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Summary The duration of the electric organ discharge (EOD) in Gymnotus carapo is brief and independent of fish size. Spinal mechanisms involved in electrocyte synchronization were explored by recording spontaneous action potentials of single fibers from the electromotor bulbospinal tract (EBST). Using the field potential of the medullary electromotor nucleus (MEN) as a temporal reference we calculated the orthodromic conduction velocity (CV) of these fibers (range: 10.7–91 m/s).The CVs (in m/s) of fibers recorded at the same level of the spinal cord were significantly different in small and large fish; this difference disappeared when CV were expressed as percentage of body length/ms. Plotting these values against conduction distance (also in %) showed that low CV fibers predominate in the rostral cord while only fast fibers are found at distal levels. Moreover, antidromic stimulation of the distal cord was only effective on high CV fibers. The orthodromic CVs in the distal portion of the recorded fibers were calculated by collision experiments; no significant differences were found between proximal and distal portions.The spatial distribution of CV values within the EBST is proposed to play the main role in synchronizing the electromotoneurons' activity along the spinal cord.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - EO electric organ - EBST electromotor bulbospinal tract - MEN medullary electromotor nucleus - CV conduction velocity - EMN electromotoneuron  相似文献   

At the southern boundary of gymnotiform distribution in America. water temperature changes seasonally, and may be an environmental cue for the onset of breeding. In this study, we aim to describe the role of temperature upon electric organ discharge waveform in Gymnotus carapo, order Gymnotiformes, family Gymnotidae, and to analyze its interactions with the effects of steroid hormones. The effects of water temperature within its natural range were explored using different protocols. All fish tested had temperature-sensitive electric organ discharge waveforms: the amplitude of the last head-negative component (V4) decreased as temperature increased. Rate increases elicited by electrical stimulation had similar but smaller effect on waveform. Temperature sensitivity is a peripheral phenomenon that depends on the conductivity of the aquatic media. We found hormonal-dependent changes in the electric organ discharge waveform not previously described in this species. The amplitude and duration of V4 increased after testosterone administration. Both testosterone treatment and acclimation by sustained temperature at 27-28 degrees C (environmental simulation of breeding conditions) induced a decrease in temperature sensitivity. As in the related species Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus, our data strongly suggest interactions between temperature sensitivity of the electric organ discharge waveform and sexual maturity that might be crucial for reproduction.  相似文献   

Electrophysiology of electric organ in Gymnotus carapo   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The electric organ of G. carapo is formed by linearly arrayed electroplaques which lie in four tubes on each side of the fish. In one tube the electroplaques are innervated on their rostral surfaces, in the others on the caudal. Both surfaces of each electroplaque produce spikes, and either can be excited alone by a suitably oriented externally applied stimulating current. The innervated surface, however, has a lower threshold, and in the normal organ activity, which is a continuous discharge at 35 to 60/sec., it is always fired first by the large neurally evoked postsynaptic potential. The spike of the innervated face then fires the opposite face. The potential recorded external to the innervated face is initially negative and becomes positive when the other face fires. The potential outside the other face is inverted. The p.s.p.'s are electrically inexcitable, have short duration, and are augmented by hyperpolarization. A single electroplaque is innervated by several nerve fibers, which produce summative p.s.p.'s. Homosynaptic facilitation of p.s.p.'s is common. The synapses are cholinoceptive. The organ discharge begins with synchronized activity in the rostrally innervated electroplaques. After a brief interval, the electroplaques in the other three tubes fire. The organ discharge therefore is triphasic, resulting from the summation of the two diphasic components that are oppositely directed and asynchronous. Observations on the sensory role of the organ are included.  相似文献   

