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中国紫草科紫草亚科琉璃草族花粉形态的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对中国紫草科Boraginaceae 紫草亚科Boraginoideae琉璃草族Trib.Cynoglosseae 7属16种的花粉形态进行了光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,并对其中5种的花粉外壁超微结构进行了透射电镜观察。该族花粉为茧形,少数为近长球形、长球形或卵球形;体积很小,大小为7~15.7μm×3.5~13.9μm,P/E=1.6~2.02;三孔沟和三假沟相间排列;除斑种草属Bothriospermum Bge.外,均有赤道环带;外壁常光滑,两极具或不具穿孔,少数具小瘤状纹饰;外壁较薄,包括外壁外层和外壁内层,外壁外层又由完全覆盖层、柱状层和基层组成。以上表明该族花粉有很多共同特征,但属之间还是有区别。文中作了花粉分属检索表。在该族中,斑种草属的花粉没有赤道环带,表明它是比较原始的类群。它和齿缘草族的花粉更相似,因此把它放在齿缘草族Trib.Eritrichieae比放在琉璃草族似乎更合适。长蕊琉璃草属SolenanthusLedeb.由于花粉卵球形、亚等极,可认为是琉璃草族中最进化的属。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology in 15 species representing five genera in the tribe Lithospermeae of Boraginoideae (Boraginaceae) has been investigated and illustrated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The tribe Lithospermeae is very diverse in pollen morphology. The pollen grains are 10.4–41.8 × 7–33.1 μm in size with subspheroidal, prolate, cocoon, dumbbell, and ovoid shapes. The pollen apertures are of five types: 3-colporate, 3-syncolporate, 4-8-colporate, 4-6-syncolpate, and 6-7-colpate types. The exine ornamentations are generally smooth or rugulose, sparsely echinulate, and rarely rugulate. Based on pollen morphology, we developed a key to identify the genera of the tribe Lithospermeae, compared the pollen apertures among tribes of Boraginoideae, explained the evolutionary trends of the pollen grains, and discussed the taxonomic position of the tribe Lithospermeae. The palynological data suggest pollen of the eurypalynous type and support the proposal that the tribe Lithospermeae is in the primitive position of the subfamily Boraginoideae, and Echium Linn. is in the tribe Lithospermeae rather than in a novel tribe. Our observations have application potential for identification of pollen fossils of the tribe Lithospermeae.  相似文献   

国产爵床科芦莉花族植物的花粉形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了国产爵床科Acanthaceae芦莉花族Ruellieae芦莉花亚族Ruelliinae 2属7种、假杜鹃亚族Barlerinae 1属3种和马蓝亚族Strobilanthinae 16属34种植物扫描电镜下的花粉形态.芦莉花亚族的地皮消属Pararuellia和喜花草属Eranthemum的花粉均为圆球形,具3孔或3孔沟,外壁为不同的网状结构; 假杜鹃亚族的假杜鹃属Barleria的花粉为长球形,具3孔沟,外壁亦为网状结构;马蓝亚族植物(包含广义的马蓝属Strobilanthes s.l.)花粉形态多样,结构复杂.依据花粉萌发孔和外壁纹饰特征,可将马蓝亚族16属植物和上述两亚族3属植物的花粉形态归纳成3大类型: 1. 具3孔类型.其中又有(1)外壁具网状纹饰者,见于地皮消属; (2)外壁具芽胞状纹饰者,见于黄猄草属Championella; (3)外壁具刺状(棒状)纹饰者,见于南一笼鸡属Paragutzlaffia、叉花草属Diflugossa和假蓝属Pteroptychia.2. 具3孔沟及具3孔沟与假沟类型(肋条带型).其中又有(1)具3孔沟和网状纹饰者,见于喜花草属和假杜鹃属; (2)具刺状(棒状)纹饰者,见于南一笼鸡属、叉花草属和假蓝属; (3)具3孔沟与假沟,外壁纹饰具节隔、肋条带状或网状,网眼纵向排列成行,网眼内有细网纹者,见于耳叶马蓝属Perilepta、马蓝属Pteracanthus(大部分)、金足草属Goldfussia、紫云菜属Strobilanthes(部分)和合页草属Sympagis; (4)具3孔沟与假沟类型,肋条带状,但不具节隔,外壁纹饰网状,网眼不成行或不明显纵向排列,网内无细网纹者,见于尖蕊花属Aechmanthera、板蓝属Baphicacanthus、马蓝属(部分)和糯米香属Semnostachya; (5)具双脊及细网状纹饰者,见于环毛紫云菜Strobilanthes cycla.3. 具(4-)5孔沟及假沟类型(肋条带型),外壁具网状或拟网状纹饰,见于腺背蓝属Adenacanthus.另外兰嵌马蓝属Parachampionella、山一笼鸡属Gutzlaffia和肖笼鸡属Tarphochlamys的花粉有无萌发孔尚不清楚,有待进一步研究.综上所述,芦莉花族植物的花粉形态具有较高的多样性,是重要的分类性状.利用花粉形态特征能较好地区分高级分类群如亚科、族以及亚族,有时也有助于阐明类群之间的相互关系,甚至也能用于区分属、种和阐明其关系.  相似文献   

