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Diversity patterns of amphipods, carabid beetles and ants were investigated in five naturally-fragmented Afromontane forest remnants, and in the surrounding grassland matrix. Forests were architecturally similar. In contrast, grasslands surrounding these forests are subject to great differences in anthropogenic impacts. Consequently, transition from forest to grassland ranged from being abrupt (heavy disturbance) to gradual (little disturbance). Significantly different mean numbers of carabid individuals and species were captured between sites and multivariate analyses showed clear separation in carabid assemblage-structure with level of disturbance. Carabids were, furthermore, significantly more diverse in forests, compared to grasslands. Ants, however, were equally species rich between sites but were significantly more abundant and species rich in grasslands than forests. Amphipods, represented here by a single species, Talistroides africana, was significantly less abundant at highly disturbed sites and significantly more abundant in forests than grasslands. Results support the hypothesis that the dynamics of remnants are influenced by their surrounding landscape. Here, the dynamics of amphipods and carabids (predominantly forest taxa) were influenced by different disturbance regimes in grasslands surrounding these forests. Epigaeic ants, a predominantly grassland taxon here, also showed significant differences in assemblage-composition between sites with varying disturbance. Conserving Afromontane grasslands should be of prime concern because this will include the protection of forest/grassland ecotones and forest remnants.  相似文献   

Often a single indicator invertebrate taxon is used for assessing changing landscape patterns. However, we argue here against the exclusive selection of a single group. Covariation in diversity patterns of spiders, carabids, staphylinids and ants were compared in and between five highly naturally-fragmented Afromontane forest patches (size range: 3.5–25.2 ha) in South Africa. Significantly fewer individuals and species were captured in smaller forest patches (<6 ha) for most of the taxa, except Formicidae, where a higher number of species were captured in medium-sized patches (7–9 ha). When sampling effort was standardized, a higher diversity (rarefaction and Simpson's diversity index) was obtained in the smaller patches for Carabidae, Staphylinidae and Formicidae. The only significant positive correlation between taxa, in terms of numbers of species, was between Carabidae and Staphylinidae. The other taxa showed only weak positive correlations between species richness, or negative correlations. Multivariate techniques showed significant species turnover between patch assemblages for each taxon, and also showed that some taxa are more similar in assemblage-structure than others. An index of complementarity showed that species compositions of the selected taxa varied greatly between forest patches of different sizes. Our results support the multi-taxa approach, in conservation studies, even at the level of taxonomically-related groups sharing a common habitat stratum.  相似文献   

Zhou T  Peng S L 《农业工程》2008,28(7):3322-3333
Classification of spatial scales and measurement of edge effects in ecology were reviewed. The spatial scales can be classified into large scale (biome ecotone), meso-scale (ecological ecotone) and small scale (community ecotone) through the formation and maintenance of edge effects in ecology based on the synthetic analysis of published literatures. The biome ecotone is influenced by climate, regional dominant vegetation and terrain environment. The ecological ecotone is usually distributed in the transitional region with remarkable habitat heterogeneity. It connects adjacent ecosystems and affects the flow of energy and nutrient. Nowadays, study on edge effects in ecology mainly focuses on boundary sensitivity which associates with urban-rural ecotone, forest-grassland ecotone, agro-pastoral ecotone, forest-farmland ecotone, water-land ecotone and forest-swamp ecotone. As to the community ecotone which links with different patches to the interior of the community, previous studies focused on community edge, gap edge and treelines. The borderlines of different biome ecotones and the gradients of species distribution in the biome ecotones have been investigated through the method of quantitative ecology. The dynamic change, location and width of the ecological ecotone have been studied using the Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies and the landscape ecology theory. As important indicators, distance from edge, population, structure and diversity determined for establishing models can be applied to measure the intensity of edge effects and decide the positive or negative impact on communities. Although study on the edge effects in ecology was mostly reported at the meso-scale and small scale, study at large scale should be paid more attention as it is the potential value in ecology and global change fields.  相似文献   

