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The mature female conceptacle of Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh has an ostiole filled with a gelatinous plug. The oogonium in the conceptacle has cell walls that can be differentiated into a dense outer and a less dense inner microfibrillar layer. Just prior to egg release, stalk material is produced inside the outer layer and the inner layer disappears. At this stage the gelatinous plug is extruded and mucilage is released through the ostiole. The released eggs are retained on the receptacle by the stalk and are surrounded by a large amount of the mucilage. Three-celled germlings form a primary wall with a polylamellated structure of microfibril layers. In multicellular germlings that have differentiated into thallus and rhizoids, the peripheral thallus cells have an outer cell wall consisting of a microfibril layer under the primary wall, while the cell wall of the rhizoid tip has an amorphous structure. The germlings are released from the stalk and become attached to the substratum by an adhesive substance secreted from rhizoidal cells.  相似文献   

Species in the subfamily Monotropoideae (family Ericaceae) are achlorophyllous and myco-heterotrophic. They have become highly specialized in that each plant species is associated with a limited number of fungal species which in turn are linked to autotrophic plants. This study provides an updated and comprehensive examination of the anatomical features of two species that have recently received attention with respect to their host-fungal specificity. Root systems of Monotropa uniflora and Pterospora andromedea collected from the field were characterized by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. All roots of both species were associated with fungi, each root having a well-developed mantle, paraepidermal Hartig net, and intracellular fungal pegs within epidermal cells. The mantle of M. uniflora was multi-layered and numerous outer mantle hyphae developed into cystidia of two distinct morphologies. Large calcium oxalate crystals were present, primarily on the mantle surface. The outer mantle of P. andromedea was more loosely organized, lacked cystidia, and had smaller plate-like as well as cylindrical crystals on the surface and between outer mantle hyphae. Fungal pegs in M. uniflora originated from inner mantle hyphae that penetrated the outer tangential wall of epidermal cells; in P. andromedea, these structures were initiated either from inner mantle hyphae or Hartig net hyphae and penetrated radial walls of epidermal cells. With respect to function, fungal pegs occurred frequently in both host species and, although presumed to be the sites of active nutrient exchange, no direct evidence exists to support this. Differences between these two monotropoid hosts, resulting from the mycorrhizal fungi with which each associates, are discussed.  相似文献   

Bulbochaete allahabadensis sp. nov. is described from a temporary pond at Allahabad. Most of its life-cycle stages have been observed. It differs from other known species of the genus Bulbochaete in having characteristic oospores and interesting behaviour of androspores. Andropores after liberation from normal vegetative cells may germinate anywhere and form dwarf males or produce several celled branched germlings with precocious formation of antheridia. Such zoospore-like behaviour of androspores confirms the observations made by other workers under culture conditions.  相似文献   

A combination tapetum consisting of a cellular, parietal component and a plasmodial component occurs inSchizaea pectinata. A single, tapetal initial layer divides to form an outer parietal layer which maintains its cellular integrity until late in spore wall development. The inner tapetal layer differentiates into a plasmodium which disappears after the outer exospore has developed. In the final stages of spore wall development, granular material occurs in large masses and is dispersed as small granules throughout the sporangial loculus. No tapetal membrane develops. Comparisons are drawn with the combination tapetum found inPsilotum nudum.  相似文献   

