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Asymmetric partitioning of cell-fate determinants during development requires coordinating the positioning of these determinants with orientation of the mitotic spindle. In the Drosophila peripheral nervous system, sensory organ progenitor cells (SOPs) undergo several rounds of division to produce five cells that give rise to a complete sensory organ. Here we have observed the asymmetric divisions that give rise to these cells in the developing pupae using green fluorescent protein fusion proteins. We find that spindle orientation and determinant localization are tightly coordinated at each division. Furthermore, we find that two types of asymmetric divisions exist within the sensory organ precursor cell lineage: the anterior-posterior pI cell-type division, where the spindle remains symmetric throughout mitosis, and the strikingly neuroblast-like apical-basal division of the pIIb cell, where the spindle exhibits a strong asymmetry at anaphase. In both these divisions, the spindle reorientates to position itself perpendicular to the region of the cortex containing the determinant. On the basis of these observations, we propose that two distinct mechanisms for controlling asymmetric cell divisions occur within the same lineage in the developing peripheral nervous system in Drosophila.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Generation of cell-fate diversity in Metazoan depends in part on asymmetric cell divisions in which cell-fate determinants are asymmetrically distributed in the mother cell and unequally partitioned between daughter cells. The polarization of the mother cell is a prerequisite to the unequal segregation of cell-fate determinants. In the Drosophila bristle lineage, two distinct mechanisms are known to define the axis of polarity of the pI and pIIb cells. Frizzled (Fz) signaling regulates the planar orientation of the pI division, while Inscuteable (Insc) directs the apical-basal polarity of the pIIb cell. The orientation of the asymmetric division of the pIIa cell is identical to the one of its mother cell, the pI cell, but, in contrast, is regulated by an unknown Insc- and Fz-independent mechanism. RESULTS: DE-Cadherin-Catenin complexes are shown to localize at the cell contact between the two cells born from the asymmetric division of the pI cell. The mitotic spindle of the dividing pIIa cell rotates to line up with asymmetrically localized DE-Cadherin-Catenin complexes. While a complete loss of DE-Cadherin function disrupts the apical-basal polarity of the epithelium, both a partial loss of DE-Cadherin function and expression of a dominant-negative form of DE-Cadherin affect the orientation of the pIIa division. Furthermore, expression of dominant-negative DE-Cadherin also affects the position of Partner of Inscuteable (Pins) and Bazooka, two asymmetrically localized proteins known to regulate cell polarity. These results show that asymmetrically distributed Cad regulates the orientation of asymmetric cell division. CONCLUSIONS: We describe a novel mechanism involving a specialized Cad-containing cortical region by which a daughter cell divides with the same orientation as its mother cell.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor genes lethal giant larvae (lgl) and discs large (dlg) act together to maintain the apical basal polarity of epithelial cells in the Drosophila embryo. Neuroblasts that delaminate from the embryonic epithelium require lgl to promote formation of a basal Numb and Prospero crescent, which will be asymmetrically segregated to the basal daughter cell upon division to specify cell fate. Sensory organ precursors (SOPs) also segregate Numb asymmetrically at cell division. Numb functions to inhibit Notch signaling and to specify the fates of progenies of the SOP that constitute the cellular components of the adult sensory organ. We report here that, in contrast to the embryonic neuroblast, lgl is not required for asymmetric localization of Numb in the dividing SOP. Nevertheless, mosaic analysis reveals that lgl is required for cell fate specification within the SOP lineage; SOPs lacking Lgl fail to specify internal neurons and glia. Epistasis studies suggest that Lgl acts to inhibit Notch signaling by functioning downstream or in parallel with Numb. These findings uncover a previously unknown function of Lgl in the inhibition of Notch and reveal different modes of action by which Lgl can influence cell fate in the neuroblast and SOP lineages.  相似文献   

