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Mismatch-specific enzymatic activity was sought for in nuclei from normal and transformed plant cells originating from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) callus and crown gall tumor induced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The specific enzymatic activity was assayed with substrates derived from synthetic oligonucleotides (19-mer sequences corresponding to the human K-ras gene). Single-base changes in the middle of the sequence were the basis for creating heteroduplexes with all eight mismatches. Homo- and heteroduplexes were ligated in a size ladder and used as substrates. We detected mismatch-specific DNA breakdown and determined basic requirements for the reations. Kinetic analysis indicates the following reactivity order of preference: C : A=C : C=C : T>G : TA : AG : AG : GT : T>>G : C. It can be said now that specific mismatch recognition and repair activities have been detected in all kingdoms of living species.  相似文献   

Summary The location and nucleotide sequences of tobacco chloroplast genes for tRNAIle (CAU), tRNALeu (CAA), tRNACys (GCA), tRNASer (UGA) and tRNAThr (GGU) (trnI-CAU, trnL-CAA, trnC-GCA, trnS-UGA and trnT-GGU, respectively) have been determined. The trnI and trnL are located in the inverted repeat region. The trnC, trnS and trnT are present in the large single copy region. These five tRNA genes together with the 25 different tRNA genes previously published have been compiled and compared. These 30 tRNA genes corresponding to 20 amino acids are most likely to be all of the tRNA genes encoded in tobacco chloroplast genome.This paper is dedicated to Professor Morio Ikehara on the occasion of his retirement from Osaka University in March 1986.  相似文献   

Summary The gene for the membrane polypeptide D2 has been mapped on the pea (Pisum sativum) chloroplast genome. The nucleotide sequence of the gene and its flanking regions is presented. The only large open reading frame in the sequence codes for a protein of MW 39.5 kD. A potential ribosome binding site is located 6 nucleotides upstream from the initiation codon and there are two sets of putative promotor sequences in the 5 flanking region. The polypeptide has a high content of hydrophobic amino acids, predominatly grouped in clusters of 20 or more residues. The 3 end of the D2 gene is overlapped by 50 nucleotides of a second open reading frame (UORF I) which is at least 369 nucleotides long. Based on current data we suggest the D2 polypeptide to be a constituent of photosystem II (PSII).  相似文献   

Summary The location and nucleotide sequence of tobacco chloroplast genes for tRNASer (GGA), tRNAThr (UGU), tRNALeu (UAA) and tRNAPhe (GAA) (trnS-GGA, trnT-UGU, trnL-UAA and trnF-GAA, respectively) have been determined. These genes are located in the 10 kbp BamHI fragment which lies in the middle of the large single-copy region of the chloroplast DNA. The gene order is trnS-trnT-trnL-trnF. The trnS, trnL and trnF are encoded on the same strand while the trnT on the opposite strand. The trnL contains a 503 bp intron like maize and broad bean trnL-UAAs.  相似文献   

The trnL-trnF spacer region of the chloroplast tRNA genes was sequenced and characterized in 14 accessions of the genus Spirodela (Lemnaceae). Only a low intraspecific variation of the spacer was observed in geographically isolated and morphologically different accessions of S. polyrrhiza, the most widespread Spirodela species. Five haplotypes of the spacer were identified, differing in mono-and oligonucleotide repeats and extended indels, specific to S. polyrrhiza, Landoltia punctata, and Lemna sp. The result supported the isolation of Landoltia from Spirodela.  相似文献   

Cicer L. (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) consists of 42 species of herbaceous or semi-shrubby annuals and perennials distributed throughout the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. The origin and geographical relationships of the genus are poorly understood. We studied the geographical diversification and phylogenetic relationships of Cicer using DNA sequence data sampled from two plastid regions, trnK / matK and trnS - trnG , and two nuclear regions, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and external transcribed spacer (ETS) regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA, from 30 species. The results from the phylogenetic analyses of combined nuclear and chloroplast sequence data revealed four well-supported geographical groups: a Middle Eastern group, a West-Central Asian group, an Aegean–Mediterranean group, and an African group. Age estimates for Cicer based on methods that do not assume a molecular clock (for example, penalized likelihood) demonstrate that the genus has a Mediterranean origin with considerable diversification in the Miocene/Pliocene epochs. Geological events, such as mountain orogenesis and environmental changes, are major factors for the dispersal of Cicer species. The early divergence of African species and their geographically distinct region in the genus suggest a broader distribution pattern of the genus in the past than at present.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 154 , 175–186.  相似文献   

