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Physiological indices related to the efficiency ( Fv/Fm ) of light energy conversion in PSⅡ and the peroxidation of membrane lipid were measured in leaves of Oryza sativa L. sp. indica rice cv. “Shanyou 63” and sp. japonica rice cv. “9516” under different temperatures and light intensities for 4 days. No changes in Fv/Fm and membrane lipid peroxidation product (MDA) were observed, so neither photoinhibition nor photooxidation happened in both rice cultivars under moderate temperature and medium light intensity. However, Fv/Fm dropped obviously with no change in MDA contents, and photoinhibition appeared in indica rice cv. “Shanyou 63” under medium temperature and strong light intensity. Furthermore, both photoinhibition and photooxidation were observed in two rice cultivars under chilling temperature and strong light intensity. Experiments with inhibitors under chilling temperature and strong light intensity showed that indica rice had a decrease in D1 protein content and SOD activity, and the extent of inhibition of xanthophyll cycle and nonphotochemical quenching ( qN ) was larger, and a higher level of MDA was observed. The photoinhibition and photooxidation in indica rice were more distinct as compared with japonica rice. The authors suggested that PSⅡ light energy conversion efficiency ( Fv/Fm ) and membrane lipid peroxidation were the key indices for the detection of photooxidation.  相似文献   

The response of halophyte arrowleaf saltbush (Atriplex triangularis Willd) plants to a gradient of salt stress were investigated with hydroponically cultured seedlings. Under salt stress, both the Na+ uptake into root xylem and negative pressures in xylem vessels increased with the elevation of salinity (up to 500 mol/m3) in the root environment. However, the increment in negative pressures in root xylem far from matches the decrease in the osmotic potential of the root bathing solutions, even when the osmotic potential of xylem sap is taken into consideration. The total water potential of xylem sap in arrowleaf saltbush roots was close to the osmotic potential of root bathing solutions when the salt stress was low, but a progressively increased gap between the water potential of xylem sap and the osmotic potential of root bathing solutions was observed when the salinity in the root environment was enhanced. The maximum gap was 1.4 MPa at a salinity level of 500 mol/m3 without apparent dehydration of the tested plants. This discrepancy could not be explained with the current theories in plant physiology. The radial reflection coefficient of root in arrowleaf saltbush decreased with the enhanced salt stress was and accompanied by an increase in the Na+ uptake into xylem sap. However, the relative Na+ in xylem exudates based on the corresponding NaCl concentration in the root bathing solutions showed a tendency of decrease. The results showed that the reduction in the radial reflection coefficient of roots in the arrowleaf saltbush did not lead to a mass influx of NaCl into xylem when the radial reflection coefficient of the root was considerably small; and that arrowleaf saltbush could use small xylem pressures to counterbalance the salt stresses, either with the uptake of large amounts of salt, or with the development of xylem pressures dangerously negative. This strategy could be one of the mechanisms behind the high resistance of arrowleaf saltbush plants to salt stress.  相似文献   

Liangyoupeijiu is a super high-yield hybrid rice. Despite its advantages with respect to yield and grain quality, it is sensitive to cold, which keeps it from being widely cultivated. We subjected Liangyoupeijiu seedlings to 4 ℃ cold treatment, then extracted the leaf proteins. After 2-D gel electrophoresis separation and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis, a series of differentially displayed proteins were identified. Some metabolism-associated proteins were found among the downregulated proteins, such as carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, transketolase 1, dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. The upregulated proteins included both stress-resistance proteins such as nucleoside diphosphate kinase I and proteins that are negative for rice growth, such as FtsH-like protein, plastid fusion and/or translocation factor (Pftf) and actin. Our results indicate that cold may inhibit Liangyoupeijiu growth through decreasing metabolic activity and damaging cell structure.  相似文献   

White-rot fungal strains of Trametes versicolor and Phanerochaete chrysosporium were selected to study the decolourisation of the textile dye, Reactive Black 5, under alkaline–saline conditions. Free and immobilised T. versicolor cells showed 100 % decolourisation in the growth medium supplemented with 15 g l?1 NaCl, pH 9.5 at 30 °C in liquid batch culture. Continuous culture experiments were performed in a fixed-bed reactor using free and immobilised T. versicolor cells and allowed 85–100 % dye decolourisation. The immobilisation conditions for the biomass and the additional supply of carbon sources improved the decolourisation performance during a long-term trial of 40 days. Lignin peroxidase, laccase and glyoxal oxidase activities were detected during the experiments. The laccase activity varied depending on carbon source utilized and glycerol-enhanced laccase activity compared to sucrose during extended growth.  相似文献   

