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DNA fragmentation is one of the most characteristic features of apoptotic cells and caspase-activated DNase (CAD) is considered to be a major nuclease responsible for DNA fragmentation. CAD forms a complex with its inhibitor (ICAD), which is also required for the functional folding of CAD, leading to CAD stabilization in cells. In this paper, we investigated the involvement of the ubiquitin–proteasome system in CAD stability. The expression and ubiquitination of CAD was remarkably increased by MG132 treatment in the absence of ICAD. These results suggest that CAD protein may be preferentially degraded by the ubiquitin–proteasome system in the absence of ICAD to maintain protein quality control.  相似文献   

Triazine-2-14C metsulfuron–methyl is a selective, systemic sulfonylurea herbicide. Degradation studies in soils are essential for the evaluation of the persistence of pesticides and their breakdown products. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the degradation of triazine-2-14C metsulfuron–methyl in soil under laboratory conditions. A High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) equipped with an UV detector and an on-line radio-chemical detector, plus a Supelco Discovery column (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 μm), and PRP–1 column (305 x 7.0 mm, 10 μm) was used for the HPLC analysis. The radioactivity was determined by a Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) in scintillation fluid. The soil used was both sterilized and non-sterilized in order to observe the involvement of soil microbes. The estimated DT50 and DT90 values of metsulfuron-methyl in a non-sterile system were observed to be 13 and 44 days, whereas in sterilized soil, the DT50 and DT90 were 31 and 70 days, respectively. The principal degradation product after 60 days was CO2. The higher cumulative amount of 14CO2 in 14C- triazine in the non-sterilized soil compared to that in the sterile system suggests that biological degradation by soil micro-organisms significantly contributes to the dissipation of the compound. The major routes of degradation were O-demethylation, sulfonylurea bridge cleavage and the triazine “ring-opened.”  相似文献   

To gain entry to plants, many pathogenic fungi develop specialized infection structures called appressoria. Here, we demonstrate that appressorium morphogenesis in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae is tightly regulated by the cell cycle. Shortly after a fungus spore lands on the rice (Oryza sativa) leaf surface, a single round of mitosis always occurs in the germ tube. We found that initiation of infection structure development is regulated by a DNA replication-dependent checkpoint. Genetic intervention in DNA synthesis, by conditional mutation of the Never-in-Mitosis 1 gene, prevented germ tubes from developing nascent infection structures. Cellular differentiation of appressoria, however, required entry into mitosis because nimA temperature-sensitive mutants, blocked at mitotic entry, were unable to develop functional appressoria. Arresting the cell cycle after mitotic entry, by conditional inactivation of the Blocked-in-Mitosis 1 gene or expression of stabilized cyclinB-encoding alleles, did not impair appressorium differentiation, but instead prevented these cells from invading plant tissue. When considered together, these data suggest that appressorium-mediated plant infection is coordinated by three distinct cell cycle checkpoints that are necessary for establishment of plant disease.  相似文献   

Bonartseva  G. A.  Myshkina  V. L.  Nikolaeva  D. A.  Rebrov  A. V.  Gerasin  V. A.  Makhina  T. K. 《Microbiology》2002,71(2):221-226
The biodegradation of films made of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) with a molecular mass of 1500 kDa was studied using a model soil community in the presence and absence of nitrate and at different concentrations of oxygen in the gas phase. The biodegradation of PHB was investigated with respect to changes in its molecular mass, crystallinity, and some mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Large-scale landfarming experiments have been performed on a loamy sand soil. An amount of 1,350 m3/ha oil sludge together with nutrients (N,P,K) and a bacterial inoculum were applied at two different times over a five-year period. At both test periods, biodegradation of the hydrocarbons (HC) was best fitted with first order reaction kinetics with degradation rates ranging from about 4 g HC/kg dry soil per year to about 15 g HC/kg dry soil per year. Toxicity tests on the aqueous soil extracts as well as plant growth and worm tests on the landfarm soil showed no striking negative effects of residual hydrocarbons. Migration of oil, nitrate and phosphate to the groundwater was minimal. In view of the diversity of solvents recommended in the literature, twenty extractants were tested for their capacity to remove HC from the loamy sand soil. Chlorinated solvents, such as dichloromethane and chloroform, were the most effective. Yet, in view of its effectiveness and low toxicity, acetone appears a suitable solvent for the extraction of soils and sediments polluted with hydrocarbons. This case-study revealed that oil sludge can effectively be treated by landfarming, if appropriate technical measures are taken and a sufficient time (minimum 15 years) for bioremediation is provided.  相似文献   

