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生境分化是群落物种缓解种间竞争压力,实现同域稳定共存的重要途径,是群落生态学领域的重要研究内容。同域动物的生境分化是空间尺度依赖的生态过程,从不同空间尺度分层研究物种的生境分化,对于全面了解同域动物的共存模式和机制,以及实现多物种整合保护都具有重要意义。2018年1月至8月,在四川白水河国家级自然保护区对同域分布的红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus)和红腹角雉(Tragopan temmminckii)进行了野外调查,基于MaxEnt模型和样方法,从宏生境和微生境两个空间尺度对其生境分化进行了研究。结果显示:1)在宏生境尺度,两种雉类的适宜宏生境重叠面积达44.59 km~2,分别占红腹锦鸡和红腹角雉适宜宏生境面积的58.73%和44.3%,表明二者在宏生境尺度上没有发生明显的种间分化;2)微生境尺度是两种雉类生境分化的关键尺度,海拔、坡位、最近水源距离和乔木层盖度4个特征上的显著差异,使二者的微生境发生显著的种间分化;3)虽然在不同空间尺度下具有不同的分化程度和方式,但两种雉类在海拔适应性、人为干扰耐受性以及对水源的依赖性上的差异在两个尺度下表现出了一定的一致性。此外,基于二者生境需求的异同,提出了控制人为干扰、加强宣传教育、维持自然植被多样性和镶嵌格局等针对该区域雉类物种共同保护的建议。  相似文献   

Quantifying spatial genetic structure can reveal the relative influences of contemporary and historic factors underlying localized and regional patterns of genetic diversity and gene flow – important considerations for the development of effective conservation efforts. Using 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci, we characterize genetic variation among populations across the range of the Eastern Sand Darter (Ammocrypta pellucida), a small riverine percid that is highly dependent on sandy substrate microhabitats. We tested for fine scale, regional, and historic patterns of genetic structure. As expected, significant differentiation was detected among rivers within drainages and among drainages. At finer scales, an unexpected lack of within‐river genetic structure among fragmented sandy microhabitats suggests that stratified dispersal resulting from unstable sand bar habitat degradation (natural and anthropogenic) may preclude substantial genetic differentiation within rivers. Among‐drainage genetic structure indicates that postglacial (14 kya) drainage connectivity continues to influence contemporary genetic structure among Eastern Sand Darter populations in southern Ontario. These results provide an unexpected contrast to other benthic riverine fish in the Great Lakes drainage and suggest that habitat‐specific fishes, such as the Eastern Sand Darter, can evolve dispersal strategies that overcome fragmented and temporally unstable habitats.  相似文献   

This study uses Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) technology to describe the habitat use patterns of the small, benthic redfin bully (Gobiomorphus huttoni). A 100-m reach of small upland stream in Manawatu, New Zealand was mapped to scale and inventoried for microhabitat variables. Flow velocity, depth, surface turbulence, substrate size and interstitial refuge space availability were measured in 0.25-m2 quadrats throughout the reach. A total of 67 redfin bullies were PIT tagged within the reach and monitored during day and night surveys in 2008 with a portable PIT monitoring system. Of these, 72 % were detected at least once and 64 % were detected 5 times or more within the study reach. Univariate analyses showed that redfin bullies utilized microhabitats that had larger substrate particles and more interstitial refuge spaces compared with all microhabitats available in the reach. During the day, redfin bullies were found in areas with larger substrates than areas where they were found at night. No differences in microhabitat use were found regarding gender, body size or season. Multivariate analysis revealed four macrohabitat types and showed that redfin bullies used deeper, complex macrohabitats during the day, then spread out to occupy all available macrohabitats at night. These findings have implications for river managers trying to cope with increasing anthropogenic impacts such as sedimentation.  相似文献   

