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Differential rates of NH proton-exchange reactions have been determined for the guanidinium nitrogens of l-arginine, 1?, in the pH range of 0.5 to 11.5 by natural-abundance nitrogen-15 NMR spectroscopy. Base-catalyzed NH proton exchange of the NH group is found to be two times faster than for the guanidino NH2 groups. The results can be rationalized by consideration of the contributions of various valence-bond structures to the resonance hybrid of 1?.  相似文献   

We describe the production and characterization of actinomycin D labeled with 15N at all twelve nitrogen positions. Cultures of Streptomyces parvulus were incubated in the presence of racemic [15N]glutamic acid and, following an initial delay, labeled antibiotic was produced. Evidence is presented that the D enantiomorph of glutamic acid was ultimately used for actinomycin biosynthesis. The 15N NMR spectrum at 10.14 and 20.47 MHz of the labeled drug in CDCl3 is presented. All nitrogens except the phenoxazone chromophore nitrogen are inverted when spectra are obtained under broad-band proton irradiation conditions. All 15N resonances have been assigned, and the proton-nitrogen one-bond coupling constants were determined in CDCl3 to be 92.5 +/- 0.3 Hz for the valine and threonine amide protons by both 1H and 15N NMR. 15N NMR spectra were also obtained in dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol, and water in order to probe solvent interactions with the peptide nitrogens and carbonyl groups. Large downfield shifts (greater than 5 ppm) were seen for the Pro, sarcosine, and methylvaline resonances when the solvent was changed from dimethyl sulfoxide to water. Smaller downfield shifts were observed for the Val and Thr peaks. These results are discussed in terms of a model for the solution conformation of the actinomycin pentapeptide rings based on different hydrogen-bonding interactions in the monomer in organic solvents and the dimer which is formed in water.  相似文献   

We have observed the changes in the intracellular ammonium (NH4+) content and the intracellular pH during administration of 20 mM NH4Cl (the ammonium pulse experiment) using nitrogen-14 and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (14N and 31P NMR) at 8.45 T. In the isolated perfused rat mandibular salivary gland, resonances of trimethylamines (-328 p.p.m.) and betaine (-329 p.p.m. from the resonance of NO3-) were detected. A chemical shift reagent, 10 mM of dysprosium triethylenetetramine-N,N,N',N",N"',N"'-hexaacetic acid (Dy(TTHA], was used to discriminate between the resonances from the extracellular NH4+ (-352 p.p.m.) and the intracellular NH4+ (-355 p.p.m.). During the NH4Cl application, the intracellular NH4+ content [( NH4+]i) increased quickly to ca. 50 mmol per litre intracellular fluid (ICF), then increased gradually to ca. 70 mmol per litre ICF. The intracellular pH (pHi), calculated from the 31P chemical shift of inorganic phosphate, increased transiently by 0.5 pH units and then decreased gradually in spite of the high level of [NH4+]i. The initial increase of [NH4+]i, which was observed by 14N NMR, was larger than that calculated from the intracellular pH on an assumption of a non-ionic diffusion process for ammonia. These results suggest a possibility of influx of NH4+, and also suggest an activation of cellular buffering mechanism that extrudes the excess bases from the cells.  相似文献   

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common cause of hepatic dysfunction. The disease spectrum ranges from hepatic steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The aim of this study was to identify metabolic differences in murine models of simple hepatic steatosis and NASH for the distinction of these NAFLD stages. For 12 weeks, male BALB/c mice were fed either a control or two different high-fat diets leading to hepatic steatosis and NASH, respectively. Metabolic differences were determined by independent component analysis (ICA) of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of lipophilic and hydrophilic liver extracts, and urine specimens. The results from ICA clearly discriminated the three investigated groups. Discriminatory biomarkers in the lipophilic liver extracts were free cholesterol, cholesterol ester and lipid methylene. Discrimination of the hydrophilic liver extracts was mainly mediated by betaine, glucose, and lactate, whereas in urine taurine, trimethylamine-N-oxide, and trimethylamine were the most discriminatory biomarkers. In conclusion, NMR metabolite fingerprinting of spot urine specimens may allow the noninvasive distinction of steatosis and NASH.  相似文献   