Drimys winteri (Winteraceae) and 11 species ofAnnonaceae, namelyAnnona montana, Artabotrys hexapetalus, Bocagea sp.,Papualthia sp.,Polyalthia nitidissima, Tetrameranthus umbellatus, T. duckei, Uvaria sp.,Xylopia malayana, X. aromatica, andX. emarginata, were investigated embryologically with special reference to development of ovule and embryo sac. The ovules are anatropous, crassinucellate and in most taxa bitegmic. The inner integument is of epidermal origin. TheAnnonaceae investigated have a multi-layered, later vascularized outer integument with most probably subepidermal initiation. In contrast,Drimys winteri has a three-layered, non-vascularized outer integument of epidermal origin. The annonaceous genusTetrameranthus (T. umbellatus andT. duckei) possesses a middle integument between the inner and the outer one, stated here for the first time in a neotropic representative ofAnnonaceae. Within the angiosperms this feature occurs inAnnonaceae only. The embryological characters are rather homogeneous. Differences between the species investigated are found in, e.g. the number of cell layers in the inner integument, which is commonly two inAnnonaceae as compared to three inDrimys winteri, the presence or absence of a hypostase, the number of layers in the nucellar epidermis, great differences in size of ovules, and the species-specific pattern of tannin deposition in the ovules. In the species so far investigated the embryo sacs develop according to thePolygonum-type. InXylopia malayana andBocagea sp. in addition the carpels were investigated. They are conduplicate. InXylopia malayana the free carpels are united by an extragynoecial compitum, inBocagea sp. each stigma produces its isolated mucilage cap. The results obtained from the investigated taxa are discussed and compared with published data on embryology and gynoecium structure in other annonaceous and winteraceous taxa.  相似文献   

The agar yield and quality characteristics of Gracilaria cornea from Yucatán, Mexico, werestudied during 18 months of storage. Biomass wasstored at a temperature of 22.1 ± 0.9 °Cand humidity of 59.8±3.6%. The agar contentvaried erratically, but the average value waspractically constant over the storage period with an average of 20.1 ± 1.5±. Gel strength, gelling and meltingtemperatures were negatively affected by the totalstorage time. No significant changes were found duringthe first five months for these characteristics withmean values of 1134 ± 57 g cm-2, 40.8 ±0.4 °C and 91.2 ± 0.9 °Crespectively. Agar degradation was evident after thefifth month and accounted for a 17± loss in gelstrength and 7± in gelling and meltingtemperatures. Nevertheless, gel strength valuesremained around 930 ± 23 g cm-2 with nosignificant changes until the end of the storageperiod. The decrease in gel strength showed asignificant relationship with decrease in3,6-anhydrogalactose but not variation in sulphatecontent. This was probably due to agar hydrolysiscaused by enzymatic processes of endogenous and/ormicrobial origin. These results suggest that thetropical G. cornea had a similar resistance todegradation during storage to that observed for G. chilensis, a cold water species. Agar qualityand yield in G. cornea after one and a half yearof storage are within the range of food grade agar.  相似文献   

The generic names of the brown algaeMyagropsis, Cystoseira andCystophyllum have been used in Japan, Korea and China for a small group of seaweeds whose limits have not been clearly understood. Studies on the development of the eggs and subsequent germlings show that substantial differences occur betweenCystoseira andMyagropsis. Myagropsis Kützing is distinguished fromCystoseira C. Agardh by the following characteristics: (1) the tongue cell is undivided during development of the conceptacle; (2) paraphyses are projected from the conceptacle ostiole and become entangled; (3) during development, oospore germlings are mixed among paraphyses projecting from the ostiole; (4) oospores are large, with eight nuclei at maturity; (5) thirty-two primary rhizoids are produced on the germlings; and (6) the thallus is bilateral in organization. The shape and size of vesicles, their formation, and the presence of cryptostomata have been used as specific characters, but their use cannot be continued. It is concluded that the genusMyagropsis is monotypic, with a single species,M. myagroides (Turner) Fensholt. The status of this species is also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The large unicellular flagellate,Gloeomonas kupfferi, has recently been used as an important tool in chlamydomonad cell biology research, especially in studies dealing with the structure and function of the endomembrane system. However, little is known about the main secretory product, the cell wall. This study presents structural, chemical and immunological information about this wall. This 850–900 nm thick matrix is highly elaborate and consists of three distinct layers: an inner stratum (325 nm thick) consisting of tightly interwoven fibers, a medial crystalline layer consisting of 22–23 nm subunits and an outer wall layer (500 nm thick) of outwardlyradiating fibrils. Rapid freeze-deep etch analysis reveals that the 35–40 nm fibers of the outer layer form a quasi-lattice of 160 nm subunits. The outer wall can be removed from whole pellets using the chelator, CDTA. The medial wall complex can be solubilized by perchlorate. SDS-gel electrophoresis reveals that the perchlorate soluble-material consists of five high molecular weight glycoproteins and five major low molecular weight glycoproteins. The electrophoretic profile is roughly similar to that ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii. Antibodies were successfully raised against the outer wall component and were shown to label the outer wall layer.  相似文献   

