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gff2aplot: Plotting sequence comparisons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY: gff2aplot is a program to visualize the alignment of two sequences together with their annotations. Input for the program consists of single or multiple files in GFF-format which specify the alignment coordinates and annotation features of both sequences. Output is in PostScript format of any size. The features to be displayed are highly customizable to meet user specific needs. The program serves to generate print-quality images for comparative genome sequence analysis. AVAILABILITY: gff2aplot is freely available under the GNU software licence and can be downloaded from the address specified below. Supplementary information: http://genome.imim.es/software/gfftools/GFF2APLOT.html  相似文献   

Visualization of residue positions in protein alignments and mapping onto suitable structural models is an important first step in the interpretation of mutations or polymorphisms in terms of protein function, interaction, and thermodynamic stability. Selecting and highlighting large numbers of residue positions in a protein structure can be time-consuming and tedious with currently available software. Previously, a series of tasks and analyses had to be performed one-by-one to map mutations onto 3D protein structures; STRAP-NT is an extension of STRAP that automates these tasks so that users can quickly and conveniently map mutations onto 3D protein structures. When the structure of the protein of interest is not yet available, a related protein can frequently be found in the structure databases. In this case the alignment of both proteins becomes the crucial part of the analysis. Therefore we embedded these program modules into the Java-based multiple sequence alignment program STRAP-NT. STRAP-NT can simultaneously map an arbitrary number of mutations denoted using either the nucleotide or amino acid sequence. When the designations of the mutations refer to genomic sites, STRAP-NT translates them into the corresponding amino acid positions, taking intron-exon boundaries into account. STRAP-NT tightly integrates a number of current protein structure viewers (currently PYMOL, RASMOL, JMOL, and VMD) with which mutations and polymorphisms can be directly displayed on the 3D protein structure model. STRAP-NT is available at the PDB site and at http://www.charite.de/bioinf/strap/ or http://strapjava.de.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The program ESPript (Easy Sequencing in PostScript) allows the rapid visualization, via PostScript output, of sequences aligned with popular programs such as CLUSTAL-W or GCG PILEUP. It can read secondary structure files (such as that created by the program DSSP) to produce a synthesis of both sequence and structural information. RESULTS: ESPript can be run via a command file or a friendly html-based user interface. The program calculates an homology score by columns of residues and can sort this calculation by groups of sequences. It offers a palette of markers to highlight important regions in the alignment. ESPript can also paste information on residue conservation into coordinate files, for subsequent visualization with a graphics program. AVAILABILITY: ESPript can be accessed on its Web site at http://www.ipbs.fr/ESPript. Sources and helpfiles can be downloaded via anonymous ftp from ftp.ipbs.fr. A tar file is held in the directory pub/ESPript.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: To facilitate the process of structure prediction by both comparative modeling and fold recognition, we describe DINAMO, an interactive protein alignment building and model evaluation tool that dynamically couples a multiple sequence alignment editor to a molecular graphics display. DINAMO allows the user to optimize the alignment and model to satisfy the known heuristics of protein structure by means of a set of analysis tools. The analysis tools return information to both the alignment editor and graphics model in the form of visual cues (color, shape), allowing for rapid evaluation. Several analysis tools may be employed, including residue conservation, residue properties (charge, hydrophobicity, volume), residue environmental preference, and secondary structure propensity. RESULTS: We demonstrate DINAMO by building a model for submission in the 3rd annual Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP3) contest. AVAILABILITY: DINAMO is freely available as a local application or Web-based Java applet at http://tito.ucsc.edu/dinamo  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: We present a structural alignment database that is specifically targeted for use in derivation and optimization of sequence-structure alignment algorithms for homology modeling. We have paid attention to ensure that fold-space is properly sampled, that the structures involved in alignments are of significant resolution (better than 2.5 A) and the alignments are accurate and reliable. RESULTS: Alignments have been taken from the HOMSTRAD, BAliBASE and SCOP-based Gerstein databases along with alignments generated by a global structural alignment method described here. In order to discriminate between equivalent alignments from these different sources, we have developed a novel scoring function, Contact Alignment Quality score, which evaluates trial alignments by their statistical significance combined with their ability to reproduce conserved three-dimensional residue contacts. The resulting non-redundant, unbiased database contains 1927 alignments from across fold-space with high-resolution structures and a wide range of sequence identities. AVAILABILITY: The database can be interactively queried either over the web at http://abagyan.scripps.edu/lab/web/sad/show.cgi or by using MySQL, and is also available to download over the web.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: MatrixPlot is a program for making high-quality matrix plots, such as mutual information plots of sequence alignments and distance matrices of sequences with known three-dimensional coordinates. The user can add information about the sequences (e.g. a sequence logo profile) along the edges of the plot, as well as zoom in on any region in the plot. AVAILABILITY: MatrixPlot can be obtained on request, and can also be accessed online at http://www. cbs.dtu.dk/services/MatrixPlot. CONTACT: gorodkin@cbs.dtu.dk  相似文献   