M J Bogusky  G C Leo  S J Opella 《Proteins》1988,4(2):123-130
Solid-state and solution 15N nuclear magnetic resonance experiments on uniformly and specifically 15N labeled coat protein in phospholipid bilayers and in detergent micelles are used to describe the dynamics of the membrane-bound form of the protein. The residues in the N- and C-terminal portions of the coat protein in both phospholipid bilayers and in detergent micelles are mobile, while those in the hydrophobic midsection are immobile. There is evidence for a gradient of mobility in the C-terminal region of the coat protein in micelles; at 25 degrees C only the last two residues are mobile on the 10(9)-Hz timescale, while the last six to eight residues appear to be mobile on slower timescales and highly mobile at higher temperatures. Since all of the C-terminal residues are immobile in the virus particles, the mobility of these residues in the membrane-bound form of the protein may be important for the formation of protein-DNA interactions in the assembly process.  相似文献   

A Lapidot  C S Irving 《Biochemistry》1979,18(4):704-714
The proton-decoupled 9.12 MHz 15N NMR spectra of 15N-labeled Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Staphylococcus auresu, Streptococcus faecalis, and Micrococcus lysodeikticus intact cells, isolated cells walls, and cell wall digests have been examined. The general characteristics of Gram-positive bacteria 15N NMR spectra and described and spectral assignments are provided, which allow in vivo 15N NMR to be applied to a wide range of problems in bacterial cell wall research. The qualitative similarity of the intact cell and cell wall spectra found in each bacteria allowed the 15 N resonances observed in the proton broad-band noise-decoupled 15N NMR spectra of intact cells to be assigned to cell wall components. Each of the five Gram-positive bacteria displayed a unique set of cell wall 15N resonances, which reflected variations in the primary structure of peptidoglycans and the amounts of teichoic acid and teichuronic acid in the cell wall, as well as the dynamic properties of the cell wall polymers. Spectral assignments of cell wall 15 N resonances assigned to teichoic D-Ala residues, teichuronic acid and acetamido groups, and peptidoglycan acetamido, amide, peptide, and free amino groups have been made on the basis of specific isotopic labeling and dilution experiments, comparison of chemical shifts to literature values, determination of pH titration shifts, cell wall fractionation experiments, and comparative analysis of the cell wall lysozyme digest spectra in terms of the known primary sequences of peptide chains. All the peptidoglycan 15N peptide resonances observed in the intact cells and isolated cell walls could be accounted for by residues in the bridge or crossbar regions of the peptide chains, which indicated that only the cross-linking groups had a high degree of motional freedom. Thermal- and pH-induced conformational changes around the cross-linking D-Ala residues were detected in the B. licheniformis cell wall lysozyme digest products. Comparison of the proton broad-band noise-decoupled and gated decoupled intact cell and cell wall 15N spectra indicated that broad-band proton decoupling resulted in nulling of cytoplasmic resonances and enhancement of the cell wall resonances by the 15N [1H5 nuclear Overhauser effect.  相似文献   

Wider G 《BioTechniques》2000,29(6):1278-82, 1284-90, 1292 passim
A detailed understanding of the function of a biological macromolecule requires knowledge of its three-dimensional structure. Most atomic-resolution structures of biological macromolecules have been solved either by X-ray diffraction in single crystals or by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in solution. This review surveys the method of NMR structure determination. First, a brief introduction to NMR and its basic concepts is presented. The main part of the article deals with the individual steps necessary for an NMR structure determination. At the end, the discussion turns to considerations on the influence of the molecular size of the macromolecules on the structure determination by NMR. New techniques are discussed that greatly enhance the possibilities of applying NMR to large molecular systems.  相似文献   

Rajiv Grover  Stefan Dhein 《Peptides》1998,19(10):1725-1729
The peptide AAP10 was synthesized according to the Merrifield technique following the Fmoc-strategy and its spatial structure in aqueous solution studied with NMR principles. It is known from previous studies that the peptide has antiarrhythmic activity and inhibits cardiac ischemia induced alterations of the activation pattern, decreases the activation–recovery interval (ARI) dispersion and improves cellular coupling via enhancement of gap junction conductance (2, 2, 3, 4). The peptide was synthesized as a peptide amide. Two different semi cyclic conformations were characterized.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of uniformly labeled 15N human thioredoxin has been studied by two-dimensional heteronuclear 15N-1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Assignments of the 15N resonances of the protein are obtained in a sequential manner using heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC), relayed HMQC-correlated (COSY), and relayed HMQC-nuclear Overhauser (NOESY) spectroscopy. Values of the 3JHN alpha splittings for 87 of the 105 residues of thioredoxin are extracted from a variant of the HMQC-COSY experiment, known as HMQC-J, and analyzed to give accurate 3JHN alpha coupling constants. In addition, long-range C alpha H(i)-15N(i + 1) scaler connectivities are identified by heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC) spectroscopy. The presence of these three-bond scaler connectivities in predominantly alpha-helical regions correlates well with the secondary structure determined previously from a qualitative analysis of homonuclear nuclear Overhauser data [Forman-Kay, J. D., Clore, G. M., Driscoll, P.C., Wingfield, P. T., Richards, F. M., & Gronenborn, A. M. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 7088-7097], suggesting that this technique may provide additional information for secondary structure determination a priori. The accuracy with which 3JHN alpha coupling constants can be obtained from the HMQC-J experiment permits a more precise delineation of the beginnings and ends of secondary structural elements of human thioredoxin and of irregularities in these elements.  相似文献   

