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When soluble extracts from the extreme acidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus were incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP, several radiolabeled polypeptides were observed following SDS-PAGE. The most prominent of these migrated with apparent molecular masses of 14, 18, 35, 42, 46, 50, and 79 kDa. Phosphoamino acid analysis revealed that all of the proteins contained phosphoserine, with the exception of the 35-kDa one, whose protein-phosphate linkage proved labile to strong acid. The observed pattern of phosphorylation was influenced by the identity of the divalent metal ion cofactor used, Mg2+ versus Mn2+, and the choice of incubation temperature. The 35- and 50-kDa phosphoproteins were purified and their amino-terminal sequences determined. The former polypeptide's amino-terminal sequence closely matched a conserved portion of the alpha-subunit of succinyl-CoA synthetase, which forms an acid-labile phosphohistidyl enzyme intermediate during its catalytic cycle. This identification was confirmed by the ability of succinate or ADP to specifically remove the radiolabel. The 50-kDa polypeptide's sequence contained a heptapeptide motif, Phe/Pro-Gly-Thr-Asp/Ser-Gly-Val/Leu-Arg, found in a similar position in several hexosephosphate mutases. The catalytic mechanism of these mutases involves formation of a phosphoseryl enzyme intermediate. The identity of p50 as a hexosephosphate mutase was confirmed by (1) the ability of sugars and sugar phosphates to induce removal of the labeled phosphoryl group from the protein, and (2) the ability of [32P]glucose 6-phosphate to donate its phosphoryl group to the protein.  相似文献   

5-氨基乙酰丙酸 (ALA) 是生物体内四吡咯类化合物的合成前体,在农业及医药领域应用广泛,是极具开发价值的高附加值生物基化学品。目前利用外源C4途径的重组大肠杆菌发酵生产ALA的研究主要利用LB培养基并添加葡萄糖和琥珀酸、甘氨酸等合成前体,成本较高。琥珀酸在C4途径中以琥珀酰辅酶A的形式直接参与ALA的合成。文中在以葡萄糖为主要碳源的无机盐培养基中研究了琥珀酰辅酶A下游代谢途径琥珀酸脱氢酶编码基因sdhAB和琥珀酰辅酶A合成酶编码基因sucCD缺失对ALA积累的影响。与仅表达异源ALA合成酶的对照菌株相比,sdhAB和sucCD缺失菌株ALA的产量分别提高了25.59%和12.40%,且ALA的积累不依赖于琥珀酸的添加和LB培养基的使用,从而大幅降低了生产成本,显示出良好的工业应用前景。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional models of the GDP and GTP forms of the guanine nucleotide domain of Escherichia coli elongation factor Tu have been derived from the atomic coordinates of the trypsin-modified form of EF-Tu-GDP and by comparison with the ras p21 structures. The significance of the differences in the guanine nucleotide binding sites of EF-Tu and ras p21 are discussed. Crystallization of the EF-Tu-GMPPNP complex is reported.  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) catalyzes the transfer of terminal phosphates from nucleoside triphosphates to nucleoside diphosphates to yield nucleotide triphosphates. The present study was undertaken to localize and characterize the mitochondrial isoform of NDPK (mNDPK) in the pancreatic beta cell since it could contribute to the generation of mitochondrial nucleotide triphosphates and, thereby, to the mitochondrial high-energy phosphate metabolism of the pancreatic beta cell. Mitochondrial fractions from the insulin-secreting beta cells were isolated by differential centrifugation. mNDPK activity was assayed as the amount of [(3)H]GTPgammaS formed from ATPgammaS and [(3)H]GDP. Incubation of isolated mitochondrial extracts with either [gamma-(32)P]ATP or GTP resulted in the formation [(32)P]NDPK, which could be immunoprecipitated by an anti-NDPK serum. mNDPK exhibited saturation kinetics with respect to its nucleoside diphosphate acceptors and nucleoside triphosphate donors and sensitivity to known inhibitors of NDPK (e.g., uridine diphosphate and cromoglycate). By Western blot analyses, at least three isoforms of NDPK were identified in various subcellular fractions of the beta cell. The nm23-H1 (NDPK-A) was predominantly soluble whereas nm23-H2 (NDPK-B) was associated with the soluble as well as membranous fractions. The mitochondrial isoform of NDPK, nm23-H4, was uniformly distributed in the beta cell mitochondrial subfractions. A significant amount of NDPK (as determined by the catalytic activity and immunological methods) was recovered in the immunoprecipitates of mitochondrial fraction precipitated with an antiserum directed against succinyl-CoA synthetase (SCS), suggesting that NDPK might remain complexed with SCS. We provide the first evidence for the localization of a mitochondrial isoform of the NDPK in the islet beta cell and thus offer a potential mechanism for the generation of intramitochondrial GTP which, unlike ATP, is not transported into mitochondria via the classical nucleotide translocase. Further work will be required to determine the importance of the NDPK/SCS complex to normal beta cell function in the secretion of insulin.  相似文献   