The surface structures of peridial cell walls (outer, side, and inner walls) of 40Gymnosporangium and 7Roestelia species were examined by scanning electron microscopy. These surface structures were classified into 10 types based on shape, size, and density of the processes. Surface structural types of each wall were stable within a species. Therefore, it is suggested that surface structure types of peridial cell walls could be used as important diagnostic characteristics ofGymnosporangium andRoestelia species. Contribution No. 140, Laboratory of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba.  相似文献   

The embryology ofStegnosperma halimifolium andS. watsonii has been studied in detail. The tapetum is of the secretory type and its cells become multinucleate. Simultaneous cytokinesis in the pollen mother cells follows meiosis. The ripe pollen grains are 3-celled. The ovule is crassinucellate, bitegmic and amphitropous, with the micropyle formed by the inner integument alone. The female archesporium is one celled, and the parietal tissue 3–5 layered. The embryo sac development conforms to thePolygonum type. A central strand, 6 or 7 cells thick, differentiates inside the nucellus and extends from the base of the embryo sac to the chalazal region. The endosperm is nuclear. The embryogeny conforms to the Caryophyllad type. The seed coat is formed by the outer epidermis of the outer integument and the inner epidermis of the inner integument. Based on this evidence and other data, the status of the genus as an independent family,Stegnospermataceae (Stegnospermaceae) is confirmed. Apparently, it forms a connecting link betweenPhytolaccaceae andCaryophyllaceae.  相似文献   

The effect of auxin on cell wall mass in the epidermis of third internodes of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska grown in dim red light was investigated using epidermal peels, to determine whether epidermal peels reflect the behavior of the outer epidermal cell wall. In contrast to the outer epidermal wall itself, where auxin caused thinning in proportion to growth (M.S. Bret-Harte et al, 1991, Planta 185, 462–471), auxin promoted an increase in wall mass in epidermal peels from treated internode segments in the absence of exogenously supplied sugar. The percentage gain in mass was smaller than the percentage elongation, however, so mass per unit length decreased in peels from auxin-treated segments. Epidermal peels from auxin-treated segments gained more wall mass than control peels even when adhering internal tissue at the basal end of the peel was removed. Epidermal peels also had a gross composition different from that of the outer wall alone (M.S. Bret-Harte and L.D. Talbott, 1993, Planta 190, 369–378). These discrepancies can be explained by the observation that the outer wall makes up only 30% of the mass of the epidermal peel. It appears that the inner walls of the epidermis, and walls of the outer layer of cortical cells that remain attached to the epidermis during peeling, nearly maintain their thickness by biosynthesis while the outer wall loses mass as previously described (Bret-Harte et al. 1991). These results indicate that epidermal peels may not be a good system for examining the biochemical and physiological properties of the outer epidermal cell wall.I would like to thank Dr. Peter M. Ray, of Stanford University, for the use of experimental facilities, helpful discussions, and technical and editorial assistance, Dr. Winslow R. Briggs, of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, for helpful discussions and for the use of experimental facilities, Dr. Paul B. Green, of Stanford University, for financial support, and Dr. Wendy K. Silk, of the Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, for financial support. This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, National Science Foundation grant DCB8801493 to Paul B. Green, and the generosity of Wendy K. Silk in the final writing.  相似文献   