Studies of habitat use by animals must consider behavioural resource requirements at different scales, which could influence the functional value of different sites. Using Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, we tested the hypotheses that behaviour affected use between and within habitats, hereafter referred to as macro- and microhabitats, respectively. We fitted GPS-enabled collars to fifteen buffalo and used the distances and turning angles between consecutive fixes to cluster the resulting data into resting, grazing, walking and relocating behaviours. Distance to water and six vegetation characteristic variables were recorded in sites used for each behaviour, except for relocating, which occurred too infrequently. We used multilevel binomial and multinomial logistic regressions to identify variables that characterised seasonally-preferred macrohabitats and microhabitats used for different behaviours. Our results showed that macrohabitat use was linked to behaviour, although this was least apparent during the rainy season, when resources were most abundant. Behaviour-related microhabitat use was less significant, but variation in forage characteristics could predict some behaviour within all macrohabitats. The variables predicting behaviour were not consistent, but resting and grazing sites were more readily identifiable than walking sites. These results highlight the significance of resting, as well as foraging, site availability in buffalo spatial processes. Our results emphasise the importance of considering several behaviours and scales in studies of habitat use to understand the links between environmental resources and animal behavioural and spatial ecology.  相似文献   

This study provides information on habitat selection by the threatened Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii at two spatial scales in the Ovens and Murray Rivers in south-eastern Australia. Both adult (>450 mm total length, L T) and age 0 year (<150 mm L T) M. p. peelii selected macro and microhabitats based on structural variables. At the macrohabitat scale, adults selected channel habitats in the river, floodplain channels at high floods and within Lake Mulwala, whereas the floodplain proper was avoided. Adult and age 0 year fish selected similar microhabitats regardless of site or hydrologic conditions, and selection was primarily influenced by the presence of higher loadings of structural woody habitat, higher c.v. in depth, more overhanging vegetation, shallower comparative depths and lower water velocities, closer to the bank. Age 0 year M. p. peelii appeared to select shallower habitats with greater amounts of structural woody habitat, closer to the river bank than adult fish.  相似文献   

Habitat selection may reflect the location of the home ranges or the allocation of shelter and foraging sites within a given habitat. We studied seasonal patterns of habitat use by Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha at two spatial scales: between maize fields and their weedy edges (macrohabitats), and associations of rodents captures with vegetation variables at the trap site level (microhabitats). We evaluated if the different habitat uses were related to disturbances generated by practices associated to maize cycle. A. azarae used mainly field edges, but it showed an increased use of maize fields when the crop reached maturity in summer. Contrarily, C. laucha used maize fields in a higher proportion than edges in all seasons. C. laucha was more influenced by microhabitat characteristics than A. azarae. C. laucha was present in sites with abundant dicot weeds when maize was growing up, while it was associated to sites with weeds with scarce cover in stubble maize fields. Before harvesting, both species were segregated at the microscale within maize fields. A. azarae was related to sites with high availability of green plant cover and C. laucha occupied low-quality sites, probably attributed to differences in their diets. We conclude that the pattern of habitat use by both species is best predicted at the macrohabitat scale, and when they are impoverished and present internal heterogeneity, there is selection at microhabitat scale of those better sites. While A. azarae responds to changes in vegetation cover and habitat structure associated to agricultural practices, C. laucha uses cropfields in an opportunistic way, affected by interspecific competition.  相似文献   

