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通过基因枪提高根癌土壤杆菌转化水稻的效率   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
携带普通双元载体的根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith et Townnsend)Conn)EHA105菌株对粳稻(Oryza sativa L.ssp.japonica)中花8号不敏感,转化效率较.在因枪将根癌土壤菌细胞直接轰击到水稻愈伤组织中可以显提高其转化效率。Southern检测证明转基因植物含有单拷贝的外源基因插入片段,转基因植物后代的GUS基因表达呈3:1分离。  相似文献   

提高农杆菌转化水稻频率的研究   总被引:70,自引:1,他引:70  
以16种重要的籼稻和粳稻栽培品种为材料,研究了影响农杆菌转化水稻频率的有关因素,结果表明,CC培养基是绝大多数水稻全国组织的最适诱导与继代培养基;添加2.5-5mg/L ABA可以有效地改善水稻愈伤组织的质量,籼稻愈伤组织所需的筛选剂浓度低于粳稻愈伤组织所需的浓度,根癌农杆菌EHA105菌株对水稻的转化效果优于LBA4404和AGL1菌株的效果,头孢霉素对农杆菌的抑制效果优于羧苄青霉素的效果,共培养后进行适当的干燥处理既可增强脱菌效果,又可提高转化频率,应用我们所优化的农杆菌转化技术体系,获得了10个品种的水稻转基因植株。  相似文献   

Rice was the first major monocot crop species to be transformed and regenerated. Initially, rice transformation was limited to japonica cultivars. Subsequently, a number of indica and javanica cultivars have also been transformed and regenerated into fertile transgenic plants. Most transformation studies in rice have used direct DNA uptake into protoplasts, induced by polyethylene glycol treatment or electroporation. Recently, other transformation methods have been developed that are less genotype dependent, such as microprojectile bombardment of cell suspensions and immature embryos. This review summarizes progress in both protoplast-based and other transformation methods.  相似文献   

高羊茅和黑麦草农杆菌介导转化体系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用C58C1农杆菌菌系(携带的表达载体上含GUS基因和nptII基因)感染4个草坪草品种追寻者、爱神特、腾跃和守门员成熟胚来源的愈伤组织,共培养后部分愈伤组织进行X-Gluc组织化学染色检测,其余愈伤组织在含G418 10-25 mg/L的MS改良培养上先后筛选抗性愈伤组织和分化抗性再生植株,对移栽成活的144棵抗性再生植株分别进行了ELISA检测、PCR检测和组织化学染色检测。愈伤组织阶段X-Gluc染色检测结果表明,4个草坪草品种GUS基因瞬间表达率8.6%~46.9%,爱神特愈伤组织对农杆菌侵染最为敏感,其次是腾跃和守门员,追寻者最不敏感;ELISA检测结果表明,45株呈现阳性,证明nptII基因已转入草坪草并已表达;PCR检测结果与ELISA检测结果一致,表明nptII基因确实已经整合到了草坪草基因组中,且没有发生沉默现象;转基因植株X-Gluc染色检测结果表明,GUS基因在43株中得到了稳定表达,在2株中发生了沉默现象。4个草坪草品种抗性再生植株分化率0~43.5%,转化率0~21.5 %。结果还表明,GUS基因瞬间表达率与稳定转化率在草坪草上很不一致,不能作为衡量基因型转化效果的指标。  相似文献   

We developed a practical and efficient gene transfer system for indica rice utilizing mature-seed derived explants and a simple bombardment device which uses compressed helium for accelerating DNA-coated metal particles. Unlike instruments which have been described in the literature previously, this new bombardment device, which is an improvement of the particle inflow concept, does not require vacuum. This attribute simplifies the transformation procedure significantly and it makes rice transformation technology accessible to laboratories which may not have the resources to invest in more expensive particle bombardment instruments. We determined experimentally that we could recover transgenic rice plants utilizing three different particle bombardment instruments at comparable frequencies.  相似文献   

离子注入水稻愈伤组织提高农杆菌转化效率的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过GUS报告基因表达的组织化学染色分析,我们发现低能氮离子束注入水稻愈伤组织可显著提高根癌农杆菌介转基因效率,这为克服单子叶植物对根癌农杆菌不敏感性、提高遗传转化效率的研究提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