刘炳亮  苏金豹  马建章 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3653-3660
人类活动导致的景观改变能形成大量的生境缀块和边缘结构,对植物扩散产生重要影响。以植物个体运动生态学——种子扩散模式作为分类依据,对兴凯湖自然保护区游憩带与非游憩带、交通廊道与非交通廊道中动物扩散物种、风扩散物种、无助力扩散物种(包括重力扩散、弹射扩散等短距离扩散的物种)以及全部物种的边缘溢出效应分别进行对比分析。结果显示,游憩带动物扩散物种和全部物种的边缘溢出效应均明显弱于非游憩带;而风扩散物种在游憩带和非游憩带均有大量溢出;无助力扩散物种在这两个实验区的溢出效应均不明显。交通廊道中动物扩散物种的溢出效应显著弱于非交通廊道,但风扩散物种却明显强于非交通廊道;无助力扩散物种在两种廊道类型中同样只有少量溢出,且距离相对较短;总体溢出效应并未发现显著差异。这些结果表明,旅游开发对植物运动生态学产生了影响,最终导致了溢出效应的改变。  相似文献   

1. The annual input, contribution to the diet of salmonids, and quantitative input of terrestrial invertebrates to four reaches with contrasting forest (n=2) and grassland riparian vegetation (n=2) were compared in a Japanese headwater stream.
2. The annual input of terrestrial invertebrates falling into the forest reaches (mean±1 SE=8.7×103±0.3×103 mg m?2 year?1) was 1.7 times greater than that in the grassland reaches (5.1×103±0.8×103 mg m?2 year?1), with clear seasonality in the daily input of invertebrates in both vegetation types. The daily input, however, differed between the vegetation types only in summer, when it rose to a maximum in both vegetation types.
3. Fish biomass also differed among the seasons in both vegetation types, being less in the grassland reaches. The contribution of terrestrial invertebrates to the salmonid diet in the forest and grassland reaches was 11 and 7% in spring, 68 and 77% in summer, 48 and 33% in autumn, and 1 and 1% in winter, respectively. The prey consumption rate of fish, which was similar between the vegetation types, increased with stream temperature and was highest in summer. Terrestrial invertebrates supported 49% (mean±1 SE=5.3×103±0.4×103 mg m?2 year?1) of the annual, total prey consumption (10.9×103±1.7×103 mg m?2 year?1) by salmonids in the forest and 53% (2.0×103±0.3×103 mg m?2 year?1) (3.8×103±0.6×103 mg m?2 year?1) in the grassland reaches.
4. Salmonids were estimated to consume 51 and 35% of the annual total (falling plus drift) input of terrestrial invertebrates in the forest and grassland reaches, respectively. The input of terrestrial invertebrates by drift, however, was almost equal to the output in both vegetation types, suggesting that the reach‐based, in‐stream retention of terrestrial invertebrates almost balanced these falling in.
5. Difference in the riparian vegetation, which caused spatial heterogeneity in the input of terrestrial invertebrates, could play an important role in determining the local distribution of salmonids.  相似文献   

Human activities have led to global simplification of ecosystems, among which Neotropical dry forests are some of the most threatened. Habitat loss as well as edge effects may affect insect communities. Here, we analyzed insects sampled with pan traps in 9 landscapes (at 5 scales, in 100–500 m diameter circles) comprising cultivated fields and Chaco Serrano forests, at overall community and taxonomic order level. In total 7043 specimens and 456 species of hexapods were captured, with abundance and richness being directly related to forest cover at 500 m and higher at edges in comparison with forest interior. Community composition also varied with forest cover and edge/interior location. Different responses were detected among the 8 dominant orders. Collembola, Hemiptera, and Orthoptera richness and/or abundance were positively related to forest cover at the larger scale, while Thysanoptera abundance increased with forest cover only at the edge. Hymenoptera abundance and richness were negatively related to forest cover at 100 m. Coleoptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera were more diverse and abundant at the forest edge. The generally negative influence of forest loss on insect communities could have functional consequences for both natural and cultivated systems, and highlights the relevance of forest conservation. Higher diversity at the edges could result from the simultaneous presence of forest and matrix species, although “resource mapping” might be involved for orders that were richer and more abundant at edges. Adjacent crops could benefit from forest proximity since natural enemies and pollinators are well represented in the orders showing positive edge effects.  相似文献   

