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Fixation of the footplate of the stapes by otosclerosis has been found in the left ear of a probable Spaniard who died about 200 years ago and was buried in the Tucson Presidio. Previous studies on North and South Dakota American Indian crania of about the same time period did not demonstrate any stapedial fixation in 2,600 burials (4,064 temporal bones), 1,416 of which were over 16 years of age at death. The Tucson burial would indicate that this abnormality can be demostrated in old interred skeletal material. Our other studies suggest that this disease process was not common in the prehistoric and historic Indian populations of the Dakotas.  相似文献   

Six iatrogenic dental borings were identified in four individuals of a Native American skeletal collection from an 18th and early 19th century Middle Columbia River burial site. The borings, all in maxillary first molars with severe dental attrition and secondary dentin, demonstrate striated walls and associated periapical alveolar lesions. An ethnographic review of the subsistence pattern during the burial period indicates a diet that is consistent in dental attrition with other riverine fisher-hunter-gathers. Histological changes of dental pulp tissue during the process of attrition may result in dental necrosis. Access into the pulp chamber is a technique used to drain necrotic fluid. A common Euro-American therapeutic dental practice of the 18th and 19th centuries for diseases of the pulp was dental extraction. Multiple dental borings indicate that the practice of molar drilling into the pulp chamber was an effective and independent technique used by the Wishram and Wasco people.  相似文献   

The 339 species-group names in the gastropod genus Conus proposed between 1758 and 1800 have been analyzed in chronological order, in order to (1) identify each nominal species, and (2) determine the correct name of each valid species. Additions and corrections are given to the author's series of papers on type specimens and identity of the described species of Conus. A table listing the 339 species-group names alphabetically indicates the present locations of the 124 known type specimens and the status of each name. At present, 123 valid species are recognized (118 Recent, 5 Tertiary), 159 names are synonyms of previously or simultaneously described species, 35 are nomina dubia, 19 are assigned to infrasubspecific rank, and 3 have been trandferred to genera in other families. Problems involving homonymy of 44 names have been resolved. The proportion of valid species to described species remained quite constant (about 80%) between 1758 and 1786, but then declined sharply to 40%. By 1800, although only 13% of all known species-group names in Conus had been introduced, they probably account for 25% of the known valid Recent species. Extension of the chronological study to species described through 1840 may establish the correct names of half the valid Recent species of Conus.  相似文献   

Age-dependent cortical bone loss was investigated in an earlier British population. The study sample comprised female skeletons from the 18th/19th century crypt at Christ Church, Spitalfields, London. Bone loss was monitored using metacarpal radiogrammetry. Age at death was known exactly from coffin plates. Results indicated that peak cortical thickness was less than in modern subjects. Continuing periosteal apposition was evident throughout adulthood, and the rate of increase in metacarpal diameter resembled that in modern subjects. Bone loss from the endosteal surface was evident from the fifth decade onwards, and this outstripped the rate of subperiosteal gain so that there was a net loss of cortical bone with age. Cortical bone loss occurred at a similar rate to that in modern subjects. In contrast to modern populations, there was no evidence that loss of cortical bone was associated with increased propensity to fracture. The present results, together with those previously published for a British medieval skeletal assemblage, suggest that patterns of cortical bone loss in women have remained unchanged over at least the last millennium in Britain. Given the great changes in lifestyle which have occurred during this period, this suggests that lifestyle factors may be rather less important than is sometimes asserted in influencing the severity of osteoporosis, at least as far as loss of cortical bone is concerned.  相似文献   

During the winter of 1778-1779, a garrison of 176 individuals lived within the walls of a Revolutionary era stronghold named Ft. Laurens on the banks of the Tuscarawas River, near the present-day town of Bolivar, Ohio. At least 21 individuals were buried in the fort's cemetery during its occupation, 13 of whom were supposedly killed and scalped by Native Americans while gathering firewood and foraging horses. The purpose of this study is to build on previous work by Sciulli and Gramly ([1989] Am J. Phys. Anthropol. 80:11-24) by adding a more detailed analysis of the traumatic lesions, in order to better understand what happened to the victims. Lesions were analyzed based on type, location, and dimensions, as well as their overall pattern on the skeleton. Results indicate that multiple blows to the cranium were common. Out of 12 observable crania, the order of blows could be determined in only one case. Eleven of 12 of the observable crania from ambush victims and four of the seven nonambush victims exhibited lesions consistent with scalping. Evidence of postcranial trauma was noted on four individuals: one was an ambush victim, and the other three were killed at other times. No evidence of gunshot wounds was found.  相似文献   

After the Great Northern War in 1721, Sweden ceased to be an important military power. Instead, the kingdom concentrated on developing science. Swedish research got international fame with names as Carolus Linnaeus, Pehr Wargentin and Anders Celsius. Medical research remained limited and malaria was common especially in the coastal area and along the shores of the big lakes.Already in the beginning of the 18th century Swedish physicians recommended Peruvian bark as medication and they also emphasized that bleeding or blood-letting a malaria patient was harmful. Although malaria was a common disease in the kingdom, the situation was worst in the SW-part of Finland which consisted of the town of Turku and a large archipelago in the Baltic. The farmers had no opportunity to get modern healthcare until Johan Haartman was appointed district physician in 1754. To improve the situation he wrote a medical handbook intended for both the farmers and for persons of rank. Haartman's work was first published 1759 and he discussed all the different cures and medications. His aim was to recommend the best ones and warn against the harmful. His first choice was Peruvian bark, but he knew that the farmers could not afford it. Haartman was appointed professor in medicine at the Royal Academy of Turku in 1765. The malaria situation in Finland grew worse in the 1770's and Haartman analysed the situation. He found the connection between the warm summers and the spring epidemics next year.In a later thesis, Haartman analysed the late summer/early autumn malaria epidemics in the archipelago. Althouh Haartman did not know the connection between malaria and the vector, he gave astute advice and encouraged the farmers to build their cottages in windy places away from the shallow bays in which the Anopheles females hatched. Haartman died in 1788. After his death malaria research in Turku declined. His medical handbook would not be replaced until 1844.  相似文献   

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