The results of a comparative survey on pollen morphology in theBoragineae by means of light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy are presented and discussed in relation to the taxonomy of the tribe. Multivariate analyses lead to the recognition of 15 pollen morphotypes for which a discriminant key is proposed. The discriminatory characters concern mainly the stereostructural and ultrastructural features of the grains, such as tectum sculpture and aperture morphology, while the number of apertures appears variable within genera and even single species. Seven out of the 12 investigated genera, as currently circumscribed, are matched by palynological data:Anchusella, Borago, Brunnera, Elizaldia, Lithodora, Symphytum andTrachystemon. On account of aperture shape,Lithodora is however closer to theLithospermeae than to theBoragineae. Other genera, and in particularNonea, show a wide variation in tectum ornamentation, shape of grains and number of apertures. Palynological data do not support a broad concept of the genusAnchusa, and point to the autonomy of the satellite generaHormuzakia, Gastrocotyle, Phyllocara, Pentaglottis andCynoglottis.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 16 species of Microula Benth. and six species of three related genera were examined under LM and SEM, and four of them also under TEM. Pollen grains of Microula and three related genera are dumb-bell-shaped, 3-colporate apertures alternate with three pseudocolpi. Pollen grains are very small,ranging from 12.18 x 7.13 μm to 6.36 x 3.66μm. In general, colpi with os are wider and shorter, rhomboid, but sometimes they are equal to pseudocolpi in length. Colpus margins are regularly or irregularly tooth-like. The surface of colpi is psilate or processed. Ora are circular or lalongated in outline, protruded or not; surface of os membrane is smooth or scabrid. The exine is usually indistinctly layered under LM. The exine surface is psilate, and more or less perforate. TEM examination shows that the pollen wall is differentiated into exine and intine: the exine includes ectexine and endexine, while the ectexine consists of tectum, columellae and foot-layer. However, there are differences in constriction of equatorial area, apertural characters, ornamentation and exinous ultrastructure between these genera. Pollen morphology indicates that the genus Microula Benth. is primitive, directly related to the genus Actinocarya Benth .; the genus Asperugo L. Is more advanced. The genus Eritrichium Schrad. which has two ora or one os and is anisopolar, represents the most advanced group among them. Noteworthily, the diorate phenomenon is found for the first time not onlyin the genus but in the family Boraginaceae.  相似文献   

