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重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建群种种子雨、种子库研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
对重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建群种种子雨、种子库的研究表明,建群种早期和晚期的种子雨无活力;种子偏早或偏晚成熟及大籽粒的树种,其种子雨被取食的比例大;种子雨、有活力种子雨、种子库三者的数量变化不一致;有活力种子雨量较大的栲、石栎、小叶青冈、扁刺栲、香桂等,其种子库密度在早期以近几何级数的方式增长,元江栲、银木荷种子库小,存在时间短,翌年无一年生萌发苗;种子库数量动态、消减率动态决定于种子被取食的强度、种子衰老的速度以及种子对病菌、逆境的抗性和种子萌发的整齐性.  相似文献   

重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建群种种子雨、种子库研究   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
对重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建种种种子雨、种子库的研究表明,建群种早期和晚期的种子雨无活力;种子偏早或偏晚成熟及大籽粒的树种,其种子雨被取食的比例大;种子雨、有活力种子雨、种子库三者的数量变化不一致;有活力种子雨量较大的栲、石栎、小叶青冈、扁刺栲、香桂等,其种子库密度在早期以近几何级数的方式增长,元江栲、银木荷种子库小,存在时间短,翌年无一生年萌发苗;种子库数量动态、消减率动态决定于种子被取食的强度、  相似文献   

长白落叶松是东北地区主要的用材树种,其种子雨和种子库研究鲜见报道。在辽东山区用收集器收集的种子分析了长白落叶松种子雨组成、质量和扩散距离,每隔2个月调查1次种子库数量,并结合靛蓝染色法测定每次种子的活力来分析土壤种子库动态。结果表明,辽东山区的长白落叶松种子雨从8月中旬开始,9月末到10月初达到高峰期,11月初结束。在起始期,种子雨以干瘪的不完整种子为主,而从高峰期开始,种子雨以完整种子为主。整个长白落叶松种子雨中不完整种子约占种子雨总量的45%,这些不完整种子由被动物取食、空粒和病虫害危害种子组成。完整种子的平均生活力为56.4%,即有活力的种子仅占整个种子雨的30%。种子雨集中在母树周围,在林缘1次扩散距离一般不超过1.5倍树高。种子雨到达地面之后,主要分布在枯枝落叶层,土壤0—5em层有少量分布,土壤5em以下没有种子分布;土壤种子库的种子主要在翌年雪融化后开始萌发、被取食、搬运以及腐烂,其中腐烂种子数占45.4%,动物取食为30.0%。种子库的种子数量和活力在冬季没有明显变化,而在翌年,种子数量和活力明显减少,4、6月和8月份种子数量分别为(506.3±35.56)粒m^-2,(267.1±17.47)粒m^-2和(143.6±9.83)粒m^-2,对应的活力分别为47.8%±4.68%,19.4%±3.39%和0%,这表明长白落叶松种子不能在地面形成连续的种子库。  相似文献   

辽东山区长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)种子雨和种子库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长白落叶松是东北地区主要的用材树种,其种子雨和种子库研究鲜见报道。在辽东山区用收集器收集的种子分析了长白落叶松种子雨组成、质量和扩散距离,每隔2个月调查1次种子库数量,并结合靛蓝染色法测定每次种子的活力来分析土壤种子库动态。结果表明,辽东山区的长白落叶松种子雨从8月中旬开始,9月末到10月初达到高峰期,11月初结束。在起始期,种子雨以干瘪的不完整种子为主,而从高峰期开始,种子雨以完整种子为主。整个长白落叶松种子雨中不完整种子约占种子雨总量的45%,这些不完整种子由被动物取食、空粒和病虫害危害种子组成。完整种子的平均生活力为56.4%,即有活力的种子仅占整个种子雨的30%。种子雨集中在母树周围,在林缘1次扩散距离一般不超过1.5倍树高。种子雨到达地面之后,主要分布在枯枝落叶层,土壤0~5 cm层有少量分布,土壤5 cm以下没有种子分布;土壤种子库的种子主要在翌年雪融化后开始萌发、被取食、搬运以及腐烂,其中腐烂种子数占45.4%,动物取食为30.0%。种子库的种子数量和活力在冬季没有明显变化,而在翌年,种子数量和活力明显减少,4、6月和8月份种子数量分别为(506.3±35.56) 粒  m-2,(267.1±17.47)粒  m-2 和(143.6±9.83)粒  m-2,对应的活力分别为47.8%±4.68 %,19.4%±3.39 %和0 %,这表明长白落叶松种子不能在地面形成连续的种子库。  相似文献   

