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Reducing testosterone and estrogen levels with a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist such as Zoladex (i.e., chemical gonadectomy) is a common treatment for many prostate and breast cancer patients, respectively. There are reports of surgical gonadectomy inducing cardiac dysfunction, and exercise has been shown to be cardioprotective under these circumstances. Minimal research has been done investigating the effects of chemical gonadectomy and increased physical activity on cardiac function. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of chemical gonadectomy and physical activity on cardiac function. Male (M) and female (F) Sprague-Dawley rats received either Zoladex treatment (Zol) that suppressed gonadal function for 8 wk or control implants (Con) and either were allowed unlimited access to voluntary running wheels (WR) or remained sedentary (Sed) throughout the treatment period. In vivo and ex vivo left ventricle (LV) function were then assessed, and myosin heavy chain (MHC) expression was analyzed to help explain LV functional differences. Hearts from M Sed+Zol exhibited significantly lower aortic blood flow velocity, developed pressure, and maximal rate of pressure development and higher beta-MHC expression than M Sed+Con. Hearts from F Sed+Zol exhibited significantly lower LV wall thicknesses, fractional shortening, and developed pressure and higher beta-MHC expression than F Sed+Con. This cardiac dysfunction was not evident in hearts from M or F WR+Zol, and this was associated with a preservation of the MHC isoform distribution. Thus an 8-wk chemical gonadectomy with Zoladex promoted cardiac dysfunction in male and female rats, and voluntary wheel running protected against this cardiac dysfunction.  相似文献   

Voluntary exercise by rats running in a freely rotating wheel (free wheel) produces conditioned taste avoidance (CTA) of a flavored solution consumed before running [e.g., Lett, B.T., Grant, V.L., 1996. Wheel running induces conditioned taste aversion in rats trained while hungry and thirsty. Physiol. Behav. 59, 699-702]. Forced exercise, swimming or running, also produces CTA in rats [e.g., Masaki, T., Nakajima, S., 2006. Taste aversion induced by forced swimming, voluntary running, forced running, and lithium chloride injection treatments. Physiol. Behav. 88, 411-416]. Energy expenditure may be the critical factor in producing such CTA. If so, forced running in a motorized running wheel should produce CTA equivalent to that produced by a similar amount of voluntary running. In two experiments, we compared forced running in a motorized wheel with voluntary running in a free wheel. Mean distance run over 30 min was equated as closely as possible in the two apparatuses. Both types of exercise produced CTA relative to sedentary, locked-wheel controls. However, voluntary running produced greater CTA than forced running. We consider differences between running in the free and motorized wheels that may account for the differences in strength of CTA.  相似文献   

Stereotyped motor behaviors are a common consequence of environmental restriction in a wide variety of species. Although environmental enrichment has been shown to substantially reduce stereotypy levels, the various components of enrichment have not been evaluated independently to determine which is responsible for this effect. Exercise, particularly voluntary wheel running, is a promising candidate based on several lines of behavioral and neurobiological evidence. To test the hypothesis that access to wheel running will reduce stereotyped motor behavior, we reared deer mice from weaning with continuous access to either a functional running wheel or a locked wheel. We assessed running behavior throughout this time period and stereotypy levels in a test context at 30 and 45 days post-weaning. We found that exercise did not significantly affect stereotypy level nor was there an association between wheel running and stereotypy. Thus, exercise alone, unlike environmental enrichment, does not prevent the development of stereotypy. These results have important implications for animal welfare.  相似文献   

The effects of a high-fat diet supplying a constant energy/protein ratio, with and without overeating, on energy intake and expenditure was studied in mature male rats. A control group (LF) received ad libitum access to a low-fat diet. Body weight gain, efficiency of food utilization, and dietary-induced thermogenesis were increased relative to controls in a group with ad libitum access to the high-fat diet (HF-A), but not in a group which was pair fed the diet (HF-P) in amounts (kcal) equal to that of LF animals. However, the individual variability within the HF-A group was high for each measure. An arbitrary separation of that group into 2 subgroups (based on high vs low weight gain) produced one subgroup with increased efficiency, greater weight gain and no change in dietary-induced thermogenesis (HF-AH), and another with no difference in efficiency or in weight gain from the LF group but which had higher dietary-induced thermogenesis (HF-AL). Food intake was slightly, but not significantly, greater for the HF-AH subgroup than for the HF-AL subgroup. We conclude that rats can increase thermogenesis in response to overeating but that the increase is highly variable. The thermogenic response appears to be related to the overeating rather than to the fat content of the diet.  相似文献   

