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The occurrence of homologous interference in the replication of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus was demonstrated after successive passages of partially purified virus at high input multiplicities in trout and Atlantic salmon cell cultures. Pretreatment of cell cultures with interfering virus inhibited the replication of homologous standard infectious virus but not unrelated viruses. The ability of infectious pancreatic interfering virus to interfere with homologous virus was abolished with UV irradiation, immune serum, and freeze-thawing.  相似文献   

A technique is described for the direct exposure of cell cultures to airborne virus enabling quantitation of the virus in concentrations as low as one plaque-forming unit per liter of air.  相似文献   

Infection of BHK-21 cells with lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus resulted in the production of significant titers of complement-fixing (CF) antigen. The antigen was spontaneously released from the cells, but the highest titer of 1:16 was recovered by disruption of the infected cells by freeze-thawing in tryptose phosphate broth. The antigen could be partially separated from infectious virus by centrifugation. Furthermore, it was possible to detect LCM virus infection of cell cultures by the production of the CF antigen, but this method proved less sensitive than titration by intracerebral inoculation of mice. The CF antigen from cell cultures was at least as sensitive and specific as the reference antigen prepared from infected guinea pig spleen.  相似文献   

Complete homologous interference is demonstrated in cultures of Aedes albopictus cells chronically infected with Sindbis virus. The interference occurred before there was any detectable RNA synthesis by the superinfecting virus.  相似文献   

本实验用免疫印迹法纯化的抗EBNA亚型抗体,结合显微荧光分光光度检测技术,检测在不同感染状态下,三种亚型EBNA抗原在细胞中的表达程度。结果表明,处于潜伏感染状态下的Raji细胞EBNA-1表达量较大,经巴豆油和正丁酸诱导进入钝挫感染状态后EBNA-1表达减少,而EBNA-2的表达增强。B_(95-8)细胞也有相似的趋势。表明EB病毒的激活可能与不同EBNA亚型表达量的改变有关。  相似文献   

Large rod-shaped structures corresponding to paracrystals were seen in the nucleus, cytoplasm, or both of adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-infected cells by immunofluorescence staining with antibody prepared against purified Ad2. In exception to this, Ad2-induced crystals did not stain with either hexon or fiber antibody. The crystalline structures were first observed in Ad2-infected Vero cells at 28 hr with a maximum number at 70 hr postinoculation. The kinetics of paracrystalline formation closely paralleled the experimental synthesis of infectious progeny virus. Acridine-orange staining revealed the lack of nucleic acids associated with the crystal. Also, the paracrystals stained intensely with phenanthrenequinone, suggesting that they are composed of basic proteins. Interferon induced by Newcastle disease virus from African green monkey kidney cell cultures was used to pretreat Vero cells prior to Ad2 infection. This resulted in inhibiting the formation of viral-induced paracrystals in 97% of the cells and reduced virus yields by 95%. The African green monkey kidney cell culture interferon did not reduce Ad2 yields in HeLa cell cultures or display any virus inhibitory activity in rabbit kidney cell cultures. Staining procedures, fluorescent-antibody tests with whole virus, hexon or fiber antibody, and interferon studies suggested that the paracrystals were viral-directed and composed of basic proteins (possibly core proteins).  相似文献   

Antigens in infected cell culture fluids can be easily concentrated by polyethylene glycol precipitation to yield suitable hemagglutinating and complement-fixing antigens for several togaviruses.  相似文献   

Two rubella virus strains isolated in this laboratory were investigated in terms of their growth in LLC-MK(2) cell cultures and their effect on cell morphology. Rubella virus grew readily in LLC-MK(2) cells, but cytopathic effects of the virus were not observed in infected cultures. Such infected cultures can be subcultured indefinitely and continue to shed virus. Examination of rubella-infected cell cultures by electron microscopy showed the presence of annulate lamellae in the cytoplasm of 15% of the cells. No changes were evident in the nuclei. These membranous inclusions varied in complexity from parallel arrays of annulate lamellae to large lamellar structures of complex morphology. An occasional cell contained a crystal lattice structure in association with the lamellae. Larger inclusions, consisting of disorganized arrays of "unit" membranes, were also found. Uninfected cells were devoid of annulate lamellae, crystals, and complex membranous inclusions. No viruslike particles were observed in any part of the cells from infected cultures. The significance of the structures observed has not been determined.  相似文献   