The function of the epidermis in auxinmediated elongation growth of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptile segments was investigated. The following results were obtained: i) In the intact organ, there is a strong tissue tension produced by the expanding force of the inner tissues which is balanced by the contracting force of the outer epidermal wall. The compression imposed by the stretched outer epidermal wall upon the inner tissues gives rise to a wall-pressure difference which can be transformed into a water-potential difference between inner tissues and external medium (water) by removal of the outer epidermal wall. ii) Peeled segments fail to respond to auxin with normal growth. The plastic extensibility of the inner-tissue cell walls (measured with a constant-load extensiometer using living segments) is not influenced by auxin (or abscisic acid) in peeled or nonpeeled segments. It is concluded that auxin induces (and abscisic acid inhibits) elongation of the intact segment by increasing (decreasing) the extensibility specifically in the outer epidermal wall. In addition, tissue tension (and therewith the pressure acting on the outer epidermal wall) is maintained at a constant level over several hours of auxin-mediated growth, indicating that the inner cells also contribute actively to organ elongation. However, this contribution does not involve an increase of cell-wall extensibility, but a continuous shifting of the potential extension threshold (i.e., the length to which the inner tissues would extend by water uptake after peeling) ahead of the actual segment length. Thus, steady growth involves the coordinated action of wall loosening in the epidermis and regeneration of tissue tension by the inner tissues. iii) Electron micrographs show the accumulation of striking osmiophilic material (particles of approx. 0.3 m diameter) specifically at the plasma membrane/cell-wall interface of the outer epidermal wall of auxin-treated segments. iv) Peeled segments fail to respond to auxin with proton excretion. This is in contrast to fusicoccin-induced proton excretion and growth which can also be readily demonstrated in the absence of the epidermis. However, peeled and nonpeeled segments show the same sensitivity to protons with regard to the induction of acid-mediated in-vivo elongation and cell-wall extensibility. The observed threshold at pH 4.5–5.0 is too low to be compatible with a second messenger function of protons also in the growth response of the inner tissues. Organ growth is described in terms of a physical model which takes into account tissue tension and extensibility of the outer epidermal wall as the decisive growth parameters. This model states that the wall pressure increment, produced by tissue tension in the outer epidermal wall, rather than the pressure acting on the inner-tissue walls, is the driving force of growth.Abbreviations and symbols E el, E pl elastic and plastic in-vitro cell-wall extensibility, respectively - E tot E el+E pl - FC fusicoccin - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IT inner tissue - ITW inner-tissue walls - OEW outer epidermal wall - osmotic pressure - P wall pressure - water potential  相似文献   

Summary The mature dome-shaped glands which cover the outer surfaces of the trap, leaves, anchor and runner stolons inU. monanthos are described using conventional and some high voltage transmission electron microscopy. The glands occur as scattered ordinary external glands and as a compact clump of vestibule glands at the entrance to the doorway. Each gland rests on a basal epidermal cell and consists of a single pedestal and terminal cell. Vestibule and leaf glands differ slightly from the other glands mainly in the structure of the outer wall of the terminal cell. Nuclear crystals are prominent and the cytoplasm of the pedestal and terminal cells contains tubular structures usually aggregated near the nucleus. The pedestal cell is a transfer cell with short wall protuberances on the outer wall, conspicuous mitochondria and a heavily impregnated lateral wall.The terminal cell often has an outer wall that is greatly thickened and a protoplast that may degenerate early. In the most developed cells the protoplast remains active for a long period and the outer wall is differentiated into several layers. The outermost layer is cuticularized consisting of an open meshwork of deposits. In leaf glands a local polysaccharide mass is usually developed within the cuticularized region. The inner non-impregnated region of the outer wall may show four layers. In vestibule glands fewer layers are present and the wall shows prominent lamellations. Some ordinary external glands differentiate a sponge-like substructure within the inner wall.The ultrastructure and function of the glands are discussed. We support the concept that mature external glands are responsible for secreting water, with those on traps being particularly active during the resetting of the organ. Our work provides a structural basis for recent suggestions by other workers that the mechanism of secretion probably involves establishing a standing osmotic gradient within the gland.  相似文献   