通过对昆明西山滇青冈林内滇青冈种子库的跟踪取样调查和种子埋藏试验,对滇青冈种子库的动态进行了研究。昆虫在种子成熟前侵入种子,经种子雨进入种子库时已有71.8%的种子失去萌发能力。种子雨输入种子库的绝大部分种子停留在表面种子库,其中48.55%的种子被虫害,25.36%被某些非生物或生物搬运,17.39%的腐烂,8.7%的被动物当场取食,没有种子萌发,影响种子库动态的各种因子的作用大小在时间上是变化。被搬运的种子中,有4.9%的由表面种子库转移到埋藏种子库。土层是滇青冈种子的安全生境,土壤种子库的存在时间超过250天。埋入土壤的试验种子一直处于静止状态,到6月雨季后有80%种子萌发,20%的腐烂。萌发种子数是当年产种子的0.26%。滇青冈林内的滇青冈种子库是季节性的,种子库对种群个体的补充作用是有限的。  相似文献   

昆明西山滇青冈林内滇青冈种子库动态的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对昆明西山滇青冈林内滇青冈种子库的跟踪取样调查和种子埋藏试验,对滇青冈种子库的动态进行了研究。昆虫在种子成熟前侵入种子,经种子雨进入种子库时已有71.8%的种子失去萌发能力。种子雨输入种子库的绝大部分种子停留在表面种子库,其中48.55%的种子被虫害,25.36%被某些非生物或生物搬运,17.39%的腐烂,8.7%的被动物当场取食,没有种子萌发,影响种子库动态的各种因子的作用大小在时间上是变化。被搬运的种子中,有4.9%的由表面种子库转移到埋藏加。土层是滇青冈种子的安全生境,土壤种子库的存在时间超过250天。埋入土壤的试验种子一直处于静止状态,到6月雨季后有80%种子萌发,20%的腐烂。萌发种子数是当年产种子的0.26%。滇青冈林内的滇青冈种子库是季节性的,种子库对种群个体的补充作用是有限的。  相似文献   

2010年9月至2013年4月通过设置人工土壤种子库,研究了野生樱桃李土壤种子库的动态及啮齿动物和凋落物覆盖对种子库中种子命运的影响.结果表明: 在有取食动物扰动下,48.3%的种子萌发输出为幼苗,50%的种子被动物搬运或当场取食,4%的种子腐烂.在排除了取食动物干扰的条件下,樱桃李种子形成了短期持久的土壤种子库,3年后依然有部分种子萌发并输出为幼苗.凋落物覆盖和对照处理中,被搬运和当场取食种子的比例均显著低于清除凋落物的裸地.地表凋落物存留能减少动物搬运、取食,但不足以导致新生幼苗的大量出现,而啮齿类动物的搬运或取食是影响野生樱桃李种子命运和种子库动态的主要因素.

毛红椿天然林种子雨、种子库与天然更新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008-2011年,调查江西九连山国家级自然保护区毛红椿天然林的种子雨、种子库及林下幼苗数量.结果表明:在毛红椿天然林,种子雨散布时间为10月下旬至12月下旬.2010年不同样地的种子雨强度为虾公塘气象观测站(320.3±23.5粒·m-2)>虾公塘保护站(284.7±24.2粒·m-2)>大丘田保护站(251.6±24.7粒·m-2),分别以222.0、34.3和22.6粒·m-2完好种子供土壤萌发更新;毛红椿种子储量取决于结实量、鸟类取食和种子活力等因素,鸟类取食是其种子储量大幅下降的首要因素;由于种子不耐储藏以及大量腐烂,种子有效贮藏期不足1个月.12月天然林种子库平均萌发数≤2株·m-2,次年1月土壤种子库种子量最少,为6.7~11.8粒·m-2,平均仅萌发0.4~0.6株·m-2,与林下实生幼苗分布极少相吻合.毛红椿种子雨储备、种子库种子活力保存及幼苗建成等因素影响其天然更新.  相似文献   

