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Abstract. The fine structure of the bursa copulatrix of the virgin snails has been compared with that of mated snails. One of the noticeable changes after mating is an increase in the number of the Golgi and the secretory vesicles. Since some of the vesicles react positively for acid phosphatase it is suggested that this enzyme activity increases following mating. The bursa lumen of the virgin snail contains gel-like materials devoid of spermatozoa, however, following mating, the lumen is full of semen containing live spermatozoa and bacteria. The source of bacteria in the lumen is not known. Acid phosphatase activity is significantly higher in the luminal content of mated snails than in the virgin snails. The activity is higher in the lumen than in the epithelial cells, suggesting that the enzyme is secreted into the lumen where it is utilized for extracellular degradation of spermatozoa. Following mating, the spermatozoa are motile in the lumen of the bursa for ∼3–7 d, but become immobile and finally undergo extracellular digestion so that intact spermatozoa are not recognizable by day 10. The use of castrated snails in mating experiments suggest that individuals of Helisoma duryi reproduce by cross fertilization and that the bursa may act as the holding organ from where the spermatozoa are periodically transported to the carrefour over ∼7 d. At day 10 following mating, however, autosperms appear in the hermaphroditic duct awaiting the next mating.  相似文献   

The albumen gland of Pomacea canaliculata secretes the perivitelline fluid (PVF) surrounding the developing embryo which gives its eggs a highly effective defence against environmental factors and predators. Although previous studies have determined the functions of some PVF proteins extracted from P. canaliculata eggs, knowledge of the protein composition of PVF is still limited. In this study we use LC-MS/MS to identify 87 proteins from the albumen gland of P. canaliculata, 53 of which (60.9%) were annotated using the KEGG database. These classified into five functional groups: metabolism (54.7%); genetic information processing (9.4%); environmental information processing (3.8%); cellular processes (11.3%); and organismal systems (20.8%). The analyses found 12 proteins related to innate immunity and three proteins linked to defence against predation, providing important information for studies on embryo survival strategies and the invasive capabilities of P. canaliculata.  相似文献   

The albumen gland in Helisoma secretes a perivitelline fluid which surrounds each egg and is made up of several 66 kDa protein subunits and polysaccharide complexes. Forskolin, an adenylate cyclase activator, stimulated the secretion and release of the perivitelline fluid. An acidic extract of the central nervous system increased the intracellular concentration of cAMP in the albumen gland and this results in the release of the 66 kDa molecule and other proteins. Digestion of the brain extract with proteases abolished this activity, suggesting that the factor is a peptide. Cyclic AMP analogues and [BMX also stimulated the protein secretion in dose-dependent manner. Forskolin when added with the brain factor had an additive response. SQ22536, a non-competitive inhibitor of adenylate cyclase, inhibited brain extract dependent adenylate cyclase activity whereas aluminum fluoride, a G protein activator, was found to stimulate adenylate cyclase. Dopamine also stimulates protein secretion by the albumen gland and through the application of various agonists and antagonists of dopamine, it was established that the neurotransmitter acts via D1-like receptors by stimulating adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) receptor is a Ca(2+) release channel localized on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and plays an important role in neuronal function. IP(3) receptor was discovered as a developmentally regulated protein missing in the cerebellar mutant mice. Recent studies indicate that IP(3)Rs are involved in early development and neuronal plasticity. IP(3) works to release IRBIT from the IP(3) binding core in addition to release Ca(2+). IRBIT binds to and activates Na, Bicarbonate cotransporter. Electron microscopic study show the IP(3) receptor has allosteric property to change its form from square to windmill in the presence of Ca(2+). IP(3)R associates with ERp44, a redox sensor, Homer, other proteins and is transported as vesicular ER on microtubules. All these data suggests IP(3) receptor/CA(2+) channel works as a signaling center inside cells.  相似文献   


Castration of Helisoma duryi disturbs the balance between growth and reproduction in favour of growth, as is evidenced by the stimulation of body and shell growth and reduction in egg mass production when compared with sham operated controls. Female accessory sex organ wet weight is increased in castrated and virgin snails. Male accessory sex organ wet weight is unaffected and female accessory sex organ wet weight is reduced by dorsal body ablation, suggesting that growth of differentiated female accessory sex organs is stimulated by the endocrine dorsal bodies. Albumen gland synthetic activity is inhibited in the absence of a functioning gonad. This inhibition may be due partly to the accumulation of secretory products within the glands and partly to the inactivation of the endocrine dorsal bodies and neurosecretory caudodorsal cells in the cerebral ganglia. The circulating levels of the vitellogenic protein ferritin are reduced by castration, and increased by injection and implantation of active gonadal tissue into castrates. This may be due to an indirect effect of gonadal factor (s) on the extragonadal synthesis of ferritin.  相似文献   

