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A new ochtodane from Chondrococcus hornemanii and the biotoxocity of other seaweed monoterpenes is reported.  相似文献   

Neushul  Michael 《Hydrobiologia》1990,197(1):99-104
The solubility of the O2 in the Dead Sea brine was determined over the temperature range 5 °C–50 °C using a modified Winkler titration, volumetric analysis, and a polarographic sensor. The solubility at room temperature and 1 atmosphere pressure was ca. 1 mg l–1, and the temperature coefficient 0.006 mg 1–1° C–1 . The data are nearly consistent with sea water solubility extrapolated to Dead Sea brine salinity.  相似文献   

A key to the genera of the Gracilariaceae is provided along with a short diagnosis for each genus. Features of the mature cystocarp and spermatangial configurations that separate genera are illustrated.  相似文献   

Rueness  J.  Tananger  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1984,116(1):303-307

Infrared analyses of the carrageenan in ten species (representing four genera) of Gigartinaceae and one species of Hypneaceae in different reproductive phases from the northwestern coast of Baja California were studied. Cystocarpic samples of the Gigartinaceae presented varying degrees of a / hybrid. The degree of hybridization was determined based on the ratio between the peak absorbances at 805/845 cm–1. A high correlation was observed between the 805/845 cm–1 and 805/970 cm–1 ratios. Tetrasporic samples of Gigartina leptorhynchos, Iridaea splendens, Rhodoglossum affine and R. roseum, presented a -carrageenan profile, whereas Gigartina tepida, G. exasperata, G. harveyana, G. canaliculata and G. spinosa presented a -carrageenan. The tetrasporic sample of Hypnea valentiae showed a -carrageenan with a very low degree of hybridization.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine species of marine macrophytes from the coasts of British Columbia, Canada and Korea have been screened for the presence of PCR inhibitors, namely inhibitors of Taq DNA polymerase. Eleven of the species displayed some inhibitor activity. At the concentration of 5 μg of methanol extract in 25μL reaction mixture of PCR containing 1.5 unit of Taq DNA polymerase, one (Ulva sp.) of 8 Chlorophyta, eight (Colpomenia bullosa, Ecklonia cava, Endarachne binghamiae, Fucus distichus, Hizikia fusiformis, Sargassum confusum, Sargassum sagamianum, and Sargassum thunbergii) of 28 Phaeophyta, and one (Symphyocladia latiuscula) of 34 Rhodophyta showed inhibition in PCR amplification. In the case of the water extract, two (Cladophora columbiana, Ulva sp.) Chlorophyta, seven (Endarachne binghamiae, Fucus distichus, Hizikia fusiformis, Sargassum confusum, Sargassum sagamianum, Sargassum horneri, Scytosiphon dotyi) Phaeophyta, no Rhodophyta and one (Phyllospadix scouleri) seagrass showed inhibition in PCR amplification. the methanol fraction of Sargassum confusum and the water fraction of Fucus gardneri (mid–intertidal) have been found to inhibit PCR at level as low as 0.5 μg in 25μL of PCR reaction mixture. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mazzaella laminarioides has consistently been reported as a typical coalescent/clump species with a triphasic life history of the Polysiphonia-type in which the haploid gametophyte is the predominant phase with respect to the diploid sporophyte. Preliminary observations of intertidal populations revealed that, in some instances, cystocarpic and tetrasporic fronds emerged from the same clump (G-T clumps), implying a coalescent process of haploid and diploid thalli by fusion of their corresponding adjacent basal holdfasts. Population surveys at three sites in Coliumo Bay, central Chile, were carried out to characterize frond demography as well as to asses the frequency of gametophyte-tetrasporophyte (G-T) coalescence. Visual and resorcinol methods were employed to determine the phases of the fronds collected over central transects of 15 randomly sampled clumps. Coalescence of G-T clumps was infrequent, with gametophytes dominating over tetrasporophyte thalli.  相似文献   