为了解陆均松(Dacrydium pierrei)的自然更新能力,对海南霸王岭陆均松进行为期3年的种子雨、种子库及幼苗幼树观测,并分析其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,陆均松种子雨和种子库有效种子数量太少并存在季节性差异;其结实存在大小年现象;种子雨的扩散密度随着距母树距离的增加而逐渐减少;土壤种子库种子数量在枯枝落叶层所占比例最大,但有活力种子数量极少。幼苗幼树适宜生存的海拔范围为800~1 400 m,经度、纬度、坡度与幼苗幼树分布有明显相关性。因此,选择适宜季节采摘种子,提高种源数量和质量,清除林下枯枝落叶,增加种子萌发能力等以减少陆均松更新的限制条件的人工抚育措施应适当考虑。  相似文献   

秦岭北坡不同生境栓皮栎种子雨和土壤种子库动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Wu M  Zhang WH  Zhou JY  Ma C  Ma LW 《应用生态学报》2011,22(11):2807-2814
为了阐明栓皮栎种子雨和种子库动态,以秦岭北坡林下、林窗、林缘3种生境栓皮栎天然林为对象,采用离地和地面收集种子的方法,连续定位观测了栓皮栎种子雨、种子库的数量、质量动态,以及幼苗发育过程.结果表明:栓皮栎种子雨从8月中旬开始,9月中旬到10月上旬达到高峰期,11月上旬结束;3种生境种子雨降落历程、发生时间和组成不同;林下种子雨强度最大,为(39.55±5.56)粒·m-2,林窗种子雨降落时间最早,持续时间最长,种子活力最高,而林缘成熟种子占其种子雨的比例最大,达58.7%.从种子雨降落结束到翌年8月,土壤种子库总储量均以林下最大,林缘最小;各生境的土壤种子库中成熟、未成熟、被啃食种子数量和种子活力均随时间变化呈递减趋势,而霉烂种子数量则相反.各生境的土壤种子库中的种子均主要集中在枯落物层,其次为0~2 cm土层,2~5 cm土层中只有极少量种子存在.3种生境中栓皮栎幼苗的密度差异显著,林窗幼苗最多,林缘次之,林下最少.说明林窗更适合栓皮栎种子的萌发和幼苗生长.在栓皮栎林的经营中,通过适当间伐、增加林窗数量,可以促进栓皮栎林的天然更新.  相似文献   

西双版纳白背桐次生林土壤种子库、种子雨研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
唐勇  曹敏 《植物生态学报》1998,22(6):505-512
 本文讨论了西双版纳常见的次生林白背桐(Mallotus paniculatus )林的土壤种子库和种子雨的组成及动态。结果表明该林地的种子雨年输入量为745粒/m2,土壤种子库储量在雨季末期为3345±438粒/m2,旱季末期为4555±554粒/m2,种子雨的输入高峰出现在旱季,导致旱季末期土壤种子库储量大于雨季末期。森林破碎化导致的隔离效应阻碍了种子的传播途径,使土壤种子库储量下降,种子雨和土壤种子库中鸟类传播的种子比例增大。传播成熟林树种的大型动物到达不了该样地,植被的演替受到了阻碍。  相似文献   

Abstract. Hawaiian ecosystems are prone to invasion by alien plant species. I compared the seed rain, seed bank, and vegetation of a native Hawaiian forest to examine the potential role that seed ecology plays in allowing alien species to invade native forest. Absolute cover of seed plants in the forest was 126 %, annual seed rain was 5 713 seeds m-2 yr-1, and the mean density of seedlings emerging from the seed bank averaged across four seasons was 1 020/m2. The endemic tree Metrosideros polymorpha was the most abundant species in the vegetation, seed rain and winter seed bank. Overall, native seed plants comprised 95 % of the relative cover in the vegetation and 99 % of the seeds in the seed rain, but alien species comprised 67 % of the seeds in the seed bank. Alien species tended to form persistent seed banks while native species formed transient or pseudo-persistent seed banks. Dominance of the seed bank by alien species with persistent seed banks suggests that aliens are favorably placed to increase in abundance in the vegetation if the forest is disturbed.  相似文献   

