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M Howell  R N Rao 《Gene》1992,113(1):113-117
Streptomyces griseofuscus cells carrying a 4.4-kb SphI DNA fragment from bacteriophage FP43 inhibited plaque formation (Pin) by FP43, and the Pin function was localized to a 0.96-kb SacII fragment. The same 4.4-kb SphI fragment was able to replicate freely in several streptomycetes, including S. griseofuscus, and the replication (Rep) function was localized to a 1.2-kb SphI-FspI fragment. Plasmids with FP43 Rep function are unstable and are present at about 20-50 copies per chromosome. Plasmids with FP43 Rep function are compatible with SCP2* plasmids.  相似文献   

Recombination of bacteriophage phi X174 was effectively promoted when the Red function of lambda was supplied by either co-infection with lambda or induction of lambda lysogens. Mutations in red alpha and red beta genes of lambda abolished recombination nearly completely, whereas a mutation in gam gene reduced it only slightly. The Red-promoted recombination of phi X174 occurred in recA, recB, and polA mutants as well as in wild-type strains of Escherichia coli. It was further stimulated when phi X174 mutants were irradiated with UV light before infection.  相似文献   

Properties of the streptomycete temperate bacteriophage FP43.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
FP43 is a temperate bacteriophage for Streptomyces griseofuscus that forms plaques on many Streptomyces species. FP43 virions contain 56 kb of double-strand DNA that is circularly permuted and terminally redundant, and contains 65% G + C. A physical map of the FP43 genome was constructed, and the origin for headful packaging (pac) was localized to an 8.8-kb region of the genome (hft) that mediates high-frequency transduction by FP43 of plasmid pRHB101. The phage attachment site (attP), a replication origin (rep), a region that inhibits plaque formation (pin), and a 3-kb deletion (rpt) that caused a 100-fold reduction in plasmid transduction were mapped.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of the actinophage phi C31 attachment site.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The lysogenisation of actinophage phi C31 in S. coelicolor J 1501 occurs by site-specific recombination. The DNA segments containing the attachment sites on the host chromosome, the phage genome and the two junctions created by the insertion of the prophage were cloned and the nucleotide sequences determined. The attachment sites (att) share an extremely short common sequence of three base pairs. Adjacent to the core sequences some direct- and inverted repeats were found as potential binding sites for proteins involved in site-specific recombination.  相似文献   

Proteins of bacteriophage phi6.   总被引:18,自引:11,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We investigated the protein composition of the lipid-containing bacteriophage phi 6. We also studied the synthesis of phage-specific proteins in the host bacterium Pseudomonas phaseolicola HB10Y. The virion was found to contain 10 proteins of the following molecular weights: P1, 93,000; P2, 88,000; P3, 84,000; P4, 36,800; P5, 24,000; P6, 21,000; P7, 19,900; P8, 10,500; P9, 8,700; and P10, less than 6,000. Proteins P3, P9, and P10 were completely extracted from the virion with 1% Triton X-100. Protein P6 was partially extracted. Proteins P8 and P9 were purified by column chromatography. The amino acid composition of P9 was determined and was found to lack methionine. Labeling of viral proteins with [35S]methionine in infected cells indicated that proteins P5, P9, P10, and P11 lacked methionine. Treatment of host cells with UV light before infection allowed the synthesis of P1, P2, P4, and P7; however, the extent of viral protein synthesis fell off exponentially with increasing delay time between irradiation and infection. Treatment of host cells with rifampin during infection allowed preferential synthesis of viral proteins, but the extent of synthesis also fell off exponentially with increasing delay time between the addition of rifampin and the addition of radioactive amino acids. All of the virion proteins were seen in gels prepared from rifampin-treated infected cells. In addition, two proteins, P11 and P12, were observed; their molecular weights were 25,200 and 20,100, respectively. Proteins P1, P2, P4, and P7 were synthesized early, whereas the rest began to increase at 45 min post-infection.  相似文献   

Comparative properties of bacteriophage phi6 and phi6 nucleocapsid.   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Nonionic detergent treatments released a nucleocapsid from the enveloped bacteriphage phi6. The nucleocapsid sedimented at nearly the same rate as the whole phage in sucrose density gradients, but the buoyant density in Cs2S04 changed from 1.22 g/cm3 for the whole phage to 1.33 g/cm3 for the nucleocapsid. The detergent completely removed the lipid and 5 of the 10 proteins from the phage. Surface labeling of the phage and nucleocapsid with 125I revealed that protein P3 was on the outer surface of the whole phage and P8 was on the surface of the nucleocapsid. Both the phage and the nucleocapsid were stable between pH 6.0 and 9.5. Low concentrations of EDTA (10-4 M) dissociated the nucleocapsid but had no effect on the whole phage. The nucleocapsid contained all three double-stranded RNA segments, as well as RNA polymerase activity.  相似文献   

