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The genomes of the spirochaetes Borrelia burgdorferi and Treponema pallidum show strong strand-specific skews in nucleotide composition, with the leading strand in replication being richer in G and T than the lagging strand in both species. This mutation bias results in codon usage and amino acid composition patterns that are significantly different between genes encoded on the two strands, in both species. There are also substantial differences between the species, with T.pallidum having a much higher G+C content than B. burgdorferi. These changes in amino acid and codon compositions represent neutral sequence change that has been caused by strong strand- and species-specific mutation pressures. Genes that have been relocated between the leading and lagging strands since B. burgdorferi and T.pallidum diverged from a common ancestor now show codon and amino acid compositions typical of their current locations. There is no evidence that translational selection operates on codon usage in highly expressed genes in these species, and the primary influence on codon usage is whether a gene is transcribed in the same direction as replication, or opposite to it. The dnaA gene in both species has codon usage patterns distinctive of a lagging strand gene, indicating that the origin of replication lies downstream of this gene, possibly within dnaN. Our findings strongly suggest that gene-finding algorithms that ignore variability within the genome may be flawed.  相似文献   

Synonymous codon usage varies considerably among Caenorhabditis elegans genes. Multivariate statistical analyses reveal a single major trend among genes. At one end of the trend lie genes with relatively unbiased codon usage. These genes appear to be lowly expressed, and their patterns of codon usage are consistent with mutational biases influenced by the neighbouring nucleotide. At the other extreme lie genes with extremely biased codon usage. These genes appear to be highly expressed, and their codon usage seems to have been shaped by selection favouring a limited number of translationally optimal codons. Thus, the frequency of these optimal codons in a gene appears to be correlated with the level of gene expression, and may be a useful indicator in the case of genes (or open reading frames) whose expression levels (or even function) are unknown. A second, relatively minor trend among genes is correlated with the frequency of G at synonymously variable sites. It is not yet clear whether this trend reflects variation in base composition (or mutational biases) among regions of the C.elegans genome, or some other factor. Sequence divergence between C.elegans and C.briggsae has also been studied.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of codon usage bias has been observed in a wide range of organisms. As organisms evolve, how their codon usage pattern change is still an intriguing question. In this article, we focused on the green plant mitochondrial genomes to analyze the codon usage patterns in different lineages, and more importantly, to investigate the possible change of determining forces during the plant evolution. Two patterns were observed between the separate lineages of green plants: Chlorophyta and Streptophyta. In Chlorophyta lineages, their codon usages showed substantial variation (from strongly A, T-biased to strongly G, C-biased); while in Streptophyta lineages, especially in the land plants, the overall codon usages are interestingly stable. Further, based on the Nc-GC3s plots and Akashi's scaled χ(2) -tests, we found that lineages within Chlorophyta exhibit much stronger evidence of deviating from neutrality; while lineages within Streptophyta rarely do so. Such differences, together with previous reports based on the chloroplast data, suggests that after plants colonized the land, their codon usages in organellar genomes are more reluctant to be shaped by selection force.  相似文献   

Codon usage data for 56 Bacillus subtilis genes show that synonymous codon usage in B. subtilis is less biased than in Escherichia coli, or in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nevertheless, certain genes with a high codon bias can be identified by correspondence analysis, and also by various indices of codon bias. These genes are very highly expressed, and a general trend (a decrease) in codon bias across genes seems to correspond to decreasing expression level. This, then, may be a general phenomenon in unicellular organisms. The unusually small effect of translational selection on the pattern of codon usage in lowly expressed genes in B. subtilis yields similar dinucleotide frequencies among different codon positions, and on complementary strands. These patterns could arise through selection on DNA structure, but more probably are largely determined by mutation. This prevalence of mutational bias could lead to difficulties in assessing whether open reading frames encode proteins.  相似文献   