[目的] 本试验旨在构建单核细胞增多性李斯特菌谷胱甘肽合成酶基因gshF缺失株和互补株并研究其在细菌运动和鞭毛形成中的调控作用。[方法] 采用同源重组的方法构建得到gshF缺失株后,测定野生株及缺失株的运动性和体外生长能力;同时利用荧光定量PCR方法检测gshF缺失株中鞭毛相关基因转录水平的变化。[结果] 缺失gshF后细菌在体外培养基中的生长能力未受影响,但缺失株的运动性及鞭毛形成能力显著降低。此外,缺失株中鞭毛形成重要调控基因gmaR以及鞭毛结构元件基因flaA的转录水平显著低于野生株,而其他鞭毛相关基因的转录水平变化不明显。[结论] 研究首次表明单增李斯特菌谷胱甘肽合成酶通过调控鞭毛重要基因的转录进而影响细菌的运动性和鞭毛形成,研究有助于深入理解重要食源性胞内菌通过精确调控鞭毛形成以适应外界和宿主环境的分子机制。  相似文献   

The form of succinyl-CoA synthetase found in mammalian mitochondria is known to be an alpha beta dimer. Both GTP- and ATP-specific isozymes are present in various tissues. We have isolated essentially identical complementary DNA clones encoding the beta subunit of pig heart succinyl-CoA synthetase from both newborn and adult tissues. These cDNAs include a 1.4-kb sequence encoding the cytoplasmic precursor to the beta subunit comprised of 417 amino acid residues including a 22-residue mitochondrial targeting sequence. The cDNA encoding the 395-amino acid, 42,502-Da mature protein was confirmed to be the succinyl-CoA synthetase beta subunit by agreement with the N-terminal protein sequence and by high homology to prokaryotic forms of the beta subunit that were previously cloned (about 45% identical to beta from Escherichia coli). In contrast to a previous report (Nishimura, J.S., Ybarra, J., Mitchell, T., & Horowitz, P.M., 1988, Biochem. J. 250, 429-434), we found no tryptophan residue to be encoded in the sequence for the mature beta subunit, and this finding is corroborated by the fact that highly purified pig heart succinyl-CoA synthetase shows no tryptophan fluorescence or tryptophan content in amino acid compositional analysis. The cDNA clones encoding the mature pig heart beta subunit and its counterpart alpha subunit were coexpressed in a deletion mutant strain of E. coli. Recovery of succinyl-CoA synthetase activity demonstrated that this combination of subunits forms a productive enzymatic complex having GTP specificity.  相似文献   

Experimental kinetics and computational modeling of human glutathione synthetase (hGS) support the significant role of the G-loop glycine triad (G369, G370, G371) for activity of this ATP-grasp enzyme. Enzyme kinetic experiments indicate that G369V and G370V mutant hGS have little activity (<0.7 and 0.3%, respectively, versus wild-type hGS). However, G371V retains ∼13% of the activity of wild-type hGS. With respect to G-loop:A-loop interaction in hGS, mutations at Gly369 and Gly370 decrease ligand binding and prevent active site closure and protection. This research indicates that Gly369 and Gly370 have essential roles in hGS, while Gly371 has a lesser involvement. Implications for glycine-rich ensembles in other phosphate-binding enzymes are discussed.  相似文献   

