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Previous studies of the dinucleotides flanking both the 5' and 3' ends of homooligomer tracts have shown that some flanks are consistently preferred over others (1,2). In the first preferred group, the homooligomer tracts are flanked by the same nucleotide and/or the complementary nucleotides, e.g.,ATAn,TTAn,CCGn, where n = 2-5. Runs flanked by nucleotides with which they cannot base pair are distinctly disfavored. (In this group An/Tn are flanked by C and/or G; Gn/Cn are flanked by A/T, e.g.,CGAn,TnGG,GnAT). The frequencies of runs flanked by A or T, and G or C ("mixed"group) are as expected. Here we seek the origin of this effect and its relevance to protein-DNA interactions. Surprisingly, within the first group, runs flanked by their complements with a pyrimidine-purine junction (e.g.,TTAn,CnGG) are greatly preferred. The frequencies of their purine-pyrimidine junction mirror-images is just as expected. This effect, as well as additional ones enumerated below, is seen universally in eukaryotes and in prokaryotes, although it is stronger in the former. Detailed analysis of regulatory regions shows these strong trends, particularly in GC sequences. The potential relationship to DNA conformation and DNA-protein interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

The distributions of the junction sequences of homooligomer tracts of various lengths have been examined in prokaryotic DNA sequences and compared with those of eukaryotes. The general trends in the nearest and next to nearest neighbors to the tracts are similar for both groups. In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes A/T runs are preferentially flanked on either the 5' or the 3' ends by A and/or T. G/C runs are preferentially flanked by G and/or C. There is discrimination against A/T runs flanked by G or C and G/C runs flanked by A or T. However, whereas the distribution of prokaryotic homooligomer tract junction sequences was quite homogeneous, large variations were observed in the 5-fold larger eukaryotic database, increasing in magnitude from tracts of length 2 to 3 to 4 base pairs long. Possible DNA conformational implications and in particular DNA curvature and packaging aspects of prokaryotes and eukaryotes are discussed.  相似文献   

Some rules in the ordering of nucleotides in the DNA.   总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Natural DNA sequences contain distinct nearest neighbor patterns. Eukaryotic as well as prokaryotic sequences show a consistent hierarchy in the frequencies of appearance of most doublets.  相似文献   

The unusual conformation adopted by the adenine tracts in kinetoplast DNA   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
A M Burkhoff  T D Tullius 《Cell》1987,48(6):935-943
To determine the structural features responsible for the curvature of kinetoplast DNA, we studied 13 adenine tracts in Crithidia fasciculata kinetoplast DNA. The structures of the A tracts were analyzed by cutting the DNA with hydroxyl radical. Reactivity of hydroxyl radical toward the DNA backbone progressively decreased in the 5'----3' direction of each A tract. The cutting pattern of the T-rich strand was offset by 1 or 2 bp from the pattern on the A-rich strand. An A tract in a restriction fragment from plasmid pBR322 had the same cutting pattern as the kinetoplast A tracts. We interpret these experiments to show that in A tracts the width of the minor groove decreases smoothly from the 5'----3' end of the A tract.  相似文献   

The statistical correlation of nucleotides in protein-coding DNA sequences   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The statistical correlation of nucleotides in a DNA sequence is described by a set of redundanciesD 1,D 2,D 3,... By calculation of {D n} of 2341 coding regions of nucleic acid sequences it is demonstrated that about 2/3 of sequences has correlation length ≤2, 10% of sequences—correlation with 3-periodicity and others—long range aperiodic correlations. The implications of the results from the interactions of random mutation and natural selection are discussed briefly. Project supported by National Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

The catabolite activator protein (CAP) bends DNA in the CAP-DNA complex, typically introducing a sharp DNA kink, with a roll angle of approximately 40 degrees and a twist angle of approximately 20 degrees, between positions 6 and 7 of the DNA half-site, 5'-A1A2A3T4G5T6G7A8T9C10T11 -3' ("primary kink"). In previous work, we showed that CAP recognizes the nucleotide immediately 5' to the primary-kink site, T6, through an "indirect-readout" mechanism involving sequence effects on energetics of primary-kink formation. Here, to understand further this example of indirect readout, we have determined crystal structures of CAP-DNA complexes containing each possible nucleotide at position 6. The structures show that CAP can introduce a DNA kink at the primary-kink site with any nucleotide at position 6. The DNA kink is sharp with the consensus pyrimidine-purine step T6G7 and the non-consensus pyrimidine-purine step C6G7 (roll angles of approximately 42 degrees, twist angles of approximately 16 degrees ), but is much less sharp with the non-consensus purine-purine steps A6G7 and G6G7 (roll angles of approximately 20 degrees, twist angles of approximately 17 degrees). We infer that CAP discriminates between consensus and non-consensus pyrimidine-purine steps at positions 6-7 solely based on differences in the energetics of DNA deformation, but that CAP discriminates between the consensus pyrimidine-purine step and non-consensus purine-purine steps at positions 6-7 both based on differences in the energetics of DNA deformation and based on qualitative differences in DNA deformation. The structures further show that CAP can achieve a similar, approximately 46 degrees per DNA half-site, overall DNA bend through a sharp DNA kink, a less sharp DNA kink, or a smooth DNA bend. Analysis of these and other crystal structures of CAP-DNA complexes indicates that there is a large, approximately 28 degrees per DNA half-site, out-of-plane component of CAP-induced DNA bending in structures not constrained by end-to-end DNA lattice interactions and that lattice contacts involving CAP tend to involve residues in or near biologically functional surfaces.  相似文献   

