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Plant uptake of radiocaesium from soil is an important pathway for the entry of this pollutant into the human food chain and so contributes to any assessment of the radiation dose following contamination. Large differences in soil–plant transfer factors have been reported for plant species grown on the same soils. Few studies have attempted to distinguish between differences in root uptake and root-to-shoot translocation. We have investigated the root uptake of radiocaesium from artificially contaminated soils and the subsequent translocation to shoots for various plant species grown on three agricultural soils. The effects of short contact times and potassium starvation or enrichment have been studied. The Cs adsorption properties of rhizosphere soils have been compared with those of the initial soils. The proportion of activity removed from soil is largely soil dependent. Root uptake properties have less effect, but appear to be species determined, and not influenced by soil properties. Differences in soil-to-shoot transfer factor arise from species-dependent differences in root-to-shoot translocation. Root-to-shoot activity ratios are not soil dependent. There was little effect of soil potassium status. Root action slightly enhanced Cs adsorption on one soil, probably due to mineral weathering associated with the release of nonexchangeable potassium.  相似文献   

Smolders  E.  Sweeck  L.  Buysse  J.  Van Den Brande  K.  Merckx  R. 《Plant and Soil》1993,(1):431-434
Young spinach (Spinacia oleracea L., cv. Subito) and wheat (Triticum aestivum, cv. Tonic) plants were hydroponically grown in eight different nutrient solutions containing 137Cs. Ca, Mg, K and NH4 concentrations were varied whilst anion concentrations were equal in all solutions. The large differences in potassium content between spinach and wheat were not reflected in similar differences in 137Cs content at any nutritive treatment.Both crops were also grown in a potted podzolic soil contaminated with radiocaesium. This experiment was conducted in a phytotron at two climatic conditions (summer and winter) which differed in day length and light intensity. Wheat plants had higher 137Cs levels than spinach at both conditions. The 137Cs levels furthermore decreased during development. The 137Cs plant/soil solution concentration ratio was lower at the summer than at the winter conditions.  相似文献   

An explanation of photodamages to PS II at low light intensities is proposed. The explanation is based on the two following postulates: 1. Intermediate states of the water-oxidizing complex can undergo parasitic reduction to lower degrees of oxidation. 2. Photosynthetic apparatus can minimize the unfavorable effect of such reduction by changes in the number of active reaction centers of PS II. Some steady-state characteristics were calculated under these assumptions. The results obtained show that the frequency of P680 excitations at low light intensities becomes as high as that at saturating light provided that the rate of parasitic reduction is comparable with the rate of the slowest reaction in the cycle of the water- oxidizing complex conversions.  相似文献   

The ability of endophytic bacteria to influence Erwinia carotovora var. atroseptica (Eca) growth and disease development was examined in potatoes. Bacterial populations isolated from within the tubers of five potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars (Kennebec, Butte, Green Mountain, Russet Burbank and Sebago) showed antibiosis toward Eca in an in vitro assay. Sebago was host to the highest percentage of bacterial isolates inhibiting Eca growth in vitro (49.5%), followed by Green Mountain (33.3%), Kennebec (29.3%), Russet Burbank (12.9%) and Butte (1.8%). Of these, Curtobacterium luteum was the most common species. Few endophytic bacteria from Butte were inhibitory to Erwinia; all were from Pantoea agglomerans. Significantly higher populations of Erwinia-inhibiting bacteria were recovered from Kennebec (1.89 × 106 cfu fresh weight tuber tissue) as compared to the other cultivars; the lowest populations were recovered from Butte (0.01 × 106 cfu per g fresh weight tuber tissue). Published levels of cultivar disease resistance to blackleg did not correspond to actual bacterial soft rot development (induced by Eca) in an in vivo (tuber) assay. However, bacterial soft rot development was negatively correlated with the density of tuber populations of endophytic bacteria found able to inhibit Eca growth in vitro (R=−0.879, p=0.05).  相似文献   