S P Williams  W A Bridger 《Biochemistry》1987,26(14):4483-4487
Succinyl-CoA synthetase of Escherichia coli has an alpha 2 beta 2 subunit structure. The enzyme shows strict half-sites reactivity with respect to the phosphorylation of a histidine residue in the alpha subunit that represents a step in catalysis. Several lines of evidence indicate that this behavior may result from cooperative interactions between alternatingly functional active sites, so that subsequent steps in catalysis at one site may be promoted by phosphoryl transfer to the site on the neighboring half of the molecule. This study is directed toward learning more about the nature of these cooperative interactions. Here we have used positional isotope exchange (i.e., exchange of 18O between the beta, gamma bridge and the beta nonbridge position of ATP) as a test for transient bisphosphorylation. Succinyl-CoA synthetase was ATP) as a test for transient bisphosphorylation. Succinyl-CoA synthetase was prepared in which one of the two active sites was thiophosphorylated; this species thus has one of its two active-site histidine residues occupied and unavailable for further reaction with ATP. Treatment of this monothiophosphorylated enzyme with [beta, gamma-18O]ATP resulted in no significant scrambling of isotope into the nonbridge position, clearly indicating that the enzyme does not undergo even transient bisphosphorylation. We interpret the results in terms of a model of catalysis in which phosphoryl transfer to the second site occurs in concerted fashion with transfer from the first.  相似文献   

Summary The glnA gene of the thermophilic sulphur-dependent archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus was identified by hybridization with the corresponding gene of the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis and cloned in Escherichia coli. The nucleotide sequence of the 1696 bp DNA fragment containing the structural gene for glutamine synthetase was determined, and the derived amino acid sequence (471 residues) was compared to the sequences of glutamine synthetases from eubacteria and eukaryotes. The homology between the archaebacterial and the eubacterial enzymes is higher (42%–49%) than that found with the eukaryotic counterpart (less than 20%). This was true also when the five most conserved regions, which it is possible to identify in both eubacterial and eukaryotic glutamine synthetases, were analysed.  相似文献   

The structural component of the tyrS gene of Escherichia coli, comprising 1269 base pairs, has been fully sequenced by the combined M13/dideoxychain termination approach. The gene has a codon usage pattern which is typical of highly expressed proteins and similar to other Escherichia coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes. Peptide purification and sequencing has been used to locate the N-terminus and to provide confirmation of 95% of the translated protein sequence. This latter yields on Mr of 47 403 for the Escherichia coli tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase, and reveals considerable homology with the primary structure of the analogous enzyme isolated from Bacillus staerothermophilus.  相似文献   

Rap proteins are Ras-like small GTP-binding proteins that amongst others are involved in the control of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion. Several Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RapGEFs) function to activate Rap. These multi-domain proteins, which include C3G, Epacs, PDZ-GEFs, RapGRPs and DOCK4, are regulated by various different stimuli and may function at different levels in junction formation. Downstream of Rap, a number of effector proteins have been implicated in junctional control, most notably the adaptor proteins AF6 and KRIT/CCM1. In this review, we will highlight the latest findings on the Rap signaling network in the control of epithelial and endothelial cell-cell junctions.  相似文献   