Loss and fragmentation of natural ecosystems are widely recognized as the most important threats to biodiversity conservation, with Neotropical dry forests among the most endangered ecosystems. Area and edge effects are major factors in fragmented landscapes. Here, we examine area and edge effects and their interaction, on ensembles of arthropods associated to native vegetation in a fragmented Chaco Serrano forest. We analyzed family richness and community composition of herbivores, predators, and parasitoids on three native plant species in 12 fragments of varying size and at edge/interior positions. We also looked for indicator families by using Indicator Species Analysis. Loss of family richness with the reduction of forest fragment area was observed for the three functional groups, with similar magnitude. Herbivores were richer at the edges without interaction between edge and area effects, whereas predators were not affected by edge/interior position and parasitoid richness showed an interaction between area and position, with a steeper area slope at the edges. Family composition of herbivore, predator, and parasitoid assemblages was also affected by forest area and/or edge/interior situation. We found three indicator families for large remnants and five for edges. Our results support the key role of forest area for conservation of arthropods taxonomic and functional diversity in a highly threatened region, and emphasize the need to understand the interactions between area and edge effects on such diversity.  相似文献   

乌玉娜  陶建平  奚为民  赵科  郝建辉 《生态学报》2011,31(11):3054-3059
选择海南岛霸王岭天然恢复60 a的次生林样地中形成年限为17和13年的边缘,分别设置4条10 m100 m的样带,研究边缘效应下dbh ≥1 cm树木的攀藤率、被藤本攀附的频度和每木藤本数随距边缘距离的变化。结果表明:在0.8 hm2的样带中,树木的攀藤率分别为44.58%(17年边缘)和32.63%(13年边缘)。2种边缘中,dbh 1—5 cm、5—10 cm树木的攀藤率都随距离发生了变化,17年边缘中dbh >20 cm和13年边缘中dbh 10—20 cm树木的攀藤率都没有随距离的变化而变化。树木被藤本攀附的频度随距边缘距离的增加而降低,攀附3株以上藤本的树木最少,在17年边缘中变化趋势较明显;攀附1株藤本的树木最多,在13年边缘中变化明显。17年边缘中每木藤本数随距离增加而降低。在边缘形成初期,边缘形成年限对每木藤本数产生了影响,其在17年边缘中下降程度较大,但总体高于13年边缘中。  相似文献   

Background: The reduction of forest areas and the fragmentation of remaining forest is a major threat to biodiversity and is one of the primary causes of species extinction in the Atlantic forest biome.

Aims: To evaluate the effects of the fragmentation and loss of habitat (size, edge effect, isolation and type of matrix) the richness, abundance, diversity and species composition of ferns in Atlantic forest fragments.

Methods: For each of 11 fragments, plots of 10 × 20 m2 were compared in the interior and at the forest edge. Data were analysed by general linear models, or by the use of similarity indices for floristic composition.

Results: Eighty-eight species were recorded. Fragment size and type of environment (interior vs. edge) were related to the biological variables studied: large fragments and forest interior environments had larger populations of ferns, with a higher diversity. Floristic compositions were distinct for both the interior vs. edge environments and large vs. small fragments.

Conclusions: Although larger fragments present a higher number of species, the preservation of smaller fragments, which have a different suite of species from those found in the large fragments, is important to guarantee the maintenance of the highest number of fern species in the Atlantic forest. Small fragments are not merely subsets of the species occurring in the larger fragments. The turnover in the species composition between fragments of different size suggests high spatial variability in the study area.  相似文献   