Guivarch  A.  Hinsinger  P.  Staunton  S. 《Plant and Soil》1999,211(1):131-138
Uptake by roots from contaminated soil is one of the key steps in the entry of radiocaesium into the food chain. We have measured the uptake by roots of radiocaesium and its transfer to shoots of a heathland grass, sheep fescue (Festuca ovina L.) from two contrasting agricultural soils, a sandy podzol and a clayey calcareous soil. A culture device which keeps the roots separate from the soil was used thus allowing rhizosphere soil to be obtained easily and enhancing the effect of root action. Biomass production and 137Cs in shoots and roots were recorded. Cs adsorption was studied on both the initial, nonrhizosphere soil and on rhizosphere soil in dilute soil suspension. Cs desorption was measured by resuspending subsamples of contaminated soil in solutions containing various concentrations of stable Cs. The proportion of Cs fixed, i.e. not readily desorbable, was calculated by comparison of the adsorption and desorption isotherms. Uptake by roots varied considerably between soils and did not appear to be diffusion limited. Root-to-shoot transfer did not differ for the two soils studied. Root action considerably enhanced Cs adsorption on the soils, particularly the in sandy podzol with a low Cs affinity. The value of Kd was increased by up to an order of magnitude. A large proportion of adsorbed Cs was found to be fixed, the Kd was up to seven times greater on desorption than adsorption, indicating that up to 80% of adsorbed Cs was not readily exchangeable. Root action had little effect on the fixed fraction. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of low irradiation on the viability of Chromatium vinosum was investigated. Cultures were precultivated at 1,000 lux (=0.1/h). Then, before the substrate was depleted, illumination was changed to either complete darkness or about 30 lux. Previously, the latter light intensity had been found not to promote growth.The parameters assayed were viability, protein, bacteriochlorophyll, ATP, RNA, DNA, absorbance (E 260) of the supernatant, and total anthron-positive material.The data show that irradiation insufficiently high to promote growth, results in viability percentages as high as 90% after 8 days, whereas cultures incubated in complete darkness are virtually dead by then. Neither in the light nor in the dark a degradation of protein or cell wall hexoses was observed. The RNA content also remained constant. However, particularly in the dark cultures DNA was found to decrease concomitant with increased E 260 readings of the supernatant. It is considered unlikely that such essential macromolecules are degraded to serve the maintenance energy requirements. The ecological impact of the observations is discussed.Non-Standard Abbreviations PHB poly--hydroxybutyric acid - Bchl Bacteriochlorophyll  相似文献   

Caesium (Cs+) is a potentially toxic mineral element that isreleased into the environment and taken up by plants. AlthoughCs+ is chemically similar to potassium (K+), and much is knownabout K+ transport mechanisms, it is not clear through whichK+ transport mechanisms Cs+ is taken up by plant roots. In thisstudy, the role of AtHAK5 in high affinity K+ and Cs+ uptakewas characterized. It is demonstrated that AtHAK5 is localizedto the plasma membrane under conditions of K+ deprivation, whenit is expressed. Growth analysis showed that AtHAK5 plays arole during severe K+ deprivation. Under K+-deficient conditionsin the presence of Cs+, Arabidopsis seedlings lacking AtHAK5had increased inhibition of root growth and lower Cs+ accumulation,and significantly higher leaf chlorophyll concentrations thanwild type. These data indicate that, in addition to transportingK+ in planta, AtHAK5 also transports Cs+. Further experimentsshowed that AtHAK5 mediated Cs+ uptake into yeast cells andthat, although the K+ deficiency-induced expression of AtHAK5was inhibited by low concentrations of NH  相似文献   

耐低钾基因型水稻品种孕穗期剑叶生理及根系活力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高耐低钾基因型水稻品种“湘早糯1号”比不耐低钾品种“双白-211-竹印”在缺钾和不缺钾营养液生长,孕穗期剑叶叶绿素及可溶性蛋白质含量高、光合速率、呼吸速率及NR酶活性高、根系活力强,而根导电率低、气孔阻力小.在缺钾([K+]3mg/L)营养液时,高耐低钾品种孕穗期剑叶的Mg,Fe,Ca,Na含量增加,[K+]含量稍小,但[K+]的下降比率相对较低,吸K功能仍强  相似文献   