The electrogenic organ (EO) of Gymnotus carapo has two main portions: a posterior region consisting of four bilaterally arranged electrocyte rows; and an anterior portion composed of only two. The lateral row (LR) of the anterior portion contains doubly innervated electrocytes with axon terminals from different nerves on their rostral and caudal faces. The LR is continuous with the most dorsal row of the caudal region. This row also contains doubly innervated electrocytes. The medial row (MR) electrocytes of the anterior region and ventral rows of the caudal region are exclusively caudally innervated. All caudal faces of the anterior or abdominal region are supplied by two nerves which originate from spinal roots VIII to XXI. Roots I to VII give origin to pure rostral nerves whose electromotor axons terminate on the rostral surfaces of the first seven LR electrocytes. A given doubly innervated electrocyte is supplied on its caudal face by a nerve originating several segments (usually seven) posterior to the spinal root supplying its rostral face. Transections of the spinal cord at the level of root VIII isolate the activity of the rostral surfaces of the first electrocytes. The EO discharge (EOD) then appears as a head negative deflection which arises from abdominally located electrocytes. Its monophasic character reveals that the activity remains restricted to the rostral electrocyte surfaces. Damage of the abdominal portion of the EO abolishes the first negative deflection of the normal pulse. Transections of the spinal cord at the level of root XXI isolate the activity of the whole abdominal portion of the EO. Since both doubly and singly innervated electrocytes remain active, the EOD appears biphasic. Comparative studies have shown that the EOD of Hypopomus sp. lacks any early negative wave and correspondingly all its electrocytes are exclusively caudally innervated.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The electric organ discharge (EOD) frequency modulations evoked by brief water vibration were analysed in the pulse-type fish Gymnotus carapo.
  • 2.2. The response consisted of a transient increase of the EOD frequency at short latency (30 msec). Response profiles were characteristic of the specimen and relatively independent on stimulus intensity.
  • 3.3. Conversely, they were dependent on stimulation sequence, showing a rapid decrement along successive stimuli and high temporal discrimination.
  • 4.4. The brief latencies indicate a relatively simple neural circuit.
  • 5.5. The response may be an electrolocation enhancement strategy for the detection of moving objects based on “sampling” the periphery at a higher frequency.

Summary The electric organ (EO) ofGymnotus carapo was studied using different neurohistological techniques including conventional electron microscopy. The electric tissue extends along the fish body from the pectoral girdle to the tip of the tail, constituting a single, undivided organ. However, taking into account the number, arrangement, and innervation of the electrocytes, it is possible to divide the EO into three different portions. The more rostral portion is included within the ventral wall of the abdominal cavity. It consists of singly and doubly innervated electrocytes arranged in two rows at each side of the midline. Innervation of this zone is supplied by the first 5–7 segmental nerves and by the anterior electromotor nerves. Segmental nerves terminate on the rostral faces of doubly innervated electrocytes; axons stemming from the anterior electromotor nerves end on the caudal faces of both doubly and singly innervated electrocytes. There is an intermediate body-tail region in which the electrocytes are arranged in four dorsoventral tubes (tubes 1 to 4) on each side of the midline. In this zone, doubly innervated electrocytes (confined within tube 1) coexist together with singly innervated ones, receiving nerve terminals on their caudal faces (tubes 2, 3, and 4). The innervation characteristics appear modified at more distal portions of the tail where the doubly innervated electrocytes of tube 1 are replaced by singly innervated units. The most distal portion of the EO (approximately its terminal 30%) consists of numerous, homogeneously innervated electrocytes with nerve endings distributed exclusively on their caudal faces. Nerve supply to the intermediate and distal regions derives from the posterior electromotor nerves (PENs) which appear as well-defined anatomical entities beyond the level of metamere XXVII. At the bodytail and more distal regions the innervation pattern of the EO is particularly complex. Thin nerve trunks arise from the PENs and project ventrally toward the electrocyte tubes. Before reaching the electric tissue the electromotor axons branch frequently. Our anatomical studies indicate that the EO is heterogeneous, a feature consistent with most recent electrophysiological and biophysical experiments.Abbreviations AEN anterior electromotor nerve - EMN electromotoneurons - EO electric organ - EOD electric organ discharge - LLN lateral line nerve - PEN posterior electromotor nerve  相似文献   

The functional role of the dorsal portions of dorsolateral telencephalon in modulating the stable electric organ discharge was determined by microinjection of an agonist or antagonist GABAergic drug in the awake weak electric fish, Gymnotus carapo. The dorsolateral telencephalon, which is interconnected with the preglomerular complex and the dorsocentral telencephalic area was microinjected through a guide cannula previously implanted, with different doses of bicuculline, muscimol and saline. Microinjection of bicuculline into the dorsolateral telencephalon induced a complex response consisting of increase, decrease and abrupt interruptions in the frequency of electric organ discharges and an increase in motor activity. Motor activity and modulations in the electric organ discharge are dose dependent. The somatic, but not the electric, effect is abolished under anesthesia by urethane, suggesting that the two responses are parallel but unrelated in terms of occurrence. These data, together with former neuroanatomical findings by this laboratory, suggest two parallel pathways by which the blockage of GABAA receptors in the dorsolateral telencephalon causes modulations in the firing of the medullary pacemaker nucleus. A possible route for the motor effect through reticular projection from the torus semicircularis dorsalis is discussed.  相似文献   