This study investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of abundance of four substratum-associated species of Gobiidae on a heterogeneous reef flat comprised of four distinct habitat zones, and examined microhabitat use within each zone. Asterropteryx semipunctatus had the widest distribution and was the most abundant species in each habitat zone, followed by Amblygobius bynoensis , Valenciennea muralis and Amblygobius phalaena . Significant temporal and spatial differences in mean density were evident. The highest density of A. semipunctatus (312 individuals 10 m–2) was recorded in a habitat zone dominated by algal-covered rubble, whereas A. bynoensis and V. muralis were most abundant (mean summer density 5·5–5·8 individuals 10 m–2) in habitats containing both sand and hard substrata. In contrast, A. phalaena was uncommon (mean density ≤ 0·4 individuals 10 m–2) in all four habitat zones. Significant seasonal differences in abundance were due to the large influx of recruits in summer. Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use were not evident at either the macrohabitat ( i.e. among habitat zones) or microhabitat scale ( i.e. substratum use within zones). At the microhabitat scale, V. muralis consistently exhibited a strong positive association with sand and was rarely associated with hard substrata. In contrast, the two Amblygobius species were commonly associated with both sand and hard substrata, but patterns of microhabitat use differed among habitat zones. Substratum composition at the microhabitat scale may influence spatial patterns of abundance at larger spatial scales by providing essential resources and, or influencing carrying capacity and predation risk.  相似文献   

1. Aquatic communities are structured by multiple forces, and identifying the driving factors over multispatial scales is an important research issue. The East Asian monsoon region is globally one of the richest environments in terms of biodiversity, and is undergoing rapid human development, yet the river ecosystems in this region have not been well studied. We applied a hierarchical framework to incorporate regional and local environmental effects on stream macroinvertebrate communities in this region. The knowledge gained is expected to improve the understanding of the importance of spatial scale on regional and local diversity in the East Asian monsoon region. 2. A national data set of benthic macroinvertebrates and environmental variables (geographical, land‐use, hydrological, substratum and physicochemical elements) in Korean rivers was used to determine the habitat preferences of macroinvertebrates. 3. Latitude, proportion of forest coverage, riffle habitat, silt substratum and temperature were the most important determinants for the ordinations of macroinvertebrate communities in each category evaluated by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The optimal habitats for stream macroinvertebrates are not the same for all species, and overall community metrics and abundance of sensitive species tended to be lower in open agricultural and urban streams than in forested streams. The sensitivity of mayflies and stoneflies to anthropogenic disturbances implicated them as good indicators to assess the effects of urban and agricultural activities. 4. A partial CCA was used to evaluate the relative importance of macrohabitat and microhabitat variables on community composition at three spatial scales (whole country, the large Han River basin and two small sub‐basins in the lowlands and highlands). The majority of community variation (17–22% for each environmental element) was explained by macrohabitat variables at the regional spatial scale. In contrast, large proportions (15–18%) were explained by microhabitat variables at the local spatial scale. 5. Our findings indicate that the relative importance of habitat scales should be determined by geographical size and that comprehensive understanding of multispatial scale patterns can be important for implementing sound biodiversity conservation programmes.  相似文献   

1. Similar constraints in distant, but climatically comparable, regions may be expected to yield biotic assemblages with similar attributes. Environmental factors that constrain communities at smaller scales, however, may be different between climatically similar regions. Thus, patterns observed at large scales may differ from those detected at small scales, and international comparisons should be focussed at multiple scales. 2. Mediterranean‐climate regions (MCRs) are characterized by remarkable seasonal variability in precipitation and temperature. Accordingly, rivers in these regions have seasonal and predictable floods and droughts, and temporary reaches are frequent. Present in six geographical regions of the world, MCRs have similar environmental constraints and are ideal for testing intercontinental similarities between macroinvertebrate communities. 3. We examined aquatic macroinvertebrate taxon richness and composition in MCRs at three scales: regional, reach and macrohabitat. At the regional scale, the Mediterranean Basin had the highest taxon richness at family level, and southwestern Australia the lowest. Taxonomic composition showed c. 85% similarity between the northern hemisphere MCRs of California and the Mediterranean Basin, which were followed in similarity by South Africa. The two Australian MCRs (South west and South) showed a similarity to each other of about 70% whereas the Chilean fauna was the most distinct. 4. At the reach scale, taxon richness was not significantly different between permanent and temporary reaches in any MCR, whereas taxonomic composition was significantly different among northern hemisphere MCRs. At the macrohabitat scale, taxon richness was not significantly different between lotic and lentic macrohabitats within any of the MCRs, but differences in macroinvertebrate communities were found between macrohabitats when considering regions. 5. Our results show that the strength of similarity between distant but climatically similar regions is scale‐dependent, being highest at the macrohabitat scale. Although the similarities in richness and composition at the macrohabitat scale are presumed to be universal, the seasonal predictability of drought in MCRs is expected to result in characteristic macroinvertebrate responses at the reach scale. We suggest, however, that regional evolutionary history and environmental characteristics may override this general pattern of a similar response of MCRs at different scales. The Mediterranean Basin and California, having similar historical and environmental condition, thus appeared as the most similar MCRs at all scales.  相似文献   

