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Isolation and functional comparison of bovine cardiac troponin T isoforms   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We report on the isolation of two bovine cardiac troponin isoforms which differ in sequence near the amino terminus of troponin T (Risnik, V. V., Verin, A. D., and Gusev, N. B. (1985) Biochem. J. 225, 549-552). The isoforms were isolated by direct separation on DEAE-cellulose and were also obtained by reconstitution of urea-dissociated subunits. The two isoforms were compared for their effects on processes involving interactions of troponin with tropomyosin and actin. The two isoforms had similar abilities to promote tropomyosin polymerization. They allowed equal potentiation, by high concentration of myosin subfragment 1, of the thin filament-activated MgATPase rate. In the presence of lower concentrations of myosin subfragment 1, the MgATPase rate was 96% sensitive to Ca2+, regardless of which troponin isoform was present. The Ca2+ concentration required to activate the MgATPase rate was similar but not identical for thin filaments containing one isoform or the other. In the presence of the smaller isoform, the Ca2+-activation curve is shifted 0.1 to 0.15 pCa units to the left. At 10(-6) M Ca2+ the MgATPase rate is 50% greater when the smaller troponin T isoform is present than when the larger is present. These results indicate that the variable region of troponin T influences the overall response of the thin filament to Ca2+, and raises the possibility that regulation of this region by mRNA splicing may modulate muscle function.  相似文献   

Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) of the small intestine are anatomically positioned to be in the first line of cellular defense against enteric pathogens. Therefore, determining the origin of these cells has important implications for the mechanisms of T cell maturation and repertoire selection. Recent evidence suggests that murine CD8 alpha alpha intestinal IELs (iIELs) can mature and undergo selection in the absence of a thymus. We analyzed IEL origin by cell transfer, using two congenic chicken strains. Embryonic day 14 and adult thymocytes did not contain any detectable CD8 alpha alpha T cells. However, when TCR(+) thymocytes were injected into congenic animals, they migrated to the gut and developed into CD8alphaalpha iIELs, while TCR(-) T cell progenitors did not. The TCR V beta 1 repertoire of CD8 alpha alpha(+) TCR V beta 1(+) iIELs contained only part of the TCR V beta 1 repertoire of total iIELs, and it exhibited no new members compared with CD8(+) T cells in the thymus. This indicated that these T cells emigrated from the thymus at an early stage in their developmental process. In conclusion, we show that while CD8 alpha alpha iIELs originate in the thymus, T cells acquire the expression of CD8 alpha alpha homodimers in the gut microenvironment.  相似文献   

We investigated the expression and functional properties of slow skeletal troponin T (sTnT) isoforms in rat skeletal muscles. Four sTnT cDNAs were cloned from the slow soleus muscle. Three isoforms were found to be similar to sTnT1, sTnT2, and sTnT3 isoforms described in mouse muscles. A new rat isoform, with a molecular weight slightly higher than that of sTnT3, was discovered. This fourth isoform had never been detected previously in any skeletal muscle and was therefore called sTnTx. From both expression pattern and functional measurements, it appears that sTnT isoforms can be separated into two classes, high-molecular-weight (sTnT1, sTnT2) and low-molecular-weight (sTnTx, sTnT3) isoforms. By comparison to the apparent migration pattern of the four recombinant sTnT isoforms, the newly described low-molecular-weight sTnTx isoform appeared predominantly and typically expressed in fast skeletal muscles, whereas the higher-molecular-weight isoforms were more abundant in slow soleus muscle. The relative proportion of the sTnT isoforms in the soleus was not modified after exposure to hindlimb unloading (HU), known to induce a functional atrophy and a slow-to-fast isoform transition of several myofibrillar proteins. Functional data gathered from replacement of endogenous troponin complexes in skinned muscle fibers showed that the sTnT isoforms modified the Ca(2+) activation characteristics of single skeletal muscle fibers, with sTnT2 and sTnT1 conferring a similar increase in Ca(2+) affinity higher than that caused by low-molecular-weight isoforms sTnTx and sTnT3. Thus we show for the first time the presence of sTnT in fast muscle fibers, and our data show that the changes in neuromuscular activity on HU are insufficient to alter the sTnT expression pattern.  相似文献   