中国天南星科花粉形态的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用扫描电镜对天南星科Araceae22属28种(除Arum maculatum产自德国外,其余均产自中国) 及菖蒲科Acoraceae 1属2种植物的花粉形态进行了观察。结果显示天南星科花粉形态在科内变异很 大。花粉粒形状从球形、近球形、椭球形到扁球形和橄榄形;萌发孔类型有散孔型、具薄壁区型、环沟型 或无萌发孔;外壁纹饰为小穴状、网状、肋条状、条纹状、疣状、具刺或光滑。主要依据花粉形态方面的证 据探讨了崖角藤属Rhaphidophora、麒麟叶属Epipremnam 、龟背竹属Monstera 3属的属间关系以及犁头尖属Typhonium属下分类中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

DÍEZ, M. J. & VALDÉS, B., 1991. Pollen morphology of the tribes Eritrichieae and Cynoglosseae (Boraginaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula and its taxonomic significance.
The pollen morphology of 33 species of Boraginaceae from the Iberian Peninsula belonging to the tribes Eritrichieae and Cynoglosseae has been studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. The results confirm the eurypalinous character of this family, in which a large number of species can be recognized by their pollen characters.
The pollen of these two tribes is basically heterocolpate, a type which is very uncommon in the angiosperms, with 6, 8 or 10 apertures, sometimes with ectoapertures anastomosed at the equator (ectocingulum), or diorate, minute or small in size, outline elliptic or rectangular-elliptic in equatorial view, with or without a constriction at the equator, exine 0.5-1.0 urn thick and the tectum psilate with granules around the colpi. The similarity in shape and apertural system found in several genera such as Asperugo, Gyrocarion and Omphalodes, and some species of Myosotis, does not permit the two tribes to be distinguished on pollen characters. The generic limits of Cynoglossum and the infrageneric classification of Myosotis are discussed.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of seven species in two genera in the Ruelliinae, three species in one genus in the Barlerinae and 34 species in 16 genera in the Strobilanthinae (Ruellieae, Acanthaceae), were observed under SEM. Pollen grains in Ruellieae, particularly in Strobilanthinae (including Strobilanthes s.l.) exhibit great diversity and are most eurypalynous in the family. In light of the aperture types and exine ornamentation patterns, pollen grains of the genera examined fall into three major types: 1. 3-porate pollen, which includes, (1) pollen with reticulate exine ornamentation (Pararuellia); (2) pollen with gemmate exine ornamentation (Championella); (3) pollen with echinate exine ornamentation (Paragutzlaffia, Diflugossa and Pteroptychia). 2. 3-colporate pollen or 3-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi, which includes, (1) 3-colporate pollen with reticulate exine ornamentation (Eranthemum and Barleria); (2) 3-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi and ribbed or banded, and septate exine ornamentation, the lumina rounded, finely reticulate inside and arranged in longitudinal rows (Perilepta, Pteracanthus, Goldfussia, Sympagis and some species of Strobilanthes); (3) 3-colporate pollen with ribbed or banded yet not septate exine ornamentation, the lumina neither distinctly rounded and finely reticulate inside, nor conspicuously arranged in longitudinal rows (Aechmanthera, Baphicacanthus, Semnostachya and some species of Pteracanthus); and (4) 3-colporate pollen with ribbed and finely reticulate exine ornamentation but with broader bands, each band with two ridges (Strobilanthes cycla). 3. (4-)5-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi and reticulate or ornate exine ornamentation (Adenacanthus). No distinct apertures were observed in three genera, Parachampionella, Gutzlaffia and Tarphochlamys. Pollen morphological characters in the Acanthaceae can be used not only to distinguish taxa of higher ranks (subfamily, tribe and subtribe) and elucidate their relationships, but sometimes can also be used to distinguish genera and species.  相似文献   

