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The extracellular matrix protein, osteopontin, is a ligand for several members of the integrin family, including alpha5beta1, alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5 and alpha9beta1. Osteopontin is a substrate for a number of extracellular proteases, including thrombin and the metalloproteases MMP-3 and MMP-7, which cleave osteopontin at sites close to or within the mapped integrin binding sites. Using affinity chromatography and cell adhesion assays, we now identify the integrin alphavbeta6 as an additional osteopontin receptor. Utilizing a series of recombinant forms of osteopontin, we compared the structural requirements for alphavbeta6 binding with those for the 4 other osteopontin-binding integrins. Like alpha5beta1, alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 (but not alpha9beta1), alphavbeta6 binds to the RGD site in osteopontin, since RGD peptide or mutation of this site to RAA completely inhibits alphavbeta6-mediated cell adhesion. For both alpha9beta1 and alpha5beta1, the N-terminal fragment generated by thrombin cleavage is a much better ligand than full length osteopontin, whereas thrombin-cleavage does not appear to be required for optimal adhesion to alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5 or alphavbeta6. A recombinant fragment predicted to be generated by MMP cleavage no longer supported alpha5beta1 or alpha9beta1-mediated adhesion, but adhesion mediated by alphavbeta5 or alphavbeta6 was unaffected. Finally, adhesion of alphavbeta5 or alphavbeta6 was inhibited by mutation of two aspartic acid residues upstream of the RGD site, whereas adhesion mediated by alphavbeta3, alpha5beta1 or alpha9beta1 was unaffected by these mutations. These results suggest that the hierarchy of integrin interactions with osteopontin can undergo complex regulation at least in part through the action of extracellular proteases.  相似文献   

Human ovarian surface epithelium and epithelial tumors express integrin alphavbeta5, which can interact with vitronectin. In addition, in vitro acquisition of cisplatin resistance by alphavbeta3-expressing IGROV1 cells is accompanied by cell-surface expression of integrin alphavbeta5. To further explore the role of alphavbeta5 in ovarian carcinoma cells, IGROV1 cells were stably transfected with a human beta5 integrin cDNA construct, and three beta5 transfectant clones were selected for the expression of alphavbeta5 integrin at their cell surface. Despite a delayed entry in the exponential phase of growth, beta5-transfectant cells kept a proliferation ability similar to that of parental cells, while their growth rate was hindered in the presence of an anti-alphavbeta5 blocking antibody. Only simultaneous blockade of alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 by specific antibodies impeded the adhesion to vitronectin of beta5 transfectants and of the beta5-expressing cisplatin-resistant variant IGROV1-R10, suggesting that the two heterodimers cooperated in the regulation of this process. Cell surface expression of alphavbeta5 resulted in an attenuation of alphavbeta3-mediated migration on vitronectin. Alphavbeta5 participated to migration events in the absence of exogenous growth factors only in one transfectant clone and in IGROV1-R10 cells. Finally, the response to cisplatin was not significantly modified in beta5 transfectants when compared to IGROV1 parental cells.  相似文献   

In vivo optical imaging is potentially useful for evaluating the presence of tumor markers that are targets of molecular medicine. Here we report the synthesis and characterization of integrin alphavbeta3-targeted peptide cyclo(Lys-Arg-Gly-Asp-Phe) [c(KRGDf )] labeled with fluorescence dyes with wavelength spanning from the visible/near infrared (Cy5.5) to the true near infrared (IRDye800) for optical imaging. In vitro, the peptide-dye conjugates bound specifically to tumor cells expressing alphavbeta3. When administered intravenously into mice at a dose of 6 nmol /mouse, the conjugates accumulated in tumors expressing alphavbeta3. The tumor-to-background ratios for human KS1767 Kaposi's sarcoma in mice injected with Cy5.5-c(KRGDf ) and Cy5.5 were 5.5 and 1.5, respectively. Preinjection of c(KRGDf ) blocked the uptake of Cy5.5-c(KRGDf ) in tumors by 89%. In alphavbeta3-positive M21 and alphavbeta3-negative M21-L human melanoma, fluorescence intensity in the tumor of mice injected with IRDye800 - c(KRGDf ) was 2.3 and 1.3 times that in normal tissue, respectively. Dynamic imaging revealed that Cy5.5- c(KRGDf ) was rapidly taken up by KS1767 tumor immediately after bolus injection. The rate of its uptake in the tumor was reduced by preinjection of c(KRGDf ) in an interval time-dependent manner. Our data suggest that near-infrared fluorescence imaging may be applied to the detection of tumors expressing integrin alphavbeta3 and to the assessment of the optimal biological dose and schedule of targeted therapies.  相似文献   