We describe a database of protein structure alignments for homologous families. The database HOMSTRAD presently contains 130 protein families and 590 aligned structures, which have been selected on the basis of quality of the X-ray analysis and accuracy of the structure. For each family, the database provides a structure-based alignment derived using COMPARER and annotated with JOY in a special format that represents the local structural environment of each amino acid residue. HOMSTRAD also provides a set of superposed atomic coordinates obtained using MNYFIT, which can be viewed with a graphical user interface or used for comparative modeling studies. The database is freely available on the World Wide Web at: http://www-cryst.bioc.cam. ac.uk/-homstrad/, with search facilities and links to other databases.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Spial (Specificity in alignments) is a tool for the comparative analysis of two alignments of evolutionarily related sequences that differ in their function, such as two receptor subtypes. It highlights functionally important residues that are either specific to one of the two alignments or conserved across both alignments. It permits visualization of this information in three complementary ways: by colour-coding alignment positions, by sequence logos and optionally by colour-coding the residues of a protein structure provided by the user. This can aid in the detection of residues that are involved in the subtype-specific interaction with a ligand, other proteins or nucleic acids. Spial may also be used to detect residues that may be post-translationally modified in one of the two sets of sequences. AVAILABILITY: http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/genomes/spial/; supplementary information is available at http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/genomes/spial/help.html.  相似文献   

CLUSTAL X is a new windows interface for the widely-used progressive multiple sequence alignment program CLUSTAL W. The new system is easy to use, providing an integrated system for performing multiple sequence and profile alignments and analysing the results. CLUSTAL X displays the sequence alignment in a window on the screen. A versatile sequence colouring scheme allows the user to highlight conserved features in the alignment. Pull-down menus provide all the options required for traditional multiple sequence and profile alignment. New features include: the ability to cut-and-paste sequences to change the order of the alignment, selection of a subset of the sequences to be realigned, and selection of a sub-range of the alignment to be realigned and inserted back into the original alignment. Alignment quality analysis can be performed and low-scoring segments or exceptional residues can be highlighted. Quality analysis and realignment of selected residue ranges provide the user with a powerful tool to improve and refine difficult alignments and to trap errors in input sequences. CLUSTAL X has been compiled on SUN Solaris, IRIX5.3 on Silicon Graphics, Digital UNIX on DECstations, Microsoft Windows (32 bit) for PCs, Linux ELF for x86 PCs, and Macintosh PowerMac.  相似文献   

We describe a simple software tool, 'matrix2png', for creating color images of matrix data. Originally designed with the display of microarray data sets in mind, it is a general tool that can be used to make simple visualizations of matrices for use in figures, web pages, slide presentations and the like. It can also be used to generate images 'on the fly' in web applications. Both continuous-valued and discrete-valued (categorical) data sets can be displayed. Many options are available to the user, including the colors used, the display of row and column labels, and scale bars. In this note we describe some of matrix2png's features and describe some places it has been useful in the authors' work. AVAILABILITY: A simple web interface is available, and Unix binaries are available from http://microarray.cpmc.columbia.edu/matrix2png. Source code is available on request.  相似文献   