We generated an original Wistar line of rats that displayed increased levels of wheel running, which we named SPORTS (Spontaneously-Running-Tokushima-Shikoku). Male SPORTS rats ran voluntarily in a running wheel almost six times longer than male control Wistar rats, established without selection for their running activity. The running phenotype of female SPORTS rats was the same as female control Wistar rats. However, male offspring from the cross-mating between a female SPORTS rat and a male control rat also showed a similar level of hyper-running activity as the original SPORTS line. Compared to control rats, male SPORTS rats had lower levels of mean body weight, abdominal fat and plasma insulin after 4 weeks of running. It is likely that all these beneficial changes observed in the SPORTS rats reflected the increases in glucose disposal we observed in oral glucose tolerance tests carried out on the animals. We also found hyper-running caused a significant increase in skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, measured as the ratio of malate dehydrogenase to phosphofructokinase activity, an index of aerobic metabolism. These results indicate that the SPORTS rat may be a good animal model for determining the mechanisms responsible for up-regulation of running motivation, in addition to investigating changes in nutrient metabolism induced by high intensity exercise.  相似文献   

It is well known that troglitazone and voluntary running have the capacity to improve insulin resistance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the combination effect of troglitazone and voluntary running on insulin action. Female rats aged 7 weeks were divided into high-fat diet (HF), high-fat diet + troglitazone (0.3% in diet; Tg), high-fat diet + voluntary running (for 3 wks; Tr), high-fat diet + troglitazone + voluntary running (Tg-Tr), and control (C) groups. A sequential euglycemic clamp experiment with two different insulin infusion rates of 3.0 (L-clamp) and 30.0 mU/kg BW/min (H-clamp) was performed on these rats after an overnight fast. Blood glucose concentrations were kept at fasting levels by periodic adjustment of the intravenous glucose infusion rate during the clamp experiment. Glucose infusion rates (GIRs) calculated from 60 to 90, 150 to 180 min were regarded as an index of whole body insulin action. After the clamp experiment, we determined the amount of glycogen content in the gastrocnemius muscle. Fat feeding markedly reduced GIRs in both L- and H- clamp experiments compared with C. Troglitazone treatment did not improve high-fat induced insulin resistance. In both L- and H-clamp experiments, GIRs were increased by voluntary running compared with HF, and reached the same levels as in C. GIRs of Tg-Tr were not greater than those of Tr. Glycogen content in gastrocnemius muscle showed the same trend as the results for GIRs. Therefore, the combination effect of troglitazone and voluntary running on insulin action was not found, but the effect of voluntary running was shown in fat-induced insulin resistance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the effects of voluntary cage wheel exercise on mouse cardiac and skeletal muscle. Inbred male C57/Bl6 mice (age 6-8 wk; n = 12) [corrected] ran an average of 4.3 h/24 h, for an average distance of 6.8 km/24 h, and at an average speed of 26.4 m/min. A significant increase in the ratio of heart mass to body mass (mg/g) was evident after 2 wk of voluntary exercise, and cardiac atrial natriuretic factor and brain natriuretic peptide mRNA levels were significantly increased in the ventricles after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. A significant increase in the percentage of fibers expressing myosin heavy chain (MHC) IIa was observed in both the gastrocnemius and the tibialis anterior (TA) by 2 wk, and a significant decrease in the percentage of fibers expressing IIb MHC was evident in both muscles after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. The TA muscle showed a greater increase in the percentage of IIa MHC-expressing fibers than did the gastrocnemius muscle (40 and 20%, respectively, compared with 10% for nonexercised). Finally, the number of oxidative fibers as revealed by NADH-tetrazolium reductase histochemical staining was increased in the TA but not the gastrocnemius after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. All results are relative to age-matched mice housed without access to running wheels. Together these data demonstrate that voluntary exercise in mice results in cardiac and skeletal muscle adaptations consistent with endurance exercise.  相似文献   

Adaptations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to voluntary exercise in rodents are not clear, because most investigations use forced-exercise protocols, which are associated with psychological stress. In the present study, we examined the effects of voluntary wheel running on the circadian corticosterone (Cort) rhythm as well as HPA axis responsiveness to, and recovery from, restraint stress. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into exercise (E) and sedentary (S) groups, with E rats having 24-h access to running wheels for 5 wk. Circadian plasma Cort levels were measured at the end of each week, except for week 5 when rats were exposed to 20 min of restraint stress, followed by 95 min of recovery. Measurements of glucocorticoid receptor content in the hippocampus and anterior pituitary were performed using Western blotting at the termination of the restraint protocol. In week 1, circadian Cort levels were twofold higher in E compared with S animals, but the levels progressively decreased in the E group throughout the training protocol to reach similar values observed in S by week 4. During restraint stress and recovery, Cort values were similar between E and S, as was glucocorticoid receptor content in the hippocampus and pituitary gland after death. Compared with E, S animals had higher plasma ACTH levels during restraint. Taken together, these data indicate that 5 wk of wheel running are associated with normal circadian Cort activity and normal negative-feedback inhibition of the HPA axis, as well as with increased adrenal sensitivity to ACTH after restraint stress.  相似文献   