In disturbed sites, some groups of seeds might be excluded from the seed rain due to their dispersal modes or seed size, and some groups might be successful as a result of disturbance effects. In the present study, we examined the seed rain in natural treefall gaps and in an area of regenerating forest following an accidental burning, which occurred 4 years before this study. Both of these disturbed areas were compared with nearby forest understorey. The number of seeds, number of species, and proportion of wind-dispersed seeds were compared between these disturbed and undisturbed areas. The treefall gaps have received lower numbers of seeds and species than the nearby understorey, but the number of wind-dispersed seeds did not differ between these areas. The lowest seed number observed in treefall gaps can be attributed to a lower number of animal-dispersed seeds, suggesting that animals may be avoiding treefall gap areas. A higher number of seeds and a lower number of species were observed in the burned area when compared to the adjacent understorey. The high number of small-sized seeds and of wind-dispersed seeds in the burned area was almost surely a consequence of the local production of the pioneer plants established after the burning. In this study, substantial differences were observed in the characteristics of the seed rain at disturbed sites, when compared with undisturbed understorey. However, these two distinct types of disturbance showed quite differing patterns, as treefall gaps received lower number of seeds while the burned area received a higher number of seeds, with a greater proportion of wind-dispersed seeds. The exception was for species richness, which was quite low at both these disturbed sites.  相似文献   

Deforestation has resulted in the fragmentation of forests. Remnant fragments are widely assumed to be sources of seeds for forest regeneration in abandoned pastures. The seed rain in 12 pastures at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, their relationship with riparian vegetation adjacent to them, and their closeness to the reserve is described. For all the species found in the seed rain, we classified them by typical habitat (pasture or rain forest), life form, dispersal syndrome, and plant strategy (pioneer or non-pioneer species). In addition, germinability was evaluated for all seeds. We also assessed the correlation in composition of the seed rain and the riparian vegetation. Only 11% of the total species that occur in the Los Tuxtlas region reach pastures via dispersal from forest fragments. However, nearly 80% of the species in the seed rain did not come from the fruiting individuals in the adjacent riparian vegetation. The proportion of dispersal syndromes, life forms and plant strategies of the species in the seed rain was similar to those observed in the rain forest. On average, the germinability of forest species was less than 30%.The forest species richness was similar in the seed rain in pastures and inside the forest, but the pasture seed rain contained fewer seeds per species. Pastures have a high potential for natural regeneration because of seed dispersal from adjacent forest. However, the forest that regenerates in pastures close to the reserve is expected to contain different species than the forest regenerating far away from it.  相似文献   

Abstract. Relationships between seed deposition, size of soil seed banks and some of the environmental factors affecting them were assessed for Calluna vulgaris throughout its altitudinal range (150–960 m a.s.l.) in eastern Scotland. Seed rain was assessed using pitfall traps, collected every 5–10 wk for 3 yr; germinability was determined by laboratory incubation. Seed bank size was estimated, once only, by counting seedlings emerging from soil cores kept for 50 wk in a glasshouse. Seed deposition varied annually, was related to parent plant cover but always declined with altitude, falling sharply above 600 m a.s.l. Seed bank size was more closely correlated with the proportion of organic matter in the soil than with the amount of seed rain. Seed bank sizes declined gradually with altitude but did not differ significantly between four altitudinal zones. The mean density of buried seeds was less than half the mean annual seed rain at sites below 300 m a.s.l. but was over 200 × greater than annual seed rain above 800 m, suggesting that seeds buried at high altitudes remain viable for much longer than those at lower altitudes.  相似文献   

种子类别和埋藏深度对雌性小泡巨鼠发现种子的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
肖治术  张知彬 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):311-314
2001年9~12月,在四川省都江堰林区实验围栏内研究了栓皮栎、袍树、栲树、石栎、青冈和油茶种子与6种埋藏深度对小泡巨鼠雌性成体发现埋藏种子的影响。结果表明:1)由于不同种子在种子大小、营养价值和单宁含量等存在差异,雌性小泡巨鼠对个体最大的石栎种子发现率最高,油茶(脂肪含量高)和栲树(单宁含量低)次之,单宁含量较高的袍树、青冈和栓皮栎则较低;2)埋藏深度与雌性小泡巨鼠发现栓皮栎种子的比例呈显负相关,即随着埋藏深度增加,小泡巨鼠发现埋藏种子的比例则减少。  相似文献   