Abstract. The albumen gland is a female accessory sex gland that synthesizes and secretes perivitelline fluid around pulmonate eggs. The perivitelline fluid is composed of mainly galactogen and proteins, and is thought to provide nourishment to the embryos during development. We have previously identified the major secretory protein of the albumen gland of the freshwater snail Helisoma duryi as a native glycoprotein of ∼288 kDa, consisting of four 66-kDa subunits. In this study, the major albumen gland protein in H. duryi was purified, cloned, and the full-length cDNA sequence determined. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the albumen gland protein (HdAGP) shared 83% identity with a partial cDNA sequence from a developmentally regulated albumen gland protein in Biomphalaria glabrata . The HdAGP mRNA was detected by RT-PCR in the albumen gland, ovotestis, mantle and digestive gland. SDS-PAGE analysis of the albumen gland protein in egg masses at different stages of development showed that the amount of HdAGP steadily decreased during embryogenesis, suggesting its possible catabolism by the developing embryos. Protein domain searches suggested that the HdAGP shared limited sequence identity, and adopted a similar three-dimensional conformation to the bactericidal, permeability increasing, protein family, raising the possibility of a potential bactericidal function for this important reproductive/developmental protein.  相似文献   

Calcium waves are well-known hallmarks of egg activation that trigger resumption of the cell cycle and development of the embryo. These waves rapidly and efficiently assure that activation signals are transmitted to all regions of the egg. Although the mechanism by which the calcium wave propagates across an egg as large as that of Xenopus is not known, two models prevail. One model is a wave of calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) and the other is propagation by inositol-induced calcium release (IICR). IICR requires a wave of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) hydrolysis, generating two second messengers, IP3, which then releases calcium and DAG, which activates protein kinase C (PKC). We show here that a wave of PKC-green fluorescent protein travels across the egg immediately following, and at the same velocity as, the calcium wave. This is the first example of a PKC wave in a vertebrate egg and supports the IICR model of wave propagation.  相似文献   

Eggs of the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi are activated by insemination and by treatment with calcium ionophore, leading to elevation of the vitelline coat. Here we describe the effects on egg activation of microinjection of guanosine 5'-(γ thio) triphosphate (GTPγS, a non-hydrolyzable GTP analog), heparin (an antagonist of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor) and a monoclonal antibody to the Rho GTP-binding protein. Microinjected GTPγS induced elevation of the vitelline coat, but not when it was co-injected with EGTA or heparin. Pre-injected heparin or the anti-Rho monoclonal antibody blocked subsequent sperm-induced elevation of the vitelline coat, but not calcium ionophore-induced elevation. We also demonstrated that the amount of cytosolic inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate was increased by insemination. These results strongly suggest that the Rho GTP-binding protein functions prior to the heparin-blocked inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-mediated Ca2+ release in the sperm induced activation process of H. roretzi eggs.  相似文献   

The albumen gland is a compound tubular exocrine gland found in the female reproductive tract of freshwater pulmonate snails such as Helisoma duryi. It secretes a perivitelline fluid, composed of protein and polysaccharide complexes, and coats each fertilized egg. A 288-kDa native glycoprotein, composed of several 66-kDa subunits, was identified in soluble extracts of albumen gland. Forskolin stimulates the release of secretory granules, containing both proteins and polysaccharides, from the cytoplasm of the glandular cells. An acid extract of the central nervous system or the adenosine-3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) analogue 8-bromo cAMP, stimulates protein secretion from the gland. Pretreatment of the albumen gland with cAMP antagonist (Rp isomer of cAMP) inhibits the stimulatory effect of a brain extract. Digestion of brain extract with proteolytic enzymes abolishes its activity, suggesting the factor from the brain is peptidergic. The neuroactive agents serotonin, Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide, Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide, small cardioactive peptide B, and caudodorsal cell hormone were also tested for potential secretion-promoting ability. Brain extracts were partially purified with a Sep-Pak C18 reverse-phase cartridge and indicate the peptide is relatively hydrophobic. These results suggest that a brain peptide promotes the secretion of perivitelline fluid, and this is mediated by the adenylate cyclase/cAMP signal transduction pathway. Accepted: 19 December 1997  相似文献   