The degradative pathway of 5-alkanolides (alkano-δ-lactones) and 2-deceno-δ-lactone (massoialactone) by Fusarium solani PM-1, a massoialactone-producing fungus, was investigated. (±)-Alkano-δ-lactones were shown to be degraded first to a one-carbon-atom-less methyl ketone, 4-hydroxy-2-alkanones, after hydroxylation. The 4-hydroxy-2-alkanones were then converted to 2,4-alkanediones or to 2,4-alkanediols, and are suggested to be successively degraded by modified β-oxidation. (R)-Massoialactone, the main compound in the volatiles produced by the strain, was first saturated to (R)-decano-δ-lactone, and then this saturated lactone was degraded in the same way. These observations lead to a conceptional cycle of acetate moieties throughout the production and degradation of the secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Studies on uptake, tissue distribution, and metabolsim of 3-(3′,5′ -dichlorophenyl)-5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione (DDOD) by bean and grape plants, and degradation by soil and light were carried out using 14C- or 3H-DDOD. DDOD injected at stem or absorbed through roots of bean plants was transported mainly to leaf tissues. No downward movement of the label was observed. DDOD was decomposed in the nutrient solution to N-3,5-dichlorophenyl-N-α-hydroxyisobutyryl carbamic acid (DHCA) and α-hydroxyisobutyryl-3,5-dichloroanilide (HDA). Metabolism of DDOD in bean plants or on grape berries themselves occurred to only a small extent if at all. When injected into grape trees, DDOD underwent some degree of metabolization to HDA and, probably, 3-(3′,5′ -dichloro-4′ -hydroxyphenyl)-5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione. In soil, DDOD broke down to DHCA, HDA, and 3,5-dichloroaniline, but formation of tetrachloroazobenzene was not observed under the present experimental conditions. DDOD decomposed to some degree when irradiated with a xenon lamp.  相似文献   

Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, the fungus cultured by the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens, produces polysaccharidases that degrade leaf components by generating nutrients believed to be essential for ant nutrition. We evaluated pectinase, amylase, xylanase, and cellulase production by L. gongylophorus in laboratory cultures and found that polysaccharidases are produced during fungal growth on pectin, starch, cellulose, xylan, or glucose but not cellulase, whose production is inhibited during fungal growth on xylan. Pectin was the carbon source that best stimulated the production of enzymes, which showed that pectinase had the highest production activity of all of the carbon sources tested, indicating that the presence of pectin and the production of pectinase are key features for symbiotic nutrition on plant material. During growth on starch and cellulose, polysaccharidase production level was intermediate, although during growth on xylan and glucose, enzyme production was very low. We propose a possible profile of polysaccharide degradation inside the nest, where the fungus is cultured on the foliar substrate.  相似文献   

Phosphorylated oligosaccharides (POSs) are produced by the degradation of dolichol-linked oligosaccharides (DLOs) by an unclarified mechanism in mammalian cells. Although POSs are exclusively found in the cytosol, their intracellular fates remain unclear. Our findings indicate that POSs are catabolized via a non-lysosomal glycan degradation pathway that involves a cytosolic endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase (ENGase). Quantitative and structural analyses of POSs revealed that ablation of the ENGase results in the significant accumulation of POSs with a hexasaccharide structure composed of Manα1,2Manα1,3(Manα1,6)Manβ1,4GlcNAcβ1,4GlcNAc. In vitro ENGase assays revealed that the presence of an α1,2-linked mannose residue facilitates the hydrolysis of POSs by the ENGase. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric analyses and fluorescent labeling experiments show that such POSs contain one phosphate group at the reducing end. These results indicate that ENGase efficiently hydrolyzes POSs that are larger than Man4GlcNAc2-P, generating GlcNAc-1-P and neutral Gn1-type free oligosaccharides. These results provide insight into important aspects of the generation and degradation of POSs.  相似文献   