Daily treatment with progesterone (5 mg) increased running wheel activity, food intake, and body weight of adrenalectomized-ovariectomized rats. These effects of progesterone are quite similar to those of various corticosteroid treatments in adrenalectomized rats reported previously. In addition, the activity-stimulating action of progesterone is just the opposite of its effect in intact and estradiol-primed ovariectomized rats. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the principal role of progesterone in the regulation of body weight is to antagonize the actions of estradiol and that the actions of excessive doses of progesterone in adrenalectomized-ovariectomized rats are simply a by-product of its corticosteroidlike, health-promoting properties.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of high-fat diet (HFD) and exercise training on insulin-stimulated whole body glucose fluxes and several key steps of glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle. Rats were maintained for 3 wk on either low-fat (LFD) or high-fat diet with or without exercise training (swimming for 3 h per day). After the 3-wk diet/exercise treatments, animals underwent hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp experiments for measurements of insulin-stimulated whole body glucose fluxes. In addition, muscle samples were taken at the end of the clamps for measurements of glucose 6-phosphate (G-6-P) and GLUT-4 protein contents, hexokinase, and glycogen synthase (GS) activities. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was decreased by HFD and increased by exercise training (P < 0.01 for both). The opposite effects of HFD and exercise training on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake were associated with similar increases in muscle G-6-P levels (P < 0.05 for both). However, the increase in G-6-P level was accompanied by decreased GS activity without changes in GLUT-4 protein content and hexokinase activities in the HFD group. In contrast, the increase in G-6-P level in the exercise-trained group was accompanied by increased GLUT-4 protein content and hexokinase II (cytosolic) and GS activities. These results suggest that HFD and exercise training affect insulin sensitivity by acting predominantly on different steps of intracellular glucose metabolism. High-fat feeding appears to induce insulin resistance by affecting predominantly steps distal to G-6-P (e.g., glycolysis and glycogen synthesis). Exercise training affected multiple steps of glucose metabolism both proximal and distal to G-6-P. However, increased muscle G-6-P levels in the face of increased glucose metabolic fluxes suggest that the effect of exercise training is quantitatively more prominent on the steps proximal to G-6-P (i.e., glucose transport and phosphorylation).  相似文献   

The running behavior and biochemical markers of oxidative and glycolytic activities associated with voluntary running activity were studied in male Sprague-Dawley rats after 6 wk of training in exercise wheel cages. Twenty-four-hour recordings of running activity were used to quantify the number of individual running bouts, their duration and running speed, and the distance run per day. We then established three categories of voluntary running activity based on the mean distance run per day during the last 3 wk of training: low-activity runners averaged 2-5 km/day, medium runners 6-9 km/day, and high runners greater than 11 km/day. Each group demonstrated an intermittent, nocturnal running pattern, at relatively high intensities, with a similar mean running speed for all groups (avg approximately 45 m/min). Differences in total distance run per day were the result of variations in both the number and duration of individual running bouts. Specifically, high runners (n = 7) had 206 +/- 30 individual running bouts per 24 h, each lasting 87 +/- 7 s; medium runners (n = 7) 221 +/- 22 running bouts, lasting 47 +/- 5 s; and low runners (n = 7) 113 +/- 7 bouts, each lasting 40 +/- 7 s. Voluntary running depressed the rate of body weight gain compared with sedentary control rats, despite an increased food and water intake for all runners. Furthermore, drinking activity was temporally associated with running periods.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We examined voluntary wheel running and forced treadmill running exercise performance of wild-type mice and mice null for the desmin gene. When given access to a cage wheel, desmin null mice spent less time running and ran less far than wild-type mice. Wild-type mice showed a significant training effect with prolonged voluntary wheel running, as evidenced by an increase in mean running speed across the 3-wk exercise period, whereas desmin null mice did not. Desmin null mice also performed less well in acute treadmill stress and endurance tests compared with wild-type mice. We also evaluated serum creatine kinase (CK) activity in wild-type and desmin null mice in response to running. Voluntary running did not result in elevated CK activity in either wild-type or desmin null mice, whereas downhill treadmill running caused significant increases in serum CK activity in both wild-type and desmin null mice. However, the increase in serum CK was significantly less in desmin null mice than in wild-type mice. These results suggest that the lack of desmin adversely affects the ability of mice to engage in both chronic and acute bouts of endurance running exercise but that this decrement in performance is not associated with an increase in serum CK activity.  相似文献   