Selection of habitat components by ungulates associated with parturition sites varies among and within species depending upon vulnerability to predators, variation in local topography and climate regimes, and the length of time that the maternal–neonatal unit spends at or near the parturition location. We marked 169 parturition locations of elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) in western Wyoming using vaginal implant transmitters and evaluated parturition-specific habitat selection at macro- and microhabitat scales using a resource selection function modeling approach. Elk calved in a variety of habitats, yet demonstrated selection at both spatial scales. We found the strongest support for models that incorporated multiple habitat features and focused on topographical and vegetative cover types that provide physical and thermal cover at the macrohabitat scale and for visual cover models at the microhabitat scale. Models based solely on forage availability or quality were least supported at both scales, which may be indicative of a brief occupation of the parturition location or low heterogeneity in the availability of forage resources on parturition ranges. Results of early elk natural history studies may have represented a bias introduced by variable sightability and accessibility of females with calves and a lack of differentiation between calving and neonatal periods. More clearly defining calving site selection and removing biases toward more open habitats where sightability of neonates is greater may be used by wildlife or land managers to improve or protect calving habitats, which is often a stated objective of management actions. The results of this study suggest that microhabitat is more important to elk and that temporal closures over broad areas versus closures focused on specific macrohabitats may be more effective in protecting calving animals. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Spatial scale and the cost of density-dependent habitat selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Habitat selection costs depend upon the scale of habitat. At the fine-grained microhabitat scale, cost is linked to optimal foraging, and habitat selection should be abandoned even though fitness is greater in one microhabitat than in another. At the coarse-grained macrohabitat scale, cost is linked to emigration, and habitat selection should often be maintained even though fitness may be less in the preferred macrohabitat than in others. Macrohabitat selection cost is easily incorporated into habitat selection theory and can be tested by linear regression techniques on isodars (lines of every point at which the fitness of individuals in one habitat equals that of individuals in another). The results of one recent survey of white-footed mice living in different macrohabitats are consistent with the predictions of emigration cost.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The decline of many snake populations is attributable to habitat loss, and knowledge of habitat use is critical to their conservation. Resource characteristics (e.g., relative availability of different habitat types, soils, and slopes) within a landscape are scale-dependent and may not be equal across multiple spatial scales. Thus, it is important to identify the relevant spatial scales at which resource selection occurs. We conducted a radiotelemetry study of eastern hognose snake (Heterodon platirhinos) home range size and resource use at different hierarchical spatial scales. We present the results for 8 snakes radiotracked during a 2-year study at New Boston Air Force Station (NBAFS) in southern New Hampshire, USA, where the species is listed by the state as endangered. Mean home range size (minimum convex polygon) at NBAFS (51.7 ± 14.7 ha) was similar to that reported in other parts of the species’ range. Radiotracked snakes exhibited different patterns of resource use at different spatial scales. At the landscape scale (selection of locations within the landscape), snakes overutilized old-field and forest edge habitats and underutilized forested habitats and wetlands relative to availability. At this scale, snakes also overutilized areas containing sandy loam soils and areas with lower slope (mean slope = 5.2% at snake locations vs. 6.7% at random locations). We failed to detect some of these patterns of resource use at the home range scale (i.e., within the home range). Our ability to detect resource selection by the snakes only at the landscape scale is likely the result of greater heterogeneity in macrohabitat features at the broader landscape scale. From a management perspective, future studies of habitat selection for rare species should include measurement of available habitat at spatial scales larger than the home range. We suggest that the maintenance of open early successional habitats as a component of forested landscapes will be critical for the persistence of eastern hognose snake populations in the northeastern United States.  相似文献   