梵净山栲树群落的种子雨、种子库及更新   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
梵净山栲树 (Castanopsis fargesii)群落种子雨丰富 ,对群落更新发展有用的成熟有效种子 2 6 8.9粒·m- 2 。优势种及其它主要种类均有种子产生 ,为维持现存群落的稳定提供了重要基础。种子库中活力种子丰富 ,其数量达 375 4.3粒· m- 2 ,分属 30种植物 ,其中木本植物种子 18种 ,草本植物种子 12种。种子库中有现存植物种子 13种 ,群落演替前期各阶段产生的种子 17种。在种子库中 ,现存群落的优势种和其它主要树种均有活力种子存在 ,群落更新潜力好。在种子库中 ,现存植物产生的种子绝大多数分布于枯枝落叶层 ,只有少部分 (3种 )可分布到土壤层 ,演替前期各阶段产生的种子全部分布在土壤层中。随土壤深度增加 ,种子的种类和物种多样性指数均逐渐减小。从枯枝落叶层向下 ,种子库与现存群落的相似性逐渐减小。在天然情况下 ,种子库中优势种及其它主要种类的种子大量萌发出苗 ,现存群落更新良好 ,稳定性强。  相似文献   

格氏栲天然林林窗和林下种子散布及幼苗更新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以格氏栲(Castanopsis kawakamii)天然林为研究对象,探讨了林窗和林下格氏栲种子雨、种子库的分布特征及幼苗更新状况。结果表明:林窗种子雨总量和完好种子密度高于林下,未成熟种子比例低于林下;林窗和林下种子雨高峰期掉落数量分别占种子雨总量的77.13%和74.5%;林窗种子库储量低于林下,种子库中以全食或捡拾种子比例最高,其中种子库储量垂直分布表现为枯落物层(约占2/3)>腐殖质层(0~5 cm)(约占1/3)>心土层(5~10 cm)(小于1%),以格氏栲种子占绝对优势;格氏栲从种子到幼苗的转化率低,林窗中格氏栲完好种子密度与幼苗密度均高于林下。林窗微生境提高了种子散布过程中格氏栲成熟种子的密度和比例,有利于促进格氏栲的幼苗更新,表明林窗在格氏栲种群恢复过程中扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

Seed dynamics during forest succession in Costa Rica   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Soil seed banks and current seed inputs each play a role in tropical succession. We compared the abundance and floristic composition of seeds from these two sources at a Costa Rican site by germinating seeds from the soil, measuring seed inputs for 3 yr, and monitoring the earliest colonists in a forest clearing.There were an estimated 6800 viable seeds/m2 in the soil of 3.3-yr-old vegetation, 9500 seeds/m2 in 11-yr-old vegetation, and 7000 seeds/m2 in a 75-yr-old forest. An estimated 10100 seeds/m2 fell on the soil surface of the young successional vegetation during 3 yr and 3700 seeds/m2 fell during that same time in the forest.Locally produced seeds accounted for about 75% of the seed input to the soil surface early in succession. Seeds dispersed out of young successional vegetation increased the quantity and species richness of the seed input and storage in an adjacent forest. Much of the species richness of the young successional vegetation resulted from seeds dispersed there from other communities by animals.Deforestation stimulated germination of most seeds in the surface soil of the old forest, including seeds of the dominant canopy tree. The recruitment of seedlings from the soil seed bank numerically overwhelmed that from post-disturbance seed rain and sprouts.We evaluated patterns of soil seed storage during succession and predicted the ability of vegetation of differing ages to respond to disturbance. Immediately after disturbance the number of seeds in the soil plummeted due to mortality, low inputs, and germination. As the vegetation regrew, the soil seed bank increased to a peak after 4 to 7 yr, then gradually decreased to its pre-disturbance size. High-frequency pulses of disturbance should result in reduced species richness, dominance by species with long-lived seeds, and fast recovery by seedling recruitment from the soil seed bank.Journal series number 6459 from the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA.Reprint requests to J. J. E. at Florida.  相似文献   

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