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A key to the genera of the Gracilariaceae is provided along with a short diagnosis for each genus. Features of the mature cystocarp and spermatangial configurations that separate genera are illustrated. 相似文献
Two carrageenans from Iridaea undulosa, isolated by precipitation of the crude polysaccharide at O.70–1.05 M and 1.55–1.65 M KCl concentrations, were studied by methylation analysis. Acid hydrolysis of the methylated derivative of the less soluble carrageenan (molar ratio galactose: 3,6-anhydrogalactose: sulphate 1.00: 0.50: 1.20) yielded major amounts of 2,6-di-O-methylgalactose (51.3 mol %), 4,6-di-O-methylgalactose (25.6%) and 4-O-methylgalactose (51.3mol%), 4,6-di-O-methylgalactose (25.6%) and 4-O-methylgalactose (13.4%). Minor quantities of 3-O-methylgalactose (4.6%) and 6-O-methylgalactose (3.2%) were found together with traces of 2,3,6- and/or 2,4,6-tri-O-methylgalactose, 2-O-methylgalactose and galactose. Oxidative acid hydrolysis produced 3,6-anhydro-2-O-methylgalactonic acid and 3,6-anhydrogalactonic acid in a molar ratio 3.5-4.0:1.0. The methylated derivative of the more soluble carrageenan (molar ratio galactose:3,6-anhydrogalactose:sulphate 1.00:0.04:1.43) gave on acid hydrolysis, 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methylgalactose (4.6%), 2,3,6-tri-O-methylgalactose (4.2%), 2,4,6-tri-O-methylgalactose (10.7%), 4,6-di-O-methylgalactose (24.1%), 3,6-di-0-methylgalactose (8.0%), 2,3-di-O- methylgalactose (3.4%), 2,4-di-O-methylgalactose (4.6%), 2,6-di-O-methylgalactose (4.2%), 3-O-methylgalactose (19.5%),4-O-methylgalactose (9.6%),6-O-methylgalactose(3.1%),galactose (3.4%)and traces of 2-O-methylgalactose. 相似文献
Infrared analyses of the carrageenan in ten species (representing four genera) of Gigartinaceae and one species of Hypneaceae in different reproductive phases from the northwestern coast of Baja California were studied. Cystocarpic samples of the Gigartinaceae presented varying degrees of a / hybrid. The degree of hybridization was determined based on the ratio between the peak absorbances at 805/845 cm–1. A high correlation was observed between the 805/845 cm–1 and 805/970 cm–1 ratios. Tetrasporic samples of Gigartina leptorhynchos, Iridaea splendens, Rhodoglossum affine and R. roseum, presented a -carrageenan profile, whereas Gigartina tepida, G. exasperata, G. harveyana, G. canaliculata and G. spinosa presented a -carrageenan. The tetrasporic sample of Hypnea valentiae showed a -carrageenan with a very low degree of hybridization. 相似文献
Mazzaella laminarioides has consistently been reported as a typical coalescent/clump species with a triphasic life history of the Polysiphonia-type in which the haploid gametophyte is the predominant phase with respect to the diploid sporophyte. Preliminary observations
of intertidal populations revealed that, in some instances, cystocarpic and tetrasporic fronds emerged from the same clump
(G-T clumps), implying a coalescent process of haploid and diploid thalli by fusion of their corresponding adjacent basal
holdfasts. Population surveys at three sites in Coliumo Bay, central Chile, were carried out to characterize frond demography
as well as to asses the frequency of gametophyte-tetrasporophyte (G-T) coalescence. Visual and resorcinol methods were employed
to determine the phases of the fronds collected over central transects of 15 randomly sampled clumps. Coalescence of G-T clumps
was infrequent, with gametophytes dominating over tetrasporophyte thalli. 相似文献
Hommersand Max H. Guiry Michael D. Fredericq Suzanne Leister Geoffrey L. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):105-120
Ricardo Scrosati 《Journal of applied phycology》1998,10(6):531-537
The effects that different intensities of frond harvesting have on frond regeneration and subsequent production of reproductive structures were investigated for the red intertidal alga Mazzaella cornucopiae (Postels & Ruprecht) Hommersand from British Columbia, Canada. Harvesting was done by pruning fronds in the late spring (when stand biomass is highest) of 1993 at two intensities: total and partial collection of fronds, in this second case leaving all frond biomass less than 1 cm high in place. Holdfasts were not damaged. Total percent cover of thalli, frond density, mean frond length, and stand biomass for these experimental quadrats were statistically similar to values for control quadrats in the spring of 1994. These results suggest that one total harvest of fronds per year, done in late spring without damaging holdfasts, may give the highest sustainable yield of biomass. The effects of harvesting intensity on reproduction were variable and difficult to explain. Neither the appearance nor the abundance of cystocarpic fronds were affected by frond pruning, compared with control areas, but pruning did affect the appearance and the abundance of tetrasporic fronds. Partial pruning resulted in a longer presence of tetrasporic fronds, whereas total pruning was associated with their complete absence. Results are compared with those for the few other species of the Gigartinaceae for which experimental harvesting has been done. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Phillip Crews Barbara L. Myers Stephen Naylor Elise L. Clason Robert S. Jacobs Gerardus B. Staal 《Phytochemistry》1984,23(7):1449-1451
A new ochtodane from Chondrococcus hornemanii and the biotoxocity of other seaweed monoterpenes is reported. 相似文献