Biases in the codon usage and base compositions at three codon sites in different genes of A+T-rich Gram-negative bacterium Haemophillus influenzae and G+C-rich Gram-positive bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been examined to address the following questions: (1) whether the synonymous codon usage in organisms having highly skewed base compositions is totally dictated by the mutational bias as reported previously (Sharp, P.M., Devine, K.M., 1989. Codon usage and gene expression level in Dictyostelium discoideum: highly expressed genes do `prefer' optimal codons. Nucleic Acids Res. 17, 5029–5039), or is also controlled by translational selection; (2) whether preference of G in the first codon positions by highly expressed genes, as reported in Escherichia coli (Gutierrez, G., Marquez, L., Marin, A., 1996. Preference for guanosine at first codon position in highly expressed Escherichia coli genes. A relationship with translational efficiency. Nucleic Acids Res. 24, 2525–2527), is true in other bacteria; and (3) whether the usage of bases in three codon positions is species-specific. Result presented here show that even in organisms with high mutational bias, translational selection plays an important role in dictating the synonymous codon usage, though the set of optimal codons is chosen in accordance with the mutational pressure. The frequencies of G-starting codons are positively correlated to the level of expression of genes, as estimated by their Codon Adaptation Index (CAI) values, in M. tuberculosis as well as in H. influenzae in spite of having an A+T-rich genome. The present study on the codon preferences of two organisms with oppositely skewed base compositions thus suggests that the preference of G-starting codons by highly expressed genes might be a general feature of bacteria, irrespective of their overall G+C contents. The ranges of variations in the frequencies of individual bases at the first and second codon positions of genes of both H. influenzae and M. tuberculosis are similar to those of E. coli, implying that though the composition of all three codon positions is governed by a selection-mutation balance, the mutational pressure has little influence in the choice of bases at the first two codon positions, even in organisms with highly biased base compositions.  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis (C.t) is a Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacteria and is a major causative of infectious blindness and sexually transmitted diseases. Among the varied serovars of this organism, A, B and C are reported as prominent ocular pathogens. Genomic studies of these strains shall aid in deciphering potential drug targets and genomic influence on pathogenesis. Hence, in this study we performed deep statistical profiling of codon usage in these serovars. The overall base composition analysis reveals that these serovars are over biased to AU than GC. Similarly, relative synonymous codon usage also showed preference towards A/U ending codons. Parity Rule 2 analysis inferred unequal distribution of AT and GC, indicative of other unknown factors acting along with mutational pressure to influence codon usage bias (CUB). Moreover, absolute quantification of CUB also revealed lower bias across these serovars. The effect of natural selection on CUB was also confirmed by neutrality plot, reinforcing natural selection under mutational pressure turned to be a pivotal role in shaping the CUB in the strains studied. Correspondence analysis (COA) clarified that, C.t C/TW-3 to show a unique trend in codon usage variation. Host influence analysis on shaping the codon usage pattern also inferred some speculative relativity. In a nutshell, our finding suggests that mutational pressure is the dominating factor in shaping CUB in the strains studied, followed by natural selection. We also propose potential drug targets based on cumulative analysis of strand bias, CUB and human non-homologue screening.  相似文献   



Codon usage may vary significantly between different organisms and between genes within the same organism. Several evolutionary processes have been postulated to be the predominant determinants of codon usage: selection, mutation, and genetic drift. However, the relative contribution of each of these factors in different species remains debatable. The availability of complete genomes for tens of multicellular organisms provides an opportunity to inspect the relationship between codon usage and the evolutionary age of genes.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the resilience of a gene to each class of base substitution. The resilience of a gene is defined as the set of probabilities of synonymous base substitution (one for each type of base substitution on each DNA strand), and is derived from the fraction of all possible substitutions which result in no change of encoded amino acids. We discuss the resilience of the common mutational target genes, lacI and hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (hprt), and the p53 tumour suppressor gene. There are inherent strand biases to mutation in terms of the resilience differences between the non-template and template DNA strands. The ability to quantify resilience differences between the two DNA strands contributes to our understanding of strand bias to mutation.  相似文献   

Codon usage and the origin of P elements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Codon usage in the vertebrate hemoglobins and its implications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A study of codon usage in vertebrate hemoglobins revealed an evolutionary trend toward elevated numbers of CpG codon boundary pairs in mammalian hemoglobin alpha genes. Selection for CpG codon boundaries countering the generally observed CpG suppression is strongly suggested by these data. These observations parallel recently published experimental results that indicate that constitutive expression of the human alpha-globin gene appears to be determined by regulatory information encoded within the structural gene. The possibility is raised that, in the absence of selection, CpG decay can be used to date the evolutionary origin of a mammalian alpha pseudogene from its active alpha gene.   相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular Gram‐negative pathogen affecting over 600 million people worldwide with 92 million new cases occurring globally each year. C. trachomatis enter the cells and replicate to infect different tissues/organs, giving rise to a spectrum of pathological conditions; however, the exact mechanism or receptor(s) for their entry is not well understood. Here we report that CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator), an apical epithelial anion channel, is required for cellular entry and internalization of C. trachomatis. Human epithelial cell lines expressing functional CFTR internalized more C. trachomatis than the cells expressing mutant Δ508 CFTR. The in vitro cellular uptake of C. trachomatis can be blocked by CFTR inhibitors or antibody, and the in vivo cellular uptake of C. trachomatis in CFTR mutant (CFTR?/?) mice was significantly less compared with that in the wild‐type. Direct interaction between CFTR and C. trachomatis LPS (lipopolysaccharide) is demonstrated by their immune‐co‐localization and co‐immunoprecipitation. Despite an increase in CFTR expression observed upon C. trachomatis LPS challenge, a reduction in its ion channel activity is observed, consistent with the notion that CFTR functions as a receptor for cellular entry and internationization of C. trachomatis, with compromised ion‐channel function. These findings, for the first time, demonstrate that CFTR functions as a cell‐surface receptor for epithelial cell entry, and internalization of C. trachomatis and these findings may lead to the development of new treatment strategies to curtail the spread of chlamydial infections.  相似文献   