ANTHEPROT is a fully interactive program devoted to the analysis of protein structures using a graphics workstation. It presents four options: The first option can predict secondary structures using five methods, and hydrophobicity, solvent accessibility, flexibility and antigenicity profiles using eighteen scales. The user may introduce his own scales. The results displayed on the screen can be easily analyzed. The second option is for representing results concerning up to eight proteins by one method. To compare these proteins, it is possible to align the profiles or the predicted secondary structure according to various motifs. The secondary structure deduced from crystallographic data may also be introduced. The third option is designed to compare the primary structure of two proteins and to visualize on the screen regions that exhibit similarity. Six different comparison matrices may be used, but the user can also introduce his own matrices. The last option is for studying the proteolytic peptides resulting from a chemical or enzymatic digestion of a given protein. It is possible to analyze the protein cleavage using eleven chemical reagents or enzymes. The results are displayed on the screen as RP-HPLC chromatogram.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Phylogenomic approaches towards functional and evolutionary annotation of unknown sequences have been suggested to be superior to those based only on pairwise local alignments. User-friendly software tools making the advantages of phylogenetic annotation available for the ever widening range of bioinformatically uninitiated biologists involved in genome/EST annotation projects are, however, not available. We were particularly confronted with this issue in the annotation of sequences from different groups of complex algae originating from secondary endosymbioses, where the identification of the phylogenetic origin of genes is often more problematic than in taxa well represented in the databases (e.g. animals, plants or fungi). RESULTS: We present a flexible pipeline with a user-friendly, interactive graphical user interface running on desktop computers that automatically performs a basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) search of query sequences, selects a representative subset of them, then creates a multiple alignment from the selected sequences, and finally computes a phylogenetic tree. The pipeline, named PhyloGena, uses public domain software for all standard bioinformatics tasks (similarity search, multiple alignment, and phylogenetic reconstruction). As the major technological innovation, selection of a meaningful subset of BLAST hits was implemented using logic programming, mimicing the selection procedure (BLAST tables, multiple alignments and phylogenetic trees) are displayed graphically, allowing the user to interact with the pipeline and deduce the function and phylogenetic origin of the query. PhyloGena thus makes phylogenomic annotation available also for those biologists without access to large computing facilities and with little informatics background. Although phylogenetic annotation is particularly useful when working with composite genomes (e.g. from complex algae), PhyloGena can be helpful in expressed sequence tag and genome annotation also in other organisms. AVAILABILITY: PhyloGena (executables for LINUX and Windows 2000/XP as well as source code) is available by anonymous ftp from http://www.awi.de/en/phylogena.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: To be fully and efficiently exploited, data coming from sequencing projects together with specific sequence analysis tools need to be integrated within reliable data management systems. Systems designed to manage genome data and analysis tend to give a greater importance either to the data storage or to the methodological aspect, but lack a complete integration of both components. RESULTS: This paper presents a co-operative computer environment (called Imagenetrade mark) dedicated to genomic sequence analysis and annotation. Imagene has been developed by using an object-based model. Thanks to this representation, the user can directly manipulate familiar data objects through icons or lists. Imagene also incorporates a solving engine in order to manage analysis tasks. A global task is solved by successive divisions into smaller sub-tasks. During program execution, these sub- tasks are graphically displayed to the user and may be further re- started at any point after task completion. In this sense, Imagene is more transparent to the user than a traditional menu-driven package. Imagene also provides a user interface to display, on the same screen, the results produced by several tasks, together with the capability to annotate these results easily. In its current form, Imagene has been designed particularly for use in microbial sequencing projects. AVAILABILITY: Imagene best runs on SGI (Irix 6.3 or higher) workstations. It is distributed free of charge on a CD-ROM, but requires some Ilog licensed software to run. Some modules also require separate license agreements. Please contact the authors for specific academic conditions and other Unix platforms. CONTACT: imagene home page: http://wwwabi.snv.jussieu.fr/imagene   相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Multiple structure alignments have received increasing attention in recent years as an alternative to multiple sequence alignments. Although multiple structure alignment algorithms can potentially be applied to a number of problems, they have primarily been used for protein core identification. A method that is capable of solving a variety of problems using structure comparison is still absent. Here we introduce a program msTALI for aligning multiple protein structures. Our algorithm uses several informative features to guide its alignments: torsion angles, backbone Calpha atom positions, secondary structure, residue type, surface accessibility, and properties of nearby atoms. The algorithm allows the user to weight the types of information used to generate the alignment, which expands its utility to a wide variety of problems. RESULTS: msTALI exhibits competitive results on 824 families from the Homstrad and SABmark databases when compared to Matt and Mustang. We also demonstrate success at building a database of protein cores using 341 randomly selected CATH domains and highlight the contribution of msTALI compared to the CATH classifications. Finally, we present an example applying msTALI to the problem of detecting hinges in a protein undergoing rigid-body motion. CONCLUSIONS: msTALI is an effective algorithm for multiple structure alignment. In addition to its performance on standard comparison databases, it utilizes clear, informative features, allowing further customization for domain-specific applications. The C++ source code for msTALI is available for Linux on the web at http://ifestos.cse.sc.edu/mstali.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Evolutionary relationships of proteins have long been derived from the alignment of protein sequences. But from the view of function, most restraints of evolutionary divergence operate at the level of tertiary structure. It has been demonstrated that quantitative measures of dissimilarity in families of structurally similar proteins can be applied to the construction of trees from a comparison of their three-dimensional structures. However, no convenient tool is publicly available to carry out such analyses. RESULTS: We developed STRUCLA (STRUcture CLAssification), a WWW tool for generation of trees based on evolutionary distances inferred from protein structures according to various methods. The server takes as an input a list of PDB files or the initial alignment of protein coordinates provided by the user (for instance exported from SWISS PDB VIEWER). The user specifies the distance cutoff and selects the distance measures. The server returns series of unrooted trees in the NEXUS format and corresponding distance matrices, as well as a consensus tree. The results can be used as an alternative and a complement to a fixed hierarchy of current protein structure databases. It can complement sequence-based phylogenetic analysis in the 'twilight zone of homology', where amino acid sequences are too diverged to provide reliable relationships.  相似文献   

