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The evolution of echolocation in swiftlets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The abilities of some cave-nesting swiftlets to echolocate has traditionally been used to separate the genus Aerodramus , which includes echolocating species, from the genus Collocalia , thought to lack echolocation. Here we report the discovery of echolocation in a member of the latter genus, the pygmy swiftlet Collocalia troglodytes . We also present a well-supported molecular phylogeny for the swiftlets and their relatives based on DNA sequence data from two mitochondrial genes, which we use to reconstruct the evolution of echolocation. Our data provide strong evidence that the swiftlets are a monophyletic group. This monophyly plus the presence of echolocation in C. troglodytes indicate that either (1) echolocation evolved much earlier in the swiftlets than previously thought and has since been lost in most Collocalia taxa, or (2) this ability evolved independently in Aerodramus and Collocalia . Based on our results, echolocation can no longer be considered a useful character for distinguishing these two genera.  相似文献   

Four species of swiftlet (Aves: Apodidae), two of which produce 'edible nests', occur sympatrically in Malaysia. Food boluses were analysed to investigate (1) diet differences and resource partitioning among the four species and (2) the influence of habitat on the diet of the Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia esculenta. Hymenoptera and diptera were the most abundant prey in all diets. Black-nest Swiftlets Aerodramus maximus were extremely selective; 89% of the items taken were hymenoptera, of which 97% were flying ants. White-nest Swiftlets A. fuciphagus and Mossy-nest Swiftlets A. salanganus took more than twice as many prey items as either of the other species. Their diets were taxonomically diverse and differed only in the average prey size taken, Mossy-nest Swiftlets taking the larger prey. Glossy Swiftlets took a higher proportion of coleoptera than did the other species. For the habitat comparisons, diptera were the main constituents of the Glossy Swiftlet diet in an urban habitat (71% of total prey items), whereas hymenoptera predominated in forest habitat (42% of total prey items). The results suggest that diet separation occurs among the four species of Malaysian swiftlet, in relation to both species and habitat. The implications of potentially habitat-driven dietary changes are discussed for the edible-nest swiftlets.  相似文献   



A small number of blind people are adept at echolocating silent objects simply by producing mouth clicks and listening to the returning echoes. Yet the neural architecture underlying this type of aid-free human echolocation has not been investigated. To tackle this question, we recruited echolocation experts, one early- and one late-blind, and measured functional brain activity in each of them while they listened to their own echolocation sounds.


When we compared brain activity for sounds that contained both clicks and the returning echoes with brain activity for control sounds that did not contain the echoes, but were otherwise acoustically matched, we found activity in calcarine cortex in both individuals. Importantly, for the same comparison, we did not observe a difference in activity in auditory cortex. In the early-blind, but not the late-blind participant, we also found that the calcarine activity was greater for echoes reflected from surfaces located in contralateral space. Finally, in both individuals, we found activation in middle temporal and nearby cortical regions when they listened to echoes reflected from moving targets.


These findings suggest that processing of click-echoes recruits brain regions typically devoted to vision rather than audition in both early and late blind echolocation experts.  相似文献   

Neurobiology of echolocation in bats   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Echolocating bats (sub-order: Microchiroptera) form a highly successful group of animals, comprising approximately 700 species and an estimated 25% of living mammals. Many echolocating bats are nocturnal predators that have evolved a biological sonar system to orient and forage in three-dimensional space. Acoustic signal processing and vocal-motor control are tightly coupled, and successful echolocation depends on the coordination between auditory and motor systems. Indeed, echolocation involves adaptive changes in vocal production patterns, which, in turn, constrain the acoustic information arriving at the bat's ears and the time-scales over which neural computations take place.  相似文献   