Cross-presentation of cell-associated Ag is thought to involve receptor-mediated uptake of apoptotic cells by dendritic cells (DC), and studies with human DC strongly implicate the endocytic receptor CD36 and the integrins alpha(v)beta(3) and/or alpha(v)beta(5) in this process. In the mouse, cross-presentation was recently shown to be a function of CD8alpha(+) DC. Here we report that CD36 is expressed on CD8alpha(+), but not on CD8alpha(-), DC. To address the role of CD36 in cross-presentation we compared CD36(-/-) and CD36(+/+) H-2(b) DC for their ability to stimulate naive OT-1 T cells specific for OVA plus H-2K(b) in the presence of OVA-loaded MHC-mismatched splenocytes as a source of cell-associated Ag for cross-presentation. Surprisingly, no difference was seen between CD36(-/-) and CD36(+/+) CD8alpha(+) DC in their ability to cross-present cell-associated OVA or to capture OVA-bearing cells. Furthermore, the proliferation of CFSE-labeled OT-1 cells in response to OVA cross-presentation in vivo was normal in CD36(-/-) bone marrow chimeras, also arguing against a necessary role for CD36 in cross-presentation by DC or other APC. DC doubly deficient for beta(3) and beta(5) integrins were similarly unimpaired in their ability to cross-present OVA-bearing cells in vitro. These data demonstrate that in the mouse, receptors other than CD36 or beta(3) and beta(5) integrins can support the specialized cross-presenting function of CD8alpha(+) DC.  相似文献   

In our continuing efforts to identify small molecule vitronectin receptor antagonists, we have discovered a series of phenylbutyrate derivatives, exemplified by 16, which have good potency and excellent oral bioavailability (approximately 100% in rats). This new series is derived conceptually from opening of the seven-membered ring of SB-265123.  相似文献   

The alphavbeta3 integrin, also known as vitronectin receptor, is an adhesive glycoprotein that promotes angiogenesis in the embryo and tumors such as melanoma. Integrin alphavbeta3 is one of the receptors for adenovirus and hantavirus. There is little information on the constitutive expression of this integrin especially in animal species that are used for biomedical research. We used light and electron microscope immunocytochemistry and western blots to determine integrin alphavbeta3 expression in seven organs in the pig, dog and cattle. Immunohistology showed the integrin expression on the epithelium of small intestine, bile duct and renal proximal convoluted tubules in three species. The airway epithelium revealed a weak reaction for integrin alphavbeta3. Skin showed the integrin in occasional extravascular cells while skeletal muscles were negative. The integrin was expressed only in bronchial vasculature in the lung and occasional dermal microvessels. Many mononuclear cells in the lung and spleen stained for integrin alphavbeta3. Immunogold electron microscopy revealed the expression on the epithelium but not on the vasculature of the small intestine. Western blots detected integrin alphavbeta3 in small intestine and lung but not in skeletal muscles. We conclude the integrin is expressed on the epithelium but not in the vasculature. The expression differs strikingly among organs in the same species although the inter-species differences are minor. Restriction of the integrin to absorptive epithelia of small intestine and kidney may suggest its putative role in endocytosis. Because the integrin is a receptor for adenovirus, these data may be relevant to gene therapy studies.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts are cultured in three-dimensional collagen matrices to investigate the effect of mechanical tension on the regulation of apoptosis. Under the influence of mechanical loading, the cells show little apoptosis whereas releasing of tension leads to an increase up to tenfold during the first 24 h and remains constant for further 48 h. An autocrine loop of the integrin V3/CD47 receptor complex and thrombospondin-1 is identified as the molecular coupling device between mechanical loading and apoptosis: The integrin V3 is expressed under mechanical loading as well as unloading whereas the CD47 could only be identified after the release of tension. The secreted thrombospondin binds to the active receptor and induces apoptosis. The presented mechanosensitive regulation of apoptosis in fibroblast cultures could be an essential mechanism for the regression of the granulation tissue by apoptosis in the process of wound healing.  相似文献   

In the adult, angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature contributes to the pathogenesis of many disorders including cancer. The role of adhesion molecules, especially integrins, in pathological angiogenesis has long been the subject of investigation, mostly because of their potential as anti-angiogenic targets. Recent studies have highlighted the complexities connected with understanding the roles of one particular integrin, alphavbeta3, in neovascularization. This integrin is notoriously promiscuous and its precise functions in angiogenesis are unclear. Here, I have firstly summarized some of the salient features of the roles played by alphavbeta3 during angiogenesis; secondly attempted to address the apparently conflicting issues surrounding this topic; and finally raised some questions that appear to be unanswered.  相似文献   