 The tactile bristles of the fly comprise four cells that originate from a single precursor cell through a fixed lineage. The gene tramtrack (ttk) plays a crucial role in defining the fates of these cells. Here we analyse the normal pattern of expression of ttk, as well as the effect of ttk overexpression at different steps of the lineage. We show that ttk is never expressed in cells having a neural potential, and that in cells where ttk is expressed, there is a delay between division and the onset of expression. The ectopic expression of ttk before some stage of the cell cycle can block further cell division. Furthermore, this expression transforms neural into non-neural cells, suggesting that ttk acts as a repressor of neural fate at each step of the lineage. Our results suggest that ttk is probably not involved in setting up the mechanism that creates an asymmetry between sister cells, but rather in the implementation of that choice. Received: 10 October 1996 / Accepted: 11 February 1997  相似文献   

The Drosophila CNS derives from a population of neural stem cells, called neuroblasts (NBs), which delaminate individually from the neurogenic region of the ectoderm. In the embryonic ventral nerve cord each NB can be uniquely identified and gives rise to a specific lineage consisting of neurons and/or glial cells. This 'NB identity' is dependent on the position of the progenitor cells in the neuroectoderm before delamination. The positional information is provided by the products of segment polarity and dorsoventral (D/V) patterning genes. Subsequently, 'cell fate genes' like huckebein (hkb) and eagle (eg) contribute to the generation of specific NB lineages. These genes act downstream of segment polarity and D/V patterning genes and regulate different processes such as the generation of glial cells and the determination of serotonergic neurons.  相似文献   

Yeh E  Zhou L  Rudzik N  Boulianne GL 《The EMBO journal》2000,19(17):4827-4837
Neurogenic genes, including NOTCH: and DELTA:, are thought to play important roles in regulating cell-cell interactions required for DROSOPHILA: sense organ development. To define the requirement of the neurogenic gene neuralized (neu) in this process, two independent neu alleles were used to generate mutant clones. We find that neu is required for determination of cell fates within the proneural cluster and that cells mutant for neu autonomously adopt neural fates when adjacent to wild-type cells. Furthermore, neu is required within the sense organ lineage to determine the fates of daughter cells and accessory cells. To gain insight into the mechanism by which neu functions, we used the GAL4/UAS system to express wild-type and epitope-tagged neu constructs. We show that Neu protein is localized primarily at the plasma membrane. We propose that the function of neu in sense organ development is to affect the ability of cells to receive Notch-Delta signals and thus modulate neurogenic activity that allows for the specification of non-neuronal cell fates in the sense organ.  相似文献   

The Drosophila bristle lineage is an excellent system in which to study how cell cycle and fate determination are synchronized in invariant cell lineages. In this model, five different cells arise from a single precursor cell, pI, after four asymmetric cell divisions. Cell diversity is achieved by the asymmetric segregation of cell determinants, such as Numb and Neuralized (Neur), resulting in differential activation of the Notch (N) pathway. We show that down-regulation of Cdc2, by over-expressing Tribbles, Dwee1, and Dmyt1 (three negative regulators of Cdc2) or by using thermo-sensitive Cdc2 mutant flies, delayed pI mitosis, and altered the polarity and the number of subsequent cell divisions. These modifications were associated with a mother-daughter cell fate transformation as the pI cell acquired the identity of the secondary precursor cell, pIIb. This type of change in cell identity only occurred when the N signaling pathway was inactive since ectopic N signaling transformed pI to pIIa-progeny fate. These transformations in cell identity suggest that, although synchronized, cell cycle and fate determination are independent phenomena in the bristle lineage.  相似文献   

