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Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes are the causative agents of the crown gall and hairy root diseases, respectively. The pathogenicity of both species is caused by an inter-kingdom transfer of DNA from the bacteria to wounded plant cells. This 'transfer-DNA' (T-DNA) contains oncogenes whose expression transforms the plant recipient cell into a rapidly dividing tumour cell. In the case of A. tumefaciens , three of these oncogenes have been shown to encode enzymes catalyzing the biosynthesis of the plant growth hormones auxin and cytokinin. Therefore, the unorganized cell division in the crown gall tumour can be largely explained by an unregulated overproduction of these plant growth regulators. In contrast, the hairy root disease is characterized by a massive growth of adventitious roots at the site of infection. Because of the similarities of the infection processes, and because A. rhizogenes and A. tumefaciens are very closely related, it has been suggested that the most important A. rhizogenes oncogenes, the so called rol genes, are also encoding proteins involved in the regulation of plant hormone metabolism. However, recent data indicate that this is not the case. Thus the rol genes have functions that most likely are different from producing mere alterations of plant hormone concentrations. This review summarizes recent results concerning the expression and function of the rol genes, and presents a model for the role of these genes, especially rolB and rolC , in the A. rhizogenes infection process.  相似文献   

We monitored, for the first time, the activity of two model heterologous promoters, the Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC and the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S, throughout the annual cycle of growth and dormancy in a perennial species, hybrid aspen. Each promoter was fused to the uidA -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and the constructs were introduced into the hybrid aspen genome by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Both wildtype and transgenic plants were cultivated under different regimes of photoperiod and temperature to induce passage through one growth-dormancy-reactivation cycle, and at intervals GUS staining was assessed in stem sections. In rolC::uidA transformants, GUS activity in rapidly growing current-year shoots was not only tissue-specific, being localized to the phloem, but also cell-specific at the shoot base, where it was present only in the companion cells. However, during the onset of dormancy induced by short photoperiod, GUS activity shifted laterally from the phloem to include the cortex and pith. After subsequent exposure to chilling temperatures to induce the transition between the dormancy stages of rest and quiescence, GUS activity almost disappeared from all stem tissues, but regained its original phloem specificity and intensity after the shoots were reactivated by exposing them to long photoperiod and high temperatures. In contrast, GUS activity in the stem of 35S::uidA transformants was strong in all tissues except for the vascular cambium and xylem, and did not vary in intensity during the growth-dormancy-reactivation cycle. The lateral shift and increased intensity of GUS activity in the stem of rolC::uidA transformants during dormancy induction was shown to be associated with the accumulation of starch, and to be mimicked by incubating stem sections in sucrose, as well as glucose and fructose, but not sorbitol, prior to the GUS assay. Our results demonstrate that the activities of the rolC and 35S promoters varied in very different, unpredictable ways during the annual cycle of growth and dormancy in a perennial species, and indicate that the spatial and temporal variation in rolC promoter activity that we observed in the stem of transgenic hybrid aspen plants is attributable to cellular and seasonal changes in sucrose content.  相似文献   

Expression of therolC gene fromAgrobacterium rhizogenes causes morphological and developmental alterations in transgenic plants. The histological alterations underlying the macroscopic changes and the cellular localization of the site of expression of therolC gene have shown that: (i) the expression of therolC gene is developmentally regulated, (ii) in vegetative transgenic plants, the expression of therolC gene under the control of its own promoter is restricted to companion and protophloem cells, (iii) the site of action of the product(s) of the activity of the rolC enzyme is distinct from its site of expression, (iv) precise localization of the rolC peptide has been achieved by immunocytochemistry but not by the histochemical GUS assay. These results imply that the sites of action and expression of therolC gene in trangenic plants are physically separated. Thus the product(s) of the activity of the rolC enzyme must be a factor capable of being transported. Current models forrolC gene action are discussed taking into account the reported results.  相似文献   

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