Integrin-associated protein (IAP/CD47) is a receptor for the C-terminal cell binding domain of thrombospondin (TS). A peptide from the C-terminal cell binding domain, KRFYVVMWKK (4N1K) binds to IAP and stimulates the integrin-dependent cell functions, including platelet aggregation. We investigated the mechanism by which TS-bound IAP modulates the affinity of platelet integrin, alphaIIbbeta3. Platelet aggregation induced by 4N1K was not completely inhibited by energy depletion with sodium azide and 2-deoxy-d-glucose, although ADP or collagen-induced platelet response was completely inhibited. The binding of ligand-mimetic antibody PAC1 to alphaIIbbeta3 was also induced in the energy-depleted platelets. In the transfected Namalwa cells, 4N1K induced activation of the alphaIIbbeta3 with mutated beta3 (Ser-752 to Pro), which is a non-responsive form to inside-out signaling, as well as wild type alphaIIbbeta3. The truncated form of IAP with only the extracellular immunoglobulin-like (Ig) domain was sufficient for the activation of alphaIIbbeta3 in Chinese hamster ovary cells, although the IAP-mediated intracellular signaling was abolished, which was monitored by the absence of down-regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation. Furthermore, the soluble recombinant Ig domain of IAP induced PAC1 binding to alphaIIbbeta3 on Chinese hamster ovary cells when added with 4N1K. Physical association between the soluble recombinant Ig domain of IAP and purified alphaIIbbeta3 was detected in the presence of 4N1K. These data indicate that the extracellular Ig domain of IAP, when bound to TS, interacts with alphaIIbbeta3 and can change alphaIIbbeta3 in a high affinity state without the requirement of intracellular signaling. This extracellular event would be a novel mechanism of affinity modulation of integrin.  相似文献   

The solid-phase synthesis of two diastereomeric cyclic pseudopeptides containing the Arg-Gly-Asp sequence and the dipeptide isostere 2-amino-3-oxotetrahydro-1H-pyrrolizine-7a(5H)-carboxylic acid (GPTM) is described. Competition binding assays to purified alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 integrins with respect to [125I]echistatin showed a high inhibitory activity for the (2S,7aS)-GPTM derivative. Effects of the structural constraint induced by the two enantiomeric scaffolds (2R,7aR)-GPTM and (2S,7aS)-GPTM on the conformation of Arg-Gly-Asp sequence have been computationally investigated using as a reference the recently solved X-ray structure of cyclo(Arg-Gly-Asp-d-Phe-[N-Me]Val) in complex with the extracellular fragment of the alphavbeta3 receptor. The computational method disclosed the key role played by a bridging water molecule on differentiating the two ligands by a diverse stabilization of the ligand-protein complex.  相似文献   

CD23 is a type II transmembrane glycoprotein synthesized by hematopoietic cells that has biological activity in both membrane-bound and freely soluble forms, acting via a number of receptors, including integrins. We demonstrate here that soluble CD23 (sCD23) sustains growth of human B cell precursors via an RGD-independent interaction with the alphavbeta5 integrin. The integrin recognizes a tripeptide motif in a small disulfide-bonded loop at the N terminus of the lectin head region of CD23, centered around Arg(172), Lys(173), and Cys(174) (RKC). This RKC motif is present in all forms of sCD23 with cytokine-like activity, and cytokine activity is independent of the lectin head, an "inverse RGD" motif, and the CD21 and IgE binding sites. RKC-containing peptides derived from this region of CD23 bind alphavbeta5 and are biologically active. The binding and activity of these peptides is unaffected by inclusion of a short peptide containing the classic RGD sequence recognized by integrins, and, in far-Western analyses, RKC-containing peptides bind to the beta subunit of the alphavbeta5 integrin. The interaction between alphavbeta5 and sCD23 indicates that integrins deliver to cells important signals initiated by soluble ligands without the requirement for interactions with RGD motifs in their common ligands. This mode of integrin signaling may not be restricted to alphavbeta5.  相似文献   