For species with metapopulation structures, variation in abundance among patches can arise from variation in the input rate of colonists. For reef fishes, variability in larval supply frequently is invoked as a major determinant of spatial patterns. We examined the extent to which spatial variation in the amount of suitable habitat predicted variation in the abundance of the damselfish Dascyllus aruanus, an abundant planktivore that occupies live, branched coral throughout the Indo-Pacific. Reef surveys established that size, branching structure and location (proximity to sand) of the coral colonies together determined the ”suitability” of microhabitats for different ontogenetic stages of D. aruanus. Once these criteria were known, patterns of habitat use were quantified within lagoons of five Pacific islands. Availability of suitable habitat generally was an excellent predictor of density, and patterns were qualitatively consistent at several spatial scales, including among different lagoons on the same island, among different islands and between the central (French Polynesia and Rarotonga) and western (Great Barrier Reef, Australia) South Pacific. A field experiment that varied the amount of suitable coral among local plots indicated that habitat for settlers accounted for almost all of the spatial variation in the number of D. aruanus that settled at that location, suggesting that spatial patterns of abundance can be established at settlement without spatial variation in larval supply. Surveys of four other species of reef-associated fish revealed that a substantial fraction of their spatial variation in density also was explained by availability of suitable reef habitat, suggesting that habitat may be a prevalent determinant of spatial patterns. The results underscore the critical need to identify accurately the resource requirements of different species and life stages when evaluating causes of spatial variation in abundance of reef fishes. Received: 18 May 1999 / Accepted: 9 January 1999  相似文献   

Temporal coherence or spatial synchrony refers to the tendency of population, community or ecosystem dynamics to behave similarly among locations through time as a result of spatially‐correlated environmental stochasticity (Moran effect), dispersal or trophic interactions. While terrestrial studies have treated synchrony mainly as a population‐level concept, the majority of freshwater studies have focused on community‐level patterns, particularly in lake planktonic communities. We used spatially and temporally hierarchical data on benthic stream invertebrates across six years, with three seasonal samples a year, in 11 boreal streams to assess temporal coherence at three spatial extents: 1) among regions (watersheds), 2) among streams within a region, and 3) among riffles within a stream, using the average of correlation coefficients for stream/riffle pairs across years. Our results revealed the primacy of strongly synchronized climatic factors (precipitation, air temperature) in inducing temporal coherence of macroinvertebrate assemblages across geographically distinct sites (i.e. Moran effect). Coherence tended to decrease with increasing spatial extent, but positive coherence was detected for most biological variables even at the largest extent (about 350 km). The generally high level of coherence reflected the strong seasonality of boreal freshwater communities. A hydrologically exceptional year enhanced the synchrony of biological variables, particularly total macroinvertebrate abundance. Regionally low precipitation in that year led to a substantial decrease in benthic densities across a broad spatial extent, followed by a rapid post‐drought recovery. Coherence at the among‐riffle (within‐stream) extent was lower than expected, implying that local‐scale habitat filters determine community dynamics at smaller spatial extents. Thus, temporal coherence of stream benthic communities appears to be controlled by partly different processes at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A data set on Diatraea saccharalis and its parasitoids, Cotesia flavipes and tachinid flies, was analysed at five spatial scales – sugarcane mill, region, intermediary, farm and zone – to determine the role of spatial scale in synchrony patterns, and on temporal population variability. To analyse synchrony patterns, only the three highest spatial scales were considered, but for temporal population variability, all spatial scales were adopted. The synchrony–distance relationship revealed complex spatial structures depending on both species and spatial scale. Temporal population variability [SD log( x  + 1)] levels were highest at the smallest spatial scales although, in the majority of the cases, temporal variability was inversely dependent on sample size. All the species studied, with a few exceptions, presented spatial synchrony independent of spatial scale. The tachinid flies exhibited stronger synchrony dynamics than D. saccharalis and C. flavipes in all spatial scales with the latter displaying the weakest synchrony levels, except when mill spatial scales were compared. In some cases spatial synchrony may at first decay and then increase with distance, but the presence of such patterns can change depending on the spatial scale adopted.  相似文献   