中国悬钩子属花粉形态观察   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过扫描电镜观察了中国悬钩子属7组23亚组共103个种的花粉形态。本属花粉为圆球形、近 球形、长球形和超长球形,少数为菱形和六边形,具三孔沟,大小多为16.0~38.Oμm×12.0~30.0μm,外壁纹饰可分为皱波型、条纹型、脑纹型和穿孔网型等类型,进而可分为皱波-近光滑状、皱波-条纹状、皱波-穿孔状、条纹状、条纹-穿孔状、条纹-网状、脑纹状、脑纹-穿孔状、穿孔状、穿孔-网状及网状等11个亚型。分析结果认为,悬钩子属的花粉形态特征对该属种的区分有一定的参考价值,但要合理地阐释其系统发育意义,仍需积累更多的信息。  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 103 species belonging to twenty-three subsections of seven sections of Rubus L. was examined with SEM. The pollen grains are usually 3-colporate, spheroidal, subspheroidal, prolate and perprolate, though occasionally rhombic and hexagonal, 16.0~38.0 μm × 12.0~30.0 μum in size. The exine ornamentation can be divided into rugulate, striate, cerebroid and perforate-reticulate types, which include 11 subtypes: rugulate-subpsilate, rugulate-striate, rugulate-perforate, striate, striate-perforate, striate-reticulate, cerebroid, cerebroid-perforate, perforate, perforate-reticulate and reticulate. The pollen morphology is of some significance for a better classification of the genus Rubus, but seems to be of little help for a better understanding of thephylogeny of the genus.  相似文献   

L. Cecchi  F. Selvi 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):630-677
A synopsis of the Italian taxa of tribe Boragineae (Boraginaceae, subfam. Boraginoideae) is given as a second contribution to the treatment of the family for the Flora Critica d'Italia project. The work is mainly based on the critical study of herbarium material and extensive literature survey. All relevant floristic reports were examined and types of all the accepted (51) and most (37/46) of the synonymized names of taxa, specific and infraspecific, reported from the National territory are indicated. In the light of karyological and morphological evidence, the new combination Pulmonaria vallarsae subsp. apennina is proposed. As a result, 12 genera and 37 species are recognized, of which 7 are allochtonous and 6, plus two subspecies, are endemic. A synthetic floristic treatment is provided, including analytical keys, hybrids, list of synonyms and short distribution notes. In addition, detailed distribution maps are provided, together with the lists of the selected specimens upon which they are based.  相似文献   

国产蔷薇科绣线菊亚科的花粉形态   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本文报道了国产蔷薇科绣线菊亚科(Spiraeoideae)8属9种植物花粉形态。该亚科花粉近球形,极面观三裂圆形。花粉通常较小,最小花粉见于Spiraeapurpurea,为1487(1275~1658)μm×1517(1275~1734)μm,其中Physocarpusamurensis的花粉比较大,为2797(1989~3825)μm×3091(2677~3366)μm。三孔沟,内孔为长方形,部分种内孔明显外突。沟较长,两端较窄,在Physocarpusamurensis观察到合沟现象。合沟出现时通常三沟在一极汇合,在另一极常不汇合。花粉外壁具穴状、条纹-穴状、条纹-网状、条纹状等数种纹饰。迄今为止,在Rosaceae观察到的所有花粉外壁纹饰中,除较为特化的刺状纹外,其余纹饰在该亚科均存在。在Rosaceae所有的花粉外壁纹饰中,穴状纹饰可能是较为原始的类型,条纹状-网状和条纹状依次是较为进化的,而刺状是最进化的纹饰。在Spiraea中,外壁纹饰有相对进化的条纹-网状和条纹状,然而未观察到穴状这一最原始类型,这表明该属及其属下种的分化程度可能较高。但因Spiraea所含种数较大,这一推论有待进一步深入论证。此外,花粉形态特征支持Takhtajan(1997)关于Spiraeoideae亚科下族与属的排序。  相似文献   