A. Soraci  E. Benoit 《Chirality》1995,7(7):534-540
In vitro coenzyme A thioester formation from (?)-(R)-fenoprofen (FPF) and palmitic acid has been studied using liver microsomes from rat, guinea pig, sheep, and dog. In every species with both palmitic acid or (?)-(R)-fenoprofen, the Lineweaver–Burk plot was linear in the substrate concentration range used and as a consequence agrees with the involvement of only one isoenzyme (or different isoenzymes of similar Km values). The Vmax values for the thioesterification of (?)-(R)-fenoprofen present large species variations from 2.1 ± 1.0 with sheep liver microsomes to 60.6 ± 11 nmol/min/mg with dog liver microsomes. These values statistically significantly correlate (r = 0.94) to the Vmax values observed when palmitic acid was used as a substrate. Furthermore palmitic acid inhibited (?)-(R)-fenoprofen–CoA formation in the same extent in all animal species. The stereoselectivity of the thioesterification was also species dependent. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Zhang B  Zhang Y  Shacter E  Zheng Y 《Biochemistry》2005,44(7):2566-2576
Ras GTPases function as binary switches in the signaling pathways controlling cell growth and differentiation by cycling between the inactive GDP-bound and the active GTP-bound states. They are activated through interaction with guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that catalyze the exchange of bound GDP with cytosolic GTP. In a conventional scheme, the biochemical roles of GEFs are postulated as stimulating the release of the bound GDP and stabilizing a nucleotide-free transition state of Ras. Herein we have examined in detail the catalyzed GDP/GTP exchange reaction mechanism by a Ras specific GEF, GRF1. In the absence of free nucleotide, GRF1 could not efficiently stimulate GDP dissociation from Ras. The release of the Ras-bound GDP was dependent upon the concentration and the structure of the incoming nucleotide, in particular, the hydrophobicity of the beta and gamma phosphate groups, suggesting that the GTP binding step is a prerequisite for GDP dissociation, is the rate-limiting step in the GEF reaction, or both. Using a pair of fluorescent guanine nucleotides (N-methylanthraniloyl GDP and 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrocyclohexadienylidene)-GTP) as donor and acceptor probes, we were able to detect fluorescence resonance energy transfer between the incoming GTP and the departing GDP on Ras under controlled kinetic conditions, providing evidence that there may exist a novel intermediate of the GEF-Ras complex that transiently binds to two nucleotides simultaneously. Furthermore, we found that Ras was capable of binding pyrophosphate (PPi) with a dissociation constant of 26 microM and that PPi and GMP, but neither alone, synergistically potentiated the GRF1-stimulated GDP dissociation from Ras. These results strongly support a GEF reaction mechanism by which nucleotide exchange occurs on Ras through a direct GTP/GDP displacement model.  相似文献   

The role of cytosolic glutamine synthetase in wheat   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
The role of glutamine synthetase (GS; EC was studied in wheat. GS isoforms were separated by HPLC and the two major leaf isoforms (cytosolic GS1 and chloroplastic GS2) were found to change in content and activity throughout plant development. GS2 dominated activity in green, rapidly photosynthesising leaves compared to GS1 which was a minor component. GS2 remained the main isoform in flag leaves at the early stages of grain filling but GS1 activity increased as the leaves aged. During senescence, there was a decrease in total GS activity which resulted largely from the loss of GS2 and thus GS 1 became a greater contributor to total GS activity. The changes in the activities of the GS isoforms were mirrored by the changes in GS proteins measured by western blotting. The changes in GS during plant development reflect major transitions in metabolism from a photosynthetic leaf (high GS2 activity) towards a senescencing leaf (relatively high GS1 activity). It is likely that, during leaf maturation and subsequently senescence, GS1 is central for the efficient reassimilation of ammonium released from catabolic reactions when photosynthesis has declined and remobilisation of nitrogen is occurring. Preliminary analysis of transgenic wheat lines with increased GS1 activity in leaves showed that they develop an enhanced capacity to accumulate nitrogen in the plant, mainly in the grain, and this is accompanied by increases in root and grain dry matter. The possibility that the manipulation of GS may provide a means of enhancing nitrogen use in wheat is discussed.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) from Escherichia coli is allosterically regulated by UMP, IMP, and ornithine. Thirteen amino acids within the domain that harbors the overlapping binding sites for IMP and UMP were mutated to alanine and characterized. The four residues that interact directly with the phosphate moiety of IMP in the X-ray crystal structure (K954, T974, T977, and K993) were shown to have the greatest impact on the dissociation constants for the binding of IMP and UMP and the associated allosteric effects on the kinetic constants of CPS. Of the four residues that interact with the ribose moiety of IMP (S948, N1015, T1017, and S1026), S1026 was shown to be more important for the binding of IMP than UMP. Five residues (V994, I1001, D1025, V1028, and I1029) were mutated in the region of the allosteric domain that surrounds the hypoxanthine ring of IMP. With the exception of V994A, these mutations had a modest influence on the binding and subsequent allosteric effects by UMP and IMP.  相似文献   

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