Permafrost degradation affects soil properties and vegetation, but little is known about its consequent effects on the soil bacterial community. In this study, we analyzed the bacterial community structure of 12 permafrost-affected soil samples from four principal permafrost types, sub-stable permafrost (SSP), transition permafrost (TP), unstable permafrost (UP) and extremely unstable permafrost (EUP), to investigate the effects of vegetation characteristics and soil properties on bacterial community structure during the process of permafrost degradation. Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes were the predominant phyla in all four permafrost soil types. The relative abundance of Proteobacteria decreased in the order SSP > TP> UP > EUP, whereas the abundance of Actinobacteria increased in the order SSP < TP < UP < EUP. Moreover, the Actinobacteria/Proteobacteria ratio increased significantly in the order SSP < TP < UP < EUP along with permafrost degradation, which may be useful as a sign of permafrost degradation. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that bacterial communities could be clustered by permafrost types. Analysis of single factors revealed that soil moisture (SM) was the most important factor affecting the bacterial community structure and diversity, followed by soil total nitrogen (STN) and vegetation cover (VC). Partial RDA analysis showed that the soil properties and vegetation characteristics jointly shaped the bacterial community structure. Hence, we can conclude that permafrost degradation, caused by global warming, affects vegetation and soil properties and consequently drives changes in the soil bacterial community structure.  相似文献   

Cellobiose 2-epimerase (CE) reversibly converts d-glucose residues into d-mannose residues at the reducing end of unmodified β1,4-linked oligosaccharides, including β-1,4-mannobiose, cellobiose, and lactose. CE is responsible for conversion of β1,4-mannobiose to 4-O-β-d-mannosyl-d-glucose in mannan metabolism. However, the detailed catalytic mechanism of CE is unclear due to the lack of structural data in complex with ligands. We determined the crystal structures of halothermophile Rhodothermus marinus CE (RmCE) in complex with substrates/products or intermediate analogs, and its apo form. The structures in complex with the substrates/products indicated that the residues in the β5-β6 loop as well as those in the inner six helices form the catalytic site. Trp-322 and Trp-385 interact with reducing and non-reducing end parts of these ligands, respectively, by stacking interactions. The architecture of the catalytic site also provided insights into the mechanism of reversible epimerization. His-259 abstracts the H2 proton of the d-mannose residue at the reducing end, and consistently forms the cis-enediol intermediate by facilitated depolarization of the 2-OH group mediated by hydrogen bonding interaction with His-200. His-390 subsequently donates the proton to the C2 atom of the intermediate to form a d-glucose residue. The reverse reaction is mediated by these three histidines with the inverse roles of acid/base catalysts. The conformation of cellobiitol demonstrated that the deprotonation/reprotonation step is coupled with rotation of the C2-C3 bond of the open form of the ligand. Moreover, it is postulated that His-390 is closely related to ring opening/closure by transferring a proton between the O5 and O1 atoms of the ligand.  相似文献   

The first results are presented of an aerobiological analysis of the atmosphere of the town of Almería, carried out between November 1995 and October 1996. A Lanzoni volumetric spore trap was used for sample collection. The composition and seasonal evolution of the pollen spectrum were determined over a 1-year period in relation to the vegetation and climatic conditions of the study area. Twenty-six pollen types were identified as accounting for >0.05% of the total pollen collected. The main sources of airborne pollen were Palmae (17.76%),Olea (16.10%), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (13.99%), Urticaceae (10.18%) and Poaceae (8.64%). The annual pollen variation presented a period of maximum emission from March to June, with a subsequent, less intensive period from August to November. The minimum pollen values were obtained from December to February. The highest concentrations occurred in May, which was also the month which presented the highest pollen diversity, whereas the lowest values were observed in January.  相似文献   