Recent molecular phylogenies have changed our perspective on the evolution of echolocation in bats. These phylogenies suggest that certain bats with sophisticated echolocation (e.g. horseshoe bats) share a common ancestry with non-echolocating bats (e.g. Old World fruit bats). One interpretation of these trees presumes that laryngeal echolocation (calls produced in the larynx) probably evolved in the ancestor of all extant bats. Echolocation might have subsequently been lost in Old World fruit bats, only to evolve secondarily (by tongue clicking) in this family. Remarkable acoustic features such as Doppler shift compensation, whispering echolocation and nasal emission of sound each show multiple convergent origins in bats. The extensive adaptive radiation in echolocation call design is shaped largely by ecology, showing how perceptual challenges imposed by the environment can often override phylogenetic constraints.  相似文献   

2012年6月,对湖南省石门县壶瓶山国家级自然保护区神景洞短嘴金丝燕的回声定位叫声进行研究,在黑暗山洞内使用录音仪器录制其自由飞行状态的声音后使用声音软件进行分析.短嘴金丝燕捕食归巢时,快速飞入洞口,在洞内有光区域不发声,到达洞内黑暗区域后开始发出回声定位叫声,且飞行速度减慢.声音分析结果表明其回声定位叫声为双脉冲组的噪声脉冲串型(noise burst),组内脉冲间隔很短[(6.6±0.42)ms],组间脉冲间隔较长[(99.3±3.86) ms],两者差异显著(P<0.01).对比第一、第二脉冲声音参数发现,主频和脉冲时程差异不显著,第一、第二脉冲主频分别为(6.2±0.08) kHz和(6.2±0.10) kHz (P>0.05);脉冲时程分别为(2.9±0.12) ms和(3.2±0.17) ms (P>0.05);最高和最低频率差异显著,第一、第二脉冲最高频率分别为(20.1±1.10) kHz和(15.4±0.98) kHz (P<0.01),最低频率分别为(3.7±0.12) kHz和(4.0±0.09)kHz (P<0.05);第一脉冲频宽((16.5±1.17) kHz)宽于第二脉冲((11.4±1.01) kHz) (P<0.01);且第一脉冲能量[(-32.5±0.60) dB]高于第二脉冲[(-35.2±0.94) dB] (P<0.05).另外,短嘴金丝燕在黑暗山洞内的回声定位叫声还包含了部分超声波,最高频率可达33.2 kHz.  相似文献   

This study suggests that the evoution of head posture is bats is constrained by the demands of vocalization during echolocation. Nasalemitting microchiropteran taxa are easily identified by their characteristic rotation of the basicranium ventrally about the cervical axis, the depression of the rostrum below the basicranial axis, and by the rotation of the lateral semicircular canals so as to maintain their horizontal orientation during flighrt. The converse is true for oral-emitting Microchiroptera. The general form of the microchiropteran skull has been canalized along two distinct evolutionary paths, respectively, towards oral-emitting or nasal-emitting forms. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Evolutionary aspects of bat echolocation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This review is yet another attempt to explain how echolocation in bats or bat-like mammals came into existence. Attention is focused on neuronal specializations in the ascending auditory pathway of echolocating bats. Three different mechanisms are considered that may create a specific auditory sensitivity to echos: (1). time-windows of enhanced echo-processing opened by a corollary discharge of neuronal vocalization commands; (2). differentiation and expansion of ensembles of combination-sensitive neurons in the midbrain; and (3). corticofugal top-down modulations. The second part of the review interprets three different types of echolocation as adaptations to ecological niches, and presents the sophisticated cochlear specializations in constant-frequency/frequency-modulated bats as a case study of finely tuned differentiation. It is briefly discussed how a resonant mechanism in the inner ear of constant-frequency/frequency-modulated bats may have evolved in common mammalian cochlea.  相似文献   

为了解矿区洞穴动物群落多样性特征及其影响因素,于2019年3月对贵州松桃锰矿区仙家洞和忆苦洞的动物进行了调查,运用主成分(PCA)综合分析了环境因子对洞穴动物群落多样性的影响,并利用潜在生态危害指数对洞穴内土壤重金属的生态风险水平进行了评价.结果 表明:共获动物标本445号,隶属4门8纲18目32科,其中仙家洞178号...  相似文献   

