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One rapid response of starfish oocytes to the maturation-inducing hormone, 1-methyladenine (1-MA), is the formation of transient actin-filled spikes on the cell surface. The presence and distribution of G- and F-actin and several actin-associated proteins were examined in cortices isolated from oocytes before, during, and after spike formation by using antibodies and the F-actin-specific stain, NBD-phallacidin. Before 1-MA addition, staining with antiactin and NBD-phallacidin indicates that most of the actin in the cortex is either G-actin or oligomeric actin, but rather little is F-actin. Application of the hormone results in the conversion and redistribution of this cortical actin into large bundles of F-actin which form the cores of spikes. When the spikes recede, F-actin disappears, and the amount of all forms of actin bound in the cortex appears to decrease. Antibodies to sea urchin egg myosin, fascin and a 220-kDa protein were used to examine these actin-associated proteins during the times that the organization of actin changes. Myosin and the 220-kDa protein are bound to the cortex and uniformly distributed before 1-MA application while fascin appears to be unbound. When spikes appear after 1-MA addition, fascin and the 220-kDa protein are localized coincidently with the spikes, whereas myosin remains uniformly distributed throughout the cortex and is excluded from the spikes. After spike resorption, fascin and the 220-kDa protein appear to lose their cortical binding while myosin retains its localization unchanged. These results indicate that actin, fascin and the 220-kDa protein undergo major organizational changes in the cortex in response to 1-MA.  相似文献   

Regulation of germinal vesicle breakdown in starfish oocytes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Life histories of encrusting cheilostome species from the cryptic reef community at Rio Bueno, Jamaica, were studied on fouling panels over 3 yr. Recruitment and growth were generally slow compared with those reported for temperate cheilostomes. Most species that became abundant and persisted throughout the study did so through relatively rapid growth to a large size by a few successful colonies, rather than by accumulating great numbers of small colonies. This pattern, which reflects a striking increase in maximum survival with increasing colony size, is the basis for the extremely patchy distributions of bryozoans under corals. Reproduction in these species is delayed, and only a few long-lived, large colonies ever reproduce. Only one species, Drepanophora tuberculatum (Osburn), approached the characteristic opportunistic pattern of high recruitment, small colony size, and early reproduction.Grazing and nesting activities of one yellowtail damselfish greatly affected distributions of major taxa and cheilostome species on one set of panels. Species more abundant on grazed panels are more heavily calcified and showed other protective features, compared with species more abundant elsewhere. Despite intensive grazing by the fish, overgrowth interactions occurred frequently on both sets of panels. The fish affected what organisms were present, but did not obviously reduce the amount of overgrowth.  相似文献   

Maturation-promoting factor (MPF) activity and the protein phosphorylation pattern were monitored throughout the time course of meiotic maturation following hormonal stimulation of prophase-arrested starfish oocytes. MFP activity disappeared or decreased dramatically during the first and second meiotic cleavages. MPF activity came back to a very high level after the first but not the second meiotic cleavage. The state of protein phosphorylation was monitored using both tracer experiments and direct measurements of the absolute amount of phosphate in phosphoproteins. High and low levels of MPF activities were, respectively, associated with high and low levels of protein phosphorylation. It is suggested that the turn over of phosphate already bound to proteins in prophase-blocked oocytes does not change following hormone addition.  相似文献   

Immature starfish oocytes, which are arrested at the first meiotic prophase and contain a large nucleus called the germinal vesicle (GV), are known to accept multiple sperm on insemination. We found that if these polyspermic starfish oocytes are induced to mature, they often form small protrusion(s) adjacent to the first polar body emitted shortly earlier. We refer to these protrusion(s) as 'polar-body-like structures (PLS).' Fluorescent staining of PLS indicated that they were not merely cytoplasmic protrusions, but contained some chromatin. Maturing process of these polyspermic oocytes was examined by immnofluorescent staining, which showed that: (i) numerous sperm asters were observed after the onset of GV breakdown; (ii) before the first polar body (PB1) emission, a complex microtubular structure resembling a multipolar spindle was formed; and (iii) several isolated asters were observed after PB1 emission. These results indicate that PLS formation may be induced by interaction of meiosis-I spindle with paternal centrosomes incorporated at GV stage.  相似文献   

Hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 from the untreated coastal marine fish scup, Stenotomus chrysops, was solubilized and resolved into five fractions by ion-exchange chromatography. The major fraction, cytochrome P-450E (Mr = 54,300), was further purified to a specific content of 11.7 nmol heme/mg protein and contained a chromophore absorbing at 447 nm in the CO-ligated, reduced difference spectrum. NH2-terminal sequence analysis of cytochrome P-450E by Edman degradation revealed no homology with any known cytochrome P-450 isozyme in the first nine residues. S. chrysops liver NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, purified 225-fold (Mr = 82,600), had a specific activity of 45–60 U/mg with cytochrome c, contained both FAD and FMN, and was isolated as the one-electron reduced semiquinone.Purified cytochrome P-450E metabolized several substrates including 7-ethoxycoumarin, acetanilide, and benzo[a]pyrene when reconstituted with lipid and hepatic NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase from either S. chrysops or rat. The purified, reconstituted monooxygenase system was sensitive to inhibition by 100 μM 7,8-benzoflavone, and analysis of products in reconstitutions with purified rat epoxide hydrolase indicated a preference for oxidation on the benzo-ring of benzo[a]pyrene consistent with the primary features of benzo[a]pyrene metabolism in microsomes. Cytochrome P-450E is identical to the major microsomal aromatic hydrocarbon-inducible cytochrome P-450 by the criteria of molecular weight, optical properties, and catalytic profile. It is suggested that substantial quantities of this aromatic hydrocarbon-inducible isozyme exist in the hepatic microsomes of some untreated S. chrysops. The characterization of this aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase extends our understanding of the metabolism patterns observed in hepatic microsomes isolated from untreated fish.  相似文献   

The levels of the major sterols of the starfish Asterias vulgaris collected at one location in Nova Scotia varied considerably from month to month. After spawning in June the levels of the sterols in the starfish were very low, but a rapid assimilation of dietary sterols allowed the total sterol level to increase approximately two-hundred-fold to the annual maximum in July. The levels of a few minor sterols were unaffected by the spawning process, and during this period they emerged as the major components of the sterol mixture. The sterol mixtures from samples collected at different locations were compared.  相似文献   

Starfish oocytes can be fertilized after germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and artificial parthenogenesis can be induced by activating the oocytes after GVBD (post-GVBD activation). In the present study, parthenogenotes were obtained by the activation of immature oocytes with caffeine before treatment with 1-methyladenine (1-MeAde) to induce oocyte maturation. Most of the caffeine-treated eggs developed as tetraploids, as parthenogenotes produced by the post-GVBD activation. The parthenogenotes were derived only from eggs that failed to extrude polar bodies, mostly from eggs failing to extrude a second polar body. Eggs derived from immature oocytes activated by A23187, treated with 1-MeAde and post-treated with cytochalasin B failed to extrude polar bodies, and eventually developed into parthenogenetic embryos. These results indicate that the present parthenogenesis mechanism shares the same characteristics as that achieved by post-GVBD activation in the suppression of polar body formation as a key means for successful starfish parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

During the course of an investigation of the properties of triglyceride lipase in nerve endings of the central nervous system (1) there arose a need for rapid determinations of a lipase in a large number of membrane preparations. This communication reports a procedure for the determination of glyceride lipase in which fatty acid, formed from a radioactive substrate by the lipase, is separated from glycerides on DEAE-cellulose paper.  相似文献   