The present paper reports the pollen morphology of 36 species and varieties of Brassica L. in China mostly for the first time. They were examined both under LM and SEM. Pollen grains of Brassica L. in China are long-spheroidal, subspheroidal, spheriodal, oblate, rarely reniformis or subsquare. According to the aperture characters pollen grains may be divided into four types: 2,3,4-colpate, 3-colpate, 3,4-colpate, 3,4-colporate. The exine sculpture may also be divided into three types: 1, reticulate, 2, cerebroid-reticulate, 3, foveolatereticulate. Detailed characters of pollen grains for each taxon are presented in Table 1. The 2,3,4-colpate type of pollen grains may be considered as primitive one and the 3,4-colpate or 3,4-colporate type of pollen grains is the most advanced in Brassica. The tricolpate aperture and reticulate exine have been reported by the previous authors, whereas, 3,4-colporate and cerebroid-reticulate or foveolate-reticulate pollen grains are newly reported.  相似文献   

国产蔷薇科蔷薇亚科的花粉形态   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
对国产蔷薇科(Rosaceae) 蔷薇亚科(Rosoideae) 10 属12 种植物的花粉进行了光镜和扫描电镜观察。本亚科花粉呈单粒存在, 花粉近球形至长球形, 极面观常呈三裂圆形, 赤道面观椭圆形至圆形。花粉大小为(16-06μm ~31-88μm) ×(15-30μm ~35-70μm) 。三孔沟, 内孔为长方形, 沟较长, 两端较窄。其中, 矮地榆Sanguisorba filiformis 的花粉形态较为特殊, 每条沟的中部特别宽, 向两端则逐渐变窄, 形成近乎菱形图案, 并且在沟的中央覆盖着近椭圆形的沟膜, 将沟部分隔开来。从而在光镜下, 其极面观为不等的六裂圆形。但该种花粉依然属于3 孔沟类型。花粉外壁在扫描电镜下见有穴状、皱波或疣状- 穴状、条纹- 穴状、条纹- 网状、条纹状、刺状、条纹- 刺状等纹饰变化。与外部形态特征和染色体基数复杂化相适应, 本亚科的外壁纹饰与其余亚科相比变化也最为多样。本文在对Rosoideae 的部分国产属种进行花粉形态报道的同时, 也对一些有关系统学问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

中国蓼属叉分蓼组植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对中国蓼属叉分蓼组20种3变种的花粉形态进行了观察和研究。结果表明其花粉形态大多数为近球形至近长球形,少数为扁球形或长球形;花粉大小为20.4~44.0µm×17.0~34.0µm:从萌发孔看,有3沟、3 孔沟、多沟、散沟;外壁纹饰为微刺—穴状、刺状、粗网状、皱块状。据此,该组花粉可划分为5种类型,即叉分蓼型(Aconogonon-type)、钟花蓼型(Campanulatum-type)、大连线冰岛蓼型(Forrestii-type)、西伯利亚蓼(Sibiricum-type)及多穗蓼型(Polystachyum-type),编制了这些花粉类型检索表。叉分蓼型花粉的主要特征是具3沟,外壁纹饰为微刺-穴状,此种类型的植物有14种2变种。钟花蓼型花粉的主要特征是具6散沟,外壁纹饰为微刺-穴状,此种类型的植物有钟花蓼和绒毛钟花蓼。西伯利亚蓼型花粉的主要特征是具3孔沟,外壁纹饰为皱块状,此种类型的植物有西伯利亚蓼。多穗蓼型花粉的主要特征是具6(~8)多沟,外壁纹饰为粗网状,此种类型的植物有松林蓼及多穗蓼。大连线冰岛蓼型花粉的主要特征是具散沟,外壁纹饰为显著的长刺状,此种类型的植物有大铜钱叶蓼及铜钱叶蓼,结果表明叉分蓼组的花粉形态具有重要的分类学意义,研究结果支持将叉分蓼组上升为属的等级,也支持Knorringia的属的地位,大铜钱叶蓼和铜钱叶蓼应移入Koenigia属中,而松林蓼和多穗蓼仍保留在蓼属中。  相似文献   

