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Lavenders (Lavandula spp., Lamiaceae) are aromatic ornamental plants that are used widely in the food, perfume and pharmaceutical industries. The large-scale production of lavenders requires efficient in vitro propagation techniques to avoid the overexploitation of natural populations and to allow the application of biotechnology-based approaches for plant improvement and the production of valuable secondary metabolites. In this review we discuss micropropagation methods that have been developed in several lavender species, mainly based on meristem proliferation and organogenesis. Specific requirements during stages of micropropagation (establishment, shoot multiplication, root induction and acclimatization) and requisites for plant regeneration trough organogenesis, as an important step for the implementation of plant improvement programs, were revised. We also discuss different methods for the in vitro production of valuable secondary metabolites, focusing on the prospects for highly scalable cultures to meet the market demand for lavender-derived products.  相似文献   

Cellular internalization of cell-penetrating peptide HIV-1 Tat basic domain (RKKRRQRRR) was studied in Triticale cv AC Alta mesophyll protoplasts. Fluorescently labeled monomer (Tat) and dimer (Tat2) of Tat basic domain efficiently translocated through the plasma membrane of mesophyll protoplast and showed distinct nuclear accumulation within 10 min of incubation. Substitution of first arginine residue with alanine in Tat basic domain (M-Tat) severely reduced cellular uptake of the peptide (3.8 times less than Tat). Tat2 showed greater cellular internalization than Tat (1.6 times higher). However, characteristics of cellular uptake remained same for Tat and Tat2. Cellular internalization of Tat and Tat2 was concentration dependent and non-saturable whereas no significant change in cellular uptake was observed even at higher concentrations of M-Tat. Low temperature (4 °C) remarkably increased cellular internalization of Tat as well as Tat2 but M-Tat showed no enhanced uptake. Viability test showed that peptide treatment had no cytotoxic effect on protoplasts further indicating involvement of a common mechanism of peptide uptake at all the temperatures. Endocytic inhibitors nocodazole (10 μM), chloroquine (100 μM) and sodium azide (5 mM) did not show any significant inhibitory effect on cellular internalization of either Tat or Tat2. These results along with stimulated cellular uptake at low temperature indicate that Tat peptide is internalized in the plant protoplasts in a non-endocytic and energy-independent manner. Competition experiments showed that non-labeled peptide did not inhibit or alter nuclear accumulation of fluorescent Tat or Tat2 suggesting active transport to the nucleus was not involved. Studies in mesophyll protoplasts show that internalization pattern of Tat peptide is apparently similar to that observed in mammalian cell lines.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the major grain crops, and heat stress adversely affects wheat production in many regions of the world. Previously, we found a heat-responsive gene named Lipid Transfer Protein 3 (TaLTP3) in wheat. TaLTP3 was deduced to be regulated by cold, ABA, MeJA, Auxin and oxidative stress according to cis-acting motifs in its promoter sequences. In this study, we show that TaLTP3 is responsive to prolonged water deficit, salt or ABA treatment in wheat seedlings. Also, TaLTP3 accumulation was observed after the plant suffered from heat stress both at the seedling and the grain-filling stages. TaLTP3 protein was localized in the cell membrane and cytoplasm of tobacco epidermal cells. Overexpression of TaLTP3 in yeast imparted tolerance to heat stress compared to cells expressing the vector alone. Most importantly, transgenic Arabidopsis plants engineered to overexpress TaLTP3 showed higher thermotolerance than control plants at the seedling stage. Further investigation indicated that transgenic lines decreased H2O2 accumulation and membrane injury under heat stress. Taken together, our results demonstrate that TaLTP3 confers heat stress tolerance possibly through reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an important gene regulator, controlling almost all biological and metabolic processes, in both plants and animals. In this study, we investigated the effect of drought and salinity stress on the expression of miRNAs and their targets in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Our results show that the expression change of miRNAs and their targets were dose-dependent and tissue-dependent under salinity and drought conditions. The expression of miRNAs in leaf was down-regulated under higher salinity stress while shows variable patterns in other conditions. The highest fold-changes of miRNAs were miR398 in roots with 28.9 fold down-regulation under 0.25% NaCl treatment and miR395 in leaves with 7.6 fold down-regulation under 1% PEG treatment. The highest up-regulation of miRNA targets was AST in roots with 4.7 fold-change under 2.5% PEG and the gene with highest down-regulation was CUC1 in leaves with 25.6 fold-change under 0.25% NaCl treatment. Among seven miRNA-target pairs we studied, five pairs, miR156–SPL2, miR162–DCL1, miR159–TCP3, miR395–APS1 and miR396–GRF1, show significant regulation relationship in roots and leaves under salinity stress concentration.  相似文献   

