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神经元集群的自持续放电活动是大脑内广泛存在的现象,其被证实在大脑的工作记忆与目标导向等行为中有重要体现。作者以非线性的整合发放(integrate-and-firing,IF)神经元模型为网络节点,构建了具有小世界特征的层次网络仿真模型,以研究自持续活动中神经元发放的一些特性。在合适的模型参数下,层次网络能产生自持续放电活动,其整体发放频率在撤掉外部刺激之后的20 s内比较稳定,而层次内部发放频率的高低与层次顺序无关。整体发放频率关于突触连接数量与短路径密度都呈现出先正关系增长再达到饱和的趋势,同时,规模越大的神经元网络的整体发放频率对短路径密度更为敏感。研究结果对揭示大脑神经元功能性核团之间的相互作用机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

动态神经元的网络模型 Ⅱ.计算机仿真   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
在动态神经元的网络模型的基础上,在计算机上进行了仿真。结果表明,我们的单元模型能再现感受器的适应性、兴奋后抑制、相位锁定和位置编码。由五十个这样的单元构成的侧抑制网络能再现鲎复眼侧抑制网络的瞬态特性,而在达到稳态时则表现出马赫带现象。仿真结果还预测侧抑制网络对运动目标特别敏感。模型有关神经元处理信息的内部机制和外部特性与生物神经元的一致性,以及由此构成的侧抑制网络与鲎复眼侧抑制网络性质的一致性,都提示此模型有希望成为一种更接近于生物神经网络的模型。  相似文献   

脑皮层的功能连接模式与突触可塑性密切相关,受突触空间分布和刺激模式等多种因素的影响。尽管越来越多的证据表明突触可塑性不仅受突触后动作电位而且还受突触后局部树突电位的影响,但是目前尚不清楚神经元的功能连接模式是否和怎样依赖于突触后局部电位的。为此,本文建立了一个无需硬边界设置的、突触后局部膜电位依赖的可塑性模型。该模型具有突触强度的自平衡能力并且能够再现多种突触可塑性实验结果。基于该模型对两个锥体神经元的功能连接模式进行仿真的结果表明,当突触后局部电位都处于亚阈值时两个神经元无功能连接,如果一个神经元的突触后膜电位高于阈值电位则产生向该神经元的单向连接,当两个神经元的突触后膜电位都超过阈值电位时则产生双向连接,说明突触后局部膜电位分布是神经元功能连接模式形成的关键。研究结果加深了神经网络连接模式形成机制的理解,对学习和记忆的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

白细胞介素1β(Interleukin-1β,IL-1β)是一种重要的促炎细胞因子,在中枢神经系统中发挥着广泛的生物学功能。大量研究表明,IL-1β的作用非常复杂,在不同的模型和条件下作用不同,包括神经损伤或者神经毒性作用。电压门控钾通道调节神经元电学性质,也参与多种中枢神经系统的病理学过程。虽然IL-1β和钾通道都在脑损伤和脑疾病过程中发挥重要作用,但目前还很少有它们之间关系的研究报导。文章作者以原代培养的大鼠皮层神经元为材料,使用全细胞膜片钳技术,研究了10 ng/mL的IL-1β在不同处理时间下对皮层神经元电压依赖性钾电流的影响。根据电流的性质,可以将记录到的钾电流分为瞬时外向电流(IA)为主的IA样电流和延迟整流电流(IK)为主的IK样电流两部分,结果显示:IL-1β处理8 h对二者没有作用;处理24 h可使IA样和IK样电流的幅度降低20%左右。以上结果提示IL-1β对大鼠皮层神经元电压门控钾电流具有抑制作用,并且这种抑制可能具有时间依赖性。  相似文献   

具有节点偏置的高阶神经网络模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在汪涛文献基础上提出了一个具有节点偏置的高阶神经网络模型、给出了模型的哈密顿量和学习算法,证明了学习算法的收敛性,该模型能对每一神经元自动引入一个节点偏置使得网络能够存储所有学习图样包括相关图样,其存储容量远高于Hebb—rule—like学习算法下的高阶神经网络模型.对由30个神经元组成的二阶神经网络进行了计算机仿真,结果证实了上述结论.此外,对初始突触强度对学习效果的影响和不同存储图样数目下的平均吸引半径进行了仿真计算并分析了所得结果.新模型的特点使其具有良好的应用前景  相似文献   