Genetic map of the Staphylococcal bacteriophage phi11.   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Ten sus mutants of the staphylococcal bacteriophage phi 11, each a representative from a different complementation group, have been used in three-factor cross experiments. The results of these crosses indicate a circular genetic map for phi 11. Functional studies of the mutants have been limited to electron microscopic examinations of lysates after prophage induction (or infection). One gene is an early gene, five genes are concerned with tail formation, and three are concerned with head formation. The tenth gene is possibly a head gene. The contribution by phi 11 to the genomic content of the plasmid-phage hybrid phi 11 de has been investigated. Phi 11 de contains most of the late genes and appears to be missing a continuous phi 11 segment that includes the early gene flanked by two late genes.  相似文献   

At 15 degrees C, phi X174-infected cells make single-stranded viral DNA fragments, varying in size from 0.2 to 0.9 times that of phi X DNA. In non-deproteinized lysates, this single-stranded DNA is found associated with proteins in particles sedimenting heterogeneously with an S20, w average of 80 to 90S. These particles do not differ appreciably from mature virus in polypeptide composition. Chase experiments, at 37 degrees C, of the label incorporated into this DNA at 15 degrees C suggest that both the single-stranded DNA fragments and the 80 to 90S particles are not precursors of virions but are defective end products.  相似文献   

An operon expressed late in the lytic cycle of the Streptomyces temperate phage phi C31 was shown to be transcribed from an inducible promoter, phi lp (phage late promoter), which resembled the previously reported early promoters. mRNAs initiated at phi lp were processed at the 3' end (and possibly also the 5' end) of a tRNA(Thr)-like sequence, resulting in leaderless polycistronic mRNAs.  相似文献   

Functions of gene C and gene D products of bacteriophage phi X 174.   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Phage-related materials existing in cells infected with various mutants of bacteriophage phi chi 174 were investigated. A novel species of replicative-form (RF) DNA was found in cells infected with a phage mutant of gene B, C, D, F, or G. This species, called RFI, sedimented at a position between RFI and RFII in a neutral sucrose gradient. It was converted to RFI upon denaturation in alkali, denaturation in formamide and subsequent renaturation, or RNase treatment at low ionic strength. In cells infected with a phage mutant of gene C, RFI was derived from pulse-labeled RFII after a short chase. TLLS INFECTED WITH A MUTANT OF GENE B, D, or F. A possible function of the C gene product of phi chi 174 could be to prevent the conversion of RFII to RFI, thereby maintaining the availability of RFII to act as the template for single-stranded viral DNA synthesis. A protein complex containing no DNA, which sedimented with an S value of 108 in a sucrose gradient and contained virion proteins F, G, and H, and nonvirion protein D, was found in cells infected with the gene C mutant. A possible function of protein D was considered as a scaffolding protein for assembly of phage structural proteins.  相似文献   

The genetic elements required for the integration of the temperate lactococcal bacteriophage phi LC3 into the chromosome of its bacterial host, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, were identified and characterized. The phi LC3 phage attachment site, attP, was mapped and sequenced. DNA sequence analysis of attP and of the bacterial attachment site, attB, as well as the two phage-host junctions, attR and attL, in the chromosome of a phi LC3 lysogen, identified a 9-bp common core region, 5'-TTCTTCATG'-3, within which the strand exchange reaction takes place during integration. The attB core sequence is located within the C-terminal part of an open reading frame of unknown function. The phi LC3 integrase gene (int), encoding the phi LC3 site-specific recombinase, was identified and is located adjacent to attP. The phi LC3 Int protein, as deduced from the nucleotide sequence, is a basic protein of 374 amino acids that shares significant sequence similarity with other site-specific recombinases of the integrase family. Phage phi LC3 int- and int-attP-defective mutants, conferring an abortive lysogenic phenotype, were constructed.  相似文献   