Transformation of rice mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Hiei  Yukoh  Komari  Toshihiko  Kubo  Tomoaki 《Plant molecular biology》1997,35(1-2):205-218
Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been routinely utilized in gene transfer to dicotyledonous plants, but monocotyledonous plants including important cereals were thought to be recalcitrant to this technology as they were outside the host range of crown gall. Various challenges to infect monocotyledons including rice with Agrobacterium had been made in many laboratories, but the results were not conclusive until recently. Efficient transformation protocols mediated by Agrobacterium were reported for rice in 1994 and 1996. A key point in the protocols was the fact that tissues consisting of actively dividing, embryonic cells, such as immature embryos and calli induced from scutella, were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium in the presence of acetosyringonc, which is a potent inducer of the virulence genes. It is now clear that Agrobacterium is capable of transferring DNA to monocotyledons if tissues containing competent cells are infected. The studies of transformation of rice suggested that numerous factors including genotype of plants, types and ages of tissues inoculated, kind of vectors, strains of Agrobacterium, selection marker genes and selective agents, and various conditions of tissue culture, are of critical importance. Advantages of the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in rice, like on dicotyledons, include the transfer of pieces of DNA with defined ends with minimal rearrangements, the transfer of relatively large segments of DNA, the integration of small numbers of copies of genes into plant chromosomes, and high quality and fertility of transgenic plants. Delivery of foreign DNA to rice plants via A. tumefaciens is a routine technique in a growing number of laboratories. This technique will allow the genetic improvement of diverse varieties of rice, as well as studies of many aspects of the molecular biology of rice.  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌介导的水稻高效转化系统的建立   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
比较了影响根癌农杆菌转化水稻的各种因素后,建立了农杆菌介导的水稻高效转基因实验体系。按该体系,水稻品种中花11号预培养4d的幼胚经农杆菌EHA105/pCAMBIA1301感染后,具有GUS基因瞬间表达的幼胚比例在50%以上,最高可达90%;按产生潮霉素抗性愈伤和转基因植株的比例计算,转化率分别达到87.6%和64.6%。转基因植株总DNA的Southern杂交分析表明T-DNA上的外源基因已整合进了水稻基因组,且在大多数转基因植株中表现为单拷贝插入;遗传分析证明T1代的表型分离符合孟德尔法则。此转化系统的建立为高效地将有用的外源DNA导入水稻植株奠定了基础。  相似文献   

农杆菌介导寒地水稻遗传转化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过农杆菌介导法,将拟南芥转录激活因子ICE1基因导入寒地品种垦鉴稻10号成熟胚愈伤组织中,将经潮霉素筛选得到的抗性愈伤进行分化,获得了一些再生抗性植株,部分植株经PCR检测为阳性,证明外源目的基因已整合到水稻的染色体上,从而建立了高效水稻遗传转化体系。实验表明:YEB和MS按适当比例混合作为悬浮培养基转化率较高;干燥除菌效果和转化率均优于羧苄青霉素、头孢霉素液体除菌;潮霉素采用低压-高压-低压方式筛选最好;AS和葡萄糖均能提高转化率。  相似文献   

农杆菌介导的单子叶植物转基因研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农杆菌介导法是目前应用最为广泛的植物转基因方法。简单介绍了农杆菌遗传转化的原理,并从农杆菌携带外源基因进入植物的角度对农杆菌转化单子叶植物的关键和相关影响因素进行了论述,同时对近年来利用农杆菌介导法转化的单子叶植物的成功范例做了总结。  相似文献   

Transferring foreign DNA into plant cells by biolistic and Agrobacterium -mediated methods may result in random integration of different copy numbers of the transgene, and different proportions of intact vs. rearranged copies of the transgene. This may, in turn, affect transgene expression levels. To test the above hypothesis, we first introduced the same plasmid, pAc1PG-CAM, into rice (BX)Oryza sativa L.) calli separately by the biolistic method and by the Agrobacterium -mediated method. To show whether different plasmids may affect the results, we also introduced pTOK233 by the Agrobacterium -mediated method and pJPM44 by the biolistic method. Transgene expression of R0 plants was monitored by histochemical analysis of GUS activity. Transgene copy number was determined by Southern blot analysis after digesting genomic DNA with an enzyme that has a unique cutting site within the input plasmid. The total genomic DNA was also digested by a two-cut enzyme (the cuts are located at two sides of a given transgene expression cassette), followed by Southern blotting analysis, for determining the number of intact transgene expression cassettes. Our data showed that Agrobacterium -mediated transformation resulted in lower transgene copy number (average between 2.1 and 2.3) in transgenic rice plants, compared with those plants obtained by the biolistic method (average between 4.2 and 5.6). The frequency of DNA rearrangement in expression cassettes is lower in transgenic rice plants obtained by the Agrobacterium -mediated method than those obtained by the biolistic method. The average rearrangement frequency is 0.07 to 0.106 for the Agrobacterium -mediated method, and 0.57 to 0.66 for the biolistic method. Our results suggest that it is better to compare the number of intact expression cassettes instead of the total copy number of the transgene in demonstrating their influence on the level of transgene expression. This is the first report on the frequency of expression cassette rearrangement in transgenic plants transformed with the same plasmid by two different transformation methods.  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌介导法(Agrohacterium mediated transformation)和基因枪轰击法( particle bombardment transformation)是植物遗传转化的主要方法。两种方法各有优缺点.农杆菌介导法是一种天然的植物遗传转化系统,外源基因在转基因植物中的拷贝数低,遗传稳定性好;基因枪转化法不受材料基因型的限制。通过结合两种方法的优点,发展了3种农杆菌介导和基因枪轰击法相结合的遗传转化方法,分别为农杆枪法、基因枪轰击/农杆菌感染法、金粉或钨粉包裹菌体细胞作为微弹轰击法。对3种结合转化方法的技术途径、原理、转化受体及研究进展等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