This study reports the analysis of codon usage in 35 complete Homo sapiens genes. Both codon frequency and inter-codon interference exhibit patterns of evolutionary interest. There is a significant positive correlation between the frequency with which a given codon is used and the frequency with which its complement is used. Since the frequency of appearance of the complementary codon on the coding strand is equal to the frequency of appearance of the original codon on the non-coding strand, in the same phase, the non-coding strand is found to resemble the coding strand in triplet composition. The same effect has been observed in Escherichia coli. This preference for the use of certain complementary triplets as codons suggests that the evolution of the use of the genetic code depended to some extent upon the double-stranded nature of the coding material. In addition, the effect of discrimination against the use of two dinucleotides, CpG and UpA, is observed in codon usage and also in adjacent codon interference. Codons beginning with G, or A, are unlikely to be preceded by codons ending in C, or U, respectively. Consideration of codon assignment in the genetic code together with the observed CpG infrequency suggests that the evolution of the code may have been influenced by conditions in which the use of CpG dinucleotides was unfavorable. The infrequent use of UpA dinucleotides can be explained as the result of frameshift mutation during gene evolution.  相似文献   

The protein composition and N-terminal sequences of proteins in the outer membrane of Chlamydia trachomatis L2 were analysed following isolation of N-terminal peptides using combined fractional diagonal chromatography and identification by liquid chromatography tandem MS. Acetylation of primary amino groups of in vivo generated proteolytic cleavage sites facilitated identification of such sites in known outer membrane proteins (MOMPs). Our results further support a proposed prediction of the topology of the MOMPs. Furthermore, a previously unknown MOMP, CTL0626 (Ct372), was assigned as an MOMP with a carbohydrate-selective porin (OprB) family motif, and the presence of CTL0626 was confirmed using antibodies raised against the protein.  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis infection is associated with severe Fallopian tube tissue damage leading to tubal infertility and ectopic pregnancy. To explore the molecular mechanisms behind infection an ex vivo model was established from human Fallopian tubes and examined by scanning electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Extensive tissue destruction affecting especially ciliated cells was observed in C. trachomatis infected human Fallopian tube organ culture. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) produced by epithelial cells was detected after infection. Addition of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) completely eliminated tissue destruction induced by C. trachomatis. The anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 reduced the damaging effect of C. trachomatis infection, however, to a lesser extent than IL-1RA. Furthermore, IL-1 was found to induce IL-8, a neutrophil attractant, using a signal transduction pathway involving p38 MAP kinase. Consequently, IL-1 has the potential to generate a cellular infiltrate at the site of infection in vivo. Blocking the IL-1 receptors by IL-1RA eliminated tissue destruction and cytokine production. Hence, these studies show the importance of IL-1 in initiating the tissue destruction observed in the Fallopian tube following C. trachomatis infection. Because leukocytes are absent in the ex vivo model, this study strongly indicates that IL-1 is the initial proinflammatory cytokine activated by C. trachomatis infection.  相似文献   

Comeron JM  Kreitman M 《Genetics》2000,156(3):1175-1190
Intron length is negatively correlated with recombination in both Drosophila melanogaster and humans. This correlation is not likely to be the result of mutational processes alone: evolutionary analysis of intron length polymorphism in D. melanogaster reveals equivalent ratios of deletion to insertion in regions of high and low recombination. The polymorphism data do reveal, however, an excess of deletions relative to insertions (i.e., a deletion bias), with an overall deletion-to-insertion events ratio of 1.35. We propose two types of selection favoring longer intron lengths. First, the natural mutational bias toward deletion must be opposed by strong selection in very short introns to maintain the minimum intron length needed for the intron splicing reaction. Second, selection will favor insertions in introns that increase recombination between mutations under the influence of selection in adjacent exons. Mutations that increase recombination, even slightly, will be selectively favored because they reduce interference among selected mutations. Interference selection acting on intron length mutations must be very weak, as indicated by frequency spectrum analysis of Drosophila intron length polymorphism, making the equilibrium for intron length sensitive to changes in the recombinational environment and population size. One consequence of this sensitivity is that the advantage of longer introns is expected to decrease inversely with the rate of recombination, thus leading to a negative correlation between intron length and recombination rate. Also in accord with this model, intron length differs between closely related Drosophila species, with the longest variant present more often in D. melanogaster than in D. simulans. We suggest that the study of the proposed dynamic model, taking into account interference among selected sites, might shed light on many aspects of the comparative biology of genome sizes including the C value paradox.  相似文献   



Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis), an obligate intracellular bacterium, is the commonest infectious bacterial agent of sexual transmission throughout the world. It has been shown that the presence of this bacteria in the cervix represents a risk regarding HPV persistence and, thereafter, in developing cervical cancer (CC). Prevalence rates may vary from 2% to 17% in asymptomatic females, depending on the population being analysed. This study reports the identification of C. trachomatis in a cohort of 219 HPV-infected Colombian females.


C. trachomatis infection frequency was determined during each of the study’s follow-up visits; it was detected by amplifying the cryptic plasmid sequence by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using two sets of primers: KL5/KL6 and KL1/KL2.Infection was defined as a positive PCR result using either set of primers at any time during the study. Cox proportional risk models were used for evaluating the association between the appearance of infection and a group of independent variables.


Base line C. trachomatis infection frequency was 28% (n = 61). Most females infected by C. trachomatis were infected by multiple types of HPV (77.42%), greater prevalence occurring in females infected with HPV-16 (19.18%), followed by HPV-58 (17.81%). It was observed that females having had the most sexual partners (HR = 6.44: 1.59–26.05 95%CI) or infection with multiple types of HPV (HR = 2.85: 1.22–6.63 95%CI) had the greatest risk of developing C. trachomatis.


The study provides data regarding the epidemiology of C. trachomatis /HPV coinfection in different population groups of Colombian females and contributes towards understanding the natural history of C. trachomatis infection.  相似文献   

Synonymous codons are unevenly distributed among genes, a phenomenon termed codon usage bias. Understanding the patterns of codon bias and the forces shaping them is a major step towards elucidating the adaptive advantage codon choice can confer at the level of individual genes and organisms. Here, we perform a large-scale analysis to assess codon usage bias pattern of pyrimidine-ending codons in highly expressed genes in prokaryotes. We find a bias pattern linked to the degeneracy of the encoded amino acid. Specifically, we show that codon-pairs that encode two- and three-fold degenerate amino acids are biased towards the C-ending codon while codons encoding four-fold degenerate amino acids are biased towards the U-ending codon. This codon usage pattern is widespread in prokaryotes, and its strength is correlated with translational selection both within and between organisms. We show that this bias is associated with an improved correspondence with the tRNA pool, avoidance of mis-incorporation errors during translation and moderate stability of codon-anticodon interaction, all consistent with more efficient translation.  相似文献   

Characterization of the genes involved in the process of protein translocation is important in understanding their structure-function relationships. However, little is known about the signals that govern chlamydial gene expression and translocation. We have cloned a 1.7 kb HindIII-PstI fragment containing the secY gene of Chlamydia trachomatis. The complete nucleotide sequence reveals three open reading frames. The amino acid sequence shows highest homology with Escherichia coli proteins L15, SecY and S13, corresponding to the spc-α ribosomal protein operons. The product of the C. trachomatis secY gene is composed of 457 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 50 195 Daltons. Its amino acid sequence shows 27.4% and 35.7% identity to E. coli and Bacillus subtilis SecY proteins, respectively. The distribution of hydrophobic amino acids in the C. trachomatis secY gene product is suggestive of it being an integral membrane protein with ten transmembrane segments, the second, third and seventh membrane segments sharing > 45% identity with E. coli SceY. Our results suggest that despite evolutionary differences, eubacteria share a similar protein export apparatus.  相似文献   

Sequences of the complete protein-coding portions of the mitochondrial (mt) genome were analysed for 6 species of cestodes (including hydatid tapeworms and the pork tapeworm) and 5 species of trematodes (blood flukes and liver- and lung-flukes). A near-complete sequence was also available for an additional trematode (the blood fluke Schistosoma malayensis). All of these parasites belong to a large flatworm taxon named the Neodermata. Considerable variation was found in the base composition of the protein-coding genes among these neodermatans. This variation was reflected in statistically-significant differences in numbers of each inferred amino acid between many pairs of species. Both convergence and divergence in nucleotide, and hence amino acid, composition was noted among groups within the Neodermata. Considerable variation in skew (unequal representation of complementary bases on the same strand) was found among the species studied. A pattern is thus emerging of diversity in the mt genome in neodermatans that may cast light on evolution of mt genomes generally.  相似文献   

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