Native bovine parathyroid hormone (bPTH) was found to be readily cleaved with human leukocyte elastase to yield the fragments bPTH(1–41) and bPTH(42–84). These were then isolated by reverse-phase HPLC and characterised by gas-phase sequencing and amino acid analysis. The biological activities of these fragments were assessed in an adenylate cyclase bioassay using the rat osteosarcoma cell line UMR106. bPTH(1–41) was found to have approximately twice the molar potency of the native hormone from which it was derived, bPTH(42–84) had no biological activity and did not modulate the adenylate cyclase response to these cells to the native hormone. The possible physiological significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Precise regulation of the intracellular concentration of chloride [Cl?]i is necessary for proper cell volume regulation, transepithelial transport, and GABA neurotransmission. The Na–K–2Cl (NKCCs) and K–Cl (KCCs) cotransporters, related SLC12A transporters mediating cellular chloride influx and efflux, respectively, are key determinants of [Cl?]i in numerous cell types, including red blood cells, epithelial cells, and neurons. A common “chloride/volume-sensitive kinase”, or related system of kinases, has long been hypothesized to mediate the reciprocal but coordinated phosphoregulation of the NKCCs and the KCCs, but the identity of these kinase(s) has remained unknown. Recent evidence suggests that the WNK (with no lysine = K) serine–threonine kinases directly or indirectly via the downstream Ste20-type kinases SPAK/OSR1, are critical components of this signaling pathway. Hypertonic stress (cell shrinkage), and possibly decreased [Cl?]i, triggers the phosphorylation and activation of specific WNKs, promoting NKCC activation and KCC inhibition via net transporter phosphorylation. Silencing WNK kinase activity can promote NKCC inhibition and KCC activation via net transporter dephosphorylation, revealing a dynamic ability of the WNKs to modulate [Cl?]. This pathway is essential for the defense of cell volume during osmotic perturbation, coordination of epithelial transport, and gating of sensory information in the peripheral system. Commiserate with their importance in serving these critical roles in humans, mutations in WNKs underlie two different Mendelian diseases, pseudohypoaldosteronism type II (an inherited form of salt-sensitive hypertension), and hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 2. WNKs also regulate ion transport in lower multicellular organisms, including Caenorhabditis elegans, suggesting that their functions are evolutionarily-conserved. An increased understanding of how the WNKs regulate the Na–K–2Cl and K–Cl cotransporters may provide novel opportunities for the selective modulation of these transporters, with ramifications for common human diseases like hypertension, sickle cell disease, neuropathic pain, and epilepsy.  相似文献   

Column‐scale oil flushing of a sandy loam contaminated with either Pb(II) (500 mg/kg Pb), PbSO4 (10,000 mg/kg Pb), PbCO3 (10,000 mg/kg Pb), or Pb‐naphthalene (400 mg/kg Pb, 333 mg/kg naphthalene) was investigated. HCl (0.1 N), EDTA (0.01 M), and CaCl2 (1.0 M) were selected as the soil‐flushing solutions based on soil‐washing experiments. For the Pb‐only tests, Pb removal efficiencies were 85, 100, and 78% for HCl, EDTA, and CaCl2, respectively. For PbSO4 (s), Pb removal efficiencies were 32, 100, and 96% for HCl, EDTA, and CaCl2, respectively, and for PbCO3 were 97, 100, and 14% for HCl, EDTA, and CaCl2, respectively. Larger amounts of flushing solutions were required for the remediation of PbSO4‐and PbCO3‐contaminated soils compared with the Pb‐only tests, most likely because of slower dissolution kinetics and the neutralization of HCl by CO3 ‐2 For Pb‐naphthalene, Pb removal efficiencies were 78 and 72% for HCl and EDTA, respectively, which compared well with soil‐washing results but were less than those observed in Pb‐only column studies.  相似文献   