J E Harris  K F Chater  C J Bruton  J M Piret 《Gene》1983,22(2-3):167-174
In addition to 20 previously mapped restriction sites in the DNA of phi C31, we have determined eight sites for SphI, four for EcoRV, and two for SstII; there are none for BglII or SstI. Nine sites were in a 12-kb segment of DNA containing no previously mapped sites. Deletions causing clear-plaque morphology were located in this part of the DNA, in a 3-kb interval between an EcoRV and an SphI site at the centre of the DNA molecule. One of the deletions (delta C3) was obtained in a previously described phi C31c+::vph (viomycin phosphotransferase) derivative containing two PstI sites separated by 3.9-kb of inessential DNA. After in vitro PstI treatment, plaque-forming phages lacking the 3.9-kb fragment were obtained from the c+ phage but not from its delta C3 derivative. Thus a 36.2-kb genome, but not one of 34.4 kb, was able to give infectious virions. PstI-generated DNA fragments of up to 8 kb can be inserted in vitro into the delta C3 derivative with retention of the vph selective marker. With the insertion of a 6.03-kb PstI fragment of plasmid SCP2, the latter phage became a potential vector (with loss of vph) for BamHI-generated DNA fragments of up to 9 kb. In the course of this work, several ClaI sites in phi C31::pBR322 bifunctional replicons were shown to be lost when the DNA was propagated in a dam+ Escherichia coli strain. This will allow the use of such replicons for the cloning of ClaI-generated DNA fragments of up to 6.7 kb.  相似文献   

The insertion of a particular phi X DNA sequence in the plasmid pACYC177 strongly decreased the capacity of Escherichia coli cells containing such a plasmid to propagate bacteriophage phi X174. The smallest DNA sequence tested that showed the effect was the HindII fragment R4. This fragment does not code for a complete protein. It contains the sequence specifying the C-terminal part of the gene H protein and the N-terminal part of the gene A protein, as well as the noncoding region between these genes. Analysis of cells that contain plasmids with the "reduction sequence" showed that (i) the adsorption of the phages to the host cells is normal, (ii) in a single infection cycle much less phage is formed, (iii) only 10% of the infecting viral single-stranded DNA is converted to double-stranded replicative-form DNA, and (iv) less progeny replicative form DNA is synthesized. The reduction process is phi X174 specific, since the growth of the related G4 and St-1 phages was not affected in these cells. The effect of the recombinant plasmids on infecting phage DNA shows similarity to the process of superinfection exclusion.  相似文献   

Viral connectors are essential components of the DNA packaging machinery. They interact with nucleic acids and other viral components to translocate DNA inside the viral head. We have attempted to locate the different structural and functional domains of the phage Phi29 connector using a combination of approaches to generate different antigenic probes. Complexes of native connectors with either monoclonal or monospecific antibodies were studied by immunoelectron microscopy and image averaging methods. The data were merged in a model of the connector domain structure at 2-3 nm resolution. This epitope mapping provides a general outline of the folding architecture of the connector polypeptide, following a complicated threading that places the amino and carboxyl-terminals in close alignment in the narrower domain at 2-3 nm from the top of the connector. The appendages are built up by a long and highly immunogenic sequence (amino acid residues 153 to 206). The RNA binding domain forms part of the top of the narrow conical area of the connector, a flexible region that undergoes structural changes during viral morphogenesis. The DNA binding domain is located not far away, 2-3 nm below, in the outer side of the narrow conical part. The precise location of the functional domains of the connector, as well as their relative positions provide the first experimental framework for understanding the connector function.  相似文献   

Alkali lability of bacteriophage phi W-14 DNA.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The molecular weight of bacteriophage phi W-14 DNA, determined by velocity sedimentation in neutral sucrose gradients, was 92 +/- 6 X 10(6). The DNA showed marked fragmentation in alkaline sucrose gradients. This fragmentation was not a consequence of preexisting single-strand interruptions in the DNA, since thermal denaturation of DNA yielded intact single strands. The alpha-putrescinylthymine groups in phi W-14 DNA appeared to be labile; some, or parts of some, of these groups were cleaved from the DNA in alkali.  相似文献   

Two infectious forms of bacteriophage phi X 174.   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Infectious particles with S values of 114 and 132 were isolated from cells infected with bacteriophage phi chi 174. Electron micrographs of the 132S particle revealed a spherical structure with a diameter of about 40 nm. The 114S particle had spikelike projections and a diameter of about 32 nm. The 132S particles could be converted to 114S particles in vitro. However, pulse and pulse-chase experiments indicated no precursor-product relationship between these two particles in vivo.  相似文献   

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