Schwartz E  Scow KM 《Biodegradation》2001,12(3):201-207
Phenanthrene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, becomes increasingly unavailable to microorganisms for degradation as it ages in soil. Consequently, many bioaugmentation efforts to remediate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil have failed. We studied theeffect of repeatedly inoculating a soil with a phenanthrene-degrading Arthrobacter sp. on the mineralization kinetics of low concentrations of phenanthrene. After the first inoculation, the initial mineralization rate of 50 ng/g phenanthrene declined in a biphasicexponential pattern. By three hundred hours after inoculation, there was no difference in mineralization rates between the inoculated and uninoculated treatments even though a large fraction of the phenanthrene had not yet been mineralized. A second and third inoculation significantly increased the mineralization rate, suggesting that, though themineralization rate declined, phenanthrene remained bioavailable. Restirring the soil, without inoculation, did not produce similar increases in mineralization rates, suggesting absence of contact between cells and phenanthrene on a larger spatial scale (>mm) is not the cause of the mineralization decline. Bacteria inoculated into soil 280 hours beforethe phenanthrene was added could not maintain phenanthrene degradation activity. We suggest sorption lowered bioavailability of phenanthrene below an induction threshold concentration for metabolic activity of phenanthrene-degrading bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction of exchangeable soil K with cultivars resulted in differences in grain production by five barley cultivars. The cultivars differed in the amount of exchangeable soil K required to produce maximum yield. Bonanza attained its maximum yield at 183 kg K2O ha–1, but Galt did not reach its maximum yield until a high level of exchangeable soil K was reached (252 kg K2O ha–1). The other cultivars were within this range. The cultivars also differed in their yield response to applied K fertilizer. Under conditions of growth-limiting K supply, Galt and Gateway were slightly more responsive to the addition of K fertilizer than were Centennial and Conquest, and much more responsive than Bonanza. The interactions of exchangeable soil K and soil pH or soil NO3–N and soil pH with cultivars indicated differences in acid tolerance of the cultivars. Galt was more pH sensitive than Bonanza.  相似文献   

低钾胁迫对棉花光合作用和光合产物分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏颖  姜存仓  汪宵  陈防 《生态学杂志》2013,32(6):1476-1482
分别选用钾高效和钾低效棉花基因型各一个进行大田试验,探讨低钾胁迫对棉花光合作用和光合产物的积累分配的影响.结果表明:低钾胁迫降低了棉花叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和气孔导度(Gs),降低了棉花的生物量,低钾胁迫同时促使光合产物较多地分配到营养器官,降低了生殖器官分配的比例,收获指数降低.不同棉花基因型的光合特性存在着差异,钾高效基因型(HG)的Pn、Tr、Ci和Gs无论施钾与否均高于钾低效基因型(LG).不同棉花基因型光合产物的分配模式存在着差异,无论施钾与否,HG的营养器官积累的干物质相对较少,往生殖器官分配的较多,收获指数高,而LG相反.2个基因型在苗期和蕾期的生物量没有显著性差异,而在桃期和吐絮期,HG的生物量显著高于LG.HG的钾利用指数在桃期和吐絮期均显著高于LG.研究表明,增施钾肥能够改善棉花叶片的光合功能并提高光合产物的分配效率.  相似文献   

A total of 108 rice varieties were examined for their tissue culture responses. Callus tissues were initiated from the seed, radicle, coleoptile and anther explants. Our results indicated that genotypes differed in the ability to develop vigorously growing callus. The callus growth responses in seed, radicle and coleoptile cultures were intercorrelated, but were not correlated with that in anther culture.  相似文献   

