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The results presented in this study show that the rabbit pineal organ cultured in vitro retained its in vivo fine structure for at least eight days. However, the Golgi complex in the light pinealocytes stopped forming dense core vesicles while vesicle-crowned ribbons increased in number. After addition of norepinephrine to the culture medium, the Golgi complex once more began the production of dense core vesicles. Terminals of light pinealocytic processes then often contained Golgi dense core vesicles in close contact with the cell membrane, suggesting the release of the vesicular content into the intercellular and perivascular spaces. A close topographical relationship between Golgi dense core vesicles and vesicle-crowned ribbons was observed.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons in the pineal organ of the goldfish were examined electron microscopically with particular attention to their topography. These structures were formed of parallel membranes, which were poorly preserved with OsO4 fixation and could be extracted from thin sections with pronase indicating their proteinaceous nature. Synaptic ribbons were closely apposed to the plasma membrane bordering dendrites of ganglion cells, but were also related to processes of both photoreceptor and supportive cells. Their close proximity to invaginations of the plasma membrane and portions of the endoplasmic reticulum suggest that they are involved in the turnover of cytoplasmic membranes. Tubular and spherical organelles of unknown function are also described.  相似文献   

Summary A light microscopic investigation of the rabbit pineal gland with the aid of silver-stained sections gave the following results. In the gland a medulla and a cortex can be distinguished, the medulla containing so-called light and dark pinealocytes, the cortex only light ones. Autonomic nerve fibres reach the pineal organ by two routes: (1) via the perivascular spaces of pineal blood vessels and (2) via two distinct nerve bundles, the nervi conarii. Bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy revealed that these pinealo-petal nerve fibres are mainly orthosympathetic postganglionic. Intramural pineal neurones with synaptic-like structures on their cell bodies and dendrites point to the presence of a parasympathetic innervation next to the orthosympathetic one. Direct afferent or efferent neural connections with the brain appeared to be absent. Acknowledgements. The author wishes to thank Professor Dr. J. Ariëns Kappers for encouragement and help, Mr. H. K. Koerten for his technical assistance and Miss A. M. Feddema for typing the manuscipt.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal organ of Raja clavata was studied by light and electron microscopy, including the immunocytochemical antiopsin reaction. The pineal organ of the ray consists of three portions: (i) a large proximal pineal, (ii) a long tube-like connecting stalk, and (iii) a short distal terminal enlargement. This latter end-vesicle lies in the deep connective tissue layers of the braincase. All portions of the pineal are composed of pinealocytes, intrinsic neurons, ependymal/glial cells, and bundles of nerve fibers embedded in thin neuropil formations. The inner segments of the pinealocytes protrude into the lumen in all parts of the organ and usually contain basal bodies and numerous mitochondria. Often, two outer segments were found to arise from the basal bodies of a single inner segment. By means of light-microscopic immunocytochemistry the outer segments showed a strong antiopsin reaction.The axons of the pinealocytes form ribbon-containing synapses on dendritelike profiles, which appear to belong to the intrinsic pineal neurons. There are other axo-dendritic synapses established by presynaptic terminals lacking ribbons and containing granular and synaptic vesicles. Pineal neurons may contain granular vesicles approximately 60–100 nm in diameter; their processes contribute to the bundles of unmyelinated axons.The fine structural organization of the pineal organ and the opsin immunoreactivity of the outer segments of the pinealocytes indicate a photoreceptive capacity of the organ. The double outer segments represent a peculiar multiplication of the photoreceptor structures.This investigation was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to A. Oksche (Ok 1/24; 1/25: Mechanismen biologischer Uhren)On leave from the 2nd Department of Anatomy, Semmelweis OTE, Budapest, Hungary  相似文献   

Summary From studies conducted with the pineal organ of the mouse, it was ascertained that for the in vitro investigation of secretory processes (synthesis and release) of proteic/peptidic compound(s), a culture time of 5 to 14 days is optimal. A 5-day organ culture was therefore chosen to study the effects of noradrenaline on these secretory processes.Addition of noradrenaline to the culture medium provokes, in pineal explants of the normal mouse and the eyeless mouse, an inhibition of the secretory process, characterized by the formation of granular vesicles. In the hamster and rat, however, opposite results were obtained. Moreover, it appears that noradrenaline, at least in the rat, may also be involved in the regulation of the ependymal-like secretory process.The present results indicate clearly that noradrenaline (thus, the sympathetic innervation) is implicated in the regulation of the production of proteic/peptidic hormonal agents, but that the effect of this neurotransmitter is species-specific. This could explain the numerous contradictory results reported in the literature.IBRO/UNESCO fellow  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the pineal gland, the cell junctions in this organ and junctions between ependymal cells in the pineal recess were investigated in 27 human fetuses (crown-rump length 30–190 mm).Free nerve boutons containing clear and a few dense core vesicles were present in the pineal parenchyma and in the perivascular spaces. The boutons did not make synaptic contacts with the pinealocytes. No evidence for the presence of noradrenaline in the vesicles of nerve boutons was found.Gap junctions, intermediate-like junctions and desmosomes were frequently seen between the pinealocytes. Ruthenium red was used in three fetuses as an extracellular marker.The continuous endothelial cells surrounding the capillary lumen were connected by tight junctions. This indicates the presence of a blood-brain barrier.Tight junctions were present between the ependymal cells in the pineal recess. These junctions constitute an extracellular barrier between the pineal and the cerebrospinal fluid. Acknowledgements: The author wishes to thank Inger Ægidius and Jb Machen for their technical, Ruth Fatum for her linguistic and Karsten Bundgaard for his photographical assistance  相似文献   