InMalaxis saprophyta, anther wall development corresponds to the Monocotyledonous type. The uninucleate tapetum is of secretory type and the endothecium develops U- and V-shaped thickenings on the inner tangential and radial walls. Cytokinesis is simultaneous; tetrahedral, isobilateral and T-shaped tetrads are formed which are compactly aggregated in pollinia. At anthesis the microspore tetrads are 2-celled. The ovule is anatropous, bitegmic and both integuments are dermal in origin. A single hypodermal cell develops directly into a megaspore mother cell. Embryo sac development is predominantly monosporic and less often bisporic. Irrespective of the type of development, the mature embryo sac is 6-nucleate. Although double fertilization occurs, the primary endosperm nucleus degenerates. Embryogeny is of the Onagrad type. The mature embryo lacks differentiation into cotyledon, plumule and radicle. The reticulate seed coat is formed entirely by the outer layer of outer integument. There are three sterile and three fertile valves in the ovary. Although initially parenchymatous, the entire three sterile valves in the ovary and the upper half of the three fertile valves become sclerified after fertilization. The embryological characters support the disputed systematic position ofMalaxis within subtribeMalaxidinae ofEpidendreae.  相似文献   

Gayralia K.L. Vinogr. is a monostromatic green alga of commercial importance in the southern Brazil, and its cultivation is being considered. This paper reports some basic aspects of the biology of this poorly known genus. Two populations of Gayralia spp., from outer and inner sectors of Paranaguá Bay, showed an asexual life history with a distinct pattern of thallus ontogeny. In one population (Gayralia sp. 1), zooids developed an expanded monostromatic blade directly, while in the other (Gayralia sp. 2) zooids produced an intermediate saccate stage, before giving rise to a monostromatic blade. Thalli of the two species differ in size and in cell diameter. The effects of temperature (16–30°C), irradiance (50–100 μmol photons m−2 s−1), and salinity (5–40 psu) on the growth of both populations were assessed. Plantlets of Gayralia sp. 1 from in vitro cultures showed a broader tolerance to all salinity and irradiance levels tested, with the highest growth rate (GR; mean 17% day−1) at 21.5°C and 100 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Plantlets of Gayralia sp. 1 collected during the winter in the field showed higher GR, ranging from 5% day−1 to 7.5% day−1 in salinities from 20 to 40 psu, and 2.0% day−1 and 4.3% day−1 for plantlets collected during the summer. Gayralia sp. 2 from the field showed highest GR at salinity of 15 psu. These results suggest distinct physiological responses of the two species, in accordance with their distribution: Gayralia sp. 2 is limited to the inner areas of the estuary, while Gayralia sp. 1 grows in outer areas, where salinity values are higher than 20 psu. These data indicate that Gayralia sp. 1 has a higher potential for aquaculture than Gayralia sp. 2 due to its larger thalli, higher GR, and wider tolerance to environmental variations.  相似文献   

The wall of mature ascospores ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae showed in sections under the electron microscope a dark outer layer and a lighter inner layer. The latter was composed of a greyish inner part and a light outer part. During germination, the spore grew out at one side and the dark outer layer was broken. Of the light inner layer, the inner greyish part became the wall of the vegetative cell, but the extented part of the cell had a new wall.  相似文献   