Genetically modified potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desiree) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun N.N.) plants were used to analyze the effects exerted by the chloroplastic (cp) fructose- 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) on the regulation of light energy discrimination at the level of photosystem II. The cp-FBPase activity was progressively inhibited by an mRNA antisense to this FBPase. The chlorophyll fluorescence quenching parameters of these transgenic plants were compared to those of wild-type and transgenic plants that were acclimated to low temperatures. In particular various lines of the transgenic potato and tobacco plants were exposed to a temperature treatment of 10 and 20°C for 10 days. Light intensities were kept low to reduce photoinhibition so that we could analyze exclusively the effects of a modification in the carbon fixation cycle on the chlorophyll fluorescence quenching parameters. The photon flux densities (PFDs) employed at the level of the middle leaves of all plants were set to two different values of 10 μmol m?2 s?1 and 50 μmol m?2 s?1. Subsequent to this 10-day acclimation the chlorophyll-fluorescence parameters of all plants were measured. Photoinhibition as expressed by the Fy/Fm ratio was minor in plants subjected to a PFD of 10 μmol m?2 s?1. Higher photon fluence rates of 50 μmol m?2 s?1 at temperatures of 10°C gave rise to a significant reduction in the Fy/Fm ratios obtained from the transgenic plants which were characterized by a restriction in cp-FBPase capacity to 20% of normal activity. Furthermore, a progressive inhibition of the cp-FBPase activity induced an amplified nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence with in the genetically manipulated species (except at 10°C and 50 μmol m?2 s?1). The increase in nonphotochemical quenching depended upon light and temperature. Photochemical quenching of light quanta within the antisense plants declined relative to that in the wild type. To further characterize the mechanisms producing higher levels of nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching. we analyzed several of the xanthophyll cycle pigments. The deepoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle pigments in potato plants increased with attenuating FBPase activities under all conditions. For tobacco plants, this elevation of the deepoxidation state was only observed at a PFD of 50 μmol m?2 s?1.  相似文献   

Impact of drying and re-wetting on N,P and K dynamics in a wetland soil   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Venterink  H. Olde  Davidsson  T.E.  Kiehl  K.  Leonardson  L. 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(1):119-130
As increased nutrient availability due to drainage is considered a major cause of eutrophication in wetlands rewetting of drained wetlands is recommended as a restoration measure. The effect of soil drying and rewetting on the contribution of various nutrient release or transformation processes to changed nutrient availability for plants is however weakly understood. We measured effects of soil drying and re-wetting on N mineralization, and denitrification, as well as on release of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), phosphorus, and potassium in incubated soil cores from a wet meadow in southern Sweden. Additionally, the impact of re-wetting with sulphate-enriched water was studied. Soil drying stimulated N mineralization (3 times higher) and reduced denitrification (5 times lower) compared to continuously wet soil. In the wet cores, denitrification increased to 20 mg N m–2 d–1, which was much higher than denitrification measured in the field. In the field, increased inorganic-N availability for plants due to drainage seemed primarily to be caused by increased N mineralization, and less by decreased denitrification. Soil drying also stimulated the release of DON and K, but P release was not affected. Re-wetting of dried soil cores strongly stimulated denitrification (up to 160 mg N m–2 d–1), but N mineralization was not significantly decreased, neither were DON or K release. In contrast, the extractable P pool increased upon soil wetting. Re-wetting with sulphate-enriched water had no effect on any of the nutrient release or transformation rates. We conclude that caution is required in re-wetting of drained wetlands, because it may unintendently cause internal eutrophication through an increased P availability for plants.  相似文献   

We believe greater consideration should be given the agronomic and nutritional/bioavailability factors that influence risk from Cd-contaminated soils. We have argued that the ability of rice to accumulate soil Cd in grain while excluding Fe, Zn and Ca (even though the soil contains 100-times more Zn than Cd) was important in adverse effects of soil Cd is farm families in Asia. Further, polished rice grain is deficient in Fe, Zn and Ca for humans, which promotes Cd absorption into duodenal cells. New kinetic studies clarified that dietary Cd is absorbed into duodenum enterocytes; 109Cd from a single meal remained in the duodenum for up to 16 days; part of the turnover pool 109Cd moved to the liver and kidneys by the end of the 64-day 'chase' period. Thus malnutrition induced by subsistence rice diets caused a higher absorption of dietary Cd and much higher potential risk from soil Cd than other crops. Because rice-induced Fe-Zn-Ca-malnutrition is so important in soil Cd risk, it seems evident that providing nutritional supplements to populations of exposed subsistence rice farmers could protect them against soil Cd during a period of soil remediation. In the long term, high Cd rice soils need to be remediated. Remediation by removal and replacement of contaminated soil is very expensive (on the order of $3 million/ha); while phytoextraction using the high Cd accumulating ecotypes of the Zn-Cd hyperaccumulator, Thlaspi caerulescens, should provide low cost soil Cd remediation.  相似文献   