During Drosophila external sensory organ development, one sensory organ precursor (SOP) arises from a proneural cluster, and undergoes asymmetrical cell divisions to produce an external sensory (es) organ made up of different types of daughter cells. We show that phyllopod (phyl), previously identified to be essential for R7 photoreceptor differentiation, is required in two stages of es organ development: the formation of SOP cells and cell fate specification of SOP progeny. Loss-of-function mutations in phyl result in failure of SOP formation, which leads to missing bristles in adult flies. At a later stage of es organ development, phyl mutations cause the first cell division of the SOP lineage to generate two identical daughters, leading to the fate transformation of neurons and sheath cells to hair cells and socket cells. Conversely, misexpression of phyl promotes ectopic SOP formation, and causes opposite fate transformation in SOP daughter cells. Thus, phyl functions as a genetic switch in specifying the fate of the SOP cells and their progeny. We further show that seven in absentia (sina), another gene required for R7 cell fate differentiation, is also involved in es organ development. Genetic interactions among phyl, sina and tramtrack (ttk) suggest that phyl and sina function in bristle development by antagonizing ttk activity, and ttk acts downstream of phyl. It has been shown previously that Notch (N) mutations induce formation of supernumerary SOP cells, and transformation from hair and socket cells to neurons. We further demonstrate that phyl acts epistatically to N. phyl is expressed specifically in SOP cells and other neural precursors, and its mRNA level is negatively regulated by N signaling. Thus, these analyses demonstrate that phyl acts downstream of N signaling in controlling cell fates in es organ development.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the partition defective (Par) complex containing Par3, Par6 and atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) directs the polarized distribution and unequal segregation of the cell fate determinant Numb during asymmetric cell divisions. Unequal segregation of mammalian Numb has also been observed, but the factors involved are unknown. Here, we identify in vivo phosphorylation sites of mammalian Numb and show that both mammalian and Drosophila Numb interact with, and are substrates for aPKC in vitro. A form of mammalian Numb lacking two protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation sites (Numb2A) accumulates at the cell membrane and is refractory to PKC activation. In epithelial cells, mammalian Numb localizes to the basolateral membrane and is excluded from the apical domain, which accumulates aPKC. In contrast, Numb2A is distributed uniformly around the cell cortex. Mutational analysis of conserved aPKC phosphorylation sites in Drosophila Numb suggests that phosphorylation contributes to asymmetric localization of Numb, opposite to aPKC in dividing sensory organ precursor cells. These results suggest a model in which phosphorylation of Numb by aPKC regulates its polarized distribution in epithelial cells as well as during asymmetric cell divisions.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Bolwig organs are small photoreceptor bundles that facilitate the phototactic behavior of the larva. Comparative literature suggests that these highly reduced visual organs share evolutionary ancestry with the adult compound eye. A recent molecular genetic study produced the first detailed account of the mechanisms controlling differential opsin expression and photoreceptor subtype determination in these enigmatic eyes of the Drosophila larva. Here, the evolutionary implications are examined, taking into account the dynamic diversification of opsin genes and the spatial regulation of opsin homolog expression in other insects. It is concluded that, consistent with their common evolutionary roots, the Drosophila larval and adult eyes use the same mechanisms for the regulation of opsin expression and photoreceptor cell fate specification. Strikingly, the structurally highly derived Bolwig organs retained a more ancestral state of opsin expression and regulation. Inconspicuous in size, the Drosophila larval eyes deliver useful lessons in the reconstruction of homology between neuronal cell types with gene expression data, and on the conservative nature of gene regulatory network evolution during the emergence of novel organs from ancestral templates.  相似文献   

Cell fate diversity is generated in part by the unequal segregation of cell-fate determinants during asymmetric cell division. In the Drosophila bristle lineage, the sensory organ precursor (pI) cell is polarized along the anteroposterior (AP) axis by Frizzled (Fz) receptor signaling. We show here that Fz localizes at the posterior apical cortex of the pI cell prior to mitosis, whereas Strabismus (Stbm) and Prickle (Pk), which are also required for AP polarization of the pI cell, co-localize at the anterior apical cortex. Thus, asymmetric localization of Fz, Stbm and Pk define two opposite cortical domains prior to mitosis of the pI cell. At mitosis, Stbm forms an anterior crescent that overlaps with the distribution of Partner of Inscuteable (Pins) and Discs-large (Dlg), two components of the anterior Dlg-Pins-Galphai complex that regulates the localization of cell-fate determinants. At prophase, Stbm promotes the anterior localization of Pins. By contrast, Dishevelled (Dsh) acts antagonistically to Stbm by excluding Pins from the posterior cortex. We propose that the Stbm-dependent recruitment of Pins at the anterior cortex of the pI cell is a novel read-out of planar cell polarity.  相似文献   

