gross fecundities of the wild and laboratory strains were 241 and 1551 eggs per female, respectively. Egg to eclosion developmental rates were 27 days for the wild strain and 24 days for the laboratory strain. The preovipositional period of the wild strain was 19 days compared to 9 days in the laboratory strain.Differences of this magnitude in fecundity and developmental rates between laboratory and wild strains have not been observed in other recent demographic studies of tephritids. The results suggest that the laboratory strain of the oriental fruit fly may have undergone more intense selection than laboratory strains of the other species.
Résumé Pour deux souches, l'une sauvage, l'autre de laboratoire, de D. dorsalis de Hawaï, les mesures ont porté sur la durée de développement et le taux de survie, les paramètres caractéristiques de la population ont été traités sur ordinateur. Pour les souches sauvage et de laboratoire, les fécondités brutes ont été respectivement de 241 et 1551 oeufs par femelle. Les durées de développement larvaire et nymphal ont été de même de 27 jours pour la souche sauvage et de 24 j pour celle de laboratoire; les périodes de latence avant la ponte ont été de 19 j pour la souche sauvage contre 9 j pour celle de laboratoire.Jamais de telles différences de fécondités et de durées de développement entre souches sauvages et de laboratoire n'avaient été observées lors des études récentes sur des téphritidae. Ces résultats suggèrent que la sélection subie par la souche de laboratoire de D. dorsalis été plus intense que celles subies par d'autres espèces.

The increasing number of tephritid pest invasions worldwide highlights the importance of interspecific interactions among tephritid pests. The melon fly [Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett)], the pumpkin fruit fly [Zeugodacus tau (Walker)], and the oriental fruit fly [Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)] (all Diptera: Tephritidae) are neotropical fruit flies with overlapping distributions. Their interactions during mating hours have rarely been observed in nature due to their nocturnal behavior. Here, laboratory studies were conducted under no-choice and choice conditions to quantify interspecific mating. The interactions during mating hours resulted in interspecific mating, which reduced conspecific mating success and interrupted mating activity patterns. Successful interspecific mating pairs of Z. cucurbitae and Z. tau were recorded in no-choice and choice tests. Interspecific mating between male Z. cucurbitae and female Z. tau significantly reduced conspecific mating in Z. tau. Observations of the diel mating activity patterns showed that male Z. cucurbitae initiated calling behaviors earlier than Z. tau males, giving Z. cucurbitae more chances to court Z. tau. Though males of neither Zeugodacus species formed mating pairs with B. dorsalis, Zeugodacus males reduced conspecific mating in B. dorsalis in the choice trials. Thus, interspecific interactions among Z. cucurbitae, Z. tau, and B. dorsalis affected conspecific mating; interrupted conspecific mating activity patterns were recorded in all three species. This information could be used to improve management practices.  相似文献   

Insect tachykinin-related peptide (TRP), an ortholog of tachykinin in vertebrates, has been linked with regulation of diverse physiological processes, such as olfactory perception, locomotion, aggression, lipid metabolism and myotropic activity. In this study, we investigated the function of TRP (BdTRP) and its receptor (BdTRPR) in an important agricultural pest, the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis. BdTRPR is a typical G-protein coupled-receptor (GPCR), and it could be activated by the putative BdTRP mature peptides with the effective concentrations (EC50) at the nanomolar range when expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Consistent with its role as a neuromodulator, expression of BdTRP was detected in the central nervous system (CNS) of B. dorsalis, specifically in the local interneurons with cell bodies lateral to the antennal lobe. BdTRPR was found in the CNS, midgut and hindgut, but interestingly also in the antennae. To investigate the role of BdTRP and BdTRPR in olfaction behavior, adult flies were subjected to RNA interference, which led to a reduction in the antennal electrophysiological response and sensitivity to ethyl acetate in the Y-tube assay. Taken together, we demonstrate the impact of TRP/TRPR signaling on the modulation of the olfactory sensitivity in B. dorsalis. The result improve our understanding of olfactory processing in this agriculturally important pest insect.  相似文献   

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