Summary The influence of gonadotropic hormones on the ultrastructure of rat pinealocytes was studied. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) as well as pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) caused a marked activation of pinealocytes. It is characterised by a conspicuous proliferation of the granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus as well as an increase in number of dense core vesicles, mitochondria, dense bodies, subsurface cisternae and vesicles in the terminal buds of pinealocyte processes. The changes after HCG administration were more pronounced than after PMSG.Supported by a grant from the Polish Academy of Sciences, No.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal organ of the blind, cave-dwelling fish, Typhlichthyes subterraneous, was examined with both light and electron microscopes. Like the eyes, the pineal in this troglobytic species was found to be regressed. Two cell types, photoreceptor and supportive cells, were described in the pineal epithelium. Although ganglion cells were not identified, small, unmyelinated nerve fibers were present. The photoreceptor cells had degenerated outer segments. Accordingly, it was suggested that the pineal in this species is not likely to function in photoreception. However, the presence of well developed Golgi bodies, clear and dense-cored vesicles, variable amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum and glycogen particles indicated that both cell types are metabolically active and may play a role in secretion.  相似文献   

Summary In the pineal region of the opossum, Didelphis virginiana, two types of cells predominate: 1) pinealocytes, and 2) fibrous astrocytes. Pinealocytes are characterized by the presence of prominent Golgi bodies, numerous clear and dense-cored vesicles, sensory cilia (9+0), vesicle-crowned rods, and condensation of a material that was always associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, two other cell types are occasionally seen. These include 1) neuron-like cells, and 2) darker staining cells of unknown identity. The endoplasmic reticulum of the darker staining cells is typically expanded and filled with an amorphous substance. Although the pineal region is small in size, the present findings suggest that pinealocytes in this species are metabolically active cells displaying a secretory function. Moreover, the presence of sensory cilia (9+0) and vesicle-crowned rods indicates that pinealocytes of the opossum are phylogenetically related to the photoreceptor cells found in the pineal organ of lower vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary The synaptic complexes of the rat pinealocytes are neither cholinergic nor adrenergic. In the synaptic vesicles, a neurotransmitter carrier substance of lipid nature reacting with OsO4-Zn I2 mixture (similar to that present in both cholinergic and adrenergic vesicles) was not found.In addition, there were no indications of glucose-6-phosphatase or thiamine-pyrophosphatase activity in the synaptic vesicles. Thus, it appears that the synaptic vesicles do not originate from the rough or smooth endoplasmic reticulum.The synaptic ribbons do not contain carbohydrates, are of protein nature and possess some chemical resemblance to microtubules and microtubular bouquets.Appropriate ultracytochemical reactions have not shown detectable quantities of sodium and calcium ions in pinealocyte synaptic complexes.Grateful acknowledgment is made to Mr. P.-A. Milliquet for technical assistance and to Dr. T. Jalanti (C.M.E., Lausanne) for his help in the use of the X-ray microanalyser.Dedicated to Professor Dr. med. G. Töndury on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary Following the injection of horseradish peroxidase into the pineal organ of the guinea pig, approximately 30 nerve fibers were demonstrated in the pineal stalk due to the retrograde transport of the tracer enzyme in these elements. Finely branched extensions of these nerve fibers are directed toward the distal portion of the pineal organ. This projection of central nervous elements enters the pineal organ via the habenular or posterior commissures. Neuronal perikarya projecting into the pineal organ are found in the region of the paraventricular nucleus near the border of the third ventricle.In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Dr. med., Faculty of Medicine, Justus Liebig University of Giessen  相似文献   

Summary Vasopressin and oxytocin were specifically demonstrated in the rat brain using the unlabelled antibody-enzyme method and purification of the first antiserum. Vasopressin and oxytocin fibres extend via the subcommissural organ or habenular commissure into the pineal stalk and terminate in the anterior part of the pineal organ. In addition, immediately adjacent to the subsommissural organ many vasopressin-containing fibres run caudally toward the central grey. These results are discussed in relation to the proposed presence of vasotocin in the pineal gland.This study was supported by the Foundation for Medical Research, FUNGOThe authors wish to thank Dr. D.F. Swaab and Prof. J. Ariëns Kappers for their suggestions and critical remarks  相似文献   