The pacemaker nucleus of Gymnotus carapo contains two types of neurons: pacemaker cells which set up the frequency of the electric organ discharge (EOD) and relay cells which convey the command signal to the spinal cord. Direct activation of a single relay cell provides enough excitation to discharge a pool of spinal electromotor neurons and electrocytes, generating a small EOD (unit EOD). Different relay cells generate unit EODs of variable size and waveform, indicating the involvement of different groups of electrocytes. A special technique of EOD recording (multiple air-gap) was combined with intracellular stimulation of relay cells to study the spatial distribution within the electric organ (EO) of the command signal arising from different relay cells. Three types of relay cells could be identified: type I commanding the rostral 10% of the EO, type II which distribute their command all along the EO and type III driving the caudal 30%. Waveform analysis of unit EODs indicates that doubly innervated electrocytes which are the most relevant for attaining the specific EOD waveform, receive a favored command from the pacemaker nucleus.Abbreviations CV conduction velocity - EMF electromotive force - EMN electromotor neuron - EO electric organ - EOD electric organ discharge - PN pacemaker nucleus - uEOD unit electric organ discharge  相似文献   

Resting frequency of the EOD and amplitude of the frequency changes induced by different stimulus modalities (novelty responses) were measured in Gymnotus carapo before and after pharmacological modulation of serotonergic transmission and in control groups. Stimulation of serotonergic transmission induced a decrease of resting frequency and the appearance of spontaneous frequency bursts. The amplitude of the transient change in discharge frequency induced by photic, acoustic, mechanical and electric stimuli was significantly enhanced after serotonergic stimulation. These effects were also produced by a selective ligand of 5-HT2A/2c receptor subtypes. Selective blockade of the same receptors prevented the agonist effect and induced opposite changes, thus suggesting the existence of a tonic serotonergic control.  相似文献   

The electric fish Gymnotus carapo emits brief (4 ms) electric pulses separated by much longer intervals of high regularity (coefficient of variation 0.01–0.02). Two main changes in the firing patterns of electric organ discharge were observed when two fish were placed together. (1) All fish pairs showed an increase in the frequency difference between the two fish, in comparison with the value observed in isolated fish, prior to the interaction. This change increased the number of beats per second between both discharge trains, i.e., the number of times per second that the higher rate discharge sweeps the lower rate one when displayed on an oscilloscope. (2) When the sweeping velocity fell below 2–3 sweeps/s, transient frequency increases were also observed in the electric organ discharge of the higher rate fish when they were about to discharge simultaneously. The contribution to jamming avoidance of these two changes was analyzed by comparing recordings of behavioral interactions with simulations produced by a computational model. The jamming effect of the firing of a conspecific located in the same tank was evaluated by counting the number of coincidences between both trains (occurrence of discharges of the two fish within 2 ms of one another). The number of coincidences was evaluated as a function of the sweeping velocity in both simulations (with and without transient frequency increases) and real fish. As the sweeping velocity increased, single coincidences increased slightly in simulations without transient frequency increases, whereas the successive coincidences (coincidences repeated in successive discharges) decreased abruptly. The simulation including transient frequency increases eliminated the successive coincidences and decreased the single ones. Only when the sweeping velocity was less than 2–3 sweeps/s, did transient frequency increases improve the coincidence-avoiding performance of the simulation. The number of coincidences observed in natural behavioral interactions for the different sweeping velocities coincided with the distributions obtained with the simulations. As successive coincidences are known to be more detrimental for electrolocation than single ones, the increase in the sweeping velocity may be considered a jamming avoidance strategy in Gymnotus carapo, in addition to the already described transient frequency increases. Received: 2 June 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 18 November 1998  相似文献   

Stimulation of the spinal cord of the electric fish Gymnotus carapo, evoked an abrupt increase in the discharge rate of the electric organ. At the maximum of this response, the rate increased an average of 26 ± 11.8%. The duration of the response was 4.9 ± 2.12 s; its latency was 10.4 ± 1.1 ms. Activation of the Mauthner axon played a decisive role in this phenomenon as indicated by the following: (1) recordings from the axon cap of the Mauthner cell demonstrated that the response was evoked if the Mauthner axon was antidromically activated and (2) a response that was similar to that produced by spinal cord stimulation, was elicited by intracellular stimulation of either Mauthner cell. Stimulation of the eighth nerve could also increase the discharge rate of the electric organ. The effect was greater if a Mauthner cell action potential was elicited. The findings described in the present report, indicate the existence of a functional connection between the Mauthner cell and the electromotor system in Gymnotus carapo. This connection may function to enhance the electrolocative sampling of the environment during Mauthner-cell mediated behaviors. This is a novel function for the Mauthner cell.Abbreviations EHP extrinsic hyperpolarizing potential - EOD electric organ discharge - M-AIR Mauthner initiated abrupt increase in rate - M-cell Mauthner cell - M-axon Mauthner axon - PM pacemaker nucleus - PM-cell pacemaker cell - PPn prepacemaker nucleus - SPPn sublemniscal prepacemaker nucleus  相似文献   

