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金丝桃属植物叶中分泌结构的比较解剖学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用整体透明法、石蜡制片法和半薄切片法,对金丝桃属9组43种l亚种1变种的植物叶分泌 结构的类型、形态、结构和分布进行了比较研究。结果表明,分泌结构是金丝桃属植物叶片普遍的结构特征,根据其分泌结构的特征,可划分为分泌细胞团、分泌囊(道)和韧皮部中分泌小管道等3种分泌结构。其中,分泌细胞团按其在叶片的分布可分为叶缘型和散生型;分泌囊按其在叶横切面中的位置可分为栅栏组织型、海绵组织型、居中型(位于栅栏组织型与海绵组织型之间)和横跨叶肉组织型。根据分泌囊和分泌细胞团在该属植物叶中的分布可划分为3种类型:(1)只有分泌囊的类型;(2)只有分泌细胞团的类型;(3)具分泌囊和分泌细胞团的类型。两种主要分泌结构的类型、分布密度、分布位置及其形态等方面在组间和种间均存在—定的差异,对金丝桃属属以下等级的区分具有一定意义。在此基础上,对该属分泌结构的形态演化以及金丝桃属各组间的亲缘关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Shoot anatomy and secretory structures in Hypericum species (Hypericaceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The anatomy and ultrastructure of internodes, leaves and petals were compared in Hypericum elegans, H. inodorum, H. olympicum, H. forrestii and two genotypes of H. perforatum. Internode anatomy was variable between species with respect to the structure of the cortical and pith parenchyma, including the presence of secretory reservoirs. Also, the secondary growth was more extensive in shrubs, i.e. H. inodorum and H. forrestii. In leaves, phloem secretory reservoirs were formed in all species, mesophyll secretory reservoirs were absent only in H. elegans and internal nodules were present only in H. elegans and H. perforatum. The petals differed between species in the mesophyll structure and the occurrence and location of secretory structures. The phloem secretory reservoirs lacked sheaths, whereas these were distinct in the mesophyll reservoirs. Other ultrastructural traits of the reservoirs were similar in all the species studied, with the exception of the leucoplast ultrastructure. In internal nodules, the inner cells vs. sheath cells differed in the number of vesicles and other membranous structures and plastid ultrastructure. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 70–86.  相似文献   

安徽贝母属植物叶片的比较解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王影  周守标  王春景  夏艳 《植物研究》2006,26(6):676-684
在光学显微镜下,对安徽省贝母属(Fritillaria L.)8种1变种,其中包括安徽贝母(F. anhuiensis)和宁国贝母(F. ningguoensis)各两个居群的植物叶片进行了解剖结构观察,结果发现:叶肉细胞均含有淀粉粒,近上表皮的叶肉细胞多为方形或圆柱状,较大,排列较紧密,近下表皮的叶肉细胞形状不规则,多有分枝,细胞间隙大;叶均无表皮毛等附属物,除铜陵黄花贝母(F. monantha var. tonglingensis)的下表皮细胞类似平行四边形外,其它种叶表皮细胞表面观为长方形或长条形,细胞长轴与叶脉平行,垂周壁为平直、浅波状或深波状;气孔器为Allium型,仅分布于下表皮,椭圆形,长轴与叶脉平行,单个随机分布,部分种保卫细胞两极有“T”形加厚。叶表皮细胞的形状,垂周壁式样,气孔器的类型等特征较为稳定,可以为贝母属内种的划分及系统演化关系的探讨提供实验证据。  相似文献   

含笑属叶片的比较解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
包淑云  周守标  喻永红 《广西植物》2002,22(2):140-T002
对中国含笑属 ( Michelia) 1 8种 (包括观光木 1 ) ) ,1变种的叶片进行了比较解剖学研究 ,结果表明 :( 1 )含笑属植物的叶片均有明显的栅栏组织和海绵组织之分 (除石碌含笑和观光木外 ) ,但二者的厚度及它们在叶肉中的所占的比例在组间、种间有一定的差别 ;( 2 )有些种类叶片的上表皮有下皮 ,有些则无 ,少数种类 (石碌含笑 )上、下表皮皆有下皮 ;( 3)表皮毛的有无及表皮毛的细胞个数有一定的种间差别 ;( 4 )叶表皮角质层的厚薄程度在种间有一定的差别 ;( 5 )油细胞在含笑属植物叶片整个叶肉中普遍存在 (除含笑只在栅栏组织中有分布 ) ,但其分布密度在种间有较大的差异。通过对含笑属植物叶片结构的比较观察 ,旨在探讨该属间的系统演化关系 ,为分组、分种提供解剖学方面的实验证据  相似文献   