Species have phenological variation among local habitats that are located at relatively small spatial scales. However, less studies have tested how this spatial variability in phenology can mediate intra-/inter-specific interactions. When predators track phenological variation of prey among local habitats, survival of prey within a local habitat strongly influenced by phenological synchrony with their conspecifics in adjacent habitats. Theory predicts that phenological synchrony among local habitats increases prey survival in local habitat within spatially structured environments because the predators have to make a habitat choice for foraging. Consequently, total survival of prey at regional scale should be higher. By using a spatially explicit field experiment, we tested above hypothesis using a prey–predator interaction between tadpole (Rhacophorus arboreus) and newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster). We established enclosures (≈regional scale) consisting of two tanks (≈local habitat scale) with different degree of prey phenological synchrony. We found that phenological synchrony of prey between tanks within each enclosure decreased the mean residence time of the predator in each tank, which resulted in higher survival of prey at a local habitat scale, supporting the theoretical prediction. Furthermore, individual-level variation in predator residence time explained the between-tank variation in prey survival in enclosures with phenological synchrony, implying that movement patterns of the predator can mediate variation in local population dynamics of their prey. However, total survival at each enclosure was not higher under phenological synchrony. These results suggest the importance of relative timing of prey phenology, not absolute timing, among local habitats in determining prey–predator interactions.  相似文献   

1. Many natural ecosystems are heterogeneous at scales ranging from microhabitats to landscapes. Running waters are no exception in this regard, and their environmental heterogeneity is reflected in the distribution and abundance of stream organisms across multiple spatial scales. 2. We studied patchiness in benthic macroinvertebrate abundance and functional feeding group (FFG) composition at three spatial scales in a boreal river system. Our sampling design incorporated a set of fully nested scales, with three tributaries, two stream sections (orders) within each tributary, three riffles within each section and ten benthic samples in each riffle. 3. According to nested anova s, most of the variation in total macroinvertebrate abundance, abundances of FFGs, and number of taxa was accounted for by the among‐riffle and among‐sample scales. Such small‐scale variability reflected similar patterns of variation in in‐stream variables (moss cover, particle size, current velocity and depth). Scraper abundance, however, varied most at the scale of stream sections, probably mirroring variation in canopy cover. 4. Tributaries and stream sections within tributaries differed significantly in the structure and FFG composition of the macroinvertebrate assemblages. Furthermore, riffles in headwater (second order) sections were more variable than those in higher order (third order) sections. 5. Stream biomonitoring programs should consider this kind of scale‐dependent variability in assemblage characteristics because: (i) small‐scale variability in abundance suggests that a few replicate samples are not enough to capture macroinvertebrate assemblage variability present at a site, and (ii) riffles from the same stream may support widely differing benthic assemblages.  相似文献   