Large-scale preparation of (R)-(–)-1,3-butanediol (R-BDO), an important chiral synthon, from the racemate by Candida parapsilosis IFO 1396 was investigated. We found that ethanol accumulated during culture enhanced the secondary alcohol oxido-reduction activity of cells. Large-scale preparation of R-BDO was done using a fermentor. 3092 g of R-BDO was obtained from the racemate by the use of this strain with 94.0% enantiomeric excess.  相似文献   

The three cloned galanin receptors show a higher affinity for galanin than for galanin N-terminal fragments. Galanin fragment (1–15) binding sites were discovered in the rat Central Nervous System, especially in dorsal hippocampus, indicating a relevant role of galanin fragments in central galanin communication. The hypothesis was introduced that these N-terminal galanin fragment preferring sites are formed through the formation of GalR1–GalR2 heteromers which may play a significant role in mediating galanin fragment (1–15) signaling. In HEK293T cells evidence for the existence of GalR1–GalR2 heteroreceptor complexes were obtained with proximity ligation and BRET2 assays. PLA positive blobs representing GalR1–GalR2 heteroreceptor complexes were also observed in the raphe-hippocampal system. In CRE luciferase reporter gene assays, galanin (1–15) was more potent than galanin (1–29) in inhibiting the forskolin-induced increase of luciferase activity in GalR1–GalR2 transfected cells. The inhibition of CREB by 50 nM of galanin (1–15) and of galanin (1–29) was fully counteracted by the non-selective galanin antagonist M35 and the selective GalR2 antagonist M871. These results suggested that the orthosteric agonist binding site of GalR1 protomer may have an increased affinity for the galanin (1–15) vs galanin (1–29) which can lead to its demonstrated increase in potency to inhibit CREB vs galanin (1–29). In contrast, in NFAT reporter gene assays galanin (1–29) shows a higher efficacy than galanin (1–15) in increasing Gq/11 mediated signaling over the GalR2 of these heteroreceptor complexes. This disbalance in the signaling of the GalR1–GalR2 heteroreceptor complexes induced by galanin (1–15) may contribute to depression-like actions since GalR1 agonists produce such effects.  相似文献   

The white rot basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium metabolized 1-(3,4-diethoxyphenyl)-1,3(dihydroxy)-2-(4'-methoxyphenyl)-propane (XII) in low nitrogen stationary cultures, conditions under which the ligninolytic enzyme system is expressed. 3,4-Diethoxybenzyl alcohol (IV), 1,2(dihydroxy)-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)ethane (XX) and anisyl alcohol were isolated as metabolic products indicating an initial , bond cleavage of this dimer. Exogenously added XX was rapidly converted to anisyl alcohol, indicating that XX is an intermediate in the metabolism of XII. Fungal cleavage of the , bond of 1-(3-4-diethoxyphenyl)-1-(hydroxy)-2-(4'-methoxyphenyl)ethane (XI) also occurred, indicating that a hydroxymethyl group is not a prerequisite for this reaction. P. chrysosporium also metabolized 1-(4-ethoxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2,2(dihydroxy)-2-(4'-methoxyphenyl)propane-1-ol (XIII). The major products of the degradation of this triol included 4-ethoxy-3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (III) and 2-hydroxy-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-oxoethane (XXI). The nature of the products formed indicates that this triol is also cleaved directly at the , bond. The significant difference in the nature of the products formed from the diaryl propane (XII) and the triol (XIII), however, suggests that XIII is not an intermediate in the major pathway for the degradation of XII. Metabolites were identified after comparison with chemically synthesized standards by GLC-mass spectrometry.Abbreviations GLC Gas liquid chromatography - TMSi trimethylsilyl - TLC thin layer chromatography - MS mass spectrometry  相似文献   

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