We have characterized cDNAs coding for three Na,K-ATPase alpha subunit isoforms from the rat, a species resistant to ouabain. Northern blot and S1-nuclease mapping analyses revealed that these alpha subunit mRNAs are expressed in a tissue-specific and developmentally regulated fashion. The mRNA for the alpha 1 isoform, approximately equal to 4.5 kb long, is expressed in all fetal and adult rat tissues examined. The alpha 2 mRNA, also approximately equal to 4.5 kb long, is expressed predominantly in brain and fetal heart. The alpha 3 cDNA detected two mRNA species: a approximately equal to 4.5 kb mRNA present in most tissues and a approximately equal to 6 kb mRNA, found only in fetal brain, adult brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. The deduced amino acid sequences of these isoforms are highly conserved. However, significant differences in codon usage and patterns of genomic DNA hybridization indicate that the alpha subunits are encoded by a multigene family. Structural analysis of the alpha subunits from rat and other species predicts a polytopic protein with seven membrane-spanning regions. Isoform diversity of the alpha subunit may provide a biochemical basis for Na,K-ATPase functional diversity.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of troponin T have been isolated from bovine cardiac muscle. One isoform has an Mr of 31000 and a pI at about 7.1, the corresponding values for the second isoform being 33000 and 6.5. Both isoforms have identical C- and N-terminal sequences, and, according to the data from tryptic-peptide mapping, a similar structure of the central and C-terminal domains. The large N-terminal peptides of troponin T isoforms differ in the content of glutamine/glutamic acid and alanine. It is concluded that the isoform with Mr 33000 has an additional peptide enriched with glutamic acid and alanine that is inserted between the N-terminal pentapeptide and the cysteine located 40-60 residues from the N-terminus.  相似文献   

Casein kinase 2 (CK2) is a ubiquitous enzyme essential for the viability of eukaryotic cells. In the present work we analyzed the Arabidopsis thaliana genome in a search for the genes coding for all CK2 alpha and beta subunits. We found four alpha subunit and four beta subunit genes. Expression analysis showed that all CK2 subunit genes are expressed in inflorescences, stems, leaves and roots. The level of expression of these genes is very similar, except for the one that codes for an alpha subunit harboring a putative chloroplastic destination peptide (alphacp), which shows a slightly higher expression level in all tissues. Using transgenic plants and agroinfiltration, we have also characterized the subcellular localization of all proteins encoded by CK2 genes. Our results show that all alpha subunits are localized in the nucleus, with the exception of alphacp, which is only found in the chloroplasts. On the other hand, beta subunits have a more diverse distribution, with some of them localizing both to the nucleus and to the cytosol, while others are exclusively located in one of these compartments. Remarkably, no CK2beta subunit was found in the chloroplasts. Finally, by directly measuring its activity, we have demonstrated that purified Arabidopsis chloroplasts have active CK2 that can be regulated by external addition of CK2beta. This study represents a complete survey of the CK2 gene family in Arabidopsis and the first step for future studies on CK2 cellular function in this species.  相似文献   

At least four isoforms of troponin T (TnT) exist in the human heart, and they are expressed in a developmentally regulated manner. To determine whether the different N-terminal isoforms are functionally distinct with respect to structure, Ca(2+) sensitivity, and inhibition of force development, the four known human cardiac troponin T isoforms, TnT1 (all exons present), TnT2 (missing exon 4), TnT3 (missing exon 5), and TnT4 (missing exons 4 and 5), were expressed, purified, and utilized in skinned fiber studies and in reconstituted actomyosin ATPase assays. TnT3, the adult isoform, had a slightly higher alpha-helical content than the other three isoforms. The variable region in the N terminus of cardiac TnT was found to contribute to the determination of the Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development in a charge-dependent manner; the greater the charge the higher the Ca(2+) sensitivity, and this was primarily because of exon 5. These studies also demonstrated that removal of either exon 4 or exon 5 from TnT increased the cooperativity of the pCa force relationship. Troponin complexes reconstituted with the four TnT isoforms all yielded the same maximal actin-tropomyosin-activated myosin ATPase activity. However, troponin complexes containing either TnT1 or TnT2 (both containing exon 5) had a reduced ability to inhibit this ATPase activity when compared with wild type troponin (which contains TnT3). Interestingly, fibers containing these isoforms also showed less relaxation suggesting that exon 5 of cardiac TnT affects the ability of Tn to inhibit force development and ATPase activity. These results suggest that the different N-terminal TnT isoforms would produce different functional properties in the heart that would directly affect myocardial contraction.  相似文献   