The morphology, anatomy and reproduction (tetrasporic, male and female) of a poorly known species of Gracilaria i.e. G. damaecornis J. Agardh was studied, using material collected in eastern Venezuela. Spermatangia are produced in well-defined and deeply immersed multicavitied conceptacles (m type). Nutritive filaments are present both at the floor and top (outer pericarp) of the cystocarp. The lectotype of G. damaecornis is illustrated for the first time. Hydropuntia albornozii (Rodríguez) Wynne (Polycavernosa albornozzi) is shown to be a synonym of G. damaecornis. In agreement with recent research, it is concluded that generic attributes of Hydropuntia ( = Polycavernosa) based on mainly on sexual reproductive structures are of doubtful taxonomic value. 相似文献
Carrageenans extracted under alkaline conditions were studied in some Rhodophyceae from the Normandy coast. Among these, four species yielding iota-carrageenan were studied throughout a whole year: Calliblepharis ciliata, Calliblepharis jubata, Cystoclonium purpureum and Gymnogongrus crenulatus. Carrageenan content varied with season, being maximal at the end of spring and minimal in autumn, and was positively correlated with the growth of these algae. A culture of Cystoclonium purpureum was initiated and, without trying to optimize growth conditions, yielded a mean production of 50 g fresh wt m–2 d–1 in 36 weeks of continuous tank culture. 相似文献
Recognition of species in the Gracilariaceae, often notoriously difficult, is being aided by a combination of classical and modern techniques. We review some recent findings and present new results that may lead to redefinition of Gracilaria verrucosa, the type species of its genus. Plastid DNA restriction profiles (patterns of banding obtained by electrophoresis of DNA after restriction endonuclease digestion) from eleven strains ascribed to G. verrucosa indicated that the concept of this species in northern Europe includes possibly three taxa, one of which is known now to be a species of Gracilariopsis. In contrast, restriction profiles from Argentinian and Japanese strains were closely similar to the predominant pattern for European G. verrucosa. Profiles of several other strains, from the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, were dissimilar to the European group and to each other. A chromosome number of n = 24 was determined for a representative of the predominant European group, and preliminary results of hybridization trials suggest that these strains, and others with approximately the same plastid DNA restriction pattern, are interfertile.NRCC 30559 相似文献
The negative relationship between stand biomass and plant density observed in terrestrial plants was tested among fronds of a clonal red alga, Mazzaella cornucopiae. Stand biomass and frond density were estimated bimonthly for 1 year on 7 permanent quadrats. A positive linear correlation was found between biomass and density for the whole data set, suggesting the lack of self-thinning among fronds of this intertidal alga at natural densities. Higher frond densities could favor increased water retention among fronds, thus minimizing desiccation during low tides. In this way, stands could maintain higher production of biomass. Fronds may also be cushioned better against wave action at higher frond densities, thus decreasing the detachment of larger fronds. The temporal variation of the relationship between biomass and density was plotted separately for these 7 quadrats. Four quadrats showed positive linear correlation between both variables (the other three quadrats showed non-significant positive linear correlation). Their four slopes are statistically similar to that found for the entire data set. It is possible, then, that there is only one positive slope for the biomass-density relationship in this population. If this is true, standing biomass could be estimated from the density of fronds. 相似文献
Variability in thallus morphology is common in red seaweeds. Two co-occurring forms have been described for Chondracanthus chamissoi based mainly on blade width. To determine whether two distinct forms or a range of intermediate morphologies occur in C. chamissoi, thalli were collected from three localities in southern Chile in autumn–winter, repeating the sampling in one locality in spring and in summer. In each occasion, individual sporophytic and male and female gametophytic clumps were collected, and the longest blade with intact apex from each clump was evaluated. Blade length, width, density of spines, axis curvature and thickness, and pinnule length and width were evaluated in each blade. Principal components analyses separated two groups of thalli, one group with narrow, thick, and curved (concavo-convex) blades, with few spines consistent with f. lessonii, and another with broad, thin, and flat blades, with many spines consistent with f. chauvinii. These variables also had bimodal frequency distributions. Pinnule measurements were mainly associated with differences among sporophytes and gametophytes. Age (length), phase of the life cycle, and sex were not related to the forms. Furthermore, thalli of both forms were collected side by side in the study sites and throughout the year so the occurrence of the two forms was not attributable to local environmental conditions. In this species, secondary basal disks are produced after attachment of apexes to the substratum. These disks may produce blades with a modified morphology in a way similar to proliferations and regenerations described for Schottera nicaeensis. 相似文献