Using 5 end-labeled nascent strands of tobacco chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) as a probe, replication displacement loop (D-loop) regions were identified. The strongest hybridization was observed with restriction fragments containing the rRNA genes from the inverted repeat region. Two-dimensional gel analysis of various digests of tobacco ctDNA suggested that a replication origin is located near each end of the 7.1 kb BamHI fragment containing part of the rRNA operon. Analysis of in vitro replication products indicated that templates from either of the origin regions supported replication, while the vector alone or ctDNA clones from other regions of the genome did not support in vitro replication. Sequences from both sides of the BamHI site in the rRNA spacer region were required for optimal in vitro DNA replication activity. Primer extension was used for the first time to identify the start site of DNA synthesis for the D-loop in the rRNA spacer region. The major 5 end of the D-loop was localized to the base of a stem-loop structure which contains the rRNA spacer BamHI site. Primer extension products were insensitive to both alkali and RNase treatment, suggesting that RNA primers had already been removed from the 5 end of nascent DNA. Location of an origin in the rRNA spacer region of ctDNA from tobacco, pea and Oenothera suggests that ctDNA replication origins may be conserved in higher plants.  相似文献   

Age related DNA changes in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaf nuclei were investigated by Feulgen cytophotometry, thermal denaturation, renaturation, and DNA-DNA hybridization studies during sequential leaf senescence. Cytophotometric Feulgen-DNA comparison measurements between young and senescing nuclei displayed 18% reduction in Feulgen-DNA values, with a corresponding decrease in nuclear area in senescing nuclei. Hydrolysis kinetics indicated that the loss was not due to compactness of the DNA as the curves for older nuclei were consistently lower than curves generated from younger nuclei. DNA loss in senescing nuclei was associated with a decrease in euchromatin or shift from euchromatin to facultative heterochromatin. Purified DNA from young and senescing leaf nuclei did not display different thermal profiles nor did hydroxylapatite chromatography reassociation curves. DNA-DNA hybridization in free solution from young and senescing leaf DNA performed by a Gilford thermo-programmer system indicated that DNA of senescing tobacco nuclei reassociated more slowly than DNA from young nuclei and the mixture of young and senescing leaf DNA displayed intermediate reassociation values. The study indicates that the DNA changes during senescence involve a complex phenomenon which includes the possibility of small single strand nicks undetectable by thermal denaturation, and a loss of small double strand fragments which were detectable only by precise DNA-DNA free solution reassociation and not by hydroxylapatite chromatography reassociation.  相似文献   

Prasinophytes form a paraphyletic assemblage of early diverging green algae, which have the potential to reveal the traits of the last common ancestor of the main two green lineages: (i) chlorophyte algae and (ii) streptophyte algae. Understanding the genetic composition of prasinophyte algae is fundamental to understanding the diversification and evolutionary processes that may have occurred in both green lineages. In this study, we sequenced the chloroplast genome of Pyramimonas parkeae NIES254 and compared it with that of P. parkeae CCMP726, the only other fully sequenced P. parkeae chloroplast genome. The results revealed that P. parkeae chloroplast genomes are surprisingly variable. The chloroplast genome of NIES254 was larger than that of CCMP726 by 3,204 bp, the NIES254 large single copy was 288 bp longer, the small single copy was 5,088 bp longer, and the IR was 1,086 bp shorter than that of CCMP726. Similarity values of the two strains were almost zero in four large hot spot regions. Finally, the strains differed in copy number for three protein‐coding genes: ycf20, psaC, and ndhE. Phylogenetic analyses using 16S and 18S rDNA and rbcL sequences resolved a clade consisting of these two P. parkeae strains and a clade consisting of these plus other Pyramimonas isolates. These results are consistent with past studies indicating that prasinophyte chloroplast genomes display a higher level of variation than is commonly found among land plants. Consequently, prasinophyte chloroplast genomes may be less useful for inferring the early history of Viridiplantae than has been the case for land plant diversification.  相似文献   