激素对贯叶连翘器官分化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贯叶连翘 (HypericumperforatumL .)为多年生草本 ,中国民间主要用于止血、抗炎、妇科病等[1] ,欧洲民间用于治疗创伤也有相当长的历史。近年来 ,欧、美等国家和地区将其应用于抑郁症的治疗 ,取得了很好的疗效。 80年代后期 ,由于发现该植物体内含有显著抗  相似文献   

贯叶连翘分泌结构的发育及其内含物积累的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胡正海  吕洪飞 《西北植物学报》2001,21(2):287-292,T008,T009
应用半薄切片和组织化学观察结果表明,贯叶连翘植物内具有分泌囊和分泌细胞团,叶片,萼片,花瓣中都存在2种分泌结构,分泌囊尚存在于果壁内,而分泌细胞团还在花药和茎棱中 ,2种分泌结构均起源于幼叶的基本分生组织内,其原始细胞形态相似,都垂周分裂为2子细胞,接着分别以不同分裂方式形成原始细胞群,并分化出鞘细胞,以后分 囊原始细胞群以裂生方式发育成由1层鞘细胞,1层上皮细胞包围着分泌腔组成的分泌囊,而分泌细胞团原始细胞群则继续增加细胞数目和体积发育成2-4层鞘细胞包围紧密排列的分泌细胞组成的分泌细胞团,其中给终未出现分泌腔,组织[化学试验表明,前者产生和贮存油类物质,而后者产生和贮存金丝桃素类物质。  相似文献   

金丝桃素是贯叶连翘的主要药理活性成分。本文概述了金丝桃素的化学与生物合成途径,介绍了金丝桃素在贯叶连翘个体发育过程中的积累以及利用贯叶连翘的细胞和组织培养技术生产与积累金丝桃素的研究进展。最后,指出分子生物学和电子显微镜技术的发展为深入研究金丝桃素的产生和积累提供了有利工具。  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) is one of the most common heavy metal contaminants in the environment. The present study was therefore undertaken to determine the effects of Pb on structural characteristics and hypericin production in Hypericum perforatum. Mature plants were treated with contaminated soil in seven treatments (75, 150, 300, 600, 800, 1000, and 1500 mg/kg Pb in soil) with three repeats per treatment every 14 days. Maximum observed Pb content in shoot parts was observed in the treatments with 600 and 1500 mg/kg Pb. The Pb concentration in roots was higher than in shoot parts, enhanced with increasing Pb concentration in the soil. In this study, Pb treatment significantly influenced the morphology, anatomy, and hypericin content in the plant. Anatomical characteristics of leaf, stem, and root affected by Pb contamination, as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies, revealed structural changes in stomata and epicuticular waxes. Under Pb toxicity, anatomical symptoms occurred in leaves, including increase in sizes of epidermal cells, mesophyll tissue, and diameter of stems and roots, as well as amplified vascular bundles and pith area. This, therefore, indicated that metal contamination can change the chemical composition of this plant. Maximum hypericin content was observed in the treatment containing 600 mg/kg Pb in soil, which then decreased.  相似文献   

广西金丝桃属植物有效成分金丝桃素的含量测定研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用 UV-VIS法和 HPLC法检测了广西产金丝桃属植物及其提取物中有效成分金丝桃素的含量 ,建立了 HPLC测定金丝桃素的新方法 ,该法有良好的重现性及精密度。  相似文献   