Carrageenans biosynthesized by gametophytic and tetrasporic plants of seaweeds belonging to the Gigartinaceae and Phyllophoraceae are different: gametophytes produce carrageenans of the kappa family, whereas lambda‐carrageenans are extracted from tetrasporophytes. For Gigartina skottsbergii Setchell and Gardner and Gymnogongrus torulosus Hooker et Harvey, mature cystocarps were isolated and carrageenans were extracted. Structural determination by methylation analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and 13C‐NMR spectroscopy showed that they were kappa/iota‐carrageenans. For the extract obtained from cystocarps of Gigartina skottsbergii with water at room temperature, the ratio kappa:iota was 1:0.30 and at 90° C was 1:0.43; significant amounts of precursors were also present. The extract obtained from cystocarps of Gymnogongrus torulosus at 90° C showed prevalence of iota‐carrageenans (ratio kappa:iota 1:1.21). These extracts are similar to the polysaccharides produced by gametophytes of these seaweeds. For Gigartina skottsbergii, it was possible to separate the pericarpic tissue from the carposporophyte. Thus, they were extracted separately, and the carrageenans isolated were studied as described before, obtaining similar conclusions. These results clearly show that whereas the carposporophytes are located inside the cystocarp, they produce carrageenans of the kappa family despite of being diploid cells. 相似文献
Abstract The occurrence of extensive populations of the carrageenophyte Solieria filiformis in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Italy, Ionian Sea) has prompted this review of the literature on the subject. S. filiformis is a subtidal alga that inhabits both sheltered and exposed habitats. Interpretation of the literature leads us to classify it as an euryecious species showing high tolerance of a broad range of temperature, irradiance and salinity. S. filiformis grows in both the attached form capable of sexual reproduction and unattached only capable of vegetative propagation. The morphology of both forms as well as of the reproductive organs have been studied in detail. Laboratory and tank cultures are being carried out to estimate growth rates and elucidate its physiological ecology. For the Mediterranean specimens fast-growing strains have been selected and the optimal growth conditions have been established. S. filiformis is a potential candidate for cultivation because of the high quality of its carregeenan and the modest requirements of its thallus. 相似文献
The endemic New Zealand red alga Gigartina atropurpurea has been identified as a candidate for aquaculture because of its high quality and value carrageenan and its broad-bladed morphology. As G. atropurpurea has not so far been exploited commercially, trials were conducted to investigate the effect of timing and frequency of pruning on the growth of plants in the wild and explants on ropes, in spring, and autumn. Plants were monitored monthly by measuring the length of the two longest blades (a proxy for biomass) and wet weights of all plant material retrieved. The results suggested five broad conclusions: (1) spring growth was much greater than autumn growth; (2) regardless of season, maximal growth rates were achieved 4–6 weeks post pruning; (3) pruning accelerated growth; (4) pruning plants twice during spring generated up to four times more biomass than when plants were pruned only once, and (5) there was no difference in the response of farmed and wild plants to pruning treatments. Based upon these preliminary trials, plant material from wild tetrasporic and female G. atropurpurea could be harvested up to three times during the growth period (August–December). However, further research on the feasibility of G. atropurpurea aquaculture is justified. 相似文献
Alejandro H. Buschmann Carolina Camus Javier Infante Amir Neori Álvaro Israel María C. Hernández-González 《欧洲藻类学杂志》2017,52(4):391-406
ABSTRACTThe use of seaweeds has a long history, as does the cultivation of a select and relatively small group of species. This review presents several aspects of seaweed production, such as an update on the volumes of seaweeds produced globally by both extraction from natural beds and cultivation. We discuss uses, production trends and economic analysis. We also focus on what is viewed as the huge potential for growing industrial-scale volumes of seaweeds to provide sufficient, sustainable biomass to be processed into a multitude of products to benefit humankind. The biorefinery approach is proposed as a sustainable strategy to achieve this goal. There are many different technologies available to produce seaweed, but optimization and more efficient developments are still required. We conclude that there are some fundamental and very significant hurdles yet to overcome in order to achieve the potential contributions that seaweed cultivation may provide the world. There are critical aspects, such as improving the value of seaweed biomass, along with a proper consideration of the ecosystem services that seaweed farming can provide, e.g. a reduction in coastal nutrient loads. Additional considerations are environmental risks associated with climate change, pathogens, epibionts and grazers, as well as the preservation of the genetic diversity of cultivated seaweeds. Importantly, we provide an outline for future needs in the anticipation that phycologists around the world will rise to the challenge, such that the potential to be derived from seaweed biomass becomes a reality. 相似文献