The transmission of genetic information relies on Watson–Crick base pairing between nucleoside phosphates and template bases in template–primer complexes. Enzyme-free primer extension is the purest form of the transmission process, without any chaperon-like effect of polymerases. This simple form of copying of sequences is intimately linked to the origin of life and provides new opportunities for reading genetic information. Here, we report the dissociation constants for complexes between (deoxy)nucleotides and template–primer complexes, as determined by nuclear magnetic resonance and the inhibitory effect of unactivated nucleotides on enzyme-free primer extension. Depending on the sequence context, Kd′s range from 280 mM for thymidine monophosphate binding to a terminal adenine of a hairpin to 2 mM for a deoxyguanosine monophosphate binding in the interior of a sequence with a neighboring strand. Combined with rate constants for the chemical step of extension and hydrolytic inactivation, our quantitative theory explains why some enzyme-free copying reactions are incomplete while others are not. For example, for GMP binding to ribonucleic acid, inhibition is a significant factor in low-yielding reactions, whereas for amino-terminal DNA hydrolysis of monomers is critical. Our results thus provide a quantitative basis for enzyme-free copying.  相似文献   

The genomic DNA methylation pattern (methylome) is a cell epigenetic program that controls the expression of genetic information. The methylation pattern substantially changes in early carcinogenesis. A detailed survey of the methylcytosine distribution in the genome in norm and pathology is of immense importance for a better understanding of the etiology of cancer and its early diagnosis. The techniques available make it possible to simultaneously examine many samples (high-throughput analysis) and to examine large genome loci or even the total methylome (large-scale analysis). The review considers the main trends in the development of new approaches to DNA methylation and describes the techniques most commonly used in the field, their application, and results. Emphasis is placed on the use of various DNA microarrays (oligonucleotide microarrays, BAC arrays, etc.) as a method of choice for epigenetic analysis of tumors. Alternative sequence-based techniques of methylation analysis are discussed. The use of large-scale analysis to identify new epigenetic markers and to develop an epigenetic classification of neoplasms is considered.  相似文献   

Recent studies of homooligomer tracts suggest different characteristics from random sequence DNA (dA).(dT) and (dG).(dC) tracts are frequent in upstream regions and in some cases have been shown to be essential for regulation. Here we examine homooligomer occurrences in non-coding and coding eukaryotic sequences, focusing on the context in which the homooligomers occur. This analysis of sequences in the junction areas yields distinct and consistent characteristics. In particular, the nucleotide interrupting a run is most frequently complementary to the run. The base next to it is most frequently identical to the one constituting the run. For A or T runs the least frequent nearest and next to nearest neighbors are G or C. For G or C tracts the least frequent are A or T. Complementary oligomers behave similarly. These and additional trends are strongest for run lengths greater than or equal to 3. The computations are carried out on the whole eukaryotic database of greater than 4 x 10(6) nucleotides, separately for coding and non-coding regions. These same trends are evident for both groups, but are somewhat stronger for the non-coding regions. The context in which the homooligomers occur may yield some clues to DNA conformation and its biological implications.  相似文献   