对国产蔷薇科(Rosaceae)苹果亚科(Maloideae)16属18种及1变型进行了植物花粉形态的光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察。本亚科花粉呈单粒存在,花粉近球形至长球形,极面观常呈三裂圆形,赤道面观椭圆形至圆形。本亚科的花粉在全科中是最大的,极轴为18.62~45.65μm,赤道轴为18.36~40.8μm。最大花粉见于Crataegus pinnatifida,为(28.85~45.65)μm  相似文献   

中国木犀属花粉形态研究及其系统学意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
观察了中国木犀属4组21种植物的花粉形态。花粉为圆球形或近长球形,外壁表面均具网状纹饰。大多数种类都具有三孔沟的萌发孔,极少四孔沟,或六萌发孔。内孔明显或不明显,有9种植物同时存在具三孔沟和具三沟二种类型的花粉及中间过渡类型(显脉木犀同时存在具三拟孔沟和具四拟孔沟)。很多特点表明,木犀属花粉的萌发孔在木犀科中处于由简单萌发孔向复合萌发孔过渡的阶段。根据网眼从沟间区中央到沟边是否变细,可将本属花粉分为两大类型,与分组有一定的对应关系。综合一些花粉特征,可发现本属花粉形态差异较明显,与一般形态差异有一定的相关性。花粉形态在木犀属具有一定的系统学意义。  相似文献   

水鳖科9属15种植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对水鳖科Hydrocharitaceae 9属15种植物的花粉形态进行 了观察。水鳖科植物花粉为圆球形至近椭球形,无萌发孔或偶为单沟萌发孔,外壁纹饰通常为小刺状纹 饰,刺密集或稀疏,花粉表面具瘤状、疣状、颗粒状、皱波状突起或光滑。外壁由覆盖层、柱状层和基层组 成。覆盖层厚或较薄,柱状层小柱发育不明显,基层薄。水鳖科植物在花粉大小、纹饰类型、刺的长短、 密度、形态、萌发孔的有无以及花粉壁的结构等方面表现出了较为明显的差异,这些特征对探讨类群间 关系具有较重要意义。由于黑藻属Hydrilla和Stratiotes属花粉较为特殊,支持将它们各自作为一个独立 的族处理。水鳖科植物花粉外壁纹饰和结构特点表明该科与水雍科Aponogetonaceae、泽泻科Alismataceae 和花蔺科Butomaceae等近缘,而该科植物花粉大多无萌发孔等则反应了该科与茨藻目Najadales植物有密切联系。  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 30 species and 2 varieties from China, belonging to 5 genera (out of 36 species in 5 genera) of Hydrocotyloideae and Saniculoideae, were examined with light microscope and scanning electron microscope. 1.Six types of the pollen shape are recognized in Hydrocotyloideae and Saniculoideae from China, and their evolutionary trend is from rhomboidal→subspheroidal→ellipsoidal→subrectangular→superrectangular to equatorially-constricted. 2.Pollen grains of Hydrocotyloideae are mostly ellipsoidal with P / E ratio 1.07-1.6, the polar axis 22.5-46μm long, the equatorial axis 13.75-27.5μm long, and with the size index 21.1-31.8.They are angulapeturate in the great majority, and the exine sculpture is recticulate under SEM. Those of Saniculoideae are mostly superrectangular or rectangular, with P/E ratio 1.3-2.1, the polar axis 35-65μm long, the equatorial axis 17.5-42.5μm long, and with the size index 28.2-49.7. They are planaperturate in the great majority and the exine sculpture is striate-reticulate or cerebro-reticulate under SEM. Therefore, the latter might be more advanced than the former. 3.Pollen grains of Dickinsia Franch., endemic to China, are ellipsoidal,with P/E ratio 1.5,the polar axis 31.25-37.5μm long, the equatorial axis 20-25μm, and with the size index 27.81. They are angulaperturate, and the exine sculpture is cerebroid-reticulate under SEM. The genus is greatly similar to the members of Hydrocotyloideae in pollen morphology, which supports the treatment of the genus asa member of Hydrocotyloideae by Handel-Mazzetti (1933).  相似文献   

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