Application of the usual concepts of colloid stability shows that the in vivo spacings between the myofilaments, making up the contractile part of the muscle myofibrils, correspond to energies of 10(-4) to 10(-1) kT. Refinements in the calculations of the electrostatic and Van der Waals-London energies do not significantly modify these values. Therefore, theory does not predict the observed stability of the myofilament lattice. It is shown that the interfilament water very likely plays an active role in the myofilament lattice. More generally, the structure of water in living cells is probably different from that of bulk water.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings combined with iontophoretic injection of Procion Yellow M4RAN were used to study the anatomy and physiology of the centrifugal horizontal cells (CH-cells) in the lobula plate of the blowfly, Phaenicia sericata.Anatomy: The CH-cells comprise a set of two homolateral, giant visual interneurones (DCH, VCH) at the rostral surface of each lobula plate. Their extensive arborizations in the lobula plate possess bulbous swellings (boutons terminaux). The arborization of one cell (DCH) covers the dorsal, and the arborization of the other cell (VCH) the ventral half of the lobula plate. Their axons run jointly with those of the horizontal cells through the chiasma internum and the optic peduncle. Their protocerebral arborization possesses spines; they form a dense network together with the axonal arborization of the horizontal cells, a second type of giant homolateral cell most sensitive to horizontal motion. The protocerebral arborization of the CH-cells gives rise to a cell body fibre which traverses the protocerebrum dorsally to the oesophageal canal. The cell body lies on the contralateral side laterally and slightly dorsally to the oesophageal canal in the frontal cell body layer.Physiology: The CH-cells respond with graded potentials to rotatory movements of their surround. Cells in the right lobula plate respond with excitation (excitatory postsynaptic potentials, membrane depolarization) to clockwise motion (contralateral regressive, ipsilateral progressive), and with inhibition (inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, membrane hyperpolarization) to counterclockwise motion in either or both receptive fields; CH-cells respond to motion presented to the ipsilateral and/or contralateral eye. Cells of the left lobula plate respond correspondingly to the reverse directions of motion. Vertical pattern motion and stationary patterns are ineffective.The heterolateral H1-neurone elicits excitatory postsynaptic potentials in the DCH-cell; these postsynaptic potentials are tightly correlated 1:1 to the preceding H1-action potentíal. The delay between the peak of the action potential and the beginning of the DCH-postsynaptic potential is 1.15 msec, agreeing very well with the value reported previously for the blowfly, Calliphora (Hausen, 1976a). The synaptic input and output connections of the CH-cells are discussed.  相似文献   

The levels of two steroids, asterone 1 and asterogenol 4, obtained by hydrolysis of the crude asterosaponin mixture from the starfish Asterias vulgaris, were highest in winter and spring, then the steroid levels fell to their annual minima in July, after the spawning period. Levels also varied geographically, but the ratio of these steroids remained approximately constant.  相似文献   

Two new techniques for assaying the retina to tectum connections in the lower vertebrate visual system are presented. These techniques allow defined regions of the retina to be stimulated, thus circumventing some of the difficulties of the more conventional retinotectal mapping techniques. Applying these techniques to the Xenopus visual system demonstrates that the retina-to-tectum projection shifts during development. The central part of the retinotectal projection moves medially and caudally about 150 microns (10% of the size of the tectum) in two weeks. The presence of such plasticity in a normal developing animal indicates that the plasticity previously observed in experimentally altered animals probably reflects a normal developmental process.  相似文献   

A notable proportion of the population is exposed to an increasing number of devices emitting microwaves, a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation in the range 300-30000 mHz. The activation energy of microwave radiations is too small to directly modify any chemical bonds in the irradiated matter. At microwave frequencies the macroscopic dielectric properties of tissues are strongly determined by their water content. Tissues like muscle, brain, skin, with a high water content, have higher permittivity and conductivity values than bone or fat with low water contents. Owing to the energy transfer, to living tissues, by a dipolar relaxation mechanism of water molecules, the penetration of microwaves is limited and one observes a fast and very efficient heat-loss production. A review of the available literature shows that most results on the mutagenicity of microwaves are negative or can often be explained by a temperature enhancement. If microwaves are apparently unable to damage DNA at sub-thermal exposure levels, some results indicate, however, that they might easily potentiate the damaging action of other DNA antagonist agents such as UV or chemicals.  相似文献   