The matricellular secreted protein connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is upregulated in response to cardiac injury or with transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) stimulation, where it has been suggested to function as a fibrotic effector. Here we generated transgenic mice with inducible heart-specific CTGF overexpression, mice with heart-specific expression of an activated TGF-β mutant protein, mice with heart-specific deletion of Ctgf, and mice in which Ctgf was also deleted from fibroblasts in the heart. Remarkably, neither gain nor loss of CTGF in the heart affected cardiac pathology and propensity toward early lethality due to TGF-β overactivation in the heart. Also, neither heart-specific Ctgf deletion nor CTGF overexpression altered cardiac remodeling and function with aging or after multiple acute stress stimuli. Cardiac fibrosis was also unchanged by modulation of CTGF levels in the heart with aging, pressure overload, agonist infusion, or TGF-β overexpression. However, CTGF mildly altered the overall cardiac response to TGF-β when pressure overload stimulation was applied. CTGF has been proposed to function as a critical TGF-β effector in underlying tissue remodeling and fibrosis throughout the body, although our results suggest that CTGF is of minimal importance and is an unlikely therapeutic vantage point for the heart.  相似文献   

Expression of the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene driven by the CaMV 35S, rolC, nos and mas promoters was assessed in the tips of 12 independent clones of transgenic sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) roots. Three questions were addressed: 1) expression pattern specific for a given promoter, 2) expression pattern variability, and 3) relationship between gene expression and cell differentiation. Characteristic patterns of tissue-specific expression were distinguished for each promoter. Striking differences, however, were found between some clones, bearing the same construct. Statistical analysis of the pattern variability proved that the variability is significantly lower within the construct than between constructs. rolC-GUS clones exhibited the lowest and CaMV 35S clones the highest pattern variability. Comparisons between the four promoters showed consistent GUS activity in areas playing a key role in tissue determination (the elongation zone) where cells switch from frequent mitosis and mostly isodiametrical growth, typical for the promeristem, to rapid elongation and differentiation. All of the clones were highly GUS-positive in the elongation zone of stele. Activity was commonly localised in the stele of the maturation zone for CaMV 35S, rolC and mas-GUS clones. CaMV 35S-GUS clones were highly active in the promeristem.  相似文献   

Mowing a meadow is an example of an equalizing process that reduces differences among species by removing aboveground biomass approximately 5 cm above ground. This regular disturbance that affects all plants prevents competitive exclusion of small species and thus allows coexistence of numerous species differing in shoot size. In this paper we search for the mechanism behind this by comparing the shoot biomass of 41 common species in dry and wet species-rich meadows in mown and recently abandoned plots in June (before mowing) and in October. We asked the following questions: i) Do the plants differ in proportion of biomass lost by mowing? ii) Are the mown plants able to compensate for biomass lost by mowing? iii) Is the compensatory ability of mown plants related to their size? iv) Is the compensatory ability of plants related to severity of disturbance (removed biomass)? v) Does water availability in meadows affect these features? Our results revealed that the earlier explanation of equalization of meadow plants after mowing due to the proportionally larger biomass loss in larger plants than small plants does not represent the entire mechanism. Even when larger plants in the wet meadow lost more biomass, the proportion of lost biomass was not dependent on plant size, and compensation ability (growth of mown in comparison with unmown plants) was not related to the lost biomass in this meadow type. On the contrary, the observed pattern could be explained by different compensation abilities of small versus tall plants. In addition, according to our expectations, the compensation for lost biomass in the wet meadow was higher than in the dry one.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the function of the peptidyl plant growth factor, phytosulfokine-α (PSK-α), in plants, we examined the effect of PSK-α on the growth and chlorophyll content of Arabidopsis seedlings under high night-time temperature conditions. Although exposure to high night-time temperatures markedly reduced the fresh weight and chlorophyll content of the seedlings, these parameters in the plants supplied with PSK-α remained at the same levels as those of non-treated controls. These effects were not apparent when [2-5]PSK, Tyr-SO3H and kinetin were similarly supplied. The results suggest that PSK-α not only promotes cell proliferation, but may aid plants in their tolerance of heat stress.  相似文献   

The process of different types of embryo sac formation was studied in AP IV by using the technic of seni-thin sectioning. Different types of embryo sacs were formed by different ways of development. The embryo sac of 5-2-1 type, 6-2-0 type, and 5-3-0 type were formed through three respectively new Polygonum-variant ways of development. The factors causing the three different ways of development were positional change of functional megaspore nucleus, change of orientation of the dividing-spindle of the embryo sac nucleus, nonsynchronous division of embryo sac nucleus and orientation of nucleus after division. Double set of embryo sac resulted possibly from mutual change in position of the primordial low polar nucleus and the primordial egg cell, i. e. the polar nucleus did not move toward the center of the embryo sac, but remained in the micropyle part, whereas the egg cell moved to the center and replaced the low polar nucleus.  相似文献   