alpha and beta Tubulin are well-characterized paralogs with similar structures and functions. We quantify the variability of every amino acid position in both tubulins from the aligned sequences of their numerous known orthologs. By aligning the variability profiles, we identify residues that differ significantly in variability between alpha and beta tubulin. Most of these residues are part of well-defined secondary structures and are clustered around the nucleotide binding pocket, the site of greatest functional difference between the two paralogs. The remaining residues of large difference in variability are located in the N-terminal loop between H1 and S2. We therefore predict that certain residues in this unstructured region also contribute to a functional difference between alpha and beta tubulin. Furthermore, we find the most restrictive variability-based alignment is nearly identical to the true structure-based alignment. Thus, by using a stringent variability-based alignment to approximate the true alignment, the method introduced here may predict sites of functional distinction between paralogous proteins even in the absence of structural information.  相似文献   

Raviol H  Bukau B  Mayer MP 《FEBS letters》2006,580(1):168-174
Hsp110 proteins constitute a heterogeneous family of abundant molecular chaperones, related to the Hsp70 proteins and exclusively found in the cytosol of eukaryotic organisms. Hsp110 family members are described as efficient holdases, preventing the aggregation and assisting the refolding of heat-denatured model substrates in the presence of Hsp70 chaperones and their co-chaperones. To gain more insights into the mode of action of this protein family we compared two homologues representing two subtypes of Hsp110 proteins, S. cerevisiae Sse1 and H. sapiens Apg-2, in their structural and functional properties in vitro. In contrast to previous publications both proteins exhibited intrinsic ATPase activities, which only in the case of Sse1 could be stimulated by the Hsp40 co-chaperone Sis1. Similar to Hsp70 proteins ATP binding and hydrolysis induced conformational rearrangements in both Hsp110 proteins as detected by tryptophane fluorescence. However, nucleotide induced changes in the proteolytic digestion pattern were detected only for Sse1. Sse1 and Apg-2 thus show significant differences in their biochemical properties, which may relate to differences in their functional roles in vivo.  相似文献   

Q Li  J P Jin    H L Granzier 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(4):1508-1518
Titin is a striated muscle-specific giant protein (M(r) approximately 3,000,000) that consists predominantly of two classes of approximately 100 amino acid motifs, class I and class II, that repeat along the molecule. Titin is found inside the sarcomere, in close proximity to both actin and myosin filaments. Several biochemical studies have found that titin interacts with myosin and actin. In the present work we investigated whether this biochemical interaction is functionally significant by studying the effect of titin on actomyosin interaction in an in vitro motility assay where fluorescently labeled actin filaments are sliding on top of a lawn of myosin molecules. We used genetically expressed titin fragments containing either a single class I motif (Ti I), a single class II motif (Ti II), or the two motifs linked together (Ti I-II). Neither Ti I nor Ti II alone affected actin-filament sliding on either myosin, heavy meromyosin, or myosin subfragment-1. In contrast, the linked fragment (Ti I-II) strongly inhibited actin sliding. Ti I-II-induced inhibition was observed with full-length myosin, heavy meromyosin, and myosin subfragment-1. The degree of inhibition was largest with myosin subfragment-1, intermediate with heavy meromyosin, and smallest with myosin. In vitro binding assays and electrophoretic analyses revealed that the inhibition is most likely caused by interaction between the actin filament and the titin I-II fragment. The physiological relevance of the novel finding of motility inhibition by titin fragments is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, 10 troponin T isoforms from adult porcine skeletal muscle messenger RNA were clarified. These were eight fast- and two slow-type isoforms. Fast-type isoforms had three and two variable exons in the N-terminal and the C-terminal region respectively. Slow-type isoforms had one variable exon in the N-terminal region.  相似文献   