The fine structure ofGloeomonas simulans Fott (1957) was studied electron microscopically to ascertain whether it belongs to the genusChlamydomonas rather than toGloeomonas. Most cytoplasmic elements and the cell wall do not differ from otherChlamydomonadaceae but its flagellar rootlet system is unique: Each of the two flagella has an accessory basal body; its basis is accompanied by two inner and two outer bands which are connected distally (one inner and one outer band on each side) resp. proximally (the two outer bands); the latter form a long (up to 3–5 µm) connecting band between the two flagellar bases. The nucleus contains fibrillar bundels.—The unique flagellar rootlet system seems to provide a better basis for the generic classification ofGloeomonas than the position of the contractile vacuoles or the size of the apical papilla, and strongly suggests the exclusion ofG. simulans fromChlamydomonas.
Zweiter Beitrag einer vonEttl (1965a) begonnenen Publikationsreihe.  相似文献   

The achlorophyllousMonotropastrum globosum was found growing in aFagus crenata forest. Samples ofM. globosum and their interpenetrating root systems ofF. crenata were collected to investigate the mycorrhizal association.Monotropastrum globosum mycorrhizae showed thick sheaths, invasion of the epidermal cells by fungal pegs, and Hartig nets, which reached only the first layer of cortical cells. TheF. crenata mycorrhizae also showed thick sheaths, but Hartig nets penetrated deep into the cortex and intracellular hypha were seen in the outer cortical cells. The similarities observerd in the mantle inner plan view and emanating hypha suggest that both mycorrhizae are formed by the same fungus.  相似文献   

B. G. Turgeon  W. D. Bauer 《Planta》1985,163(3):328-349
The location and topography of infection sites in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) root hairs spot-inoculated with Rhizobium japonicum have been studied at the ultrastructural level. Infections commonly developed at sites created when the induced deformation of an emerging root hair caused a portion of the root-hair cell wall to press against an adjacent epidermal cell, entrapping rhizobia within the pocket between the two host cells. Infections were initiated by bacteria which became embedded in the mucigel in the enclosed groove. Infection-thread formation in soybean appears to involve degradation of mucigel material and localized disruption of the outer layer of the folded hair cell wall by one or more entrapped rhizobia. Rhizobia at the site of penetration are separated from the host cytoplasm by the host plasmalemma and by a layer of wall material that appears similar or identical to the normal inner layer of the hair cell wall. Proliferation of the bacteria results in an irregular, wall-bound sac near the site of penetration. Tubular infection threads, bounded by wall material of the same appearance as that surrounding the sac, emerge from the sac to carry rhizobia roughly single-file into the hair cell. Growing regions of the infection sac or thread are surrounded by host cytoplasm with high concentrations of organelles associated with synthesis and deposition of membrane and cell-wall material. The threads follow a highly irregular path toward the base of the hair cell. Threads commonly run along the base of the hair cell for some distance, and may branch and penetrate into subjacent cortical cells at several points in a manner analagous to the initial penetration of the root hair.  相似文献   

利用石蜡切片技术,对百合科植物开口箭(Tupistra chinensis Baker)大小孢子发生及雌雄配子体发育进程进行胚胎学观察分析,以明确开口箭胚胎发育的特征,为百合科植物的研究提供生殖生物学依据。结果表明:(1)开口箭花药具有4个药室,花药壁的发育方式为基本型,由表皮、药室内壁、中层及绒毡层组成;绒毡层发育类型为分泌型,到四分体花药阶段绒毡层细胞开始解体退化,花药成熟时完全消失。(2)花粉母细胞减数分裂为连续型,依次形成二分体、四分体,四分体为左右对称形;成熟花粉为2-细胞花粉,具单萌发沟。(3)子房3室,倒生型胚珠6枚,双珠被,薄珠心;在花部的分化早期,由珠心顶端表皮下方分化出雌性孢原细胞,孢原细胞经过一次平周分裂形成周缘细胞和造孢细胞,造孢细胞发育为大孢子母细胞;大孢子母细胞第一次减数分裂后形成二分体,珠孔端的二分体孢子退化,合点端的二分体孢子继续第二次分裂,形成两个子细胞依次发育为二核胚囊、四核胚囊和八核胚囊;开口箭的胚囊发育类型为葱型。  相似文献   

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