《Acta Botanica Sinica》2009,(5):433-436
Hu and Schmidhalter (2008) conducted a study with wheat seedlings growing in saline and non-stressed (control) conditions with the aim of identifying and quantifying the cellular basis for the reduction in leaf growth. We applaud their goals as salinity is an important issue for plant ecology and food production; however, we have concerns about the methodology used and the subsequent conclusJons that are drawn.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of a local population of the Manchurian pheasant Phasianus colchicus pallasi was studied using RAPD–PCR. Based on the DNA patterns obtained in PCR with five arbitrary decanucleotide primers, we assessed genetic polymorphism of this population, estimated genetic distances between individuals, and constructed an NJ phylogenetic tree, and an UPGMA dendrogram of genetic similarity. The population was shown to exhibit high average genetic polymorphism (P = 79.4%) and genetic distances (D = 0.267). Possible reasons for the high genetic diversity of this local population are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential role of 17 chosen polymorphisms in 15 candidate genes and the risk of myocardial infarction in patients under 45 years of age. The study consists of 271 patients with myocardial infarction and 141 controls. The analysis of genetic polymorphisms was performed using the PCR–RFLP method. Of the chosen polymorphisms, two (Leu125Val PECAM1 and A1/A2 FVII) are related to myocardial infarction and two (C677T MTHFR and 5A/6A MMP3) to advanced stenosis in arterial vessels (> 75%). We also found that the frequency of some combinations among the analyzed genes and environmental factors varied between the patient and control groups.  相似文献   

To elucidate photoinhibitory characteristics and their genetic background in rice (Oryza sativa L. ), PS Ⅱ electron transport activities, D1 protein contents, chlorophyll a fluorecence parameters, net photosynthetic rates (PN), photorespiratory rates (PR) and RuBPCase/Oase activities were measured, and kinetic analysis of RuBPCase was carried out in indica and japonica subspecies of rice and their reciprocal cross Fl hybrids after photoinhibitory treatment in 21% O2 and CO2-free gases under a PFD of 1 000/anol photons'm-2 · s-l for 3 h. The results are as follows: Japonica rice, keeping less net degradation of D1 protein and maintaining higher PS Ⅱ electron transport activities and photo chemical efficiency of PS Ⅱ (FV/Fm), was more tolerant to photo inhibition as compared with indica rice. However, the D1 protein contents, PS Ⅱ electron transport activities and Fv/Fm in their reciprocal cross F1 hybrids, though lying between the values of their parents, were closer to those in their maternal lines rather to their paternal lines. Characteristics of photosynthetic CO2 exchange were further observed. The Pa was relatively stable, yet the PN decreased obviously and, as a results, the PR/PN increased in all genotypes. There were more decrease in PN and more increase in PR/PN in photoinhibition-sensitive indica than in the photoinhibition-tolerant japonica. However, the PR/PN in the reciprocal cross Fl hybrids, though lying between the values of their parents, was closer to that in their maternal lines than to paternal lines. No obvious changes were observed in the activities of RuBPCase/Oase, Km (CO2) and Vmax (CO2) of RuBPCase in indica and japonica rice and their reciprocal cross F1 hybrids before and after photoinhibitory treatment. Furthermore, markedly positive correlation between D1 protein contents and Fv/Fm(r = -0.950 1), and negative correlation between D1 protein contents and PR/PN(r = 0.976 8) were demons trated. These results infer that the D1 protein encoded by the plastid gene from maternal line was the molecular basis of photoinhibitory characteristics and their physiological inheritance.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) interact to coordinate their metabolism in achieving C:N homeostasis in all cellular organisms. Plant shoots and roots take up C and N, respectively, and the coordinated C and N assimilation is essential for normal plant growth and development. In this study, rice was used as a model system for the investigation of molecular mechanisms underlying C–N interactions and coordination in cereal species. We investigated the growth response of rice seedlings to a wide range of exogenous C:N availabilities and established balanced exogenous C:N that was optimal for rice seedling growth. To assess correlations between the modulation of plant growth and the regulation of metabolic gene expression by C:N availabilities, we examined the expression of PEPC, PK, NR, GS, and GOGAT in rice seedlings treated with four C:N availabilities: low C/low N, low C/high N, high C/low N, and high C/high N. It was found that their expression was subjected to complex regulation by C:N availabilities. Our results demonstrate that growth of shoot and root rice seedlings is regulated by C–N interaction and growth modulations are associated with changes in metabolic gene expression. Our findings suggest that rice is a useful model system for the investigation of regulation mechanisms responsible for C–N interaction and coordination in plants.  相似文献   