Spartium junceum L. (Leguminosae) is a perennial shrub, native to the Mediterranean region in southern Europe, widespread in all the Italian regions and, as a leguminous species, it has a high isoflavone content. An in vitro culture protocol was developed for this species starting from stem nodal sections of in vivo plants, and isoflavone components of the in vitro cultured tissues were studied by means of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analytical techniques. Two main isoflavones were detected in the S. junceum tissues during the in vitro propagation phases: Genistein (4′,5,7-Trihydroxyisoflavone), already reported in this species, and its methylated form 4′,5,7-Trimethoxyisoflavone, detected for the first time in this plant species (0.750 ± 0.02 mg g−1 dry tissue). The presence of both of these compounds in S. junceum tissues was consistently detected during the in vitro multiplication phase. The absence of the methylated form within plant tissues in the early phases of the in vitro adventitious root formation was correlated with its negative effect displayed on root induction and initiation phases, while its presence in the final “root manifestation” phase influenced positively the rooting process. The unmethylated form, although detectable in tissues in the precocious rooting phases, was no longer present in the final rooting phase. Its effect on rooting, however, proved always to be beneficial.  相似文献   

Although several proton-pumping pyrophosphatases (H+-PPases) have been overexpressed in heterologous systems, purification of these recombinant integral membrane proteins in large amounts in order to study their structure-function relationships has proven to be a very difficult task. In this study we report a new method for large-scale production of pure and stable thermophilic H+-PPase from Thermotoga maritima. Following overexpression in yeast, a “Hot-Solve” procedure based on high-temperature solubilization and metal-affinity chromatography was used to obtain a highly purified detergent-solubilized TVP fraction with a yield around 1.5 mg of protein per litre of yeast culture. Electron microscopy showed the monodispersity of the purified protein and single particle analysis provided the first direct evidence of a dimeric structure for H+-PPases. We propose that the method developed could be useful for large-scale purification of other recombinant thermophilic membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Reference genes are critical for normalization of the gene expression level of target genes. The widely used housekeeping genes may change their expression levels at different tissue under different treatment or stress conditions. Therefore, systematical evaluation on the housekeeping genes is required for gene expression analysis. Up to date, no work was performed to evaluate the housekeeping genes in cotton under stress treatment. In this study, we chose 10 housekeeping genes to systematically assess their expression levels at two different tissues (leaves and roots) under two different abiotic stresses (salt and drought) with three different concentrations. Our results show that there is no best reference gene for all tissues at all stress conditions. The reliable reference gene should be selected based on a specific condition. For example, under salt stress, UBQ7, GAPDH and EF1A8 are better reference genes in leaves; TUA10, UBQ7, CYP1, GAPDH and EF1A8 were better in roots. Under drought stress, UBQ7, EF1A8, TUA10, and GAPDH showed less variety of expression level in leaves and roots. Thus, it is better to identify reliable reference genes first before performing any gene expression analysis. However, using a combination of housekeeping genes as reference gene may provide a new strategy for normalization of gene expression. In this study, we found that combination of four housekeeping genes worked well as reference genes under all the stress conditions.  相似文献   

The 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) catalyzes the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonate (MVA), which is a rate-limiting step in the isoprenoid biosynthesis via the MVA pathway. In this study, the full-length cDNA encoding HMGR (designated as SmHMGR2, GenBank accession no. FJ747636) was isolated from Salvia miltiorrhiza by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The cloned gene was then transformed into the hairy root of S. miltiorrhiza, and the enzyme activity and production of diterpenoid tanshinones and squalene were monitored. The full-length cDNA of SmHMGR2 comprises 1959 bp, with a 1653-bp open reading frame encoding a 550-amino-acid protein. Molecular modeling showed that SmHMGR2 is a new HMGR with a spatial structure similar to other plant HMGRs. SmHMGR2 contains two HMG-CoA-binding motifs and two NADP(H)-binding motifs. The SmHMGR2 catalytic domain can form a homodimer. The deduced protein has an isoelectric point of 6.28 and a calculated molecular weight of approximately 58.67 kDa. Sequence comparison analysis showed that SmHMGR2 had the highest homology to HMGR from Atractylodes lancea. As expected, a phylogenetic tree analysis indicates that SmHMGR2 belongs to plant HMGR group. Tissue expression pattern analysis shows that SmHMGR2 is strongly expressed in the leaves, stem, and roots. Functional complementation of SmHMGR2 in HMGR-deficient mutant yeast JRY2394 demonstrates that SmHMGR2 mediates the MVA biosynthesis in yeasts. Overexpression of SmHMGR2 increased enzyme activity and enhanced the production of tanshinones and squalene in cultured hairy roots of S. miltiorrhiza. Our DNA gel blot analysis has confirmed the presence and integration of the associated SmHMGR2 gene. SmHMGR2 is a novel and important enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of diterpenoid tanshinones in S. miltiorrhiza.  相似文献   