运动过程的网络逻辑——从离子通道到动物行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GRILLNER Sten 《生命科学》2008,20(5):695-701
为了揭示神经网络在脊椎动物运动中所行使的内在功能,作者开发了七鳃鳗这种低等脊椎动物模型。在这套系统中,不仅可以了解到运动模式生成网络以及激活此网络的命令系统,同时还可以在运动中研究方向控制系统和变向控制系统。七鳃鳗的神经系统有较少的神经元,而且运动行为中的不同运动模式可以由分离的神经系统所引发。模式生成神经网络包括同侧的谷氨酸能中间神经元和对侧的抑制性甘氨酸能中间神经元。网络中的突触连接、细胞膜特性和神经递质都也已经被鉴定。运动是由脑干区域的网状脊髓神经元所引起,而这些神经元又是被问脑和中脑分离的一些运动命令神经元群所控制。因此,运动行为最初是由这两个“运动核心”所启动。而这两个运动核心被基底神经节调控,基底神经节即时地做出判断是否允许下游的运动程序启动。在静止情况下基底神经节的输出核团维持对下游不同运动核心的抑制作用,反之则去除抑制活化运动核心。纹状体和苍白球被认为是这个运动抉择系统的主要部件。根据“霍奇金一贺胥黎”模型神经元开发了这套网络模型,不同的细胞具有各自相应的不同亚型的钠、钾、钙离子通道和钙依赖的钾通道。每个模型神经元拥有86个不同区域模块以及其对应的生物学功能,例如频率控制、超极化等等。然后根据已有实验证据,利用突触将不同的模型神经元相连。而系统中的10000个神经元大致和生物学网络上的细胞数量相当。突触数量为760000。突触类型有AMPA、NMDA、glycine型。有了这样大规模的模型,不仅可以模拟肌节与肌节之间的神经网络,还可以模拟到由基底神经节开始的行为起始部分。此外,这些网络模拟还被用于一个神经机械学模型来模拟包含有推进和方向控制部分的真实运动。  相似文献   

众所周知,神经元的轴突和树突在分子组成、形态和功能上都存在巨大差异。神经元维持自身轴突树突形态、功能分化的性质被称为神经元的极性。极性的建立不仅是神经元行使自身功能的必要条件,也是神经细胞之间形成正确回路联系的前提。  相似文献   

在猫孤束核(NTS)中有许多吸神经元而只有极少呼神经元。这个事实加上其它一些证据,使有些作者认为呼吸节律发生的交互抑制模型是不适当的。但细胞内记录的工作表明在呼和吸神经元均有交替出现的超极化和去极化,说明交互抑制确实存在。另一些人在 NTS 之外的 B(?)tzinger 复合体找到一群呼神经元,其轴突伸至 NTS 的吸神经元区。但 NTS 只投射到闩部后的腹外侧区另一群呼神  相似文献   

动态神经元网络模型的复杂性问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在动态神经元网络模型中,当神经元总数仅为3时就观察到了非周期振荡。运用Lempel和Ziv提出的复杂性度量对这种现象进行了分析,结果表明对于其中一个神经元所发出的脉冲序列来说,至少直到1000个脉冲为止还不能发现任何的周期性,并且其复杂性可以和由logistic映射所产生的时间序列当其参数落在混沌区中时所具有的复杂性相比拟.这些结果也表明这种方法是所观察的时间范围内区分长周期振荡和非周期活动的好方法。结果还提示神经生理实验记录中所谓的噪声,其中有些可能是来源于生物神经元本身的非线性性质。  相似文献   

从生物神经元接收和处理信息的基本实验事实出发,提出了一种新的神经网络模型。这个模型修改了大多数现有人工神经网络中关于输出函数只反映静态特性的假设,而强调了神经元发放脉冲的动态过程。模型方程分别对应于突触后电位、感受器电位、始段分级电位和轴突上的的脉冲系列,每个方程都具有明确的生理意义。还给出了计算此非线性方程组解的递推算法和程序框图。因此不仅可对本模型作进一步的理论分析,也可在计算机上仿真,并和相应的生物学实验资料进行对照比较。  相似文献   