The role of calcium ions in the L-thyroxine-induced initiation of hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdInsP2) and also the course of releasing individual fractions of inositol phosphates and diacylglycerides (DAG) were studied in liver cells during early stages of the hormone effect. L-Thyroxine stimulated a rapid hydrolysis in hepatocytes of PtdInsP2 labeled with [14C]linoleic acid and [3H]inositol mediated by phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C. This was associated with accumulation of [14C]DAG, total inositol phosphates, [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins1,4,5P3) and [3H]inositol 1,4-bisphosphate (Ins1,4P2). Elimination of calcium ions from the incubation medium of hepatocytes did not abolish the effect of thyroxine on the accumulation of [14C]DAG and total [3H]inositol phosphates. Preincubation of liver cells with TMB-8 increased the stimulatory effect of L-thyroxine on the accumulation of [14C]DAG. During the incubation of hepatocytes in the presence of the hormone the content of 14C-labeled fatty acids did not change. The L-thyroxineinduced accumulation of [3H]Ins1,4,5P3 and [3H]Ins1,4P2 did not depend on the presence of calcium ions in the incubation medium of the cells.  相似文献   

Summary The mantle edge gland of Helisoma duryi is innervated by neurosecretory axons from the pallial nerves. Synaptoid contacts occur between axons and gland cells, and there is ultrastructural evidence for the release of neurosecretory material. The mantle edge gland contributes to the deposition of periostracum during shell formation, and direct neurosecretory innervation may control shell growth and regeneration.Supported by a National Research Council of Canada Grant (A-4673) and Negotiated Grant D-61  相似文献   

The properties of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-dependent intracellular calcium oscillations in pancreatic acinar cells depend crucially on the agonist used to stimulate them. Acetylcholine or carbachol (CCh) cause high-frequency (10-12-s period) calcium oscillations that are superimposed on a raised baseline, while cholecystokinin (CCK) causes long-period (>100-s period) baseline spiking. We show that physiological concentrations of CCK induce rapid phosphorylation of the IP3 receptor, which is not true of physiological concentrations of CCh. Based on this and other experimental data, we construct a mathematical model of agonist-specific intracellular calcium oscillations in pancreatic acinar cells. Model simulations agree with previous experimental work on the rates of activation and inactivation of the IP3 receptor by calcium (DuFour, J.-F., I.M. Arias, and T.J. Turner. 1997. J. Biol. Chem. 272:2675-2681), and reproduce both short-period, raised baseline oscillations, and long-period baseline spiking. The steady state open probability curve of the model IP3 receptor is an increasing function of calcium concentration, as found for type-III IP3 receptors by Hagar et al. (Hagar, R.E., A.D. Burgstahler, M.H. Nathanson, and B.E. Ehrlich. 1998. Nature. 396:81-84). We use the model to predict the effect of the removal of external calcium, and this prediction is confirmed experimentally. We also predict that, for type-III IP3 receptors, the steady state open probability curve will shift to lower calcium concentrations as the background IP3 concentration increases. We conclude that the differences between CCh- and CCK-induced calcium oscillations in pancreatic acinar cells can be explained by two principal mechanisms: (a) CCK causes more phosphorylation of the IP3 receptor than does CCh, and the phosphorylated receptor cannot pass calcium current; and (b) the rate of calcium ATPase pumping and the rate of calcium influx from the outside the cell are greater in the presence of CCh than in the presence of CCK.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca2+) signaling controls secretion in many types of cells and tissues. In the liver, Ca2+ regulates secretion in both hepatocytes, which are responsible for primary formation of bile, and cholangiocytes, which line the biliary tree and further condition the bile before it is secreted. Cholestatic liver diseases, which are characterized by impaired bile secretion, may result from impaired Ca2+ signaling mechanisms in either hepatocytes or cholangiocytes. This review will discuss the Ca2+ signaling machinery and mechanisms responsible for regulation of secretion in both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, and the pathophysiological changes in Ca2+ signaling that can occur in each of these cell types to result in cholestasis.  相似文献   

During postnatal development of the cerebellum, granule cell precursors (GCPs) proliferate in the external granular layer (EGL), exit the cell cycle, differentiate, and migrate from the EGL to the internal granular layer. In the present study, we report that type 2 and 3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors (IP3R2 and IP3R3) regulate the differentiation of GCPs after postnatal day 12 (P12). 5-Bromodeoxyuridine labeling experiments revealed that in mutant mice lacking both of these receptors (double mutants) a greater number of GCPs remain undifferentiated after P12. Consequently, the EGL of the double mutants is thicker than that of control mice at this age and thereafter. In addition, granule cells remain in the EGL of the double mutants at P21, an age when migration has concluded in wild-type mice. Whereas differentiation of GCPs was reduced in the double mutants, the absence of IP3R2 and IP3R3 did not affect the doubling time of GCPs. We conclude that intracellular calcium release via IP3R2s and IP3R3s promotes the differentiation of GCPs within a specific interval of postnatal development in the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Extracts of the atrial gland of the sea hare Aplysia californiea (Mollusca) induce egg laying when injected into mature individuals. Since egg laying is controlled endogenously by a peptide secreted by neuroendocrine cells in the central nervous system, the relationship between the atrial gland and these central neurons has become an issue of interest. With the particular objective of examining secretory structures we undertook an ultrastructural study of the atrial gland and adjacent tissues. This study revealed that the atrial gland epithelium is composed of two major cell types: ‘goblet-like’ exocrine cells containing large electron-dense granules, and ciliated ‘capping cells’. A non-secretory, and possibly post-secretory, cell containing electron-lucent granules was noted. A region of the large hermaphroditic duct contiguous to the atrial gland, known as the red hemiduct, also displayed capping cells and secretory cells with large granules. The content of these granules is organized into crista-like condensations. The cell also contains iron-rich pigment inclusions.  相似文献   