基因枪法介导GNA基因遗传转化甘蔗的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:将含有雪花莲外源凝集素(GNA)基因的植物表达载体用基因枪法分别导入一个果蔗和一个糖蔗品种中,以期获得转基因植株。方法:将GNA基因插入到植物表达载体上,构建出不同选择标记、不同启动子的表达载体,并用基因枪法将之导入甘蔗胚性愈伤组织,分别在G418、PPT和Hyg的选择压力下,筛选抗性植株,并进行分子杂交鉴定。结果:通过斑点杂交和PCR-Southern杂交证明GNA基因已整合到甘蔗基因组中。结论:用基因枪法成功获得了含有GNA基因的甘蔗转化株,为培育抗甘蔗绵蚜(Ceratovacuna lanigeraZehnther)的新品种提供了基础。  相似文献   

中药植物黄山药发根基因的遗传转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以发根农杆菌菌株A4转染已预培养1d的黄山药茎段后,共感染3d,其转化效果最佳;转化毛状根在无生长调节物质的MS培养基上培养可获得丛状芽,并发育成植株。  相似文献   

农杆菌介导的植物基因转化研究进展   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
农杆菌介导的植物基因转佛当今植物基因转化的主要方法之一,因而深受关注,本文从农力介导的基因转化机理,植物对农杆菌侵染的反应,转基因植物的遗传表达,以及农杆菌对单子叶植物的转化等方面论述了该领域的最新研究进展,并提出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌介导的水稻转化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农杆菌介导的水稻基因转化是水稻基因转化的热门。本文对由农杆菌介导转化获得的水稻品系(品种),影响农杆菌介导转化的因素,农村菌浸染的方法,外源基因的检测和遗传等方面作综合论述,并提出了农杆菌介导转化水稻的前景。  相似文献   

农杆菌介导的转基因方法是目前植物遗传转化的重要方法之一。本文从农杆菌转化原理、菌株比较及载体发展入手,系统讨论了植物转化受体对转化效率的影响,同时分别综述了农杆菌介导转化技术在双子叶和单子叶植物转化应用中的最新进展。  相似文献   

根癌土壤杆菌介导的水稻高效转化和转基因植株的高频再生   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
利用根襄封杆菌(Agrobacterum tumefaciens(Smith et Townsend)Conn)介导的转化方法对4个粳稻(Oryza sativa L.ssp.japonica)品种和2个灿稻(O.sativa ssp.indica)品种进行了转化。在对影响根癌土壤杆菌转化水稻效率的多种因素进行比较研究后,建立了根癌土壤杆菌介导的水稻高效转化和再生系统。将水稻成熟胚和未成熟胚来源的  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌介导的大豆遗传转化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
农杆菌介导法是大豆遗传转化的重要方法之一 ,许多实验室应用该方法得到了转基因大豆 ,但目前使用该方法进行转化的效率还比较低 ,尚需深入研究。农杆菌菌株、大豆基因型、组织培养条件、T-DNA的转移效率和转化后的筛选模式都会影响大豆转化的效率。概述了近年来根癌农杆菌介导的大豆遗传转化的一些重要成果 ,以及转化过程中大豆的易感性与农杆菌的转化能力、乙酰丁香酮促进vir基因活化、转化的受体系统和巯基混合物减轻受体材料的褐化、提高T DNA的转移效率等几个重要因素的研究进展 ,并介绍了转化中常用的几个筛选标记基因 (nptⅡ、hpt、bar基因和突变的ahas基因 )及通过共转化法去除标记基因的方法 ,同时对今后研究的重点进行了讨论.  相似文献   

目的:实现棘孢木霉菌T4的遗传转化并优化其转化体系.方法:以潮霉素抗性为选择标记,利用农杆菌转化法介导转化棘孢木霉菌.结果:潮霉素基因成功整合到受体菌基因组中,转化子抗性基因可稳定遗传.结论:最优的转化体系和条件为:IM和CM培养基中AS浓度为200 μg/mL,棘孢木霉T4孢子浓度为106/mL,农杆菌浓度为200 μL( OD600约0.8),共培养时间为48 h,转化效率约为50个转化子/106个孢子.  相似文献   

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