Airborne sound signals emitted by dancing honeybees (Apis mellifera) contain information about the locations of food sources. Honeybees can perceive these near field sounds and rely on them to decode the messages of the dance language. The dance sound is characterized by rhythmical air particle movement of high velocity amplitudes. The aim of the present study was to identify the sensory structures used to detect near field sound signals. In an operant conditioning experiment, bees were trained to respond to sound. Ablation experiments with these trained bees revealed that neither mechanosensory hairs on the antennae or head nor bristle fields at the joints of the antenna, but Johnston's organ, a chordotonal organ in the pedicel of the antenna, is used to detect near field sound in honeybees.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During patterning of the Drosophila eye, a critical step is the Notch-mediated cell fate decision that determines the identities of the R3/R4 photoreceptor pair in each ommatidium. Depending on the decision taken, the ommatidium adopts either the dorsal or ventral chiral form. This decision is directed by the activity of the planar polarity genes, and, in particular, higher activity of the receptor Frizzled confers R3 fate. RESULTS: We present evidence that Frizzled does not modulate Notch activity via Rho GTPases and a JNK cascade as previously proposed. We find that the planar polarity proteins Frizzled, Dishevelled, Flamingo, and Strabismus adopt asymmetric protein localizations in the developing photoreceptors. These protein localizations correlate with the bias of Notch activity between R3/R4, suggesting that they are necessary to modulate Notch activity between these cells. Additional data support a mechanism for regulation of Notch activity that could involve direct interactions between Dishevelled and Notch at the cell cortex. CONCLUSIONS: In the light of our findings, we conclude that Rho GTPases/JNK cascades are not major effectors of planar polarity in the Drosophila eye. We propose a new model for the control of R3/R4 photoreceptor fate by Frizzled, whereby asymmetric protein localization is likely to be a critical step in modulation of Notch activity. This modulation may occur via direct interactions between Notch and Dishevelled.  相似文献   

During neurogenesis in the ventral nerve cord of the Drosophila embryo, Notch signaling participates in the pathway that mediates asymmetric fate specification to daughters of secondary neuronal precursor cells. In the NB4-2 --> GMC-1 --> RP2/sib lineage, a well-studied neuronal lineage in the ventral nerve cord, Notch signaling specifies sib fate to one of the daughter cells of GMC-1. Notch mediates this process via Mastermind (Mam). Loss of function for mam, similar to loss of function for Notch, results in GMC-1 symmetrically dividing to generate two RP2 neurons. Loss of function for mam also results in a severe neurogenic phenotype. In this study, we have undertaken a functional analysis of the Mam protein. We show that while ectopic expression of a truncated Mam protein induces a dominant-negative neurogenic phenotype, it has no effect on asymmetric fate specification. This truncated Mam protein rescues the loss of asymmetric specification phenotype in mam in an allele-specific manner. We also show an interallelic complementation of loss-of-asymmetry defect. Our results suggest that Mam proteins might associate during the asymmetric specification of cell fates and that the N-terminal region of the protein plays a role in this process.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, many of the key components of the genetic machinery that regulate the asymmetric division of Drosophila melanogaster neural progenitors, neuroblasts, have been identified and their functions elucidated. Studies over the past two years have shown that many of these identified components act to regulate the self-renewal versus differentiation decision and appear to function as tumor suppressors during larval nervous system development. In this paper, we highlight the growing number of molecules that are normally considered to be key regulators of cell cycle events/progression that have recently been shown to impinge on the neuroblast asymmetric division machinery to control asymmetric protein localization and/or the decision to self-renew or differentiate.  相似文献   

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