Aim To quantify the influences of forest area, shape and isolation on tree species diversity in Ghana and to compare their significance with the influences of climate (average annual rainfall) and disturbance (fire burn, logging, agriculture). Location The forest zone of southern Ghana, West Africa (between 5 and 8° N). Methods For twenty‐two forest fragments (1) bivariate regression analyses of tree species diversity (number and composition) were employed with forest spatial geometry, climate and disturbance variables. (2) Multivariate regression analyses of tree species number and all seven environmental variables were used to determine the variability in tree species number that could be accounted for by these environmental variables. Results Forest area, shape and isolation accounted for sharply decreasing proportions of variability in tree species diversity. Large forest fragments contained the greatest numbers of tree species and the highest proportions of rare tree species; irregular fragments had high proportions of regenerating, light‐demanding pioneers and mature, animal‐dispersed species and isolated fragments were floristically similar to less isolated fragments. Fire burn and average annual rainfall accounted for small, but nevertheless significant, proportions of variability in tree species diversity. Logging and agriculture were non‐significant variables. Main conclusions (1) Forest area is the most important consideration when planning tropical forest reserves. (2) Management of disturbance should take priority over management of forest shape if higher levels of tree diversity and species quality are to be maintained. (3) If new reserves are to be designated, they should be located within different climatic zones in order to capture a large fraction of the regional biota. (4) Biogeographers have an important role to play in formulating and testing hypotheses at a broad spatial scale and ultimately, informing conservation management within the tropical biome.  相似文献   


In many agricultural landscapes, significant biodiversity gains can be made by improving the ecological condition of degraded remnants of semi‐natural habitat. Recent emphasis has been on the level of management intervention required to initiate vegetation recovery in small forest remnants, but no comparable emphasis has been placed on benefits for invertebrate communities. In the Waikato region, New Zealand, we tested the effects of livestock exclusion, mammalian pest control, and their interaction, on leaf‐litter invertebrate communities in 30 forest remnants, using a space‐for‐time substitution approach. A total of 87 376 invertebrates were extracted from 964 leaf‐litter samples. Invertebrate density was an order of magnitude lower in remnants than in nearby large forest reserves. For key taxa, such as Diplopoda, Isopoda, Coleoptera and Mollusca, 10‐ to 100‐fold lower densities were recorded in remnants with no pest control, particularly where livestock were not excluded. By contrast, other taxa such as Thysanoptera and For‐micidae (Hymenoptera) had up to 100‐fold greater densities in remnants with recent stock exclusion and pest control. These changes led to a significant livestock exclusion x pest control interaction effect on the degree of invertebrate community dissimilarity between forest remnants and forest reserves. Using structural equation modelling, we found that treatment effects were largely mediated by a cascading series of indirect causal paths involving altered soil chemistry, vegetation composition, and litter mass relative to large forest reserves, although the livestock exclusion × pest control interaction was inadvertently confounded with differing slopes and areas of remnants in different treatments. Livestock exclusion and mammalian pest control have significant, but contrasting, effects on invertebrates in the first 10–20 years following livestock exclusion from forest remnants, with mammalian pest control having limited benefit for the leaf‐litter invertebrate fauna without livestock exclusion.  相似文献   

采用凋落物分解袋, 以四川低山丘陵区马尾松人工林人工砍伐形成的7个不同面积的林窗边缘(100、225、400、625、900、1225、1600 m2)为研究对象, 以林下为对照, 研究了2种乡土树种——樟和红椿凋落叶难降解物质(木质素、纤维素、总酚、缩合单宁)在不同大小林窗边缘的降解动态特征.结果表明:马尾松人工林林下与不同大小林窗边缘相比较,红椿凋落叶中除纤维素外,其余难降解物质的降解率以及樟凋落叶木质素降解率均显著高于林下.在全年分解过程中, 2种凋落叶4种难降解物质的降解率总体均呈现持续上升的趋势.其中,缩合单宁降解最快,其次是总酚和纤维素,而木质素降解最慢.随林窗面积的增大, 红椿凋落叶除纤维素外,其余难降解物质在中型林窗边缘(400、625 m2)具有相对较高的降解率,而樟凋落叶的木质素在625 m2林窗边缘时也表现出较高的降解率.在凋落叶分解过程中,难降解物质降解率与凋落叶袋内温度和凋落物质量均呈显著相关.中型林窗(400~625 m2)对凋落物分解过程中难降解物质的降解具有更显著的边缘效应, 而这种边缘效应与物种有一定关联.  相似文献   

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