A cyclic RGD peptide-conjugated block copolymer, cyclo[RGDfK(CX-)]-poly(ethylene glycol)-polylysine (c(RGDfK)-PEG-PLys), was synthesized from acetal-PEG-PLys under mild acidic conditions and spontaneously associated with plasmid DNA (pDNA) to form a polyplex micelle in aqueous solution. The cyclic RGD peptide recognizes alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 integrin receptors, which play a pivotal role in angiogenesis, vascular intima thickening, and the proliferation of malignant tumors. The c(RGDfK)-PEG-PLys/pDNA polyplex micelle showed a remarkably increased transfection efficiency (TE) compared to the PEG-PLys/pDNA polyplex micelle for the cultured HeLa cells possessing alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 integrins. On the other hand, in the transfection against the 293T cells possessing no alphavbeta3 and a few alphavbeta5 integrins, the TE of the c(RGDfK)-PEG-PLys/pDNA micelle showed no increase compared to the TE of the PEG-PLys/pDNA micelle. Flow cytometric analysis revealed a higher uptake of the c(RGDfK)-PEG-PLys/pDNA micelle than the PEG-PLys/pDNA micelle against HeLa cells, consistent with the transfection results. Furthermore, a confocal laser scanning microscopic observation revealed that the pDNA in the c(RGDfK)-PEG-PLys micelle preferentially accumulated in the perinuclear region of the HeLa cells within 3 h of incubation. No such fast and directed accumulation of pDNA to the perinuclear region was observed for the micelles without c(RGDfK) ligands. These results indicate that the increase in the TE induced by the introduction of the c(RGDfK) peptide ligand was due to an increase in cellular uptake as well as facilitated intracellular trafficking of micelles toward the perinuclear region via alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 integrin receptor-mediated endocytosis, suggesting that the cyclic RGD peptide-conjugated polyplex micelle has promising feasibility as a site-specifically targetable gene delivery system.  相似文献   

Signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRPalpha, SHPS-1) is a plasma membrane receptor for CD47 and a key regulator of phagocytosis, growth factor signaling, and migration. Phosphorylation of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs in its cytoplasmic tail is essential for the functional effects of SIRPalpha, at least in part, because the phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs recruit Src homology 2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatases. Ligation by CD47 and integrin engagement both have been thought to regulate SIRPalpha phosphorylation. However, their distinct contributions have not been distinguished. Here, we show that the importance of CD47 varies with cell type, since ligation of CD47 is not necessary for SIRPalpha phosphorylation in myeloid cells, whereas it is required in endothelial cells. In contrast, integrin-mediated adhesion is required for SIRPalpha phosphorylation in both cell types. This shows that SIRPalpha phosphorylation is dually regulated and demonstrates a new mechanism for functional cooperation between integrins and the integrin-associated protein CD47.  相似文献   

No prokaryotic expression of integrin alphavbeta3 has been reported so far. We report here the expression of C-terminally truncated alphavbeta3 receptors in E. coli considering the known features required for dimerization and ligand binding. The expressed protein was insoluble despite of the addition of 'solubilizers' to the culture medium. Osmotic stress conditions combined with added exogenous solutes resulted in a small part of soluble receptor. The alphavbeta3 variants were purified from inclusion bodies or from soluble cytoplasmic maltose binding protein fusions. Heterodimerization of the subunits was proved by immunoprecipitation assays. Receptor-ligand binding was found to depend on the concentration. A competition assay with RGD peptides referred to unspecific receptor-ligand interaction. The latter fact was consistent with the finding that soluble receptors did not bind on RGD peptide-coupled sepharose (GRGDSPK sepharose).  相似文献   

Chondrosarcoma is a type of highly malignant tumor with a potent capacity to invade locally and cause distant metastasis. Chondrosarcoma shows a predilection for metastasis to the lungs. The stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1), constitutively secreted by human lung epithelium cells, has been shown to function in a key role for recruitment of neutrophils. Here, we found that human chondrosarcoma tissues and chondrosarcoma cell lines had significant expression of CXCR4 (SDF-1 receptor), which was higher than normal cartilage and human chondrocyte. SDF-1alpha and lung epithelium cells conditioned medium (LECM) induced the invasiveness of chondrosarcoma cells. SDF-1 siRNA inhibited LECM-induced invasion of chondrosarcoma cells and SDF-1alpha also directly induced the cell surface expression of alphavbeta3 but not alpha2beta1 and alpha5beta1 integrin. Activations of ERK and NF-kappaB pathways after SDF-1 treatment was demonstrated, and SDF-1alpha-induced expression of alphavbeta3 integrin and invasion activity was inhibited by the specific inhibitor and mutant of ERK and NF-kappaB cascades. Taken together, our results indicate that lung derived-SDF-1alpha enhances the invasiveness of chondrosarcoma cells by increasing alphavbeta3 integrin expression through the CXCR4/ERK/NF-kappaB signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