We have developed an online analytical method that combines A431 cell membrane chromatography (A431/CMC) with high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC/MS) for identifying active components from Radix Caulophylli acting on human EGFR. Retention fractions on A431/CMC model were captured onto an enrichment column and the components were directly analyzed by combining a 10-port column switcher with an LC/MS system for separation and preliminary identification. Using Sorafenib tosylate as a positive control, taspine and caulophine from Radix Caulophylli were identified as the active molecules which could act on the EGFR. This A431/CMC-online-LC/MS method can be applied for screening active components acting on EGFR from traditional Chinese medicines exemplified by Radix Caulophylli and will be of great utility in drug discovery using natural medicinal herbs as a source of novel compounds.  相似文献   

A method to estimate predation rates of large predatory zooplankton, such as jellyfish and ctenophores, is outlined. Large plankton size allows direct visual tracking of the predator during the process of foraging. The presented method is novel in the sense that it measures predation rate of a specific individual plankton predator in situ.After prey has been evacuated from the gut of an individual predator, the predator is incubated in situ, and observed by SCUBA-divers who recapture the individual after a defined time. Given that this incubation time is shorter than prey digestion time, predation rate can be calculated as increase in gut content over time. Clearance rates for different prey can be calculated from predation rates and prey concentrations in the water, allowing accurate estimates of prey selectivity. Thus, the problem of unknown feeding history and feeding environment, which can otherwise be a problem in prey selectivity studies of in situ-captured predators, is circumvented. Benefits and limitations of the method are discussed.The method was applied to adult medusae of the common jellyfish Aurelia aurita. A large variation in number of captured prey was detected both among individual jellyfish and among the various oral arms and gastric pouches within individuals. Clearance rates varied strongly with prey type. The medusae selected large crustacean prey (cladocerans and copepods/copepodites) over echinoderm larvae and copepod nauplii. Prey distribution within the medusae indicates that both tentacles and oral arms were used as prey capturing sites. Food passage time from prey capturing organs to gastric pouches was estimated.  相似文献   

An efficient somatic embryogenesis system has been established in six date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars (Barhee, Zardai, Khalasah, Muzati, Shishi and Zart). Somatic embryogenesis (SE) was growth regulators and cultivars dependent. Friable embryogenic callus was induced from excised shoot tips on MS medium supplemented with various auxins particularly 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D, 1.5 mg 1−l). Suspension culture increased embryogenesis potentiality. Only a-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA, 0.5 mg 1−1) produced somatic embryos in culture. Somatic embryos germinated and converted into plantlets in N6-benzyladenine (BAP, 0.75 mg 1−l) added medium following a treatment with thidiazuron (TDZ, 1.0 mg 1−l) for maturation. Scanning electron microscopy showed early stages of somatic embryo particularly, globular types, and was in masses. Different developing stages of embryogenesis (heart, torpedo and cotyledonary) were observed under histological preparation of embryogenic callus. Biochemical screening at various stages of somatic embryogenesis (embryogenic callus, somatic embryos, matured, germinated embryos and converted plantlets) of date palm cultivars has been conducted and discussed in detail. The result discussed in this paper indicates that somatic embryos were produced in numbers and converted plantlets can be used as a good source of alternative propagation. Genetic modification to the embryo precursor cell may improve the fruit quality and yield further.  相似文献   

Characteristics of mitochondrial (mt) DNA such as gene content and arrangement, as well as mt tRNA secondary structure, are frequently used in comparative genomic analyses because they provide valuable phylogenetic information. However, most analyses do not characterize the relationship of tRNA genes from the same mt genome and, in some cases, analyses overlook possible novel open reading frames (ORFs) when the 13 expected protein-coding genes are already annotated. In this study, we describe the sequence and characterization of the complete mt genome of the silver-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada maxima. The 16,994-bp mt genome contains the same 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) and two ribosomal RNA genes typical of metazoans. The gene arrangement, however, is completely distinct from that of all other available bivalve mt genomes, and a unique tRNA gene family is observed in this genome. The unique tRNA gene family includes two trnS− AGY and trnQ genes, a trnM isomerism, but it lacks trnS− CUN. We also report the first clear evidence of alloacceptor tRNA gene recruitment (trnP → trnS− AGY) in mollusks. In addition, a novel ORF (orfUR1) expressed at high levels is present in the mt genome of this pearl oyster. This gene contains a conserved domain, “Oxidored_q1_N”, which is a member of Complex I and thus may play an important role in key biological functions. Because orfUR1 has a very similar nucleotide composition and codon bias to that of other genes in this genome, we hypothesize that this gene may have been moved to the mt genome via gene transfer from the nuclear genome at an early stage of speciation of P. maxima, or it may have evolved as a result of gene duplication, followed by rapid sequence divergence. Lastly, a 319-bp region was identified as the possible control region (CR) even though it does not correspond to the longest non-coding region in the genome. Unlike other studies of mt genomes, this study compares the evolutionary patterns of all available bivalve mt tRNA and atp8 genes.  相似文献   

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