In order to show the tissue-specific distribution of troponin T (TnT) isoforms in avian skeletal muscles, their expression was examined by electrophoresis of the breast and leg muscles of seven avian species and immunoblotting with the antiserum against fast skeletal muscle TnT. It has been reported in the chicken that breast-muscle-type (B-type) and leg-muscle-type (L-type) TnT isoforms are expressed specifically in the adult breast and leg muscles, respectively. Their differential expression patterns were confirmed in all birds examined in this study. The expression of a segment encoded by the exon x series of TnT was also examined by immunoblotting with the antiserum against a synthetic peptide derived from the exon x3 sequence, because the segment has been shown to be included exclusively in the B-type, but not in the L-type TnT. The expression of the segment was found only in the breast muscle, but not in the leg muscle of all birds examined. TnT cDNA sequences from the duck breast and leg muscles were determined and showed that only B-type TnT had an exon x-related sequence, suggesting that the expression of B-type TnT containing the exon x-derived segment is conserved consistently in the birds.  相似文献   

Adhesive interactions are crucial to cell migration into inflammatory sites. Using murine lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus as an Ag model system, we have investigated expression and function of collagen-binding integrins, alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1), on activated and memory T cells. Using this system and MHC tetramers to define Ag-specific T cells, we demonstrate that contrary to being VLAs, expression of alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) can be rapidly induced on acutely activated T cells, that expression of alpha(1)beta(1) remains elevated on memory T cells, and that expression of alpha(1)beta(1) parallels that of viral-specific effector CD8(+) T cells (defined by tetramer and IFN-gamma staining). In an adoptive transfer model, mAb-mediated blockade of these integrins on activated effector and memory T cells inhibited Ag-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity responses; similar decreased responses were seen upon transfer of alpha(1)-deficient activated/memory T cells. Thus, expression of alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) integrins on activated T cells is directly functionally important for generation of inflammatory responses within tissues. Finally, the inhibitory effect of alpha(1)beta(1) blockade on the delayed-type hypersensitivity response could be bypassed by direct injection of Ag-specific T cells to inflammatory sites, demonstrating for the first time in vivo that collagen-binding integrins are involved in leukocyte migration into tissues.  相似文献   

We have quantitated the interactions of two rabbit skeletal troponin C fragments with troponin I and the troponin I inhibitory peptide. The calcium binding properties of the fragments and the ability of the fragments to exert control in the regulated actomyosin ATPase assay have also been studied. The N- and C-terminal divalent metal binding domains of rabbit skeletal troponin C, residues 1-97 and residues 98-159, respectively, were prepared by specific cleavage at cysteine-98 and separation by gel exclusion chromatography. Both of the troponin C fragments bind calcium. The calcium affinity of the weak sites within the N-terminal fragment is about an order of magnitude greater than is reported for these sites in troponin C, suggesting interaction between the calcium-saturated strong sites and the weak sites. Stoichiometric binding (1:1) of the troponin I inhibitory peptide to each fragment and to troponin C increased the calcium affinities of the fragments and troponin C. Complex formation was detected by fluorescence quenching or enhancement using dansyl-labeled troponin C (and fragments) or tryptophan-labeled troponin I inhibitory peptide. The troponin C fragments bind to troponin I with 1:1 stoichiometry and approximately equal affinities (1.6 x 10(6) M-1) which are decreased 4-fold in the presence of magnesium versus calcium. These calcium effects are much smaller than is observed for troponin C. The summed free energies for the binding of the troponin C fragments to troponin I are much larger than the free energy of binding troponin C. This suggests a large positive interaction free energy for troponin C binding to troponin I relative to the fragments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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