The nervous system of the marine mollusk Aplysia californica is relatively simple, consisting of approximately 20,000 neurons. The neurons are large (up to 1 mm in diameter) and identifiable, with distinct sizes, shapes, positions and pigmentations, and the cell bodies are externally exposed in five paired ganglia distributed throughout the body of the animal. These properties have allowed investigators to delineate the circuitry underlying specific behaviors in the animal1. The monosynaptic connection between sensory and motor neurons is a central component of the gill-withdrawal reflex in the animal, a simple defensive reflex in which the animal withdraws its gill in response to tactile stimulation of the siphon. This reflex undergoes forms of non-associative and associative learning, including sensitization, habituation and classical conditioning. Of particular benefit to the study of synaptic plasticity, the sensory-motor synapse can be reconstituted in culture, where well-characterized stimuli elicit forms of plasticity that have direct correlates in the behavior of the animal2,3. Specifically, application of serotonin produces a synaptic strengthening that, depending on the application protocol, lasts for minutes (short-term facilitation), hours (intermediate-term facilitation) or days (long-term facilitation). In contrast, application of the peptide transmitter FMRFamide produces a synaptic weakening or depression that, depending on the application protocol, can last from minutes to days (long-term depression). The large size of the neurons allows for repeated sharp electrode recording of synaptic strength over periods of days together with microinjection of expression vectors, siRNAs and other compounds to target specific signaling cascades and molecules and thereby identify the molecular and cell biological steps that underlie the changes in synaptic efficacy.An additional advantage of the Aplysia culture system comes from the fact that the neurons demonstrate synapse-specificity in culture4,5. Thus, sensory neurons do not form synapses with themselves (autapses) or with other sensory neurons, nor do they form synapses with non-target identified motor neurons in culture. The varicosities, sites of synaptic contact between sensory and motor neurons, are large enough (2-7 microns in diameter) to allow synapse formation (as well as changes in synaptic morphology) with target motor neurons to be studied at the light microscopic level.In this video, we demonstrate each step of preparing sensory-motor neuron cultures, including anesthetizing adult and juvenile Aplysia, dissecting their ganglia, protease digestion of the ganglia, removal of the connective tissue by microdissection, identification of both sensory and motor neurons and removal of each cell type by microdissection, plating of the motor neuron, addition of the sensory neuron and manipulation of the sensory neurite to form contact with the cultured motor neuron.Open in a separate windowClick here to view.(105M, flv)  相似文献   

Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) virus is a promising vector for vaccination against various challenging pathogens or the treatment of some types of cancers, requiring a high amount of virions per dose for vaccination and gene therapy. Upstream process intensification combining perfusion technologies, the avian suspension cell line AGE1.CR.pIX and the virus strain MVA-CR19 is an option to obtain very high MVA yields. Here the authors compare different options for cell retention in perfusion mode using conventional stirred-tank bioreactors. Furthermore, the authors study hollow-fiber bioreactors and an orbital-shaken bioreactor in perfusion mode, both available for single-use. Productivity for the virus strain MVA-CR19 is compared to results from batch and continuous production reported in literature. The results demonstrate that cell retention devices are only required to maximize cell concentration but not for continuous harvesting. Using a stirred-tank bioreactor, a perfusion strategy with working volume expansion after virus infection results in the highest yields. Overall, infectious MVA virus titers of 2.1–16.5 × 109 virions/mL are achieved in these intensified processes. Taken together, the study shows a novel perspective on high-yield MVA virus production in conventional bioreactor systems linked to various cell retention devices and addresses options for process intensification including fully single-use perfusion platforms.  相似文献   

Specific antibody plaque-forming cells (PFC) to Shigella-soluble antigen did not appear in spleen cell cultures from Shigella-tolerant mice, as occurred with similar cultures prepared from normal mice immunized with Shigella antigen prior to sacrifice. Cultures from tolerant mice also failed to form serologically detectable amounts of agglutinins in vitro. Exposure of cell cultures from tolerant mice in vitro to additional antigen had little or no effect on appearance of plaque-forming cells to Shigella. Spleen cells from normal control mice formed readily detectable levels of antibody, as well as specific antibody plaque-forming cells, after similar stimulation with antigen either in vivo or in vitro. The absence of antibody-forming cells in cultures prepared from spleens of tolerant mice was specific since such cultures, as well as those from normal control mice, formed numerous antibody plaques to unsensitized sheep erythrocytes in vitro after in vivo challenge of the mice with sheep erythrocytes. Tolerance to Shigella antigen, as assessed by absence of antibody-forming cells in vitro, persisted for several months. Spleen cell cultures from tolerant mice less than 3 to 4 months of age did not form significant numbers of antibody plaques, even after in vitro exposure to specific antigen. However, spleen cultures prepared from neonatally treated mice, approximately 6 to 8 months old, formed essentially normal numbers of specific PFC in vitro, indicating that the animals had "recovered" from tolerance and that their lymphoid cells were capable of responding to Shigella antigen in vitro. Absence of specific PFC in cell cultures from tolerant animals supports the concept that tolerance is due to a central failure of specific immunocompetent cells and not due to an inhibitory effect caused by either "excess" antigen or humoral antibody.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The degree of strain and/or species diversity among Pneumocystis carinii isolates is unknown. As a first approach to the study of P. carinii genetic relatedness, we compared the pulsed field gel electrophoretic karyotypes of P. carinii derived from lung homogenates of three immunosuppressed host animals: rats transtracheally inoculated with P. carinii -infected rat lung; mice transtracheally inoculated with P. carinii -infected mouse lung; and ferrets which developed reactivated latent P. carinii pneumonia. Rat P. carinii propagated on HEL299 cells was also examined. Karyotypes of P. carinii DNA from both rat lung homogenate and cell culture were identical (14 bands, 315–680 kb). In contrast, mouse and ferret P. carinii DNA karyotypes were each distinctly different from the rat P. carinii samples (mouse P. carinii 15 bands, 315–610 kb; ferret P. carinii nine bands, 410–760 kb). Three distinct rat P. carinii gene probes reacted with both Southern-transferred rat and mouse P. carinii DNA but not with ferret P. carinii DNA. Thus, P. carinii from rat, mouse, and ferret are genetically diverse. The results are consistent with recently reported antigenic and nucleic acid sequence differences among P. carinii isolates recovered from different hosts.  相似文献   