The αvβ3 integrin participates in cell morphogenesis, growth factor signaling, and cell survival. Activation of the integrin is central to these processes and is influenced by specific ECM components, which engage both integrins and syndecans. This paper demonstrates that the αvβ3 integrin and syndecan-1 (S1) are functionally coupled. The integrin is dependent on the syndecan to become activated and to mediate signals required for MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-435 human mammary carcinoma cell spreading on vitronectin or S1-specific antibody. Coupling of the syndecan to αvβ3 requires the S1 ectodomain (ED), as ectopic expression of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked S1ED enhances αvβ3 recognition of vitronectin; and treatments that target this domain, including competition with recombinant S1ED protein or anti-S1ED antibodies, mutation of the S1ED, or down-regulation of S1 expression by small-interfering RNAs, disrupt αvβ3-dependent cell spreading and migration. Thus, S1 is likely to be a critical regulator of many cellular behaviors that depend on activated αvβ3 integrins.  相似文献   

Cells require optimal substrate stiffness for normal function and differentiation. The mechanisms for sensing matrix rigidity and durotaxis, however, are not clear. Here we showed that control, Shp2-/-, integrin beta1-/-, and talin1-/- cell lines all spread to a threefold greater area on fibronectin (FN)-coated rigid polyacrylamide surfaces than soft. In contrast, RPTPalpha-/- cells spread to the same area irrespective of rigidity on FN surfaces but spread 3x greater on rigid collagen IV-coated surfaces than soft. RPTPalpha and alphavbeta3 integrins were shown previously to be colocalized at leading edges and antibodies to alphavbeta3 blocked FN rigidity sensing. When FN beads were held with a rigid laser trap at the leading edge, stronger bonds to the cytoskeleton formed than when held with a soft trap; whereas back from the leading edge and in RPTPalpha-/- cells, weaker bonds were formed with both rigid and soft laser traps. From the rigidity of the trap, we calculate that a force of 10 pN generated in 1 s is sufficient to activate the rigidity response. We suggest that RPTPalpha and alphavbeta3 at the leading edge are critical elements for sensing FN matrix rigidity possibly through SFK activation at the edge and downstream signaling.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that in breast carcinoma MCF7 cells MT1-MMP processes the alphav, alpha3, and alpha5 integrin precursors generating the respective mature S-S-linked heavy and light alpha-chains. The precursor of alpha2 integrin subunit was found resistant to MT1-MMP proteolysis. The processing of the alphav subunit by MT1-MMP facilitated alphavbeta3-dependent adhesion, activation of FAK signaling pathway, and migration of MCF7 cells on vitronectin. To elucidate further the effects of MT1-MMP on cellular integrins, we examined the functional activity of alpha5beta1 and alpha2beta1 integrins in MCF7 cells expressing MT1-MMP. Either expression of MT1-MMP alone or its coexpression with alphavbeta3 failed to affect the functionality of alpha5beta1 integrin, and adhesion of cells to fibronectin. MT1-MMP, however, profoundly affected the cross-talk involving alphavbeta3 and alpha2beta1 integrins. In MT1-MMP-deficient cells, integrin alphavbeta3 suppressed the functional activity of the collagen-binding alpha2beta1 integrin receptor and diminished cell adhesion to type I collagen. Coexpression of MT1-MMP with integrin alphavbeta3 restored the functionality of alpha2beta1 integrin and, consequently, the ability of MCF7 cells to adhere efficiently to collagen. We conclude that the MT1-MMP-controlled cross-talk between alphavbeta3 and alpha2beta1 integrins supports binding of aggressive, MT1-MMP-, and alphavbeta3 integrin-expressing malignant cells on type I collagen, the most common substratum of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Some integrin alpha subunits undergo a post-translational cleavage in their extracellular domain. However, the role of this cleavage in integrin function is unclear. Enzymes involved in this maturation belong to the subtilisin-like endoprotease family (convertases). To understand the role of the alpha subunit cleavage in integrin function, we have designed stable transfectants (PDX39P cells) expressing alpha(1)-PDX, a convertase inhibitor. Immunoprecipitation of cell surface proteins from PDX39P showed that alpha(3), alpha(6) and alpha(v) integrins lack endoproteolytic cleavage. We have compared adhesion between PDX39P cells and mock-transfected cells on different extracellular matrix proteins. No difference in adhesion could be observed on laminin-1 and type I collagen, while attachment of PDX39P cells to vitronectin (ligand of the alpha(v)beta(5) integrin) was dramatically reduced. The reduced adhesion of PDX39P cells was not due to changes in integrin affinity as determined by solid-phase receptor assay in a cell-free environment. Intracellular signaling pathways activated by alpha(v) integrin ligation were also affected in PDX39P cells. It thus seems that the absence of endoproteolytic cleavage of alpha(v) integrins has important consequences on signal transduction pathways leading to alterations in integrin function such as cell adhesion.  相似文献   

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