Large populations of potential cellulosic biomass feedstocks are currently being screened for fuel and chemical applications. The monomeric sugar content, released through hydrolysis, is of particular importance and is currently measured with time‐consuming HPLC methods. A method for sugar detection is presented here that employs 1H NMR spectra regressed against primary HPLC sugar concentration data to build partial least squares (PLS) models. The PLS2 model is able to predict concentrations of both major sugar components, like glucose and xylose, and minor sugars, such as arabinose and mannose, in biomass hydrolysates. The model was built with 65 samples from a variety of different biomass species and covers a wide range of sugar concentrations. Model predictions were validated with a set of 15 samples which were all within error of both HPLC and NMR integration measurements. The data collection time for these NMR measurements is less than 20 min, offering a significant improvement to the 1 h acquisition time that is required for HPLC. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 721–728. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

E Berman 《Biochemistry》1984,23(16):3754-3759
The analysis of the carbon-13 chemical shift data of NeuAc alpha (2----3)Gal beta (1----4)Glc and NeuAc alpha (2----3)Gla beta-(1----4)GlcNAc and their respective NeuAc alpha (2----6) isomers established distinct and different conformations of the sialic acid residue, depending on the type of anomeric linkage [alpha-(2----3) vs. alpha (2----6)]. Interactions between the NeuAc residue and the Glc or GlcNAc residue are particularly strong in the case of the alpha (2----6) isomers. Similar effects are observed for the larger oligosaccharides [II3(NeuAc)2Lac and IV6NeuAcLcOse4] and even in intact glycoproteins and polysaccharides. It is proposed that the NeuAc alpha (2----3) isomers assume an extended conformation with the sialic residue at the end (terminal) of the oligosaccharide chain or branch. The NeuAc alpha (2----6) isomers are assumed to be folded back toward the inner core sugar residues.  相似文献   

Complete assignments of nitrogen-15 resonances of gramicidin S have been made in dimethyl sulfoxide, trifluoroethanol, and in a solvent mixture of dimethyl sulfoxide (50%) and methanol (50%). The assignments are achieved by utilizing the secondary structure of gramicidin S, by comparing the nitrogen-15 spectrum of gramicidin S with that of di-N-methylphenylalanine-gramicidin S and by taking into account the distinguishable value of nitrogen-15 chemical shift for valine in model compounds. Deuterium substitution for labile peptide protons was performed to delineate solvent shielded and deshielded peptide nitrogens and to substantiate further the signal assignments. The solvent titration on going from dimethyl sulfoxide to trifluoroethanol was also performed and shown to have a large deshielding effect on the peptide nitrogen whose corresponding peptide carbonyl, within the peptide moiety, was accessible to the trifluroethanol solvent.  相似文献   

(31)P NMR spectroscopy offers a possibility to obtain a survey of all low-molecular-weight phosphorylated compounds in yeast. The yeast cells have been extracted using chloroform into a neutral aqueous phase. The use of high fields and the neutral pH extracts, which are suitable for NMR analysis, results in well-resolved (31)P NMR spectra. Two-dimensional NMR experiments, such as proton-detected heteronuclear single quantum ((1)H-(31)P HSQC) and (31)P correlation spectroscopy ((31)P COSY), have been used to assign the resonances. In the phosphomonoester region many of the signals could be assigned to known metabolites in the glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways, although some signals remain unidentified. Accumulation of ribulose 5-phosphate, xylulose 5-phosphate, and ribose 5-phosphate was observed in a strain lacking transketolase activity when grown in synthetic complete medium. No such accumulation occurred when the cells were grown in yeast-peptone-dextrose medium. Trimetaphosphate (intracellular concentration about 0.2 mM) was detected in both cold methanol-chloroform and perchloric acid extracts.  相似文献   