Boyer JS 《Plant physiology》1971,48(5):532-536
The inhibition of photosynthesis at low leaf water potentials was studied in soil-grown sunflower to determine the degree to which photosynthesis under high light was affected by stomatal and nonstomatal factors. Below leaf water potentials of −11 to −12 bars, rates of photosynthesis at high light intensities were insensitive to external concentrations of CO2 between 200 and 400 microliters per liter. Photosynthesis also was largely insensitive to leaf temperature between 10 and 30 C. Changes in CO2 concentration and temperature had negligible effect on leaf diffusive resistance. The lack of CO2 and temperature response for both photosynthesis and leaf diffuse resistance indicates that rates of photosynthesis were not limited by either CO2 diffusion or a photosynthetic enzyme. It was concluded that photosynthesis under high light was probably limited by reduced photochemical activity of the leaves at water potentials below −11 to −12 bars.  相似文献   

Root K+ acquisition is a key process for plant growth and development, extensively studied in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Because important differences may exist among species, translational research supported by specific studies is needed in crops such as tomato. Here we present a reverse genetics study to demonstrate the role of the SlHAK5 K+ transporter in tomato K+ nutrition, Cs+ accumulation and its fertility. slhak5 KO lines, generated by CRISPR-Cas edition, were characterized in growth experiments, Rb+ and Cs+ uptake tests and root cells K+-induced plasma membrane depolarizations. Pollen viability and its K+ accumulation capacity were estimated by using the K+-sensitive dye Ion Potassium Green 4. SlHAK5 is the major system for high-affinity root K+ uptake required for plant growth at low K+, even in the presence of salinity. It also constitutes a pathway for Cs+ entry in tomato plants with a strong impact on fruit Cs+ accumulation. SlHAK5 also contributes to pollen K+ uptake and viability and its absence produces almost seedless fruits. Knowledge gained into SlHAK5 can serve as a model for other crops with fleshy fruits and it can help to generate tools to develop low Cs+ or seedless fruits crops.  相似文献   

【目的】从基因组序列角度进一步揭示自然界斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus, SpltNPV)的基因型多态性。【方法】病毒克隆A5, F1, X3 和 X15分别以活体克隆法分离自SpltNPV埃及株、 日本福冈株和日本小笠原株。根据SpltNPV基因组全序列(GenBank登录号: AF325155)和海灰翅夜蛾核型多角体病毒(S. littoralis NPV, SpliNPV)部分基因序列(GenBank登录号: X99377, X99376 和X98924)设计引物, PCR扩增获得A5, F1, X3 和 X15的多角体蛋白(polyhedrin, polh)基因和ORF18~ORF23序列。【结果】根据多角体蛋白基因序列, X3和X15属于SpltNPV型, 而A5和F1属于SpliNPV型。将A5, F1, X3 和 X15的ORF18~ORF23与SpltNPV和SpliNPV相应的基因序列进行同源性比较。结果发现, F1与SpliNPV以及X3与SpltNPV的核苷酸序列相似性高, 但X3的ORF20在172~558 nt处缺失387 bp。尽管依据多角体蛋白基因序列X15属于SpltNPV型, 但对于ORF18~ORF23序列, X15与SpliNPV的相似性高于与SpltNPV的相似性。同样, A5属于SpliNPV型, ORF18~ORF20与SpliNPV相应的核苷酸序列相似性高, 但ORF21与SpltNPV相应的核苷酸序列一致性为100%, 特别是ORF22, SpltNPV的特有序列出现在A5的基因组中, 而且与SpltNPV的ORF22一致性为100%; 反过来, ORF23又与SpliNPV相应的核苷酸序列相似性高。【结论】所有这些都表明, SpltNPV在自然界不仅存在基因型多态性, 而且即使属于同一基因型, 它们的基因组序列也有显著差异。可利用SpltNPV在自然界的这种异质性筛选适宜防治斜纹夜蛾幼虫的株系。  相似文献   

The effect of different rates and methods of fertilizer nitrogen application and potassium nutrition on the root nodule formation of faba bean plants var. Nadwiślański and on their nitrogenase activity was studied. It was found that fertilizer N depressed the nodule formation and nitrogenase activity, but inhibitory effect of N was smaller when it was supplied to the leaves instead to the soil. Plants growing at higher K level were in a position allowing on better development of nodules and consequently higher N2- fixation.  相似文献   

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