Due to the inherent difficulty and time involved with studying the myogenic program in vivo, primary culture systems derived from the resident adult stem cells of skeletal muscle, the myogenic precursor cells (MPCs), have proven indispensible to our understanding of mammalian skeletal muscle development and growth. Particularly among the basal taxa of Vertebrata, however, data are limited describing the molecular mechanisms controlling the self-renewal, proliferation, and differentiation of MPCs. Of particular interest are potential mechanisms that underlie the ability of basal vertebrates to undergo considerable postlarval skeletal myofiber hyperplasia (i.e. teleost fish) and full regeneration following appendage loss (i.e. urodele amphibians). Additionally, the use of cultured myoblasts could aid in the understanding of regeneration and the recapitulation of the myogenic program and the differences between them. To this end, we describe in detail a robust and efficient protocol (and variations therein) for isolating and maintaining MPCs and their progeny, myoblasts and immature myotubes, in cell culture as a platform for understanding the evolution of the myogenic program, beginning with the more basal vertebrates. Capitalizing on the model organism status of the zebrafish (Danio rerio), we report on the application of this protocol to small fishes of the cyprinid clade Danioninae. In tandem, this protocol can be utilized to realize a broader comparative approach by isolating MPCs from the Mexican axolotl (Ambystomamexicanum) and even laboratory rodents. This protocol is now widely used in studying myogenesis in several fish species, including rainbow trout, salmon, and sea bream1-4.  相似文献   

Viral antigens were fixed to the surface of microtiter wells, and serial dilutions of antiviral antibody were added. The amount of antiviral antibody bound to viral antigens was determined by measuring the extent to which the antiviral antibody either inhibited the specific binding of (125)I-labeled antiviral immunoglobulin G (IgG) (direct technique) or enhanced the specific binding of (125)I-labeled anti-IgG (indirect technique). Immune complexes composed of viral antigens and antiviral antibody (human) could be detected by the binding of (125)I-labeled rheumatoid factor. Specific binding was influenced by the concentration of protein in the diluents used during the different steps of the procedure. A high concentration of protein in the diluent used with the viral antigens decreased specific binding, whereas a high concentration of protein in the diluent used with (125)I-labeled anti-IgG increased specific binding by decreasing nonspecific attachment of the labeled anti-IgG. Under the conditions employed, the titer of a given antiviral serum was several hundredfold greater by the indirect than by the direct technique.  相似文献   

The Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein gE-gI is a transmembrane Fc receptor found on the surface of infected cells and virions that binds human immunoglobulin G (hIgG). gE-gI can also participate in antibody bipolar bridging (ABB), a process by which the antigen-binding fragments (Fabs) of the IgG bind a viral antigen while the Fc binds to gE-gI. IgG Fc binds gE-gI at basic, but not acidic, pH, suggesting that IgG bound at extracellular pH by cell surface gE-gI would dissociate and be degraded in acidic endosomes/lysosomes if endocytosed. The fate of viral antigens associated with gE-gI–bound IgG had been unknown: they could remain at the cell surface or be endocytosed with IgG. Here, we developed an in vitro model system for ABB and investigated the trafficking of ABB complexes using 4-D confocal fluorescence imaging of ABB complexes with transferrin or epidermal growth factor, well-characterized intracellular trafficking markers. Our data showed that cells expressing gE-gI and the viral antigen HSV-1 gD endocytosed anti-gD IgG and gD in a gE-gI–dependent process, resulting in lysosomal localization. These results suggest that gE-gI can mediate clearance of infected cell surfaces of anti-viral host IgG and viral antigens to evade IgG-mediated responses, representing a general mechanism for viral Fc receptors in immune evasion and viral pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Sera from 17 patients of scrub typhus in the acute and convalescent phases were tested by indirect immunoperoxidase test, Weil-Felix (WF) test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and immunoblotting. In the comparison of antibody titers between acute- and convalescent-phase sera, we recognized a parallelism of increment between the titers in WF test and titers of immunoglobulin M (IgM) in ELISA against Proteus mirabilis strain OXK-whole cells and OXK-lipopolysaccharides (Proteus OXK-LPS). Furthermore, IgM antibodies from almost all of WF test-positive sera recognized LPS from Proteus OXK in immunoblotting. Based on these results, it was concluded that IgM antibody rather than IgG may participate in WF test, and that Proteus OXK-LPS may have one of antigenic epitopes common to the components of R. tsutsugamushi.  相似文献   

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