A new technique of multiple-air-gap recording was developed to study the EO activation process in Gymnotus carapo. Using this technique, the spatiotemporal pattern of electromotive force generation was investigated in normal and spinal-lesioned animals.Our data indicate that the EOD may be considered as the result of the sequential activation of 3 defined portions of the EO: the abdominal portion (included in the rostral 25% of the fish body), the central portion (comprising the intermediate 50% of the fish body) and the tail portion (the caudal 25% of the fish body). The EOD generated at each portion is characterized by: 1) timing respect to the pacemaker nucleus discharge, 2) speed of progression within the region, 3) waveform, and 4) magnitude.Spinal sections demonstrated that EMNs serving relatively small portions of the EO are widely distributed (convergence) and that surgical exclusion of relatively small portions of the spinal cord diminishes the amplitude of the EOD along an extended portion of the EO (divergence).Abbreviations EMF electromotive force - EMN electromotor-neurons - EO electric organ - EOD electric organ discharge - PMNFP pacemaker nucleus field potential - PEN posterior electromotor nerve - PNA peripheral neural activity  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish in the genus Sternopygus emit a sinusoidal, individually distinct, and sexually dimorphic electric organ discharge (EOD) that is used in electrolocation and communication. Systemically applied androgens decrease EOD frequency, which is set by a medullary pacemaker nucleus, and increase pulse duration, which is determined by the cells of the electric organ (the electrocytes), in a coordinated fashion. One possibility is that androgens broaden the EOD pulse duration by acting on the pacemaker neurons, thereby effecting a change in pacemaker firing frequency, and that the change in EOD pulse duration is due to an activity-dependent process. To determine whether androgens can alter pulse duration despite a stable pacemaker nucleus firing frequency, we implanted small doses of dihydrotestosterone in the electric organ. We found that androgen implants increased EOD pulse duration, but did not influence EOD frequency. In addition, using immunocytochemistry, we found that electrocytes label positively with an androgen receptor antibody. While it is not known on which cells androgens act directly, together these experiments suggest that they likely act on the electrocytes to increase EOD pulse duration. Since pulse duration is determined by electrocyte action potential duration and ionic current kinetics, androgens may therefore play a causative role in influencing individual variation and sexual dimorphism in electrocyte electrical excitability, an important component of electrocommunicatory behavior.  相似文献   

Understanding fixed motor pattern diversity across related species provides a window for exploring the evolution of their underlying neural mechanisms. The electric organ discharges of weakly electric fishes offer several advantages as paradigmatic models for investigating how a neural decision is transformed into a spatiotemporal pattern of action. Here, we compared the far fields, the near fields and the electromotive force patterns generated by three species of the pulse generating New World gymnotiform genus Gymnotus. We found a common pattern in electromotive force, with the far field and near field diversity determined by variations in amplitude, duration, and the degree of synchronization of the different components of the electric organ discharges. While the rostral regions of the three species generate similar profiles of electromotive force and local fields, most of the species-specific differences are generated in the main body and tail regions of the fish. This causes that the waveform of the field is highly site dependant in all the studied species. These findings support a hypothesis of the relative separation of the electrolocation and communication carriers. The presence of early head negative waves in the rostral region, a species-dependent early positive wave at the caudal region, and the different relationship between the late negative peak and the main positive peak suggest three points of lability in the evolution of the electrogenic system: a) the variously timed neuronal inputs to different groups of electrocytes; b) the appearance of both rostrally and caudally innervated electrocytes, and c) changes in the responsiveness of the electrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

To investigate the synchronization mechanisms operating in the electromotor system, electric organ discharge related field potentials of neural origin were recorded in intact fish. Components corresponding to the relay nucleus, the bulbar-spinal electromotor tract, the electromotoneurons and the peripheral nerves were identified. Delays between components were used to estimate the following intervals: (1) the conduction time along the cord (central conduction interval), (2) the interval between the local activation of the tract and the electromotoneuron firing within a restricted portion of the cord (coupling interval) and (3) the conduction time along the peripheral axons plus the time taken by synaptic activation of the electrocytes (peripheral interval). While central conduction interval increases with the distance from the pacemaker, the coupling interval diminishes. Peripheral interval also diminishes from rostral to caudal targets in the electric organ. It is concluded that the electrocyte synchronization, resulting from matching the three above-defined intervals, is achieved by a cascade of synergetic mechanisms.Abbreviations EBST electromotor bulbar-spinal tract - EMN electromotoneuron - EO electric organ - EOD electric organ discharge - PEN posterior electromotor nerve - PNA peripheral nerve activity - SFP skin surface field potentials  相似文献   

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