K Yagi  N Ohishi  Y Kyogoku 《Biochemistry》1976,15(13):2877-2880
Ninety-nine percent 15N-enriched flavins were synthesized and their proton decoupled 15N resonances were observed. The enriched compounds were [1,3-15N]riboflavin, [1,3,5-15N]riboflavin, [1,3-15N]riboflavin 5'-phosphate, [1,3,5-15N]riboflavin 5'-phosphate, and [1,3,5-15N] flavin adenine dinucleotide, [1,3,5-15N] lumiflavin, and [1,3,5-15N] lumichrome. By comparison of their spectra and from th- nuclear Overhauser effect data each 15N resonance peak could be assigned to each 15N nucleus. The order of the chemical shifts well corresponds to that of the calculated pi-electron densities. The N-3 nucleus gives the most intense inverted peak and the N-5 nucleus a small noninverted peak. By changing pH from neutral to alkaline, the chemical shift and the intensity of signal were mostly affected in the N-3 resonance of riboflavin 5'-phosphate. The N-5 signal of flavin adenine dinucleotide showed a fairly large downfield shift with the increase of temperature. These observations can be well interpreted by the chemical structure and the proposed conformation of riboflavin 5'-phosphate and flavin adenine dinucleotide.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of phospholipids   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The technique of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) was used as the sensitive express method for early specific detection of the apoptotic cells. The technique allows recognition of the changes in signal intensities corresponding to methylene (CH2) and methyl (CH3) protons of the mobile lipid domains (MLD) and choline, which are characteristic of apoptotic rather than of necrotic cells. A strong linear correlation between MLD content (calculated as CH2/CH3 signal intensity ratio) and the number of apoptotic cells in Namalwa or MT4 cell lines has been shown for any inducer of apoptosis used in the study. MLD content estimated by 1H MRS technique correlated significantly with apoptotic cells numbers (r = 0.992) recorded by conventional techniques. The increase in MLD content was registered as early as 60 min after the addition of etoposide coinciding with the time course of caspase-3 activation.  相似文献   

R. J. Reid  L. D. Field  M. G. Pitman 《Planta》1985,166(3):341-347
31P-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to measure the cytoplasmic pH (pHc) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) root tips. As the external pH was raised from 4–10, pHc was found to increase from 7.44 to 7.75. The sensitivity of pHc to changes in external pH decreased with increasing external pH. Metabolic inhibition by sodium azide caused pHc to fall by 0.3 units. Addition of 10 mM butyrate resulted in a gradual decline in pHc, by approx. 0.3 units over 90 min. At a concentration of 1 mM, butyrate had no effect on pHc even after 2 h. Fusicoccin caused pHc to rise by 0.1–0.2 units. In maize (Zea mays L.) root tips, pHc was shown to have a similar sensitivity to fusicoccin. The results are discussed in relation to the regulation of pHc and the possible role of pHc in determining transmembrane electrical potential differences.Abbreviations and symbols FC Fusicoccin - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - p.d. membrane electrical potential difference - pHc cytoplasmic pH - P1 inorganic phosphate - chemical shift  相似文献   

The identification of metal-binding ligands in metalloproteins is an important step in gaining detailed information regarding the environment of the active site. Traditionally, techniques such as 13Cd-substitution for the active metal followed by isotope-filtered NMR techniques have been used to this end. However, for medium to high molecular weight proteins (>20 kDa), these experiments may not be beneficial due to extensive 1H spectral overlap. Here, we describe an alternative approach, where metal-binding ligands such as histidine and cysteine are specifically 15N backbone labeled, excess EDTA is added and changes to (1H-15N) HSQC spectra are followed. Under these conditions, the amide groups of all 15N labeled histidine and cysteine residues, which were either ligands or residues close to the active site, were identified unambiguously for metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacteroides fragilis.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of the ribonuclease barnase has been determined by using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The 20 structures were calculated by using 853 interproton distance restraints obtained from analyses of two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser spectra, 72 phi and 53 chi 1 torsion angle restraints, and 17 hydrogen-bond distance restraints. The calculated structures contain two alpha-helices (residues 6-18 and 26-34) and a five-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet (residues 50-55, 70-75, 85-91, 94-101, and 105-108). The core of the protein is formed by the packing of one of the alpha-helices (residues 6-18) onto the beta-sheet. The average RMS deviation between the calculated structures and the mean structure is 1.11 A for the backbone atoms and 1.75 A for all atoms. The protein is least well-defined in the N-terminal region and in three large loops. When these regions are excluded, the average RMS deviation between the calculated structures and the mean structure for residues 5-34, 50-56, 71-76, 85-109 is 0.62 A for the backbone atoms and 1.0 A for all atoms. The NMR-derived structure has been compared with the crystal structure of barnase [Mauguen et al. (1982) Nature (London) 297, 162-164].  相似文献   

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