在研究腊叶标本、文献考证和野外考察的基础上对秦岭金丝桃属植物进行了分类学修订.研究认为秦岭有14种金丝桃属植物,其中1种仅见栽培种;编订出野生种分种检索表,给出了每种的学名和异名考证、生境、分布和标本引证,其中无味金丝桃仅见栽培,川鄂金丝桃为秦岭和甘肃省植物分布新记录种,川陕遍地金和云南小连翘为甘肃省植物分布新记录种.  相似文献   

正交设计优选贯叶连翘中总黄酮提取工艺   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文采用正交设计实验,对影响贯叶连翘总黄酮提取工艺的因素进行了系统考察。结果发现,以总黄酮得率作为考察指标,影响贯叶连翘总黄酮提取的主次因素为:溶媒种类>提取时间>提取次数>溶剂用量,其中溶媒种类、提取时间、提取次数均对总黄酮的提取有显著性影响;贯叶连翘中总黄酮的最佳提取工艺条件为:用10倍量80%乙醇提取3次,每次1h。建立了以UV法测定贯叶连翘中总黄酮的含量方法。  相似文献   

报道了经光照和未经光照处理后贯叶连翘总提取物对谷氨酸棒状杆菌和粪产碱杆菌的作用,结果表明,总提取物对谷氨酸状杆菌有强烈的抑菌和杀菌作用,对粪产碱杆菌有抑菌作用,其抑菌或杀菌作用与其浓度有关,且不需光照。  相似文献   

用提取金丝桃素后的贯叶金丝桃残渣和锯木屑作培养基分别栽培香菇 ,比较了由两种培养基栽培香菇的生物学效率、香菇的可溶性蛋白含量和超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活力。结果表明 :用贯叶金丝桃残渣栽培的香菇有较高的生物学效率、其香菇可溶性蛋白含量和SOD活力亦高 ,说明贯叶金丝桃残渣适合栽培香菇 ,为栽培香菇开发了一种新的生物资源。  相似文献   

贯叶金丝桃组织培养的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别以甘肃天水贯叶金丝桃的幼根、幼茎、幼叶为外植体.在1/2MS培养基上附加各类激素,进行贯叶金丝桃的组培实验。研究发现各外植体的增殖速率由高到低分别为幼茎、幼根、幼叶,且得到贯叶金丝桃组培各阶段的最佳培养基成分。诱导愈伤组织的培养基为1/2MS 1.3~1.6mg/L BA 0.2mg/L NAA;培养基1/2MS 1.3~1.6mg/L BA 0.15mg/L NAA有利于不定芽的形成;诱导不定根的培养基为l/2MS IBA0.5~O.8mg/L 蔗糖2.0%。向1/2MS培养基中添加不同的生长素(IAA,IBA,NAA,2.4-D).在不同浓度梯度的培养基上进行诱导贯叶金丝桃的愈伤组织及不定根的试验,结果表明:生长素IAA,IBA既可诱导愈伤组织,又可以诱导不定根的产生。生长素NAA,2,4-D可诱导产生愈伤组织,但对不定根的诱导作用较差。  相似文献   

元宝草的分泌结构与其次生产物的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
吕洪飞  刘文哲等 《西北植物学报》1999,19(6):111-115,T004
利用整体透明,石蜡掉片和组织化学方法对元宝草不同器官中分泌结构的类型和分布进行研究。结果表明:其分泌结构根据形态结构特点可分为分泌细胞团,分泌囊及分泌道3类,并指出了3类分泌结构在各器官的分布位置和密度,组织化学试验表明,前者含金丝桃素等,后二者含挥发油,为此种药用植物的开发利用提供了依据。同时为该属植物的系统分类研究提供一些解剖学依据。  相似文献   

从贯叶连翘中提取金丝桃素的工艺探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对从贯叶连翘中提取金丝桃素的工艺条件进行了优化研究 ,结果表明 ,金丝桃素提取较佳工艺为 :45℃的水浸泡 2 h后 ,加入 0 .5 % Na OH,用 75 %甲醇在 0 .0 5 Mpa下 78℃提取5次 ,每次 1 .5 h,溶媒量为 5倍 ,浓缩温度与干燥温度为 78℃  相似文献   