不同QTL增效基因初始频率下标记辅助选择的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用随机模拟方法模拟了在一个闭锁群体内连续对单个性状选择10个世代的情形。在假定选择性状受一个位于常染色体上的QTL和多基因共同控制的情况下,采用动物模型标记辅助最佳线性无偏预测方法估计个体育种值并据此进行种畜的选留,并在此基础上系统地比较了QTL增效基因初始频率对标记辅助选择效果的影响。结果表明:当群体中QTL增效基因的初始频率较低时,选择所获得的QTL基因型值的进展会更大,标记辅助选择在单位时间内可获得较大的遗传进展;此时,尽管QTL增效基因在群体中固定所需的世代数会更长一些,但其频率上升的速度却更快。而QTL增效基因初始频率的高低对群体近交增量的影响不是很大。  相似文献   

M Shimamura  M Oku  T Yamagata 《FEBS letters》1991,290(1-2):213-215
Rates of acid-catalyzed solvolysis of glycoside bonds in glycosphingolipids were compared to establish a basis for conducting saccharide analysis. Permethylated globotetraosylceramide and asialogangliotriaosylceramide as model compounds for methylation and sugar composition analysis, respectively, were solvolyzed under acidic conditions and the sugar components thus obtained were determined at specified times by gas liquid chromatography, after they had been derivatized. Reducing-end glucose residues in both compounds were liberated more slowly than other sugar residues. Glycoside bonds between reducing-end glucose and ceramide in glycosphingolipids would thus appear to be more resistant towards acid-catalysed solvolysis than other glycoside bonds between hexopyranosides.  相似文献   

The current speed at which underyearling salmon parr held feeding stations was examined from late summer to early winter in laboratory flume tanks that offered a choice between (a) areas with high water flow, high food availability but high predation risk and (b) areas with low flow, little food but shelter from predators. In August, those fish that would become smolts aged 1 + (and which by late winter formed the upper modal group, UMG, of the bimodal size distribution) adopted positions in faster currents than did the fish which would take a further year to reach the smolt stage (the lower modal group, LMG). However, the chosen current speed of UMG fish decreased through the period of study, so that by December all fish were found in areas of low flow, and hence little food. Both date and water temperature had independent effects on the chosen current speed of UMG fish.
The effect of predation risk was investigated using a model trout. A brief sight of this predator caused 47% of fish that had been in the main, exposed currents to move to slacker, sheltered areas; they took 1 h, on average, to return to their previous position. The fish that remained in position upon seeing the predator reduced their rate of tail beating, presumably increasing crypticity. Eventual UMG parr were less likely than were LMG fish to move away upon seeing a predator. The fish moved to faster currents than normal 2–3 h after seeing the predator, possibly compensating for the earlier reduction in feeding rate.  相似文献   

T. I. Olsson 《Oecologia》1988,74(4):492-495
Summary In a boreal river about 95% of the individuals of Gyraulus acronicus overwinter in the littoral zone which freezes solid each year. These snails were compared with those overwintering in the unfrozen sublittoral area: The littoral snails had a higher survival rate, a higher tissue dry mass/CaCO3 ratio, and they deposited a higher number of eggs. Littoral snails had a more pronounced tissue degrowth during winter. High winter survival in the frozen littoral zone, a refuge totaly free from predation, indicates that overwintering here is advantageous. However, during frozen periods of short duration (<1 month) the high initial mortality to which the snails were exposed when freezing into the ice was not compensated for by higher survival after the initial phase. Under such conditions when the frozen period is very short the snails would have higher survival in unfrozen parts and are thus expected to avoid the ice.  相似文献   

Cellulosic fabric samples of cotton, viscose, lyocell and modal were pretreated with steam and dry heat in the range of 100–190°C. The samples were then treated with a Trichoderma reesei cellulase preparation (total culture filtrate – TC), with mechanical agitation, at a high enzyme dosage of 75% by weight of fabric, for 8 hours. Generally, viscose proved to be easily degradable, followed by cotton and modal. The degree of hydrolysis was the least for Lyocell. Dry heat pretreatments exerted a lower influence on degradation rate than steam pretreatments which showed a distinct maximum at a steam temperature of 130°C. The hydrolysis rate varied strongly depending on treatment conditions and fibre type. Water retention values in treated substrates were changed by up to 20% of initial values.  相似文献   