The development of egg-laying behaviour and nest-site choice is described in seven flocks of White Leghorn hens housed in small floor-pens. Special interest was directed towards social dominance and the effect of the presence of a cock on the hen's nest-site choice. In the weeks before the hens came into lay, they frequently examined the nests. Nest-entries only occurred some days before, or in the hours preceding, the first oviposition. Some hens were very conservative in their nest-site choice within clutches as well as between clutches. A number of hens only persevered in their nest-site choice within clutches, while a third category did not show any consistency in their choices. Individual hens were consistent in using either the floor or a nest-box as a nesting site.No relationship was found between social status and nest-site choice, nor between social status and floor-laying. Some evidence was provided that the presence of a cock could reduce the number of floor-eggs in a flock provided with roll-away boxes.It is postulated that the nest-examinations in the weeks before laying may serve for the selection of a suitable nest-site.  相似文献   

An extensive array of cortical microtubules in oocytes of the starfish Pisaster ochraceus undergoes multiple cycles of disappearance and reappearance during maturation and early development. These events were studied in isolated fragments of the oocyte cortex stained with antitubulin antibodies for indirect immunofluorescence. The meshwork of long microtubules is present in the cortex (a) of immature oocytes, i.e., before treatment with the maturation-inducing hormone 1-methyladenine, (b) for 10-20 min after treatment with 1-methyladenine, (c) after formation of the second polar body (in reduced numbers in unfertilized oocytes), and (d) in the intermitotic period between first and second cleavage divisions. The array of cortical microtubules is absent in oocytes (a) undergoing germinal vesicle breakdown, (b) during the two meiotic divisions (polar body divisions), and (c) during mitosis of the first and, perhaps, subsequent cleavage divisions. The cycle of assembly-disassembly of cortical microtubules is synchronized to the cycle of nuclear envelope breakdown and reformation and to the mitotic cycle; specifically, cortical microtubules are present when a nucleus is intact (germinal vesicle, female pronucleus, zygote nucleus, blastomere nucleus) and are absent whenever a meiotic or mitotic spindle is present. These findings are discussed in terms of microtubule organizing centers in eggs, possible triggers for microtubule assembly and disassembly, the eccentric location of the germinal vesicle, and the regulation of oocyte maturation and cell division.  相似文献   

1-Methyladenine, which has been previously shown to be the hormone responsible for meiosis reinitiation in starfish oocytes, triggers parthenogenetic activation when applied to matured starfish oocytes after emission of the second polar body and formation of the pronucleus. In Marthasterias glacialis and Asterias rubens oocytes parthenogenetic activation includes elevation of a fertilization membrane, cleavage and the formation of normal bipinnaria larvae. Activation is likely to result from 1-methyladenine interaction with the category of stereospecific membrane receptors involved in meiosis reinitiation, since structural requirements of this compound are identical for both biological responses. Appearance of oocyte responsiveness to 1-MeAde after, but not before emission of the second polar body cannot be accounted for by their increased sensitivity to intracellular Ca2+ at that time, although it is shown that Ca2+ mediates hormone effect in inducing parthenogenetic activation. Pretreatment of immature oocytes with the free hormone in excess strongly inhibits the 1-methyladenine-induced parthenogenetic activation of the oocytes when they have completed maturation.It is suggested that reappearance of 1-MeAde sensitivity when oocytes form a pronucleus depends either upon recruitment or new receptor units or on the reactivation of pre-existing inactivated receptors at this stage of oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

In starfish, oocyte maturation is induced by 1-methyladenine (1-MeAde). 1-MeAde acts on the oocyte surface to produce a cytoplasmic maturation-promoting factor (MPF), which in turn brings about germinal vesicle breakdown and subsequent process of oocyte maturation. The participation of germinal vesicle material in the production of MPF was investigated with oocytes of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera. When enucleated oocytes or oocyte fragments without germinal vesicles were treated with 1-MeAde, MPF was found to be produced. However, the amount of MPF produced was small as compared with that in the case of intact oocytes with germinal vesicles. The capacity of the enucleated oocytes to produce MPF was restored when germinal vesicle material was injected. On the other hand, it has been known that the amount of MPF increases when MPF is injected into intact oocytes (amplification of MPF). However, in the case of enucleated oocytes such increase of MPF was no longer observed, suggesting that germinal vesicle material is required for MPF amplification.  相似文献   

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