We recently reconstructed the troublesome swiftlet phylogeny using cytochrome-b mitochondrial DNA sequences. The relationship of the giant swiftlet (Hydrochous gigas) with swiftlets of the genus Aerodramus was, however, unresolved. In an attempt to clarify this issue, we now incorporated mitochondrial 12S rRNA and nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7 nuclear DNA sequences with the cyt-b sequences of six swiftlet, two swift, and one hummingbird outgroup species. A partition homogeneity (PH) test, used to determine the congruence of phylogenetic signal between two sets of sequences, suggested that cyt-b and Fib7 sequences were incongruent and therefore should not be combined. However, further analyses revealed that the apparent incongruence was probably due to the high amount of variation in cyt-b sequences. Separate and combined analyses of the three sequences unambiguously placed H. gigas as the sister-group of Aerodramus and supported monophyly of the swiftlets. These results were supported by analyses of combined NADH dehydrogenase subunit-2 (ND2) and cyt-b sequences of H. gigas in combination with sequences previously published by other workers. Recently, it was shown that the pygmy swiftlet (C. troglodytes)--in our phylogenetic analyses consistently placed with other, non-echolocating, Collocalia species--is in fact able to echolocate. Echolocation thereby lost its value to distinguish between different swiftlet genera. Furthermore, the phylogenetic distribution of echolocation can be explained either by its single evolution at the base of the swiftlets, with subsequent loss, or by independent evolution in Aerodramus and C. troglodytes. Because yet unpublished data suggest that only the auditory nuclei in swiftlet brains show adaptations to echolocation, the latter explanation seems the more likely one.  相似文献   

Comparative echolocation by fishing bats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Bat echolocation is primarily used for orientation and foraging but also holds great potential for social communication. The communicative function of echolocation calls is still largely unstudied, especially in the wild. Eavesdropping on vocal signatures encoding social information in echolocation calls has not, to our knowledge, been studied in free-living bats so far. We analysed echolocation calls of the polygynous bat Saccopteryx bilineata and found pronounced vocal signatures encoding sex and individual identity. We showed experimentally that free-living males discriminate approaching male and female conspecifics solely based on their echolocation calls. Males always produced aggressive vocalizations when hearing male echolocation calls and courtship vocalizations when hearing female echolocation calls; hence, they responded with complex social vocalizations in the appropriate social context. Our study demonstrates that social information encoded in bat echolocation calls plays a crucial and hitherto underestimated role for eavesdropping conspecifics and thus facilitates social communication in a highly mobile nocturnal mammal.  相似文献   

Classification of plants according to their echoes is an elementary component of bat behavior that plays an important role in spatial orientation and food acquisition. Vegetation echoes are, however, highly complex stochastic signals: from an acoustical point of view, a plant can be thought of as a three-dimensional array of leaves reflecting the emitted bat call. The received echo is therefore a superposition of many reflections. In this work we suggest that the classification of these echoes might not be such a troublesome routine for bats as formerly thought. We present a rather simple approach to classifying signals from a large database of plant echoes that were created by ensonifying plants with a frequency-modulated bat-like ultrasonic pulse. Our algorithm uses the spectrogram of a single echo from which it only uses features that are undoubtedly accessible to bats. We used a standard machine learning algorithm (SVM) to automatically extract suitable linear combinations of time and frequency cues from the spectrograms such that classification with high accuracy is enabled. This demonstrates that ultrasonic echoes are highly informative about the species membership of an ensonified plant, and that this information can be extracted with rather simple, biologically plausible analysis. Thus, our findings provide a new explanatory basis for the poorly understood observed abilities of bats in classifying vegetation and other complex objects.  相似文献   

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