Multiple genetic variants may contribute to the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. We have analyzed polymorphisms in 9 genes to determine whether particular combinations would contribute to this risk. The genes were APOE, LDLr, CST3, CTSD, TNF, BACE1, MAPT, STH, eNOS, and TFCP2. Three risk groups for the disease were identified. Risk group I was younger, was heterozygous for the CST3 (GA), CTSD2936 (AG), TNF -308 (AG) genetic variants. Risk group II was older, was homozygous for the −427 APOE promoter polymorphism (TT), and heterozygous for the MAPT deletion and for the STH variant (QR). Group III had both the youngest and oldest subjects, were heterozygous for the −863 (AC) and −1031 (CT) TNF promoter polymorphisms. All three groups carried the APOE 4 allele and were heterozygous for both BACE1 polymorphisms. The control groups were carriers of the APOE 3 allele and were homozygous for the BACE1 genetic variants. C. N. Randall, S. N. Morris, A. D. Winkie and G. R. Parker—STAR students. C. N. Randall, D. Strasburger, J. Prozonic, S. N. Morris, A. D. Winkie, G. R. Parker, D. Cheng and E. M. Fennell contributed equally to this study. Special issue article in honor of Dr. George DeVries.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the clinical outcomes of Entamoeba histolytica infection in symptomatic and asymptomatic Orang Asli (aborigine) communities in Malaysia. Examination was performed on 500 stool samples obtained from Orang Asli communities in 3 different states using formalin-ether concentration, trichrome staining, and single-round PCR techniques. Out of 500 stool samples, single infection of E. histolytica, Entamoeba dispar, and Entamoeba moshkovskii was identified in 3.2%, 13.4%, and 1%, respectively. In addition, 10 samples had mixed infections with E. histolytica and E. dispar. Six samples containing E. dispar were also positive for E. moshkovskii, and only 2 samples had E. histolytica in association with E. dispar and E. moshkovskii. Seventeen E. histolytica-positive samples were from symptomatic subjects, whereas the remaining 11 samples came from asymptomatic subjects. These findings suggest a predominant distribution of pathogenic potential of E. histolytica strains in this community. Therefore, further studies on genotyping of E. histolytica is required, to find out association between E. histolytica genotype and the outcome of the infection.  相似文献   

Relationships between fluorescence parameters and membrane lipid peroxidation in leaves of indica and japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) during later growth stage were studied under chilling temperature and strong light stress conditions. Results showed that D1 protein contents of PSⅡ in photosynthetic app aratus dropped, the generation of antheraxanthin (A) and zeaxanthin (Z)of xanthophyll cycle were inhibited partly, PSⅡ photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm)and non photochemical quenching (qN) were also decreased obviously. In addition, endogenous active oxygen scavenger—superoxide dismutase (SOD) reduced, superoxide anion radical (O[SX(B-*3)-[]·[SX]]2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulated, as a result, photooxidation of leaves occurred under chilling temperature and strong light stress conditions. Obvious differences in the changes of the above mentioned physiological parameters between indica and japonica rice were observed. Experiments in leaves treated with inhibitors under chilling temperature and strong light conditions showed that indica rice was more sensitive to chilling temperature with strong light and subjected to photooxidation more than japonica rice. Notable positive correlation between D1 protein contents and Fv/Fm or (A+Z)/(A+Z+V), and a marked negative correlation between Fv/Fm and MDA contents were obtained by regression analysis in indica and japonica rice during chilling temperature and strong light conditions. According to the facts mentioned above, it was inferred that PSⅡ photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm) was the key index to forecast for the prediction of photooxidation under stress circumstances and the physiological basis were the synthetic capacity of D1 protein and the protection of xanthophyll cycle.  相似文献   

The ferflization and its embryo fonnation of different types of embryo sacs were studied by using the technology of GMA half-section in the APIV strain of polyembryonic rice ( Oryza sativa L. ). In rare cases,all three egg cells in the embryo sac of 5-2-1 type could fertilize and develop into three embryos. But in most cases only one or two egg cells fertilized and developed into one or two embryos in the respective type of embryo sac. The frequency of poly-egg fertilization in total all was very low in the embryo sac of 6-2-0 type and 5-3-0 type. These results indicated that the polyembryos in APIV originated mainly from overall fertilization and develotment of the embryo sac with poly-egg apparatus. This was observed,for example, in 5-2-1 type in which three embryos were fertilized and developed from three egg cells and two embryos from two egg cells. The fertlization process of double set of embryo sac was most complicated, all often abnormal. Only in few ovaries the egg cells in both large and small embeyo sac could fertilize simultaneously. The fertilization and development of egg cells in the large embryo sac might be the main cause of the formation of the so called "mid-seated embryo" (the embryo far from the micropyle end).  相似文献   

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