Tree size distributions have long been of interest to ecologists and foresters because they reflect fundamental demographic processes. Previous studies have assumed that size distributions are often associated with population trends or with the degree of shade tolerance. We tested these associations for 31 tree species in a 20 ha plot in a Dinghushan south subtropical forest in China. These species varied widely in growth form and shade-tolerance. We used 2005 and 2010 census data from that plot. We found that 23 species had reversed J shaped size distributions, and eight species had unimodal size distributions in 2005. On average, modal species had lower recruitment rates than reversed J species, while showing no significant difference in mortality rates, per capita population growth rates or shade-tolerance. We compared the observed size distributions with the equilibrium distributions projected from observed size-dependent growth and mortality. We found that observed distributions generally had the same shape as predicted equilibrium distributions in both unimodal and reversed J species, but there were statistically significant, important quantitative differences between observed and projected equilibrium size distributions in most species, suggesting that these populations are not at equilibrium and that this forest is changing over time. Almost all modal species had U-shaped size-dependent mortality and/or growth functions, with turning points of both mortality and growth at intermediate size classes close to the peak in the size distribution. These results show that modal size distributions do not necessarily indicate either population decline or shade-intolerance. Instead, the modal species in our study were characterized by a life history strategy of relatively strong conservatism in an intermediate size class, leading to very low growth and mortality in that size class, and thus to a peak in the size distribution at intermediate sizes.  相似文献   

Cellulosic fabric samples of cotton, viscose, lyocell and modal were pretreated with steam and dry heat in the range of 100-190°C. The samples were then treated with a Trichoderma reesei cellulase preparation (total culture filtrate - TC), with mechanical agitation, at a high enzyme dosage of 75% by weight of fabric, for 8 hours. Generally, viscose proved to be easily degradable, followed by cotton and modal. The degree of hydrolysis was the least for Lyocell. Dry heat pretreatments exerted a lower influence on degradation rate than steam pretreatments which showed a distinct maximum at a steam temperature of 130°C. The hydrolysis rate varied strongly depending on treatment conditions and fibre type. Water retention values in treated substrates were changed by up to 20% of initial values.  相似文献   

Development of adequate diving capabilities is crucial for survival of seal pups and may depend on age and body size. We tracked the diving behavior of 20 gray seal pups during their first 3 mo at sea using satellite relay data loggers. We employed quantile analysis to track upper limits of dive duration and percentage time spent diving, and lower limits of surface intervals. When pups first left the breeding colony, extreme (ninety-fifth percentile) dive duration and percentage time spent diving were positively correlated with age, but not mass, at departure. Extreme dive durations and percentage time spent diving peaked at [Formula: see text] d of age at values comparable with those of adults, but were not sustained. Greater peaks in extreme percentage time spent diving occurred in pups that had higher initial values, were older at their peak, and were heavier at departure. Pups that were smaller and less capable divers when they left the colony improved extreme dive durations and percentage time spent diving more rapidly, once they were at sea. Minimum survival time correlated positively with departure mass. Pups that were heavier at weaning thus benefitted from being both larger and older at departure, but smaller pups faced a trade-off. While age at departure had a positive effect on early dive performance, departure mass impacted on peak percentage time spent diving and longer-term survival. We speculate that once small pups have attained a minimum degree of physiological development to support diving, they would benefit by leaving the colony when younger but larger to maximize limited fuel reserves, rather than undergoing further maturation on land away from potential food resources, because poor divers may be able to "catch up" once at sea.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry studies of the DNA distribution of 33 lung tumors were carried out. All of the carcinomas (32 cases) had aneuploid DNA modal values, ranging from 2.15c to 5.05c; in the single case of carcinoid studied, the tumor cells were diploid. DNA ploidy levels tended to be higher for epidermoid than adenocarcinoma; they were the same in lymph node metastases as in the primary tumor. Cell cycle distributions calculated from the tumor cell DNA values showed considerable variation, ranging from 9% to 58% for the S phase and from less than 1% to 29% for the G2M phase. Whether these variations have clinical significance is not known at this time.  相似文献   

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