The ability of several DNA polymerases to catalyze the template-directed synthesis of duplex oligonucleotides containing a base pair between a nucleotide with anhydrohexitol ring and its natural complement has been investigated. All DNA polymerases were able to accept the chemically synthesized anhydrohexitol triphosphate as substrate and to catalyze the incorporation of one anhydrohexitol nucleotide. However, only family B DNA polymerases succeeded in elongating the primer after the incorporation of an anhydrohexitol nucleotide. In this family, Vent (exo(-)) DNA polymerase is the most successful one and was therefore selected for further investigation. Results revealed that at high enzyme concentrations six hATPs could be incorporated; however, a selective incorporation proved only feasible under experimental conditions where no more than two analogues could be inserted. Also the synthesis of a mixed HNA-DNA sequence was examined. Kinetic parameters for incorporation of one anhydrohexitol adenine nucleoside were similar to those of its natural analogue.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA methylation pattern (methylome) represents epigenetic program of a cell. It controls expression of genetic information. In tumor cells, significant alterations in DNA methylation take place, which can be identified as one of the earliest and most consistent features of tumorigenesis. Detailed survey of methylcytosines' distribution in genome is extremely important for understanding of real tumor etiology and early diagnostics. Progress in the field has been hampered by the unavailability of methods for large-scale determination of methylation patterns. Nowadays, variety of techniques is in development that allow for highly parallel regime of samples analysis (high-throughput analysis) or large loci DNA profiling (large-scale analysis). Aim of the work is to consider the main trends in the field of new methods development. The principles of the most frequently used approaches to DNA methylation studies are reviewed as well as their application and results. Most attention is paid to DNA microarrays as a technology of choice for epigenetic tumor analysis (oligonucleotide microarrays, BAC-arrays etc.). Alternative DNA sequencing based techniques are discussed, which can soon take on the leadership. Results of a large-scale analysis can be used for identification of new epigenetic markers and epigenetic classification of neoplasia.  相似文献   

The unusual base composition of the genome of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum prompted us to systematically investigate the occurrence of homopolymeric DNA tracts in the P. falciparum genome and, for comparison, in the genomes of Homo sapiens , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Caenorhabditis elegans , Arabidopsis thaliana , Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Comparison of theobserved frequencies with the frequencies as expected for random DNA revealed that homopolymeric (dA:dT) tracts occur well above chance in the eukaryotic genome. In the majority of these genomes, (dA:dT) tract overrepresentation proved to be an exponential function of the tract length. (dG:dC) tract overrepresentation was absent or less pronounced in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. On the basis of our results, we propose that homopolymeric (dA:dT) tracts are expanded via replication slippage. This slippage-mediated expansion does not operate on tracts with lengths below a critical threshold of 7-10 bp.  相似文献   

As a vital part of modern nanotechnology, nanofabrication aims to develop nanoscale components and nanomaterials in large quantities at relatively low cost. The promising strategy is the bottom-up self-assembly techniques of chemical assembly and molecular recognition to bring together individual atoms, molecules, or supramolecular building blocks to form useful constructs. The DNA-DNA self-assembly seems to be the key point regulating the polymer composites formation. We address the mixture of a flexible polymer with short double-strand DNA fragments, where the persistence length is in comparable with the contour length of the molecule. We investigate the conditions affecting the orientational order formation of short double-strand DNA fragments, immersed in the flexible polymer. It is shown that short double-strand DNA fragments exhibit the formation of a liquid crystalline ordered phase, in dependence on the value of the Flory–Huggins parameter, aspect ratio , and the attraction energy (Mamasakhlisov et al., 2009; Todd et al., 2008) of the double strand DNA molecules and volume fraction of polymer.  相似文献   

Jerkovic B  Bolton PH 《Biochemistry》2001,40(31):9406-9411
Distinct structural features of DNA, such as the curvature of dA tracts, are important in the recognition, packaging, and regulation of DNA. Physiologically relevant concentrations of magnesium have been found to enhance the curvature of dA tract DNAs, as monitored by solution-state NMR, indicating that the structure of DNA depends on the cations present in solution. A model is presented which accounts for the sequence-dependent effects of magnesium on DNA curvature as well as for the previously known sequence-independent effect on DNA flexibility.  相似文献   

Kim SH  Han S  You YH  Chen DJ  Campisi J 《EMBO reports》2003,4(7):685-691
Human TIN2 interacts with the telomeric-DNA-binding protein TRF1, suppresses telomere elongation in telomerase-positive cells, and may control telomere length by modulating telomere structure. To test the latter idea, we developed an in vitro assay, using biotinylated telomeric DNA probes and streptavidin–agarose, to quantify the ability of TRF1 and TIN2 to stimulate interactions of telomeric DNA tracts with each other (probe clustering). This assay revealed that TRF1 alone had weak probe-clustering activity, but TIN2 stimulated activity fivefold to tenfold. A dominant-negative TIN2 mutant protein that increased telomere length in vivo disrupted probe clusters formed by TRF1 and TIN2, suggesting that the ability to stimulate telomeric DNA interactions is important for telomere-length regulation. Unlike TRF1, TIN2 did not form homodimers. We propose that TIN2 alters the conformation of TRF1, which favours a tertiary telomeric structure that hinders telomerase from gaining access to telomeres.  相似文献   

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