贯叶连翘野生转家化前后生物学性状特征观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
野生贯叶连翘 (HypericumperforatumL .)在江苏经过了 3a的引种栽培 ,其生物学特性检测结果表明 ,栽培贯叶连翘的生物量、开花的一致性和生长的适应性等明显优于野生贯叶连翘 ;良好的繁殖方式使贯叶连翘的收获期提前了 1a ;成熟后 3个月采收的种子萌发率较高 ,不同浓度赤霉素处理能明显提高其种子的萌发率 ;贯叶连翘的黑色腺体即分泌细胞球数量与金丝桃素间也基本存在着正相关关系 ,贵州贵阳居群和陕西丹凤居群黑色腺体明显多于其他居群 ,其金丝桃素含量在所有居群中为最高 ,而甘肃武都居群黑色腺体最少 ,其金丝桃素含量在 6个居群中最低。 6个野生居群栽培后生物量相近 ,在 4个不同土壤pH的基地大田中均能良好生长 ,说明江苏地区环境条件完全适合贯叶连翘引种栽培。  相似文献   

To study the antiviral effect of Hypericum perforatum L. extract (HPE) on influenza A virus (IAV) (H1N1) in vitro and in vivo. Cytopathic effect (CPE) and neutral red (NR) dye uptake were used to examine the antiviral effect of HPE on Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells which were infected with IAV in vitro. HPE was effective against influenza A virus (IAV) in vitro, with a 50% effective concentration (EC50) of 40 μg/mL. The mean 50% cytotoxic concentration (CC50) in the MDCK used in these experiments was 1.5 mg/mL. Ribavirin was run in parallel with EC50 values of 5.0 μg/mL; the mean CC50 for ribavirin was 520 μg/mL. Oral gavage administrations of HPE or ribavirin to mice infected with the IAV were highly effective in preventing death, slowing the decline of arterial oxygen saturation, inhibiting lung consolidation and reducing lung virus titers. The minimum effective dose of HPE in these studies was 31.25 mg/kg/day, which was administered twice daily for 5 d beginning 4 h prior to virus exposure. Below a dosage of 2000 mg/kg/day, almost all treated mice survived, which suggests that HPE is of low toxicity. Ribavirin's minimum effective dose was 40 mg/kg/day with the LD50 determined to be 200 mg/kg/day. Delay of the initiation of either HPE or ribavirin therapy, using approximately 1/3 LD50 dose each time, could still be protective as late as 48 h after exposure to the IAV. While both agents appeared to have similar efficacy against IAV infections, HPE was considered to be less toxic and may warrant further evaluation as a possible therapy for influenza.  相似文献   

The wood anatomy of 16 of the 37 genera within the epacrids (Styphelioideae, Ericaceae s.l.) is investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. Several features in the secondary xylem occur consistently at the tribal level: arrangement of vessel-ray pits, distribution of axial parenchyma, ray width, and the presence and location of crystals. The primitive nature of Prionoteae and Archerieae is supported by the presence of scalariform perforation plates with many bars and scalariform to opposite vessel pitting. The wood structure of Oligarrheneae is similar to that of Styphelieae, but the very narrow vessel elements, exclusively uniseriate rays and the lack of prismatic crystals in Oligarrheneae distinguish these two tribes. The secondary xylem of Monotoca tamariscina indicates that it does not fit in Styphelieae; a position within Oligarrheneae is possible. Like most Cosmelieae, all Richeeae are characterized by exclusively scalariform perforation plates with many bars, a very high vessel density and paratracheal parenchyma, although they clearly differ in ray width (exclusively uniseriate rays in Cosmelieae vs. uniseriate and wide multiseriate rays in Richeeae). Several wood anatomical features confirm the inclusion of epacrids in Ericaceae s.l. Furthermore, there are significant ecological implications. The small vessel diameter and high vessel frequency in many epacrids are indicative of a high conductive safety to avoid embolism caused by freeze-thaw cycles, while the replacement of scalariform by simple vessel perforation plates and an increase in vessel diameter would suggest an increased conductive efficiency, which is especially found in mesic temperate or tropical Styphelieae.  相似文献   

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