PipeAlign is a protein family analysis tool integrating a five step process ranging from the search for sequence homologues in protein and 3D structure databases to the definition of the hierarchical relationships within and between subfamilies. The complete, automatic pipeline takes a single sequence or a set of sequences as input and constructs a high-quality, validated MACS (multiple alignment of complete sequences) in which sequences are clustered into potential functional subgroups. For the more experienced user, the PipeAlign server also provides numerous options to run only a part of the analysis, with the possibility to modify the default parameters of each software module. For example, the user can choose to enter an existing multiple sequence alignment for refinement, validation and subsequent clustering of the sequences. The aim is to provide an interactive workbench for the validation, integration and presentation of a protein family, not only at the sequence level, but also at the structural and functional levels. PipeAlign is available at http://igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/PipeAlign/.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 22 nucleotides non-coding RNAs that play pivotal regulatory roles in diverse organisms including the humans and are difficult to be identified due to lack of either sequence features or robust algorithms to efficiently identify. Therefore, we made a tool that is Mi-Discoverer for the detection of miRNAs in human genome. The tools used for the development of software are Microsoft Office Access 2003, the JDK version 1.6.0, BioJava version 1.0, and the NetBeans IDE version 6.0. All already made miRNAs softwares were web based; so the advantage of our project was to make a desktop facility to the user for sequence alignment search with already identified miRNAs of human genome present in the database. The user can also insert and update the newly discovered human miRNA in the database. Mi-Discoverer, a bioinformatics tool successfully identifies human miRNAs based on multiple sequence alignment searches. It's a non redundant database containing a large collection of publicly available human miRNAs.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: TOPALi is a new Java graphical analysis application that allows the user to identify recombinant sequences within a DNA multiple alignment (either automatically or via manual investigation). TOPALi allows a choice of three statistical methods to predict the positions of breakpoints due to past recombination. The breakpoint predictions are then used to identify putative recombinant sequences and their relationships to other sequences. In addition to its sophisticated interface, TOPALi can import many sequence formats, estimate and display phylogenetic trees and allow interactive analysis and/or automatic HTML report generation. AVAILABILITY: TOPALi is freely available from http://www.bioss.ac.uk/software.html  相似文献   

Every day tens of thousands of sequence searches and sequence alignment queries are submitted to webservers. The capitalized word “BLAST” becomes a verb, describing the act of performing sequence search and alignment. However, if one needs to search for sequences that contain, for example, two hydrophobic and three polar residues at five given positions, the query formation on the most frequently used webservers will be difficult. Some servers support the formation of queries with regular expressions, but most of the users are unfamiliar with their syntax. Here we present an intuitive, easily applicable webserver, the Protein Sequence Analysis server, that allows the formation of multiple choice queries by simply drawing the residues to their positions; if more than one residue are drawn to the same position, then they will be nicely stacked on the user interface, indicating the multiple choice at the given position. This computer-game-like interface is natural and intuitive, and the coloring of the residues makes possible to form queries requiring not just certain amino acids in the given positions, but also small nonpolar, negatively charged, hydrophobic, positively charged, or polar ones. The webserver is available at http://psa.pitgroup.org.  相似文献   

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