Sexual conflicts often arise between mating partners because each sex tries to maximize its own reproductive success. One major male strategy to influence a partner's resource allocation is the transfer of accessory gland proteins. This has been shown to occur in simultaneous hermaphrodites as well as in organisms with separate sexes. Although accessory gland proteins affect the investment of resources in both male and female function, we here specifically focus on female investment. In the great pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, previous studies found that the accessory gland protein ovipostatin reduced female fecundity by suppressing egg laying in the partner in the short term (days). To investigate whether this reduction in egg laying is a commonly found effect of mating in freshwater snails, we compared egg output for evidence of suppression in isolated and paired snails of eight pulmonate species. Furthermore, we determined whether the suppression of egg laying caused a shift in resource allocation to the eggs. We found that in five of the eight species egg laying was suppressed, with fewer and lighter egg masses being laid when they had access to a mating partner. In mated pairs of L. stagnalis and Biomphalaria alexandrina, allocation of resources to the eggs was altered in opposite ways: individuals of L. stagnalis laid fewer but larger and heavier eggs; individuals of B. alexandrina laid smaller and lighter eggs, with no change in egg numbers. Such changes in the female function are most likely the result of combined effects of receiving accessory gland proteins, and the cost of mating in both male and female roles. Thus, effects of the maternal environment, including the receipt of accessory gland proteins, on offspring investment are not restricted to species with separate sexes.  相似文献   



Dopamine was shown to stimulate the perivitelline fluid secretion by the albumen gland. Even though the albumen gland has been shown to contain catecholaminergic fibers and its innervation has been studied, the type of catecholamines, distribution of fibers and the precise source of this neural innervation has not yet been deduced. This study was designed to address these issues and examine the correlation between dopamine concentration and the sexual status of snails.


Dopaminergic neurons were found in all ganglia except the pleural and right parietal, and their axons in all ganglia and major nerves of the brain. In the albumen gland dopaminergic axons formed a nerve tract in the central region, and a uniform net in other areas. Neuronal cell bodies were present in the vicinity of the axons. Dopamine was a major catecholamine in the brain and the albumen gland. No significant difference in dopamine quantity was found when the brain and the albumen gland of randomly mating, virgin and first time mated snails were compared.


Our results represent the first detailed studies regarding the catecholamine innervation and quantitation of neurotransmitters in the albumen gland. In this study we localized catecholaminergic neurons and axons in the albumen gland and the brain, identified these neurons and axons as dopaminergic, reported monoamines present in the albumen gland and the brain, and compared the dopamine content in the brain and the albumen gland of randomly mating, virgin and first time mated snails.  相似文献   

The digestive gland of Viviparus ater was studied using histochemical and ultrastructural methods. Only one cell type was observed in the tubule epithelium of the gland. The cells are involved in an endocytotic process mediated by clathrin-coated vesicles and in the intracellular digestion of food materials (thus they can be regarded as digestive cells). The different stages of digestion and exocytotic extrusion of residual bodies into the tubule lumen were shown by electron microscopy. Very few, small mucocytes are scattered among the digestive cells. Calcium concretions, glycogen-containing cells and endocrine cells are scattered in the area of connective tissue present among the digestive tubules.  相似文献   

The anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 is a versatile regulator of cell survival. Its interactions with its own pro-apoptotic family members are widely recognized for their role in promoting the survival of cancer cells. These interactions are thus being targeted for cancer treatment. Less widely recognized is the interaction of Bcl-2 with the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R), an InsP3-gated Ca2 + channel located on the endoplasmic reticulum. The nature of this interaction, the mechanism by which it controls Ca2 + release from the ER, its role in T-cell development and survival, and the possibility of targeting it as a novel cancer treatment strategy are summarized in this review. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   

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