Summary An EcoRI 2.7 kbp fragment from Chlorella ellipsoidea chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) cloned in YIp5 was shown to promote autonomous replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The fragment was localized in the small single copy region close to the inverted repeat. The ARS activity (autonomously replicating sequences in yeast) was found to be confined within a subclone of a ca. 300 bp HindIII fragment. Sequence analysis of this fragment revealed its high AT content and the presence of several direct and inverted repeats and a few elements that were related to the yeast ARS consensus sequence. Electron microscopic studies revealed that this sequence did not coincide with the primary replication origin of chloroplast DNA. The functioning of this sequence as a possible origin of plasmid replication in vivo is discussed. This is the first report on Chlorella cpDNA sequence. re]19850821 rv]19851211 ac]19851216  相似文献   

Corrections to the published sequence of the tobacco chloroplast genendhF are presented, including a 90 bpAlu I restriction enzyme fragment internal to the gene that was apparently missed during the original sequencing effort. A summary of the corrections to the published tobacco chloroplast DNA that have come to light since its original publication is included.  相似文献   

Two of the major challenges in functional genomics are to identify genes that play a key role in biological processes, and to elucidate the biological role of the large numbers of genes whose function is poorly characterized or still completely unknown. In this study, a combination of large-scale expressed sequence tag sequencing, high-throughput gene silencing and visual phenotyping was used to identify genes in which partial inhibition of expression leads to marked phenotypic changes, mostly on leaves. Three normalized tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cDNA libraries were prepared directly in a binary vector using different tissues of tobacco as an RNA source, randomly sequenced and clustered. The Agrobacterium-tobacco leaf disc transformation system was used to generate sets of antisense or co-suppression transgenic tobacco plants for over 20 000 randomly chosen clones, each representing an independent cluster. After transfer to the glasshouse, transgenic plants were scored visually after 10-14 days for changes in growth, leaf form and chlorosis or necrosis. Putative hits were validated by repeating the transformation. This procedure is more stringent than the analysis of knockout mutants, because it requires that even a partial decrease in expression generates a phenotype. This procedure identified 88 validated gene/phenotype relations. These included several previously characterized gene/phenotype relationships, demonstrating the validity of the approach. For about one-third, a function could be inferred, but a loss-of-function phenotype had not been described previously. Strikingly, almost one-half of the validated genes were poorly annotated, or had no known function. For 77 of these tobacco sequences, a single or small number of potential orthologues were identified in Arabidopsis. The genes for which orthologues were identified in Arabidopsis included about one-half of the genes whose function was completely unknown. Comparison with published gene/phenotype relations for Arabidopsis knockout mutants revealed surprisingly little overlap with the present study. Our results indicate that partial gene silencing identifies novel gene/phenotype relationships, which are distinct from those uncovered by knockout screens. They also show that it is possible to perform these analyses in a crop species in which full genome sequence information is lacking, and subsequently to transfer the information to a reference species in which functional studies can be performed more effectively.  相似文献   