This study determined if a spatial hierarchy existed with respect to reach-scale habitat, subwatershed-scale, and watershed-scale geomorphology and land use stressors on fish assemblages in southeastern U.S. coastal plain streams. During May–October 2009–2012, fishes were sampled by seine, and habitat was assessed at 50 reaches in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin (USA). Using partial redundancy analysis (pRDA) a variance decomposition procedure was used to partial out influences of confounding covariables at each spatial scale. Reach-scale habitat had the strongest association with the assemblage. Stream width, depth, aquatic vegetation and human debris cover, rapid habitat assessment score, and large woody debris volume were the most important variables. At subwatershed and watershed scales, natural and anthropogenic characteristics were important, including elevation, gradient, watershed area, wetland cover, stream density, road, dam and oil/gas well densities. Six species were associated most strongly with the watershed variables, compared to reach- and subwatershed-scale variables. These species had more “r-selected” life-history strategies (e.g., smaller eggs, shorter life spans, multiple broods, longer spawning season, and trophic generalists). In contrast, most species that were associated strongest with reach-scale variables exhibited more “k-selected” life-history traits (e.g., larger eggs, longer life spans, shorter spawning season, single brood, and trophic specialists).  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms were sampled at 197 sites in Finnish boreal streams. The diatom distribution patterns were related to environmental and spatial factors at three spatial scales using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The results emphasized the predominance of chemical‐constituent concentration and ion composition on structuring benthic diatom communities in running waters. Within a river system, physical factors had notable influence on diatom community structure reflecting mainly only minor changes in water chemistry within a watershed. Partial CCA revealed that pure spatial component explained ca. 20% of explainable variation in diatom data at each of the three scales. Environmental factors captured 53–78% of explained variation in species data at ecoregion and river system level. According to Procrustean Randomization Test, spatial coordinates of the study sites and patterns in diatom community structure were strongly concordant (m2 = 0.862, p = 0.001) across the largest spatial scale. Similarly, at smaller spatial scales in southern and central Finland, congruence was significant. These data support the view that diatom communities exhibit a rather strong spatial component especially at largest, national scale.  相似文献   

What drives small‐scale spatial patterns in lotic meiofauna communities?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 Lotic meiofaunal communities demonstrate extremely variable dynamics, especially when viewed at small spatial scales (≤ metres). Given the limited amount of research on lotic meiofauna, we chose to organise our discussion of their small‐scale spatial patterns around the dominant factors we believe drive their spatial distributions in streams. We separate scale‐dependent effects that structure lotic meiofauna into biotic factors (e.g. predation, food quantity/quality, dispersal) and abiotic factors (e.g. local flow dynamics and substratum characteristics).
  • 2 The impact of predation on the distribution of meiofauna varies with the scale over which predators forage (e.g. fish predation influences meiofauna in different ways and at broader spatial scales than do invertebrate predators), the type of streambed substrata in which the predator‐prey interactions occur, and the dispersal ability of different meiofauna. The latter is greatly influenced by predator and prey (meiofauna) interactions with the flow environment.
  • 3 Organic matter influences the small‐scale distribution of meiofauna in streams. Both its quality as food (as indicated by C:N content, ATP content, or microbial biomass) and its spatial distribution on the streambed, influence meiofauna patchiness, community structure and life history characteristics. As a habitat, the structure that organic matter provides (e.g. wood or leaves) can influence predator‐prey interactions, offer materials for case‐building and offer refugia during disturbance events ‐ all of which influence the small‐scale spatial distribution of meiofauna.
  • 4 Stream flow influences the distribution of meiofauna at broad scales (10s–100s of metres), primarily because of the high susceptibility of meiofauna to passive drift; small‐scale interactions between flow and substrata are also important, however, particularly at more localised (≤ metre) scales. At both scales, substratum particle size is important to interstitial‐dwelling fauna, influencing the probability of passive drift by meiofauna as well as local microhabitat conditions (e.g. dissolved oxygen; upwelling/downwelling in the hyporheic zone) and, thus, the small‐scale distribution among microhabitats.
  • 5 In general, the processes governing the distribution of meiofauna at small scales cannot be separated entirely from those processes working at larger scales. A conceptual diagram is presented illustrating the relative importance of various factors in influencing the spatial patterns of meiofauna and over what scales these factors act.

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