Variability in thallus morphology is common in red seaweeds. Two co-occurring forms have been described for Chondracanthus chamissoi based mainly on blade width. To determine whether two distinct forms or a range of intermediate morphologies occur in C. chamissoi, thalli were collected from three localities in southern Chile in autumn–winter, repeating the sampling in one locality in spring and in summer. In each occasion, individual sporophytic and male and female gametophytic clumps were collected, and the longest blade with intact apex from each clump was evaluated. Blade length, width, density of spines, axis curvature and thickness, and pinnule length and width were evaluated in each blade. Principal components analyses separated two groups of thalli, one group with narrow, thick, and curved (concavo-convex) blades, with few spines consistent with f. lessonii, and another with broad, thin, and flat blades, with many spines consistent with f. chauvinii. These variables also had bimodal frequency distributions. Pinnule measurements were mainly associated with differences among sporophytes and gametophytes. Age (length), phase of the life cycle, and sex were not related to the forms. Furthermore, thalli of both forms were collected side by side in the study sites and throughout the year so the occurrence of the two forms was not attributable to local environmental conditions. In this species, secondary basal disks are produced after attachment of apexes to the substratum. These disks may produce blades with a modified morphology in a way similar to proliferations and regenerations described for Schottera nicaeensis.  相似文献   

Ganesan  E. K. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):91-96
The morphology, anatomy and reproduction (tetrasporic, male and female) of a poorly known species of Gracilaria i.e. G. damaecornis J. Agardh was studied, using material collected in eastern Venezuela. Spermatangia are produced in well-defined and deeply immersed multicavitied conceptacles (m type). Nutritive filaments are present both at the floor and top (outer pericarp) of the cystocarp. The lectotype of G. damaecornis is illustrated for the first time. Hydropuntia albornozii (Rodríguez) Wynne (Polycavernosa albornozzi) is shown to be a synonym of G. damaecornis. In agreement with recent research, it is concluded that generic attributes of Hydropuntia ( = Polycavernosa) based on mainly on sexual reproductive structures are of doubtful taxonomic value.  相似文献   

Maggs  Christine A. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):119-124
The Phyllophoraceae Rabenhorst (Gigartinales) is a family that shows a great diversity of life history patterns. The three largest phyllophoroid genera, Ahnfeltia, Gymnogongrus and Phyllophora, all commercial sources of phycocolloids, show the greatest range of life history. Information from life history studies has been of significance to classification of the Phyllophoraceae at the family, generic and specific levels. In the tetrasporophyte of Ahnfeltia plicata, previously known as Porphyrodiscus simulans, tetrasporangia are zonate and borne terminally in small superficial sori in contrast to the chains of cruciate tetrasporangia characteristic of the Phyllophoraceae. A study of reproduction and life history in the type species, A. plicata, from the Atlantic concluded that the unique carposporophyte development, in conjunction with the most primitive pit-plug structure known in the Florideophycidae, justified the proposal of a new family Ahnfeltiaceae Maggs et Pueschel in the Ahnfeltiales Maggs et Pueschel. Most Pacific species of Ahnfeltia are instead phyllophoracean and closely related to Gymnogongrus. Gymnogongrus griffithsiae, the type species, forms tetrasporoblasts whereas the majority form internal cystocarps and have heteromorphic life histories. Proposals to divide the genus by life history type require further detailed morphological and ontogenetic studies of G. griffithsiae. Phyllophora species exhibit at least three different types of life history, tetrasporoblastic, isomorphic and heteromorphic, and this genus could likewise be split along these lines. At the specific level, intraspecific life history variability appears to be related to morphological variation in some species of Gymnogongrus.  相似文献   

Cosson  J.  Deslandes  E.  Braud  J. P. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):539-544
Carrageenans extracted under alkaline conditions were studied in some Rhodophyceae from the Normandy coast. Among these, four species yielding iota-carrageenan were studied throughout a whole year: Calliblepharis ciliata, Calliblepharis jubata, Cystoclonium purpureum and Gymnogongrus crenulatus. Carrageenan content varied with season, being maximal at the end of spring and minimal in autumn, and was positively correlated with the growth of these algae. A culture of Cystoclonium purpureum was initiated and, without trying to optimize growth conditions, yielded a mean production of 50 g fresh wt m–2 d–1 in 36 weeks of continuous tank culture.  相似文献   

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