哺乳动物肝细胞中cyp2e1基因所编码的蛋白CYP2E1在代谢异型有机物方面起着重要作用,转cyp2e1基因植物可以代谢多种小分子有机污染物;但cyp2e1基因在植物体内的表达调控和代谢机理尚不完全清楚。文中将含有cyp2e1基因的质粒pSLD50-6和对照gus基因的质粒pKH200转入根癌农杆菌GV3101,利用根癌农杆菌转基因技术将cyp2e1基因和对照gus基因成功转入烟草,分别获得了转cyp2e1和gus基因再生植株。选取PCR鉴定的再生植株进行荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)分析,结果表明:在转录水平上,转cyp2e1基因烟草中,乙醇处理后cyp2e1基因的表达明显下降,苯和甲苯处理后cyp2e1基因的表达量稍有下降;而丙酮、甲醛处理和缺氧条件下cyp2e1基因的表达有不同程度的升高。此外,苯处理后,转cyp2e1基因烟草中NADPH-P450氧化还原酶和细胞色素b5酶的基因活性显著提高,说明烟草中NADPH-P450氧化还原酶和细胞色素b5酶与CYP2E1酶的解毒过程有关,可能起到哺乳动物体内的NADPH-P450氧化还原酶和细胞色素b5的功能,参与CYP2E1酶催化过程的电子传递链。  相似文献   

Summary Our recent physical mapping of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from Chlamydomonas moewusii, a unicellular green alga which is interfertile with Chlamydomonas eugametos, has revealed a two-fold size difference between the inverted repeat sequences of these algae. With a size of 42 kbp, the inverted repeat of C. moewusii is the largest yet identified in any chloroplast genome. Here we have compared the arrangement of conserved sequences within the two algal inverted repeats by hybridizing cloned restriction fragments representing over 90% of these repeats to Southern blots of cpDNA digests from the two algae. We found that the size difference between the two algal inverted repeats is due to the presence of an extra DNA segment of 21 kilobase pairs (kbp) in C. moewusii. Except for this sequence, the C. moewusii inverted repeat is highly homologous to the entire C. eugametos repeat and the arrangement of conserved sequences in the two repeats is identical. Southern hybridizations with specific gene probes revealed that the conserved sequences include the rDNA region and the genes coding for the large subunit of ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (rbcL) and for the 32 kilodalton thylakoid membrane protein (psbA). With respect to the conserved sequences, the extra 21 kbp DNA segment of C. moewusii lies in the region of psbA, most probably slightly downstream from this gene.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA sequences were obtained from 331 Asplenium ceterach plants representing 143 populations from throughout the range of the complex in Europe, plus outlying sites in North Africa and the near East. We identified nine distinct haplotypes from a 900 bp fragment of trnL-trnF gene. Tetraploid populations were encountered throughout Europe and further afield, whereas diploid populations were scarcer and predominated in the Pannonian-Balkan region. Hexaploids were encountered only in southern Mediterranean populations. Four haplotypes were found among diploid populations of the Pannonian-Balkans indicating that this region formed a northern Pleistocene refugium. A separate polyploid complex centred on Greece, comprises diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid populations with two endemic haplotypes and suggests long-term persistence of populations in the southern Mediterranean. Three chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) haplotypes were common among tetraploids in Spain and Italy, with diversity reducing northwards suggesting expansion from the south after the Pleistocene. Our cpDNA and ploidy data indicate at least six independent origins of polyploids.  相似文献   

Genetic structure within a population of Silene alba was studied using a chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and six allozyme polymorphisms. A 20 × 65 m area was sampled by constructing a 5 × 5 m grid and determining the genotype of the plant nearest to each grid node. Analysis of the spatial distribution of genotypes by Moran's I and join-counts showed a significant degree of association of like cpDNA haplotypes (I = 0.52, S.N.D. = 2.55) but a random or slightly repulsed distribution of allozyme genotypes. A second sample was taken by collecting all individuals from within a 1-m wide transect established along the perimeter of the grid. Genotype and allele frequencies were calculated by grouping individuals from arbitrary 3-m intervals along the transect, and analyzed by Wright's F statistics. The Fst value calculated for cpDNA (0.875) differed markedly from that based on all allozymes (0.027). Taken together, the results suggest that in this population gene flow in the maternally inherited cpDNA is limited by restricted seed dispersal, whereas gene flow in the nuclear DNA based allozymes is more pervasive owing to the added effects of pollen dispersal. The utility of cpDNA polymorphism for the study of fine-scale gene flow is discussed.  相似文献   

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