Summary The pineal organ of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, was investigated by electron microscopy under experimental conditions; its general and characteristic features are discussed with respect to the photosensory and secretory function. The strongly convoluted pineal epithelium is usually composed of photoreceptor, ganglion and supporting cells. In addition to the well-differentiated photosensory apparatus, the photoreceptor cell contains presumably immature dense-cored vesicles (140–220 nm in diameter) associated with a well-developed granular endoplasmic reticulum in the perinuclear region and the basal process. These dense-cored vesicles appear rather prominent in fish subjected to darkness. The ganglion cell shows the typical features of a nerve cell; granular endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes, mitochondria and Golgi apparatus are scattered in the electron-lucent cytoplasm around the spherical or oval nucleus. The dendrites of these cells divide into smaller branches and form many sensory synapses with the photoreceptor basal processes. Lipid droplets appear exclusively in the supporting cell, which also contains well-developed granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Cytoplasmic protrusions filled with compact dense-cored vesicles (90–220 nm in diameter) are found in dark-adapted fish. The origin of these cytoplasmic protrusions, however, remains unresolved. Thus, the pineal organ of the killifish contains two types of dense-cored vesicles which appear predominantly in darkness. The ultrastructural results suggest that the pineal organ of fish functions not only as a photoreceptor but also as a secretory organ.We thank Dr. Grace Pickford for the fishes.  相似文献   

We report the presence of atypical pinealocytes as components of epiphyseal follicles in the adult South American opossum Didelphis albiventris. Their main characteristic is a bulbous-shaped apical cytoplasmic extension which protrudes towards the follicular lumen among the microvilli and cilia of neighbouring ependymal cells. They resemble the photoreceptor-like pinealocytes of sauropsids and developing photoreceptors in the retina of newborn mammals. Morphological characteristics enable us to classify them as cells of the receptor line.This work was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET)  相似文献   

A comparative ultrastructural study has been made of the pineal organ in specimens of two closely related populations of the characid fish, Astyanaz mexicanus. The specimens of one population are living in the river, under natural light conditions. The specimens of the other population, originally described as Anoptichthys jordani, are living in a completely dark cave. In specimens of both populations the pineal organ consists of a spindle shaped end-vesicle, connected to the diencephalic roof by a slender stalk. The pineal tissue is compact and consists predominantly of glia-like supporting cells and sensory cells resembling the photoreceptor cells of the lateral vertebrate eye. Phagocytotic microglia-like cells can be found in close contact with the outer segments of the sensory cells. Nerve cells are located in the neighbourhood of neuropil formations, in which synaptic contacts are established between sensory cells and nerve cells. From these nerve cells fibers are emerging, forming the pineal tract that runs down the pineal stalk towards the diencephalon. On the basis of the ultrastructure described by other authors it is concluded that the pineal organ in specimens of the river population of Astyanax mexicanus resembles the pineal organ of other fish species. In specimens of the river population, reared under normal light-dark conditions for 3, 9 or 18 months, conspicuous morphological changes have not been detected in the presumably light-sensitive outer segments of the sensory cells or in other parts of the pineal tissue. In specimens of the cave populations, reared under identical conditions, an age-dependent, gradual regression of the regular outer segment organization of the pineal sensory cells takes place. In other parts of the pineal tissue, only small morphological changes can be observed. In specimens of the cave population, reared in constant darkness, the regression of the pineal outer segment organization begins earlier and is obvious. It is postulated that the gradual age-dependent regression of the regular organization of the outer segments in the pineal organ of cave specimens of Astyanax mexicanus is genetically determined and indicates a regressive evolution of the pineal light sensitivity. The expression of the regressive traits is dependent on the environmental light conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopy was employed in a study of the pineal gland of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). It was determined that the gerbil pineal gland contains pinealocytes and glial cells with the pinealocytes being the predominant cell type. The pinealocytes contain numerous organelles traditionally considered as being either synthetic or secretory in function such as an extensive Golgi region, smooth (SER) and rough (RER) endoplasmic reticulum, secretory vesicles and microtubules. Other cytoplasmic components are also present in the pinealocytes (synaptic ribbons, subsurface cisternae) for which no function has been assigned. Dense-cored vesicles are rare. Vacuolated pinealocytes are present and appear to be intimately associated with the formation of the pineal concertions. Evidence presented supports the proposal that the concretions form within the vacuoles. Once the concretions reach an enlarged state, the vacuolated pinealocytes break down and the concretions are thus extruded into the extracellular space where they apparently continue to increase in size. The morphology of the glial cells was interpreted as indicative of a high synthetic activity. The glial cells contain predominantly the rough variety of endoplasmic reticulum and form an expansion around the wide perivascular area.Supported by NSF grant PCM 77-05734  相似文献   

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