We examined whether the quantity of exercise performed influences the expression of monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) 1 and MCT4 in mouse skeletal muscles (plantaris, tibialis anterior, soleus) and heart. Wheel running exercise (1, 3, and 6 wk) was used, which results in marked variations in self-selected running activity. Differences in muscle MCT1 and MCT4 among animals, before the initiation of running, were not related to the quantity of exercise performed on the first day of wheel running. No changes in MCT4 were observed over the course of the study (P > 0.05). After 6 wk of running, were there significant increases in heart (50%; P < 0.05) and muscle MCT1 (31-60%; P < 0.05) but not after 1 and 3 wk (P > 0.05). Because skeletal muscle MCT1 and running distances varied considerably, we examined the relationship between these two parameters. Within the first week of training, MCT1 was negatively correlated with the accumulated running distance (r = -0.70, P < 0.05). On further analysis, it appears that, in the first week, excessive running (>20 km/wk) represses MCT1 (-16.1%; P < 0.05), whereas more modest amounts of running (<20 km/wk) increase MCT1 (+37%; P < 0.05). After 3 wk of running, a positive relationship was observed between MCT1 and running distance (r = +0.76), although there is a threshold that must be exceeded before an increase over the control animals occurs. Finally, in week 6, when MCT1 was increased in the tibialis anterior and plantaris muscles, there were no correlations with the accumulated running distances. These studies have shown that mild exercise training fails to increase MCT4 and that changes in MCT1 are complex, depending not only the accumulated exercise but also on the stage of training.  相似文献   

During intense exercise, efflux of K(+) from working muscles increases extracellular K(+) ([K(+)](o)) to levels that can compromise muscle excitability and hence cause fatigue. In this context, the reduction in the exercise-induced elevation of [K(+)](o) observed after training in humans is suggested to contribute to the increased performance after training. Although a similar effect could be obtained by an increase in the tolerance of muscle to elevated [K(+)](o), this possibility has not been investigated. To examine this, isolated soleus muscles from sedentary (sedentary) rats and from rats that had voluntarily covered 13.1 ± 0.7 km/day in an unloaded running wheel for 8 wk (active) were compared. In muscles from active rats, the loss of force induced by exposure to an elevated [K(+)](o) of 9 mM was 42% lower than in muscles from sedentary rats (P < 0.001). This apparent increase in K(+) tolerance in active rats was associated with an increased excitability as evident from a 33% reduction in the electrical current needed to excite individual muscle fibers (P < 0.0009). Moreover, muscles from active rats had lower Cl(-) conductance, higher maximal rate of rise of single-fiber action potentials (AP), and higher Na(+)/K(+) pump content. When stimulated intermittently at 6.5 mM K(+), muscles from active rats displayed better endurance than muscles from sedentary rats, whereas no difference was found when the muscles were stimulated continuously at 30 or 120 Hz. We conclude that voluntary running increases muscle excitability, leading to improved tolerance to elevated [K(+)](o).  相似文献   

Induction of voluntary prolonged running by rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rat is widely used in studies of the metabolic and physiological effects of physical exercise. The most commonly used form of exercise is running on treadmills or mechanically driven running wheels. Rats will not voluntarily run significant distances, under normal circumstances. If rats are exposed to running wheels with food freely available, only very limited activity normally occurs. When rats with access to a running wheel are restricted to a fixed amount of food, presented once per day, consistent running occurs. The running is spontaneous and very sensitive to the amount of food provided. Six 6-wk-old rats of 197 g mean body wt were induced to run for 139 days. The distance run increased rapidly over a 20-day initial period on a food supply of 15 g/day (vs. 19.5 g/day consumption by sedentary controls). From day 20 to day 139 the mean distance run was described by the regression equation distance (m/day) = 10,410 - 37.9 X days. Food provided was varied according to distance run, ranging from 15 to 18 g/day, and was normally 17.5 g/day. Thus a food deprivation of 10% of normal consumption will result in mean distances run of approximately 8,000 m/day. The use of pair-fed control animals without access to a wheel allows the conduct of experiments to test the effects of chronic long-distance running. The running is spontaneous; thus the technique avoids the complications accompanying techniques that force running.  相似文献   

L-阿拉伯糖对降低高糖高脂喂养小鼠体重增长速率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将L-阿拉伯糖通过口服的方法配合高糖高脂饲料喂养SPF级昆明雄性小鼠,观察不同剂量L-阿拉伯糖对小鼠增重速率的影响。将100只小鼠随机均分为A、B、C、D、E五组(五组小鼠体重没有显著差异),分别采用高、中、低和零四种剂量水平口服L-阿拉伯糖水溶液1个月,另设E组为空白对照,记录小鼠体重和体长变化。结果表明:L-阿拉伯糖对小鼠的体重增长有剂量依存关系,小剂量(0.5g/kg)即可产生作用,但只有添加量达到一定的浓度后(1.0g/kg),其抑制小鼠体重增长速率作用才有明显效果(P0.05)。L-阿拉伯糖能有效减缓肥胖小鼠的体重增长速率。  相似文献   

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